# STR_XXXX part is read and XXXX becomes the string id number. # Everything after the colon and before the new line will be saved as the string. # Use # at the beginning of a line to leave a comment. STR_0000 : STR_0001 :{STRINGID} {COMMA16} STR_0002 :螺旋过山车 STR_0003 :站立式过山车 STR_0004 :悬挂摇摆过山车 STR_0005 :翻转式过山车 STR_0006 :儿童过山车 STR_0007 :迷你火车 STR_0008 :单轨电车 STR_0009 :迷你悬挂过山车 STR_0010 :游船出租 STR_0011 :木制疯狂老鼠过山车 STR_0012 :赛马过山车 STR_0013 :轨道小车 STR_0014 :喷射-自由落体 STR_0015 :雪橇过山车 STR_0016 :观景塔 # I could not find this thing in the game STR_0017 :回环式过山车 STR_0018 :充气小艇滑道 STR_0019 :矿车过山车 STR_0020 :缆车 # STR_0021 has the same meaning as STR_0001 in chinese STR_0021 :螺旋过山车 STR_0022 :迷宫 STR_0023 :螺旋滑梯 STR_0024 :卡丁车 STR_0025 :原木滑水道 STR_0026 :激流探险 STR_0027 :碰碰车 STR_0028 :海盗船 STR_0029 :摇摆海盗船 STR_0030 :食品小站 STR_0031 :Unknown Stall (1D) STR_0032 :饮料铺 STR_0033 :Unknown Stall (1F) STR_0034 :商店 STR_0035 :旋转木马 STR_0036 :Unknown Stall (22) STR_0037 :信息亭 STR_0038 :厕所 STR_0039 :摩天轮 STR_0040 :动感模拟器 STR_0041 :3D电影院 # passengers ride in a gondola STR_0042 :旋转贡多拉 # alternative may be 失速模拟 STR_0043 :太空转轮 STR_0044 :反向自由落体过山车 STR_0045 :升降观景台 STR_0046 :垂直坠落过山车 STR_0047 :自动取款机 STR_0048 :龙卷风 STR_0049 :鬼屋 STR_0050 :急救室 STR_0051 :马戏表演 STR_0052 :恐怖隧道 STR_0053 :铁架旋转式过山车 STR_0054 :木制过山车 STR_0055 :侧向阻力式过山车 STR_0056 :疯狂老鼠过山车 STR_0057 :多维过山车 STR_0058 :Unknown Ride (38) STR_0059 :飞翔过山车 STR_0060 :Unknown Ride (3A) STR_0061 :弗吉尼亚卷轴 STR_0062 :激流勇进 STR_0063 :迷你直升机 STR_0064 :躺卧式过山车 STR_0065 :悬挂式单轨电车 STR_0066 :Unknown Ride (40) STR_0067 :反转过山车 STR_0068 :心跳回旋过山车 STR_0069 :迷你高尔夫 STR_0070 :巨型过山车 STR_0071 :旋转落体 STR_0072 :转转飞碟 STR_0073 :鬼怪屋 STR_0074 :单轨自行车 STR_0075 :紧凑回转过山车 STR_0076 :水上过山车 STR_0077 :喷气弹射过山车 STR_0078 :回转发卡过山车 STR_0079 :魔毯 STR_0080 :迷你潜艇 STR_0081 :水上木筏 STR_0082 :Unknown Ride (50) STR_0083 :Enterprise STR_0084 :Unknown Ride (52) STR_0085 :Unknown Ride (53) STR_0086 :Unknown Ride (54) STR_0087 :Unknown Ride (55) STR_0088 :回转冲力过山车 STR_0089 :迷你过山车 STR_0090 :矿车式过山车 STR_0091 :Unknown Ride (59) # LIM: Linear Induction Motors STR_0092 :LIM喷射过山车 STR_0093 : STR_0094 : STR_0095 : STR_0096 : STR_0097 : STR_0098 : STR_0099 : STR_0100 : STR_0101 : STR_0102 : STR_0103 : STR_0104 : STR_0105 : STR_0106 : STR_0107 : STR_0108 : STR_0109 : STR_0110 : STR_0111 : STR_0112 : STR_0113 : STR_0114 : STR_0115 : STR_0116 : STR_0117 : STR_0118 : STR_0119 : STR_0120 : STR_0121 : STR_0122 : STR_0123 : STR_0124 : STR_0125 : STR_0126 : STR_0127 : STR_0128 : STR_0129 : STR_0130 : STR_0131 : STR_0132 : STR_0133 : STR_0134 : STR_0135 : STR_0136 : STR_0137 : STR_0138 : STR_0139 : STR_0140 : STR_0141 : STR_0142 : STR_0143 : STR_0144 : STR_0145 : STR_0146 : STR_0147 : STR_0148 : STR_0149 : STR_0150 : STR_0151 : STR_0152 : STR_0153 : STR_0154 : STR_0155 : STR_0156 : STR_0157 : STR_0158 : STR_0159 : STR_0160 : STR_0161 : STR_0162 : STR_0163 : STR_0164 : STR_0165 : STR_0166 : STR_0167 : STR_0168 : STR_0169 : STR_0170 : STR_0171 : STR_0172 : STR_0173 : STR_0174 : STR_0175 : STR_0176 : STR_0177 : STR_0178 : STR_0179 : STR_0180 : STR_0181 : STR_0182 : STR_0183 : STR_0184 : STR_0185 : STR_0186 : STR_0187 : STR_0188 : STR_0189 : STR_0190 : STR_0191 : STR_0192 : STR_0193 : STR_0194 : STR_0195 : STR_0196 : STR_0197 : STR_0198 : STR_0199 : STR_0200 : STR_0201 : STR_0202 : STR_0203 : STR_0204 : STR_0205 : STR_0206 : STR_0207 : STR_0208 : STR_0209 : STR_0210 : STR_0211 : STR_0212 : STR_0213 : STR_0214 : STR_0215 : STR_0216 : STR_0217 : STR_0218 : STR_0219 : STR_0220 : STR_0221 : STR_0222 : STR_0223 : STR_0224 : STR_0225 : STR_0226 : STR_0227 : STR_0228 : STR_0229 : STR_0230 : STR_0231 : STR_0232 : STR_0233 : STR_0234 : STR_0235 : STR_0236 : STR_0237 : STR_0238 : STR_0239 : STR_0240 : STR_0241 : STR_0242 : STR_0243 : STR_0244 : STR_0245 : STR_0246 : STR_0247 : STR_0248 : STR_0249 : STR_0250 : STR_0251 : STR_0252 : STR_0253 : STR_0254 : STR_0255 : STR_0256 : STR_0257 : STR_0258 : STR_0259 : STR_0260 : STR_0261 : STR_0262 : STR_0263 : STR_0264 : STR_0265 : STR_0266 : STR_0267 : STR_0268 : STR_0269 : STR_0270 : STR_0271 : STR_0272 : STR_0273 : STR_0274 : STR_0275 : STR_0276 : STR_0277 : STR_0278 : STR_0279 : STR_0280 : STR_0281 : STR_0282 : STR_0283 : STR_0284 : STR_0285 : STR_0286 : STR_0287 : STR_0288 : STR_0289 : STR_0290 : STR_0291 : STR_0292 : STR_0293 : STR_0294 : STR_0295 : STR_0296 : STR_0297 : STR_0298 : STR_0299 : STR_0300 : STR_0301 : STR_0302 : STR_0303 : STR_0304 : STR_0305 : STR_0306 : STR_0307 : STR_0308 : STR_0309 : STR_0310 : STR_0311 : STR_0312 : STR_0313 : STR_0314 : STR_0315 : STR_0316 : STR_0317 : STR_0318 : STR_0319 : STR_0320 : STR_0321 : STR_0322 : STR_0323 : STR_0324 : STR_0325 : STR_0326 : STR_0327 : STR_0328 : STR_0329 : STR_0330 : STR_0331 : STR_0332 : STR_0333 : STR_0334 : STR_0335 : STR_0336 : STR_0337 : STR_0338 : STR_0339 : STR_0340 : STR_0341 : STR_0342 : STR_0343 : STR_0344 : STR_0345 : STR_0346 : STR_0347 : STR_0348 : STR_0349 : STR_0350 : STR_0351 : STR_0352 : STR_0353 : STR_0354 : STR_0355 : STR_0356 : STR_0357 : STR_0358 : STR_0359 : STR_0360 : STR_0361 : STR_0362 : STR_0363 : STR_0364 : STR_0365 : STR_0366 : STR_0367 : STR_0368 : STR_0369 : STR_0370 : STR_0371 : STR_0372 : STR_0373 : STR_0374 : STR_0375 : STR_0376 : STR_0377 : STR_0378 : STR_0379 : STR_0380 : STR_0381 : STR_0382 : STR_0383 : STR_0384 : STR_0385 : STR_0386 : STR_0387 : STR_0388 : STR_0389 : STR_0390 : STR_0391 : STR_0392 : STR_0393 : STR_0394 : STR_0395 : STR_0396 : STR_0397 : STR_0398 : STR_0399 : STR_0400 : STR_0401 : STR_0402 : STR_0403 : STR_0404 : STR_0405 : STR_0406 : STR_0407 : STR_0408 : STR_0409 : STR_0410 : STR_0411 : STR_0412 : STR_0413 : STR_0414 : STR_0415 : STR_0416 : STR_0417 : STR_0418 : STR_0419 : STR_0420 : STR_0421 : STR_0422 : STR_0423 : STR_0424 : STR_0425 : STR_0426 : STR_0427 : STR_0428 : STR_0429 : STR_0430 : STR_0431 : STR_0432 : STR_0433 : STR_0434 : STR_0435 : STR_0436 : STR_0437 : STR_0438 : STR_0439 : STR_0440 : STR_0441 : STR_0442 : STR_0443 : STR_0444 : STR_0445 : STR_0446 : STR_0447 : STR_0448 : STR_0449 : STR_0450 : STR_0451 : STR_0452 : STR_0453 : STR_0454 : STR_0455 : STR_0456 : STR_0457 : STR_0458 : STR_0459 : STR_0460 : STR_0461 : STR_0462 : STR_0463 : STR_0464 : STR_0465 : STR_0466 : STR_0467 : STR_0468 : STR_0469 : STR_0470 : STR_0471 : STR_0472 : STR_0473 : STR_0474 : STR_0475 : STR_0476 : STR_0477 : STR_0478 : STR_0479 : STR_0480 : STR_0481 : STR_0482 : STR_0483 : STR_0484 : STR_0485 : STR_0486 : STR_0487 : STR_0488 : STR_0489 : STR_0490 : STR_0491 : STR_0492 : STR_0493 : STR_0494 : STR_0495 : STR_0496 : STR_0497 : STR_0498 : STR_0499 : STR_0500 : STR_0501 : STR_0502 : STR_0503 : STR_0504 : STR_0505 : STR_0506 : STR_0507 : STR_0508 : STR_0509 : STR_0510 : STR_0511 : STR_0512 :一种紧凑的过山车,有着螺旋状的爬升和平滑盘旋的下坠 STR_0513 :A looping roller coaster where the riders ride in a standing position STR_0514 :Trains suspended beneath the roller coaster track swing out to the side around corners STR_0515 :A steel roller coaster with trains that are held beneath the track, with many complex and twisting track elements STR_0516 :A gentle roller coaster for people who haven't yet got the courage to face the larger rides STR_0517 :Passengers ride in miniature trains along a narrow-gauge railway track STR_0518 :Passengers travel in electric trains along a monorail track STR_0519 :Passengers ride in small cars hanging beneath the single-rail track, swinging freely from side to side around corners STR_0520 :A dock platform where guests can drive/row personal watercraft on a body of water STR_0521 :A fast and twisting roller coaster with tight turns and steep drops. Intensity is bound to be high. STR_0522 :A smaller roller coaster where the riders sit above the track with no car around them STR_0523 :Riders travel slowly in powered vehicles along a track-based route STR_0524 :Freefall car is pneumatically launched up a tall steel tower and then allowed to freefall down STR_0525 :Riders career down a twisting track guided only by the curvature and banking of the semi-circular track STR_0526 :Passengers travel in a rotating observation cabin which travels up a tall tower STR_0527 :A smooth steel-tracked roller coaster capable of vertical loops STR_0528 :Riders travel in inflatable dinghies down a twisting semi-circular or completely enclosed tube track STR_0529 :Mine train themed roller coaster trains career along steel roller coaster track made to look like old railway track STR_0530 :Cars hang from a steel cable which runs continuously from one end of the ride to the other and back again STR_0531 :A compact steel-tracked roller coaster where the train travels through corkscrews and loops STR_0532 : STR_0533 : STR_0534 :Self-drive petrol-engined go karts STR_0535 :Log-shaped boats travel along a water channel, splashing down steep slopes to soak the riders STR_0536 :Circular boats meander along a wide water channel, splashing through waterfalls and thrilling riders through foaming rapids STR_0537 : STR_0538 : STR_0539 : STR_0540 : STR_0541 : STR_0542 : STR_0543 : STR_0544 : STR_0545 : STR_0546 : STR_0547 : STR_0548 : STR_0549 : STR_0550 : STR_0551 : STR_0552 : STR_0553 : STR_0554 :The car is accelerated out of the station along a long level track using Linear Induction Motors, then heads straight up a vertical spike of track, freefalling back down to return to the station STR_0555 :Guests ride in an elevator up or down a vertical tower to get from one level to another STR_0556 :Extra-wide cars descend completely vertical sloped track for the ultimate freefall roller coaster experience STR_0557 : STR_0558 : STR_0559 : STR_0560 : STR_0561 : STR_0562 :Powered cars travel along a multi-level track past spooky scenery and special effects STR_0563 :Sitting in comfortable trains with only simple lap restraints riders enjoy giant smooth drops and twisting track as well as plenty of 'air time' over the hills STR_0564 :Running on wooden track, this coaster is fast, rough, noisy, and gives an 'out of control' riding experience with plenty of 'air time' STR_0565 :A simple wooden roller coaster capable of only gentle slopes and turns, where the cars are only kept on the track by side friction wheels and gravity STR_0566 :Individual roller coaster cars zip around a tight zig-zag layout of track with sharp corners and short sharp drops STR_0567 :Sitting in seats suspended either side of the track, riders are pitched head-over-heels while they plunge down steep drops and travel through various inversions STR_0568 : STR_0569 :Riding in special harnesses below the track, riders experience the feeling of flight as they swoop through the air STR_0570 : STR_0571 :Circular cars spin around as they travel along the zig-zagging wooden track STR_0572 :Large capacity boats travel along a wide water channel, propelled up slopes by a conveyer belt, accelerating down steep slopes to soak the riders with a gaint splash STR_0573 :Powered helicoper shaped cars running on a steel track, controlled by the pedalling of the riders STR_0574 :Riders are held in special harnesses in a lying-down position, travlling through twisted track and inversions either on their backs or facing the ground STR_0575 :Powered trains hanging from a single rail transport people around the park STR_0576 : STR_0577 :Bogied cars run on wooden tracks, turning around on special reversing sections STR_0578 :Cars run along track enclosed by circular hoops, traversing steep drops and heartline twists STR_0579 : STR_0580 :A giant steel roller coaster capable of smooth drops and hills of over 300ft STR_0581 :A ring of seats is pulled to the top of a tall tower while gently rotating, then allowed to free-fall down, stopping gently at the bottom using magnetic brakes STR_0582 : STR_0583 : STR_0584 :Special bicycles run on a steel monorail track, propelled by the pedalling of the riders STR_0585 :Riders sit in pairs of seats suspended beneath the track as they loop and twist through tight inversions STR_0586 :Boat shaped cars run on roller coaster track to allow twisting curves and steep drops, splashing down into sections of water for gentle river sections STR_0587 :After an exhilarating air-powered launch, the train speeds up a vertical track, over the top, and vertically down the other side to return to the station STR_0588 :Individual cars run beneath a zig-zagging track with hairpin turns and sharp drops STR_0589 : STR_0590 :Riders ride in a submerged submarine through an underwater course STR_0591 :Raft-shaped boats gently meander around a river track STR_0592 : STR_0593 : STR_0594 : STR_0595 : STR_0596 : STR_0597 : STR_0598 :Inverted roller coaster trains are accelerated out of the station to travel up a vertical spike of track, then reverse back through the station to travel backwards up another vertical spike of track STR_0599 :A compact roller coaster with individual cars and smooth twisting drops STR_0600 :Powered mine trains career along a smooth and twisted track layout STR_0601 : STR_0602 :Roller coaster trains are accelerated out of the station by linear induction motors to speed through twisting inversions STR_0603 :游客 {INT32} STR_0604 :游客 {INT32} STR_0605 :游客 {INT32} STR_0606 :游客 {INT32} STR_0607 :游客 {INT32} STR_0608 :游客 {INT32} STR_0609 :游客 {INT32} STR_0610 :游客 {INT32} STR_0611 :游客 {INT32} STR_0612 :游客 {INT32} STR_0613 :游客 {INT32} STR_0614 :游客 {INT32} STR_0615 :游客 {INT32} STR_0616 :游客 {INT32} STR_0617 :游客 {INT32} STR_0618 :游客 {INT32} STR_0619 :游客 {INT32} STR_0620 :游客 {INT32} STR_0621 :游客 {INT32} STR_0622 :游客 {INT32} STR_0623 :游客 {INT32} STR_0624 :游客 {INT32} STR_0625 :游客 {INT32} STR_0626 :游客 {INT32} STR_0627 :游客 {INT32} STR_0628 :游客 {INT32} STR_0629 :游客 {INT32} STR_0630 :游客 {INT32} STR_0631 :游客 {INT32} STR_0632 :游客 {INT32} STR_0633 :游客 {INT32} STR_0634 :游客 {INT32} STR_0635 :游客 {INT32} STR_0636 :游客 {INT32} STR_0637 :游客 {INT32} STR_0638 :游客 {INT32} STR_0639 :游客 {INT32} STR_0640 :游客 {INT32} STR_0641 :游客 {INT32} STR_0642 :游客 {INT32} STR_0643 :游客 {INT32} STR_0644 :游客 {INT32} STR_0645 :游客 {INT32} STR_0646 :游客 {INT32} STR_0647 :游客 {INT32} STR_0648 :游客 {INT32} STR_0649 :游客 {INT32} STR_0650 :游客 {INT32} STR_0651 :游客 {INT32} STR_0652 :游客 {INT32} STR_0653 :游客 {INT32} STR_0654 :游客 {INT32} STR_0655 :游客 {INT32} STR_0656 :游客 {INT32} STR_0657 :游客 {INT32} STR_0658 :游客 {INT32} STR_0659 :游客 {INT32} STR_0660 :游客 {INT32} STR_0661 :游客 {INT32} STR_0662 :游客 {INT32} STR_0663 :游客 {INT32} STR_0664 :游客 {INT32} STR_0665 :游客 {INT32} STR_0666 :游客 {INT32} STR_0667 :游客 {INT32} STR_0668 :游客 {INT32} STR_0669 :游客 {INT32} STR_0670 :游客 {INT32} STR_0671 :游客 {INT32} STR_0672 :游客 {INT32} STR_0673 :游客 {INT32} STR_0674 :游客 {INT32} STR_0675 :游客 {INT32} STR_0676 :游客 {INT32} STR_0677 :游客 {INT32} STR_0678 :游客 {INT32} STR_0679 :游客 {INT32} STR_0680 :游客 {INT32} STR_0681 :游客 {INT32} STR_0682 :游客 {INT32} STR_0683 :游客 {INT32} STR_0684 :游客 {INT32} STR_0685 :游客 {INT32} STR_0686 :游客 {INT32} STR_0687 :游客 {INT32} STR_0688 :游客 {INT32} STR_0689 :游客 {INT32} STR_0690 :游客 {INT32} STR_0691 :游客 {INT32} STR_0692 :游客 {INT32} STR_0693 :游客 {INT32} STR_0694 :游客 {INT32} STR_0695 :游客 {INT32} STR_0696 :游客 {INT32} STR_0697 :游客 {INT32} STR_0698 :游客 {INT32} STR_0699 :游客 {INT32} STR_0700 :游客 {INT32} STR_0701 :游客 {INT32} STR_0702 :游客 {INT32} STR_0703 :游客 {INT32} STR_0704 :游客 {INT32} STR_0705 :游客 {INT32} STR_0706 :游客 {INT32} STR_0707 :游客 {INT32} STR_0708 :游客 {INT32} STR_0709 :游客 {INT32} STR_0710 :游客 {INT32} STR_0711 :游客 {INT32} STR_0712 :游客 {INT32} STR_0713 :游客 {INT32} STR_0714 :游客 {INT32} STR_0715 :游客 {INT32} STR_0716 :游客 {INT32} STR_0717 :游客 {INT32} STR_0718 :游客 {INT32} STR_0719 :游客 {INT32} STR_0720 :游客 {INT32} STR_0721 :游客 {INT32} STR_0722 :游客 {INT32} STR_0723 :游客 {INT32} STR_0724 :游客 {INT32} STR_0725 :游客 {INT32} STR_0726 :游客 {INT32} STR_0727 :游客 {INT32} STR_0728 :游客 {INT32} STR_0729 :游客 {INT32} STR_0730 :游客 {INT32} STR_0731 :游客 {INT32} STR_0732 :游客 {INT32} STR_0733 :游客 {INT32} STR_0734 :游客 {INT32} STR_0735 :游客 {INT32} STR_0736 :游客 {INT32} STR_0737 :游客 {INT32} STR_0738 :游客 {INT32} STR_0739 :游客 {INT32} STR_0740 :游客 {INT32} STR_0741 :游客 {INT32} STR_0742 :游客 {INT32} STR_0743 :游客 {INT32} STR_0744 :游客 {INT32} STR_0745 :游客 {INT32} STR_0746 :游客 {INT32} STR_0747 :游客 {INT32} STR_0748 :游客 {INT32} STR_0749 :游客 {INT32} STR_0750 :游客 {INT32} STR_0751 :游客 {INT32} STR_0752 :游客 {INT32} STR_0753 :游客 {INT32} STR_0754 :游客 {INT32} STR_0755 :游客 {INT32} STR_0756 :游客 {INT32} STR_0757 :游客 {INT32} STR_0758 :游客 {INT32} STR_0759 :游客 {INT32} STR_0760 :游客 {INT32} STR_0761 :游客 {INT32} STR_0762 :游客 {INT32} STR_0763 :游客 {INT32} STR_0764 :游客 {INT32} STR_0765 :游客 {INT32} STR_0766 :游客 {INT32} STR_0767 :游客 {INT32} STR_0768 :勤杂工 {INT32} STR_0769 :维修员 {INT32} STR_0770 :警卫 {INT32} STR_0771 :表演人员 {INT32} STR_0772 :未命名游乐园{POP16}{POP16} STR_0773 :未命名游乐园{POP16}{POP16} STR_0774 :未命名游乐园{POP16}{POP16} STR_0775 :未命名游乐园{POP16}{POP16} STR_0776 :未命名游乐园{POP16}{POP16} STR_0777 :未命名游乐园{POP16}{POP16} STR_0778 :指示牌 STR_0779 :1日 STR_0780 :2日 STR_0781 :3日 STR_0782 :4日 STR_0783 :5日 STR_0784 :6日 STR_0785 :7日 STR_0786 :8日 STR_0787 :9日 STR_0788 :10日 STR_0789 :11日 STR_0790 :12日 STR_0791 :13日 STR_0792 :14日 STR_0793 :15日 STR_0794 :16日 STR_0795 :17日 STR_0796 :18日 STR_0797 :19日 STR_0798 :20日 STR_0799 :21日 STR_0800 :22日 STR_0801 :23日 STR_0802 :24日 STR_0803 :25日 STR_0804 :26日 STR_0805 :27日 STR_0806 :28日 STR_0807 :29日 STR_0808 :30日 STR_0809 :31日 STR_0810 :1月 STR_0811 :2月 STR_0812 :3月 STR_0813 :4月 STR_0814 :5月 STR_0815 :6月 STR_0816 :7月 STR_0817 :8月 STR_0818 :9月 STR_0819 :10月 STR_0820 :11月 STR_0821 :12月 STR_0822 :无法访问图形数据 STR_0823 :数据文件丢失或不可访问 STR_0824 :{BLACK}{CROSS} STR_0825 :该名称已被使用 STR_0826 :过多名称被定义 STR_0827 :现金不足 - 需要 {CURRENCY2DP} STR_0828 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}关闭窗口 STR_0829 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}窗口标题 - 拖拽来移动窗口 STR_0830 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}放大 STR_0831 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}缩小 STR_0832 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}顺时针旋转90{DEGREE} STR_0833 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}暂停游戏 STR_0834 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}磁盘和游戏选项 STR_0835 :游戏初始化失败 STR_0836 :最小化状态下无法启动游戏 STR_0837 :无法初始化图形系统 STR_0838 : STR_0839 :{UINT16} x {UINT16} STR_0840 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{UINT16} x {UINT16} # The following six strings were used for display resolutions, but have been replaced. STR_0841 : STR_0842 : STR_0843 : STR_0844 : STR_0845 : STR_0846 : STR_0847 :关于'OpenRCT2' STR_0848 :过山车大亨2 STR_0849 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}版本 2.01.028 STR_0850 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}版权 {COPYRIGHT} 2002 Chris Sawyer, 版权所有 STR_0851 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}设计及程序 by Chris Sawyer STR_0852 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}美术 by Simon Foster STR_0853 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}音效及音乐 by Allister Brimble STR_0854 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Additional sounds recorded by David Ellis STR_0855 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Representation by Jacqui Lyons at Marjacq Ltd. STR_0856 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}致谢: STR_0857 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Peter James Adcock, Joe Booth, and John Wardley STR_0858 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_0859 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_0860 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_0861 : STR_0862 : STR_0863 : STR_0864 : STR_0865 :{STRINGID} STR_0866 :{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0867 :{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0868 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0869 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0870 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0871 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0872 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0873 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0874 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0875 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_0876 :{BLACK}{DOWN} STR_0877 :太低! STR_0878 :太高! STR_0879 :不能在这里降低土地... STR_0880 :不能在这里抬升土地... STR_0881 :有物体挡住去路 STR_0882 :载入游戏 STR_0883 :保存游戏 STR_0884 :载入地形 STR_0885 :保存地形 STR_0886 :退出游戏 STR_0887 :退出场景编辑器 STR_0888 :退出过山车设计工具 STR_0889 :退出轨道设计管理工具 STR_0890 : STR_0891 :截图 STR_0892 :截图 '{STRINGID}' 已保存 STR_0893 :截图失败! STR_0894 :Landscape data area full ! STR_0895 :无法在一半地上一半地下的地形中建造 STR_0896 :{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} 建造 STR_0897 :方向 STR_0898 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}左转 STR_0899 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}右转 STR_0900 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}左转 (小弧度) STR_0901 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}右转 (小弧度) STR_0902 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}左转(很小的弧度) STR_0903 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}右转(很小的弧度) STR_0904 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}左转(大弧度) STR_0905 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}右转(大弧度) STR_0906 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}直行 STR_0907 :坡度 STR_0908 :滚动/倾斜 STR_0909 :Seat Rot. STR_0910 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Roll for left-hand curve STR_0911 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Roll for right-hand curve STR_0912 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}No roll STR_0913 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Move to previous section STR_0914 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Move to next section STR_0915 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Construct the selected section STR_0916 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Remove the highlighted section STR_0917 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}垂直下坡 STR_0918 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}陡峭下坡 STR_0919 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}下坡 STR_0920 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}水平 STR_0921 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}上坡 STR_0922 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}陡峭上坡 STR_0923 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}垂直上坡 STR_0924 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}向下螺旋 STR_0925 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}向上螺旋 STR_0926 :不能移除此物... STR_0927 :不能在此建造... STR_0928 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Chain lift, to pull cars up slopes STR_0929 :'S'型弯道 (向左) STR_0930 :'S'型弯道 (向右) STR_0931 :垂直回环 (向左) STR_0932 :垂直回环 (向右) STR_0933 :请先将地面抬升或降低 STR_0934 :游乐设施入口挡在此处 STR_0935 :游乐设施出口挡在此处 STR_0936 :游乐场的入口挡在此处 STR_0937 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}查看选项 STR_0938 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}调整地势高低及陡峭程度 STR_0939 :地下/内部 视图模式 STR_0940 :隐藏地表 STR_0941 :隐藏垂直地面 STR_0942 :半透明游乐设施 STR_0943 :半透明景观 STR_0944 :保存 STR_0945 :不保存 STR_0946 :取消 STR_0947 :是否在载入其他存档之前保存游戏 ? STR_0948 :是否在退出之前保存游戏 ? STR_0949 :是否在退出之前保存游戏 ? STR_0950 :加载游戏 STR_0951 :退出游戏 STR_0952 :退出游戏 STR_0953 :载入地形 STR_0954 : STR_0955 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择此轨道的座位旋转角度 STR_0956 :-180{DEGREE} STR_0957 :-135{DEGREE} STR_0958 :-90{DEGREE} STR_0959 :-45{DEGREE} STR_0960 :0{DEGREE} STR_0961 :+45{DEGREE} STR_0962 :+90{DEGREE} STR_0963 :+135{DEGREE} STR_0964 :+180{DEGREE} STR_0965 :+225{DEGREE} STR_0966 :+270{DEGREE} STR_0967 :+315{DEGREE} STR_0968 :+360{DEGREE} STR_0969 :+405{DEGREE} STR_0970 :+450{DEGREE} STR_0971 :+495{DEGREE} STR_0972 :取消 STR_0973 :确定 STR_0974 :游乐设施 STR_0975 :商店及摊贩 STR_0976 :洗手间及信息亭 STR_0977 :建造新的运输类游乐设施 STR_0978 :建造新的温和类游乐设施 STR_0979 :建造新的过山车 STR_0980 :建造新的刺激类游乐设施 STR_0981 :建造新的水上游乐设施 STR_0982 :建造新的商店及摊贩 STR_0983 :研究及开发 STR_0984 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{UP}{BLACK} {CURRENCY2DP} STR_0985 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{DOWN}{BLACK} {CURRENCY2DP} STR_0986 :{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_0987 :太多游乐设施/店铺 STR_0988 :不能新建游乐设施/店铺... STR_0989 :{STRINGID} STR_0990 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}建造 STR_0991 :车站站台 STR_0992 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}拆除整个游乐设施/店铺 STR_0993 :拆除游乐设施/店铺 STR_0994 :拆除 STR_0995 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_1}确定要完全拆除{STRINGID}? STR_0996 :整体外观 STR_0997 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}View selection STR_0998 :此游乐设施的车站数量已达到上限 STR_0999 :需要一个车站站台 STR_1000 :轨道没有连接完整 STR_1001 :轨道不适合此类型的车 STR_1002 :不能开启 {POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID}... STR_1003 :不能测试 {POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID}... STR_1004 :不能关闭 {POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID}... STR_1005 :Can't start construction on {POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID}... STR_1006 :必须先关闭 STR_1007 :不能创建足够的车辆 STR_1008 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开放, 关闭或测试游乐设施/店铺 STR_1009 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开放或关闭所有游乐设施/店铺 STR_1010 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开放或关闭游乐园 STR_1011 :关闭所有游乐设施 STR_1012 :开启所有游乐设施 STR_1013 :关闭游乐园 STR_1014 :开放游乐园 STR_1015 :在此模式下, 多于一个车站的游乐设施将无法运行 STR_1016 :在此模式下, 少于两个车站的游乐设施将无法运行 STR_1017 :不能改变运行模式... STR_1018 :不能做出改变... STR_1019 :不能做出改变... STR_1020 :不能做出改变... STR_1021 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1022 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} car per train STR_1023 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} cars per train STR_1024 :{COMMA16} car per train STR_1025 :{COMMA16} cars per train STR_1026 :车站站台太长! STR_1027 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Locate this on Main View STR_1028 :离开地图边缘! STR_1029 :Cannot build partly above and partly below water! STR_1030 :Can only build this underwater! STR_1031 :Can't build this underwater! STR_1032 :Can only build this on water! STR_1033 :Can only build this above ground! STR_1034 :Can only build this on land! STR_1035 :Local authority won't allow construction above tree-height! STR_1036 :载入游戏 STR_1037 :载入存档 STR_1038 :将存档转换为关卡 STR_1039 :添加新的轨道设计 STR_1040 :保存游戏 STR_1041 :保存关卡 STR_1042 :保存地形 STR_1043 :OpenRCT2 游戏存档 STR_1044 :OpenRCT2 关卡文件 STR_1045 :OpenRCT2 地形文件 STR_1046 :OpenRCT2 轨道设计文件 STR_1047 :存储游戏失败! STR_1048 :存储关卡失败! STR_1049 :存储地形失败! STR_1050 :载入失败...