/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2023 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include "LandRaiseAction.h" #include "../Context.h" #include "../OpenRCT2.h" #include "../actions/LandSetHeightAction.h" #include "../audio/audio.h" #include "../interface/Window.h" #include "../localisation/Localisation.h" #include "../localisation/StringIds.h" #include "../management/Finance.h" #include "../ride/RideConstruction.h" #include "../ride/RideData.h" #include "../windows/Intent.h" #include "../world/Park.h" #include "../world/Scenery.h" #include "../world/Surface.h" LandRaiseAction::LandRaiseAction(const CoordsXY& coords, MapRange range, uint8_t selectionType) : _coords(coords) , _range(range) , _selectionType(selectionType) { } void LandRaiseAction::AcceptParameters(GameActionParameterVisitor& visitor) { visitor.Visit(_coords); visitor.Visit(_range); visitor.Visit("selectionType", _selectionType); } uint16_t LandRaiseAction::GetActionFlags() const { return GameAction::GetActionFlags(); } void LandRaiseAction::Serialise(DataSerialiser& stream) { GameAction::Serialise(stream); stream << DS_TAG(_coords) << DS_TAG(_range) << DS_TAG(_selectionType); } GameActions::Result LandRaiseAction::Query() const { return QueryExecute(false); } GameActions::Result LandRaiseAction::Execute() const { return QueryExecute(true); } GameActions::Result LandRaiseAction::QueryExecute(bool isExecuting) const { auto res = GameActions::Result(); size_t tableRow = _selectionType; // The selections between MAP_SELECT_TYPE_FULL and MAP_SELECT_TYPE_EDGE_0 are not included in the tables if (_selectionType >= MAP_SELECT_TYPE_EDGE_0 && _selectionType <= MAP_SELECT_TYPE_EDGE_3) tableRow -= MAP_SELECT_TYPE_EDGE_0 - MAP_SELECT_TYPE_FULL - 1; auto validRange = ClampRangeWithinMap(_range); res.Position = { _coords.x, _coords.y, TileElementHeight(_coords) }; res.Expenditure = ExpenditureType::Landscaping; if (isExecuting) { OpenRCT2::Audio::Play3D(OpenRCT2::Audio::SoundId::PlaceItem, { _coords.x, _coords.y, TileElementHeight(_coords) }); } uint8_t minHeight = MapGetLowestLandHeight(validRange); bool withinOwnership = false; for (int32_t y = validRange.GetTop(); y <= validRange.GetBottom(); y += COORDS_XY_STEP) { for (int32_t x = validRange.GetLeft(); x <= validRange.GetRight(); x += COORDS_XY_STEP) { if (!LocationValid({ x, y })) continue; auto* surfaceElement = MapGetSurfaceElementAt(CoordsXY{ x, y }); if (surfaceElement == nullptr) continue; if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_SCENARIO_EDITOR) && !gCheatsSandboxMode) { if (!MapIsLocationInPark(CoordsXY{ x, y })) { continue; } } withinOwnership = true; uint8_t height = surfaceElement->BaseHeight; if (height > minHeight) continue; uint8_t currentSlope = surfaceElement->GetSlope(); uint8_t newSlope = tile_element_raise_styles[tableRow][currentSlope]; if (newSlope & SURFACE_STYLE_FLAG_RAISE_OR_LOWER_BASE_HEIGHT) { if (height + 2 > UINT8_MAX) { height = UINT8_MAX; } else { height += 2; } } newSlope &= TILE_ELEMENT_SURFACE_SLOPE_MASK; auto landSetHeightAction = LandSetHeightAction({ x, y }, height, newSlope); landSetHeightAction.SetFlags(GetFlags()); auto result = isExecuting ? GameActions::ExecuteNested(&landSetHeightAction) : GameActions::QueryNested(&landSetHeightAction); if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok) { res.Cost += result.Cost; } else { result.ErrorTitle = STR_CANT_RAISE_LAND_HERE; return result; } } } if (!withinOwnership) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::Disallowed, STR_CANT_RAISE_LAND_HERE, STR_LAND_NOT_OWNED_BY_PARK); } // Force ride construction to recheck area _currentTrackSelectionFlags |= TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_RECHECK; return res; }