/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../interface/Theme.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr const rct_string_id WINDOW_TITLE = STR_NONE; static constexpr const int32_t WH = 240; static constexpr const int32_t WW = 340; // clang-format off enum { PAGE_RIDES, PAGE_SHOPS_AND_STALLS, PAGE_KIOSKS_AND_FACILITIES, PAGE_COUNT }; enum WINDOW_RIDE_LIST_WIDGET_IDX { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND, WIDX_OPEN_CLOSE_ALL, WIDX_CURRENT_INFORMATION_TYPE, WIDX_INFORMATION_TYPE_DROPDOWN, WIDX_SORT, WIDX_TAB_1, WIDX_TAB_2, WIDX_TAB_3, WIDX_LIST, WIDX_CLOSE_LIGHT, WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT, WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH, }; static rct_widget window_ride_list_widgets[] = { WINDOW_SHIM(WINDOW_TITLE, WW, WH), MakeWidget({ 0, 43}, {340, 197}, WindowWidgetType::Resize, WindowColour::Secondary ), // tab page background MakeWidget({315, 60}, { 24, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_TOGGLE_OPEN_CLOSE, STR_OPEN_OR_CLOSE_ALL_RIDES ), // open / close all toggle MakeWidget({150, 46}, {124, 12}, WindowWidgetType::DropdownMenu, WindowColour::Secondary ), // current information type MakeWidget({262, 47}, { 11, 10}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_DROPDOWN_GLYPH, STR_RIDE_LIST_INFORMATION_TYPE_TIP), // information type dropdown button MakeWidget({280, 46}, { 54, 12}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_SORT, STR_RIDE_LIST_SORT_TIP ), // sort button MakeTab ({ 3, 17}, STR_LIST_RIDES_TIP ), // tab 1 MakeTab ({ 34, 17}, STR_LIST_SHOPS_AND_STALLS_TIP ), // tab 2 MakeTab ({ 65, 17}, STR_LIST_KIOSKS_AND_FACILITIES_TIP), // tab 3 MakeWidget({ 3, 60}, {334, 177}, WindowWidgetType::Scroll, WindowColour::Secondary, SCROLL_VERTICAL ), // list MakeWidget({320, 62}, { 14, 14}, WindowWidgetType::ImgBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_G2_RCT1_CLOSE_BUTTON_0 ), MakeWidget({320, 76}, { 14, 14}, WindowWidgetType::ImgBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_G2_RCT1_OPEN_BUTTON_0 ), MakeWidget({315, 90}, { 24, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary, SPR_DEMOLISH, STR_QUICK_DEMOLISH_RIDE ), { WIDGETS_END }, }; static bool _quickDemolishMode = false; static void window_ride_list_mouseup(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex); static void window_ride_list_resize(rct_window *w); static void window_ride_list_mousedown(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, rct_widget* widget); static void window_ride_list_dropdown(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, int32_t dropdownIndex); static void window_ride_list_update(rct_window *w); static void window_ride_list_scrollgetsize(rct_window *w, int32_t scrollIndex, int32_t *width, int32_t *height); static void window_ride_list_scrollmousedown(rct_window *w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); static void window_ride_list_scrollmouseover(rct_window *w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); static void window_ride_list_invalidate(rct_window *w); static void window_ride_list_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi); static void window_ride_list_scrollpaint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, int32_t scrollIndex); static rct_window_event_list window_ride_list_events([](auto& events) { events.mouse_up = &window_ride_list_mouseup; events.resize = &window_ride_list_resize; events.mouse_down = &window_ride_list_mousedown; events.dropdown = &window_ride_list_dropdown; events.update = &window_ride_list_update; events.get_scroll_size = &window_ride_list_scrollgetsize; events.scroll_mousedown = &window_ride_list_scrollmousedown; events.scroll_mouseover = &window_ride_list_scrollmouseover; events.invalidate = &window_ride_list_invalidate; events.paint = &window_ride_list_paint; events.scroll_paint = &window_ride_list_scrollpaint; }); enum { INFORMATION_TYPE_STATUS, INFORMATION_TYPE_POPULARITY, INFORMATION_TYPE_SATISFACTION, INFORMATION_TYPE_PROFIT, INFORMATION_TYPE_TOTAL_CUSTOMERS, INFORMATION_TYPE_TOTAL_PROFIT, INFORMATION_TYPE_CUSTOMERS, INFORMATION_TYPE_AGE, INFORMATION_TYPE_INCOME, INFORMATION_TYPE_RUNNING_COST, INFORMATION_TYPE_QUEUE_LENGTH, INFORMATION_TYPE_QUEUE_TIME, INFORMATION_TYPE_RELIABILITY, INFORMATION_TYPE_DOWN_TIME, INFORMATION_TYPE_GUESTS_FAVOURITE, DROPDOWN_LIST_COUNT }; static constexpr const rct_string_id ride_info_type_string_mapping[DROPDOWN_LIST_COUNT] = { STR_STATUS, STR_POPULARITY, STR_SATISFACTION, STR_PROFIT, STR_RIDE_LIST_TOTAL_CUSTOMERS, STR_RIDE_LIST_TOTAL_PROFIT, STR_RIDE_LIST_CUSTOMERS_PER_HOUR, STR_RIDE_LIST_AGE, STR_RIDE_LIST_INCOME, STR_RIDE_LIST_RUNNING_COST, STR_QUEUE_LENGTH, STR_QUEUE_TIME, STR_RELIABILITY, STR_DOWN_TIME, STR_GUESTS_FAVOURITE }; static constexpr const rct_string_id ride_list_statusbar_count_strings[PAGE_COUNT] = { STR_NUMBER_RIDES, STR_NUMBER_SHOPS_AND_STALLS, STR_NUMBER_RESTROOMS_AND_INFORMATION_KIOSKS, }; static constexpr const bool ride_info_type_money_mapping[DROPDOWN_LIST_COUNT] = { false, false, false, true, false, true, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false }; static constexpr const rct_string_id page_names[] = { STR_RIDES, STR_SHOPS_AND_STALLS, STR_RESTROOMS_AND_INFORMATION_KIOSKS, }; // clang-format on static int32_t _window_ride_list_information_type = INFORMATION_TYPE_STATUS; static void window_ride_list_draw_tab_images(rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, rct_window* w); static void window_ride_list_close_all(rct_window* w); static void window_ride_list_open_all(rct_window* w); /** * * rct2: 0x006B30BC */ rct_window* window_ride_list_open() { rct_window* window; // Check if window is already open window = window_bring_to_front_by_class(WC_RIDE_LIST); if (window == nullptr) { window = WindowCreateAutoPos(340, 240, &window_ride_list_events, WC_RIDE_LIST, WF_10 | WF_RESIZABLE); window->widgets = window_ride_list_widgets; window->enabled_widgets = (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_OPEN_CLOSE_ALL) | (1 << WIDX_CURRENT_INFORMATION_TYPE) | (1 << WIDX_INFORMATION_TYPE_DROPDOWN) | (1 << WIDX_SORT) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_3) | (1 << WIDX_CLOSE_LIGHT) | (1 << WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT); if (network_get_mode() != NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { window->enabled_widgets |= (1 << WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH); } WindowInitScrollWidgets(window); window->page = PAGE_RIDES; window->no_list_items = 0; window->selected_list_item = -1; window->frame_no = 0; window->min_width = 340; window->min_height = 240; window->max_width = 400; window->max_height = 700; window_ride_list_refresh_list(window); } window->list_information_type = 0; _quickDemolishMode = false; return window; } /** * * rct2: 0x006B3511 */ static void window_ride_list_mouseup(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex) { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: window_close(w); break; case WIDX_SORT: w->list_information_type = _window_ride_list_information_type; w->no_list_items = 0; w->selected_list_item = -1; window_ride_list_refresh_list(w); break; case WIDX_TAB_1: case WIDX_TAB_2: case WIDX_TAB_3: if (w->page != widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1) { w->page = widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1; w->no_list_items = 0; w->frame_no = 0; w->selected_list_item = -1; if (w->page != PAGE_RIDES && _window_ride_list_information_type > INFORMATION_TYPE_RUNNING_COST) { _window_ride_list_information_type = INFORMATION_TYPE_STATUS; } window_ride_list_refresh_list(w); } break; case WIDX_CLOSE_LIGHT: window_ride_list_close_all(w); break; case WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT: window_ride_list_open_all(w); break; case WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH: if (network_get_mode() != NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { _quickDemolishMode = !_quickDemolishMode; } else { _quickDemolishMode = false; } w->Invalidate(); break; } } /** * * rct2: 0x006B38A7 */ static void window_ride_list_resize(rct_window* w) { w->min_width = 340; w->min_height = 124; if (w->width < w->min_width) { w->Invalidate(); w->width = w->min_width; } if (w->height < w->min_height) { w->Invalidate(); w->height = w->min_height; } // Refreshing the list can be a very intensive operation // owing to its use of ride_has_any_track_elements(). // This makes sure it's only refreshed every 64 ticks. if (!