#pragma region Copyright (c) 2014-2016 OpenRCT2 Developers /***************************************************************************** * OpenRCT2, an open source clone of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. * * OpenRCT2 is the work of many authors, a full list can be found in contributors.md * For more information, visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A full copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in licence.txt *****************************************************************************/ #pragma endregion #include #include #include "intercept.h" extern "C" { #include "../../src/paint/paint.h" #include "../../src/paint/supports.h" #include "../../src/ride/track_data.h" #include "../../src/interface/viewport.h" #include "../../src/hook.h" } namespace Intercept2 { static bool SortSegmentSupportCalls(SegmentSupportCall lhs, SegmentSupportCall rhs) { if (lhs.height != rhs.height) { return lhs.height < rhs.height; } if (lhs.slope != rhs.slope) { return lhs.slope < rhs.slope; } return lhs.segments < rhs.segments; } std::vector getSegmentCalls(support_height supports[9], uint8 rotation) { uint16 positionsRemaining = SEGMENTS_ALL; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (supports[i].height == 0 && supports[i].slope == 0xFF) { positionsRemaining &= ~segment_offsets[i]; } } std::vector calls; while (positionsRemaining != 0) { SegmentSupportCall call = {0}; call.height = -1; call.slope = -1; support_height referenceSupport = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (positionsRemaining & segment_offsets[i]) { referenceSupport = supports[i]; if (supports[i].height != 0) { call.height = supports[i].height; } if (supports[i].slope != 0xFF) { call.slope = supports[i].slope; } break; } } uint16 positionsMatched = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (supports[i].height == referenceSupport.height && supports[i].slope == referenceSupport.slope) { positionsMatched |= segment_offsets[i]; } } positionsRemaining &= ~positionsMatched; call.segments = paint_util_rotate_segments(positionsMatched, (4 - rotation) % 4); calls.push_back(call); } if (calls.size() > 1) { std::sort(calls.begin(), calls.end(), SortSegmentSupportCalls); } return calls; } static bool SegmentCallEquals(std::vector lhs, std::vector rhs) { if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.size(); ++i) { if (lhs[i].segments != rhs[i].segments) return false; if (lhs[i].height != rhs[i].height) return false; if (lhs[i].slope != rhs[i].slope) return false; } return true; } static bool segmentCallsMatch(std::vector tileSegmentSupportCalls[4]) { std::vector baseCallList = tileSegmentSupportCalls[0]; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (!SegmentCallEquals(baseCallList, tileSegmentSupportCalls[i])) { return false; } } return true; } static bool supportCallsMatch(SupportCall tileSupportCalls[4]) { SupportCall baseCall = tileSupportCalls[0]; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (tileSupportCalls[i].height != baseCall.height) return false; if (tileSupportCalls[i].slope != baseCall.slope) return false; } return true; } static void printSegmentSupports(utf8string out, size_t len, std::vector segmentCalls) { for (auto &&call : segmentCalls) { int segmentsPrinted = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (call.segments & segment_offsets[i]) { if (segmentsPrinted > 0) { size_t slen = strlen(out); if (slen < len) snprintf(out + slen, len - slen, " | "); } size_t slen = strlen(out); if (slen < len) snprintf(out + slen, slen - len, "SEGMENT_%02X", 0xB4 + 4 * i); segmentsPrinted++; } } if (call.height == 0xFFFF) { size_t slen = strlen(out); if (slen < len) snprintf(out + slen, len - slen, ", 0xFFFF"); } else { size_t slen = strlen(out); if (slen < len) snprintf(out + slen, len - slen, ", %d", call.height); } size_t slen = strlen(out); if (slen < len) snprintf(out + slen, len - slen, ", 