/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2019 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include "GameAction.h" #include "../Context.h" #include "../ReplayManager.h" #include "../core/Guard.hpp" #include "../core/Memory.hpp" #include "../core/MemoryStream.h" #include "../localisation/Localisation.h" #include "../network/network.h" #include "../platform/platform.h" #include "../scenario/Scenario.h" #include "../world/Park.h" #include "../world/Scenery.h" #include #include GameActionResult::GameActionResult(GA_ERROR error, rct_string_id message) { Error = error; ErrorMessage = message; } GameActionResult::GameActionResult(GA_ERROR error, rct_string_id title, rct_string_id message) { Error = error; ErrorTitle = title; ErrorMessage = message; } GameActionResult::GameActionResult(GA_ERROR error, rct_string_id title, rct_string_id message, uint8_t* args) { Error = error; ErrorTitle = title; ErrorMessage = message; std::copy_n(args, ErrorMessageArgs.size(), ErrorMessageArgs.begin()); } namespace GameActions { struct QueuedGameAction { uint32_t tick; uint32_t uniqueId; GameAction::Ptr action; explicit QueuedGameAction(uint32_t t, std::unique_ptr&& ga, uint32_t id) : tick(t) , uniqueId(id) , action(std::move(ga)) { } bool operator<(const QueuedGameAction& comp) const { // First sort by tick if (tick < comp.tick) return true; if (tick > comp.tick) return false; // If the ticks are equal sort by commandIndex return uniqueId < comp.uniqueId; } }; static GameActionFactory _actions[GAME_COMMAND_COUNT]; static std::multiset _actionQueue; static uint32_t _nextUniqueId = 0; static bool _suspended = false; GameActionFactory Register(uint32_t id, GameActionFactory factory) { Guard::Assert(id < std::size(_actions)); Guard::ArgumentNotNull(factory); _actions[id] = factory; return factory; } bool IsValidId(uint32_t id) { if (id < std::size(_actions)) { return _actions[id] != nullptr; } return false; } void SuspendQueue() { _suspended = true; } void ResumeQueue() { _suspended = false; } void Enqueue(const GameAction* ga, uint32_t tick) { auto action = Clone(ga); Enqueue(std::move(action), tick); } void Enqueue(GameAction::Ptr&& ga, uint32_t tick) { if (ga->GetPlayer() == -1 && network_get_mode() != NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { // Server can directly invoke actions and will have no player id assigned // as that normally happens when receiving them over network. ga->SetPlayer(network_get_current_player_id()); } _actionQueue.emplace(tick, std::move(ga), _nextUniqueId++); } void ProcessQueue() { if (_suspended) { // Do nothing if suspended, this is usually the case between connect and map loads. return; } const uint32_t currentTick = gCurrentTicks; while (_actionQueue.begin() != _actionQueue.end()) { // run all the game commands at the current tick const QueuedGameAction& queued = *_actionQueue.begin(); if (network_get_mode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { if (queued.tick < currentTick) { // This should never happen. Guard::Assert( false, "Discarding game action %s (%u) from tick behind current tick, ID: %08X, Action Tick: %08X, Current " "Tick: " "%08X\n", queued.action->GetName(), queued.action->GetType(), queued.uniqueId, queued.tick, currentTick); } else if (queued.tick > currentTick) { return; } } // Remove ghost scenery so it doesn't interfere with incoming network command switch (queued.action->GetType()) { case GAME_COMMAND_PLACE_WALL: case GAME_COMMAND_PLACE_LARGE_SCENERY: case GAME_COMMAND_PLACE_BANNER: case GAME_COMMAND_PLACE_SCENERY: scenery_remove_ghost_tool_placement(); break; } GameAction* action = queued.action.get(); action->SetFlags(action->GetFlags() | GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NETWORKED); Guard::Assert(action != nullptr); GameActionResult::Ptr result = Execute(action); if (result->Error == GA_ERROR::OK && network_get_mode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { // Relay this action to all other clients. network_send_game_action(action); } _actionQueue.erase(_actionQueue.begin()); } } void ClearQueue() { _actionQueue.clear(); } void Initialize() { static bool initialized = false; if (initialized) return; Register(); initialized = true; } std::unique_ptr