/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2021 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum WindowClearSceneryWidgetIdx { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_PREVIEW, WIDX_DECREMENT, WIDX_INCREMENT, WIDX_SMALL_SCENERY, WIDX_LARGE_SCENERY, WIDX_FOOTPATH }; // clang-format on static constexpr const StringId WINDOW_TITLE = STR_CLEAR_SCENERY; static constexpr const int32_t WW = 98; static constexpr const int32_t WH = 94; static constexpr ScreenSize CLEAR_SCENERY_BUTTON = { 24, 24 }; static rct_widget window_clear_scenery_widgets[] = { WINDOW_SHIM(WINDOW_TITLE, WW, WH), MakeWidget( { 27, 17 }, { 44, 32 }, WindowWidgetType::ImgBtn, WindowColour::Primary, SPR_LAND_TOOL_SIZE_0, STR_NONE), // preview box MakeRemapWidget( { 28, 18 }, { 16, 16 }, WindowWidgetType::TrnBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_LAND_TOOL_DECREASE, STR_ADJUST_SMALLER_LAND_TIP), // decrement size MakeRemapWidget( { 54, 32 }, { 16, 16 }, WindowWidgetType::TrnBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_LAND_TOOL_INCREASE, STR_ADJUST_LARGER_LAND_TIP), // increment size MakeRemapWidget( { 7, 53 }, CLEAR_SCENERY_BUTTON, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_G2_BUTTON_TREES, STR_CLEAR_SCENERY_REMOVE_SMALL_SCENERY_TIP), // small scenery MakeRemapWidget( { 37, 53 }, CLEAR_SCENERY_BUTTON, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_G2_BUTTON_LARGE_SCENERY, STR_CLEAR_SCENERY_REMOVE_LARGE_SCENERY_TIP), // large scenery MakeRemapWidget( { 67, 53 }, CLEAR_SCENERY_BUTTON, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_G2_BUTTON_FOOTPATH, STR_CLEAR_SCENERY_REMOVE_FOOTPATHS_TIP), // footpaths WIDGETS_END, }; class CleanSceneryWindow final : public Window { public: void OnOpen() override { widgets = window_clear_scenery_widgets; hold_down_widgets = (1ULL << WIDX_INCREMENT) | (1ULL << WIDX_DECREMENT); WindowInitScrollWidgets(*this); window_push_others_below(*this); gLandToolSize = 2; gClearSceneryCost = MONEY64_UNDEFINED; gClearSmallScenery = true; gClearLargeScenery = false; gClearFootpath = false; Invalidate(); } void OnClose() override { if (ClearSceneryToolIsActive()) tool_cancel(); } void OnMouseUp(const rct_widgetindex widgetIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: Close(); break; case WIDX_PREVIEW: { Formatter ft; ft.Add(MINIMUM_TOOL_SIZE); ft.Add(MAXIMUM_TOOL_SIZE); TextInputOpen(WIDX_PREVIEW, STR_SELECTION_SIZE, STR_ENTER_SELECTION_SIZE, ft, STR_NONE, STR_NONE, 3); break; } case WIDX_SMALL_SCENERY: gClearSmallScenery ^= 1; Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_LARGE_SCENERY: gClearLargeScenery ^= 1; Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_FOOTPATH: gClearFootpath ^= 1; Invalidate(); break; } } void OnMouseDown(const rct_widgetindex widgetIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_DECREMENT: // Decrement land tool size, if it stays within the limit gLandToolSize = std::max(MINIMUM_TOOL_SIZE, gLandToolSize - 1); // Invalidate the window Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_INCREMENT: // Increment land tool size, if it stays within the limit gLandToolSize = std::min(MAXIMUM_TOOL_SIZE, gLandToolSize + 1); // Invalidate the window Invalidate(); break; } } void OnTextInput(const rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, const std::string_view text) override { if (widgetIndex != WIDX_PREVIEW || text.empty()) return; try { int32_t size = std::stol(std::string(text)); size = std::clamp(size, MINIMUM_TOOL_SIZE, MAXIMUM_TOOL_SIZE); gLandToolSize = size; Invalidate(); } catch (const std::logic_error&) { // std::stol can throw std::out_of_range or std::invalid_argument } } void OnUpdate() override { frame_no++; // Close window if another tool is open if (!ClearSceneryToolIsActive()) Close(); } void Invalidate() { // Set the preview image button to be pressed down pressed_widgets = (1ULL << WIDX_PREVIEW) | (gClearSmallScenery ? (1ULL << WIDX_SMALL_SCENERY) : 0) | (gClearLargeScenery ? (1ULL << WIDX_LARGE_SCENERY) : 0) | (gClearFootpath ? (1ULL << WIDX_FOOTPATH) : 0); // Update the preview image (for tool sizes up to 7) window_clear_scenery_widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].image = LandTool::SizeToSpriteIndex(gLandToolSize); } void OnDraw(rct_drawpixelinfo& dpi) override { DrawWidgets(dpi); // Draw number for tool sizes bigger than 7 ScreenCoordsXY screenCoords = { windowPos.x + window_clear_scenery_widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].midX(), windowPos.y + window_clear_scenery_widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].midY() }; if (gLandToolSize > MAX_TOOL_SIZE_WITH_SPRITE) { auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(gLandToolSize); DrawTextBasic(&dpi, screenCoords - ScreenCoordsXY{ 0, 2 }, STR_LAND_TOOL_SIZE_VALUE, ft, { TextAlignment::CENTRE }); } // Draw cost amount if (gClearSceneryCost != MONEY64_UNDEFINED && gClearSceneryCost != 0 && !(gParkFlags & PARK_FLAGS_NO_MONEY)) { auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(gClearSceneryCost); screenCoords.x = window_clear_scenery_widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].midX() + windowPos.x; screenCoords.y = window_clear_scenery_widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].bottom + windowPos.y + 5 + 27; DrawTextBasic(&dpi, screenCoords, STR_COST_AMOUNT, ft, { TextAlignment::CENTRE }); } } }; rct_window* WindowClearSceneryOpen() { auto* w = static_cast(window_bring_to_front_by_class(WindowClass::ClearScenery)); if (w != nullptr) return w; w = WindowCreate(WindowClass::ClearScenery, ScreenCoordsXY(context_get_width() - WW, 29), WW, WH, 0); if (w != nullptr) return w; return nullptr; }