0x%02X\n", call.slope); } } static bool tunnelCallsLineUp(TunnelCall tunnelCalls[4][4]) { for (int side = 0; side < 4; ++side) { TunnelCall * referenceCall = nullptr; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { if (tunnelCalls[direction][side].call == TUNNELCALL_SKIPPED) { continue; } if (referenceCall == nullptr) { referenceCall = &tunnelCalls[direction][side]; continue; } if (referenceCall->call != tunnelCalls[direction][side].call) return false; if (referenceCall->call == TUNNELCALL_CALL) { if (referenceCall->type != tunnelCalls[direction][side].type) return false; if (referenceCall->offset != tunnelCalls[direction][side].offset) return false; } } } return true; } static void getTunnelCallReferencePattern(TunnelCall tunnelCalls[4][4], TunnelCall (*out)[4]) { for (int side = 0; side < 4; ++side) { for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { if (tunnelCalls[direction][side].call == TUNNELCALL_SKIPPED) { continue; } (*out)[side].call = tunnelCalls[direction][side].call; (*out)[side].type = tunnelCalls[direction][side].type; (*out)[side].offset = tunnelCalls[direction][side].offset; } } } static utf8string getTunnelEdgeString(TunnelCall edge) { utf8string out = new utf8[32]; switch (edge.call) { case TUNNELCALL_SKIPPED: snprintf(out, 32, "%s", " "); break; case TUNNELCALL_NONE: snprintf(out, 32, "%s", " - "); break; case TUNNELCALL_CALL: if (edge.offset == 0) { snprintf(out, 32, " 0/%X ", edge.type); } else { utf8string offset = new utf8[16]; if (edge.offset < 0) { snprintf(offset, 16, "%d", edge.offset); } else { snprintf(offset, 16, "+%d", edge.offset); } snprintf(out, 32, "%3s/%X ", offset, edge.type); delete[] offset; } break; } return out; } static void printTunnelCalls(TunnelCall tunnelCalls[4][4]) { for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { printf(" + "); } printf("\n"); for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { utf8string tlEdge = getTunnelEdgeString(tunnelCalls[direction][2]); utf8string trEdge = getTunnelEdgeString(tunnelCalls[direction][3]); printf(" %s %s ", tlEdge, trEdge); delete [] tlEdge; delete [] trEdge; } printf("\n"); for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { printf(" + + "); } printf("\n"); for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { utf8string brEdge = getTunnelEdgeString(tunnelCalls[direction][0]); utf8string blEdge = getTunnelEdgeString(tunnelCalls[direction][1]); printf(" %s %s ", blEdge, brEdge); delete [] blEdge; delete [] brEdge; } printf("\n"); for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { printf(" + "); } printf("\n"); for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction) { printf(" direction %d ", direction); } printf("\n"); } static bool testSupportSegments(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) { uint8 rideIndex = 0; rct_map_element mapElement = {0}; mapElement.flags |= MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; mapElement.properties.track.type = trackType; mapElement.base_height = 3; g_currently_drawn_item = &mapElement; rct_map_element surfaceElement = {0}; surfaceElement.flags |= MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; surfaceElement.type = MAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_SURFACE; surfaceElement.base_height = 2; gPaintInteractionType = VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_RIDE; gTrackColours[SCHEME_TRACK] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_TRACK; gTrackColours[SCHEME_SUPPORTS] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_SUPPORTS; gTrackColours[SCHEME_MISC] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_MISC; gTrackColours[SCHEME_3] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_3; rct_drawpixelinfo dpi = { 0 }; dpi.zoom_level = 1; unk_140E9A8 = &dpi; rct_ride ride = {0}; rct_ride_entry rideEntry = {0}; rct_ride_entry_vehicle vehicleEntry { 0 }; vehicleEntry.base_image_id = 