Create(uint32_t id) { Initialize(); GameAction* result = nullptr; if (id < std::size(_actions)) { GameActionFactory factory = _actions[id]; if (factory != nullptr) { result = factory(); } } #ifdef _DEBUG Guard::ArgumentNotNull(result, "Attempting to create unregistered gameaction: %u", id); #endif return std::unique_ptr(result); } GameAction::Ptr Clone(const GameAction* action) { std::unique_ptr ga = GameActions::Create(action->GetType()); ga->SetCallback(action->GetCallback()); // Serialise action data into stream. DataSerialiser dsOut(true); action->Serialise(dsOut); // Serialise into new action. IStream& stream = dsOut.GetStream(); stream.SetPosition(0); DataSerialiser dsIn(false, stream); ga->Serialise(dsIn); return ga; } static bool CheckActionInPausedMode(uint32_t actionFlags) { if (gGamePaused == 0) return true; if (gCheatsBuildInPauseMode) return true; if (actionFlags & GA_FLAGS::ALLOW_WHILE_PAUSED) return true; return false; } static GameActionResult::Ptr QueryInternal(const GameAction* action, bool topLevel) { Guard::ArgumentNotNull(action); uint16_t actionFlags = action->GetActionFlags(); if (topLevel && !CheckActionInPausedMode(actionFlags)) { GameActionResult::Ptr result = std::make_unique(); result->Error = GA_ERROR::GAME_PAUSED; result->ErrorTitle = STR_RIDE_CONSTRUCTION_CANT_CONSTRUCT_THIS_HERE; result->ErrorMessage = STR_CONSTRUCTION_NOT_POSSIBLE_WHILE_GAME_IS_PAUSED; return result; } auto result = action->Query(); if (result->Error == GA_ERROR::OK) { if (!finance_check_affordability(result->Cost, action->GetFlags())) { result->Error = GA_ERROR::INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS; result->ErrorMessage = STR_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES; set_format_arg_on(result->ErrorMessageArgs.data(), 0, uint32_t, result->Cost); } } return result; } GameActionResult::Ptr Query(const GameAction* action) { return QueryInternal(action, true); } GameActionResult::Ptr QueryNested(const GameAction* action) { return QueryInternal(action, false); } static const char* GetRealm() { if (network_get_mode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) return "cl"; else if (network_get_mode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) return "sv"; return "sp"; } struct ActionLogContext_t { MemoryStream output; }; static void LogActionBegin(ActionLogContext_t& ctx, const GameAction* action) { MemoryStream& output = ctx.output; char temp[128] = {}; snprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "[%s] Tick: %u, GA: %s (%08X) (", GetRealm(), gCurrentTicks, action->GetName(), action->GetType()); output.Write(temp, strlen(temp)); DataSerialiser ds(true, ctx.output, true); // Logging mode. // Write all parameters into output as text. action->Serialise(ds); } static void LogActionFinish(ActionLogContext_t& ctx, const GameAction* action, const GameActionResult::Ptr& result) { MemoryStream& output = ctx.output; char temp[128] = {}; if (result->Error != GA_ERROR::OK) { snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), ") Failed, %u", (uint32_t)result->Error); } else { snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), ") OK"); } output.Write(temp, strlen(temp) + 1); const char* text = (const char*)output.GetData(); log_verbose("%s", text); network_append_server_log(text); } static GameActionResult::Ptr ExecuteInternal(const GameAction* action, bool topLevel) { Guard::ArgumentNotNull(action); uint16_t actionFlags = action->GetActionFlags(); uint32_t flags = action->GetFlags(); auto* replayManager = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetReplayManager(); if (replayManager != nullptr && (replayManager->IsReplaying() || replayManager->IsNormalising())) { // We only accept replay commands as long the replay is active. if ((flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_REPLAY) == 0) { // TODO: Introduce proper error. GameActionResult::Ptr result = std::make_unique(); result->Error = GA_ERROR::GAME_PAUSED; result->ErrorTitle = STR_RIDE_CONSTRUCTION_CANT_CONSTRUCT_THIS_HERE; result->ErrorMessage = STR_CONSTRUCTION_NOT_POSSIBLE_WHILE_GAME_IS_PAUSED; return result; } } GameActionResult::Ptr result = QueryInternal(action, topLevel); if (result->Error == GA_ERROR::OK) { if (topLevel) { // Networked games send actions to the server to be run if (network_get_mode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { // As a client we have to wait or send it first. if (!