/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include "Addresses.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class StationObject; #define gRideEntries RCT2_ADDRESS(0x009ACFA4, rct_ride_entry*) #define gTileElementTilePointers RCT2_ADDRESS(0x013CE9A4, TileElement*) rct_sprite* sprite_list = RCT2_ADDRESS(0x010E63BC, rct_sprite); Ride gRideList[MAX_RIDES]; int16_t gMapSizeUnits; int16_t gMapBaseZ; bool gTrackDesignSaveMode = false; uint8_t gTrackDesignSaveRideIndex = RIDE_ID_NULL; uint8_t gClipHeight = 255; TileCoordsXY gClipSelectionA = { 0, 0 }; TileCoordsXY gClipSelectionB = { MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL - 1, MAXIMUM_MAP_SIZE_TECHNICAL - 1 }; uint32_t gScenarioTicks; uint8_t gCurrentRotation; // clang-format off constexpr const std::array CoordsDirectionDelta = { CoordsXY{ -COORDS_XY_STEP, 0 }, CoordsXY{ 0, +COORDS_XY_STEP }, CoordsXY{ +COORDS_XY_STEP, 0 }, CoordsXY{ 0, -COORDS_XY_STEP }, CoordsXY{ -COORDS_XY_STEP, +COORDS_XY_STEP }, CoordsXY{ +COORDS_XY_STEP, +COORDS_XY_STEP }, CoordsXY{ +COORDS_XY_STEP, -COORDS_XY_STEP }, CoordsXY{ -COORDS_XY_STEP, -COORDS_XY_STEP }, }; const TileCoordsXY TileDirectionDelta[] = { { -1, 0 }, { 0, +1 }, { +1, 0 }, { 0, -1 }, { -1, +1 }, { +1, +1 }, { +1, -1 }, { -1, -1 }, }; // clang-format on TileCoordsXYZD ride_get_entrance_location(const Ride* ride, const int32_t stationIndex); TileCoordsXYZD ride_get_exit_location(const Ride* ride, const int32_t stationIndex); uint8_t get_current_rotation() { return gCurrentRotation & 3; } const uint32_t construction_markers[] = { COLOUR_DARK_GREEN << 19 | COLOUR_GREY << 24 | IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP, // White 2 << 19 | 0b110000 << 19 | IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, // Translucent }; int object_entry_group_counts[] = { 128, // rides 252, // small scenery 128, // large scenery 128, // walls 32, // banners 16, // paths 15, // path bits 19, // scenery sets 1, // park entrance 1, // water 1 // scenario text }; GeneralConfiguration gConfigGeneral; uint16_t gMapSelectFlags; uint16_t gMapSelectType; CoordsXY gMapSelectPositionA; CoordsXY gMapSelectPositionB; CoordsXYZ gMapSelectArrowPosition; uint8_t gMapSelectArrowDirection; void entrance_paint(paint_session* session, uint8_t direction, int height, const TileElement* tile_element) { } void banner_paint(paint_session* session, uint8_t direction, int height, const TileElement* tile_element) { } void surface_paint(paint_session* session, uint8_t direction, uint16_t height, const TileElement* tileElement) { } void path_paint(paint_session* session, uint16_t height, const TileElement* tileElement) { } void scenery_paint(paint_session* session, uint8_t direction, int height, const TileElement* tileElement) { } void fence_paint(paint_session* session, uint8_t direction, int height, const TileElement* tileElement) { } void large_scenery_paint(paint_session* session, uint8_t direction, uint16_t height, const TileElement* tileElement) { } Ride* get_ride(ride_id_t index) { if (index >= RCT12_MAX_RIDES_IN_PARK) { log_error("invalid index %d for ride", index); return nullptr; } return &gRideList[index]; } rct_ride_entry* get_ride_entry(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= object_entry_group_counts[OBJECT_TYPE_RIDE]) { log_error("invalid index %d for ride type", index); return nullptr; } return gRideEntries[index]; } rct_ride_entry* Ride::GetRideEntry() const { rct_ride_entry* rideEntry = get_ride_entry(subtype); if (rideEntry == nullptr) { log_error("Invalid ride subtype for ride"); } return rideEntry; } rct_sprite* get_sprite(size_t