0x70000; rideEntry.vehicles[0] = vehicleEntry; gRideList[0] = ride; gRideEntries[0] = &rideEntry; int height = 48; TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION_GETTER newPaintGetter = RideTypeTrackPaintFunctions[rideType]; int sequenceCount = getTrackSequenceCount(rideType, trackType); for (int chainLift = 0; chainLift < 2; chainLift++) { if (chainLift == 0) { mapElement.type &= ~0x80; } else { mapElement.type |= 0x80; } for (int trackSequence = 0; trackSequence < sequenceCount; trackSequence++) { std::vector tileSegmentSupportCalls[4]; SupportCall tileGeneralSupportCalls[4]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { for (int s = 0; s < 9; ++s) { gSupportSegments[s].height = 0; gSupportSegments[s].slope = 0xFF; } gSupport.height = 0; gSupport.slope = 0xFF; g141E9DB = G141E9DB_FLAG_1 | G141E9DB_FLAG_2; uint32 *trackDirectionList = (uint32 *)RideTypeTrackPaintFunctionsOld[rideType][trackType]; // Have to call from this point as it pushes esi and expects callee to pop it RCT2_CALLPROC_X( 0x006C4934, rideType, (int) trackDirectionList, direction, height, (int) &mapElement, rideIndex * sizeof(rct_ride), trackSequence ); tileSegmentSupportCalls[direction] = getSegmentCalls(gSupportSegments, direction); tileGeneralSupportCalls[direction].height = -1; tileGeneralSupportCalls[direction].slope = -1; if (gSupport.height != 0) { tileGeneralSupportCalls[direction].height = gSupport.height; } if (gSupport.slope != 0xFF) { tileGeneralSupportCalls[direction].height = gSupport.height; } } if (!segmentCallsMatch(tileSegmentSupportCalls)) { // TODO: if 3 directions do share the same mask, use that call list as a reference. printf("Original segment calls didn't match. [trackSequence:%d chainLift:%d]\n", trackSequence, chainLift); continue; } for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { for (int s = 0; s < 9; ++s) { gSupportSegments[s].height = 0; gSupportSegments[s].slope = 0xFF; } testpaint_clear_ignore(); TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION newPaintFunction = newPaintGetter(trackType, direction); newPaintFunction(rideIndex, trackSequence, direction, height, &mapElement); if (testpaint_is_ignored(direction, trackSequence)) { continue; } std::vector newCalls = getSegmentCalls(gSupportSegments, direction); if (!SegmentCallEquals(tileSegmentSupportCalls[0], newCalls)) { // TODO put this into *error utf8string diff = new utf8[2048]; snprintf(diff, 2048, "<<< EXPECTED\n"); printSegmentSupports(diff, 2048, tileSegmentSupportCalls[0]); size_t slen = strlen(diff); if (slen < 2048) snprintf(diff + slen, 2048 - slen, "====\n"); printSegmentSupports(diff, 2048, newCalls); slen = strlen(diff); if (slen < 2048) snprintf(diff + strlen(diff), 2048 - slen, ">>> ACTUAL\n"); printf("Segment support heights didn't match. [direction:%d trackSequence:%d chainLift:%d]\n", direction, trackSequence, chainLift); printf("%s", diff); delete[] diff; return false; } } if (!supportCallsMatch(tileGeneralSupportCalls)) { // TODO: if 3 directions do share the output, use that. printf("Original support calls didn't match. [trackSequence:%d chainLift:%d]\n", trackSequence, chainLift); continue; } SupportCall referenceGeneralSupportCall = tileGeneralSupportCalls[0]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { gSupport.height = 0; gSupport.slope = 0xFF; testpaint_clear_ignore(); TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION newPaintFunction = newPaintGetter(trackType, direction); newPaintFunction(rideIndex, trackSequence, direction, height, &mapElement); if (testpaint_is_ignored(direction, trackSequence)) { continue; } if (referenceGeneralSupportCall.height != -1) { if (gSupport.height != referenceGeneralSupportCall.height) { printf("General support heights didn't match. (expected height + %d, actual: height + %d) [direction:%d trackSequence:%d chainLift:%d]\n", referenceGeneralSupportCall.height - height, gSupport.height - height, direction, trackSequence, chainLift); return