########################################### # Script to deploy OpenRCT2 from AppVeyor # ########################################### $nottesting = (${env:Configuration} -notlike "*tests") # Only deploy from VS2017 for now. $notvs2015 = (${env:APPVEYOR_JOB_NAME} -notlike "*2015*") if ($nottesting -and $notvs2015) { # Check if OpenRCT2.org API security token is available if (${env:OPENRCT2_ORG_TOKEN}) { # Only upload tagged builds, develop branch or push/ branches if (${env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG} -eq "true" -or ${env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH} -match "^develop$|^push/") { msbuild openrct2.proj /t:UploadArtifacts /logger:"C:\Program Files\AppVeyor\BuildAgent\Appveyor.MSBuildLogger.dll" # curl is sometimes aliased so be explicit $zipPath = (Get-ChildItem artifacts/openrct2-symbols-*.zip).FullName Write-Host "Uploading $zipPath to backtrace.io..." curl.exe --data-binary "@$zipPath" 'https://openrct2.sp.backtrace.io:6098/post?format=symbols&token=e9e6d681fafdeac9f6131b4b59a155d54bebad567a8c0380d70643f4414819f5' } else { Write-Host "No deployment: Non-tagged or push branch." -ForegroundColor Yellow } } else { Write-Host "No deployment: %OPENRCT2_ORG_TOKEN% not available." -ForegroundColor Yellow } }