/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014 Ted John * OpenRCT2, an open source clone of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. * * This file is part of OpenRCT2. * * OpenRCT2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "addresses.h" #include "park.h" #include "peep.h" #include "string_ids.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "sprites.h" #include "widget.h" #include "window.h" #define WW 200 #define WH 128 #define CHEATS_MONEY_INCREMENT 10000 enum { WINDOW_CHEATS_PAGE_MONEY, WINDOW_CHEATS_PAGE_GUESTS }; enum WINDOW_CHEATS_WIDGET_IDX { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TAB_1, WIDX_TAB_2, WIDX_HIGH_MONEY, WIDX_PARK_ENTRANCE_FEE, WIDX_HAPPY_GUESTS = 6 //Same as HIGH_MONEY as it is also the 6th widget but on a different page }; static rct_widget window_cheats_money_widgets[] = { { WWT_FRAME, 0, 0, WW - 1, 0, WH - 1, 0x0FFFFFFFF, 65535}, // panel / background { WWT_CAPTION, 0, 1, WW - 2, 1, 14, 3165, STR_WINDOW_TITLE_TIP}, // title bar { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 0, WW - 13, WW - 3, 2, 13, 0x338, STR_CLOSE_WINDOW_TIP}, // close x button { WWT_IMGBTN, 1, 0, WW - 1, 43, WH - 1, 0x0FFFFFFFF, 65535}, // tab content panel { WWT_TAB, 1, 3, 33, 17, 43, 0x2000144E, 2462}, // tab 1 { WWT_TAB, 1, 34, 64, 17, 43, 0x2000144E, 2462}, // tab 2 { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 1, 4, 74, 67, 83, STR_VERY_HIGH, STR_VERY_HIGH}, // high money { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 1, 4, 74, 107, 123, STR_FREE, STR_FREE}, //Park Entrance Fee Toggle { WIDGETS_END }, }; static rct_widget window_cheats_guests_widgets[] = { { WWT_FRAME, 0, 0, WW - 1, 0, WH - 1, 0x0FFFFFFFF, 65535 }, // panel / background { WWT_CAPTION, 0, 1, WW - 2, 1, 14, 3165, STR_WINDOW_TITLE_TIP }, // title bar { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 0, WW - 13, WW - 3, 2, 13, 0x338, STR_CLOSE_WINDOW_TIP }, // close x button { WWT_IMGBTN, 1, 0, WW - 1, 43, WH - 1, 0x0FFFFFFFF, 65535 }, // tab content panel { WWT_TAB, 1, 3, 33, 17, 43, 0x2000144E, 2462 }, // tab 1 { WWT_TAB, 1, 34, 64, 17, 43, 0x2000144E, 2462 }, // tab 2 { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 1, 4, 74, 77, 93, STR_EXTREME, STR_EXTREME}, // happy guests { WIDGETS_END }, }; static rct_widget *window_cheats_page_widgets[] = { window_cheats_money_widgets, window_cheats_guests_widgets }; static void window_cheats_emptysub() { } static void window_cheats_money_mouseup(); static void window_cheats_guests_mouseup(); static void window_cheats_update(rct_window *w); static void window_cheats_invalidate(); static void window_cheats_paint(); static void window_cheats_set_page(rct_window *w, int page); static void* window_cheats_money_events[] = { window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_money_mouseup, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_update, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_invalidate, window_cheats_paint, window_cheats_emptysub }; static void* window_cheats_guests_events[] = { window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_guests_mouseup, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_update, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_emptysub, window_cheats_invalidate, window_cheats_paint, window_cheats_emptysub }; static void* window_cheats_page_events[] = { window_cheats_money_events, window_cheats_guests_events, }; static uint32 window_cheats_page_enabled_widgets[] = { (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_HIGH_MONEY) | (1 << WIDX_PARK_ENTRANCE_FEE), (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_HAPPY_GUESTS) }; static void window_cheats_draw_tab_images(rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, rct_window *w); void window_cheats_open() { rct_window* window; // Check if window is already open window = window_bring_to_front_by_id(WC_CHEATS, 0); if (window != NULL) return; window = window_create(32, 32, WW, WH, (uint32*)window_cheats_money_events, WC_CHEATS, 0); window->widgets = window_cheats_money_widgets; window->enabled_widgets = window_cheats_page_enabled_widgets[0]; window_init_scroll_widgets(window); window->page = WINDOW_CHEATS_PAGE_MONEY; window->colours[0] = 1; window->colours[1] = 19; window->colours[2] = 19; } static void window_cheats_money_mouseup() { int i; short widgetIndex; rct_window *w; #ifdef _MSC_VER __asm mov widgetIndex, dx #else __asm__ ( "mov %[widgetIndex], dx " : [widgetIndex] "+m" (widgetIndex) ); #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER __asm mov w, esi #else __asm__ ( "mov %[w], esi " : [w] "+m" (w) ); #endif switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: window_close(w); break; case WIDX_TAB_1: case WIDX_TAB_2: window_cheats_set_page(w, widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1); break; case WIDX_HIGH_MONEY: i = DECRYPT_MONEY(RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_CURRENT_MONEY_ENCRYPTED, sint32)); if (i < INT_MAX - CHEATS_MONEY_INCREMENT) { i += CHEATS_MONEY_INCREMENT; } else { i = INT_MAX; } RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_CURRENT_MONEY_ENCRYPTED, sint32) = ENCRYPT_MONEY(i); window_invalidate_by_id(0x40 | WC_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR, 0); break; case WIDX_PARK_ENTRANCE_FEE: RCT2_GLOBAL(0x13573E5, uint32) ^= 0x020; if (!