false; } } if (referenceGeneralSupportCall.slope != -1) { if (gSupport.slope != referenceGeneralSupportCall.slope) { printf("General support slopes didn't match. [direction:%d trackSequence:%d chainLift:%d]\n", direction, trackSequence, chainLift); return false; } } } } } return true; } static bool tunnelPatternsMatch(TunnelCall expected[4], TunnelCall actual[4]) { for (int side = 0; side < 4; side++) { if (expected[side].call != actual[side].call) return false; if (expected[side].call == TUNNELCALL_CALL) { if (expected[side].type != actual[side].type) return false; if (expected[side].offset != actual[side].offset) return false; } } return true; } sint16 getTunnelOffset(uint32 baseHeight, tunnel_entry calls[3]) { for (sint16 offset = -56; offset <= 56; offset += 8) { if (calls[0].height != (baseHeight - 8 + offset) / 16) continue; if (calls[1].height != (baseHeight + 0 + offset) / 16) continue; if (calls[2].height != (baseHeight + 8 + offset) / 16) continue; return offset; } log_error("Unknown tunnel height. (%d, %d, %d)", calls[0].height, calls[1].height, calls[2].height); return 0; } static bool testTunnels(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) { uint8 rideIndex = 0; rct_map_element mapElement = {0}; mapElement.flags |= MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; mapElement.properties.track.type = trackType; mapElement.base_height = 3; g_currently_drawn_item = &mapElement; gPaintInteractionType = VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_RIDE; gTrackColours[SCHEME_TRACK] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_TRACK; gTrackColours[SCHEME_SUPPORTS] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_SUPPORTS; gTrackColours[SCHEME_MISC] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_MISC; gTrackColours[SCHEME_3] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_3; rct_drawpixelinfo dpi { 0 }; dpi.zoom_level = 1; unk_140E9A8 = &dpi; rct_ride ride = {0}; rct_ride_entry rideEntry = {0}; rct_ride_entry_vehicle vehicleEntry { 0 }; vehicleEntry.base_image_id = 0x70000; rideEntry.vehicles[0] = vehicleEntry; gRideList[0] = ride; gRideEntries[0] = &rideEntry; int height = 48; TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION_GETTER newPaintGetter = RideTypeTrackPaintFunctions[rideType]; int sequenceCount = getTrackSequenceCount(rideType, trackType); for (int trackSequence = 0; trackSequence < sequenceCount; trackSequence++) { TunnelCall tileTunnelCalls[4][4]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { gLeftTunnelCount = 0; gRightTunnelCount = 0; uint32 *trackDirectionList = (uint32 *)RideTypeTrackPaintFunctionsOld[rideType][trackType]; for (int offset = -8; offset <= 8; offset += 8) { // Have to call from this point as it pushes esi and expects callee to pop it RCT2_CALLPROC_X( 0x006C4934, rideType, (int) trackDirectionList, direction, height + offset, (int) &mapElement, rideIndex * sizeof(rct_ride), trackSequence ); } uint8 rightIndex = (4 - direction) % 4; uint8 leftIndex = (rightIndex + 1) % 4; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { tileTunnelCalls[direction][i].call = TUNNELCALL_SKIPPED; } if (gRightTunnelCount == 0) { tileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex].call = TUNNELCALL_NONE; } else if (gRightTunnelCount == 3) { tileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex].call = TUNNELCALL_CALL; tileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex].offset = getTunnelOffset(height, gRightTunnels); tileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex].type = gRightTunnels[0].type; } else { printf("Multiple tunnels on one side aren't supported.\n"); return false; } if (gLeftTunnelCount == 0) { tileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex].call = TUNNELCALL_NONE; } else if (gLeftTunnelCount == 3) { tileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex].call = TUNNELCALL_CALL; tileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex].offset = getTunnelOffset(height, gLeftTunnels); tileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex].type = gLeftTunnels[0].type; } else { printf("Multiple tunnels on one side aren't supported.