sprite_idx) { assert(sprite_idx < MAX_SPRITES); return &sprite_list[sprite_idx]; } bool TileElementBase::IsLastForTile() const { return (this->flags & TILE_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE) != 0; } void TileElementBase::SetLastForTile(bool on) { if (on) flags |= TILE_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; else flags &= ~TILE_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; } uint8_t TileElementBase::GetType() const { return this->type & TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_MASK; } bool TileElementBase::IsGhost() const { return (this->flags & TILE_ELEMENT_FLAG_GHOST) != 0; } bool TrackElement::BlockBrakeClosed() const { return (flags & TILE_ELEMENT_FLAG_BLOCK_BRAKE_CLOSED) != 0; } TileElement* map_get_first_element_at(const CoordsXY& elementPos) { if (elementPos.x < 0 || elementPos.y < 0 || elementPos.x > 255 || elementPos.y > 255) { log_error("Trying to access element outside of range"); return nullptr; } auto tileElementPos = TileCoordsXY{ elementPos }; return gTileElementTilePointers[tileElementPos.x + tileElementPos.y * 256]; } bool ride_type_has_flag(int rideType, uint32_t flag) { return (RideProperties[rideType].flags & flag) != 0; } int16_t get_height_marker_offset() { return 0; } bool is_csg_loaded() { return false; } uint8_t TrackElement::GetSeatRotation() const { return ColourScheme >> 4; } void TrackElement::SetSeatRotation(uint8_t newSeatRotation) { ColourScheme &= ~TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_SEAT_ROTATION_MASK; ColourScheme |= (newSeatRotation << 4); } bool TrackElement::IsTakingPhoto() const { return OnridePhotoBits != 0; } void TrackElement::SetPhotoTimeout() { OnridePhotoBits = 3; } void TrackElement::SetPhotoTimeout(uint8_t value) { OnridePhotoBits = value; } uint8_t TrackElement::GetPhotoTimeout() const { return OnridePhotoBits; } void TrackElement::DecrementPhotoTimeout() { OnridePhotoBits = std::max(0, OnridePhotoBits - 1); } uint16_t TrackElement::GetMazeEntry() const { return MazeEntry; } void TrackElement::SetMazeEntry(uint16_t newMazeEntry) { MazeEntry = newMazeEntry; } void TrackElement::MazeEntryAdd(uint16_t addVal) { MazeEntry |= addVal; } void TrackElement::MazeEntrySubtract(uint16_t subVal) { MazeEntry &= ~subVal; } track_type_t TrackElement::GetTrackType() const { return TrackType; } void TrackElement::SetTrackType(track_type_t newType) { TrackType = newType; } uint8_t TrackElement::GetSequenceIndex() const { return Sequence; } void TrackElement::SetSequenceIndex(uint8_t newSequenceIndex) { Sequence = newSequenceIndex; } uint8_t TrackElement::GetStationIndex() const { return StationIndex; } void TrackElement::SetStationIndex(uint8_t newStationIndex) { StationIndex = newStationIndex; } uint8_t TrackElement::GetDoorAState() const { return (ColourScheme & TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_DOOR_A_MASK) >> 2; } uint8_t TrackElement::GetDoorBState() const { return (ColourScheme & TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_DOOR_B_MASK) >> 5; } ride_id_t TrackElement::GetRideIndex() const { return RideIndex; } void TrackElement::SetRideIndex(ride_id_t newRideIndex) { RideIndex = newRideIndex; } uint8_t TrackElement::GetColourScheme() const { return ColourScheme & TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_SCHEME_MASK; } void TrackElement::SetColourScheme(uint8_t newColourScheme) { ColourScheme &= ~TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_SCHEME_MASK; ColourScheme |= (newColourScheme & TRACK_ELEMENT_COLOUR_SCHEME_MASK); } bool TrackElement::HasCableLift() const { return Flags2 & TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_CABLE_LIFT; } void TrackElement::SetHasCableLift(bool on) { Flags2 &= ~TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_CABLE_LIFT; if (on) Flags2 |= TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_CABLE_LIFT; } bool TrackElement::IsInverted() const { return Flags2 & TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_INVERTED; } void TrackElement::SetInverted(bool inverted) { if (inverted) { Flags2 |= TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_INVERTED; } else { Flags2 &= ~TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_INVERTED; } } uint8_t TrackElement::GetBrakeBoosterSpeed() const { return BrakeBoosterSpeed << 1; } void TrackElement::SetBrakeBoosterSpeed(uint8_t speed) { BrakeBoosterSpeed = (speed >> 1); } bool TrackElement::HasGreenLight() const { return (Flags2 & TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_HAS_GREEN_LIGHT) != 0; } void TrackElement::SetHasGreenLight(bool on) { Flags2 &= ~TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_HAS_GREEN_LIGHT; if (on) { Flags2 |= TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_HAS_GREEN_LIGHT; } } bool TrackElement::HasChain() const { return (Flags2 & TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_CHAIN_LIFT) != 0; } void TrackElement::SetHasChain(bool on) { if (on) { Flags2 |= TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_CHAIN_LIFT; } else { Flags2 &= ~TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_CHAIN_LIFT; } } TileCoordsXYZD ride_get_entrance_location(const Ride* ride, const int32_t stationIndex) { return ride->stations[stationIndex].Entrance; } TileCoordsXYZD ride_get_exit_location(const Ride* ride, const int32_t stationIndex) { return ride->stations[stationIndex].Exit; } void TileElementBase::SetType(uint8_t newType) { this->type &= ~TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_MASK; this->type |= (newType & TILE_ELEMENT_TYPE_MASK); } uint8_t TileElementBase::GetDirection() const { return this->type & TILE_ELEMENT_DIRECTION_MASK; } uint8_t TileElementBase::GetDirectionWithOffset(uint8_t offset) const { return ((this->type & TILE_ELEMENT_DIRECTION_MASK) + offset) & TILE_ELEMENT_DIRECTION_MASK; } uint8_t SurfaceElement::GetSlope() const { return Slope; } int32_t SurfaceElement::GetWaterHeight() const { return WaterHeight * 16; } bool TrackElement::IsHighlighted() const { return (Flags2 & TRACK_ELEMENT_FLAGS2_HIGHLIGHT); } uint8_t PathElement::GetEdges() const { return edges & 0xF; } StationObject* ride_get_station_object(const Ride* ride) { return nullptr; } bool Vehicle::IsGhost() const { auto r = get_ride(ride); return r != nullptr && r->status == RIDE_STATUS_SIMULATING; } uint8_t TileElementBase::GetOccupiedQuadrants() const { return flags & TILE_ELEMENT_OCCUPIED_QUADRANTS_MASK; } void TileElementBase::SetOccupiedQuadrants(uint8_t quadrants) { flags &= ~TILE_ELEMENT_OCCUPIED_QUADRANTS_MASK; flags |= (quadrants & TILE_ELEMENT_OCCUPIED_QUADRANTS_MASK); } int32_t TileElementBase::GetBaseZ() const { return base_height * 8; } void TileElementBase::SetBaseZ(int32_t newZ) { base_height = (newZ / 8); } int32_t TileElementBase::GetClearanceZ() const { return clearance_height * 8; } void TileElementBase::SetClearanceZ(int32_t newZ) { clearance_height = (newZ / 8); } int32_t RideStation::GetBaseZ() const { return Height * 8; } void RideStation::SetBaseZ(int32_t newZ) { Height = newZ / 8; } CoordsXYZ RideStation::GetStart() const { TileCoordsXYZ stationTileCoords{ Start.x, Start.y, Height }; return stationTileCoords.ToCoordsXYZ(); }