#pragma region Copyright (c) 2014-2017 OpenRCT2 Developers /***************************************************************************** * OpenRCT2, an open source clone of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. * * OpenRCT2 is the work of many authors, a full list can be found in contributors.md * For more information, visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A full copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in licence.txt *****************************************************************************/ #pragma endregion #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RCT2_ADDRESS_SPRITE_LIST 0x010E63BC #define gRideEntries RCT2_ADDRESS(RCT2_ADDRESS_RIDE_ENTRIES, rct_ride_entry*) #define gCurrentRotation RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_CURRENT_ROTATION, uint8) rct_tile_element *gTileElements = (rct_tile_element *) RCT2_ADDRESS_TILE_ELEMENTS; rct_tile_element **gTileElementTilePointers = (rct_tile_element **) RCT2_ADDRESS_TILE_TILE_ELEMENT_POINTERS; Ride *gRideList = RCT2_ADDRESS(RCT2_ADDRESS_RIDE_LIST, Ride); rct_sprite *sprite_list = RCT2_ADDRESS(RCT2_ADDRESS_SPRITE_LIST, rct_sprite); sint16 gMapSizeUnits; sint16 gMapBaseZ; bool gTrackDesignSaveMode = false; uint8 gTrackDesignSaveRideIndex = 255; uint8 gClipHeight = 255; const LocationXY16 TileDirectionDelta[] = { {-32, 0}, {0, +32}, {+32, 0}, {0, -32}, {-32, +32}, {+32, +32}, {+32, -32}, {-32, -32} }; uint8 get_current_rotation() { return gCurrentRotation & 3; } const uint32 construction_markers[] = { COLOUR_DARK_GREEN << 19 | COLOUR_GREY << 24 | IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP, // White 2 << 19 | 0b110000 << 19 | IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, // Translucent }; int object_entry_group_counts[] = { 128, // rides 252, // small scenery 128, // large scenery 128, // walls 32, // banners 16, // paths 15, // path bits 19, // scenery sets 1, // park entrance 1, // water 1 // scenario text }; GeneralConfiguration gConfigGeneral; uint16 gMapSelectFlags; uint16 gMapSelectType; LocationXY16 gMapSelectPositionA; LocationXY16 gMapSelectPositionB; LocationXYZ16 gMapSelectArrowPosition; uint8 gMapSelectArrowDirection; void entrance_paint(paint_session * session, uint8 direction, int height, rct_tile_element *tile_element) { } void banner_paint(paint_session * session, uint8 direction, int height, rct_tile_element *tile_element) { } void surface_paint(paint_session * session, uint8 direction, uint16 height, rct_tile_element *tileElement) { } void path_paint(paint_session * session, uint8 direction, uint16 height, rct_tile_element *tileElement) { } void scenery_paint(paint_session * session, uint8 direction, int height, rct_tile_element *tileElement) { } void fence_paint(paint_session * session, uint8 direction, int height, rct_tile_element *tileElement) { } void scenery_multiple_paint(paint_session * session, uint8 direction, uint16 height, rct_tile_element *tileElement) { } Ride *get_ride(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_RIDES) { log_error("invalid index %d for ride", index); return NULL; } return &gRideList[index]; } rct_ride_entry *get_ride_entry(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= object_entry_group_counts[OBJECT_TYPE_RIDE]) { log_error("invalid index %d for ride type", index); return NULL; } return gRideEntries[index]; } rct_ride_entry *get_ride_entry_by_ride(Ride *ride) { rct_ride_entry * type = get_ride_entry(ride->subtype); if (type == NULL) { log_error("Invalid ride subtype for ride"); } return type; } rct_sprite *get_sprite(size_t sprite_idx) { assert(sprite_idx < MAX_SPRITES); return &sprite_list[sprite_idx]; } int tile_element_is_last_for_tile(const rct_tile_element *element) { return element->flags & TILE_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; } int tile_element_get_type(const rct_tile_element *element) { return element->type & TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_MASK; } int tile_element_get_direction(const rct_tile_element *element) { return element->type & TILE_ELEMENT_DIRECTION_MASK; } int tile_element_get_direction_with_offset(const rct_tile_element *element, uint8 offset) { return ((element->type & TILE_ELEMENT_DIRECTION_MASK) + offset) & TILE_ELEMENT_DIRECTION_MASK; } rct_tile_element *map_get_first_element_at(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > 255 || y > 255) { log_error("Trying to access element outside of range"); return NULL; } return gTileElementTilePointers[x + y * 256]; } int tile_element_get_station(const rct_tile_element * tileElement) { return (tileElement->properties.track.sequence & MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_STATION_INDEX_MASK) >> 4; } void tile_element_set_station(rct_tile_element * tileElement, uint32 stationIndex) { tileElement->properties.track.sequence &= ~MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_STATION_INDEX_MASK; tileElement->properties.track.sequence |= (stationIndex << 4); } sint32 tile_element_get_track_sequence(const rct_tile_element * tileElement) { return tileElement->properties.track.sequence & MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_SEQUENCE_MASK; } void tile_element_set_track_sequence(rct_tile_element * tileElement, int trackSequence) { tileElement->properties.track.sequence &= ~MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_SEQUENCE_MASK; tileElement->properties.track.sequence |= (trackSequence & MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_SEQUENCE_MASK); } bool tile_element_get_green_light(const rct_tile_element * tileElement) { return (tileElement->properties.track.sequence & MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_GREEN_LIGHT) != 0; } void tile_element_set_green_light(rct_tile_element * tileElement, bool greenLight) { tileElement->properties.track.sequence &= ~MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_GREEN_LIGHT; if (greenLight) { tileElement->properties.track.sequence |= MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_GREEN_LIGHT; } } int tile_element_get_brake_booster_speed(const rct_tile_element *tileElement) { return (tileElement->properties.track.sequence >> 4) << 1; } void tile_element_set_brake_booster_speed(rct_tile_element *tileElement, int speed) { tileElement->properties.track.sequence = tile_element_get_track_sequence(tileElement) | ((speed >> 1) << 4); } bool tile_element_is_taking_photo(const rct_tile_element * tileElement) { return (tileElement->properties.track.sequence & MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_TAKING_PHOTO_MASK) != 0; } void tile_element_set_onride_photo_timeout(rct_tile_element * tileElement) { tileElement->properties.track.sequence &= MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_SEQUENCE_MASK; tileElement->properties.track.sequence |= (3 << 4); } void tile_element_decrement_onride_photo_timout(rct_tile_element * tileElement) { // We should only touch the upper 4 bits, avoid underflow into the lower 4. if (tileElement->properties.track.sequence & MAP_ELEM_TRACK_SEQUENCE_TAKING_PHOTO_MASK) { tileElement->properties.track.sequence -= (1 << 4); } } sint32 map_get_water_height(const rct_tile_element * tileElement) { return tileElement->properties.surface.terrain & TILE_ELEMENT_WATER_HEIGHT_MASK; } bool ride_type_has_flag(int rideType, int flag) { return (RideProperties[rideType].flags & flag) != 0; } sint16 get_height_marker_offset() { return 0; } bool track_element_is_lift_hill(rct_tile_element *trackElement) { return trackElement->type & 0x80; } bool track_element_is_cable_lift(rct_tile_element *trackElement) { return trackElement->properties.track.colour & TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_FLAG_CABLE_LIFT; } bool track_element_is_inverted(rct_tile_element *trackElement) { return trackElement->properties.track.colour & TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_FLAG_INVERTED; } bool is_csg_loaded() { return false; } uint8 track_element_get_colour_scheme(const rct_tile_element * tileElement) { return tileElement->properties.track.colour & 0x3; }