#pragma region Copyright (c) 2014-2017 OpenRCT2 Developers /***************************************************************************** * OpenRCT2, an open source clone of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. * * OpenRCT2 is the work of many authors, a full list can be found in contributors.md * For more information, visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A full copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in licence.txt *****************************************************************************/ #pragma endregion #include #include #include "TestPaint.hpp" #include "FunctionCall.hpp" #include "GeneralSupportHeightCall.hpp" #include "PaintIntercept.hpp" #include "Printer.hpp" #include "SegmentSupportHeightCall.hpp" #include "SideTunnelCall.hpp" #include "String.hpp" #include "TestTrack.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" #include "VerticalTunnelCall.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include interface ITestTrackFilter { public: virtual ~ITestTrackFilter() {} virtual bool AppliesTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) abstract; virtual int Variations(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) abstract; virtual std::string VariantName(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant) abstract; virtual void ApplyTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant, rct_map_element *mapElement, rct_map_element *surfaceElement, Ride *ride, rct_ride_entry *rideEntry ) abstract; }; class CableLiftFilter : public ITestTrackFilter { public: bool AppliesTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) override { return rideType == RIDE_TYPE_GIGA_COASTER; } int Variations(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) override { return 2; } std::string VariantName(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant) override { return String::Format("cableLift:%d", variant); } virtual void ApplyTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant, rct_map_element *mapElement, rct_map_element *surfaceElement, Ride *ride, rct_ride_entry *rideEntry ) override { if (variant == 0) { mapElement->properties.track.colour &= ~TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_FLAG_CABLE_LIFT; } else { mapElement->properties.track.colour |= TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_FLAG_CABLE_LIFT; } } }; class ChainLiftFilter : public ITestTrackFilter { public: bool AppliesTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) override { return !ride_type_has_flag(rideType, RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_FLAT_RIDE); } int Variations(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) override { return 2; } std::string VariantName(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant) override { return String::Format("chainLift:%d", variant); } virtual void ApplyTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant, rct_map_element *mapElement, rct_map_element *surfaceElement, Ride *ride, rct_ride_entry *rideEntry ) override { if (variant == 0) { mapElement->type &= ~TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAG_CHAIN_LIFT; } else { mapElement->type |= TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAG_CHAIN_LIFT; } } }; class InvertedFilter : public ITestTrackFilter { public: bool AppliesTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) override { if (rideType == RIDE_TYPE_MULTI_DIMENSION_ROLLER_COASTER || rideType == RIDE_TYPE_FLYING_ROLLER_COASTER || rideType == RIDE_TYPE_LAY_DOWN_ROLLER_COASTER) { return true; } return false; } int Variations(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) override { return 2; } std::string VariantName(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant) override { return String::Format("inverted:%d", variant); } virtual void ApplyTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant, rct_map_element *mapElement, rct_map_element *surfaceElement, Ride *ride, rct_ride_entry *rideEntry ) override { if (variant == 0) { mapElement->properties.track.colour &= ~TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_FLAG_INVERTED; } else { mapElement->properties.track.colour |= TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_FLAG_INVERTED; } } }; class EntranceStyleFilter : public ITestTrackFilter { public: bool AppliesTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) override { if (trackType == TRACK_ELEM_BEGIN_STATION || trackType == TRACK_ELEM_MIDDLE_STATION || trackType == TRACK_ELEM_END_STATION) { return true; } return false; } int Variations(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) override { return RIDE_ENTRANCE_STYLE_COUNT - 1; } std::string VariantName(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant) override { return String::Format("entranceStyle:%d", variant); } virtual