\n"); return false; } } TunnelCall newTileTunnelCalls[4][4]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { gLeftTunnelCount = 0; gRightTunnelCount = 0; testpaint_clear_ignore(); TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION newPaintFunction = newPaintGetter(trackType, direction); for (int offset = -8; offset <= 8; offset += 8) { // TODO: move tunnel pushing to interface so we don't have to check the output 3 times newPaintFunction(rideIndex, trackSequence, direction, height + offset, &mapElement); } uint8 rightIndex = (4 - direction) % 4; uint8 leftIndex = (rightIndex + 1) % 4; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { newTileTunnelCalls[direction][i].call = TUNNELCALL_SKIPPED; } if (gRightTunnelCount == 0) { newTileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex].call = TUNNELCALL_NONE; } else if (gRightTunnelCount == 3) { newTileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex].call = TUNNELCALL_CALL; newTileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex].offset = getTunnelOffset(height, gRightTunnels); newTileTunnelCalls[direction][rightIndex].type = gRightTunnels[0].type; } else { printf("Multiple tunnels on one side aren't supported.\n"); return false; } if (gLeftTunnelCount == 0) { newTileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex].call = TUNNELCALL_NONE; } else if (gLeftTunnelCount == 3) { newTileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex].call = TUNNELCALL_CALL; newTileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex].offset = getTunnelOffset(height, gLeftTunnels); newTileTunnelCalls[direction][leftIndex].type = gLeftTunnels[0].type; } else { printf("Multiple tunnels on one side aren't supported.\n"); return false; } } if (!tunnelCallsLineUp(tileTunnelCalls)) { printf("Original tunnel calls don\'t line up. Skipping tunnel validation [trackSequence:%d].\n", trackSequence); printTunnelCalls(tileTunnelCalls); if (!tunnelCallsLineUp(newTileTunnelCalls)) { printf("Decompiled tunnel calls don\'t line up. [trackSequence:%d].\n", trackSequence); printTunnelCalls(newTileTunnelCalls); return false; } continue; } TunnelCall referencePattern[4]; getTunnelCallReferencePattern(tileTunnelCalls, &referencePattern); TunnelCall actualPattern[4]; getTunnelCallReferencePattern(newTileTunnelCalls, &actualPattern); if (!tunnelPatternsMatch(referencePattern, actualPattern)) { printf("Tunnel calls don't match expected pattern. [trackSequence:%d]\n", trackSequence); printf("expected:\n"); printTunnelCalls(tileTunnelCalls); printf("actual:\n"); printTunnelCalls(newTileTunnelCalls); return false; } } return true; } static bool verticalTunnelHeightIsConsistent(uint8 heights[4]) { for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { if (heights[i] != heights[0]) return false; } return true; } static void printRelativeHeight(utf8string out, size_t len, sint16 height) { if (height == 0) { snprintf(out, len, "height"); return; } if (height > 0) { snprintf(out, len, "height + %d", height); return; } if (height < 0) { snprintf(out, len, "height - %d", int(abs(height))); return; } } static bool testVerticalTunnels(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) { uint8 rideIndex = 0; rct_map_element mapElement = {0}; mapElement.flags |= MAP_ELEMENT_FLAG_LAST_TILE; mapElement.properties.track.type = trackType; mapElement.base_height = 3; g_currently_drawn_item = &mapElement; gPaintInteractionType = VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_RIDE; gTrackColours[SCHEME_TRACK] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_TRACK; gTrackColours[SCHEME_SUPPORTS] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_SUPPORTS; gTrackColours[SCHEME_MISC] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_MISC; gTrackColours[SCHEME_3] = DEFAULT_SCHEME_3; rct_drawpixelinfo