#pragma region Copyright (c) 2014-2016 OpenRCT2 Developers /***************************************************************************** * OpenRCT2, an open source clone of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. * * OpenRCT2 is the work of many authors, a full list can be found in contributors.md * For more information, visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A full copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in licence.txt *****************************************************************************/ #pragma endregion #include #include "core/Console.hpp" #include "core/Guard.hpp" #include "core/String.hpp" #include "FileClassifier.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "object/ObjectRepository.h" #include "OpenRCT2.h" #include "platform/crash.h" #include "PlatformEnvironment.h" #include "ride/TrackDesignRepository.h" #include "scenario/ScenarioRepository.h" #include "title/TitleScreen.h" #include "title/TitleSequenceManager.h" extern "C" { #include "audio/audio.h" #include "config.h" #include "editor.h" #include "game.h" #include "interface/chat.h" #include "interface/themes.h" #include "intro.h" #include "localisation/localisation.h" #include "network/http.h" #include "object_list.h" #include "platform/platform.h" #include "rct1.h" #include "rct2/interop.h" #include "version.h" } // The game update inverval in milliseconds, (1000 / 40fps) = 25ms constexpr uint32 UPDATE_TIME_MS = 25; extern "C" { int gExitCode; int gOpenRCT2StartupAction = STARTUP_ACTION_TITLE; utf8 gOpenRCT2StartupActionPath[512] = { 0 }; utf8 gExePath[MAX_PATH]; utf8 gCustomUserDataPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; utf8 gCustomOpenrctDataPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; utf8 gCustomRCT2DataPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; utf8 gCustomPassword[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; // This should probably be changed later and allow a custom selection of things to initialise like SDL_INIT bool gOpenRCT2Headless = false; bool gOpenRCT2ShowChangelog; bool gOpenRCT2SilentBreakpad; #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK // OpenSSL's message digest context used for calculating sprite checksums EVP_MD_CTX * gHashCTX = nullptr; #endif // DISABLE_NETWORK } namespace OpenRCT2 { static IPlatformEnvironment * _env = nullptr; static std::string _versionInfo; static bool _isWindowMinimised; static uint32 _isWindowMinimisedLastCheckTick; static uint32 _lastTick; static uint32 _uncapTick; /** If set, will end the OpenRCT2 game loop. Intentially private to this module so that the flag can not be set back to false. */ static bool _finished; static void SetVersionInfoString(); static bool ShouldRunVariableFrame(); static void RunGameLoop(); static void RunFixedFrame(); static void RunVariableFrame(); static bool OpenParkAutoDetectFormat(const utf8 * path); } extern "C" { void openrct2_write_full_version_info(utf8 * buffer, size_t bufferSize) { if (OpenRCT2::_versionInfo.empty()) { OpenRCT2::SetVersionInfoString(); } String::Set(buffer, bufferSize, OpenRCT2::_versionInfo.c_str()); } static void openrct2_set_exe_path() { platform_get_exe_path(gExePath, sizeof(gExePath)); log_verbose("Setting exe path to %s", gExePath); } bool openrct2_initialise() { #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK gHashCTX = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); Guard::Assert(gHashCTX != nullptr, "EVP_MD_CTX_create failed"); #endif // DISABLE_NETWORK crash_init(); // Sets up the environment OpenRCT2 is running in, e.g. directory paths OpenRCT2::_env = OpenRCT2::SetupEnvironment(); if (OpenRCT2::_env == nullptr) { return false; } if (!rct2_interop_setup_segment()) { log_fatal("Unable to load RCT2 data sector"); return false; } if (gConfigGeneral.last_run_version != nullptr && String::Equals(gConfigGeneral.last_run_version, OPENRCT2_VERSION)) { gOpenRCT2ShowChangelog = false; } else { gOpenRCT2ShowChangelog = true; gConfigGeneral.last_run_version = String::Duplicate(OPENRCT2_VERSION); config_save_default(); } // TODO add configuration option to allow multiple instances // if (!gOpenRCT2Headless && !platform_lock_single_instance()) { // log_fatal("OpenRCT2 is already running."); // return false; // } IObjectRepository * objRepo = CreateObjectRepository(OpenRCT2::_env); ITrackDesignRepository * tdRepo = CreateTrackDesignRepository(OpenRCT2::_env); CreateScenarioRepository(OpenRCT2::_env); if (!language_open(gConfigGeneral.language)) { log_error("Failed to open configured language..."); if (!language_open(LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_UK)) { log_fatal("Failed to open fallback language..."); return false; } } // TODO Ideally we want to delay this until we show the title so that we can // still open the game window and draw a progress screen for the creation // of the object cache. objRepo->LoadOrConstruct(); // TODO Like objects, this can take a while if there are a lot of track designs // its also really something really we might want to do in the background // as its not required until the player wants to place a new ride. tdRepo->Scan(); TitleSequenceManager::Scan(); if (!gOpenRCT2Headless) { audio_init(); audio_populate_devices(); } http_init(); theme_manager_initialise(); rct2_interop_setup_hooks(); if (!rct2_init()) { return false; } chat_init(); rct2_copy_original_user_files_over(); return true; } /** * Launches the game, after command line arguments have been parsed and processed. */ void openrct2_launch() { if (openrct2_initialise()) { gIntroState = INTRO_STATE_NONE; if ((gOpenRCT2StartupAction == STARTUP_ACTION_TITLE) && gConfigGeneral.play_intro) { gOpenRCT2StartupAction = STARTUP_ACTION_INTRO; } switch (gOpenRCT2StartupAction) { case STARTUP_ACTION_INTRO: gIntroState = INTRO_STATE_PUBLISHER_BEGIN; title_load(); break; case STARTUP_ACTION_TITLE: title_load(); break; case STARTUP_ACTION_OPEN: { bool parkLoaded = false; // A path that includes "://" is illegal with all common filesystems, so it is almost certainly a URL // This way all cURL supported protocols, like http, ftp, scp and smb are automatically handled if (strstr(gOpenRCT2StartupActionPath, "://") != nullptr) { #ifndef DISABLE_HTTP // Download park and open it using its temporary filename char tmpPath[MAX_PATH]; if (!http_download_park(gOpenRCT2StartupActionPath, tmpPath)) { title_load(); break; } parkLoaded = OpenRCT2::OpenParkAutoDetectFormat(tmpPath); #endif } else { parkLoaded = rct2_open_file(gOpenRCT2StartupActionPath); } if (!parkLoaded) { Console::Error::WriteLine("Failed to load '%s'", gOpenRCT2StartupActionPath); title_load(); break; } gScreenFlags = SCREEN_FLAGS_PLAYING; #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK if (gNetworkStart == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { if (gNetworkStartPort == 0) { gNetworkStartPort = gConfigNetwork.default_port; } if (String::IsNullOrEmpty(gCustomPassword)) { network_set_password(gConfigNetwork.default_password); } else { network_set_password(gCustomPassword); } network_begin_server(gNetworkStartPort); } #endif // DISABLE_NETWORK break; } case STARTUP_ACTION_EDIT: if (String::SizeOf(gOpenRCT2StartupActionPath) == 0) { editor_load(); } else if (!editor_load_landscape(gOpenRCT2StartupActionPath)) { title_load(); } break; } #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK if (gNetworkStart == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { if (gNetworkStartPort == 0) { gNetworkStartPort = gConfigNetwork.default_port; } network_begin_client(gNetworkStartHost, gNetworkStartPort); } #endif // DISABLE_NETWORK OpenRCT2::RunGameLoop(); } openrct2_dispose(); // HACK Some threads are still running which causes the game to not terminate. Investigation required! exit(gExitCode); } void openrct2_dispose() { network_close(); http_dispose(); language_close_all(); rct2_dispose(); config_release(); #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(gHashCTX); #endif // DISABLE_NETWORK rct2_interop_dispose(); platform_free(); } /** * Causes the OpenRCT2 game loop to finish. */ void openrct2_finish() { OpenRCT2::_finished = true; } } namespace OpenRCT2 { IPlatformEnvironment * SetupEnvironment() { utf8 userPath[MAX_PATH]; platform_resolve_openrct_data_path(); platform_resolve_user_data_path(); platform_get_user_directory(userPath, NULL, sizeof(userPath)); if (!platform_ensure_directory_exists(userPath)) { Console::Error::WriteLine("Could not create user directory (do you have write access to your documents folder?)"); return nullptr; } openrct2_set_exe_path(); config_set_defaults(); if (!config_open_default()) { if (!config_find_or_browse_install_directory()) { gConfigGeneral.last_run_version = String::Duplicate(OPENRCT2_VERSION); config_save_default(); utf8 path[MAX_PATH]; config_get_default_path(path, sizeof(path)); Console::Error::WriteLine("An RCT2 