0.0.2-beta (2015-05-22) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Feature: Show month before day (e.g. March 14th, year 15) - Feature: Change available object in-game (only available from console) - Feature: Exit OpenRCT2 to desktop - Feature: Allow testing of incomplete tracks - Feature: Twitch integration - Feature: Hardware display (useful for streaming) - Feature: Allow both types of powered launch (with and without passing the station) for every roller coaster that supported one type in RCT2. - Feature: Localisation of decimal and thousands separators. - Feature: Increase limits for maximum of circuits per roller coaster (20) and people on mazes (64) (up from the old limits of 7 and 16, respectively). - Feature: Game speed button on toolbar. - Feature: In-game console. - Feature: New title screen logo. - Feature: Cheat to disable all breakdowns. - Feature: Cheat to disable brakes failure. - Feature: Cheat to allow maximum operating settings and lift hill speeds (410 km/h). - Feature: Buy land and construction rights land tool window. (Currently only in-game). - Feature: Cheat to fix all rides. - Feature: Toggle RCT1 / RCT2 colour scheme. - Feature: Toggle between software and hardware video mode. - Feature: Toggle between window and fullscreen. - Feature: Resizable window mode. - Feature: Mountain tool available in play mode. - Feature: Land tool size can now be increased to 64x64. - Feature: Place scenery as a random cluster available in play mode. - Feature: Park window viewport is resizable. - Feature: Extra viewport windows. - Feature: Windows now snap to the borders of other windows when dragging (snap radius configurable). - Feature: Text input is now an in game window. - Feature: Cheats window (CTRL-ALT-C) or by toolbar button (configurable). - Feature: Improved settings window with tab interface. - Feature: Ability to change language while in game. - Feature: Game configuration, cache, scores and screenshots now saved in user documents directory under OpenRCT2. - Feature: Finance window accessible from toolbar (enabled in settings). - Feature: Research and development / research funding now accessible as a stand alone window without the requirement of the finances window. - Feature: Ability to change game speed (+ and - keys) - Feature: The "have fun" objective can now be selected in the scenario editor. - Feature: RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 scenarios can now be opened in the scenario editor or by using the 'edit' command line action. - Feature: Title sequence music can now be disabled or changed to the RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 theme music. - Feature: (Random) map generator available in scenario editor, accessible via the view menu. - Feature: Looping RollerCoaster now supports both "Powered launch (passing station)" and "Powered launch (without passing station)" - Fix: Litter bins now get full and require emptying by handymen.