dpi = { 0 }; dpi.zoom_level = 1; unk_140E9A8 = &dpi; rct_ride ride = {0}; rct_ride_entry rideEntry = {0}; rct_ride_entry_vehicle vehicleEntry = { 0 }; vehicleEntry.base_image_id = 0x70000; rideEntry.vehicles[0] = vehicleEntry; gRideList[0] = ride; gRideEntries[0] = &rideEntry; int height = 48; TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION_GETTER newPaintGetter = RideTypeTrackPaintFunctions[rideType]; int sequenceCount = getTrackSequenceCount(rideType, trackType); for (int trackSequence = 0; trackSequence < sequenceCount; trackSequence++) { uint8 verticalTunnelHeight[4]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { gVerticalTunnelHeight = 0; uint32 *trackDirectionList = (uint32 *)RideTypeTrackPaintFunctionsOld[rideType][trackType]; // Have to call from this point as it pushes esi and expects callee to pop it RCT2_CALLPROC_X( 0x006C4934, rideType, (int) trackDirectionList, direction, height, (int) &mapElement, rideIndex * sizeof(rct_ride), trackSequence ); verticalTunnelHeight[direction] = gVerticalTunnelHeight; } if (!verticalTunnelHeightIsConsistent(verticalTunnelHeight)) { printf( "Original vertical tunnel height is inconsistent, skipping test. [trackSequence:%d]\n", trackSequence ); continue; } uint8 referenceHeight = verticalTunnelHeight[0]; for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { gVerticalTunnelHeight = 0; testpaint_clear_ignore(); TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION newPaintFunction = newPaintGetter(trackType, direction); newPaintFunction(rideIndex, trackSequence, direction, height, &mapElement); if (testpaint_is_ignored(direction, trackSequence)) { continue; } if (gVerticalTunnelHeight != referenceHeight) { if (referenceHeight == 0) { printf( "Expected no vertical tunnel. [trackSequence:%d direction:%d]\n", trackSequence, direction ); return false; } utf8string strExpectedTunnelHeight = new utf8[16]; utf8string strActualTunnelHeight = new utf8[16]; printRelativeHeight(strExpectedTunnelHeight, 16, (referenceHeight * 16) - 48); printRelativeHeight(strActualTunnelHeight, 16, (gVerticalTunnelHeight * 16) - 48); printf( "Expected vertical tunnel height to be `%s`, was `%s`. [trackSequence:%d direction:%d]\n", strExpectedTunnelHeight, strActualTunnelHeight, trackSequence, direction ); delete []strExpectedTunnelHeight; delete []strActualTunnelHeight; return false; } } } return true; } struct IgnoredEntry { uint8 Direction; uint8 TrackSequence; }; static bool _ignoredAll; static std::vector _ignoredEntries; static void testClearIgnore() { _ignoredAll = false; _ignoredEntries.clear(); } static void testIgnore(uint8 direction, uint8 trackSequence) { _ignoredEntries.push_back({ direction, trackSequence }); } static void testIgnoreAll() { _ignoredAll = true; } static bool testIsIgnored(uint8 direction, uint8 trackSequence) { if (_ignoredAll) return true; for (const IgnoredEntry &entry : _ignoredEntries) { if (entry.Direction == direction && entry.TrackSequence == trackSequence) { return true; } } return false; } } extern "C" { bool testSupportSegments(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) { return Intercept2::testSupportSegments(rideType, trackType); } bool testTunnels(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) { return Intercept2::testTunnels(rideType, trackType); } bool testVerticalTunnels(uint8 rideType, uint8 trackType) { return Intercept2::testVerticalTunnels(rideType, trackType); } void testpaint_clear_ignore() { Intercept2::testClearIgnore(); } void testpaint_ignore(uint8 direction, uint8 trackSequence) { Intercept2::testIgnore(direction, trackSequence); } void testpaint_ignore_all() { Intercept2::testIgnoreAll(); } bool testpaint_is_ignored(uint8 direction, uint8 trackSequence) { return Intercept2::testIsIgnored(direction, trackSequence); } }