/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _INPUT_H_ #define _INPUT_H_ #include "interface/Window.h" enum INPUT_FLAGS { INPUT_FLAG_WIDGET_PRESSED = (1 << 0), // The dropdown can stay open if the mouse is released, set on flag DROPDOWN_FLAG_STAY_OPEN INPUT_FLAG_DROPDOWN_STAY_OPEN = (1 << 1), // The mouse has been released and the dropdown is still open // INPUT_FLAG_DROPDOWN_STAY_OPEN is already set if this happens INPUT_FLAG_DROPDOWN_MOUSE_UP = (1 << 2), INPUT_FLAG_TOOL_ACTIVE = (1 << 3), // Left click on a viewport INPUT_FLAG_4 = (1 << 4), INPUT_FLAG_5 = (1 << 5), // Some of the map tools (clear, footpath, scenery) // never read as far as I know. INPUT_FLAG_6 = (1 << 6), INPUT_FLAG_VIEWPORT_SCROLLING = (1 << 7) }; enum MOUSE_STATE { MOUSE_STATE_RELEASED, MOUSE_STATE_LEFT_PRESS, MOUSE_STATE_LEFT_RELEASE, MOUSE_STATE_RIGHT_PRESS, MOUSE_STATE_RIGHT_RELEASE }; enum class InputState { Reset, Normal, WidgetPressed, PositioningWindow, ViewportRight, DropdownActive, ViewportLeft, ScrollLeft, Resizing, ScrollRight }; enum PLACE_OBJECT_MODIFIER { PLACE_OBJECT_MODIFIER_NONE = 0, PLACE_OBJECT_MODIFIER_SHIFT_Z = (1 << 0), PLACE_OBJECT_MODIFIER_COPY_Z = (1 << 1), }; struct widget_ref { rct_windowclass window_classification; rct_windownumber window_number; rct_widgetindex widget_index; }; extern uint8_t gInputPlaceObjectModifier; extern ScreenCoordsXY gInputDragLast; extern widget_ref gHoverWidget; extern widget_ref gPressedWidget; extern uint16_t gTooltipTimeout; extern widget_ref gTooltipWidget; extern ScreenCoordsXY gTooltipCursor; extern TOOL_IDX gCurrentToolId; extern widget_ref gCurrentToolWidget; // TODO: Move to openrct2-ui and make static again extern InputState _inputState; extern uint8_t _inputFlags; extern uint16_t _tooltipNotShownTicks; void InputWindowPositionBegin(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); void title_handle_keyboard_input(); void GameHandleInput(); void game_handle_keyboard_input(); void GameHandleEdgeScroll(); int32_t GetNextKey(); void StoreMouseInput(int32_t state, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); void input_set_flag(INPUT_FLAGS flag, bool on); bool input_test_flag(INPUT_FLAGS flag); void input_reset_flags(); bool InputTestPlaceObjectModifier(PLACE_OBJECT_MODIFIER modifier); void input_set_state(InputState state); InputState input_get_state(); void reset_tooltip_not_shown(); void input_reset_place_obj_modifier(); void InputScrollViewport(const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); #endif