/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2019 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "../common.h" #include #define LOCATION_NULL ((int16_t)(uint16_t)0x8000) #define RCT_XY8_UNDEFINED 0xFFFF #define MakeXY16(x, y) \ { \ (int16_t)(x), (int16_t)(y) \ } #pragma pack(push, 1) struct LocationXY8 { union { struct { uint8_t x, y; }; uint16_t xy; }; }; assert_struct_size(LocationXY8, 2); struct sLocationXY8 { int8_t x, y; }; assert_struct_size(sLocationXY8, 2); struct LocationXY16 { int16_t x, y; }; assert_struct_size(LocationXY16, 4); struct LocationXYZ16 { int16_t x, y, z; }; assert_struct_size(LocationXYZ16, 6); #pragma pack(pop) constexpr int32_t COORDS_NULL = -1; struct ScreenCoordsXY { int32_t x = 0; int32_t y = 0; ScreenCoordsXY() = default; constexpr ScreenCoordsXY(int32_t _x, int32_t _y) : x(_x) , y(_y) { } const ScreenCoordsXY operator-(const ScreenCoordsXY& rhs) const { return { x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y }; } }; /** * Tile coordinates use 1 x/y increment per tile and 1 z increment per step. * Regular ('big', 'sprite') coordinates use 32 x/y increments per tile and 8 z increments per step. */ struct CoordsXY { int32_t x = 0; int32_t y = 0; CoordsXY() = default; constexpr CoordsXY(int32_t _x, int32_t _y) : x(_x) , y(_y) { } CoordsXY& operator+=(const CoordsXY rhs) { x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; return *this; } CoordsXY& operator-=(const CoordsXY rhs) { x -= rhs.x; y -= rhs.y; return *this; } const CoordsXY operator+(const CoordsXY& rhs) const { return { x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y }; } const CoordsXY operator-(const CoordsXY& rhs) const { return { x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y }; } CoordsXY Rotate(int32_t direction) const { CoordsXY rotatedCoords; switch (direction & 3) { default: case 0: rotatedCoords.x = x; rotatedCoords.y = y; break; case 1: rotatedCoords.x = y; rotatedCoords.y = -x; break; case 2: rotatedCoords.x = -x; rotatedCoords.y = -y; break; case 3: rotatedCoords.x = -y; rotatedCoords.y = x; break; } return rotatedCoords; } }; struct TileCoordsXY { TileCoordsXY() = default; constexpr TileCoordsXY(int32_t x_, int32_t y_) : x(x_) , y(y_) { } explicit TileCoordsXY(CoordsXY c) : x(c.x / 32) , y(c.y / 32) { } TileCoordsXY& operator+=(const TileCoordsXY rhs) { x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; return *this; } TileCoordsXY& operator-=(const TileCoordsXY rhs) { x -= rhs.x; y -= rhs.y; return *this; } TileCoordsXY Rotate(int32_t direction) { TileCoordsXY rotatedCoords; switch (direction & 3) { default: case 0: rotatedCoords.x = x; rotatedCoords.y = y; break; case 1: rotatedCoords.x = y; rotatedCoords.y = -x; break; case 2: rotatedCoords.x = -x; rotatedCoords.y = -y; break; case 3: rotatedCoords.x = -y; rotatedCoords.y = x; break; } return rotatedCoords; } int32_t x = 0, y = 0; }; struct CoordsXYZ : public CoordsXY { int32_t z = 0; CoordsXYZ() = default; constexpr CoordsXYZ(int32_t _x, int32_t _y, int32_t _z) : CoordsXY(_x, _y) , z(_z) { } constexpr CoordsXYZ(CoordsXY c, int32_t _z) : CoordsXY(c) , z(_z) { } }; struct TileCoordsXYZ { TileCoordsXYZ() = default; TileCoordsXYZ(int32_t x_, int32_t y_, int32_t z_) : x(x_) , y(y_) , z(z_) { } explicit TileCoordsXYZ(CoordsXY c, int32_t z_) : x(c.x / 32) , y(c.y / 32) , z(z_) { } explicit TileCoordsXYZ(CoordsXYZ c) : x(c.x / 32) , y(c.y / 32) , z(c.z / 8) { } TileCoordsXYZ& operator+=(const TileCoordsXY rhs) { x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; return *this; } TileCoordsXYZ& operator-=(const TileCoordsXY rhs) { x -= rhs.x; y -= rhs.y; return *this; } bool operator==(const TileCoordsXYZ& other) const { return x == other.x && y == other.y && z == other.z; } bool operator!=(const TileCoordsXYZ& other) const { return !(*this == other); } int32_t x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; }; /** * Cardinal directions are represented by the Direction type. It has four * possible values: * 0 is X-decreasing * 1 is Y-increasing * 2 is X-increasing * 3 is Y-decreasing * Direction is not used to model up/down, or diagonal directions. */ typedef uint8_t Direction; const Direction INVALID_DIRECTION = 0xFF; /** * Array of all valid cardinal directions, to make it easy to write range-based for loops like: * for (Direction d : ALL_DIRECTIONS) */ constexpr Direction ALL_DIRECTIONS[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; /** * Given a direction, return the direction that points the other way, * on the same axis. */ [[maybe_unused]] static constexpr Direction direction_reverse(Direction dir) { return dir ^ 2; } [[maybe_unused]] static constexpr bool direction_valid(Direction dir) { return dir < 4; } /** * Given a direction, return the next cardinal direction, wrapping around if necessary. * (TODO: Figure out if this is CW or CCW) */ [[maybe_unused]] static constexpr Direction direction_next(Direction dir) { return (dir + 1) & 0x03; } /** * Given a direction, return the previous cardinal direction, wrapping around if necessary. * (TODO: Figure out if this is CW or CCW) */ [[maybe_unused]] static constexpr Direction direction_prev(Direction dir) { return (dir - 1) & 0x03; } struct CoordsXYZD : public CoordsXYZ { Direction direction = 0; CoordsXYZD() = default; constexpr CoordsXYZD(int32_t _x, int32_t _y, int32_t _z, Direction _d) : CoordsXYZ(_x, _y, _z) , direction(_d) { } bool isNull() const { return x == COORDS_NULL; }; }; struct TileCoordsXYZD { int32_t x, y, z; Direction direction; bool isNull() const { return x == COORDS_NULL; }; }; /** * Represents a rectangular range of the map using regular coordinates (32 per tile). */ struct MapRange { CoordsXY LeftTop; CoordsXY RightBottom; int32_t GetLeft() const { return LeftTop.x; } int32_t GetTop() const { return LeftTop.y; } int32_t GetRight() const { return RightBottom.x; } int32_t GetBottom() const { return RightBottom.y; } MapRange() : MapRange(0, 0, 0, 0) { } MapRange(int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t right, int32_t bottom) : LeftTop(left, top) , RightBottom(right, bottom) { } MapRange Normalise() const { auto result = MapRange( std::min(GetLeft(), GetRight()), std::min(GetTop(), GetBottom()), std::max(GetLeft(), GetRight()), std::max(GetTop(), GetBottom())); return result; } };