/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include "Printer.hpp" #include "FunctionCall.hpp" #include "String.hpp" #include #include namespace Printer { static const char* functionNames[] = { "sub_98196C", "sub_98197C", "sub_98198C", "sub_98199C", "metal_a_supports_paint_setup", "metal_b_supports_paint_setup", "wooden_a_supports_paint_setup", "wooden_b_supports_paint_setup", "paint_util_set_segment_support_height", }; static std::string GetImageIdString(uint32_t imageId); static std::string GetOffsetExpressionString(int offset); static std::string PrintSegmentSupportHeightCall(SegmentSupportCall call); static std::string PrintSideTunnelEdge(TunnelCall edge); std::string PrintFunctionCalls(std::vector calls, uint16_t baseHeight) { std::string out; for (auto&& call : calls) { out += PrintFunctionCall(call, baseHeight).c_str(); out += "\n"; } return out; } std::string PrintFunctionCall(function_call call, uint16_t baseHeight) { std::string imageId = GetImageIdString(call.supports.colour_flags); assert(call.function < Util::CountOf(functionNames)); const char* functionName = functionNames[call.function]; std::string out = ""; switch (call.function) { case SUPPORTS_WOOD_A: case SUPPORTS_WOOD_B: out += String::Format( "%s(%d, %d, %s, %s)", functionName, call.supports.type, call.supports.special, PrintHeightOffset(call.supports.height, baseHeight).c_str(), imageId.c_str()); if (call.supports.special == 14 || call.supports.special == 15 || call.supports.special == 18 || call.supports.special == 19 || call.supports.special == 22 || call.supports.special == 23) { if (call.supports.prepend_to == SPR_NONE) { out += " [prependTo:SPR_NONE]"; } else { std::string prependId = GetImageIdString(call.supports.prepend_to); out += String::Format(" [prependTo:%s]", prependId.c_str()); } } else if (call.supports.prepend_to != SPR_NONE) { std::string prependId = GetImageIdString(call.supports.prepend_to); out += String::Format(" [prependTo:%s]", prependId.c_str()); } return out; case SUPPORTS_METAL_A: case SUPPORTS_METAL_B: return String::Format( "%s(%d, %d, %d, %s, %s)", functionName, call.supports.type, call.supports.segment, call.supports.special, PrintHeightOffset(call.supports.height, baseHeight).c_str(), imageId.c_str()); case SET_SEGMENT_HEIGHT: return "paint_util_set_segment_support_height"; } std::string s = String::Format("%s(", functionName); imageId = GetImageIdString(call.paint.image_id); s += String::Format("%s, ", imageId.c_str()); s += String::Format("%d, %d, ", call.paint.offset.x, call.paint.offset.y); s += String::Format( "%d, %d, %d, ", call.paint.bound_box_length.x, call.paint.bound_box_length.y, call.paint.bound_box_length.z); s += String::Format("%s, ", PrintHeightOffset(call.paint.z_offset, baseHeight).c_str()); if (call.function != PAINT_98196C) { s += String::Format( "%d, %d, %s, ", call.paint.bound_box_offset.x, call.paint.bound_box_offset.y, PrintHeightOffset(call.paint.bound_box_offset.z, baseHeight).c_str()); } s += String::Format("%d)", call.paint.rotation); if (call.function != PAINT_98196C) { s += String::Format( " = { %d, %d, %s }, { %d, %d, %s }, { %d, %d, %d }", call.paint.offset.x, call.paint.offset.y, PrintHeightOffset(call.paint.z_offset, baseHeight).c_str(), call.paint.bound_box_offset.x, call.paint.bound_box_offset.y, PrintHeightOffset(call.paint.bound_box_offset.z, baseHeight).c_str(), call.paint.bound_box_length.x, call.paint.bound_box_length.y, call.paint.bound_box_length.z); } return s; } std::string PrintSegmentSupportHeightCalls(std::vector calls) { std::string out = ""; for (auto&& call : calls) { out += PrintSegmentSupportHeightCall(call); } return out; } static std::string PrintSegmentSupportHeightCall(SegmentSupportCall call) { std::string out = ""; if (call.segments == SEGMENTS_ALL) { out += "SEGMENTS_ALL"; } else { int segmentsPrinted = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (call.segments & segment_offsets[i]) { if (segmentsPrinted > 0) { out += " | "; } out += String::Format("SEGMENT_%02X", 0xB4 + 4 * i); segmentsPrinted++; } } } if (call.height == 0xFFFF) { out += ", 0xFFFF"; } else { out += String::Format(", %d", call.height); } out += String::Format(", 0x%02X\n", call.slope); return out; } std::string PrintSideTunnelCalls(TunnelCall tunnelCalls[4][4]) { std::string s; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { s += " + "; } s += "\n"; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { std::string leftEdge = PrintSideTunnelEdge(tunnelCalls[direction][3]); std::string rightEdge = PrintSideTunnelEdge(tunnelCalls[direction][2]); s += String::Format(" %s %s ", leftEdge.c_str(), rightEdge.c_str()); } s += "\n"; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { s += " + + "; } s += "\n"; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { std::string leftEdge = PrintSideTunnelEdge(tunnelCalls[direction][0]); std::string rightEdge = PrintSideTunnelEdge(tunnelCalls[direction][1]); s += String::Format(" %s %s ", leftEdge.c_str(), rightEdge.c_str()); } s += "\n"; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { s += " + "; } s += "\n"; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { s += String::Format(" direction %d ", direction); } s += "\n"; return s; } static std::string PrintSideTunnelEdge(TunnelCall edge) { std::string s; switch (edge.call) { case TUNNELCALL_SKIPPED: s = " "; break; case TUNNELCALL_NONE: s = " - "; break; case TUNNELCALL_CALL: std::string offset; if (edge.offset <= 0) { offset = String::Format("%d", edge.offset); } else { offset = String::Format("+%d", edge.offset); } s = String::Format("%3s/%X", offset.c_str(), edge.type); break; } return s; } static std::string GetImageIdString(uint32_t imageId) { std::string result; uint32_t image = imageId & 0x7FFFF; uint32_t palette = imageId & ~0x7FFFF; std::string paletteName; if (palette == TestPaint::DEFAULT_SCHEME_TRACK) paletteName = "SCHEME_TRACK"; else if (palette == TestPaint::DEFAULT_SCHEME_SUPPORTS) paletteName = "SCHEME_SUPPORTS"; else if (palette == TestPaint::DEFAULT_SCHEME_MISC) paletteName = "SCHEME_MISC"; else if (palette == TestPaint::DEFAULT_SCHEME_3) paletteName = "SCHEME_3"; else { paletteName = String::Format("0x%08X", palette); } if (image == 0) { result = paletteName; } else if (image & 0x70000) { result = String::Format("%s | vehicle.base_image_id + %d", paletteName.c_str(), image & ~0x70000); } else { result = String::Format("%s | %d", paletteName.c_str(), image); } return result; } std::string PrintHeightOffset(uint16_t height, uint16_t baseHeight) { int offset = height - baseHeight; return String::Format("height%s", GetOffsetExpressionString(offset).c_str()); } static std::string GetOffsetExpressionString(int offset) { if (offset < 0) return std::string(" - ") + std::to_string(-offset); if (offset > 0) return std::string(" + ") + std::to_string(offset); return std::string(); } }; // namespace Printer