#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # This sets up more environment variables using the existing environment # It should be dot sourced into your environment if [[ "$GITHUB_ACTIONS" != "true" ]]; then export OPENRCT2_BUILD_SERVER=$(hostname) export OPENRCT2_VERSION=0.4.5 GITHUB_REF=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD) GITHUB_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD) fi echo -e "\033[0;36mSetting up environment for OpenRCT2...\033[0m" # Get the build number (number of commits since last tag) get_build_number() { local pattern='.+-([0-9]+)-.+' [[ $OPENRCT2_DESCRIBE =~ $pattern ]] echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" } export OPENRCT2_BUILD=$(get_build_number) # Get the name of the branch and decide whether we should push the build to openrct2.org unset OPENRCT2_TAG unset OPENRCT2_PUSH if [[ $GITHUB_REF == refs/tags/* ]]; then unset OPENRCT2_BRANCH export OPENRCT2_TAG=true export OPENRCT2_PUSH=true else export OPENRCT2_BRANCH=${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/} if [[ "$OPENRCT2_BRANCH" =~ ^(develop|push/) ]]; then export OPENRCT2_PUSH=true fi fi if [[ -z "$OPENRCT2_ORG_TOKEN" ]]; then unset OPENRCT2_PUSH fi # Get the short SHA1 export OPENRCT2_SHA1=$GITHUB_SHA export OPENRCT2_SHA1_SHORT=${OPENRCT2_SHA1::7} unset OPENRCT2_VERSION_EXTRA if [[ "$OPENRCT2_TAG" != "true" ]]; then export OPENRCT2_VERSION_EXTRA=$OPENRCT2_BRANCH-$OPENRCT2_SHA1_SHORT fi # Add scripts directory to PATH realpath() { [[ $1 = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$(pwd)/${1#./}" } scriptsdir="$(realpath "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" export PATH="$scriptsdir:$PATH" export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec:$PATH" # Output all the variables if [[ "$1" != "-q" ]]; then echo "----------------------------------------------" echo "OPENRCT2_BUILD_SERVER: $OPENRCT2_BUILD_SERVER" echo "OPENRCT2_TAG: $OPENRCT2_TAG" echo "OPENRCT2_BRANCH: $OPENRCT2_BRANCH" echo "OPENRCT2_VERSION: $OPENRCT2_VERSION" echo "OPENRCT2_VERSION_EXTRA: $OPENRCT2_VERSION_EXTRA" echo "OPENRCT2_BUILD: $OPENRCT2_BUILD" echo "OPENRCT2_DESCRIBE: $OPENRCT2_DESCRIBE" echo "OPENRCT2_PUSH: $OPENRCT2_PUSH" echo "OPENRCT2_SHA1: $OPENRCT2_SHA1" echo "OPENRCT2_SHA1_SHORT: $OPENRCT2_SHA1_SHORT" echo "----------------------------------------------" fi