/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows { static constexpr int32_t WW = 250; static constexpr int32_t WH = 90; enum WindowTextInputWidgetIdx { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_CANCEL, WIDX_OKAY }; static Widget _textInputWidgets[] = { WINDOW_SHIM(STR_NONE, WW, WH), MakeWidget({ 170, 68 }, { 71, 14 }, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_CANCEL), MakeWidget({ 10, 68 }, { 71, 14 }, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_OK), kWidgetsEnd, }; class TextInputWindow final : public Window { private: WidgetIdentifier _parentWidget{}; std::string _title; StringId _titleStringId = STR_NONE; std::string _description; StringId _descriptionStringId = STR_NONE; Formatter _descriptionArgs; std::function _callback; std::function _cancelCallback; int32_t _cursorBlink{}; size_t _maxInputLength{}; u8string _buffer; public: void OnOpen() override { widgets = _textInputWidgets; WindowInitScrollWidgets(*this); SetParentWindow(nullptr, 0); } void SetParentWindow(WindowBase* parentWindow, WidgetIndex widgetIndex) { // Save calling window details so that the information can be passed back to the correct window & widget if (parentWindow == nullptr) { _parentWidget.window.classification = WindowClass::Null; _parentWidget.window.number = 0; _parentWidget.widget_index = 0; colours[0] = COLOUR_GREY; colours[1] = COLOUR_GREY; colours[2] = COLOUR_GREY; } else { _parentWidget.window.classification = parentWindow->classification; _parentWidget.window.number = parentWindow->number; _parentWidget.widget_index = widgetIndex; colours[0] = parentWindow->colours[1]; colours[1] = parentWindow->colours[1]; colours[2] = parentWindow->colours[1]; } } void SetTitle(StringId title, StringId description, const Formatter& decriptionArgs) { _titleStringId = title; _descriptionStringId = description; _descriptionArgs = decriptionArgs; } void SetTitle(std::string_view title, std::string_view description) { _titleStringId = STR_NONE; _title = title; _descriptionStringId = STR_NONE; _description = description; } void SetText(std::string_view text, size_t maxLength) { text = String::UTF8TruncateCodePoints(text, maxLength); _buffer = u8string{ text }; _maxInputLength = maxLength; SetTexboxSession(ContextStartTextInput(_buffer, maxLength)); } void SetCallback(std::function callback, std::function cancelCallback) { _callback = callback; _cancelCallback = cancelCallback; } void OnClose() override { // Make sure that we take it out of the text input // mode otherwise problems may occur. ContextStopTextInput(); } void OnUpdate() override { if (HasParentWindow()) { // If the calling window is closed then close the text input window auto parentWindow = GetParentWindow(); if (parentWindow == nullptr) { WindowClose(*this); return; } } // Used to blink the cursor. _cursorBlink++; if (_cursorBlink > 30) _cursorBlink = 0; Invalidate(); } void OnMouseUp(WidgetIndex widgetIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CANCEL: case WIDX_CLOSE: ContextStopTextInput(); ExecuteCallback(false); WindowClose(*this); break; case WIDX_OKAY: ContextStopTextInput(); ExecuteCallback(true); WindowClose(*this); } } void OnPrepareDraw() override { // Change window size if required. int32_t newHeight = CalculateWindowHeight(_buffer.data()); if (newHeight != height) { WindowSetResize(*this, WW, newHeight, WW, newHeight); } widgets[WIDX_OKAY].top = newHeight - 22; widgets[WIDX_OKAY].bottom = newHeight - 9; widgets[WIDX_CANCEL].top = newHeight - 22; widgets[WIDX_CANCEL].bottom = newHeight - 9; widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = newHeight - 1; // Set window title argument if (_titleStringId == STR_NONE) { auto ft = Formatter::Common(); ft.Add(_title.c_str()); widgets[WIDX_TITLE].text = STR_STRING; } else { widgets[WIDX_TITLE].text = _titleStringId; } } void OnDraw(DrawPixelInfo& dpi) override { DrawWidgets(dpi); ScreenCoordsXY screenCoords; screenCoords.y = windowPos.y + 25; int32_t no_lines = 0; if (_descriptionStringId == STR_NONE) { auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(_description.c_str()); DrawTextWrapped( dpi, { windowPos.x + WW / 2, screenCoords.y }, WW, STR_STRING, ft, { colours[1], TextAlignment::CENTRE }); } else { DrawTextWrapped( dpi, { windowPos.x + WW / 2, screenCoords.y }, WW, _descriptionStringId, _descriptionArgs, { colours[1], TextAlignment::CENTRE }); } screenCoords.y += 25; // String length needs to add 12 either side of box // +13 for cursor when max length. u8string wrappedString; GfxWrapString( u8string_view{ _buffer.data(), _buffer.size() }, WW - (24 + 13), FontStyle::Medium, &wrappedString, &no_lines); GfxFillRectInset( dpi, { { windowPos.x + 10, screenCoords.y }, { windowPos.x + WW - 10, screenCoords.y + 10 * (no_lines + 1) + 3 } }, colours[1], INSET_RECT_F_60); screenCoords.y += 1; const utf8* wrapPointer = wrappedString.data(); size_t