/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include "LargeSceneryRemoveAction.h" #include "../Cheats.h" #include "../GameState.h" #include "../OpenRCT2.h" #include "../common.h" #include "../core/MemoryStream.h" #include "../interface/Window.h" #include "../localisation/Localisation.h" #include "../localisation/StringIds.h" #include "../management/Finance.h" #include "../object/LargeSceneryEntry.h" #include "../ride/Ride.h" #include "../world/Park.h" #include "../world/TileElementsView.h" using namespace OpenRCT2; LargeSceneryRemoveAction::LargeSceneryRemoveAction(const CoordsXYZD& location, uint16_t tileIndex) : _loc(location) , _tileIndex(tileIndex) { } void LargeSceneryRemoveAction::AcceptParameters(GameActionParameterVisitor& visitor) { visitor.Visit(_loc); visitor.Visit("tileIndex", _tileIndex); } uint16_t LargeSceneryRemoveAction::GetActionFlags() const { return GameAction::GetActionFlags(); } void LargeSceneryRemoveAction::Serialise(DataSerialiser& stream) { GameAction::Serialise(stream); stream << DS_TAG(_loc) << DS_TAG(_tileIndex); } GameActions::Result LargeSceneryRemoveAction::Query() const { auto res = GameActions::Result(); const uint32_t flags = GetFlags(); int32_t z = TileElementHeight(_loc); res.Position.x = _loc.x + 16; res.Position.y = _loc.y + 16; res.Position.z = z; res.Expenditure = ExpenditureType::Landscaping; res.Cost = 0; TileElement* tileElement = FindLargeSceneryElement(_loc, _tileIndex); if (tileElement == nullptr) { LOG_ERROR("No large scenery element to remove at x = %d, y = %d", _loc.x, _loc.y); return GameActions::Result( GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_CANT_REMOVE_THIS, STR_INVALID_SELECTION_OF_OBJECTS); } auto* sceneryEntry = tileElement->AsLargeScenery()->GetEntry(); // If we have a bugged scenery entry, do not touch the tile element. if (sceneryEntry == nullptr) { LOG_WARNING("Scenery entry at x = %d, y = %d not removed because it is an unknown object type", _loc.x, _loc.y); return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::Unknown, STR_CANT_REMOVE_THIS, STR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE); } auto rotatedOffsets = CoordsXYZ{ CoordsXY{ sceneryEntry->tiles[_tileIndex].x_offset, sceneryEntry->tiles[_tileIndex].y_offset }.Rotate(_loc.direction), sceneryEntry->tiles[_tileIndex].z_offset }; auto firstTile = CoordsXYZ{ _loc.x, _loc.y, _loc.z } - rotatedOffsets; bool calculate_cost = true; for (int32_t i = 0; sceneryEntry->tiles[i].x_offset != -1; i++) { auto currentTileRotatedOffset = CoordsXYZ{ CoordsXY{ sceneryEntry->tiles[i].x_offset, sceneryEntry->tiles[i].y_offset }.Rotate(_loc.direction), sceneryEntry->tiles[i].z_offset }; auto currentTile = CoordsXYZ{ firstTile.x, firstTile.y, firstTile.z } + currentTileRotatedOffset; if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_SCENARIO_EDITOR) && !GetGameState().Cheats.SandboxMode) { if (GetGameState().Park.Flags & PARK_FLAGS_FORBID_TREE_REMOVAL) { if (sceneryEntry->HasFlag(LARGE_SCENERY_FLAG_IS_TREE)) { res.Error = GameActions::Status::NoClearance; res.ErrorTitle = STR_CANT_REMOVE_THIS; res.ErrorMessage = STR_FORBIDDEN_BY_THE_LOCAL_AUTHORITY; return res; } } if (!MapIsLocationOwned({ currentTile.x, currentTile.y, currentTile.z })) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::NoClearance, STR_CANT_REMOVE_THIS, STR_LAND_NOT_OWNED_BY_PARK); } } if (!LocationValid(currentTile)) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_CANT_REMOVE_THIS, STR_OFF_EDGE_OF_MAP); } // Prevent duplicate costs when using the clear scenery tool that overlaps multiple large // scenery tile elements. if (flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_TRACK_DESIGN) { if (tileElement->AsLargeScenery()->IsAccounted()) calculate_cost = false; // Sets the flag to prevent this being counted in additional calls tileElement->AsLargeScenery()->SetIsAccounted(true); } } if (calculate_cost) res.Cost = sceneryEntry->removal_price; return res; } GameActions::Result LargeSceneryRemoveAction::Execute() const { auto res = GameActions::Result(); int32_t z = TileElementHeight(_loc); res.Position.x = _loc.x + 16; res.Position.y = _loc.y + 16; res.Position.z = z; res.Expenditure = ExpenditureType::Landscaping; res.Cost = 0; TileElement* tileElement = FindLargeSceneryElement(_loc, _tileIndex); if (tileElement == nullptr) { LOG_ERROR("No large scenery element to remove at %d, y = %d", _loc.x, _loc.y); return GameActions::Result( GameActions::Status::InvalidParameters, STR_CANT_REMOVE_THIS, STR_INVALID_SELECTION_OF_OBJECTS); } auto* sceneryEntry = tileElement->AsLargeScenery()->GetEntry(); // If we have a bugged scenery entry, do not touch the tile element. if (sceneryEntry == nullptr) { LOG_WARNING("Scenery entry at x = %d, y = %d not removed because it is an unknown object type", _loc.x, _loc.y); return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::Unknown, STR_CANT_REMOVE_THIS, STR_NONE); } tileElement->RemoveBannerEntry(); auto rotatedFirstTile = CoordsXYZ{ CoordsXY{ sceneryEntry->tiles[_tileIndex].x_offset, sceneryEntry->tiles[_tileIndex].y_offset }.Rotate(_loc.direction), sceneryEntry->tiles[_tileIndex].z_offset }; auto firstTile = CoordsXYZ{ _loc.x, _loc.y, _loc.z } - rotatedFirstTile; for (int32_t i = 0; sceneryEntry->tiles[i].x_offset != -1; i++) { auto rotatedCurrentTile = CoordsXYZ{ CoordsXY{ sceneryEntry->tiles[i].x_offset, sceneryEntry->tiles[i].y_offset }.Rotate(_loc.direction), sceneryEntry->tiles[i].z_offset }; auto currentTile = CoordsXYZ{ firstTile.x, firstTile.y, firstTile.z } + rotatedCurrentTile; if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_SCENARIO_EDITOR) && !GetGameState().Cheats.SandboxMode) { if (!MapIsLocationOwned({ currentTile.x, currentTile.y, currentTile.z })) { return GameActions::Result(GameActions::Status::NoClearance, STR_CANT_REMOVE_THIS, STR_LAND_NOT_OWNED_BY_PARK); } } auto* sceneryElement = FindLargeSceneryElement(currentTile, i); if (sceneryElement == nullptr) { LOG_ERROR("Tile not found when trying to remove element!"); } else { MapInvalidateTileFull(currentTile); TileElementRemove(sceneryElement); } } res.Cost = sceneryEntry->removal_price; return res; } TileElement* LargeSceneryRemoveAction::FindLargeSceneryElement(const CoordsXYZ& pos, int32_t sequenceIndex) const { const bool isGhost = GetFlags() & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_GHOST; for (auto* sceneryElement : TileElementsView(pos)) { // If we are removing ghost elements if (isGhost && sceneryElement->IsGhost() == false) continue; if (sceneryElement->GetDirection() != _loc.direction) continue; if (sceneryElement->GetSequenceIndex() != sequenceIndex) continue; if (sceneryElement->GetBaseZ() != pos.z) continue; return sceneryElement->as(); } return nullptr; }