{NEWLINE}文件中含有不可读取的数据! STR_1051 :隐藏支撑物 STR_1052 :隐藏游客 STR_1053 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游乐园内的游乐设施 STR_1054 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}命名游乐设施/店铺 STR_1055 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}命名游客 STR_1056 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}命名职员 STR_1057 :游乐设施/店铺名称 STR_1058 :Enter new name for this ride/attraction: STR_1059 :Can't rename ride/attraction... STR_1060 :Invalid ride/attraction name STR_1061 :Normal mode STR_1062 :Continuous circuit mode STR_1063 :Reverse-Incline launched shuttle mode STR_1064 :Powered launch (passing station) STR_1065 :Shuttle mode STR_1066 :Boat hire mode STR_1067 :Upward launch STR_1068 :Rotating lift mode STR_1069 :Station to station mode STR_1070 :Single ride per admission STR_1071 :Unlimited rides per admission STR_1072 :迷宫模式 STR_1073 :赛车模式 STR_1074 :Bumper-car mode STR_1075 :摇摆模式 STR_1076 :Shop stall mode STR_1077 :旋转模式 STR_1078 :向前旋转 STR_1079 :向后旋转 STR_1080 :电影: {ENDQUOTES}飞行员复仇记{ENDQUOTES} STR_1081 :3D电影: {ENDQUOTES}鼠尾{ENDQUOTES} STR_1082 :Space rings mode STR_1083 :Beginners mode STR_1084 :LIM-powered launch STR_1085 :电影: {ENDQUOTES}尖叫乘客{ENDQUOTES} STR_1086 :3D电影: {ENDQUOTES}暴风猎人{ENDQUOTES} STR_1087 :3D电影: {ENDQUOTES}太空海盗{ENDQUOTES} STR_1088 :Intense mode STR_1089 :Berserk mode STR_1090 :鬼屋模式 STR_1091 :Circus show mode STR_1092 :Downward launch STR_1093 :Crooked house mode STR_1094 :Freefall drop mode STR_1095 :Continuous circuit block sectioned mode STR_1096 :Powered launch (without passing station) STR_1097 :Powered launch block sectioned mode STR_1098 :Moving to end of {POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1099 :Waiting for passengers at {POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1100 :Waiting to depart {POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1101 :Departing {POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1102 :Travelling at {VELOCITY} STR_1103 :Arriving at {POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1104 :Unloading passengers at {POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1105 :Travelling at {VELOCITY} STR_1106 :Crashing! STR_1107 :Crashed! STR_1108 :Travelling at {VELOCITY} STR_1109 :Swinging STR_1110 :Rotating STR_1111 :Rotating STR_1112 :Operating STR_1113 :Showing film STR_1114 :Rotating STR_1115 :Operating STR_1116 :Operating STR_1117 :Doing circus show STR_1118 :Operating STR_1119 :Waiting for cable lift STR_1120 :Travelling at {VELOCITY} STR_1121 :Stopping STR_1122 :Waiting for passengers STR_1123 :Waiting to start STR_1124 :Starting STR_1125 :Operating STR_1126 :Stopping STR_1127 :Unloading passengers STR_1128 :Stopped by block brakes STR_1129 :All vehicles in same colours STR_1130 :Different colours per {STRINGID} STR_1131 :Different colours per vehicle STR_1132 :Vehicle {POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1133 :Vehicle {POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1134 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{STRINGID} {COMMA16} STR_1135 :{STRINGID} {COMMA16} STR_1136 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select main colour STR_1137 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select additional colour 1 STR_1138 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select additional colour 2 STR_1139 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select support structure colour STR_1140 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select vehicle colour scheme option STR_1141 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select which vehicle/train to modify STR_1142 :{MOVE_X}{SMALLFONT}{STRINGID} STR_1143 :{RIGHTGUILLEMET}{MOVE_X}{SMALLFONT}{STRINGID} STR_1144 :Can't build/move entrance for this ride/attraction... STR_1145 :Can't build/move exit for this ride/attraction... STR_1146 :Entrance not yet built STR_1147 :Exit not yet built STR_1148 :Quarter load STR_1149 :Half load STR_1150 :Three-quarter load STR_1151 :Full load STR_1152 :Any load STR_1153 :Height Marks on Ride Tracks设施轨道高度标记 STR_1154 :Height Marks on Land土地高度标记 STR_1155 :Height Marks on Paths道路高度标记 STR_1156 :{MOVE_X}{SMALLFONT}{STRINGID} STR_1157 :{TICK}{MOVE_X}{SMALLFONT}{STRINGID} STR_1158 :Can't remove this... STR_1159 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Place scenery, gardens, and other accessories STR_1160 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Create/adjust lakes & water STR_1161 :Can't position this here... STR_1162 :{OUTLINE}{TOPAZ}{STRINGID} STR_1163 :{STRINGID}{NEWLINE}(Right-Click to Modify) STR_1164 :{STRINGID}{NEWLINE}(Right-Click to Remove) STR_1165 :{STRINGID} - {STRINGID} {COMMA16} STR_1166 :Can't lower water level here... STR_1167 :Can't raise water level here... STR_1168 :选项 STR_1169 :(无) STR_1170 :{STRING} STR_1171 :{RED}已关闭 - - STR_1172 :{YELLOW}{STRINGID} - - STR_1173 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Build footpaths and queue lines STR_1174 :Banner sign in the way STR_1175 :Can't build this on sloped footpath STR_1176 :Can't build footpath here... STR_1177 :Can't remove footpath from here... STR_1178 :Land slope unsuitable STR_1179 :Footpath in the way STR_1180 :Can't build this underwater! STR_1181 :Footpaths STR_1182 :Type STR_1183 :Direction STR_1184 :Slope STR_1185 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Direction STR_1186 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Slope down STR_1187 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Level STR_1188 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Slope up STR_1189 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Construct the selected footpath section STR_1190 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Remove previous footpath section STR_1191 :{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_1192 :{OUTLINE}{RED}{STRINGID} STR_1193 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{STRINGID} STR_1194 :Closed STR_1195 :Test Run STR_1196 :Open STR_1197 :Broken Down STR_1198 :Crashed! STR_1199 :{COMMA16} person on ride STR_1200 :{COMMA16} people on ride STR_1201 :Nobody in queue line STR_1202 :1 person in queue line STR_1203 :{COMMA16} people in queue line STR_1204 :{COMMA16} minute queue time STR_1205 :{COMMA16} minutes queue time STR_1206 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Wait for: STR_1207 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Leave if another train arrives at station STR_1208 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Leave if another boat arrives at station STR_1209 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select whether should wait for passengers before departing STR_1210 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select whether should leave if another vehicle arrives at the same station STR_1211 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Minimum waiting time: STR_1212 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Maximum waiting time: STR_1213 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select minimum length of time to wait before departing STR_1214 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select maximum length of time to wait before departing STR_1215 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Synchronise with adjacent stations STR_1216 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select whether to synchronise departure with all adjacent stations (for 'racing') STR_1217 :{COMMA16} seconds STR_1218 :{BLACK}{SMALLUP} STR_1219 :{BLACK}{SMALLDOWN} STR_1220 :Exit only STR_1221 :No entrance STR_1222 :No exit STR_1223 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Transport rides STR_1224 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Gentle rides STR_1225 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Roller coasters STR_1226 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Thrill rides STR_1227 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Water rides STR_1228 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Shops & stalls STR_1229 :train STR_1230 :trains STR_1231 :Train STR_1232 :Trains STR_1233 :{COMMA16} train STR_1234 :{COMMA16} trains STR_1235 :Train {COMMA16} STR_1236 :boat STR_1237 :boats STR_1238 :Boat STR_1239 :Boats STR_1240 :{COMMA16} boat STR_1241 :{COMMA16} boats STR_1242 :Boat {COMMA16} STR_1243 :track STR_1244 :tracks STR_1245 :Track STR_1246 :Tracks STR_1247 :{COMMA16} track STR_1248 :{COMMA16} tracks STR_1249 :Track {COMMA16} STR_1250 :docking platform STR_1251 :docking platforms STR_1252 :Docking platform STR_1253 :Docking platforms STR_1254 :{COMMA16} docking platform STR_1255 :{COMMA16} docking platforms STR_1256 :Docking platform {COMMA16} STR_1257 :station STR_1258 :stations STR_1259 :Station STR_1260 :Stations STR_1261 :{COMMA16} station STR_1262 :{COMMA16} stations STR_1263 :Station {COMMA16} STR_1264 :car STR_1265 :cars STR_1266 :Car STR_1267 :Cars STR_1268 :{COMMA16} car STR_1269 :{COMMA16} cars STR_1270 :Car {COMMA16} STR_1271 :building STR_1272 :buildings STR_1273 :Building STR_1274 :Buildings STR_1275 :{COMMA16} building STR_1276 :{COMMA16} buildings STR_1277 :Building {COMMA16} STR_1278 :structure STR_1279 :structures STR_1280 :Structure STR_1281 :Structures STR_1282 :{COMMA16} structure STR_1283 :{COMMA16} structures STR_1284 :Structure {COMMA16} STR_1285 :ship STR_1286 :ships STR_1287 :Ship STR_1288 :Ships STR_1289 :{COMMA16} ship STR_1290 :{COMMA16} ships STR_1291 :Ship {COMMA16} STR_1292 :cabin STR_1293 :cabins STR_1294 :Cabin STR_1295 :Cabins STR_1296 :{COMMA16} cabin STR_1297 :{COMMA16} cabins STR_1298 :Cabin {COMMA16} STR_1299 :wheel STR_1300 :wheels STR_1301 :Wheel STR_1302 :Wheels STR_1303 :{COMMA16} wheel STR_1304 :{COMMA16} wheels STR_1305 :Wheel {COMMA16} STR_1306 :ring STR_1307 :rings STR_1308 :Ring STR_1309 :Rings STR_1310 :{COMMA16} ring STR_1311 :{COMMA16} rings STR_1312 :Ring {COMMA16} STR_1313 :player STR_1314 :players STR_1315 :Player STR_1316 :Players STR_1317 :{COMMA16} player STR_1318 :{COMMA16} players STR_1319 :Player {COMMA16} STR_1320 :course STR_1321 :courses STR_1322 :Course STR_1323 :Courses STR_1324 :{COMMA16} course STR_1325 :{COMMA16} courses STR_1326 :Course {COMMA16} STR_1327 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Rotate objects by 90{DEGREE} STR_1328 :Level land required STR_1329 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Launch speed: STR_1330 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Maximum speed when leaving station STR_1331 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{VELOCITY} STR_1332 :{VELOCITY} STR_1333 :{STRINGID} - {STRINGID}{POP16} STR_1334 :{STRINGID} - {STRINGID} {COMMA16} STR_1335 :{STRINGID} - Entrance{POP16}{POP16} STR_1336 :{STRINGID} - Station {POP16}{COMMA16} Entrance STR_1337 :{STRINGID} - Exit{POP16}{POP16} STR_1338 :{STRINGID} - Station {POP16}{COMMA16} Exit STR_1339 :{BLACK}No test results yet... STR_1340 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Max. speed: {BLACK}{VELOCITY} STR_1341 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Ride time: {BLACK}{STRINGID}{STRINGID}{STRINGID}{STRINGID} STR_1342 :{DURATION} STR_1343 :{DURATION} / STR_1344 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Ride length: {BLACK}{STRINGID}{STRINGID}{STRINGID}{STRINGID} STR_1345 :{LENGTH} STR_1346 :{LENGTH} / STR_1347 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Average speed: {BLACK}{VELOCITY} STR_1348 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Max. positive vertical G's: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32}g STR_1349 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Max. positive vertical G's: {OUTLINE}{RED}{COMMA2DP32}g STR_1350 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Max. negative vertical G's: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32}g STR_1351 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Max. negative vertical G's: {OUTLINE}{RED}{COMMA2DP32}g STR_1352 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Max. lateral G's: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32}g STR_1353 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Max. lateral G's: {OUTLINE}{RED}{COMMA2DP32}g STR_1354 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Highest drop height: {BLACK}{LENGTH} STR_1355 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Drops: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_1356 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Inversions: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_1357 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Holes: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_1358 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Total 'air' time: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32}secs STR_1359 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Queue time: {BLACK}{COMMA16} minute STR_1360 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Queue time: {BLACK}{COMMA16} minutes STR_1361 :Can't change speed... STR_1362 :Can't change launch speed... STR_1363 :Too high for supports! STR_1364 :Supports for track above can't be extended any further! STR_1365 :In-line Twist (left) STR_1366 :In-line Twist (right) STR_1367 :Half Loop STR_1368 :Half Corkscrew (left) STR_1369 :Half Corkscrew (right) STR_1370 :Barrel Roll (left) STR_1371 :Barrel Roll (right) STR_1372 :Launched Lift Hill STR_1373 :Large Half Loop (left) STR_1374 :Large Half Loop (right) STR_1375 :Upper Transfer STR_1376 :Lower Transfer STR_1377 :Heartline Roll (left) STR_1378 :Heartline Roll (right) STR_1379 :Reverser (left) STR_1380 :Reverser (right) STR_1381 :Curved Lift Hill (left) STR_1382 :Curved Lift Hill (right) STR_1383 :Quarter Loop STR_1384 :{YELLOW}{STRINGID} STR_1385 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Other track configurations STR_1386 :Special... STR_1387 :Can't change land type... STR_1388 :{OUTLINE}{GREEN}+ {CURRENCY} STR_1389 :{OUTLINE}{RED}- {CURRENCY} STR_1390 :{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1391 :{RED}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1392 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}View of ride/attraction STR_1393 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Vehicle details and options STR_1394 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Operating options STR_1395 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Maintenance options STR_1396 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Colour scheme options STR_1397 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Sound & music options STR_1398 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Measurements and test data STR_1399 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Graphs STR_1400 :Entrance STR_1401 :Exit STR_1402 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Build or move entrance to ride/attraction STR_1403 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Build or move exit from ride/attraction STR_1404 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Rotate 90{DEGREE} STR_1405 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Mirror image STR_1406 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Toggle scenery on/off (if available for this design) STR_1407 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Build this... STR_1408 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cost: {BLACK}{CURRENCY} STR_1409 :Entry/Exit Platform STR_1410 :Vertical Tower STR_1411 :{STRINGID} in the way STR_1412 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_3}Data logging not available for this type of ride STR_1413 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_3}Data logging will start when next {STRINGID} leaves {STRINGID} STR_1414 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{DURATION} STR_1415 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Velocity STR_1416 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Altitude STR_1417 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Vert.G's STR_1418 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Lat.G's STR_1419 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{VELOCITY} STR_1420 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{LENGTH} STR_1421 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{COMMA16}g STR_1422 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Logging data from {POP16}{STRINGID} STR_1423 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Queue line path STR_1424 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Footpath STR_1425 :Footpath STR_1426 :Queue Line STR_1427 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Customers: {BLACK}{COMMA32} per hour STR_1428 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Admission price: STR_1429 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1430 :Free STR_1431 :Walking STR_1432 :Heading for {STRINGID} STR_1433 :Queuing for {STRINGID} STR_1434 :Drowning STR_1435 :On {STRINGID} STR_1436 :In {STRINGID} STR_1437 :At {STRINGID} STR_1438 :Sitting STR_1439 :(select location) STR_1440 :修剪草皮中 STR_1441 :Sweeping footpath STR_1442 :Emptying litter bin STR_1443 :Watering gardens STR_1444 :Watching {STRINGID} STR_1445 :Watching construction of {STRINGID} STR_1446 :Looking at scenery STR_1447 :Leaving the park STR_1448 :Watching new ride being constructed STR_1449 :{SPRITE} {STRINGID}{NEWLINE}({STRINGID}) STR_1450 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{09}{20}{00}{00}{SPRITE} {STRINGID}{NEWLINE}({STRINGID}) STR_1451 :{STRINGID}{NEWLINE}({STRINGID}) STR_1452 :Guest's name STR_1453 :Enter name for this guest: STR_1454 :Can't name guest... STR_1455 :Invalid name for guest STR_1456 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cash spent: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1457 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Cash in pocket: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1458 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Time in park: {BLACK}{REALTIME} STR_1459 :Track style STR_1460 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}'U' shaped open track STR_1461 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}'O' shaped enclosed track STR_1462 :Too steep for lift hill STR_1463 :游客 STR_1464 :Helix up (small) STR_1465 :Helix up (large) STR_1466 :Helix down (small) STR_1467 :Helix down (large) STR_1468 :职员 STR_1469 :Ride must start and end with stations STR_1470 :Station not long enough STR_1471 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Speed: STR_1472 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Speed of this ride STR_1473 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Excitement rating: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32} ({STRINGID}) STR_1474 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Excitement rating: {BLACK}Not yet available STR_1475 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Intensity rating: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32} ({STRINGID}) STR_1476 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Intensity rating: {BLACK}Not yet available STR_1477 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Intensity rating: {OUTLINE}{RED}{COMMA2DP32} ({STRINGID}) STR_1478 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Nausea rating: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32} ({STRINGID}) STR_1479 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Nausea rating: {BLACK}Not yet available STR_1480 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I can't afford {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1481 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I've spent all my money{ENDQUOTES} STR_1482 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我感到不舒服{ENDQUOTES} STR_1483 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我感到非常不舒服{ENDQUOTES} STR_1484 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I want to go on something more thrilling than {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1485 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID} looks too intense for me{ENDQUOTES} STR_1486 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I haven't finished my {STRINGID} yet{ENDQUOTES} STR_1487 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}Just looking at {STRINGID} makes me feel sick{ENDQUOTES} STR_1488 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not paying that much to go on {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1489 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我想回家{ENDQUOTES} STR_1490 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID} is really good value{ENDQUOTES} STR_1491 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I've already got {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1492 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I can't afford {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1493 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not hungry{ENDQUOTES} STR_1494 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm not thirsty{ENDQUOTES} STR_1495 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}Help! I'm drowning!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1496 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I'm lost!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1497 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID} was great{ENDQUOTES} STR_1498 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}I've been queuing for {STRINGID} for ages{ENDQUOTES} STR_1499 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我累了{ENDQUOTES} STR_1500 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我饿了{ENDQUOTES} STR_1501 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我渴了{ENDQUOTES} STR_1502 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我需要去厕所{ENDQUOTES} STR_1503 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我找不到 {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1504 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我没有那么多钱去 {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1505 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不去 {STRINGID} 因为在下雨{ENDQUOTES} STR_1506 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这里的垃圾真的很糟糕{ENDQUOTES} STR_1507 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我找不到乐园的出口{ENDQUOTES} STR_1508 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我想下车 {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1509 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我想离开 {STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_1510 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不想去{STRINGID} - 它不安全{ENDQUOTES} STR_1511 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这条路是令人厌恶的{ENDQUOTES} STR_1512 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这里太拥挤了{ENDQUOTES} STR_1513 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这里的损坏是非常糟糕的{ENDQUOTES} STR_1514 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}壮丽的景色!