char_count = 0; uint8_t cur_drawn = 0; auto* textInput = GetTextboxSession(); int32_t cursorX = 0; int32_t cursorY = 0; for (int32_t line = 0; line <= no_lines; line++) { screenCoords.x = windowPos.x + 12; DrawText(dpi, screenCoords, { colours[1], FontStyle::Medium, TextAlignment::LEFT }, wrapPointer, true); size_t string_length = GetStringSize(wrapPointer) - 1; if (!cur_drawn && (textInput->SelectionStart <= char_count + string_length)) { // Make a view of the string for measuring the width. cursorX = windowPos.x + 13 + GfxGetStringWidthNoFormatting( u8string_view{ wrapPointer, textInput->SelectionStart - char_count }, FontStyle::Medium); cursorY = screenCoords.y; int32_t textWidth = 6; if (textInput->SelectionStart < strlen(_buffer.data())) { // Make a 1 utf8-character wide string for measuring the width // of the currently selected character. utf8 tmp[5] = {}; // This is easier than setting temp_string[0..5] uint32_t codepoint = UTF8GetNext(_buffer.data() + textInput->SelectionStart, nullptr); UTF8WriteCodepoint(tmp, codepoint); textWidth = std::max(GfxGetStringWidthNoFormatting(tmp, FontStyle::Medium) - 2, 4); } if (_cursorBlink > 15) { uint8_t colour = ColourMapA[colours[1]].mid_light; // TODO: palette index addition GfxFillRect( dpi, { { cursorX, screenCoords.y + 9 }, { cursorX + textWidth, screenCoords.y + 9 } }, colour + 5); } cur_drawn++; } wrapPointer += string_length + 1; if (_buffer[char_count + string_length] == ' ') char_count++; char_count += string_length; screenCoords.y += 10; } if (!cur_drawn) { cursorX = dpi.lastStringPos.x; cursorY = screenCoords.y - 10; } // IME composition if (!String::IsNullOrEmpty(textInput->ImeBuffer)) { IMEComposition(cursorX, cursorY); } } void OnReturnPressed() { ContextStopTextInput(); ExecuteCallback(true); WindowClose(*this); } static int32_t CalculateWindowHeight(std::string_view text) { // String length needs to add 12 either side of box +13 for cursor when max length. int32_t numLines{}; GfxWrapString(text, WW - (24 + 13), FontStyle::Medium, nullptr, &numLines); return numLines * 10 + WH; } void OnResize() override { ResizeFrame(); } private: static void IMEComposition(int32_t cursorX, int32_t cursorY) { SDL_Rect rect = { cursorX, cursorY, 100, 100 }; SDL_SetTextInputRect(&rect); } void ExecuteCallback(bool hasValue) { if (HasParentWindow()) { if (hasValue) { auto w = GetParentWindow(); if (w != nullptr) { w->OnTextInput(_parentWidget.widget_index, _buffer); } } } else { if (hasValue) { if (_callback) { _callback(_buffer.data()); } } else { if (_cancelCallback) { _cancelCallback(); } } } } bool HasParentWindow() const { return _parentWidget.window.classification != WindowClass::Null; } WindowBase* GetParentWindow() const { return HasParentWindow() ? WindowFindByNumber(_parentWidget.window.classification, _parentWidget.window.number) : nullptr; } }; void WindowTextInputRawOpen( WindowBase* call_w, WidgetIndex call_widget, StringId title, StringId description, const Formatter& descriptionArgs, const_utf8string existing_text, int32_t maxLength) { WindowCloseByClass(WindowClass::Textinput); auto height = TextInputWindow::CalculateWindowHeight(existing_text); auto w = WindowCreate(WindowClass::Textinput, WW, height, WF_CENTRE_SCREEN | WF_STICK_TO_FRONT); if (w != nullptr) { w->SetParentWindow(call_w, call_widget); w->SetTitle(title, description, descriptionArgs); w->SetText(existing_text, maxLength); } } void WindowTextInputOpen( std::string_view title, std::string_view description, std::string_view initialValue, size_t maxLength, std::function callback, std::function cancelCallback) { auto height = TextInputWindow::CalculateWindowHeight(initialValue); auto w = WindowCreate(WindowClass::Textinput, WW, height, WF_CENTRE_SCREEN | WF_STICK_TO_FRONT); if (w != nullptr) { w->SetTitle(title, description); w->SetText(initialValue, maxLength); w->SetCallback(callback, cancelCallback); } } void WindowTextInputOpen( WindowBase* call_w, WidgetIndex call_widget, StringId title, StringId description, const Formatter& descriptionArgs, StringId existing_text, uintptr_t existing_args, int32_t maxLength) { auto existingText = FormatStringIDLegacy(existing_text, &existing_args); WindowTextInputRawOpen(call_w, call_widget, title, description, descriptionArgs, existingText.c_str(), maxLength); } void WindowTextInputKey(WindowBase* w, uint32_t keycode) { const auto wndNumber = w->number; const auto wndClass = w->classification; // If the return button is pressed stop text input if (keycode == SDLK_RETURN || keycode == SDLK_KP_ENTER) { if (w->classification == WindowClass::Textinput) { auto textInputWindow = static_cast(w); textInputWindow->OnReturnPressed(); } } // The window can be potentially closed within a callback, we need to check if its still alive. w = WindowFindByNumber(wndClass, wndNumber); if (w != nullptr) w->Invalidate(); } } // namespace OpenRCT2::Ui::Windows