void ApplyTo(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, int variant, rct_map_element *mapElement, rct_map_element *surfaceElement, Ride *ride, rct_ride_entry *rideEntry ) override { ride->entrance_style = variant; } }; static void CallOriginal( uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 direction, uint8 trackSequence, uint16 height, rct_map_element *mapElement ) { uint32 *trackDirectionList = (uint32 *) RideTypeTrackPaintFunctionsOld[rideType][trackType]; const uint8 rideIndex = 0; // Have to call from this point as it pushes esi and expects callee to pop it RCT2_CALLPROC_X( 0x006C4934, rideType, (int) trackDirectionList, direction, height, (int) mapElement, rideIndex * sizeof(Ride), trackSequence ); } static void CallNew( uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 direction, uint8 trackSequence, uint16 height, rct_map_element *mapElement ) { TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION_GETTER newPaintFunctionGetter = RideTypeTrackPaintFunctions[rideType]; TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION newPaintFunction = newPaintFunctionGetter(trackType, direction); newPaintFunction(&gPaintSession, 0, trackSequence, direction, height, mapElement); } typedef uint8 (*TestFunction)(uint8, uint8, uint8, std::string *); static uint8 TestTrackElementPaintCalls(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error); static uint8 TestTrackElementSegmentSupportHeight(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error); static uint8 TestTrackElementGeneralSupportHeight(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error); static uint8 TestTrackElementSideTunnels(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error); static uint8 TestTrackElementVerticalTunnels(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error); uint8 TestTrack::TestPaintTrackElement(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, std::string *out) { if (!Utils::rideSupportsTrackType(rideType, trackType)) { return TEST_FAILED; } if (rideType == RIDE_TYPE_CHAIRLIFT) { if (trackType == TRACK_ELEM_BEGIN_STATION || trackType == TRACK_ELEM_MIDDLE_STATION || trackType == TRACK_ELEM_END_STATION) { // These rides check neighbouring tiles for tracks return TEST_SKIPPED; } } int sequenceCount = Utils::getTrackSequenceCount(rideType, trackType); std::string error = String::Format("rct2: 0x%08X\n", RideTypeTrackPaintFunctionsOld[rideType][trackType]); uint8 retVal = TEST_SUCCESS; static TestFunction functions[] = { TestTrackElementPaintCalls, TestTrackElementSegmentSupportHeight, TestTrackElementGeneralSupportHeight, TestTrackElementSideTunnels, TestTrackElementVerticalTunnels, }; for (int trackSequence = 0; trackSequence < sequenceCount; trackSequence++) { for (auto &&function : functions) { retVal = function(rideType, trackType, trackSequence, &error); if (retVal != TEST_SUCCESS) { *out += error + "\n"; return retVal; } } } return retVal; } static uint8 TestTrackElementPaintCalls(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error) { uint16 height = 3 * 16; rct_map_element mapElement = {0}; mapElement.flags |= MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; mapElement.properties.track.type = trackType; mapElement.base_height = height / 16; g_currently_drawn_item = &mapElement; rct_map_element surfaceElement = {0}; surfaceElement.type = MAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_SURFACE; surfaceElement.base_height = 2; gSurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gDidPassSurface = true; gPaintSession.CurrentlyDrawnItem = &mapElement; gPaintSession.SurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gPaintSession.DidPassSurface = true; TestPaint::ResetEnvironment(); TestPaint::ResetTunnels(); function_call callBuffer[256] = {0}; int callCount = 0; // TODO: test supports // TODO: test flat rides // TODO: test mazes // TODO: test underground (Wooden RC) // TODO: test station fences std::vector filters; filters.push_back(new CableLiftFilter()); filters.push_back(new ChainLiftFilter()); filters.push_back(new InvertedFilter()); filters.push_back(new EntranceStyleFilter()); std::vector activeFilters; for (auto &&filter : filters) { if (filter->AppliesTo(rideType, trackType)) { activeFilters.push_back(filter); } } // Add an element so there's always something to add to std::vector filler; filler.push_back(0); std::vector> argumentPermutations; argumentPermutations.push_back(filler); for (size_t filterIndex = 0; filterIndex < activeFilters.size(); ++filterIndex) { ITestTrackFilter *filter = activeFilters[filterIndex]; uint8 variantCount = filter->Variations(rideType, trackType); std::vector> newArgumentPermutations; for (int variant = 0; variant < variantCount; variant++) { for (auto &&oldPermutation : argumentPermutations) { std::vector