(actionFlags & GA_FLAGS::CLIENT_ONLY) && !(flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NETWORKED)) { log_verbose("[%s] GameAction::Execute %s (Out)", GetRealm(), action->GetName()); network_send_game_action(action); return result; } } else if (network_get_mode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { // If player is the server it would execute right away as where clients execute the commands // at the beginning of the frame, so we have to put them into the queue. if (!(actionFlags & GA_FLAGS::CLIENT_ONLY) && !(flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NETWORKED)) { log_verbose("[%s] GameAction::Execute %s (Queue)", GetRealm(), action->GetName()); Enqueue(action, gCurrentTicks); return result; } } } ActionLogContext_t logContext; LogActionBegin(logContext, action); // Execute the action, changing the game state result = action->Execute(); LogActionFinish(logContext, action, result); // If not top level just give away the result. if (!topLevel) return result; // Update money balance if (result->Error == GA_ERROR::OK && finance_check_money_required(flags) && result->Cost != 0) { finance_payment(result->Cost, result->Expenditure); rct_money_effect::Create(result->Cost, result->Position); } if (!(actionFlags & GA_FLAGS::CLIENT_ONLY) && result->Error == GA_ERROR::OK) { if (network_get_mode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER) { NetworkPlayerId_t playerId = action->GetPlayer(); int32_t playerIndex = network_get_player_index(playerId.id); Guard::Assert(playerIndex != -1); network_set_player_last_action(playerIndex, action->GetType()); if (result->Cost != 0) { network_add_player_money_spent(playerIndex, result->Cost); } if (result->Position.x != LOCATION_NULL) { network_set_player_last_action_coord(playerId, result->Position); } } else if (network_get_mode() == NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { bool commandExecutes = (flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_GHOST) == 0 && (flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NO_SPEND) == 0; bool recordAction = false; if (replayManager) { if (replayManager->IsRecording() && commandExecutes) recordAction = true; else if (replayManager->IsNormalising() && (flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_REPLAY) != 0) recordAction = true; // In normalisation we only feed back actions issued by the replay manager. } if (recordAction) { replayManager->AddGameAction(gCurrentTicks, action); } } } // Allow autosave to commence if (gLastAutoSaveUpdate == AUTOSAVE_PAUSE) { gLastAutoSaveUpdate = platform_get_ticks(); } } // Call callback for asynchronous events auto cb = action->GetCallback(); if (cb != nullptr) { cb(action, result.get()); } // Only show errors when its not a ghost and not a preview and also top level action. bool shouldShowError = !(flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_GHOST) && !(flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NO_SPEND) && topLevel; // In network mode the error should be only shown to the issuer of the action. if (network_get_mode() != NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { // If the action was never networked and query fails locally the player id is not assigned. // So compare only if the action went into the queue otherwise show errors by default. const bool isActionFromNetwork = (action->GetFlags() & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NETWORKED) != 0; if (isActionFromNetwork && action->GetPlayer() != network_get_current_player_id()) { shouldShowError = false; } } if (result->Error != GA_ERROR::OK && shouldShowError) { // Show the error box std::copy(result->ErrorMessageArgs.begin(), result->ErrorMessageArgs.end(), gCommonFormatArgs); context_show_error(result->ErrorTitle, result->ErrorMessage); } return result; } GameActionResult::Ptr Execute(const GameAction* action) { return ExecuteInternal(action, true); } GameActionResult::Ptr ExecuteNested(const GameAction* action) { return ExecuteInternal(action, false); } } // namespace GameActions