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1515 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个公园真的很干净{ENDQUOTES} STR_1516 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}跳跃喷泉太好了{ENDQUOTES} STR_1517 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这里的音乐很好{ENDQUOTES} STR_1518 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的热气球真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1519 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的可爱的玩具真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1520 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的乐园地图真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1521 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的在乘坐时的照片真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1522 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的伞真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1523 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的饮料真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1524 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的汉堡真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1525 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的薯条真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1526 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的冰激凌真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1527 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的棉花糖真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1528 : STR_1529 : STR_1530 : STR_1531 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的披萨真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1532 : STR_1533 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的爆米花真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1534 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的热狗真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1535 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的触手真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1536 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的帽子真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1537 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的太妃糖苹果真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1538 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的T恤真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1539 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的甜甜圈真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1540 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的咖啡真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1541 : STR_1542 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的炸鸡真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1543 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个{STRINGID}的柠檬水真是便宜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1544 : STR_1545 : STR_1546 : STR_1547 : STR_1548 : STR_1549 : STR_1550 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}哇!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1551 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我有种奇怪的感觉, 像是有人在监视我{ENDQUOTES} STR_1552 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一个气球{ENDQUOTES} STR_1553 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一只毛绒公仔{ENDQUOTES} STR_1554 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份游乐园地图{ENDQUOTES} STR_1555 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一张即时照片{ENDQUOTES} STR_1556 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一把雨伞{ENDQUOTES} STR_1557 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一杯饮料{ENDQUOTES} STR_1558 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一个汉堡{ENDQUOTES} STR_1559 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份薯条{ENDQUOTES} STR_1560 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一个冰激淋{ENDQUOTES} STR_1561 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一球棉花糖{ENDQUOTES} STR_1562 : STR_1563 : STR_1564 : STR_1565 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份披萨{ENDQUOTES} STR_1566 : STR_1567 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份爆米花{ENDQUOTES} STR_1568 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一个热狗{ENDQUOTES} STR_1569 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份触手{ENDQUOTES} STR_1570 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一个帽子{ENDQUOTES} STR_1571 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一个太妃糖苹果{ENDQUOTES} STR_1572 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一件T恤{ENDQUOTES} STR_1573 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份甜甜圈{ENDQUOTES} STR_1574 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一杯咖啡{ENDQUOTES} STR_1575 : STR_1576 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份炸鸡{ENDQUOTES} STR_1577 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一杯柠檬水{ENDQUOTES} STR_1578 : STR_1579 : STR_1580 : STR_1581 : STR_1582 : STR_1583 : STR_1584 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这张从{STRINGID}购买的即时照片真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1585 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这张从{STRINGID}购买的即时照片真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1586 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这张从{STRINGID}购买的即时照片真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1587 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这张从{STRINGID}购买的椒盐卷饼真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1588 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这杯从{STRINGID}购买的热巧克力真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1589 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这杯从{STRINGID}购买的冰红茶真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1590 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这个从{STRINGID}购买的漏斗蛋糕真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1591 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这副从{STRINGID}购买的太阳镜真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1592 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这碗从{STRINGID}购买的牛肉面真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1593 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这份从{STRINGID}购买的炒米粉真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1594 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这份从{STRINGID}购买的上汤云吞真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1595 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这份从{STRINGID}购买的肉丸汤{真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1596 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这杯从{STRINGID}购买的果汁真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1597 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这杯从{STRINGID}购买的豆浆真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1598 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这份从{STRINGID}购买的水正果真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1599 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这块从{STRINGID}购买的潜艇三明治真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1600 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这份从{STRINGID}购买的曲奇饼干真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1601 : STR_1602 : STR_1603 : STR_1604 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}这条从{STRINGID}购买的烤香肠真是超值{ENDQUOTES} STR_1605 : STR_1606 : STR_1607 : STR_1608 : STR_1609 : STR_1610 : STR_1611 : STR_1612 : STR_1613 : STR_1614 : STR_1615 : STR_1616 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去购买一张在{STRINGID}的即时照片{ENDQUOTES} STR_1617 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去购买一张在{STRINGID}的即时照片{ENDQUOTES} STR_1618 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去购买一张在{STRINGID}的即时照片{ENDQUOTES} STR_1619 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一张椒盐卷饼{ENDQUOTES} STR_1620 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一杯热巧克力{ENDQUOTES} STR_1621 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一杯冰红茶{ENDQUOTES} STR_1622 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一个漏斗蛋糕{ENDQUOTES} STR_1623 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一副太阳镜{ENDQUOTES} STR_1624 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一碗牛肉面{ENDQUOTES} STR_1625 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份炒米粉{ENDQUOTES} STR_1626 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份上汤云吞{ENDQUOTES} STR_1627 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份肉丸汤{ENDQUOTES} STR_1628 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一杯果汁{ENDQUOTES} STR_1629 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一杯豆浆{ENDQUOTES} STR_1630 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份水正果{ENDQUOTES} STR_1631 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一块潜艇三明治{ENDQUOTES} STR_1632 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份曲奇饼干{ENDQUOTES} STR_1633 : STR_1634 : STR_1635 : STR_1636 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我不会花那么多钱去{STRINGID}购买一份烤香肠{ENDQUOTES} STR_1637 : STR_1638 : STR_1639 : STR_1640 : STR_1641 : STR_1642 : STR_1643 : STR_1644 : STR_1645 : STR_1646 : STR_1647 : STR_1648 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}救命! 放我下来!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1649 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}我的现金不够了!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1650 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}喔!一个新的设施正在建造{ENDQUOTES} # Two removed inside jokes about Intamin and Phoenix STR_1651 : STR_1652 : STR_1653 :{SMALLFONT}{OPENQUOTES}...现在我们已经在{STRINGID}上!{ENDQUOTES} STR_1654 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最近的想法: STR_1655 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在地上建造道路 STR_1656 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}建造桥梁或隧道 STR_1657 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施选项 STR_1658 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}刺激度: {BLACK}少于{COMMA16} STR_1659 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}刺激度: {BLACK}介于{COMMA16}和{COMMA16}之间 STR_1660 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}刺激度: {BLACK}大于{COMMA16} STR_1661 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}恶心忍受度: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_1662 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}快乐度: STR_1663 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}恶心度: STR_1664 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}体力: STR_1665 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}饥饿度: STR_1666 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}口渴度: STR_1667 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}如厕度: STR_1668 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}满意度: {BLACK}未知 STR_1669 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}满意度: {BLACK}{COMMA16}% STR_1670 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}总乘客数: {BLACK}{COMMA32} STR_1671 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}总利润: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1672 :刹车 STR_1673 :控制旋转开/关轨道 STR_1674 :刹车速度 STR_1675 :{POP16}{VELOCITY} STR_1676 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置刹车速度限制 STR_1677 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}受欢迎度: {BLACK}未知 STR_1678 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}受欢迎度: {BLACK}{COMMA16}% STR_1679 :向上盘旋 (向左) STR_1680 :向上盘旋 (向右) STR_1681 :向下盘旋 (向左) STR_1682 :向下盘旋 (向右) STR_1683 :Base size 2 x 2 STR_1684 :Base size 4 x 4 STR_1685 :Base size 2 x 4 STR_1686 :Base size 5 x 1 STR_1687 :Water splash STR_1688 :Base size 4 x 1 STR_1689 :Block brakes STR_1690 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{STRINGID}{NEWLINE}{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_1691 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} Cost: {BLACK}{CURRENCY} STR_1692 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} Cost: {BLACK}from {CURRENCY} STR_1693 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游客 STR_1694 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}职员 STR_1695 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}收入和支出 STR_1696 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}顾客信息 STR_1697 :不能在等候区放置此物品 STR_1698 :只能在等候区放置此物品 STR_1699 :游戏中已有太多人 STR_1700 :雇佣新的清洁工 STR_1701 :雇佣新的机械工 STR_1702 :雇佣新的安保人员 STR_1703 :雇佣新的表演人员 STR_1704 :不能雇佣新职员... STR_1705 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Sack this staff member STR_1706 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Move this person to a new location STR_1707 :Too many staff in game STR_1708 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Set patrol area for this staff member STR_1709 :Sack staff STR_1710 :Yes STR_1711 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_1}Are you sure you want to sack {STRINGID}? STR_1712 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{247}{19}{00}{00}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Sweep footpaths STR_1713 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{248}{19}{00}{00}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Water gardens STR_1714 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{249}{19}{00}{00}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Empty litter bins STR_1715 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{250}{19}{00}{00}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Mow grass STR_1716 :Invalid name for park STR_1717 :Can't rename park... STR_1718 :Park Name STR_1719 :Enter name for park: STR_1720 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Name park STR_1721 :游乐园已关闭 STR_1722 :游乐园开放中 STR_1723 :Can't open park... STR_1724 :Can't close park... STR_1725 :Can't buy land... STR_1726 :Land not for sale! STR_1727 :Construction rights not for sale! STR_1728 :Can't buy construction rights here... STR_1729 :Land not owned by park! STR_1730 :{RED}Closed - - STR_1731 :{WHITE}{STRINGID} - - STR_1732 :Build STR_1733 :Mode STR_1734 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Number of laps: STR_1735 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Number of laps of circuit STR_1736 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1737 :{COMMA16} STR_1738 :Can't change number of laps... STR_1739 :Race won by guest {INT32} STR_1740 :Race won by {STRINGID} STR_1741 :Not yet constructed ! STR_1742 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Max. people on ride: STR_1743 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Maximum number of people allowed on this ride at one time STR_1744 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1745 :{COMMA16} STR_1746 :Can't change this... STR_1747 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Time limit: STR_1748 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Time limit for ride STR_1749 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{DURATION} STR_1750 :{DURATION} STR_1751 :Can't change time limit for ride... STR_1752 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show list of individual guests in park STR_1753 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show summarised list of guests in park STR_1754 :{BLACK}{COMMA16}名游客 STR_1755 :{BLACK}{COMMA16}名游客 STR_1756 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}门票价格: STR_1757 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}可靠性: {MOVE_X}{255}{BLACK}{COMMA16}% STR_1758 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}建造模式 STR_1759 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}移动模式 STR_1760 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Fill-in mode STR_1761 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Build maze in this direction STR_1762 :Waterfalls STR_1763 :Rapids STR_1764 :Log Bumps STR_1765 :On-ride photo section STR_1766 :Reverser turntable STR_1767 :Spinning tunnel STR_1768 :Can't change number of swings... STR_1769 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Number of swings: STR_1770 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Number of complete swings STR_1771 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1772 :{COMMA16} STR_1773 :每个游乐设施只能建造一个照相区域 STR_1774 :每个游乐设施只能建造一个牵引轨道 STR_1775 :关闭 STR_1776 :开启 STR_1777 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}设施音乐 STR_1778 :{STRINGID} - - STR_1779 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{254}{19}{00}{00} 熊猫服装 STR_1780 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{255}{19}{00}{00} 老虎服装 STR_1781 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{00}{20}{00}{00} 大象服装 STR_1782 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{01}{20}{00}{00} 罗马人服装 STR_1783 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{02}{20}{00}{00} 大猩猩服装 STR_1784 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{03}{20}{00}{00} 雪人服装 STR_1785 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{04}{20}{00}{00} 骑士服装 STR_1786 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{05}{20}{00}{00} 宇航员服装 STR_1787 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{06}{20}{00}{00} 土匪服装 STR_1788 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{07}{20}{00}{00} 警长服装 STR_1789 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{08}{20}{00}{00} 海盗服装 STR_1790 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择这种员工的制服颜色 STR_1791 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}制服的颜色: STR_1792 :回应{STRINGID}的故障呼叫中 STR_1793 :前往{STRINGID}检查中 STR_1794 :修理{STRINGID}中 STR_1795 :回应电台呼叫中 STR_1796 :已经故障并需要修复 STR_1797 :不能在这个游乐设施中更改这个选项 STR_1798 :漩涡 STR_1799 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1800 :保险设备跳闸 STR_1801 :保护设备卡住不能开启 STR_1802 :保护设备卡住不能关闭 STR_1803 :车门卡住不能开启 STR_1804 :车门卡住不能关闭 STR_1805 :车辆失灵 STR_1806 :刹车设备故障 STR_1807 :控制设备故障 STR_1808 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}上次故障原因: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_1809 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}本次故障原因: {OUTLINE}{RED}{STRINGID} STR_1810 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}搬运中: STR_1811 :Can't build this here... STR_1812 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_1813 :其他物体 STR_1814 :动作 STR_1815 :想法 STR_1816 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择游客列表中要显示的信息类别 STR_1817 :({COMMA16}) STR_1818 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}所有游客 STR_1819 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}所有游客(汇总) STR_1820 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{STRINGID}的游客 STR_1821 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}在想{STRINGID}的游客 STR_1822 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}在想{POP16}{STRINGID}的游客 STR_1823 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示游客对此游乐设施/店铺的想法 STR_1824 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示在此游乐设施/店铺的游客 STR_1825 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示在此游乐设施/店铺排队等候的游客 STR_1826 :状态 STR_1827 :人气 STR_1828 :满意度 STR_1829 :利润 STR_1830 :等候队列长度 STR_1831 :等候时间 STR_1832 :可靠度 STR_1833 :故障度 STR_1834 :游客最爱的游乐设施 STR_1835 :人气度: 未知 STR_1836 :人气度: {COMMA16}% STR_1837 :满意度: 未知 STR_1838 :满意度: {COMMA16}% STR_1839 :可靠度: {COMMA16}% STR_1840 :故障度: {COMMA16}% STR_1841 :利润: 每小时{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1842 :{COMMA16}游客最喜爱的游乐设施 STR_1843 :{COMMA16}游客最喜爱的游乐设施 STR_1844 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择要在游乐设施/店面列表中显示的信息类别 STR_1845 :{MONTHYEAR} STR_1846 :{COMMA16}游客 STR_1847 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{11}{20}{00}{00}{COMMA16} guests STR_1848 :{INLINE_SPRITE}{10}{20}{00}{00}{COMMA16} guests STR_1849 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}播放音乐 STR_1850 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择此游乐设施是否播放音乐 STR_1851 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}运行成本: {BLACK}每小时{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1852 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}运行成本: {BLACK}未知 STR_1853 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}建造年份: {BLACK}今年 STR_1854 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}建造年份: {BLACK}去年 STR_1855 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}建造年份: {BLACK}{COMMA16}年前 STR_1856 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}每件产品售出的利润: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1857 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}每件产品售出的亏损: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1858 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}成本: {BLACK}每个月{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1859 :位清洁工 STR_1860 :位维修工 STR_1861 :位警卫 STR_1862 :位演员 STR_1863 :位清洁工 STR_1864 :位维修工 STR_1865 :位警卫 STR_1866 :位演员 STR_1867 :{BLACK}{COMMA16} {STRINGID} STR_1868 :不能改变旋转次数... STR_1869 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}旋转次数: STR_1870 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}完整旋转次数 STR_1871 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1872 :{COMMA16} STR_1873 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Income: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} per hour STR_1874 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Profit: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} per hour STR_1875 :{BLACK} {SPRITE}{BLACK} {STRINGID} STR_1876 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{INLINE_SPRITE}{251}{19}{00}{00}Inspect Rides STR_1877 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{INLINE_SPRITE}{252}{19}{00}{00}Fix Rides STR_1878 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}检查时间间隔: STR_1879 :每10分钟 STR_1880 :每20分钟 STR_1881 :每30分钟 STR_1882 :每45分钟 STR_1883 :每小时 STR_1884 :每2小时 STR_1885 :从不 STR_1886 :Inspecting {STRINGID} STR_1887 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}上次检查时间: {BLACK}{COMMA16}分钟前 STR_1888 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}上次检查时间: {BLACK}大于4小时 STR_1889 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}故障度: {MOVE_X}{255}{BLACK}{COMMA16}% STR_1890 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择维修工检查此游乐设施的时间间隔 STR_1891 :在乐园里暂未有{STRINGID}! # The following two strings were used to display an error when the disc was missing. # This has been replaced in OpenRCT2. STR_1892 : STR_1893 : STR_1894 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}售出{STRINGID}: {BLACK}{COMMA32} STR_1895 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}建造新的游乐设施/店铺 STR_1896 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}支出/收入 STR_1897 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}建造游乐设施 STR_1898 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}运行游乐设施费用 STR_1899 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}购买土地 STR_1900 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}调整地形 STR_1901 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园入场门票 STR_1902 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施门票 STR_1903 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}其他商品销售额 STR_1904 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}其他商品进货 STR_1905 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}食物/饮料销售额 STR_1906 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}食物/饮料进货 STR_1907 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}员工薪金 STR_1908 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}营销费用 STR_1909 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}研发费用 STR_1910 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}贷款利息 STR_1911 :{BLACK} at {COMMA16}% per year STR_1912 :{MONTH} STR_1913 :{BLACK}+{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1914 :{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1915 :{RED}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_1916 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Loan: STR_1917 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY} STR_1918 :不能再借贷更多钱! STR_1919 :没有足够的现金! STR_1920 :不能偿还贷款! STR_1921 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开始新游戏 STR_1922 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}从存档继续玩 STR_1923 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}打开教学任务 STR_1924 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}退出游戏 