#pragma region Copyright (c) 2014-2016 OpenRCT2 Developers /***************************************************************************** * OpenRCT2, an open source clone of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. * * OpenRCT2 is the work of many authors, a full list can be found in contributors.md * For more information, visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A full copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in licence.txt *****************************************************************************/ #pragma endregion #ifndef _PLATFORM_H_ #define _PLATFORM_H_ #include "../common.h" #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #ifndef HAVE_MATH_H #define HAVE_MATH_H #endif #endif // __WINDOWS__ #include #include "../core/textinputbuffer.h" #include "../drawing/font.h" #ifndef MAX_PATH #define MAX_PATH 260 #endif #ifdef __MACOSX__ #define KEYBOARD_PRIMARY_MODIFIER KMOD_GUI #else #define KEYBOARD_PRIMARY_MODIFIER KMOD_CTRL #endif #define INVALID_HANDLE -1 #define TOUCH_DOUBLE_TIMEOUT 300 #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #define PATH_SEPARATOR "\\" #define PLATFORM_NEWLINE "\r\n" #else #define PATH_SEPARATOR "/" #define PLATFORM_NEWLINE "\n" #endif typedef struct resolution { int width, height; } resolution; typedef struct file_info { const char *path; uint64 size; uint64 last_modified; } file_info; typedef struct rct2_date { sint16 day; sint16 month; sint16 year; sint16 day_of_week; } rct2_date; typedef struct rct2_time { sint16 hour; sint16 minute; sint16 second; } rct2_time; typedef struct openrct2_cursor { int x, y; unsigned char left, middle, right, any; int wheel; int old; bool touch, touchIsDouble; unsigned int touchDownTimestamp; } openrct2_cursor; enum { CURSOR_UP = 0, CURSOR_DOWN = 1, CURSOR_CHANGED = 2, CURSOR_RELEASED = CURSOR_UP | CURSOR_CHANGED, CURSOR_PRESSED = CURSOR_DOWN | CURSOR_CHANGED, }; typedef enum {FD_OPEN, FD_SAVE} filedialog_type; typedef struct file_dialog_desc { uint8 type; const utf8 *title; const utf8 *initial_directory; const utf8 *default_filename; struct { const utf8 *name; // E.g. "Image Files" const utf8 *pattern; // E.g. "*.png;*.jpg;*.gif" } filters[8]; } file_dialog_desc; extern openrct2_cursor gCursorState; extern const unsigned char *gKeysState; extern unsigned char *gKeysPressed; extern unsigned int gLastKeyPressed; extern textinputbuffer gTextInput; extern bool gTextInputCompositionActive; extern utf8 gTextInputComposition[32]; extern int gTextInputCompositionStart; extern int gTextInputCompositionLength; extern int gResolutionsAllowAnyAspectRatio; extern int gNumResolutions; extern resolution *gResolutions; extern SDL_Window *gWindow; extern SDL_Color gPalette[256]; extern bool gSteamOverlayActive; // Platform shared definitions void platform_update_fullscreen_resolutions(); void platform_get_closest_resolution(int inWidth, int inHeight, int *outWidth, int *outHeight); void platform_init(); void platform_draw(); void platform_draw_require_end(); void platform_free(); void platform_trigger_resize(); void platform_update_palette(const uint8 *colours, int start_index, int num_colours); void platform_set_fullscreen_mode(int mode); void platform_toggle_windowed_mode(); void platform_set_cursor(uint8 cursor); void platform_refresh_video(); void platform_process_messages(); int platform_scancode_to_rct_keycode(int sdl_key); void platform_start_text_input(utf8 *buffer, int max_length); void platform_stop_text_input(); bool platform_is_input_active(); void platform_get_date_utc(rct2_date *out_date); void platform_get_time_utc(rct2_time *out_time); void platform_get_date_local(rct2_date *out_date); void platform_get_time_local(rct2_time *out_time); // Platform specific definitions void platform_get_exe_path(utf8 *outPath, size_t outSize); bool platform_file_exists(const utf8 *path); bool platform_directory_exists(const utf8 *path); bool platform_original_game_data_exists(const utf8 *path); time_t platform_file_get_modified_time(const utf8* path); bool platform_ensure_directory_exists(const utf8 *path); bool platform_directory_delete(const utf8 *path); bool platform_lock_single_instance(); int platform_enumerate_files_begin(const utf8 *pattern); bool platform_enumerate_files_next(int handle, file_info *outFileInfo); void platform_enumerate_files_end(int handle); int platform_enumerate_directories_begin(const utf8 *directory); bool platform_enumerate_directories_next(int handle, utf8 *path); void platform_enumerate_directories_end(int handle); void platform_init_window_icon(); // Returns the bitmask of the GetLogicalDrives function for windows, 0 for other systems int platform_get_drives(); bool platform_file_copy(const utf8 *srcPath, const utf8 *dstPath, bool overwrite); bool platform_file_move(const utf8 *srcPath, const utf8 *dstPath); bool platform_file_delete(const utf8 *path); void platform_hide_cursor(); void platform_show_cursor(); void platform_get_cursor_position(int *x, int *y); void platform_get_cursor_position_scaled(int *x, int *y); void platform_set_cursor_position(int x, int y); unsigned int platform_get_ticks(); void platform_resolve_user_data_path(); void platform_resolve_openrct_data_path(); void platform_get_openrct_data_path(utf8 *outPath, size_t outSize); void platform_get_user_directory(utf8 *outPath, const utf8 *subDirectory, size_t outSize); utf8* platform_get_username(); void platform_show_messagebox(utf8 *message); bool platform_open_common_file_dialog(utf8 *outFilename, file_dialog_desc *desc, size_t outSize); utf8 *platform_open_directory_browser(utf8 *title); uint8 platform_get_locale_currency(); uint8 platform_get_currency_value(const char *currencyCode); uint16 platform_get_locale_language(); uint8 platform_get_locale_measurement_format(); uint8 platform_get_locale_temperature_format(); bool platform_get_font_path(TTFFontDescriptor *font, utf8 *buffer, size_t size); bool platform_check_steam_overlay_attached(); datetime64 platform_get_datetime_now_utc(); // Windows specific definitions #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include #undef GetMessage void platform_windows_open_console(); void platform_windows_close_console(); int windows_get_registry_install_info(rct2_install_info *installInfo, char *source, char *font, uint8 charset); HWND windows_get_window_handle(); void platform_setup_file_associations(); void platform_remove_file_associations(); // This function cannot be marked as 'static', even though it may seem to be, // as it requires external linkage, which 'static' prevents __declspec(dllexport) int StartOpenRCT(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow); void wrl_initialise(); void wrl_dispose(); bool wrl_is_gamebar_visible(); #endif // __WINDOWS__ #if defined(__LINUX__) || defined(__MACOSX__) void platform_posix_sub_user_data_path(char *buffer, size_t size, const char *homedir); void platform_posix_sub_resolve_openrct_data_path(utf8 *out, size_t size); #endif #endif