permutation; permutation.insert(permutation.begin(), oldPermutation.begin(), oldPermutation.end()); permutation.push_back(variant); newArgumentPermutations.push_back(permutation); } } argumentPermutations.clear(); argumentPermutations.insert(argumentPermutations.begin(), newArgumentPermutations.begin(), newArgumentPermutations.end()); } for (auto &&arguments : argumentPermutations) { std::string baseCaseName = "["; for (size_t filterIndex = 0; filterIndex < activeFilters.size(); ++filterIndex) { uint8 &variant = arguments[1 + filterIndex]; baseCaseName += activeFilters[filterIndex]->VariantName(rideType, trackType, variant); baseCaseName += " "; activeFilters[filterIndex]->ApplyTo(rideType, trackType, variant, &mapElement, &surfaceElement, &(gRideList[0]), gRideEntries[0]); } for (int currentRotation = 0; currentRotation < 4; currentRotation++) { gCurrentRotation = currentRotation; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { RCT2_GLOBAL(0x009DE56A, sint16) = 64; // x RCT2_GLOBAL(0x009DE56E, sint16) = 64; // y std::string caseName = String::Format( "%srotation:%d direction:%d trackSequence:%d]", baseCaseName.c_str(), currentRotation, direction, trackSequence ); PaintIntercept::ClearCalls(); TestPaint::ResetSupportHeights(); gWoodenSupportsPrependTo = nullptr; CallOriginal(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height, &mapElement); callCount = PaintIntercept::GetCalls(callBuffer); std::vector oldCalls; oldCalls.insert(oldCalls.begin(), callBuffer, callBuffer + callCount); PaintIntercept::ClearCalls(); testpaint_clear_ignore(); TestPaint::ResetSupportHeights(); gPaintSession.WoodenSupportsPrependTo = nullptr; CallNew(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height, &mapElement); if (testpaint_is_ignored(direction, trackSequence)) { *error += String::Format("[ IGNORED ] %s\n", caseName.c_str()); continue; } callCount = PaintIntercept::GetCalls(callBuffer); std::vector newCalls; newCalls.insert(newCalls.begin(), callBuffer, callBuffer + callCount); bool sucess = true; if (oldCalls.size() != newCalls.size()) { *error += String::Format( "Call counts don't match (was %d, expected %d). %s\n", newCalls.size(), oldCalls.size(), caseName.c_str() ); sucess = false; } else if (!FunctionCall::AssertsEquals(oldCalls, newCalls)) { *error += String::Format("Calls don't match. %s\n", caseName.c_str()); sucess = false; } if (!sucess) { *error += " Expected:\n"; *error += Printer::PrintFunctionCalls(oldCalls, height); *error += " Actual:\n"; *error += Printer::PrintFunctionCalls(newCalls, height); return TEST_FAILED; } } } } return TEST_SUCCESS; } static uint8 TestTrackElementSegmentSupportHeight(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error) { uint16 height = 3 * 16; rct_map_element mapElement = {0}; mapElement.flags |= MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; mapElement.properties.track.type = trackType; mapElement.base_height = height / 16; g_currently_drawn_item = &mapElement; rct_map_element surfaceElement = {0}; surfaceElement.type = MAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_SURFACE; surfaceElement.base_height = 2; gSurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gDidPassSurface = true; gPaintSession.CurrentlyDrawnItem = &mapElement; gPaintSession.SurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gPaintSession.DidPassSurface = true; TestPaint::ResetEnvironment(); TestPaint::ResetTunnels(); // TODO: Test Chainlift // TODO: Test Maze // TODO: Allow skip std::string state = String::Format("[trackSequence:%d chainLift:%d]", trackSequence, 0); std::vector tileSegmentSupportCalls[4]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { TestPaint::ResetSupportHeights(); CallOriginal(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height, &mapElement); tileSegmentSupportCalls[direction] = SegmentSupportHeightCall::getSegmentCalls(gSupportSegments, direction); } std::vector referenceCalls = tileSegmentSupportCalls[0]; if (!SegmentSupportHeightCall::CallsMatch(tileSegmentSupportCalls)) { bool success = SegmentSupportHeightCall::FindMostCommonSupportCall(tileSegmentSupportCalls, &referenceCalls); if (!success) { *error += String::Format("Original segment calls didn't match. %s\n", state.c_str()); for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { *error += String::Format("# %d\n", direction); *error += Printer::PrintSegmentSupportHeightCalls(tileSegmentSupportCalls[direction]); } return TEST_FAILED; } } for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { TestPaint::ResetSupportHeights(); testpaint_clear_ignore(); CallNew(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height, &mapElement); if (testpaint_is_ignored(direction, trackSequence)) { continue; } std::vector newCalls = SegmentSupportHeightCall::getSegmentCalls(gPaintSession.SupportSegments, direction); if (!SegmentSupportHeightCall::CallsEqual(referenceCalls, newCalls)) { *error += String::Format( "Segment support heights didn't match. [direction:%d] %s\n", direction, state.c_str() ); *error += " Expected:\n"; *error += Printer::PrintSegmentSupportHeightCalls(referenceCalls); *error += " Actual:\n"; *error += Printer::PrintSegmentSupportHeightCalls(newCalls); return TEST_FAILED; } } return TEST_SUCCESS; } static uint8 TestTrackElementGeneralSupportHeight(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error) { uint16 height = 3 * 16; rct_map_element mapElement = {0}; mapElement.flags |= MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; mapElement.properties.track.type = trackType; mapElement.base_height = height / 16; g_currently_drawn_item = &mapElement; rct_map_element surfaceElement = {0}; surfaceElement.type = MAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_SURFACE; surfaceElement.base_height = 2; gSurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gDidPassSurface = true; gPaintSession.CurrentlyDrawnItem = &mapElement; gPaintSession.SurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gPaintSession.DidPassSurface = true; TestPaint::ResetEnvironment(); TestPaint::ResetTunnels(); // TODO: Test Chainlift // TODO: Test Maze // TODO: Allow skip std::string state = String::Format("[trackSequence:%d chainLift:%d]", trackSequence, 0); SupportCall tileGeneralSupportCalls[4]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { TestPaint::ResetSupportHeights(); CallOriginal(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height, &mapElement); tileGeneralSupportCalls[direction].height = -1; tileGeneralSupportCalls[direction].slope = -1; if (gSupport.height != 0) { tileGeneralSupportCalls[direction].height = gSupport.height; } if (gSupport.slope != 0xFF) { tileGeneralSupportCalls[direction].slope = gSupport.slope; } } SupportCall referenceCall = tileGeneralSupportCalls[0]; if (!GeneralSupportHeightCall::CallsMatch(tileGeneralSupportCalls)) { bool success = GeneralSupportHeightCall::FindMostCommonSupportCall(tileGeneralSupportCalls, &referenceCall); if (!success) { *error += String::Format("Original support calls didn't match. %s\n", state.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { *error += String::Format("[%d, 0x%02X] ", tileGeneralSupportCalls[i].height, tileGeneralSupportCalls[i].slope); } *error += "\n"; return TEST_FAILED; } } for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { TestPaint::ResetSupportHeights(); testpaint_clear_ignore(); CallNew(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height, &mapElement); if (testpaint_is_ignored(direction, trackSequence)) { continue; } if (referenceCall.height != -1) { if (gPaintSession.Support.height != referenceCall.height) { *error += String::Format( "General support heights didn't match. (expected height + %d, actual: height + %d) [direction:%d] %s\n", referenceCall.height - height, gPaintSession.Support.height - height, direction, state.c_str() ); return TEST_FAILED; } } if (referenceCall.slope != -1) { if (gPaintSession.Support.slope != referenceCall.slope) { *error += String::Format( "General support slopes didn't match. (expected 0x%02X, actual: 0x%02X) [direction:%d] %s\n", referenceCall.slope, gPaintSession.Support.slope, direction, state.c_str() ); return TEST_FAILED; } } } return TEST_SUCCESS; } static uint8 TestTrackElementSideTunnels(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error) { uint16 height = 3 * 16; rct_map_element mapElement = {0}; mapElement.flags |= MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; mapElement.properties.track.type = trackType; mapElement.base_height = height / 16; g_currently_drawn_item = &mapElement; rct_map_element surfaceElement = {0}; surfaceElement.type = MAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_SURFACE; surfaceElement.base_height = 2; gSurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gDidPassSurface = true; gPaintSession.CurrentlyDrawnItem = &mapElement; gPaintSession.SurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gPaintSession.DidPassSurface = true; TestPaint::ResetEnvironment(); TestPaint::ResetTunnels(); TunnelCall tileTunnelCalls[4][4]; // TODO: test inverted tracks for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { TestPaint::ResetTunnels(); for (sint8 offset = -8; offset <= 8; offset += 8) { CallOriginal(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height + offset, &mapElement); } uint8 rightIndex = (direction + 1) % 4; uint8 leftIndex = direction; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { tileTunnelCalls[direction][i].call = TUNNELCALL_SKIPPED; } bool err = false; tileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex] = SideTunnelCall::ExtractTunnelCalls(gRightTunnels, gRightTunnelCount, height, &err); tileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex] = SideTunnelCall::ExtractTunnelCalls(gLeftTunnels, gLeftTunnelCount, height, &err); if (err) { *error += "Multiple tunnels on one side aren't supported.