STR_1925 :不能放置人物于此... STR_1926 :{SMALLFONT} STR_1927 :{YELLOW}{STRINGID}发生故障了 STR_1928 :{RED}{STRINGID}毁坏了! STR_1929 :{RED}{STRINGID}依然未修复好{NEWLINE}请检查维修人员位置所在, 或考虑以更好的方法管理他们 STR_1930 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开启/关闭这位游客的追踪信息 - (假若开启追踪, 这位游客的行动将会报告于最近消息里) STR_1931 :{STRINGID}已在轮候{STRINGID} STR_1932 :{STRINGID}已在{STRINGID}上 STR_1933 :{STRINGID}已在{STRINGID}中 STR_1934 :{STRINGID}已离开{STRINGID} STR_1935 :{STRINGID}已离开乐园 STR_1936 :{STRINGID}已购买{STRINGID} STR_1937 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示关于这个消息标题的信息 STR_1938 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示游客所视 STR_1939 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示员工所视 STR_1940 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示这位游客的快乐度, 体力, 饥饿度等指标 STR_1941 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示这位游客乘坐了甚么游乐设施 STR_1942 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示这位游客的财政状况 STR_1943 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示这位游客的最近想法 STR_1944 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示这位游客携带中的对象 STR_1945 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示有关这位员工的排序及选项 STR_1946 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择这位表演人员的服装 STR_1947 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示已分配被巡逻的区域, 以及将最近的员工定位 STR_1948 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}雇用这个类别的新员工 STR_1949 :财政概要 STR_1950 :财政图表 STR_1951 :乐园价值图表 STR_1952 :营利图表 STR_1953 :营销计划 STR_1954 :研发资金 STR_1955 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}圈数: STR_1956 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}每次运转游乐设施的圈数 STR_1957 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_1958 :{COMMA16} STR_1959 :不能改变圈数... STR_1960 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}气球价格: STR_1961 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}毛绒公仔价格: STR_1962 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐园地图价格: STR_1963 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}即时照片价格: STR_1964 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}雨伞价格: STR_1965 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}饮料价格: STR_1966 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}汉堡价格: STR_1967 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}薯条价格: STR_1968 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}冰激淋价格: STR_1969 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}棉花糖价格: STR_1970 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1971 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1972 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1973 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}披萨价格: STR_1974 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1975 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}爆米花价格: STR_1976 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}热狗价格: STR_1977 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}触手价格: STR_1978 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}帽子价格: STR_1979 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}太妃苹果糖价格: STR_1980 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}T恤价格: STR_1981 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}甜甜圈价格: STR_1982 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}咖啡价格: STR_1983 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1984 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}炸鸡价格 STR_1985 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}柠檬水价格 STR_1986 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1987 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_1988 :气球 STR_1989 :毛绒公仔 STR_1990 :游乐园地图 STR_1991 :即时照片 STR_1992 :雨伞 STR_1993 :饮料 STR_1994 :汉堡 STR_1995 :薯条 STR_1996 :冰激淋 STR_1997 :棉花糖 STR_1998 :空罐子 STR_1999 :垃圾 STR_2000 :空汉堡包装盒 STR_2001 :披萨 STR_2002 :Voucher STR_2003 :爆米花 STR_2004 :热狗 STR_2005 :触手 STR_2006 :帽子 STR_2007 :太妃苹果糖 STR_2008 :T恤 STR_2009 :甜甜圈 STR_2010 :咖啡 STR_2011 :空杯子 STR_2012 :炸鸡 STR_2013 :柠檬水 STR_2014 :空盒子 STR_2015 :空瓶子 STR_2016 :气球 STR_2017 :毛绒公仔 STR_2018 :游乐园地图 STR_2019 :即时照片 STR_2020 :雨伞 STR_2021 :饮料 STR_2022 :汉堡 STR_2023 :薯条 STR_2024 :冰激淋 STR_2025 :棉花糖 STR_2026 :空罐子 STR_2027 :垃圾 STR_2028 :空汉堡包装盒 STR_2029 :披萨 STR_2030 :Voucher STR_2031 :爆米花 STR_2032 :热狗 STR_2033 :触手 STR_2034 :帽子 STR_2035 :太妃苹果糖 STR_2036 :T恤 STR_2037 :甜甜圈 STR_2038 :咖啡 STR_2039 :空杯子 STR_2040 :炸鸡 STR_2041 :柠檬水 STR_2042 :空盒子 STR_2043 :空瓶子 STR_2044 :一只气球 STR_2045 :一只毛绒公仔 STR_2046 :一份游乐园地图 STR_2047 :一张即时照片 STR_2048 :一把雨伞 STR_2049 :一杯饮料 STR_2050 :一个汉堡 STR_2051 :一份薯条 STR_2052 :一个冰激淋 STR_2053 :一球棉花糖 STR_2054 :一个空罐子 STR_2055 :一些垃圾 STR_2056 :一个空汉堡包装盒 STR_2057 :一块披萨 STR_2058 :一张Voucher STR_2059 :一份爆米花 STR_2060 :一只热狗 STR_2061 :一只触手 STR_2062 :一顶帽子 STR_2063 :一个太妃苹果糖 STR_2064 :一件T恤 STR_2065 :一个甜甜圈 STR_2066 :一杯咖啡 STR_2067 :一个空杯子 STR_2068 :一份炸鸡 STR_2069 :一杯柠檬水 STR_2070 :一个空盒子 STR_2071 :一个空瓶子 STR_2072 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES}气球 STR_2073 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES}毛绒公仔 STR_2074 :{STRINGID}的地图 STR_2075 :{STRINGID}的即时照片 STR_2076 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES}雨伞 STR_2077 :饮料 STR_2078 :汉堡 STR_2079 :薯条 STR_2080 :冰激淋 STR_2081 :棉花糖 STR_2082 :空罐子 STR_2083 :垃圾 STR_2084 :空汉堡包装盒 STR_2085 :披萨 STR_2086 :{STRINGID}的优惠券 STR_2087 :爆米花 STR_2088 :热狗 STR_2089 :触手 STR_2090 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES}帽子 STR_2091 :太妃苹果糖 STR_2092 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES}T恤 STR_2093 :甜甜圈 STR_2094 :咖啡 STR_2095 :空杯子 STR_2096 :炸鸡 STR_2097 :柠檬水 STR_2098 :空盒子 STR_2099 :空瓶子 STR_2100 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}即时照片价格: STR_2101 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}即时照片价格: STR_2102 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}即时照片价格: STR_2103 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}椒盐卷饼价格: STR_2104 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}热巧克力价格: STR_2105 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}冰红茶价格: STR_2106 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}漏斗蛋糕价格: STR_2107 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}太阳镜价格: STR_2108 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}牛肉面价格: STR_2109 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}炒米粉价格: STR_2110 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}上汤云吞价格: STR_2111 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}肉丸汤价格: STR_2112 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}果汁价格: STR_2113 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}豆浆价格: STR_2114 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}水正果价格: STR_2115 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}潜艇三明治价格: STR_2116 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}曲奇饼干价格: STR_2117 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2118 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2119 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2120 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}烤香肠价格: STR_2121 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2122 :即时照片 STR_2123 :即时照片 STR_2124 :即时照片 STR_2125 :椒盐卷饼 STR_2126 :热巧克力 STR_2127 :冰红茶 STR_2128 :漏斗蛋糕 STR_2129 :太阳镜 STR_2130 :牛肉面 STR_2131 :炒米粉 STR_2132 :上汤云吞 STR_2133 :肉丸汤 STR_2134 :果汁 STR_2135 :豆浆 STR_2136 :水正果 STR_2137 :潜艇三明治 STR_2138 :曲奇饼干 STR_2139 :空碗 STR_2140 :空饮料包装 STR_2141 :空果汁杯 STR_2142 :烤香肠 STR_2143 :空碗 STR_2144 :即时照片 STR_2145 :即时照片 STR_2146 :即时照片 STR_2147 :椒盐卷饼 STR_2148 :热巧克力 STR_2149 :冰红茶 STR_2150 :漏斗蛋糕 STR_2151 :太阳镜 STR_2152 :牛肉面 STR_2153 :炒米粉 STR_2154 :上汤云吞 STR_2155 :肉丸汤 STR_2156 :果汁 STR_2157 :豆浆 STR_2158 :水正果 STR_2159 :潜艇三明治 STR_2160 :曲奇饼干 STR_2161 :空碗 STR_2162 :空饮料包装 STR_2163 :空果汁杯 STR_2164 :烤香肠 STR_2165 :空碗 STR_2166 :一张即时照片 STR_2167 :一张即时照片 STR_2168 :一张即时照片 STR_2169 :一份椒盐卷饼 STR_2170 :一杯热巧克力 STR_2171 :一杯冰红茶 STR_2172 :一个漏斗蛋糕 STR_2173 :一副太阳镜 STR_2174 :一份牛肉面 STR_2175 :一份炒米粉 STR_2176 :一碗上汤云吞 STR_2177 :一碗肉丸汤 STR_2178 :一杯果汁 STR_2179 :一杯豆浆 STR_2180 :一杯水正果 STR_2181 :一份潜艇三明治 STR_2182 :一份曲奇饼干 STR_2183 :一个空碗 STR_2184 :一个空饮料包装 STR_2185 :一个空果汁杯 STR_2186 :一条烤香肠 STR_2187 :一个空碗 STR_2188 :{STRINGID}的即时照片 STR_2189 :{STRINGID}的即时照片 STR_2190 :{STRINGID}的即时照片 STR_2191 :椒盐卷饼 STR_2192 :热巧克力 STR_2193 :冰红茶 STR_2194 :漏斗蛋糕 STR_2195 :太阳镜 STR_2196 :牛肉面 STR_2197 :炒米粉 STR_2198 :上汤云吞 STR_2199 :肉丸汤 STR_2200 :果汁 STR_2201 :豆浆 STR_2202 :水正果 STR_2203 :潜艇三明治 STR_2204 :曲奇饼干 STR_2205 :空碗 STR_2206 :空饮料包装 STR_2207 :空果汁杯 STR_2208 :烤香肠 STR_2209 :空碗 STR_2210 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}列出乐园内的清洁工人 STR_2211 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}列出乐园内的维修人员 STR_2212 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}列出乐园内的安全警卫 STR_2213 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}列出乐园内的表演人员 STR_2214 :游戏暂停时无法建造任何物体! STR_2215 :{STRINGID}{NEWLINE}({STRINGID}) STR_2216 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{COMMA16}{DEGREE}C STR_2217 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{COMMA16}{DEGREE}F STR_2218 :{RED}{STRINGID}, {STRINGID}的一部份, 尚未返回到{STRINGID}!{NEWLINE}检查是否被卡住或被停止了 STR_2219 :{RED}{COMMA16}人已丧生于{STRINGID}的意外中 STR_2220 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园评价: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2221 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}乐园评价: {COMMA16} STR_2222 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_2223 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}园内游客: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2224 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}现金: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_2225 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}现金: {RED}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_2226 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园价值: {BLACK}{CURRENCY} STR_2227 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}公司价值: {BLACK}{CURRENCY} STR_2228 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}上个月来自食物/饮料以及{NEWLINE}其他商品的销售额: {BLACK}{CURRENCY} STR_2229 :上坡到垂直的过渡轨道 STR_2230 :垂直轨道 STR_2231 :下落刹车设备 STR_2232 :缆索坡道 STR_2233 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游乐园信息 STR_2234 :最近消息 STR_2235 :{SMALLFONT}{STRINGID} {STRINGID} STR_2236 :1月 STR_2237 :2月 STR_2238 :3月 STR_2239 :4月 STR_2240 :5月 STR_2241 :6月 STR_2242 :7月 STR_2243 :8月 STR_2244 :9月 STR_2245 :10月 STR_2246 :11月 STR_2247 :12月 STR_2248 :不能移除游乐设施/店铺... STR_2249 :{BABYBLUE}全新游乐设施/店铺可供使用:{NEWLINE}{STRINGID} STR_2250 :{BABYBLUE}全新景物/主题景物可供使用:{NEWLINE}{STRINGID} STR_2251 :只可以在道路上建造! STR_2252 :只可以横过道路建造! STR_2253 :运输类游乐设施 STR_2254 :温和类游乐设施 STR_2255 :云霄飞车 STR_2256 :剌激类游乐设施 STR_2257 :水文类游乐设施 STR_2258 :商店及摊贩 STR_2259 :景物及主题景物 STR_2260 :无资金 STR_2261 :最少资金 STR_2262 :普通资金 STR_2263 :最多资金 STR_2264 :研发资金分配 STR_2265 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}费用: {BLACK}每个月{CURRENCY} STR_2266 :研发优先项目 STR_2267 :目前研发项目 STR_2268 :上次研发项目 STR_2269 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}类别: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_2270 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}进度: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_2271 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}预计完工日期: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_2272 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施/店铺:{NEWLINE}{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_2273 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}景物/主题景物:{NEWLINE}{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_2274 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示此研发项目的详细数据 STR_2275 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示研发的资金分配及选项 STR_2276 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示研发项目进度 STR_2277 :未知 STR_2278 :运输类游乐设施 STR_2279 :温和类游乐设施 STR_2280 :云霄飞车 STR_2281 :剌激类游乐设施 STR_2282 :水文类游乐设施 STR_2283 :商店及摊贩 STR_2284 :景物及主题景物 STR_2285 :初始研发 STR_2286 :设计中 STR_2287 :完成设计中 STR_2288 :未知 STR_2289 :{STRINGID} {STRINGID} STR_2290 : STR_2291 :选择新游戏的剧情 STR_2292 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乘坐过的游乐设施: STR_2293 :{BLACK}无 STR_2294 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}更改基础土地样式 STR_2295 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}更改土地的垂直边界 STR_2296 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}付了{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}进入乐园 STR_2297 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}付了{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乘坐{BLACK}{COMMA16}个游乐设施 STR_2298 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}付了{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乘坐{BLACK}{COMMA16}个游乐设施 STR_2299 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}付了{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}享用{BLACK}{COMMA16}款食物 STR_2300 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}付了{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}享用{BLACK}{COMMA16}款食物 STR_2301 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}付了{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}享用{BLACK}{COMMA16}款饮料 STR_2302 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}付了{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}享用{BLACK}{COMMA16}款饮料 STR_2303 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}付了{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}购买{BLACK}{COMMA16}个记念品 STR_2304 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}付了{BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}购买{BLACK}{COMMA16}个记念品 STR_2305 :轨道设计文件 STR_2306 :存储轨道设计 STR_2307 :选择{STRINGID}的设计 STR_2308 :{STRINGID}的设计文件 STR_2309 :安装新的轨道设计 STR_2310 :建造自订设计 STR_2311 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}兴奋度: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32} (大约) STR_2312 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}刺激度: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32} (大约) STR_2313 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}恶心度: {BLACK}{COMMA2DP32} (大约) STR_2314 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}轨道长度: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_2315 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}建造费用: {BLACK}约{CURRENCY} STR_2316 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}需要空间: {BLACK}{COMMA16} x {COMMA16}格 STR_2317 : STR_2318 : STR_2319 : STR_2320 : STR_2321 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施/店铺数目: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2322 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}员工数目: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2323 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园大小: {BLACK}{COMMA32}m{SQUARED} STR_2324 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园大小: {BLACK}{COMMA32}平方英尺 STR_2325 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}购买土地来扩展乐园 STR_2326 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}购买建造权来准许在乐园范围外的空中或地底建造对象 STR_2327 :选项 STR_2328 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}货币单位: STR_2329 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}距离和速度单位: STR_2330 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}温度单位: STR_2331 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}高度标签单位: STR_2332 :单位 STR_2333 :音效 STR_2334 :英镑 ({POUND}) STR_2335 :美元 ($) STR_2336 :法郎 (F) STR_2337 :德国马克 (DM) STR_2338 :日元 ({YEN}) STR_2339 :比塞塔 (Pts) STR_2340 :里拉 (L) STR_2341 :荷兰盾 (fl.) STR_2342 :克朗 (kr) STR_2343 :欧元 ({EURO}) STR_2344 :英制 STR_2345 :公制 STR_2346 :显示 STR_2347 :{RED}{STRINGID}已被溺死! STR_2348 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示这位员工的统计数据 STR_2349 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}工资: {BLACK}每个月{CURRENCY} STR_2350 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}雇用日期: {BLACK}{MONTHYEAR} STR_2351 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}除草次数: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2352 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}灌溉次数: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2353 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}扫地次数: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2354 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}清空拉坡筒次数: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2355 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}修理游乐设施次数: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2356 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}检验游乐设施次数: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_2357 :房屋 STR_2358 :单位 STR_2359 :真实数值 STR_2360 :屏幕分辨率: STR_2361 :地表边缘平滑 STR_2362 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开启/关闭地表边缘平滑 STR_2363 :地表网格 STR_2364 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开启/关闭地表网格显示 STR_2365 :银行拒绝增加你的贷款额! STR_2366 :摄氏 ({DEGREE}C) STR_2367 :华氏 ({DEGREE}F) STR_2368 :无 STR_2369 :低 STR_2370 :普通 STR_2371 :高 STR_2372 :低 STR_2373 :中 STR_2374 :高 STR_2375 :很高 STR_2376 :极端 STR_2377 :超极端 STR_2378 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}调整较小的土地区域 STR_2379 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}调整较大的土地区域 STR_2380 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}调整较小的水塘区域 STR_2381 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}调整较大的水塘区域 STR_2382 :土地 STR_2383 :水面 STR_2384 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}你的目标 STR_2385 :{BLACK}无 STR_2386 :{BLACK}在 {MONTHYEAR} 之前乐园内至少有 {COMMA16} 游客, 并且乐园评分不低于 600 STR_2387 :{BLACK}在 {PUSH16}{PUSH16}{PUSH16}{MONTHYEAR} 之前乐园价值不低于 {POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY} STR_2388 :{BLACK}尽情玩吧! STR_2389 :{BLACK}建造你的最佳{STRINGID}吧! STR_2390 :{BLACK}在你的乐园中运营10种类型的过山车, 并且每一个的兴奋度不低于 6.00 STR_2391 :{BLACK}乐园内至少有 {COMMA16} 游客,并且在任何时候你都不能让公园评分低于700 ! STR_2392 :{BLACK}每个月的门票收入至少 {POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY} STR_2393 :{BLACK}在你的乐园中运营10种类型的过山车, 每一个的长度至少 {LENGTH}, 并且每一个的兴奋度不低于 7.00 STR_2394 :{BLACK}建造好五座未完成的云霄飞车, 将他们每座设计成兴奋度至少达到{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA2DP32} STR_2395 :{BLACK}还清乐园的贷款, 并令其价值至少达到{POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY} STR_2396 :{BLACK}食物, 饮料及纪念品的销售收入至少要达到每月{POP16}{POP16}{CURRENCY} STR_2397 :无 STR_2398 :指定日期要达到的游客数量 STR_2399 :指定日期要达到的乐园评价 STR_2400 :尽情玩吧 STR_2401 :建造你的最佳游乐设施 STR_2402 :建造十座云霄飞车 STR_2403 :乐园内游客数量 STR_2404 :游乐设施门票的每月收入 STR_2405 :建造十座指定长度的云霄飞车 STR_2406 :完成建造五座云霄飞车 STR_2407 :付清贷款及达到指定乐园评价 STR_2408 :食物/饮料或其他商品的每月收入 STR_2409 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}实行中的营销计划 STR_2410 :{BLACK}无 STR_2411 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}可以实行的营销计划 STR_2412 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开始实行这个营销计划 STR_2413 :{BLACK}(每周{CURRENCY2DP}) STR_2414 :(尚未选择) STR_2415 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施: STR_2416 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}物品: STR_2417 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}时长: STR_2418 :免费进入{STRINGID} STR_2419 :免费乘坐{STRINGID} STR_2420 :半价进入{STRINGID} STR_2421 :免费{STRINGID} STR_2422 :{STRINGID}的推广计划 STR_2423 :{STRINGID}的推广计划 STR_2424 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}发放免费进入乐园卷 STR_2425 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}发放免费乘坐个别游乐设施卷 STR_2426 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}发放半价进入乐园卷 STR_2427 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}发放免费进入食物或饮料乐园卷 STR_2428 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}开始针对乐园的推广计划 STR_2429 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}开始针对个别游乐设施的推广计划 STR_2430 :{BLACK}免费进入{STRINGID}的优惠卷 STR_2431 :{BLACK}免费乘坐{STRINGID}的优惠卷 STR_2432 :{BLACK}半价进入{STRINGID}的优惠卷 STR_2433 :{BLACK}免费{STRINGID}的优惠卷 STR_2434 :{BLACK}{STRINGID}的推广计划 STR_2435 :{BLACK}{STRINGID}的推广计划 STR_2436 :1 week STR_2437 : STR_2438 : STR_2439 : STR_2440 : STR_2441 : STR_2442 : STR_2443 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}每周费用:{BLACK} {CURRENCY2DP} STR_2444 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}总费用:{BLACK} {CURRENCY2DP} STR_2445 :开始实行此营销计划 STR_2446 :{YELLOW}你举行的行销计划 - 免费进入乐园营销计划现已结束 STR_2447 :{YELLOW}你举行的行销计划 - 免费乘坐游乐设施{STRINGID}现已结束 STR_2448 :{YELLOW}你举行的行销计划 - 半价进入乐园现已结束 STR_2449 :{YELLOW}你举行的行销计划 - 免费{STRINGID}现已结束 STR_2450 :{YELLOW}你针对乐园的推广计划现已结束 STR_2451 :{YELLOW}你针对{STRINGID}的推广计划现已结束 STR_2452 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}现金(减去贷款):{BLACK} {CURRENCY2DP} STR_2453 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}现金(减去贷款):{RED} {CURRENCY2DP} STR_2454 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK} {CURRENCY2DP} - STR_2455 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK} + {CURRENCY2DP} - STR_2456 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK} {CURRENCY2DP} - STR_2457 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}显示财政报表 STR_2458 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}以图表显示过往到现在的净现金 STR_2459 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}以图表显示过往到现在的乐园价格 STR_2460 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}以图表显示过往到现在的每周营利 STR_2461 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}显示营销计划详情 STR_2462 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}显示乐园入口的视点 STR_2463 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}以图表显示过往到现在的乐园评价 STR_2464 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}以图表显示过往到现在的游客人员 STR_2465 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}显示乐园门票价格以及其资讯 STR_2466 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}显示乐园的统计资料 STR_2467 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}显示是次游戏的目标 STR_2468 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}显示这个乐园最近获得的奖项 STR_2469 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}选择投放多少资金到研发当中 STR_2470 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}研发新的运输类游游设施 STR_2471 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}研发新的温和类游乐设施 STR_2472 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}研发新的云霄飞车 STR_2473 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}研发新的刺激类游乐设施 STR_2474 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}研发新的水文类游乐设施 STR_2475 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}研发新的商店及摊贩 STR_2476 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}研发新的景物及主题景物 STR_2477 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}选择这个游乐设施的运作模式 STR_2478 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}以图表显示速度与运作时间的关系 STR_2479 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}以图表显示高度与运作时间的关系 STR_2480 :{SMALLFONT} {BLACK}以图表显示垂直加速与运作时间的关系 STR_2481 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}以图表显示横向加速与运作时间的关系 STR_2482 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}营利: 每周{CURRENCY}, 乐园价值: {CURRENCY} STR_2483 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}每周营利: {BLACK}+{CURRENCY2DP} STR_2484 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}每周营利: {RED}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_2485 :控制 STR_2486 :基本 STR_2487 :显示游客的'真实'姓名 STR_2488 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在游客'真实'姓名和游客编号之间切换 STR_2489 :快捷键... STR_2490 :键盘快捷键 STR_2491 :重置快捷键 STR_2492 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}初始化所有快捷键设置 STR_2493 :关闭最顶层的窗口 STR_2494 :关闭所有窗口 STR_2495 :退出建造模式 STR_2496 :暂停游戏 STR_2497 :缩小视图范围 STR_2498 :放大视图范围 STR_2499 :顺时针旋转视图范围 STR_2500 :旋转要建造的对象 STR_2501 :开启/关闭地底视图模式 STR_2502 :开启/关闭'隐藏地表'选项 STR_2503 :开启/关闭'隐藏垂直地面'选项 STR_2504 :开启/关闭'半透明游乐设施'选项 STR_2505 :开启/关闭'半透明景观'选项 STR_2506 :开启/关闭'透明化支撑'选项 STR_2507 :开启/关闭'透明化游客'选项 STR_2508 :开启/关闭'在土地上标记高度'选项 STR_2509 :开启/关闭'在设施轨道上标记高度'选项 STR_2510 :开启/关闭'在道路上标记高度'选项 STR_2511 :调整土地 STR_2512 :调整水面 STR_2513 :建造景观 STR_2514 :建造道路 STR_2515 :建造新的游乐设施 STR_2516 :显示财务信息 STR_2517 :显示研发信息 STR_2518 :显示设施列表 STR_2519 :显示游乐园信息 STR_2520 :显示游客列表 STR_2521 :显示职员列表 STR_2522 :显示最近信息 STR_2523 :显示地图 STR_2524 :截图 ### The following need to be reordered to match SDL_keycode layout. STR_2525 :??? STR_2526 :??? STR_2527 :??? STR_2528 :??? STR_2529 :??? STR_2530 :??? STR_2531 :??? STR_2532 :??? STR_2533 :Backspace STR_2534 :Tab STR_2535 :??? STR_2536 :??? STR_2537 :Clear STR_2538 :Return STR_2539 :??? STR_2540 :??? STR_2541 :??? STR_2542 :??? STR_2543 :Alt/Menu STR_2544 :Pause STR_2545 :Caps STR_2546 :??? STR_2547 :??? STR_2548 :??? STR_2549 :??? STR_2550 :??? STR_2551 :??? STR_2552 :Escape STR_2553 :??? STR_2554 :??? STR_2555 :??? STR_2556 :??? STR_2557 :Spacebar STR_2558 :PgUp STR_2559 :PgDn STR_2560 :End STR_2561 :Home STR_2562 :Left STR_2563 :Up STR_2564 :Right STR_2565 :Down STR_2566 :Select STR_2567 :Print STR_2568 :Execute STR_2569 :Snapshot STR_2570 :Insert STR_2571 :Delete STR_2572 :Help STR_2573 :0 STR_2574 :1 STR_2575 :2 STR_2576 :3 STR_2577 :4 STR_2578 :5 STR_2579 :6 STR_2580 :7 STR_2581 :8 STR_2582 :9 STR_2583 :??? STR_2584 :??? STR_2585 :??? STR_2586 :??? STR_2587 :??? STR_2588 :??? STR_2589 :??? STR_2590 :A STR_2591 :B STR_2592 :C STR_2593 :D STR_2594 :E STR_2595 :F STR_2596 :G STR_2597 :H STR_2598 :I STR_2599 :J STR_2600 :K STR_2601 :L STR_2602 :M STR_2603 :N STR_2604 :O STR_2605 :P STR_2606 :Q STR_2607 :R STR_2608 :S STR_2609 :T STR_2610 :U STR_2611 :V STR_2612 :W STR_2613 :X STR_2614 :Y STR_2615 :Z STR_2616 :??? STR_2617 :??? STR_2618 :Menu STR_2619 :??? STR_2620 :??? STR_2621 :NumPad 0 STR_2622 :NumPad 1 STR_2623 :NumPad 2 STR_2624 :NumPad 3 STR_2625 :NumPad 4 STR_2626 :NumPad 5 STR_2627 :NumPad 6 STR_2628 :NumPad 7 STR_2629 :NumPad 8 STR_2630 :NumPad 9 STR_2631 :NumPad * STR_2632 :NumPad + STR_2633 :??? STR_2634 :NumPad - STR_2635 :NumPad . STR_2636 :NumPad / STR_2637 :F1 STR_2638 :F2 STR_2639 :F3 STR_2640 :F4 STR_2641 :F5 STR_2642 :F6 STR_2643 :F7 STR_2644 :F8 STR_2645 :F9 STR_2646 :F10 STR_2647 :F11 STR_2648 :F12 STR_2649 :F13 STR_2650 :F14 STR_2651 :F15 STR_2652 :F16 STR_2653 :F17 STR_2654 :F18 STR_2655 :F19 STR_2656 :F20 STR_2657 :F21 STR_2658 :F22 STR_2659 :F23 STR_2660 :F24 STR_2661 :??? STR_2662 :??? STR_2663 :??? STR_2664 :??? STR_2665 :??? STR_2666 :??? STR_2667 :??? STR_2668 :??? STR_2669 :NumLock STR_2670 :Scroll STR_2671 :??? STR_2672 :??? STR_2673 :??? STR_2674 :??? STR_2675 :??? STR_2676 :??? STR_2677 :??? STR_2678 :??? STR_2679 :??? STR_2680 :All research complete STR_2681 :{MEDIUMFONT}{BLACK}Increases your money by {CURRENCY} STR_2682 : STR_2683 : STR_2684 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Large group of guests arrive STR_2685 :Simplex Noise Parameters STR_2686 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Low: STR_2687 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}High: STR_2688 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Base Frequency: STR_2689 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Octaves: STR_2690 :Map Generation STR_2691 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Base height: STR_2692 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Water level: STR_2693 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Terrain: STR_2694 :Generate STR_2695 :Random terrain STR_2696 :Place trees STR_2697 :??? STR_2698 :??? STR_2699 :??? STR_2700 :自动保存频率: STR_2701 :每分钟 STR_2702 :每5分钟 STR_2703 :每15分钟 STR_2704 :每30分钟 STR_2705 :每小时 STR_2706 :从不 STR_2707 :Use system dialog window STR_2708 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_1}Are you sure you want to overwrite {STRINGID}? STR_2709 :Overwrite STR_2710 :Type the name of the file. STR_2711 :; STR_2712 := STR_2713 :, STR_2714 :- STR_2715 :. STR_2716 :/ STR_2717 :' STR_2718 :Up STR_2719 :New file STR_2720 :{UINT16}秒 STR_2721 :{UINT16}秒 STR_2722 :{UINT16}分:{UINT16}秒 STR_2723 :{UINT16}分:{UINT16}秒 STR_2724 :{UINT16}分:{UINT16}秒 STR_2725 :{UINT16}分:{UINT16}秒 STR_2726 :{UINT16}分 STR_2727 :{UINT16}分 STR_2728 :{UINT16}小时:{UINT16}分 STR_2729 :{UINT16}小时:{UINT16}分 STR_2730 :{UINT16}小时:{UINT16}分 STR_2731 :{UINT16}小时:{UINT16}分 STR_2732 :{COMMA16}ft STR_2733 :{COMMA16}m STR_2734 :{COMMA16}mph STR_2735 :{COMMA16}km/h STR_2736 :{COMMA16}年, {MONTH} STR_2737 :{STRINGID}{COMMA16}年, {MONTH} STR_2738 :主菜单音乐: STR_2739 :无 STR_2740 :过山车大亨1(RCT1) STR_2741 :过山车大亨2(RCT2) STR_2742 :找不到css50.dat STR_2743 :Copy data\css17.dat from your RCT1 installation to data\css50.dat in your RCT2 installation. STR_2744 :[ STR_2745 :\ STR_2746 :] STR_2747 :{ENDQUOTES} STR_2748 :Bar STR_2749 :My new scenario # New strings used in the cheats window previously these were ??? STR_2750 :Move all items to top STR_2751 :Move all items to bottom STR_2752 :Clear grass STR_2753 :修剪好的草地 STR_2754 :浇灌植物 STR_2755 :修复路面设施破损 STR_2756 :去除路面垃圾 STR_2757 : STR_2758 : STR_2759 :Zero Clearance STR_2760 :+{CURRENCY} STR_2761 : STR_2762 : STR_2763 :??? STR_2764 : STR_2765 :Large Tram STR_2766 :完成剧情目标 STR_2767 :Freeze Climate STR_2768 :Unfreeze Climate STR_2769 :开放游乐园 STR_2770 :关闭游乐园 STR_2771 :减慢游戏速度 STR_2772 :加快游戏速度 STR_2773 :窗口 STR_2774 :全屏幕 STR_2775 :全屏幕 (无边框窗口) STR_2776 :语言: STR_2777 :{MOVE_X}{SMALLFONT}{STRING} STR_2778 :{RIGHTGUILLEMET}{MOVE_X}{SMALLFONT}{STRING} STR_2779 :查看窗口 #{COMMA16} STR_2780 :额外的查看窗口 # End of new strings STR_2781 :{STRINGID}:{MOVE_X}{195}{STRINGID} STR_2782 :SHIFT + STR_2783 :CTRL + STR_2784 :变更快捷键 STR_2785 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Press new shortcut key for:{NEWLINE}{OPENQUOTES}{STRINGID}{ENDQUOTES} STR_2786 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Click on shortcut description to select new key STR_2787 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园价值: {BLACK}{CURRENCY} STR_2788 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}恭喜您!{NEWLINE}{BLACK}你已经达到你的目标, 并令公司价值增至 {CURRENCY} ! STR_2789 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}你未达成目标 ! STR_2790 :请输入你要在剧情列表显示的名字 STR_2791 :输入名字 STR_2792 :请输入你要在剧情列表显示的名字: STR_2793 :{SMALLFONT}(由{STRINGID}达成) STR_2794 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}完成者: {BLACK}{STRINGID}{NEWLINE}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} 公司价值: {BLACK}{CURRENCY} STR_2795 :排序 STR_2796 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Sort the ride list into order using the information type displayed STR_2797 :当鼠标位于屏幕边缘时滚动视图 STR_2798 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}当鼠标位于屏幕边缘时滚动视图 STR_2799 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}查看或改变控制按键分配 STR_2800 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Total admissions: {BLACK}{COMMA32} STR_2801 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Income from admissions: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_2802 :地图 STR_2803 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}高亮显示游客 STR_2804 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}高亮显示雇员 STR_2805 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示游乐园地图 STR_2806 :{RED}游客都在投诉乐园里的道路十分肮脏及恶心{NEWLINE}请检查你的清洁工人位置, 并考虑以更好的方法管理他们 STR_2807 :{RED}游客都在投诉乐园里十分多随地抛弃的垃圾{NEWLINE}请检查你的清洁工人位置, 并考虑以更好的方法管理他们 STR_2808 :{RED}游客都在投诉乐园里的公物被毁坏{NEWLINE}请检查你的安全警卫位置, 并考虑以更好的方法管理他们 STR_2809 :{RED}游客都饿了, 但他们找不到卖食物的店舖 STR_2810 :{RED}游客都渴了, 但他们找不到卖饮料的店舖 STR_2811 :{RED}游客都在抱怨于乐园里找不到厕所 STR_2812 :{RED}游客都被卡住或迷失了{NEWLINE}请检查乐园的道路设计是否需要改善, 以便游客找到出路 STR_2813 :{RED}你的乐园入场费太贵了!{NEWLINE}减低入场费或增加乐团价值来吸引更多游客来访 STR_2814 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最杂乱无章乐园奖 STR_2815 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最整洁乐园奖 STR_2816 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最棒过山车乐园奖 STR_2817 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最有价值乐园奖 STR_2818 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最美乐园奖 STR_2819 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最差价值乐园奖 STR_2820 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最安全乐园奖 STR_2821 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最佳员工乐园奖 STR_2822 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最佳食物乐园奖 STR_2823 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最差食物乐园奖 STR_2824 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最佳厕所乐园奖 STR_2825 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最让人失望乐园奖 STR_2826 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最佳水上游乐设施乐园奖 STR_2827 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最佳自行设计的游乐设施乐园奖 STR_2828 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最大胆色彩搭配乐园奖 STR_2829 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最令人迷失布局乐园奖 STR_2830 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}拥有最温和游乐设施乐园奖 STR_2831 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'全国最杂乱无章乐园奖'! STR_2832 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'全国最整洁乐园奖'! STR_2833 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最棒过山车乐园奖'! STR_2834 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'全国最有价值乐园奖'! STR_2835 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'全国最美乐园奖'! STR_2836 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'全国最差价值乐园奖'! STR_2837 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'全国最安全乐园奖'! STR_2838 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最佳员工乐园奖'! STR_2839 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最佳食物乐园奖'! STR_2840 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最差食物乐园奖'! STR_2841 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最佳厕所乐园奖'! STR_2842 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'全国最让人失望乐园奖'! STR_2843 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最佳水上游乐设施乐园奖'! STR_2844 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最佳自行设计的游乐设施乐园奖'! STR_2845 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最大胆色彩搭配乐园奖'! STR_2846 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最令人迷失布局乐园奖'! STR_2847 :{TOPAZ}你的游乐园获得了'拥有最温和游乐设施乐园奖'! STR_2848 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}暂无获得任何奖项 STR_2849 :新的剧情副本安装完毕 STR_2850 :新的轨道设计安装完毕 STR_2851 :剧情副本已经安装过了 STR_2852 :轨道设计已经安装过了 STR_2853 :被当地政府禁止! STR_2854 :{RED}游客都不能走到去{STRINGID}的入口!{NEWLINE}请建造道路连接入口 STR_2855 :{RED}{STRINGID}的出口并没有道路连接!{NEWLINE}请建造道路连接出口 STR_2856 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}教学 STR_2857 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}(按下任意键来获取控制) STR_2858 :不能开始实行营销计划... STR_2859 :另外一个OpenRCT2进程已在运行中 STR_2860 :Infogrames Interactive credits... STR_2861 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Licensed to Infogrames Interactive Inc. STR_2862 :音乐鸣谢列表... STR_2863 :音乐鸣谢列表 STR_2864 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}March - Children of the Regiment: (Fucik) non copyright STR_2865 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Heyken's Serenade: (J.Heyken) British Standard Music Coy; GEMA, BRITICO STR_2866 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}In Continental Mood: (Composer unknown) Copyright Control STR_2867 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Wedding Journey: (Traditional) STR_2868 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Tales from the Vienna Woods: (Johann Strauss) non copyright STR_2869 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Slavonic Dance: (Traditional) STR_2870 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Das Alpenhorn: (Traditional) STR_2871 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}The Blond Sailor: (Traditional) STR_2872 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Overture - Poet and Peasant: (Suppe) non copyright STR_2873 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Waltz Medley: (Johann Strauss) non copyright STR_2874 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Bella Bella Bimba: (Traditional) STR_2875 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Original recordings (P) 1976 C.J.Mears Organization, used with consent STR_2876 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Title Music: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2877 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Dodgems Beat: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2878 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Mid Summer's Heat: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2879 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Pharaoh's Tomb: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2880 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Caesar's March: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2881 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Drifting To Heaven: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2882 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Invaders: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2883 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Eternal Toybox: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2884 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Jungle Juice: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2885 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Ninja's Noodles: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2886 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Voyage to Andromeda: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2887 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Brimble's Beat: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2888 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Atlantis: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2889 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Wild West Kid: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2890 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Vampire's Lair: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2891 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Blockbuster: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2892 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Airtime Rock: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2893 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Searchlight Rag: (Scott Joplin/Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2894 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Flight of Fantasy: (Steve Blenkinsopp) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2895 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Big Rock: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2896 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Hypothermia: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2897 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Last Sleigh Ride: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2898 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Pipes of Glencairn: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2899 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Traffic Jam: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2900 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2901 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}(Samples courtesy of Spectrasonics {ENDQUOTES}Liquid Grooves{ENDQUOTES}) STR_2902 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Toccata: (C.M.Widor, played by Peter James Adcock) recording {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2903 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Space Rock: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2904 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Manic Mechanic: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2905 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Techno Torture: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2906 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Sweat Dreams: (Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2907 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}What shall we do with the Drunken Sailor: (Anon/Allister Brimble) copyright {COPYRIGHT} Chris Sawyer STR_2908 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Infogrames Interactive STR_2909 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Senior Producer: Thomas J. Zahorik STR_2910 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Executive Producer: Bill Levay STR_2911 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Senior Marketing Product Manager: Scott Triola STR_2912 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}V.P. of Product Development: Scott Walker STR_2913 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}General Manager: John Hurlbut STR_2914 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Director of Quality Assurance: Michael Craighead STR_2915 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Q.A. Certification Manager: Kurt Boutin STR_2916 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Q.A. Certification Lead: Mark Huggins STR_2917 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Testers: Dena Irene Fitzgerald, Scott Rollins, Christopher McPhail STR_2918 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Clif McClure, Erik Maramaldi, Erik Jeffery STR_2919 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Director of Marketing: Ann Marie Bland STR_2920 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Manager of Creative Services: Steve Martin STR_2921 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Manager of Editorial & Documentation Services: Elizabeth Mackney STR_2922 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Graphic Designer: Paul Anselmi STR_2923 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Copywriter: Kurt Carlson STR_2924 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Special Thanks to: Peter Matiss STR_2925 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Engineering Specialist: Ken Edwards STR_2926 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Engineering Services Manager: Luis Rivas STR_2927 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Lead Compatibility Analyst: Geoffrey Smith STR_2928 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Compatibility Analysts: Jason Cordero, Burke McQuinn, Kim Jardin STR_2929 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Lead Tester: Daniel Frisoli STR_2930 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Senior Tester: Matt Pantaleoni STR_2931 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2932 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2933 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2934 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2935 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2936 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2937 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2938 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2939 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2940 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2941 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2942 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2943 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2944 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2945 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2946 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2947 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2948 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2949 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2950 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2951 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2952 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2953 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2954 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2955 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2956 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2957 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2958 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2959 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2960 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2961 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2962 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2963 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2964 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2965 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2} STR_2966 : STR_2967 : STR_2968 : STR_2969 : STR_2970 : STR_2971 :Main colour scheme STR_2972 :Alternative colour scheme 1 STR_2973 :Alternative colour scheme 2 STR_2974 :Alternative colour scheme 3 STR_2975 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select which colour scheme to change, or paint ride with STR_2976 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Paint an individual area of this ride using the selected colour scheme STR_2977 :Staff member name STR_2978 :Enter new name for this member of staff: STR_2979 :Can't name staff member... STR_2980 :Too many banners in game STR_2981 :{RED}No entry - - STR_2982 :Banner text STR_2983 :Enter new text for this banner: STR_2984 :Can't set new text for banner... STR_2985 :Banner STR_2986 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Change text on banner STR_2987 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Set this banner as a 'no-entry' sign for guests STR_2988 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Demolish this banner STR_2989 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select main colour STR_2990 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select text colour STR_2991 :Sign STR_2992 :Sign text STR_2993 :Enter new text for this sign: STR_2994 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Change text on sign STR_2995 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Demolish this sign STR_2996 :{BLACK}ABC STR_2997 :{GREY}ABC STR_2998 :{WHITE}ABC STR_2999 :{RED}ABC STR_3000 :{GREEN}ABC STR_3001 :{YELLOW}ABC STR_3002 :{TOPAZ}ABC STR_3003 :{CELADON}ABC STR_3004 :{BABYBLUE}ABC STR_3005 :{PALELAVENDER}ABC STR_3006 :{PALEGOLD}ABC STR_3007 :{LIGHTPINK}ABC STR_3008 :{PEARLAQUA}ABC STR_3009 :{PALESILVER}ABC STR_3010 :无法加载文件... STR_3011 :文件中含有非法数据 STR_3012 :碰碰车节奏风格 STR_3013 :游乐场风琴风格 STR_3014 :罗马号角风格 STR_3015 :东方风格 STR_3016 :火星风格 STR_3017 :丛林敲击风格 STR_3018 :埃及风格 STR_3019 :童真风格 STR_3020 : STR_3021 :太空风格 STR_3022 :恐怖风格 STR_3023 :Techno style STR_3024 :温和风格 STR_3025 :夏日风格 STR_3026 :Water style STR_3027 :西部荒野风格 STR_3028 :侏罗纪风格 STR_3029 :摇滚风格 STR_3030 :拉格泰姆风格 STR_3031 :梦幻风格 STR_3032 :摇滚风格2 STR_3033 :冰封风格 STR_3034 :雪地风格 STR_3035 :自定义音乐1 STR_3036 :自定义音乐2 STR_3037 :中世纪风格 STR_3038 :都市风格 STR_3039 :风琴风格 STR_3040 :机械风格 STR_3041 :摩登风格 STR_3042 :海盗风格 STR_3043 :摇滚风格3 STR_3044 :糖果风格 STR_3045 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择要播放的音乐风格: STR_3046 :此游乐设施不能被修改 STR_3047 :当地政府禁止拆除或修改此游乐设施 STR_3048 :当地政府禁止所有推广计划进行 STR_3049 :高尔夫球洞A STR_3050 :高尔夫球洞B STR_3051 :高尔夫球洞C STR_3052 :高尔夫球洞D STR_3053 :高尔夫球洞E STR_3054 :加载中... STR_3055 :白色 STR_3056 :半透明 STR_3057 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}建造标记: STR_3058 :砖墙 STR_3059 :树篱 STR_3060 :冰砖墙 STR_3061 :木栅栏 STR_3062 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}标准云霄飞车轨道 STR_3063 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}水溅轨道 (轨道半浸于水中) STR_3064 :新手级乐园 STR_3065 :挑战级乐园 STR_3066 :专家级乐园 STR_3067 :{OPENQUOTES}真实{ENDQUOTES}乐园 STR_3068 :其他乐园 STR_3069 :最上的区域 STR_3070 :斜坡至平面 STR_3071 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}划一乐园内的价格 STR_3072 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择是否以此价格为划一价格 STR_3073 :{RED}警告: 你的乐园评价已跌至低于700!{NEWLINE}如果你在4周内尚未改善乐园评价, 你的乐园将会被强制关闭 STR_3074 :{RED}警告: 你的乐园评价仍然低于700!{NEWLINE}你还有3周去改善评价 STR_3075 :{RED}警告: 你的乐园评价仍然低于700!{NEWLINE}你还有2周去改善评价, 否则你的乐园将会被强制关闭 STR_3076 :{RED}最后通谍: 你的乐园评价仍然低于700!