install directory must be specified! Please edit \"game_path\" in %s.", path); return nullptr; } config_save_default(); } if (!rct2_init_directories()) { return nullptr; } if (!rct2_startup_checks()) { return nullptr; } utf8 path[260]; std::string basePaths[4]; basePaths[(size_t)DIRBASE::RCT1] = String::ToStd(gConfigGeneral.rct1_path); basePaths[(size_t)DIRBASE::RCT2] = String::ToStd(gConfigGeneral.rct2_path); platform_get_openrct_data_path(path, sizeof(path)); basePaths[(size_t)DIRBASE::OPENRCT2] = std::string(path); platform_get_user_directory(path, nullptr, sizeof(path)); basePaths[(size_t)DIRBASE::USER] = std::string(path); IPlatformEnvironment * env = CreatePlatformEnvironment(basePaths); return env; } static void SetVersionInfoString() { utf8 buffer[256]; size_t bufferSize = sizeof(buffer); String::Set(buffer, bufferSize, OPENRCT2_NAME ", v" OPENRCT2_VERSION); if (!String::IsNullOrEmpty(gGitBranch)) { String::AppendFormat(buffer, bufferSize, "-%s", gGitBranch); } if (!String::IsNullOrEmpty(gCommitSha1Short)) { String::AppendFormat(buffer, bufferSize, " build %s", gCommitSha1Short); } if (!String::IsNullOrEmpty(gBuildServer)) { String::AppendFormat(buffer, bufferSize, " provided by %s", gBuildServer); } #if DEBUG String::AppendFormat(buffer, bufferSize, " (DEBUG)", gBuildServer); #endif _versionInfo = buffer; } /** * Run the main game loop until the finished flag is set. */ static void RunGameLoop() { log_verbose("begin openrct2 loop"); _finished = false; do { if (ShouldRunVariableFrame()) { RunVariableFrame(); } else { RunFixedFrame(); } } while (!_finished); log_verbose("finish openrct2 loop"); } static bool IsMinimised() { // Don't check if window is minimised too frequently (every second is fine) if (_lastTick > _isWindowMinimisedLastCheckTick + 1000) { uint32 windowFlags = SDL_GetWindowFlags(gWindow); _isWindowMinimised = (windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) || (windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN); } return _isWindowMinimised; } static bool ShouldRunVariableFrame() { if (!gConfigGeneral.uncap_fps) return false; if (gGameSpeed > 4) return false; if (gOpenRCT2Headless) return false; if (IsMinimised()) return false; return true; } static void RunFixedFrame() { _uncapTick = 0; uint32 currentTick = SDL_GetTicks(); uint32 ticksElapsed = currentTick - _lastTick; if (ticksElapsed < UPDATE_TIME_MS) { SDL_Delay(UPDATE_TIME_MS - ticksElapsed); _lastTick += UPDATE_TIME_MS; } else { _lastTick = currentTick; } platform_process_messages(); rct2_update(); if (!_isWindowMinimised) { platform_draw(); } } static void RunVariableFrame() { uint32 currentTick = SDL_GetTicks(); if (_uncapTick == 0) { _uncapTick = currentTick; sprite_position_tween_reset(); } // Limit number of updates per loop (any long pauses or debugging can make this update for a very long time) if (currentTick - _uncapTick > UPDATE_TIME_MS * 60) { _uncapTick = currentTick - UPDATE_TIME_MS - 1; } platform_process_messages(); while (_uncapTick <= currentTick && currentTick - _uncapTick > UPDATE_TIME_MS) { // Get the original position of each sprite sprite_position_tween_store_a(); // Update the game so the sprite positions update rct2_update(); // Get the next position of each sprite sprite_position_tween_store_b(); _uncapTick += UPDATE_TIME_MS; } // Tween the position of each sprite from the last position to the new position based on the time between the last // tick and the next tick. float nudge = 1 - ((float)(currentTick - _uncapTick) / UPDATE_TIME_MS); sprite_position_tween_all(nudge); platform_draw(); sprite_position_tween_restore(); } static bool OpenParkAutoDetectFormat(const utf8 * path) { ClassifiedFile info; if (TryClassifyFile(path, &info)) { if (info.Type == FILE_TYPE::SAVED_GAME) { if (info.Version <= 2) { if (rct1_load_saved_game(path)) { game_load_init(); return true; } } else { if (game_load_save(path)) { gFirstTimeSave = 0; return true; } } Console::Error::WriteLine("Error loading saved game."); } else if (info.Type == FILE_TYPE::SCENARIO) { if (info.Version <= 2) { if (rct1_load_scenario(path)) { scenario_begin(); return true; } } else { if (scenario_load_and_play_from_path(path)) { return true; } } Console::Error::WriteLine("Error loading scenario."); } else { Console::Error::WriteLine("Invalid file type."); Console::Error::WriteLine("Invalid file type."); } } else { Console::Error::WriteLine("Unable to detect file type."); } return false; } }