(RCT2_GLOBAL(0x13573E5, uint32) & 0x020) ) w->widgets[widgetIndex].image = 2010; else w->widgets[widgetIndex].image = STR_FREE; window_invalidate_by_id(0x40 | WC_PARK_INFORMATION, 0); break; } } static void window_cheats_guests_mouseup() { short widgetIndex; rct_window *w; #ifdef _MSC_VER __asm mov widgetIndex, dx #else __asm__ ( "mov %[widgetIndex], dx " : [widgetIndex] "+m" (widgetIndex) ); #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER __asm mov w, esi #else __asm__ ( "mov %[w], esi " : [w] "+m" (w) ); #endif rct_peep* peep; uint16 spriteIndex; switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: window_close(w); break; case WIDX_TAB_1: case WIDX_TAB_2: window_cheats_set_page(w, widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1); break; case WIDX_HAPPY_GUESTS: FOR_ALL_GUESTS(spriteIndex, peep) if (peep->var_2A == 0) peep->happiness = 255; window_invalidate_by_id(0x40 | WC_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR, 0); break; } } static void window_cheats_update(rct_window *w) { rct_window *w2; #ifdef _MSC_VER __asm mov w2, esi #else __asm__ ( "mov %[w2], esi " : [w2] "+m" (w2) ); #endif w->var_48E++; widget_invalidate(w->classification, w->number, WIDX_TAB_1+w->page); } static void window_cheats_invalidate() { int i; rct_window *w; #ifdef _MSC_VER __asm mov w, esi #else __asm__ ( "mov %[w], esi " : [w] "+m" (w) ); #endif strcpy((char*)0x009BC677, "Cheats"); rct_widget *widgets = window_cheats_page_widgets[w->page]; if (w->widgets != widgets) { w->widgets = widgets; window_init_scroll_widgets(w); } // Set correct active tab for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) w->pressed_widgets &= ~(1 << (WIDX_TAB_1 + i)); w->pressed_widgets |= 1LL << (WIDX_TAB_1 + w->page); } static void window_cheats_paint() { rct_window *w; rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi; #ifdef _MSC_VER __asm mov w, esi #else __asm__ ( "mov %[w], esi " : [w] "+m" (w) ); #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER __asm mov dpi, edi #else __asm__ ( "mov %[dpi], edi " : [dpi] "+m" (dpi) ); #endif window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); window_cheats_draw_tab_images(dpi, w); if (w->page == WINDOW_CHEATS_PAGE_MONEY){ char buffer[256]; // Format text sprintf(buffer, "%c%c%s", FORMAT_MEDIUMFONT, FORMAT_BLACK, "Increases your money by 1,000."); // Draw shadow gfx_draw_string(dpi, buffer, 0, w->x + 4, w->y + 50); sprintf(buffer, "%c%c%s", FORMAT_MEDIUMFONT, FORMAT_BLACK, "Toggle between Free and Paid Entry"); // Draw shadow gfx_draw_string(dpi, buffer, 0, w->x + 4, w->y + 90); } else if (w->page == WINDOW_CHEATS_PAGE_GUESTS){ char buffer[256]; // Format text sprintf(buffer, "%c%c%s%c%s", FORMAT_MEDIUMFONT, FORMAT_BLACK, "Increases every peeps happiness ", FORMAT_NEWLINE, "to max."); // Draw shadow gfx_draw_string(dpi, buffer, 0, w->x + 4, w->y + 50); } } static void window_cheats_draw_tab_images(rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, rct_window *w) { int sprite_idx; // Money tab if (!(w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_TAB_1))) { sprite_idx = 5261; if (w->page == WINDOW_CHEATS_PAGE_MONEY) sprite_idx += (w->var_48E / 2) % 8; gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, sprite_idx, w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].left, w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].top); } // Guests tab if (!(w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_TAB_2))) { sprite_idx = 5568; if (w->page == WINDOW_CHEATS_PAGE_GUESTS) sprite_idx += (w->var_48E / 3) % 8; gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, sprite_idx, w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_2].left, w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_2].top); } } static void window_cheats_set_page(rct_window *w, int page) { w->page = page; w->enabled_widgets = window_cheats_page_enabled_widgets[page]; w->event_handlers = window_cheats_page_events[page]; w->widgets = window_cheats_page_widgets[page]; window_invalidate(w); }