{NEWLINE}7日之内你的乐园将会被强制关闭, 除非你能改善乐园评价 STR_3077 :{RED}关闭告示: 你的乐园已被强制关闭! STR_3078 :普通入口 STR_3079 :木制入口 STR_3080 :帆布帐幕式入口 STR_3081 :城堡主题入口 (灰) STR_3082 :城堡主题入口 (啡) STR_3083 :丛林主题入口 STR_3084 :木屋式入口 STR_3085 :古罗马主题入口 STR_3086 :抽象主题入口 STR_3087 :冰雪主题入口 STR_3088 :宝塔式入口 STR_3089 :太空主题入口 STR_3090 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择入口, 出口以及车站的风格 STR_3091 :你无法删除此轨道! STR_3092 :你无法移动或修改这个游乐设施的车站! STR_3093 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最爱: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_3094 :N/A STR_3095 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}链条坡道的链条速度: STR_3096 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{VELOCITY} STR_3097 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择链条坡道的链条上拉速度 STR_3098 :不能更改链条坡道的链条速度... STR_3099 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择颜色 STR_3100 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择第二颜色 STR_3101 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择第三颜色 STR_3102 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}将地形的景物重新上色 STR_3103 :不能重新上色这个对象... STR_3104 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}列出游乐设施 STR_3105 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}列出商店及摊贩 STR_3106 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}列出访客信息中心或其他游客设施 STR_3107 :关闭 STR_3108 :测试 STR_3109 :开启 STR_3110 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}刹车区间: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_3111 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}点击建造设计 STR_3112 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}点击删除或重命名设计 STR_3113 :选择另一个设计 STR_3114 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}返回选择设计窗口 STR_3115 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}存储轨道设计 STR_3116 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}存储轨道设计 (在测试完结及测试数据生成完毕前不可用) STR_3117 :{BLACK}调用维修人员中... STR_3118 :{BLACK}{STRINGID}正在前往到这个游乐设施 STR_3119 :{BLACK}{STRINGID}正在修复这个游乐设施 STR_3120 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}将最邻近, 或在维修此游乐设施的维修人员定位 STR_3121 :无法将维修人员定位, 或者附近的维修人员都在工作中 STR_3122 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游客的最爱: {BLACK}{COMMA16}位游客 STR_3123 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游客的最爱: {BLACK}{COMMA16}位游客 STR_3124 :故障的{STRINGID} STR_3125 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}兴奋度加成: {BLACK}+{COMMA16}% STR_3126 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}刺激度加成: {BLACK}+{COMMA16}% STR_3127 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}恶心度加成: {BLACK}+{COMMA16}% STR_3128 :存储轨道设计 STR_3129 :存储轨道设计及周边景物 STR_3130 :存储 STR_3131 :取消 STR_3132 :{BLACK}点击选择景物, 以便存储于轨道设计内... STR_3133 :无法于斜坡上建造此对象 STR_3134 :{RED}(设计中含有不可用的景物) STR_3135 :{RED}(车辆款式不可用 - 游乐设施的性能可能会有影响) STR_3136 :警告: 此设计会使用另一款车辆, 它的运作可能会跟预期有落差 STR_3137 :选择邻近景物 STR_3138 :重新选择 STR_3139 :缆道坡道不能在这个运作模式运作 STR_3140 :缆道坡道需要连接至车站 STR_3141 :缆道坡道并不适合於单次多圈数的游乐设施 STR_3142 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}载客量: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_3143 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在地图上显示所有人物 STR_3144 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在地图上显示所有游乐设施及店铺 STR_3145 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}向左卷动{STRINGID} STR_3146 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}向右卷动{STRINGID} STR_3147 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}快速向左卷动{STRINGID} STR_3148 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}快速向右卷动{STRINGID} STR_3149 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}向左/向右卷动{STRINGID} STR_3150 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}向上卷动{STRINGID} STR_3151 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}向下卷动{STRINGID} STR_3152 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}快速向上卷动{STRINGID} STR_3153 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}快速向下卷动{STRINGID} STR_3154 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}向上/向下卷动{STRINGID} STR_3155 : STR_3156 : STR_3157 :地图 STR_3158 :graph STR_3159 :list STR_3160 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择每次乘坐循环的次数 STR_3161 : STR_3162 :无法分配足够的内存 STR_3163 :安装新数据档中: STR_3164 :{BLACK}已选择{COMMA16}项 (最多{COMMA16}项) STR_3165 : STR_3166 :{BLACK}(ID: STR_3167 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}包含: {BLACK}{COMMA16}项对象 STR_3168 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}文本: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_3169 :找不到以下对象的数据: STR_3170 :没有空间绘制图像 STR_3171 :选择了太多此类型的对象 STR_3172 :必需要先选择以下的对象: {STRING} STR_3173 :这个对象目前被使用中 STR_3174 :其他对象需要这个对象 STR_3175 :这个对象是必需的 STR_3176 :无法选择这个对象 STR_3177 :无法取消选择这个对象 STR_3178 :至少需要选择一项道路款式 STR_3179 :至少需要选择一项游乐设施/店铺 STR_3180 :不合适的对象选择 STR_3181 :对象选择 - {STRINGID} STR_3182 :必须选择乐园入口类别 STR_3183 :必须选择水塘类别 STR_3184 :游乐设施/其车辆 STR_3185 :小型景物 STR_3186 :大型景物 STR_3187 :墙壁/栅栏 STR_3188 :道路指示牌 STR_3189 :道路 STR_3190 :额外的道路对象 STR_3191 :景物组别 STR_3192 :乐园入口 STR_3193 :水塘 STR_3194 :剧情简介 STR_3195 :研发列表 STR_3196 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}研发组别: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_3197 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游戏开始时已研发好的项目: STR_3198 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}需要在游戏中研发的项目: STR_3199 :随机分配 STR_3200 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}将需要在游戏中研发的项目随机分配 STR_3201 :选取对象 STR_3202 :编辑地势 STR_3203 :设置研发清单 STR_3204 :选取选项 STR_3205 :选取目标 STR_3206 :存储剧情 STR_3207 :过山车设计工具 STR_3208 :轨道设计管理工具 STR_3209 :上一步: STR_3210 :下一步: STR_3211 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}地图大小: STR_3212 :{POP16}{COMMA16} x {PUSH16}{COMMA16} STR_3213 :不能再缩小地图 STR_3214 :不能再扩大地图 STR_3215 :太接近地图的边缘 STR_3216 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择乐园拥有的土地及其他选项 STR_3217 :已拥有的土地 STR_3218 :已拥有建造权的土地 STR_3219 :可供购买的土地 STR_3220 :可供购买建造权的土地 STR_3221 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}令乐园成为土地的拥有者 STR_3222 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}令乐园拥有土地的建造权 STR_3223 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}将土地设置成为可供乐园购买 STR_3224 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}将土地的建造权设置成为可供乐园购买 STR_3225 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置是否在选中的位置中随机建造一些对象 STR_3226 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}建造乐园入口 STR_3227 :太多乐园入口! STR_3228 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置游客的开始步行位置 STR_3229 :区域煞车不能建造在车站之后 STR_3230 :区域煞车不能建造在另一个区域煞车之后 STR_3231 :区域煞车不能建造在这个链条坡道的顶部之后 STR_3232 :选项 - 财政 STR_3233 :选项 - 游客 STR_3234 :选项 - 乐园 STR_3235 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示财政选项 STR_3236 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示游客选项 STR_3237 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示乐园选项 STR_3238 :无金钱限制 STR_3239 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}将这个乐园设置为无金钱限制的乐园 STR_3240 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}初始现金: STR_3241 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}初始贷款额: STR_3242 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最高贷款额: STR_3243 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}贷款年利率: STR_3244 :禁止营销计划 STR_3245 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}禁止推销, 推广计划以及其他营销计划 STR_3246 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{CURRENCY} STR_3247 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{COMMA16}% STR_3248 :不能再增加初始现金! STR_3249 :不能再减少初始现金! STR_3250 :不能再增加初始贷款额! STR_3251 :不能再减少初始贷款额! STR_3252 :不能再增加最高贷款额! STR_3253 :不能再减少最高贷款额! STR_3254 :不能再增加贷款利率! STR_3255 :不能再减少贷款利率! STR_3256 :游客喜欢较温和的游乐设施 STR_3257 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择普遍游客是否只喜欢较温和的游乐设施 STR_3258 :游客喜欢较刺激的游乐设施 STR_3259 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择普遍游客是否只喜欢较刺激的游乐设施 STR_3260 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游客身上现金 (平均值): STR_3261 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游客初始快乐度: STR_3262 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游客初始饥饿度: STR_3263 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游客初始口渴度: STR_3264 :不能再增加这个选项! STR_3265 :不能再减少这个选项! STR_3266 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择这个乐园的收费策略 STR_3267 :禁止移除树木 STR_3268 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}禁止移除高壮的树木 STR_3269 :禁止调整地形 STR_3270 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}禁止对地形作任何调整 STR_3271 :禁止高空建造 STR_3272 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}禁止任何高空发展 STR_3273 :较高难度的乐园评价公式 STR_3274 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}使增加乐园评价更具挑战性 STR_3275 :较难生成游客 STR_3276 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}使吸引游客更具挑战性 STR_3277 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}购买土地的费用: STR_3278 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}购买建造权利的费用: STR_3279 :免费进入乐园 / 需费乘搭游乐设施 STR_3280 :需费进入乐园 / 免费乘搭游乐设施 STR_3281 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园门票价格: STR_3282 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择目标及乐园名称 STR_3283 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择要保留的游乐设施/店铺 STR_3284 :选取目标 STR_3285 :保留游乐设施/店铺 STR_3286 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择此剧情的目标 STR_3287 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}目标: STR_3288 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择气候 STR_3289 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}气候: STR_3290 :又冷又潮湿 STR_3291 :温暖 STR_3292 :又热又干燥 STR_3293 :寒冷 STR_3294 :更改... STR_3295 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}更改乐园名称 STR_3296 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}更改剧情名称 STR_3297 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}更改乐园/剧情的简介 STR_3298 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园名称: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_3299 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园/剧情的简介: STR_3300 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}剧情名称: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_3301 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}达成目标的日期: STR_3302 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{MONTHYEAR} STR_3303 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游客数量: STR_3304 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}乐园评价: STR_3305 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}每月收入: STR_3306 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}每月利润: STR_3307 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最少长度: STR_3308 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}兴奋度: STR_3309 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{COMMA16} STR_3310 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{LENGTH} STR_3311 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{COMMA2DP32} STR_3312 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}请选取要保留的游乐设施/店铺: STR_3313 :剧情名称 STR_3314 :请输入这个剧情的名称: STR_3315 :乐园/剧情的简介 STR_3316 :请输入这个乐园/剧情的简介: STR_3317 :暂无简介 STR_3318 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择这个剧情要在哪个组别中显示 STR_3319 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}剧情组别: STR_3320 :无法存储剧情文件... STR_3321 :成功安装新对象 STR_3322 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}目标: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_3323 :缺少对象数据, ID为: STR_3324 :需要数据片: {STRINGID} STR_3325 :需要一只数据片 STR_3326 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}(暂无图片) STR_3327 :尚未设置游客的开始步行位置 STR_3328 :不能进行下一步编辑... STR_3329 :尚未建造乐园入口 STR_3330 :乐园必需有一些己拥有的土地 STR_3331 :由地图边缘到乐园入口的道路尚未连接好, 或者太复杂 - 这些道路必需是一格宽度, 并以越少交界及弯位越好 STR_3332 :乐园入口倒转了, 或没有道路连接至地图边缘 STR_3333 :在存档中导出附加物 STR_3334 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select whether to save any additional plug-in object data required (add-in data not supplied with the main product) in saved game or scenario files, allowing them to be loaded by someone who doesn't have the additional object data STR_3335 :过山车设计工具 - 选择游乐设施的类型及车辆种类 STR_3336 :轨道设计管理工具 - 选择游乐设施的类型 STR_3337 : STR_3338 :{BLACK}Custom-designed layout STR_3339 :{BLACK}{COMMA16} design available, or custom-designed layout STR_3340 :{BLACK}{COMMA16} designs available, or custom-designed layout STR_3341 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游戏工具 STR_3342 :剧情编辑器 STR_3343 :将游戏存档转换成剧情关 STR_3344 :过山车设计工具 STR_3345 :轨道设计管理工具 STR_3346 :不能保存轨道设计... STR_3347 :Ride is too large, contains too many elements, or scenery is too spread out STR_3348 :重命名 STR_3349 :删除 STR_3350 :轨道设计名称 STR_3351 :请输入此轨道设计的新名称: STR_3352 :不能重命名此轨道设计... STR_3353 :新名称包含不可用的字符 STR_3354 :Another file exists with this name, or file is write-protected STR_3355 :File is write-protected or locked STR_3356 :Delete File STR_3357 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Are you sure you want to permanently delete {STRING} ? STR_3358 :Can't delete track design... STR_3359 :{BLACK}No track designs of this type STR_3360 :Warning! STR_3361 :Too many track designs of this type - Some will not be listed. STR_3362 : STR_3363 : STR_3364 :Advanced STR_3365 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Allow selection of individual items of scenery in addition to scenery groups STR_3366 :{BLACK}= 游乐设施 STR_3367 :{BLACK}= 食品店 STR_3368 :{BLACK}= 饮品店 STR_3369 :{BLACK}= 纪念品店 STR_3370 :{BLACK}= 信息亭 STR_3371 :{BLACK}= 急救室 STR_3372 :{BLACK}= 取款机 STR_3373 :{BLACK}= 厕所 STR_3374 :警告: 选取了太多对象! STR_3375 :不是在此景观组别中的所有对象都能够选取 STR_3376 :安装新的轨道设计... STR_3377 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}安装新的轨道设计文件 STR_3378 :安装 STR_3379 :取消 STR_3380 :无法安装这个轨道设计 STR_3381 :不兼容的文件或含有非法数据 STR_3382 :复制文件失败 STR_3383 :输入这个轨道设计的新名称 STR_3384 :已有相同名称的轨道设计 - 请输入这个轨道设计的新名称: STR_3385 :新手入门教学 STR_3386 :自订游乐设施教学 STR_3387 :云霄飞车建造教学 STR_3388 :无法切换至已选择的模式 STR_3389 :无法选择额外的景观对象... STR_3390 :选取了太多对象 # Start of tutorial strings. Not used at the moment, so not necessary to translate. STR_3391 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Here is our park - Let's have a quick look around... STR_3392 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Holding down the RIGHT mouse button and moving the mouse is the quickest way to move the view... STR_3393 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}To view more of the park, you can zoom the view out using the icon at the top of the screen... STR_3394 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}You can also rotate the view in 90 degree steps... STR_3395 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Building anything at this scale is a bit difficult, so let's zoom the view back in again... STR_3396 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Let's build a simple ride to get the park started... STR_3397 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}The white 'ghost' image shows where the ride will be built. We'll move the pointer to select the position then click to build it... STR_3398 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Rides need an entrance and an exit. We'll move the pointer to a square on the edge of the ride and then click to build first the entrance and then the exit... STR_3399 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}We need to build footpaths to allow guests to reach our new ride... STR_3400 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}For the path to the ride entrance we'll use a special 'queue line' path... STR_3401 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}For the exit path, just an 'ordinary' path will do... STR_3402 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Right, lets open the ride! To open the ride we click the flag icon on the ride window and select 'open'... STR_3403 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}But where are the guests? STR_3404 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Oh - The park is still closed! Right - Let's open it... STR_3405 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}While we're waiting for our first guests, let's build some scenery... STR_3406 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Here's our empty park. We're going to build a simple custom-designed ride... STR_3407 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}First we need to choose a starting position... STR_3408 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}The section of track we've just built is a 'station platform', to allow guests to get on and off the ride... STR_3409 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}We'll extend the platform a bit by adding a couple more station platform sections... STR_3410 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}The icons at the top of the construction window let you choose different track pieces to add... STR_3411 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}We'll select a left-hand curve... STR_3412 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}The curve hasn't been built yet, but the white ghost image shows where it will be built. Clicking the large 'build this' icon actually builds the track... STR_3413 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Now we want to build straight track, so we click the straight track icon... STR_3414 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Now that the circuit is complete, we need to build the ride entrance and exit... STR_3415 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Let's test our ride to check it works... STR_3416 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}White it's being tested, we'll build the queue line and exit path... STR_3417 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}OK - Let's open the park and the ride... STR_3418 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Our new ride isn't very exciting - Perhaps we should add some scenery? STR_3419 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}To build scenery above other scenery or in mid-air, hold down the SHIFT key and move the mouse to select the height... STR_3420 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Some types of scenery can be re-painted after it's built... STR_3421 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Let's add some music to the ride... STR_3422 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Let's build a roller coaster ! STR_3423 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}There are loads of pre-designed coasters, but we're going to build our own custom design... STR_3424 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}That's the station platform built. Now we need a lift hill... STR_3425 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Roller coaster trains aren't powered, so a 'chain lift' is needed to pull the train up the first hill... STR_3426 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}That's the lift hill complete - Now for the first drop... STR_3427 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Those curves are a bad idea - The riders will be flung to the sides by the lateral G forces as the train hurtles around... STR_3428 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Banking the curves will improve the ride - Riders will be pushed down into their seats instead of flung to the sides... STR_3429 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}No - That won't work! Look at the height marks - The second hill is taller than the lift hill... STR_3430 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}To ensure the train makes it around, each hill should be slightly smaller than the previous one... STR_3431 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}That's better - Our train should make it up that hill now! Let's try some more twisted track... STR_3432 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}We need to slow the train before the final curve and station, so let's add some brakes... STR_3433 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}And finally we'll add 'block brakes', which allow two trains to operate more safely on the circuit... STR_3434 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Let's test the ride and see if it works! STR_3435 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Great - It worked! Let's add the footpaths and let guests onto our new roller coaster... STR_3436 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}While waiting for our first riders, we could customise the ride a bit... # End of tutorial strings STR_3437 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在地形中清理大范围内的景物Clear large areas of scenery from landscape STR_3438 :Unable to remove all scenery from here... STR_3439 :Clear Scenery STR_3440 :Page 1 STR_3441 :Page 2 STR_3442 :Page 3 STR_3443 :Page 4 STR_3444 :Page 5 STR_3445 :Set Patrol Area STR_3446 :Cancel Patrol Area # New strings, cleaner STR_5120 :财务 STR_5121 :研发 STR_5122 :根据轨道类型选择游乐设施 (像RCT1一样) STR_5123 :Renew rides STR_5124 : STR_5125 :All destructable STR_5126 :随机主题音乐 STR_5127 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}While dragging, paint landscape instead of changing elevation STR_5128 :Selection size STR_5129 :Enter selection size between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16} STR_5130 :Map size STR_5131 :Enter map size between {COMMA16} and {COMMA16} STR_5132 :Fix all rides STR_5133 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择较小一些的土地范围 STR_5134 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择较大一些的土地范围 STR_5135 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Buy land rights and construction rights STR_5136 :Land rights STR_5137 :Unlock operating limits STR_5138 :{SMALLFONT}{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}{STRINGID} STR_5139 :{WHITE}{STRINGID} STR_5140 :Disable brakes failure STR_5141 :Disable all breakdowns STR_5142 :正常速度 STR_5143 :稍快速度 STR_5144 :加快速度 STR_5145 :更快速度 STR_5146 :超快速度 STR_5147 :作弊 STR_5148 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}调整游戏速度 STR_5149 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示作弊选项 STR_5150 :开启调试工具 STR_5151 :, STR_5152 :. STR_5153 :编辑配色主题... STR_5154 :使用硬件渲染 STR_5155 :允许测试未完成的轨道设计 STR_5156 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}允许测试大多数轨道设计, 即使那些轨道未完成的设计. 但这不适用于区域刹车模式 STR_5157 :Unlock all prices STR_5158 :回到主菜单 STR_5159 :退出OpenRCT2 STR_5160 :{POP16}{MONTH} {PUSH16}{PUSH16}{STRINGID}, {POP16}第{COMMA16}年 STR_5161 :日期格式: STR_5162 :日/月/年 STR_5163 :月/日/年 STR_5164 :Twitch频道名称 STR_5165 :以关注者的用户名命名游客 STR_5166 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}用Twitch频道的关注者来命名游客 STR_5167 :跟踪'关注者'游客 STR_5168 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}启用跟踪关注者用户名的游客信息 STR_5169 :以Twitch聊天中的名字命名游客 STR_5170 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}用Twitch聊天中的名字来命名游客 STR_5171 :跟踪'聊天'游客 STR_5172 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}启用跟踪参与聊天用户名的游客信息 STR_5173 :将Twitch聊天的内容以新闻的方式推送 STR_5174 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}将Twitch聊天中所有标'!news'的内容以通知的方式推送 STR_5175 :请输入你的Twitch频道名称 STR_5176 :允许Twitch与游戏集成 STR_5177 :显示模式: STR_5178 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show financial cheats STR_5179 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show guest cheats STR_5180 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show park cheats STR_5181 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Show ride cheats STR_5182 :{INT32} STR_5183 :地面高度 STR_5184 :请输入介乎{COMMA16}及{COMMA16}的地面高度 STR_5185 :水面高度 STR_5186 :请输入介乎{COMMA16}及{COMMA16}的水面高度 STR_5187 :财务 STR_5188 :新的营销计划 STR_5189 :研发 STR_5190 :地图 STR_5191 :额外视图窗口 STR_5192 :最近消息 STR_5193 :土地 STR_5194 :水塘 STR_5195 :清除景物 STR_5196 :土地拥有权 STR_5197 :景物 STR_5198 :道路 STR_5199 :建造游乐设施 STR_5200 :放置轨道设计 STR_5201 :新的游乐设施 STR_5202 :选择轨道设计 STR_5203 :游乐设施 STR_5204 :游乐设施列表 STR_5205 :游客 STR_5206 :游客列表 STR_5207 :员工 STR_5208 :员工列表 STR_5209 :横额 STR_5210 :选取对象 STR_5211 :研发列表 STR_5212 :剧情选项 STR_5213 :目标选项 STR_5214 :生成地图 STR_5215 :轨道设计管理工具 STR_5216 :轨道设计管理工具列表 STR_5217 :密技 STR_5218 :主题 STR_5219 :选项 STR_5220 :键盘快捷键 STR_5221 :更改键盘快捷键 STR_5222 :加载/存储 STR_5223 :存储对话框 STR_5224 :拆除游乐设施对话框 STR_5225 :解雇员工对话框 STR_5226 :删除轨道设计对话框 STR_5227 :覆盖存盘对话框 STR_5228 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}主界面 STR_5229 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}公园 STR_5230 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}工具 STR_5231 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游乐设施和游客 STR_5232 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}编辑器 STR_5233 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}杂项 STR_5234 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Prompts STR_5235 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置 STR_5236 :Window: STR_5237 :调色板: STR_5238 :当前主题: STR_5239 :Duplicate STR_5240 :Enter a name for the theme STR_5241 :Can't change this theme STR_5242 :Theme name already exists STR_5243 :Invalid characters used STR_5244 :主题 STR_5245 :Top Toolbar STR_5246 :Bottom Toolbar STR_5247 :Track Editor Bottom Toolbar STR_5248 :Scenario Editor Bottom Toolbar STR_5249 :Title Menu Buttons STR_5250 :Title Exit Button STR_5251 :Title Options Button STR_5252 :Title Scenario Selection STR_5253 :Park Information STR_5254 :Create STR_5255 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Create a new title sequence from scratch STR_5256 :Create a new theme to make changes to STR_5257 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Create a new theme based on the current one STR_5258 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Delete the current theme STR_5259 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Rename the current theme STR_5260 :大型截图 STR_5261 :Filter STR_5262 :Wacky Worlds STR_5263 :Time Twister STR_5264 :Custom STR_5265 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Select which content sources are visible STR_5266 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示 STR_5267 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}语言及单位 STR_5268 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}音效 STR_5269 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}控制及界面 STR_5270 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}杂项 STR_5271 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Twitch STR_5272 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}小型景观 STR_5273 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}大型景观 STR_5274 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}道路 STR_5275 :搜索物件 STR_5276 :输入名称以搜索物件 STR_5277 :清除 STR_5278 :沙盒模式 STR_5279 :关闭沙盒模式 STR_5280 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Allow editing land ownership settings through the Map window and other options that are normally restricted to the Scenario Editor STR_5281 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Features STR_5282 :RCT1 Ride Open/Close Lights STR_5283 :RCT1 Park Open/Close Lights STR_5284 :RCT1 Scenario Selection Font STR_5285 :爆炸!!! STR_5286 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}让一些游客爆炸 STR_5287 :Ride is already broken down STR_5288 :Ride is closed STR_5289 :No breakdowns available for this ride STR_5290 :Fix ride STR_5291 :Can't force breakdown STR_5292 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Force a breakdown STR_5293 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Close ride/attraction STR_5294 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Test ride/attraction STR_5295 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Open ride/attraction STR_5296 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Close park STR_5297 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Open park STR_5298 :{RED}{STRINGID} STR_5299 :{LIGHTPINK}{STRINGID} STR_5300 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Quick fire staff STR_5301 :{MEDIUMFONT}{BLACK}Clear your loan STR_5302 :Clear loan STR_5303 :Allow building in pause mode STR_5304 :主菜单动画: STR_5305 :过山车大亨1(RCT1) STR_5306 :过山车大亨1 (+资料片1 - AA) STR_5307 :过山车大亨1 (+资料片1&2 - AA+LL) STR_5308 :过山车大亨2(RCT2) STR_5309 :OpenRCT2 STR_5310 :Random STR_5311 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}调试工具 STR_5312 :显示控制台 STR_5313 :Show tile inspector STR_5314 :Tile inspector STR_5315 :草地 STR_5316 :沙地 STR_5317 :泥地 STR_5318 :石地 STR_5319 :火星地 STR_5320 :Checkerboard STR_5321 :Grass clumps STR_5322 :Ice STR_5323 :Grid (red) STR_5324 :Grid (yellow) STR_5325 :Grid (blue) STR_5326 :Grid (green) STR_5327 :Sand (dark) STR_5328 :Sand (light) STR_5329 :Checkerboard (inverted) STR_5330 :Underground view STR_5331 :Rock STR_5332 :Wood (red) STR_5333 :Wood (black) STR_5334 :Ice STR_5335 :Ride entrance STR_5336 :Ride exit STR_5337 :Park entrance STR_5338 :Element type STR_5339 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Base height STR_5340 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Clearance height STR_5341 : STR_5342 : STR_5343 :自动放置员工 STR_5344 :更新日志 STR_5345 :Financial cheats STR_5346 :Guest cheats STR_5347 :Park cheats STR_5348 :Ride cheats STR_5349 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}All Rides STR_5350 :最大 STR_5351 :最小 STR_5352 :{BLACK}兴奋度: STR_5353 :{BLACK}活力度: STR_5354 :{BLACK}饥饿度: STR_5355 :{BLACK}口渴度: STR_5356 :{BLACK}恶心度: STR_5357 :{BLACK}恶心耐受度: STR_5358 :{BLACK}如厕度: STR_5359 :移除游客 STR_5360 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}移除地图上的所有游客 STR_5361 :给所有游客: STR_5362 :{BLACK}设置所有客人的首选乘坐强度: STR_5363 :大于 1 STR_5364 :小于 15 STR_5365 :{BLACK}雇员速度: STR_5366 :正常 STR_5367 :快速 STR_5368 :复位故障状态 STR_5369 :乐园参数... STR_5370 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}点击修改乐园参数{NEWLINE}例如关于限制,生成游客{NEWLINE}及金钱的选项。 