/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include "ObjectList.h" #include "../Context.h" #include "../Game.h" #include "../object/Object.h" #include "../util/SawyerCoding.h" #include "../util/Util.h" #include "ObjectManager.h" #include "ObjectRepository.h" #include #include #include // 98DA00 int32_t object_entry_group_counts[] = { MAX_RIDE_OBJECTS, // rides MAX_SMALL_SCENERY_OBJECTS, // small scenery MAX_LARGE_SCENERY_OBJECTS, // large scenery MAX_WALL_SCENERY_OBJECTS, // walls MAX_BANNER_OBJECTS, // banners MAX_PATH_OBJECTS, // paths MAX_PATH_ADDITION_OBJECTS, // path bits MAX_SCENERY_GROUP_OBJECTS, // scenery sets MAX_PARK_ENTRANCE_OBJECTS, // park entrance MAX_WATER_OBJECTS, // water MAX_SCENARIO_TEXT_OBJECTS, // scenario text MAX_TERRAIN_SURFACE_OBJECTS, MAX_TERRAIN_EDGE_OBJECTS, MAX_STATION_OBJECTS, MAX_MUSIC_OBJECTS, MAX_FOOTPATH_SURFACE_OBJECTS, MAX_FOOTPATH_RAILINGS_OBJECTS, }; static_assert(std::size(object_entry_group_counts) == EnumValue(ObjectType::Count)); // 98DA2C // clang-format off int32_t object_entry_group_encoding[] = { CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_RLE, CHUNK_ENCODING_ROTATE, }; // clang-format on ObjectList::const_iterator::const_iterator(const ObjectList* parent, bool end) { _parent = parent; _subList = _parent->_subLists.size(); _index = 0; } void ObjectList::const_iterator::MoveToNextEntry() { do { if (_subList < _parent->_subLists.size()) { auto subListSize = _parent->_subLists[_subList].size(); if (_index < subListSize) { _index++; if (_index == subListSize) { _subList++; _index = 0; } } } else { break; } } while (!_parent->_subLists[_subList][_index].HasValue()); } ObjectList::const_iterator& ObjectList::const_iterator::operator++() { MoveToNextEntry(); return *this; } ObjectList::const_iterator ObjectList::const_iterator::operator++(int) { return *this; } const ObjectEntryDescriptor& ObjectList::const_iterator::operator*() { return _parent->_subLists[_subList][_index]; } bool ObjectList::const_iterator::operator==(const_iterator& rhs) { return _parent == rhs._parent && _subList == rhs._subList && _index == rhs._index; } bool ObjectList::const_iterator::operator!=(const_iterator& rhs) { return !(*this == rhs); } ObjectList::const_iterator ObjectList::begin() const { return const_iterator(this, false); } ObjectList::const_iterator ObjectList::end() const { return const_iterator(this, true); } std::vector& ObjectList::GetList(ObjectType type) { auto index = static_cast(type); while (_subLists.size() <= index) { _subLists.resize(static_cast(index) + 1); } return _subLists[index]; } std::vector& ObjectList::GetList(ObjectType type) const { return const_cast(this)->GetList(type); } const ObjectEntryDescriptor& ObjectList::GetObject(ObjectType type, ObjectEntryIndex index) const { const auto& subList = GetList(type); if (subList.size() > index) { return subList[index]; } static ObjectEntryDescriptor placeholder; return placeholder; } void ObjectList::Add(const ObjectEntryDescriptor& entry) { auto& subList = GetList(entry.GetType()); subList.push_back(entry); } void ObjectList::SetObject(ObjectEntryIndex index, const ObjectEntryDescriptor& entry) { auto& subList = GetList(entry.GetType()); if (subList.size() <= index) { subList.resize(static_cast(index) + 1); } subList[index] = entry; } void ObjectList::SetObject(ObjectType type, ObjectEntryIndex index, std::string_view identifier) { auto entry = ObjectEntryDescriptor(identifier); entry.Type = type; SetObject(index, entry); } ObjectEntryIndex ObjectList::Find(ObjectType type, std::string_view identifier) { auto& subList = GetList(type); for (size_t i = 0; i < subList.size(); i++) { if (subList[i].Identifier == identifier) { return static_cast(i); } } return OBJECT_ENTRY_INDEX_NULL; } /** * * rct2: 0x006AB344 */ void object_create_identifier_name(char* string_buffer, size_t size, const rct_object_entry* object) { snprintf(string_buffer, size, "%.8s/%4X%4X", object->name, object->flags, object->checksum); } void get_type_entry_index(size_t index, ObjectType* outObjectType, ObjectEntryIndex* outEntryIndex) { uint8_t objectType = EnumValue(ObjectType::Ride); for (size_t groupCount : object_entry_group_counts) { if (index >= groupCount) { index -= groupCount; objectType++; } else { break; } } if (outObjectType != nullptr) *outObjectType = static_cast(objectType); if (outEntryIndex != nullptr) *outEntryIndex = static_cast(index); } void object_entry_get_name_fixed(utf8* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const rct_object_entry* entry) { bufferSize = std::min(static_cast(DAT_NAME_LENGTH) + 1, bufferSize); std::memcpy(buffer, entry->name, bufferSize - 1); buffer[bufferSize - 1] = 0; } void* object_entry_get_chunk(ObjectType objectType, ObjectEntryIndex index) { auto& objectMgr = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetObjectManager(); auto* object = objectMgr.GetLoadedObject(objectType, index); if (object != nullptr) { return object->GetLegacyData(); } return nullptr; } const Object* object_entry_get_object(ObjectType objectType, ObjectEntryIndex index) { auto& objectMgr = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetObjectManager(); return objectMgr.GetLoadedObject(objectType, index); }