######################################################### # Script to build and package OpenRCT2 # - Sets the source code preprocessor defines # - Builds a clean release of OpenRCT2 # - Creates a ZIP for distribution ######################################################### param ( [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$Task = "all", [string]$Server = "", [string]$BuildNumber = "", [string]$GitBranch = "", [switch]$Installer = $false ) # Setup $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $scriptsPath = Split-Path $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Import-Module "$scriptsPath\common.psm1" -DisableNameChecking # Get paths $rootPath = Get-RootPath # Set build attributes function Do-PrepareSource() { Write-Host "Setting build #defines..." -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($GitBranch -eq "") { $GitBranch = (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) } $GitCommitSha1 = (git rev-parse HEAD) $GitCommitSha1Short = (git rev-parse --short HEAD) $defines = @{ } $defines["OPENRCT2_BUILD_NUMBER"] = $BuildNumber; $defines["OPENRCT2_BUILD_SERVER"] = $Server; $defines["OPENRCT2_BRANCH"] = $GitBranch; $defines["OPENRCT2_COMMIT_SHA1"] = $GitCommitSha1; $defines["OPENRCT2_COMMIT_SHA1_SHORT"] = $GitCommitSha1Short; $defineString = "" foreach ($key in $defines.Keys) { $value = $defines[$key] if ($value -is [System.String]) { $value = $value.Replace('"', '\"') } $defineString += "$key=""$value"";"; } # Set the environment variable which the msbuild project will use $env:OPENRCT2_DEFINES = $defineString; return 0 } # Building OpenRCT2 function Do-Build() { Write-Host "Building OpenRCT2..." -ForegroundColor Cyan & "$scriptsPath\build.ps1" all -Rebuild return $LASTEXITCODE } # Package function Do-Package() { Write-Host "Publishing OpenRCT2 as zip..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $releaseDir = "$rootPath\bin" $distDir = "$rootPath\distribution" $tempDir = "$rootPath\artifacts\temp" $outZip = "$rootPath\artifacts\openrct2.zip" # Create new temp directory Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $tempDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory $tempDir > $null # Copy files to be archived Copy-Item -Force -Recurse "$releaseDir\data" $tempDir -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Force "$releaseDir\openrct2.exe" $tempDir -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Force "$releaseDir\openrct2.dll" $tempDir -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Force "$releaseDir\curl-ca-bundle.crt" $tempDir -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Force "$releaseDir\SDL2.dll" $tempDir -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Force "$distDir\changelog.txt" $tempDir -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Force "$distDir\known_issues.txt" $tempDir -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Force "$distDir\readme.txt" $tempDir -ErrorAction Stop # Create archive using 7z (renowned for speed and compression) $7zcmd = "7za" if (-not (AppExists($7zcmd))) { # AppVeyor in particular uses '7z' instead $7zcmd = "7z" if (-not (AppExists($7zcmd))) { Write-Host "Publish script requires 7z to be in PATH" -ForegroundColor Red return 1 } } & $7zcmd a -tzip -mx9 $outZip "$tempDir\*" | Write-Host if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Host "Failed to create zip." -ForegroundColor Red return 1 } # Remove temp directory Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $tempDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return 0 } # Installer function Do-Installer() { Write-Host "Publishing OpenRCT2 as installer..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $artifactsDir = "$rootPath\artifacts" $installerDir = "$rootPath\distribution\windows" # Create artifacts directory New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory $artifactsDir > $null # Create installer & "$installerDir\build.ps1" -BuildNumber $BuildNumber -GitBranch $GitBranch if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Host "Failed to create installer." -ForegroundColor Red if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf "$installerDir\win32.log") { Get-Content "$installerDir\win32.log" | Write-Host } return 1 } $binaries = (Get-ChildItem "$installerDir\*.exe" | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending) if ($binaries -eq 0) { Write-Host "Unable to find created installer." -ForegroundColor Red return 1 } Move-Item $binaries[0].FullName $artifactsDir return 0 } function Do-Task-Build() { if (($result = (Do-PrepareSource)) -ne 0) { return $result } if (($result = (Do-Build )) -ne 0) { return $result } return 0 } function Do-Task-Package() { if ($Installer) { if (($result = (Do-Installer)) -ne 0) { return $result } } else { if (($result = (Do-Package)) -ne 0) { return $result } } return 0 } function Do-Task-All() { if (($result = (Do-Task-Build )) -ne 0) { return $result } if (($result = (Do-Task-Package)) -ne 0) { return $result } return 0 } # Script entry point switch ($Task) { "build" { $result = Do-Task-Build } "package" { $result = Do-Task-Package } "all" { $result = Do-Task-All } default { Write-Host "Unknown publish task." -ForegroundColor Red $result = 1 } } exit $result