STR_5371 :选取对象 STR_5372 :拖拽时反转鼠标右键 STR_5373 :名称 {STRINGID} STR_5374 :日期 {STRINGID} STR_5375 :{UP} STR_5376 :{DOWN} STR_5377 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Saves STR_5378 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Script STR_5379 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Skip to next wait command STR_5380 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Start playing title sequence STR_5381 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Stop playing title sequence STR_5382 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Restart title sequence STR_5383 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Create a new title sequence based on the current one STR_5384 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Delete the current title sequence STR_5385 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Rename the current title sequence STR_5386 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Insert a new command STR_5387 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Edit the selected command STR_5388 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Delete the selected command STR_5389 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Skip to the selected command in the title sequence STR_5390 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Move the selected command down STR_5391 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Move the selected command up STR_5392 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Add a save to the title sequence STR_5393 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Remove the selected save from the title sequence STR_5394 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Rename the selected save STR_5395 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Load the selected save in game STR_5396 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Reload the title sequence if changes have been made to it outside of the game STR_5397 :Can only be used on the title screen STR_5398 :Cannot edit title sequence while it's playing STR_5399 :Press the stop button to continue editing STR_5400 :Can't change this title sequence STR_5401 :Create a new title sequence to make changes to STR_5402 :Failed to load title sequence STR_5403 :There may be no Load or Wait command or a save may be invalid STR_5404 :Name already exists STR_5405 :Enter a name for the save STR_5406 :Enter a name for the title sequence STR_5407 :Add STR_5408 :Remove STR_5409 :Insert STR_5410 :Edit STR_5411 :Reload STR_5412 :Skip to STR_5413 :Load STR_5414 :Load{MOVE_X}{87}Six Flags Magic Mountain.SC6 STR_5415 :Load{MOVE_X}{87}{STRING} STR_5416 :Load{MOVE_X}{87}No save selected STR_5417 :Location STR_5418 :Location{MOVE_X}{87}{COMMA16} {COMMA16} STR_5419 :Rotate STR_5420 :Rotate{MOVE_X}{87}{COMMA16} STR_5421 :放大 STR_5422 :放大{MOVE_X}{87}{COMMA16} STR_5423 :等待 STR_5424 :等待{MOVE_X}{87}{COMMA16} STR_5425 :重新开始 STR_5426 :结束 STR_5427 :坐标: STR_5428 :Anticlockwise rotations: STR_5429 :放大级别: STR_5430 :等待秒数: STR_5431 :要读取的存档: STR_5432 :命令: STR_5433 :Title Sequences STR_5434 :Command Editor STR_5435 :Rename save STR_5436 :编辑主菜单动画... STR_5437 :暂无存档被选中 STR_5438 :Can't make changes while command editor is open STR_5439 :A wait command with at least 4 seconds is required with a restart command STR_5440 :当焦点失去时最小化全屏幕的游戏 STR_5441 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}根据轨道类型区分游乐设施{NEWLINE}使得车辆类型可以在建造后更改{NEWLINE}(过山车大亨1行为). STR_5442 :Force park rating: STR_5443 :速度{MOVE_X}{87}{STRINGID} STR_5444 :速度: STR_5445 :速度 STR_5446 :Get STR_5447 :Type {STRINGID} STR_5448 :Ride / Vehicle {STRINGID} STR_5449 :减慢游戏速度 STR_5450 :加快游戏速度 STR_5451 :打开作弊窗口 STR_5452 :调整工具栏的可视度 STR_5453 :选择另一类游乐设施 STR_5454 :去除FPS上限 STR_5455 :启用沙盒模式 STR_5456 :去除阻碍检查 STR_5457 :去除支撑限制 STR_5458 :顺时计旋转 STR_5459 :逆时计旋转 STR_5460 :逆时针旋转检视范围 STR_5461 :设置游客的属性 STR_5462 :{CURRENCY} STR_5463 :目标:尽情玩吧! STR_5464 :一般 STR_5465 :气候 STR_5466 :雇员 STR_5467 :ALT + STR_5468 :最近消息 STR_5469 :向上滚动地图 STR_5470 :向左滚动地图 STR_5471 :向下滚动地图 STR_5472 :向右滚动地图 STR_5473 :日夜循环 STR_5474 :横幅上显示全大写英文 STR_5476 :硬件 STR_5477 :地图显示 STR_5478 :控制 STR_5479 :工具条 STR_5480 :显示工具条按钮: STR_5481 :主题 STR_5482 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}上次检查时间: {BLACK} 1分钟前 STR_5483 :{BLACK}(还剩{COMMA16}周结束) STR_5484 :{BLACK}(还剩{COMMA16}周结束) STR_5485 :{SMALLFONT}{STRING} STR_5486 :{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5487 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示最近消息 STR_5488 :隐藏入口(只适用于OpenRCT2!) STR_5489 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}只显示追踪中的游客 STR_5490 :游戏失去焦点时静音 STR_5491 :研发列表 STR_5492 :剧情选项 STR_5493 :发送信息 STR_5494 : STR_5495 :玩家列表 STR_5496 :玩家: STR_5497 :延迟值(Ping): STR_5498 :服务器列表 STR_5499 :玩家名称: STR_5500 :新增服务器 STR_5501 :开设服务器 STR_5502 :多人联机模式 STR_5503 :请输入主机名称或IP地址: STR_5504 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示多人联机状态 STR_5505 :无法连接至服务器. STR_5506 :游客忽略强烈程度 STR_5507 :清洁工默认会修剪草皮 STR_5508 :允许读取校验失败的文件 STR_5509 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}允许读取校验失败的剧情和存档文件,{NEWLINE}例如试玩版的剧情或损坏的存档. STR_5510 :默认音频设备 STR_5511 :(UNKNOWN) STR_5512 :另存游戏 STR_5513 :(快速)保存游戏 STR_5514 :禁止故意破坏 STR_5515 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Stops guests from vandalising your park when they're angry STR_5516 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}黑色 STR_5517 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}灰色 STR_5518 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}白色 STR_5519 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}暗紫色 STR_5520 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}淡紫色 STR_5521 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}亮紫色 STR_5522 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}深蓝色 STR_5523 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}淡蓝色 STR_5524 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}冰蓝色 STR_5525 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}深水配色 STR_5526 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}浅水配色 STR_5527 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}深绿色 STR_5528 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}暗绿色 STR_5529 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}苔绿色 STR_5530 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}亮绿色 STR_5531 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}橄榄绿色 STR_5532 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}暗橄榄绿色 STR_5533 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}亮黄色 STR_5534 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}黄色 STR_5535 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}暗黄色 STR_5536 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}亮橙色 STR_5537 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}暗橙色 STR_5538 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}亮棕色 STR_5539 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}深棕色 STR_5540 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}暗棕色 STR_5541 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}橙红色 STR_5542 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}波尔多红色 STR_5543 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}深红色 STR_5544 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}亮红色 STR_5545 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}暗红色 STR_5546 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}亮粉色 STR_5547 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}浅粉色 STR_5548 :Show all operating modes STR_5549 :年/月/日 STR_5550 :{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16}年, {PUSH16}{PUSH16}{MONTH} {PUSH16}{PUSH16}{STRINGID} STR_5551 :年/日/月 STR_5552 :{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16}年, {PUSH16}{PUSH16}{PUSH16}{STRINGID} {MONTH} STR_5553 :当Steam overlay打开时暂停游戏 STR_5554 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}启用山丘工具 STR_5555 :显示来自其他类型轨道的车辆种类 STR_5556 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}踢除玩家 STR_5557 :多人游戏不同步时依然保持联机 STR_5558 :此设定会于重启游戏后生效 STR_5559 :检查时间间隔为10分钟 STR_5560 :将所有游乐设施的检查时间间隔设定为'每10分钟' STR_5561 :加载语言失败 STR_5562 :警告! STR_5563 :此功能暂未稳定地使用,请多加留意. STR_5564 :插入已损坏元素 STR_5565 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在一个网格的最上插入一个已损坏的地图元素.此插入会隐藏其他元素. STR_5566 :Password: STR_5567 :Advertise STR_5568 :Password Required STR_5569 :This server requires a password STR_5570 :Fetch Servers STR_5571 :Join Game STR_5572 :Add To Favourites STR_5573 :Remove From Favourites STR_5574 :Server Name: STR_5575 :Max Players: STR_5576 :Port: STR_5577 :韩元 (W) STR_5578 :卢布 (R) STR_5579 :窗口缩放比例: STR_5580 :捷克克朗 (Kc) STR_5581 :显示帧数 STR_5582 :限制鼠标指针仅在窗口内移动 STR_5583 :{COMMA1DP16}ms{POWERNEGATIVEONE} STR_5584 :SI STR_5585 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}移除游乐设施的运行限制,例如允许链条上拉速度高达{VELOCITY} STR_5586 :自动开放商店和摊位 STR_5587 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}商店和摊位将在建造好后自动开放 STR_5588 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}与其他玩家一起玩 STR_5589 :消息选项 STR_5590 :乐园奖项 STR_5591 :推广计划已完结 STR_5592 :有关乐园的警告 STR_5593 :有关乐园评价的警告 STR_5594 :游乐设施发生故障 STR_5595 :游乐设施毁坏了 STR_5596 :有关游乐设施的警告 STR_5597 :研发好的游乐设施,商店或景物 STR_5598 :有关游客的警告 STR_5599 :游客迷路了 STR_5600 :游客已离开乐园 STR_5601 :游客正在排队游玩某个游乐设施 STR_5602 :游客已乘上游乐设施 STR_5603 :游客已离开游乐设施 STR_5604 :游客已购买物品 STR_5605 :游客已使用设施 STR_5606 :游客已死亡 STR_5607 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}强制移除选中的地图元素。 STR_5608 :BH STR_5609 :CH STR_5610 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}移除选中的地图元素. 使用时请注意. 因为强制移除地图元素并不会对游戏中的现金做成影响. STR_5611 :G STR_5612 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Ghost flag STR_5613 :B STR_5614 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Broken flag STR_5615 :L STR_5616 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Last element for tile flag STR_5617 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Move selected element up. STR_5618 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Move selected element down. STR_5619 :过山车大亨 STR_5620 :过山车大亨:快乐天地 STR_5621 :过山车大亨:极限反转 STR_5622 :过山车大亨2 STR_5623 :过山车大亨2:异国风情 STR_5624 :过山车大亨2:欢乐时光 STR_5625 :{OPENQUOTES}真实的{ENDQUOTES}游乐园 STR_5626 :其他游乐园 STR_5627 :剧情列表排序方法: STR_5628 :游戏出处 STR_5629 :困难度 STR_5630 :允许剧情解锁 STR_5631 :原版DLC游乐园 STR_5632 :修建你自己的... STR_5633 :CMD + STR_5634 :OPTION + STR_5635 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Money spent: {BLACK}{CURRENCY2DP} STR_5636 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}Commands ran: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5637 :不能做此行为... STR_5638 :权限不够 STR_5639 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示玩家列表 STR_5640 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}组管理 STR_5641 :默认组: STR_5642 :组: STR_5643 :添加组 STR_5644 :删除组 STR_5645 :聊天 STR_5646 :Terraform STR_5647 :Toggle Pause STR_5648 :Set Water Level STR_5649 :创建游乐设施 STR_5650 :移除游乐设施 STR_5651 :修建游乐设施 STR_5652 :游乐设施属性 # TODO 是否需要添加动词 STR_5653 :景观 STR_5654 :道路 STR_5655 :游客 STR_5656 :职员 STR_5657 :游乐园属性 STR_5658 :游乐园资金 STR_5659 :踢出玩家 STR_5660 :修改组 STR_5661 :设置玩家组 STR_5662 :N/A STR_5663 :清除景物 STR_5664 :作弊 STR_5665 :Toggle Scenery Cluster STR_5666 :无密码登录 STR_5701 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}最近的行为: {BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5702 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Locate player's most recent action STR_5703 :不能踢出创建者 STR_5704 :最近的行为: STR_5705 :不能将此玩家分配到该组 STR_5706 :不能删除有玩家在内的组 STR_5707 :不能修改此组 STR_5708 :不能改变创建者所在的组 STR_5709 :重命名组 STR_5710 :组名 STR_5711 :请输入该组的新名称: STR_5712 :不能修改你没有的权限 STR_5713 :踢出玩家 STR_5714 :显示设置窗口 STR_5715 :新游戏 STR_5716 :不能在多人模式中使用 # For identifying client network version in server list window STR_5717 :网络版本: {STRING} STR_5718 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}网络版本: {STRING} STR_5719 :晴天 STR_5720 :多云间晴 STR_5721 :多云 STR_5722 :下雨 STR_5723 :大雨 STR_5724 :大雷雨 STR_5725 :{BLACK}强制设定天气为: STR_5726 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设定游乐园当前的天气 STR_5727 :缩放质量 STR_5728 :需要开启硬件渲染 STR_5729 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}需要开启硬件渲染选项 STR_5730 :最近相邻 STR_5731 :线性 STR_5732 :各向异性 STR_5733 :以整数比例调整最近相邻缩放 # tooltip for tab in options window STR_5734 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}渲染 STR_5735 :网络状态 STR_5736 :玩家 STR_5737 :已关闭, {COMMA16} 个游客仍在此游乐设施上 STR_5738 :已关闭, {COMMA16} 个游客仍在此游乐设施上 STR_5739 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}此游乐设施上的游客: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5740 :永不结束的市场推广计划 STR_5741 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}Marketing campaigns never end STR_5742 :认证中 ... STR_5743 :连接中 ... STR_5744 :Resolving ... STR_5745 :检测到网络不同步 STR_5746 :已断线 STR_5747 :已断线: {STRING} STR_5748 :已被踢出 STR_5749 :请离开当前服务器! STR_5750 :连接已关闭 STR_5751 :接收不到任何数据 STR_5752 :{OUTLINE}{RED}{STRING} 已离开游戏 STR_5753 :{OUTLINE}{RED}{STRING} 已离开游戏 ({STRING}) STR_5754 :玩家命名错误 STR_5755 :不正确的游戏版本 (服务器版本为 {STRING}) STR_5756 :密码错误 STR_5757 :服务器人数已满 STR_5758 :{OUTLINE}{GREEN}{STRING} 已加入游戏 STR_5759 :下载地图中 ... ({INT32} / {INT32}) KB STR_5760 :港币 (HK$) STR_5761 :新台币 (NT$) STR_5762 :人民币 (CN{YEN}) STR_5763 :All files STR_5764 :不正确的游乐设施类型 STR_5765 :无法修改类型不正确的游乐设施 STR_5766 : STR_5767 :收入 STR_5768 :总游客数 STR_5769 :总利润 STR_5770 :每小时游客数 STR_5771 :运营成本 STR_5772 :年龄 STR_5773 :总游客数: {COMMA32} STR_5774 :总利润: {CURRENCY2DP} STR_5775 :游客数: {COMMA32} 每小时 STR_5776 :建成年份: 今年 STR_5777 :建成年份: 去年 STR_5778 :建成年份: {COMMA16} 年前 STR_5779 :收入: {CURRENCY2DP} 每小时 STR_5780 :运营成本: {CURRENCY2DP} 每小时 STR_5781 :运营成本: 未知 STR_5782 :你已经连接到服务器. 请按 '{STRING}' 开始聊天. STR_5783 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}剧情未解锁 STR_5784 :{BLACK}完成稍早的剧情来解锁此剧情. STR_5785 :不能重命名组... STR_5786 :不正确的组名称 STR_5787 :{COMMA32} 玩家在线 STR_5788 :默认检查的时间间隔: STR_5789 :禁用光影效果 STR_5790 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}切换RCT1式的收费{NEWLINE}(例如同时收取游乐设施及入园门票费用) STR_5791 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设定所有游乐设施的可靠度为100%{NEWLINE}并重设他们的落成年份为“今年” STR_5792 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}修理所有已有故障的游乐设施 STR_5793 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}重设指定游乐设施的故障记录,{NEWLINE}令游客不觉得该设施不安全 STR_5794 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}此密技移除某些剧情禁止修改{NEWLINE}某些已预先建设好的游乐设施的限制 STR_5795 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游客会乘坐所有乐园内的游乐设施{NEWLINE}即使它们的刺激度极端地高 STR_5796 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}强制开发或关闭游乐园 STR_5797 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}禁止天气变化并{NEWLINE}固定于选择的天气 STR_5798 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}暂停时允许建造 STR_5799 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}禁止因刹车故障产生的损坏及撞毁 STR_5800 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}防止游乐设施发生故障 STR_5801 :禁止乱丢垃圾 STR_5802 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}阻止游客乱丢垃圾或呕吐 STR_5803 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}旋转选中的地图元素 STR_5804 :静音 STR_5805 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}若选中此选项, 你的服务器将会添加至{NEWLINE}公共服务区列表,所有玩家均可以找到它 STR_5806 :切换窗口模式 STR_5807 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施数量: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5808 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}商店及摊贩数量: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5809 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}信息亭及其他设施数量: {BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5810 :禁用车辆限制 STR_5811 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}若选中此选项, 每列车将最多{NEWLINE}有255辆车厢以及每个游乐设施最多有31辆列车 STR_5812 :显示多人模式窗口 STR_5813 :{OPENQUOTES}{STRING}{ENDQUOTES} STR_5814 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_1}{OPENQUOTES}{STRING}{ENDQUOTES} #tooltips STR_5815 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游戏内显示FPS帧数 STR_5816 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置比例去缩放游戏.{NEWLINE}高分辨率时很有用 STR_5817 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}[需要开启硬件渲染]{NEWLINE}设置UI缩放类型 STR_5818 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}[需要开启硬件渲染]{NEWLINE}使用最近相邻缩放{NEWLINE}当窗口缩放比例设置为{NEWLINE}整数值时 (例如1, 2, 3等等) STR_5819 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}[需要开启硬件渲染]{NEWLINE}暂停游戏当游戏内{NEWLINE}Steam overlay打开时 STR_5820 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}全屏模式时若游戏失焦{NEWLINE}则最小化游戏 STR_5821 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}当修建游乐设施, 道路, 商店, 景观等时{NEWLINE}调整建造的颜色. STR_5822 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}日夜循环.{NEWLINE}完成一个循环花费游戏内一个月时间 STR_5823 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}横幅上显示全大写英文(RCT1效果) STR_5824 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}当暴风雨来临时{NEWLINE}禁用闪电效果 STR_5825 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在窗口内保持鼠标指针 STR_5826 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}拖拽视野时时反转鼠标右键 STR_5827 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置游戏界面使用的配色主题 STR_5828 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}修改距离, 速度等度量单位. STR_5829 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}修改游戏使用的货币. 只是纯视觉效果并没有根据汇率换算 STR_5830 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}修改游戏使用的语言 STR_5831 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}修改温度显示的单位 STR_5832 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}高度用通用单位替换"距离和速度单位"中设置的单位 STR_5833 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}修改日期格式 STR_5834 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择OpenRCT2使用的音频设备 STR_5835 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游戏窗口失焦时静音 STR_5836 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择主菜单使用的音乐.{NEWLINE}选择过山车大亨1的主题音乐时需要手动将过山车大亨1游戏目录下的'data/css17.dat'拷贝并重命名为过山车大亨2游戏目录下的'data/css50.dat'. STR_5837 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}创建并管理自定义游戏界面配色主题 STR_5838 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在工具栏上为财务窗口显示一个单独的按钮 STR_5839 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在工具栏上为研发窗口显示一个单独的按钮 STR_5840 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在工具栏上为作弊窗口显示一个单独的按钮 STR_5841 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在工具栏上为最近消息窗口显示一个单独的按钮 STR_5842 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}对剧情排序是根据困难度(过山车大亨2行为)还是游戏出处(过山车大亨1行为) STR_5843 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}允许剧情解锁 (过山车大亨1行为) STR_5844 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}即使发生不同步或错误{NEWLINE}依然保持和多人服务器的连接 STR_5845 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}在工具栏上为调试工具增加一个按钮.{NEWLINE}允许在调试控制台使用快捷键 STR_5846 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置自动保存的频率 STR_5847 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择主菜单界面使用的游乐园动画. 过山车大亨1/2的主菜单动画需要导入响应的文件 STR_5848 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}创建并管理自定义主菜单动画 STR_5849 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}自动放置新雇佣的员工 STR_5850 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}新雇佣的清洁工默认会修剪草坪(过山车大亨1行为) STR_5851 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置新建游乐设施的默认检查的时间间隔 STR_5852 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置Twitch集成中使用的TwitchTV频道名 STR_5853 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开启/关闭音效 STR_5854 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}开启/关闭游乐设施音乐 STR_5855 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}设置全屏, 窗口或无边框窗口显示 STR_5856 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}全屏模式时设置游戏分辨率 STR_5857 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游戏选项 STR_5858 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}使用GPU代替CPU渲染画面. 提高截屏软件的兼容性. 可能会轻微降低游戏性能. STR_5859 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}启用补帧从而平滑游戏表现. {NEWLINE}当禁用时,{NEWLINE}游戏帧数会稳定在40 FPS. STR_5860 :开启原版/反编译版本的轨道绘图模式 STR_5861 :密码验证失败. STR_5862 :阻止未知玩家进入. STR_5863 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}只允许拥有已知密码的用户加入. STR_5864 :本服务器只允许白名单用户连接. STR_5865 :保存聊天记录 STR_5866 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}保存所有聊天记录到本地文件. STR_5867 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}服务器提供者姓名: {BLACK}{STRING} STR_5868 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}服务器提供者E-mail: {BLACK}{STRING} STR_5869 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}服务器提供者网站: {BLACK}{STRING} STR_5870 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}显示服务器信息 STR_5871 :植物不会枯萎. STR_5872 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}禁用植物随时间变化以便它们不会枯萎. STR_5873 :允许在所有轨道配置中使用链式牵引 STR_5874 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}允许将任何轨道变成链式牵引轨道 STR_5875 :渲染引擎: STR_5876 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}渲染游戏图像的引擎. STR_5877 :软件渲染 STR_5878 :软件渲染(硬件显示) STR_5879 :OpenGL(实验性质) STR_5880 :只显示选中的物体 STR_5881 :只显示未被选中的物体 STR_5882 :自定义货币 STR_5883 :自定义货币选项 STR_5884 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}汇率: STR_5885 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}等价于英镑(£){COMMA32} STR_5886 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}货币符号: STR_5887 :前缀 STR_5888 :后缀 STR_5889 :自定义货币符号 STR_5890 :请输入用于显示的货币符号 STR_5891 :默认 STR_5892 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}前往默认文件夹 STR_5893 :汇率 STR_5894 :请输入汇率 STR_5895 :保存轨道设计 STR_5896 :保存轨道设计失败! STR_5897 :窗口数量限制: STR_5898 :{BLACK}无法加载轨道, 文件可能{NEWLINE}损坏或丢失! STR_5899 :开启/关闭debug窗口 STR_5900 :使用原始的渲染代码 STR_5901 :显示分段高度 STR_5902 :显示包围盒 STR_5903 :显示debug窗口 STR_5904 :重置日期 STR_5905 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}一个能自动创建自定义地形的地图生成工具 STR_5906 :放大到鼠标所在位置 STR_5907 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}启用时将会以鼠标所在位置为中心进行放大, 而非屏幕中心. STR_5908 :允许任意切换游乐设施类型 STR_5909 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}允许自由切换游乐设施类型. 