\n"; return TEST_FAILED; } } TunnelCall newTileTunnelCalls[4][4]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { TestPaint::ResetTunnels(); testpaint_clear_ignore(); for (sint8 offset = -8; offset <= 8; offset += 8) { // TODO: move tunnel pushing to interface so we don't have to check the output 3 times CallNew(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height + offset, &mapElement); } uint8 rightIndex = (direction + 1) % 4; uint8 leftIndex = direction; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { newTileTunnelCalls[direction][i].call = TUNNELCALL_SKIPPED; } bool err = false; newTileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex] = SideTunnelCall::ExtractTunnelCalls(gPaintSession.RightTunnels, gPaintSession.RightTunnelCount, height, &err); newTileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex] = SideTunnelCall::ExtractTunnelCalls(gPaintSession.LeftTunnels, gPaintSession.LeftTunnelCount, height, &err); if (err) { *error += "Multiple tunnels on one side aren't supported.\n"; return TEST_FAILED; } } if (!SideTunnelCall::TunnelCallsLineUp(tileTunnelCalls)) { // TODO: Check that new pattern uses the same tunnel group (round, big round, etc.) *error += String::Format( "Original tunnel calls don\'t line up. Skipping tunnel validation [trackSequence:%d].\n", trackSequence ); *error += Printer::PrintSideTunnelCalls(tileTunnelCalls); if (!SideTunnelCall::TunnelCallsLineUp(newTileTunnelCalls)) { *error += String::Format("Decompiled tunnel calls don\'t line up. [trackSequence:%d].\n", trackSequence); *error += Printer::PrintSideTunnelCalls(newTileTunnelCalls); return TEST_FAILED; } return TEST_SUCCESS; } TunnelCall referencePattern[4]; SideTunnelCall::GetTunnelCallReferencePattern(tileTunnelCalls, &referencePattern); TunnelCall actualPattern[4]; SideTunnelCall::GetTunnelCallReferencePattern(newTileTunnelCalls, &actualPattern); if (!SideTunnelCall::TunnelPatternsMatch(referencePattern, actualPattern)) { *error += String::Format("Tunnel calls don't match expected pattern. [trackSequence:%d]\n", trackSequence); *error += " Expected:\n"; *error += Printer::PrintSideTunnelCalls(tileTunnelCalls); *error += " Actual:\n"; *error += Printer::PrintSideTunnelCalls(newTileTunnelCalls); return TEST_FAILED; } return TEST_SUCCESS; } static uint8 TestTrackElementVerticalTunnels(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType, uint8 trackSequence, std::string *error) { uint16 height = 3 * 16; rct_map_element mapElement = {0}; mapElement.flags |= MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; mapElement.properties.track.type = trackType; mapElement.base_height = height / 16; g_currently_drawn_item = &mapElement; rct_map_element surfaceElement = {0}; surfaceElement.type = MAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_SURFACE; surfaceElement.base_height = 2; gSurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gDidPassSurface = true; gPaintSession.CurrentlyDrawnItem = &mapElement; gPaintSession.SurfaceElement = &surfaceElement; gPaintSession.DidPassSurface = true; TestPaint::ResetEnvironment(); TestPaint::ResetTunnels(); uint16 verticalTunnelHeights[4]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { uint8 tunnelHeights[3] = {0}; for (uint8 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { gVerticalTunnelHeight = 0; CallOriginal(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height - 8 + i * 8, &mapElement); tunnelHeights[i] = gVerticalTunnelHeight; } verticalTunnelHeights[direction] = VerticalTunnelCall::GetTunnelHeight(height, tunnelHeights); } if (!VerticalTunnelCall::HeightIsConsistent(verticalTunnelHeights)) { *error += String::Format( "Original vertical tunnel height is inconsistent, skipping test. [trackSequence:%d]\n", trackSequence ); return TEST_SUCCESS; } uint16 referenceHeight = verticalTunnelHeights[0]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { testpaint_clear_ignore(); testPaintVerticalTunnelHeight = 0; CallNew(rideType, trackType, direction, trackSequence, height, &mapElement); if (testpaint_is_ignored(direction, trackSequence)) { continue; } if (testPaintVerticalTunnelHeight != referenceHeight) { if (referenceHeight == 0) { *error += String::Format( "Expected no tunnel. Actual: %s [trackSequence:%d]\n", Printer::PrintHeightOffset(testPaintVerticalTunnelHeight, height).c_str(), trackSequence ); return TEST_FAILED; } *error += String::Format( "Expected vertical tunnel height to be `%s`, was `%s`. [trackSequence:%d direction:%d]\n", Printer::PrintHeightOffset(referenceHeight, height).c_str(), Printer::PrintHeightOffset(testPaintVerticalTunnelHeight, height).c_str(), trackSequence, direction ); return TEST_FAILED; } } return TEST_SUCCESS; }