/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014 Ted John, Duncan Frost * OpenRCT2, an open source clone of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. * * This file is part of OpenRCT2. * * OpenRCT2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *****************************************************************************/ /** * Text Input Window * * This is a new window created to replace the windows dialog box * that is used for inputing new text for ride names and peep names. */ #include "../addresses.h" #include "../config.h" #include "../platform/platform.h" #include "../interface/window.h" #include "../interface/widget.h" #include "../localisation/localisation.h" #define WW 250 #define WH 90 enum WINDOW_TEXT_INPUT_WIDGET_IDX { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_CANCEL, WIDX_OKAY }; // 0x9DE4E0 static rct_widget window_text_input_widgets[] = { { WWT_FRAME, 1, 0, WW - 1, 0, WH - 1, STR_NONE, STR_NONE }, { WWT_CAPTION, 1, 1, WW - 2, 1, 14, STR_OPTIONS, STR_WINDOW_TITLE_TIP }, { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 1, WW - 13, WW - 3, 2, 13, STR_CLOSE_X, STR_CLOSE_WINDOW_TIP }, { WWT_DROPDOWN_BUTTON, 1, WW - 80, WW - 10, WH - 21, WH - 10, STR_CANCEL, STR_NONE }, { WWT_DROPDOWN_BUTTON, 1, 10, 80, WH - 21, WH - 10, STR_OK, STR_NONE }, { WIDGETS_END } }; static void window_text_input_emptysub(){} static void window_text_input_mouseup(); static void window_text_input_paint(); static void window_text_input_text(int key, rct_window* w); static void window_text_input_update7(); static void window_text_input_close(); static void window_text_input_invalidate(); //0x9A3F7C static void* window_text_input_events[] = { window_text_input_close, window_text_input_mouseup, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_update7, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_text, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_emptysub, window_text_input_invalidate, window_text_input_paint, window_text_input_emptysub }; int input_text_description; char text_input[512] = { 0 }; rct_windowclass calling_class = 0; rct_windownumber calling_number = 0; int calling_widget = 0; int _maxInputLength; void window_text_input_open(rct_window* call_w, int call_widget, rct_string_id title, rct_string_id description, rct_string_id existing_text, uint32 existing_args, int maxLength) { _maxInputLength = maxLength; window_close_by_class(WC_TEXTINPUT); // Clear the text input buffer memset(text_input, 0, maxLength); // Enter in the the text input buffer any existing // text. if (existing_text != (rct_string_id)STR_NONE) format_string(text_input, existing_text, &existing_args); // In order to prevent strings that exceed the maxLength // from crashing the game. text_input[maxLength - 1] = '\0'; // This is the text displayed above the input box input_text_description = description; // Work out the existing size of the window char wrapped_string[512]; strcpy(wrapped_string, text_input); int no_lines = 0, font_height = 0; // String length needs to add 12 either side of box // +13 for cursor when max length. gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, WW - (24 + 13), &no_lines, &font_height); int height = no_lines * 10 + WH; // Window will be in the center of the screen rct_window* w = window_create_centred( WW, height, (uint32*)window_text_input_events, WC_TEXTINPUT, WF_STICK_TO_FRONT ); w->widgets = window_text_input_widgets; w->enabled_widgets = (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1<classification; calling_number = call_w->number; calling_widget = call_widget; platform_start_text_input(text_input, maxLength); window_init_scroll_widgets(w); w->colours[0] = call_w->colours[0]; w->colours[1] = call_w->colours[1]; w->colours[2] = call_w->colours[2]; } void window_text_input_raw_open(rct_window* call_w, int call_widget, rct_string_id title, rct_string_id description, utf8string existing_text, int maxLength) { _maxInputLength = maxLength; window_close_by_class(WC_TEXTINPUT); // Clear the text input buffer memset(text_input, 0, maxLength); // Enter in the the text input buffer any existing // text. if (existing_text != NULL) strncpy(text_input, existing_text, maxLength); // In order to prevent strings that exceed the maxLength // from crashing the game. text_input[maxLength - 1] = '\0'; // This is the text displayed above the input box input_text_description = description; // Work out the existing size of the window char wrapped_string[512]; strcpy(wrapped_string, text_input); int no_lines = 0, font_height = 0; // String length needs to add 12 either side of box // +13 for cursor when max length. gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, WW - (24 + 13), &no_lines, &font_height); int height = no_lines * 10 + WH; // Window will be in the center of the screen rct_window* w = window_create_centred( WW, height, (uint32*)window_text_input_events, WC_TEXTINPUT, WF_STICK_TO_FRONT ); w->widgets = window_text_input_widgets; w->enabled_widgets = (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_CANCEL) | (1 << WIDX_OKAY); window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_TITLE].image = title; // Save calling window details so that the information // can be passed back to the correct window & widget calling_class = call_w->classification; calling_number = call_w->number; calling_widget = call_widget; platform_start_text_input(text_input, maxLength); window_init_scroll_widgets(w); w->colours[0] = call_w->colours[0]; w->colours[1] = call_w->colours[1]; w->colours[2] = call_w->colours[2]; } /** * */ static void window_text_input_mouseup(){ short widgetIndex; rct_window *w; rct_window *calling_w; window_widget_get_registers(w, widgetIndex); calling_w = window_find_by_number(calling_class, calling_number); switch (widgetIndex){ case WIDX_CANCEL: case WIDX_CLOSE: platform_stop_text_input(); // Pass back the text that has been entered. // ecx when zero means text input failed if (calling_w != NULL) window_event_textinput_call(calling_w, calling_widget, NULL); window_close(w); break; case WIDX_OKAY: platform_stop_text_input(); // Pass back the text that has been entered. // ecx when none zero means text input success if (calling_w != NULL) window_event_textinput_call(calling_w, calling_widget, text_input); window_close(w); } } /** * */ static void window_text_input_paint(){ rct_window *w; rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi; window_paint_get_registers(w, dpi); window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); int y = w->y + 25; int no_lines = 0; int font_height = 0; gfx_draw_string_centred(dpi, input_text_description, w->x + WW / 2, y, w->colours[1], &TextInputDescriptionArgs); y += 25; char wrapped_string[512]; strcpy(wrapped_string, text_input); // String length needs to add 12 either side of box // +13 for cursor when max length. gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, WW - (24 + 13), &no_lines, &font_height); gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, w->x + 10, y, w->x + WW - 10, y + 10 * (no_lines + 1) + 3, w->colours[1], 0x60); y += 1; char* wrap_pointer = wrapped_string; int char_count = 0; uint8 cur_drawn = 0; for (int line = 0; line <= no_lines; ++line){ gfx_draw_string(dpi, wrap_pointer, w->colours[1], w->x + 12, y); int string_length = get_string_length(wrap_pointer); if (!cur_drawn && (gTextInputCursorPosition <= char_count + string_length)){ // Make a copy of the string for measuring the width. char temp_string[512] = { 0 }; memcpy(temp_string, wrap_pointer, gTextInputCursorPosition - char_count); int cur_x = w->x + 13 + gfx_get_string_width(temp_string); int width = 6; if ((uint32)gTextInputCursorPosition < strlen(text_input)){ // Make a new 1 character wide string for measuring the width // of the character that the cursor is under. temp_string[1] = '\0'; temp_string[0] = text_input[gTextInputCursorPosition]; width = max(gfx_get_string_width(temp_string) - 2, 4); } if (w->frame_no > 15){ uint8 colour = RCT2_ADDRESS(0x0141FC48, uint8)[w->colours[1] * 8]; gfx_fill_rect(dpi, cur_x, y + 9, cur_x + width, y + 9, colour + 5); } cur_drawn++; } wrap_pointer += string_length + 1; if (text_input[char_count + string_length] == ' ')char_count++; char_count += string_length; y += 10; } } static void window_text_input_text(int key, rct_window* w){ int text = key; char new_char = platform_scancode_to_rct_keycode(0xFF&key); // If the return button is pressed stop text input if (new_char == '\r'){ platform_stop_text_input(); window_close(w); rct_window* calling_w = window_find_by_number(calling_class, calling_number); // Pass back the text that has been entered. // ecx when none zero means text input success if (calling_w) window_event_textinput_call(calling_w, calling_widget, text_input); } window_invalidate(w); } void window_text_input_update7() { rct_window* w; window_get_register(w); rct_window* calling_w = window_find_by_number(calling_class, calling_number); // If the calling window is closed then close the text // input window. if (!calling_w){ window_close(w); } // Used to blink the cursor. w->frame_no++; if (w->frame_no > 30) w->frame_no = 0; window_invalidate(w); } static void window_text_input_close() { // Make sure that we take it out of the text input // mode otherwise problems may occur. platform_stop_text_input(); } static void window_text_input_invalidate(){ rct_window* w; window_get_register(w); // Work out the existing size of the window char wrapped_string[512]; strcpy(wrapped_string, text_input); int no_lines = 0, font_height = 0; // String length needs to add 12 either side of box // +13 for cursor when max length. gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, WW - (24 + 13), &no_lines, &font_height); int height = no_lines * 10 + WH; // Change window size if required. if (height != w->height) { window_invalidate(w); window_set_resize(w, WW, height, WW, height); } window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_OKAY].top = height - 21; window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_OKAY].bottom = height - 10; window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_CANCEL].top = height - 21; window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_CANCEL].bottom = height - 10; window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = height - 1; }