可能导致游戏崩溃. STR_5910 :应用 STR_5911 :半透明道路 STR_5912 :开启/关闭'半透明道路'选项 STR_5913 :聊天 STR_5914 :未知的游乐设施 STR_5915 :玩家 STR_5916 :{COMMA16}位玩家 STR_5917 :{COMMA16}位玩家 STR_5918 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{COMMA16} STR_5919 :{COMMA16} STR_5920 :渲染天气效果 STR_5921 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}启用后,雷暴中的雨和灰雾的滤镜会被渲染在画面中. STR_5922 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}最多{STRINGID} STR_5923 :{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{POP16}{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}每列车最多为{COMMA16} {STRINGID} STR_5924 :地面详情 STR_5925 :道路详情 STR_5926 :轨道详情 STR_5927 :景物详情 STR_5928 :入口详情 STR_5929 :围栏详情 STR_5930 :巨型景物详情 STR_5931 :横幅详情 STR_5932 :已毁坏元素详情 STR_5933 :属性 STR_5934 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}地型素材:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5935 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}地型边缘:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5936 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}土地拥有权:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5937 :未拥有且不可购买 STR_5938 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}水位:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5939 :移除乐园边界 STR_5940 :还原乐园边界 STR_5941 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}地面高度: STR_5942 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}道路名称:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5943 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}附加物品:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5944 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}附加物品:{BLACK}暂无 STR_5945 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}已连接的边缘: STR_5946 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施种类:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5947 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施ID:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5948 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施名称:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5949 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}链条坡道 STR_5950 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}将改变应用于整个轨道组件中 STR_5951 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}轨道组件ID:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5952 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}编号:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5953 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}以底部高度排序目前网格上的地图元素 STR_5954 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}景物年龄:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5955 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}四角放置:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5956 :西南 STR_5957 :西北 STR_5958 :东北 STR_5959 :东南 STR_5960 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}四角放置: STR_5961 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}入口编号:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5962 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}碰撞检测: STR_5963 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}已升起的角: STR_5964 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}斜角 STR_5965 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}入口类型:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5966 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐园入口部份:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5967 :中间 STR_5968 :左 STR_5969 :右 STR_5970 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}入口编号:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5971 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}出口编号:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5972 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}游乐设施编号:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5973 :与下一地图元素并列 STR_5974 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}将此元素的基准和净高度与下一元素调整一致. 这可以让在网格上建造变得更加容易. STR_5975 :坡道: STR_5976 :平坦 STR_5977 :右边向上 STR_5978 :左边向上 STR_5979 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}围栏类型:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5980 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}横幅文字:{BLACK}{STRINGID} STR_5981 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}不是横幅 STR_5982 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}巨型景物类型:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5983 :{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}巨型景物组件编号:{BLACK}{COMMA16} STR_5984 :被挡住的道路: STR_5985 :新建文件夹 STR_5986 :请输入新文件夹的名字 STR_5987 :无法建立新文件夹 STR_5988 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}已经没有可出售的土地使用权 STR_5989 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}已经没有可出售的土地建造权 STR_5990 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}已经没有可出售的土地使用权或建造权 STR_5991 :无法粘贴元素... STR_5992 :地图元素已达上限 STR_5993 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}复制所选元素 STR_5994 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}粘贴所选元素 STR_5995 :助推器 STR_5996 :助推器速度 STR_5997 :增加/设置金钱 STR_5998 :增加金钱 STR_5999 :设置金钱 STR_6000 :请输入一个新的值 STR_6001 :启用光照效果(实验性质) STR_6002 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}夜晚时路灯和游乐设施将会被点亮.{NEWLINE}此功能需要先开启硬件渲染. STR_6003 :剖视图 STR_6004 :剖视图 STR_6005 :启用剖视图 STR_6006 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}剖视图只显示小于等于切割高度的地图元素 STR_6007 :切割高度 STR_6008 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}单击在原始值或度量单位值之间切换 STR_6009 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}选择切割高度 STR_6010 :{COMMA2DP32}米 STR_6011 :{COMMA1DP16}英尺 STR_6012 :{COMMA1DP16} STR_6013 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游客仅需付费购买游乐园门票和服务.{NEWLINE}搭乘游乐设施免费. STR_6014 :{SMALLFONT}{BLACK}游客仅需付费购买游乐设施门票和服务.{NEWLINE}进入游乐园免费. STR_6015 :坡道 STR_6016 :修改网格 STR_6017 :请调低速度 ############# # Scenarios # ################ # RCT Original # ################ STR_SCNR :Forest Frontiers STR_PARK :Forest Frontiers STR_DTLS :在隐藏于森林深处的空地中,建造一个很受欢迎的游乐园 STR_SCNR :Dynamite Dunes STR_PARK :Dynamite Dunes STR_DTLS :这个座立于沙漠中的乐园只有一座云霄飞车,但不缺乏可供扩充的空地 STR_SCNR :Leafy Lake STR_PARK :Leafy Lake STR_DTLS :在一个大型湖泊的旁边,由零开始建造一个乐园 STR_SCNR :Diamond Heights STR_PARK :Diamond Heights STR_DTLS :Diamond Heights已经是一个拥有极佳游乐设施,并且很发展得很成功的乐园-继续发展它让它的价值翻倍 STR_SCNR :Evergreen Gardens STR_PARK :Evergreen Gardens STR_DTLS :将景色优美的Evergreen Gardens转型成一个很受欢迎的乐园 STR_SCNR :Bumbly Beach STR_PARK :Bumbly Beach STR_DTLS :将Bumbly Beach这个小型乐园发展成一个很受欢迎的乐园 STR_SCNR :Trinity Islands STR_PARK :Trinity Islands STR_DTLS :几个邻近的岛屿组成了这个新乐园的基本地势 STR_SCNR :Katie's Dreamland STR_PARK :Katie's Dreamland STR_DTLS :一个只有几个游乐设施但有扩展空间的小型乐园-你的目标是让它的价值翻倍 STR_SCNR :Pokey Park STR_PARK :Pokey Park STR_DTLS :一个拥挤的小型乐园,它需要大扩张 STR_SCNR :White Water Park STR_PARK :White Water Park STR_DTLS :一个附有优良水上类游乐设施的乐园,它需要大扩张 STR_SCNR :Millennium Mines STR_PARK :Millennium Mines STR_DTLS :将一个已被遗弃的大型矿坑由景点转型成一个乐园 STR_SCNR :Karts & Coasters STR_PARK :Karts & Coasters STR_DTLS :一个隐藏在森林的大型乐园,但当中只有小型赛车及木制过山车 STR_SCNR :Mel's World STR_PARK :Mel's World STR_DTLS :这个乐园已经有一些既优秀又现代的游乐设施,但它亦有很大的扩充空间 STR_SCNR :Mystic Mountain STR_PARK :Mystic Mountain STR_DTLS :In the hilly forests of Mystic Mountain, build a theme park from scratch STR_SCNR :Pacific Pyramids STR_PARK :Pacific Pyramids STR_DTLS :Convert the Egyptian Ruins tourist attraction into a thriving theme park STR_SCNR :Crumbly Woods STR_PARK :Crumbly Woods STR_DTLS :A large park with well-designed but rather old rides - Replace the old rides or add new rides to make the park more popular STR_SCNR :Paradise Pier STR_PARK :Paradise Pier STR_DTLS :Convert this sleepy town's pier into a thriving attraction STR_SCNR :Lightning Peaks STR_PARK :Lightning Peaks STR_DTLS :The beautiful mountains of Lightning Peaks are popular with walkers and sightseers - Use the available land to attract a new thrill-seeking clientele STR_SCNR :Ivory Towers STR_PARK :Ivory Towers STR_DTLS :A well-established park, which has a few problems STR_SCNR :Rainbow Valley STR_PARK :Rainbow Valley STR_DTLS :Rainbow Valley's local authority won't allow any landscape changes or large tree removal, but you must develop the area into a large theme park STR_SCNR :Thunder Rock STR_PARK :Thunder Rock STR_DTLS :Thunder Rock stands in the middle of a desert and attracts many tourists - Use the available space to build rides to attract more people STR_SCNR :Mega Park STR_PARK :Mega Park STR_DTLS :Just for fun! ## Added Attractions STR_SCNR :Whispering Cliffs STR_PARK :Whispering Cliffs STR_DTLS :Develop the seaside cliffs into a thriving amusement park STR_SCNR :Three Monkeys Park STR_PARK :Three Monkeys Park STR_DTLS :Central to this large developing park is a giant triple-track racing/duelling steel coaster STR_SCNR :Canary Mines STR_PARK :Canary Mines STR_DTLS :This abandoned mine already has the makings of a tourist attraction with its minature railway and a pair of vertical drop roller coasters STR_SCNR :Barony Bridge STR_PARK :Barony Bridge STR_DTLS :An old redundant bridge is yours to develop into an amusement park STR_SCNR :Funtopia STR_PARK :Funtopia STR_DTLS :Covering land both sides of a highway, this park has several rides already operating STR_SCNR :Haunted Harbor STR_PARK :Haunted Harbor STR_DTLS :The local authority has agreed to sell nearby land cheaply to this small seaside park, on the condition that certain rides are preserved STR_SCNR :Fun Fortress STR_PARK :Fun Fortress STR_DTLS :This castle is all yours to turn into a theme park STR_SCNR :Future World STR_PARK :Future World STR_DTLS :This futuristic park has plenty of space for new rides on its alien landscape STR_SCNR :Gentle Glen STR_PARK :Gentle Glen STR_DTLS :The local population prefer gentle and relaxing rides, so it is your job to expand this park to suit their tastes STR_SCNR :Jolly Jungle STR_PARK :Jolly Jungle STR_DTLS :Deep in the jungle lies a large area of land ready to be turned into a theme park STR_SCNR :Hydro Hills STR_PARK :Hydro Hills STR_DTLS :A series of stepped lakes form the basis for this new park STR_SCNR :Sprightly Park STR_PARK :Sprightly Park STR_DTLS :This elderly park has many historical rides but is badly in debt STR_SCNR :Magic Quarters STR_PARK :Magic Quarters STR_DTLS :A large area of land has been cleared and partially themed ready for you to develop into a landscaped theme park STR_SCNR :Fruit Farm STR_PARK :Fruit Farm STR_DTLS :A thriving fruit farm has built a railroad to boost its income, your job is to develop it into a full-blown amusement park STR_SCNR :Butterfly Dam STR_PARK :Butterfly Dam STR_DTLS :The area around a dam is available for you to develop into an amusement park STR_SCNR :Coaster Canyon STR_PARK :Coaster Canyon STR_DTLS :A vast canyon is yours to turn into a theme park STR_SCNR :Thunderstorm Park STR_PARK :Thunderstorm Park STR_DTLS :The weather is so wet here that a giant pyramid has been built to allow some rides to be built under cover STR_SCNR :Harmonic Hills STR_PARK :Harmonic Hills STR_DTLS :The local authority won't allow you to build above tree height in this park STR_SCNR :Roman Village STR_PARK :Roman Village STR_DTLS :Develop this Roman-themed park by adding rides and roller coasters STR_SCNR :Swamp Cove STR_PARK :Swamp Cove STR_DTLS :Built partly on a series of small islands, this park already has a pair of large roller coasters as its centerpiece STR_SCNR :Adrenaline Heights STR_PARK :Adrenaline Heights STR_DTLS :Build a park to appeal to the high-intensity thrill-seeking local people STR_SCNR :Utopia Park STR_PARK :Utopia Park STR_DTLS :An oasis in the middle of the desert provides an unusual opportunity to build an amusement park STR_SCNR :Rotting Heights STR_PARK :Rotting Heights STR_DTLS :Overgrown and dilapidated, can you resurrect this once-great amusement park? STR_SCNR :Fiasco Forest STR_PARK :Fiasco Forest STR_DTLS :Full of badly designed and dangerous rides, you have a very limited budget and time to fix the problems and turn the park around STR_SCNR :Pickle Park STR_PARK :Pickle Park STR_DTLS :The local authority will not allow any kind of advertising or promotion, so this park must succeed by reputation only STR_SCNR :Giggle Downs STR_PARK :Giggle Downs STR_DTLS :A four lane steeplechase ride is the centerpiece of this expanding park STR_SCNR :Mineral Park STR_PARK :Mineral Park STR_DTLS :Turn this abandoned stone quarry into a place to attract thrill-seeking tourists STR_SCNR :Coaster Crazy STR_PARK :Coaster Crazy STR_DTLS :You have limited funds but unlimited time to turn this mountainside area into a vast roller coaster park STR_SCNR :Urban Park STR_PARK :Urban Park STR_DTLS :A tiny park has done a deal with the nearby town to allow expansion through the town itself STR_SCNR :Geoffrey Gardens STR_PARK :Geoffrey Gardens STR_DTLS :A large garden park needs turning into a thriving theme park ## Loopy Landscapes STR_SCNR :Iceberg Islands STR_PARK :Iceberg Islands STR_DTLS :A collection of icebergs make a cold setting for this ambitious theme park STR_SCNR :Volcania STR_PARK :Volcania STR_DTLS :A dormant volcano is the setting of this coaster-building challenge STR_SCNR :Arid Heights STR_PARK :Arid Heights STR_DTLS :Free of any financial limits, your challenge is to develop this desert park while keeping the guests happy STR_SCNR :Razor Rocks STR_PARK :Razor Rocks STR_DTLS :Your task is to build a massive coaster-filled park in amongst Razor Rocks STR_SCNR :Crater Lake STR_PARK :Crater Lake STR_DTLS :A large lake in an ancient crater is the setting for this park STR_SCNR :Vertigo Views STR_PARK :Vertigo Views STR_DTLS :This large park already has an excellent hyper-coaster, but your task is to massively increase its profit STR_SCNR :Paradise Pier 2 STR_PARK :Paradise Pier 2 STR_DTLS :Paradise Pier has expanded its network of walkways over the sea, and your task is to expand the park to use the extra space STR_SCNR :Dragon's Cove STR_PARK :Dragon's Cove STR_DTLS :This sea-side cove is the setting for this coaster-building challenge STR_SCNR :Good Knight Park STR_PARK :Good Knight Park STR_DTLS :A castle with a pair of roller coasters needs developing into a larger theme park STR_SCNR :Wacky Warren STR_PARK :Wacky Warren STR_DTLS :A park which has much of its footpaths and coasters underground STR_SCNR :Grand Glacier STR_PARK :Grand Glacier STR_DTLS :A glacier-filled valley is yours to develop into a theme park STR_SCNR :Crazy Craters STR_PARK :Crazy Craters STR_DTLS :In a far-off world where money is not needed, you must build an entertainment centre to keep the people happy STR_SCNR :Dusty Desert STR_PARK :Dusty Desert STR_DTLS :Five coasters require completion in this desert park STR_SCNR :Woodworm Park STR_PARK :Woodworm Park STR_DTLS :This historical park is only allowed to build older-styled rides STR_SCNR :Icarus Park STR_PARK :Icarus Park STR_DTLS :Develop this alien park to maximize its profit STR_SCNR :Sunny Swamps STR_PARK :Sunny Swamps STR_DTLS :This well-themed amusement park already has several rides, but has plenty of space for expansion STR_SCNR :Frightmare Hills STR_PARK :Frightmare Hills STR_DTLS :A scary park with a giant centrepiece coaster STR_SCNR :Thunder Rocks STR_PARK :Thunder Rocks STR_DTLS :Two large hunks of rock stick out of the sand, upon which the beginnings of a theme park are constructed STR_SCNR :Octagon Park STR_PARK :Octagon Park STR_DTLS :In this large park you must design and build ten large coasters STR_SCNR :Pleasure Island STR_PARK :Pleasure Island STR_DTLS :A long thin island makes a challenging setting to build a selection of coasters STR_SCNR :Icicle Worlds STR_PARK :Icicle Worlds STR_DTLS :An icy landscape needs turning into a thriving theme park STR_SCNR :Southern Sands STR_PARK :Southern Sands STR_DTLS :A desert park with some cleverly designed coasters is yours to expand STR_SCNR :Tiny Towers STR_PARK :Tiny Towers STR_DTLS :In this tiny park you must finish building the five existing coasters STR_SCNR :Nevermore Park STR_PARK :Nevermore Park STR_DTLS :A large park with a novel transporation system around its edge STR_SCNR :Pacifica STR_PARK :Pacifica STR_DTLS :This large island is all yours to develop as an amusement park STR_SCNR :Urban Jungle STR_PARK :Urban Jungle STR_DTLS :A giant abandoned skyscraper is a unique opportunity for a theme park developer STR_SCNR :Terror Town STR_PARK :Terror Town STR_DTLS :This urban area is all yours to develop into an amusement park STR_SCNR :Megaworld Park STR_PARK :Megaworld Park STR_DTLS :A giant park already packed full of rides needs improving STR_SCNR :Venus Ponds STR_PARK :Venus Ponds STR_DTLS :On a far-away planet this area of land needs turning into a theme park STR_SCNR :Micro Park STR_PARK :Micro Park STR_DTLS :Try to create the world's smallest profitable park ## Real Parks from RCT1 # None of them had details STR_SCNR :Alton Towers STR_PARK :Alton Towers STR_DTLS : STR_SCNR :Heide-Park STR_PARK :Heide-Park STR_DTLS : STR_SCNR :Blackpool Pleasure Beach STR_PARK :Blackpool Pleasure Beach STR_DTLS : ## Misc parks from RCT1 # Had no details STR_SCNR :Fort Anachronism STR_PARK :Fort Anachronism STR_DTLS : ##################### # Rides/attractions # ##################### #WW [CONDORRD] STR_NAME :Condor Ride STR_DESC :Riding in special harnesses below the track, riders experience the feeling of flight as they swoop through the air in Condor-shaped trains STR_CPTY :4 passengers per car ################# ## RCT2 Scenarios ################# STR_SCNR :Alpine Adventures STR_PARK :Alpine Adventures STR_DTLS :将一个小滑雪胜地转型为一个以冰雪为主题的游乐园 STR_SCNR :Amity Airfield STR_PARK :Amity Airfield STR_DTLS :在这个被遗弃的飞机场建立一个以飞行为主题的游乐园 STR_SCNR :Botany Breakers STR_PARK :Botany Breakers STR_DTLS :你的挑战是在这个天堂岛上建立一个高利润的游乐园 STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Belgium STR_PARK :Six Flags Belgium STR_DTLS :建立自己的这个欧洲六旗游乐园的版本 STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Great Adventure STR_PARK :Six Flags Great Adventure STR_DTLS :使用您的设计技能来重建这个六旗游乐园 STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Holland STR_PARK :Six Flags Holland STR_DTLS :以你想要的方式建造这个欧洲六旗游乐园 STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Magic Mountain STR_PARK :Six Flags Magic Mountain STR_DTLS :创建你自己的大型六旗游乐园的版本 STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags over Texas STR_PARK :Six Flags over Texas STR_DTLS :从零开始,建造这个六旗游乐园的游乐设施 STR_SCNR :Build your own Six Flags Park STR_PARK :Six Flags STR_DTLS :建造你自己设计的六旗游乐园-你可以从其他六旗游乐园借鉴或者设计建造你自己的游乐设施 STR_SCNR :Bumbly Bazaar STR_PARK :Bumbly Bazaar STR_DTLS :从一个小集市,你的挑战是增加商店利润,建设商店及游乐设施和过山车来吸引更多的顾客 STR_SCNR :Crazy Castle STR_PARK :Crazy Castle STR_DTLS :你继承了一个大的城堡-你的工作是把它转型成一个小型主题公园。 STR_SCNR :Dusty Greens STR_PARK :Dusty Greens STR_DTLS :位于沙漠附近的一个公路交界处,是时候把 Dusty Greens 这个小高尔夫度假村发展成为一个繁荣的主题公园了 STR_SCNR :Electric Fields STR_PARK :Electric Fields STR_DTLS :你继承了一个小农场,你的挑战是在农田和农场建筑之间建立一个小型主题乐园 STR_SCNR :Extreme Heights STR_PARK :Extreme Heights STR_DTLS :自由的金融限制,你的挑战是如何扩大这个沙漠游乐园吸引人们寻求终极的刺激 STR_SCNR :Factory Capers STR_PARK :Factory Capers STR_DTLS :一个废弃的工厂是你的机遇,把它建造成一个机械为主题的游乐园 STR_SCNR :Fungus Woods STR_PARK :Fungus Woods STR_DTLS :仅限于老式的木制游乐设施,你的挑战是在 Fungus Woods 建造一个蓬勃发展的主题乐园 STR_SCNR :Ghost Town STR_PARK :Ghost Town STR_DTLS :由一个大型的娱乐公园开始,你的任务是在一个废弃的采矿镇周围建造一个巨大的过山车游乐园 STR_SCNR :Gravity Gardens STR_PARK :Gravity Gardens STR_DTLS :你的挑战是在 Gravity Gardens 没有其他设施可用的条件下打造过山车游乐园,只能建造过山车! STR_SCNR :Infernal Views STR_PARK :Infernal Views STR_DTLS :公园坐落在炙热的熔岩流和不稳定的岩浆中 STR_SCNR :Lucky Lake STR_PARK :Lucky Lake STR_DTLS :你有了无限的资金,但湖泊是一个具有挑战性的位置,这个公园将是一个挑战,扩大它并运营它 STR_SCNR :Rainbow Summit STR_PARK :Rainbow Summit STR_DTLS :这个游乐园建在一个山坡上,禁止建造任何高的东西。你能扩大游乐园,使它成功吗? STR_SCNR :Six Flags Belgium STR_PARK :Six Flags Belgium STR_DTLS :尝试用你的手运营并改进这座六旗游乐园 STR_SCNR :Six Flags Great Adventure STR_PARK :Six Flags Great Adventure STR_DTLS :建造遗失的六旗乐园游乐设施,或用自己的设计善公园!但别忘了你的最终目标--吸引更多的客人到公园去! STR_SCNR :Six Flags Holland STR_PARK :Six Flags Holland STR_DTLS :尝试用你的手运营并改进这座六旗游乐园 STR_SCNR :Six Flags Magic Mountain STR_PARK :Six Flags Magic Mountain STR_DTLS :建造遗失的六旗乐园游乐设施,或用自己的设计善公园!但别忘了你的最终目标--偿还贷款,同时保持公园价值! STR_SCNR :Six Flags over Texas STR_PARK :Six Flags over Texas STR_DTLS :建造遗失的六旗乐园游乐设施,或用自己的设计善公园!但别忘了你的最终目标--吸引更多的客人到公园去! ############################################################################### ## Wacky Worlds Scenarios ############################################################################### STR_SCNR :Africa - African Diamond Mine STR_PARK :Mines of Africa STR_DTLS :你继承了一个废弃的钻石矿,并找到一个珍贵的钻石。你决定用那笔钱去建造一个世界闻名的主题乐园。 STR_SCNR :Africa - Oasis STR_PARK :Mirage Madness STR_DTLS :一个沙漠绿洲被发现了,它为游乐园提供了一个美丽的环境。游乐园已有绿洲运输。 STR_SCNR :Africa - Victoria Falls STR_PARK :Over The Edge STR_DTLS :当地建成了一个大坝,提供了丰富的,廉价的水电,用来运行一个公园。你需要用公园来获得很多的钱,用来偿还建造大坝的贷款。 STR_SCNR :Antarctic - Ecological Salvage STR_PARK :Icy Adventures STR_DTLS :环境署已经把你碍眼的旧炼油厂改造成顶级生态的旅游胜地。土地便宜但贷款利息高。你可以卖掉旧建筑来赚钱。 STR_SCNR :Asia - Great Wall of China Tourism Enhancement STR_PARK :Great Wall of China STR_DTLS :当局已决定在附近的土地上建造主题公园,以加强在长城周边的旅游业发展。 STR_SCNR :Asia - Japanese Coastal Reclaim STR_PARK :Okinawa Coast STR_DTLS :一个现有的公园已经用完了空间。你唯一的选择是建立在海上,所以你采取了贷款。你的建筑的高度被地基和地震风险限制。 STR_SCNR :Asia - Maharaja Palace STR_PARK :Park Maharaja STR_DTLS :你被委托为当地人建造大型的娱乐设施。由王公的宫殿改建成一个游乐园。 STR_SCNR :Australasia - Ayers Rock STR_PARK :Ayers Adventure STR_DTLS :作为文化意识计划的一部分,你要帮助土著人建立一个游乐园。你需要让大量的客人知道土著们具有独特的文化遗产。 STR_SCNR :Australasia - Fun at the Beach STR_PARK :Beach Barbecue Blast STR_DTLS :一个本地企业家的海滨游乐园已经破产。你已经经营了一个小游乐园,你要从建筑公司购买另一个游乐园。开发一个大联合游乐园。 STR_SCNR :Europe - European Cultural Festival STR_PARK :European Extravaganza STR_DTLS :你被安排接管一个欧洲文化游的景点,必须增加客人的数量,在目前的欧洲议会任期结束前支付加入欧盟的税款。 STR_SCNR :Europe - Renovation STR_PARK :From The Ashes STR_DTLS :一个老公园年久失修。你获得一个欧盟的补助金,将这个被剥夺的地区归还给它昔日的荣耀!你需要整修公园并偿还补助金。 STR_SCNR :N. America - Extreme Hawaiian Island STR_PARK :Wacky Waikiki STR_DTLS :夏威夷的人们厌倦了冲浪,寻找更刺激的东西。你需要建立一个游乐园,以保持该地区的旅游评级。 STR_SCNR :North America - Grand Canyon STR_PARK :Canyon Calamities STR_DTLS :你必须在有限的土地上建立一个游乐园,这里有自然财富--从美洲印第安人那里有机会购买邻近的土地。维持当地城镇的人口是你需要完成的目标。 STR_SCNR :North America - Rollercoaster Heaven STR_PARK :Rollercoaster Heaven STR_DTLS :你是在休假想要利用这段时间改造城市公园的过山车的天堂一个成功的商业大亨。金钱是没有目标的! STR_SCNR :South America - Inca Lost City STR_PARK :Lost City Founder STR_DTLS :为了进一步促进当地的旅游业,你必须建设一个公园,它与周围的环境,并有高度的限制。 STR_SCNR :South America - Rain Forest Plateau STR_PARK :Rainforest Romp STR_DTLS :空间是有限的宝贵的热带雨林-你必须尽可能多地塞进现有的结算,以提供一个可行的替代当地木材业。 STR_SCNR :South America - Rio Carnival STR_PARK :Sugarloaf Shores STR_DTLS :你在里约附近的一个小公园,但银行已在你的贷款。你需要快速提高你的盈利能力来偿还这意想不到的债务。 ############################################################################### ## Time Twister Scenarios ############################################################################### STR_SCNR :Dark Age - Castle STR_PARK :Cliffside Castle STR_DTLS :战斗的地方成员重新制定的社会是相当严重的他们的爱好。他们委托你在悬崖边的城堡的场地建设一个黑暗时代的主题公园的工作。 STR_SCNR :Dark Age - Robin Hood STR_PARK :Sherwood Forest STR_DTLS :为了把财富从富人中解放出来并分发给有需要的人,你和你的快乐的人决定在舍伍德森林里建立一个主题公园。 STR_SCNR :Future - First Encounters STR_PARK :Extraterrestrial Extravaganza STR_DTLS :生命在一个遥远的星球上被发现,建造一个外星人主题公园,以现金在前所未有的兴趣浪潮。 STR_SCNR :Future - Future World STR_PARK :Gemini City STR_DTLS :炫耀你的创造性的,乌托邦式的未来愿景-想出一个未来的公园设计,结合国家的最先进的景点。 STR_SCNR :Mythological - Animatronic Film Set STR_PARK :Animatronic Antics STR_DTLS :你已经被赋予了运行和改进现有的主题公园的任务,它是建立在一个旧的电影集上的。建立一个向创业的定格动画人第一次带来了神秘的生物生活在银幕上。 STR_SCNR :Mythological - Cradle of Civilisation STR_PARK :Mythological Madness STR_DTLS :你拥有一个特定的考古价值的岛屿。你已经决定采用基于地区丰富的神话遗产建设主题公园的保护基金。 STR_SCNR :Prehistoric - After the Asteroid STR_PARK :Crater Carnage STR_DTLS :你拥有一个布满灰尘的老流星陨石坑。在真正的创业精神,你已经决定建造一个小行星主题公园,并转换你的看似毫无价值的土地变成一个相当大的财富. STR_SCNR :Prehistoric - Jurassic Safari STR_PARK :Coastersaurus STR_DTLS :你被赋予了建设一个侏罗纪时代主题公园的任务。为了优化您的游客访问异国情调的植物和动物的展品,你将需要建立乘坐去到山谷。 STR_SCNR :Prehistoric - Stone Age STR_PARK :Rocky Rambles STR_DTLS :为了阻止公路的开发和维护神秘的古老的石头圈,你将需要建造一个石器时代主题公园,并把利润。然而,吸引游客可能会构成挑战,因为地形有点荒凉。 STR_SCNR :Roaring Twenties - Prison Island STR_PARK :Alcatraz STR_DTLS :臭名昭著的监狱岛的人口曾经充满了走私犯和诈骗犯-现在出售。你已经决定把它变成一个顶级的旅游景点,钱是没有对象 STR_SCNR :Roaring Twenties - Schneider Cup STR_PARK :Schneider Shores STR_DTLS :你的祖父的施耐德杯胜利第七十五周年是几年来。你要尊重自己的成就,通过构建一个基于著名的水上飞机比赛主题公园。 STR_SCNR :Roaring Twenties - Skyscrapers STR_PARK :Metropolis STR_DTLS :你拥有一个空的地段,靠近城镇的低矮的部分。把最贵的城市属性,建立一个主题公园的启发,摩天大楼高耸的建筑装饰艺术的年代。 STR_SCNR :Rock 'n' Roll - Flower Power STR_PARK :Woodstock STR_DTLS :一个大型的年度音乐节在你的土地上。打造一个主题公园,保持自由奔放的观众的娱乐。 STR_SCNR :Rock 'n' Roll - Rock 'n' Roll STR_PARK :Rock 'n' Roll Revival STR_DTLS :这个老龄化的主题公园已经看到了更好的日子。帮助主人给它一个复古摇滚的改造,把这个地方变成一个成功的地点。