(gCurrentRealTimeTicks & 0x3f)) { window_ride_list_refresh_list(w); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006B3532 */ static void window_ride_list_mousedown(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, rct_widget* widget) { if (widgetIndex == WIDX_OPEN_CLOSE_ALL) { gDropdownItemsFormat[0] = STR_CLOSE_ALL; gDropdownItemsFormat[1] = STR_OPEN_ALL; WindowDropdownShowText( { w->windowPos.x + widget->left, w->windowPos.y + widget->top }, widget->height(), w->colours[1], 0, 2); } else if (widgetIndex == WIDX_INFORMATION_TYPE_DROPDOWN) { widget--; int32_t lastType; if (w->page == PAGE_RIDES) lastType = INFORMATION_TYPE_GUESTS_FAVOURITE; else lastType = INFORMATION_TYPE_RUNNING_COST; int32_t numItems = 0; int32_t selectedIndex = -1; for (int32_t type = INFORMATION_TYPE_STATUS; type <= lastType; type++) { if ((gParkFlags & PARK_FLAGS_NO_MONEY)) { if (ride_info_type_money_mapping[type]) { continue; } } if (type == _window_ride_list_information_type) { selectedIndex = numItems; } gDropdownItemsFormat[numItems] = STR_DROPDOWN_MENU_LABEL; gDropdownItemsArgs[numItems] = ride_info_type_string_mapping[type]; numItems++; } WindowDropdownShowTextCustomWidth( { w->windowPos.x + widget->left, w->windowPos.y + widget->top }, widget->height(), w->colours[1], 0, Dropdown::Flag::StayOpen, numItems, widget->width() - 3); if (selectedIndex != -1) { Dropdown::SetChecked(selectedIndex, true); } } } /** * * rct2: 0x006B3547 */ static void window_ride_list_dropdown(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, int32_t dropdownIndex) { if (widgetIndex == WIDX_OPEN_CLOSE_ALL) { if (dropdownIndex == 0) { window_ride_list_close_all(w); } else if (dropdownIndex == 1) { window_ride_list_open_all(w); } w->Invalidate(); } else if (widgetIndex == WIDX_INFORMATION_TYPE_DROPDOWN) { if (dropdownIndex == -1) return; int32_t informationType = INFORMATION_TYPE_STATUS; uint32_t arg = static_cast(gDropdownItemsArgs[dropdownIndex]); for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(ride_info_type_string_mapping); i++) { if (arg == ride_info_type_string_mapping[i]) { informationType = static_cast(i); } } _window_ride_list_information_type = informationType; w->Invalidate(); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006B386B */ static void window_ride_list_update(rct_window* w) { w->frame_no = (w->frame_no + 1) % 64; widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_1 + w->page); if (_window_ride_list_information_type != INFORMATION_TYPE_STATUS) w->Invalidate(); } /** * * rct2: 0x006B35A1 */ static void window_ride_list_scrollgetsize(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, int32_t* width, int32_t* height) { int32_t top; *height = w->no_list_items * SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; if (w->selected_list_item != -1) { w->selected_list_item = -1; w->Invalidate(); } top = *height - window_ride_list_widgets[WIDX_LIST].bottom + window_ride_list_widgets[WIDX_LIST].top + 21; if (top < 0) top = 0; if (top < w->scrolls[0].v_top) { w->scrolls[0].v_top = top; w->Invalidate(); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006B361F */ static void window_ride_list_scrollmousedown(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { int32_t index; index = screenCoords.y / SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; if (index >= w->no_list_items) return; // Open ride window auto rideIndex = w->list_item_positions[index]; auto ride = get_ride(rideIndex); if (_quickDemolishMode && network_get_mode() != NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT) { ride_action_modify(ride, RIDE_MODIFY_DEMOLISH, GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_APPLY); window_ride_list_refresh_list(w); } else { auto intent = Intent(WC_RIDE); intent.putExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_RIDE_ID, rideIndex); context_open_intent(&intent); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006B35EF */ static void window_ride_list_scrollmouseover(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { int32_t index; index = screenCoords.y / SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; if (index >= w->no_list_items) return; w->selected_list_item = index; w->Invalidate(); } /** * * rct2: 0x006B3182 */ static void window_ride_list_invalidate(rct_window* w) { window_ride_list_widgets[WIDX_CURRENT_INFORMATION_TYPE].text = ride_info_type_string_mapping [_window_ride_list_information_type]; // Set correct active tab for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) w->pressed_widgets &= ~(1 << (WIDX_TAB_1 + i)); w->pressed_widgets |= 1LL << (WIDX_TAB_1 + w->page); window_ride_list_widgets[WIDX_TITLE].text = page_names[w->page]; if (_quickDemolishMode) w->pressed_widgets |= (1ULL << WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH); else w->pressed_widgets &= ~(1ULL << WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH); w->widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].right = w->width - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = w->height - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].right = w->width - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].bottom = w->height - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_TITLE].right = w->width - 2; // if close button is on the right then it must move w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE].left = w->width - 13; w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE].right = w->width - 3; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right = w->width - 26; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].bottom = w->height - 15; w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_CLOSE_ALL].right = w->width - 2; w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_CLOSE_ALL].left = w->width - 25; w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE_LIGHT].right = w->width - 7; w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE_LIGHT].left = w->width - 20; w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT].right = w->width - 7; w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT].left = w->width - 20; w->widgets[WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH].right = w->width - 2; w->widgets[WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH].left = w->width - 25; if (ThemeGetFlags() & UITHEME_FLAG_USE_LIGHTS_RIDE) { w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_CLOSE_ALL].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE_LIGHT].type = WindowWidgetType::ImgBtn; w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT].type = WindowWidgetType::ImgBtn; const auto& rideManager = GetRideManager(); auto allClosed = true; auto allOpen = false; if (w->no_list_items > 0 && std::size(rideManager) != 0) { auto c = static_cast(w->page); allClosed = std::none_of(rideManager.begin(), rideManager.end(), [c](const Ride& ride) { return ride.GetClassification() == c && ride.status == RIDE_STATUS_OPEN; }); allOpen = std::none_of(rideManager.begin(), rideManager.end(), [c](const Ride& ride) { return ride.GetClassification() == c && ride.status != RIDE_STATUS_OPEN; }); } w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE_LIGHT].image = SPR_G2_RCT1_CLOSE_BUTTON_0 + (allClosed ? 1 : 0) * 2 + WidgetIsPressed(w, WIDX_CLOSE_LIGHT); w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT].image = SPR_G2_RCT1_OPEN_BUTTON_0 + (allOpen ? 1 : 0) * 2 + WidgetIsPressed(w, WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT); w->widgets[WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH].top = w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT].bottom + 3; } else { w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_CLOSE_ALL].type = WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn; w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE_LIGHT].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_LIGHT].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; w->widgets[WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH].top = w->widgets[WIDX_OPEN_CLOSE_ALL].bottom + 3; } w->widgets[WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH].bottom = w->widgets[WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH].top + 23; w->widgets[WIDX_QUICK_DEMOLISH].type = network_get_mode() != NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT ? WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn : WindowWidgetType::Empty; } /** * * rct2: 0x006B3235 */ static void window_ride_list_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { WindowDrawWidgets(w, dpi); window_ride_list_draw_tab_images(dpi, w); // Draw number of attractions on bottom DrawTextBasic( dpi, w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ 4, w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].bottom + 2 }, ride_list_statusbar_count_strings[w->page], &w->no_list_items); } /** * * rct2: 0x006B3240 */ static void window_ride_list_scrollpaint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, int32_t scrollIndex) { auto dpiCoords = ScreenCoordsXY{ dpi->x, dpi->y }; gfx_fill_rect( dpi, { dpiCoords, dpiCoords + ScreenCoordsXY{ dpi->width, dpi->height } }, ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light); auto y = 0; for (auto i = 0; i < w->no_list_items; i++) { rct_string_id format = (_quickDemolishMode ? STR_RED_STRINGID : STR_BLACK_STRING); if (i == w->selected_list_item) { // Background highlight gfx_filter_rect(dpi, 0, y, 800, y + SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT - 1, FilterPaletteID::PaletteDarken1); format = (_quickDemolishMode ? STR_LIGHTPINK_STRINGID : STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID); } // Get ride auto ride = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[i]); if (ride == nullptr) continue; // Ride name auto ft = Formatter(); ride->FormatNameTo(ft); DrawTextEllipsised(dpi, { 0, y - 1 }, 159, format, ft, COLOUR_BLACK); // Ride information ft = Formatter(); ft.Increment(2); auto formatSecondaryEnabled = true; rct_string_id formatSecondary = 0; switch (_window_ride_list_information_type) { case INFORMATION_TYPE_STATUS: formatSecondaryEnabled = false; ft.Rewind(); ride->FormatStatusTo(ft); // Make test red and bold if broken down or crashed if ((ride->lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_BROKEN_DOWN) || (ride->lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_CRASHED)) { format = STR_RED_OUTLINED_STRING; } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_POPULARITY: formatSecondary = STR_POPULARITY_UNKNOWN_LABEL; if (ride->popularity != 255) { formatSecondary = STR_POPULARITY_LABEL; ft.Add(ride->popularity * 4); } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_SATISFACTION: formatSecondary = STR_SATISFACTION_UNKNOWN_LABEL; if (ride->satisfaction != 255) { formatSecondary = STR_SATISFACTION_LABEL; ft.Add(ride->satisfaction * 5); } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_PROFIT: formatSecondary = 0; if (ride->profit != MONEY32_UNDEFINED) { formatSecondary = STR_PROFIT_LABEL; ft.Add(ride->profit); } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_TOTAL_CUSTOMERS: formatSecondary = STR_RIDE_LIST_TOTAL_CUSTOMERS_LABEL; ft.Add(ride->total_customers); break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_TOTAL_PROFIT: formatSecondary = 0; if (ride->total_profit != MONEY32_UNDEFINED) { formatSecondary = STR_RIDE_LIST_TOTAL_PROFIT_LABEL; ft.Add(ride->total_profit); } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_CUSTOMERS: formatSecondary = STR_RIDE_LIST_CUSTOMERS_PER_HOUR_LABEL; ft.Add(ride_customers_per_hour(ride)); break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_AGE: { int16_t age = date_get_year(ride->GetAge()); switch (age) { case 0: formatSecondary = STR_RIDE_LIST_BUILT_THIS_YEAR_LABEL; break; case 1: formatSecondary = STR_RIDE_LIST_BUILT_LAST_YEAR_LABEL; break; default: formatSecondary = STR_RIDE_LIST_BUILT_X_YEARS_AGO_LABEL; break; } ft.Add(age); break; } case INFORMATION_TYPE_INCOME: formatSecondary = 0; if (ride->income_per_hour != MONEY32_UNDEFINED) { formatSecondary = STR_RIDE_LIST_INCOME_LABEL; ft.Add(ride->income_per_hour); } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_RUNNING_COST: formatSecondary = STR_RIDE_LIST_RUNNING_COST_UNKNOWN; if (ride->upkeep_cost != MONEY16_UNDEFINED) { formatSecondary = STR_RIDE_LIST_RUNNING_COST_LABEL; ft.Add(ride->upkeep_cost * 16); } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_QUEUE_LENGTH: { auto queueLength = ride->GetTotalQueueLength(); ft.Add(queueLength); if (queueLength == 1) { formatSecondary = STR_QUEUE_ONE_PERSON; } else if (queueLength > 1) { formatSecondary = STR_QUEUE_PEOPLE; } else { formatSecondary = STR_QUEUE_EMPTY; } break; } case INFORMATION_TYPE_QUEUE_TIME: { auto maxQueueTime = ride->GetMaxQueueTime(); ft.Add(maxQueueTime); if (maxQueueTime > 1) { formatSecondary = STR_QUEUE_TIME_PLURAL_LABEL; } else { formatSecondary = STR_QUEUE_TIME_LABEL; } break; } case INFORMATION_TYPE_RELIABILITY: ft.Add(ride->reliability_percentage); formatSecondary = STR_RELIABILITY_LABEL; break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_DOWN_TIME: ft.Add(ride->downtime); formatSecondary = STR_DOWN_TIME_LABEL; break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_GUESTS_FAVOURITE: formatSecondary = 0; if (ride->IsRide()) { ft.Add(ride->guests_favourite); formatSecondary = ride->guests_favourite == 1 ? STR_GUESTS_FAVOURITE_LABEL : STR_GUESTS_FAVOURITE_PLURAL_LABEL; } break; } if (formatSecondaryEnabled) { ft.Rewind(); ft.Add(formatSecondary); } DrawTextEllipsised(dpi, { 160, y - 1 }, 157, format, ft, COLOUR_BLACK); y += SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; } } /** * * rct2: 0x006B38EA */ static void window_ride_list_draw_tab_images(rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, rct_window* w) { int32_t sprite_idx; // Rides tab sprite_idx = SPR_TAB_RIDE_0; if (w->page == PAGE_RIDES) sprite_idx += w->frame_no / 4; gfx_draw_sprite( dpi, sprite_idx, w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].left, w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].top }, 0); // Shops and stalls tab sprite_idx = SPR_TAB_SHOPS_AND_STALLS_0; if (w->page == PAGE_SHOPS_AND_STALLS) sprite_idx += w->frame_no / 4; gfx_draw_sprite( dpi, sprite_idx, w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_2].left, w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_2].top }, 0); // Information kiosks and facilities tab sprite_idx = SPR_TAB_KIOSKS_AND_FACILITIES_0; if (w->page == PAGE_KIOSKS_AND_FACILITIES) sprite_idx += (w->frame_no / 4) % 8; gfx_draw_sprite( dpi, sprite_idx, w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_3].left, w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_3].top }, 0); } /** * * rct2: 0x006B39A8 */ void window_ride_list_refresh_list(rct_window* w) { int32_t list_index = 0; for (auto& ridec : GetRideManager()) { auto ride = &ridec; if (ride->GetClassification() != static_cast(w->page) || (ride->status == RIDE_STATUS_CLOSED && !ride_has_any_track_elements(ride))) continue; if (ride->window_invalidate_flags & RIDE_INVALIDATE_RIDE_LIST) { ride->window_invalidate_flags &= ~RIDE_INVALIDATE_RIDE_LIST; } w->list_item_positions[list_index] = ride->id; int32_t current_list_position = list_index; switch (w->list_information_type) { case INFORMATION_TYPE_STATUS: { auto strA = ride->GetName(); while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { auto strB = otherRide->GetName(); if (strlogicalcmp(strA.c_str(), strB.c_str()) >= 0) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; } case INFORMATION_TYPE_POPULARITY: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->popularity * 4 <= otherRide->popularity * 4) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_SATISFACTION: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->satisfaction * 5 <= otherRide->satisfaction * 5) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_PROFIT: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->profit <= otherRide->profit) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_TOTAL_CUSTOMERS: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->total_customers <= otherRide->total_customers) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_TOTAL_PROFIT: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->total_profit <= otherRide->total_profit) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_CUSTOMERS: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride_customers_per_hour(ride) <= ride_customers_per_hour(otherRide)) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_AGE: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->build_date <= otherRide->build_date) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_INCOME: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->income_per_hour <= otherRide->income_per_hour) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_RUNNING_COST: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->upkeep_cost <= otherRide->upkeep_cost) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_QUEUE_LENGTH: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->GetTotalQueueLength() <= otherRide->GetTotalQueueLength()) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_QUEUE_TIME: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->GetMaxQueueTime() <= otherRide->GetMaxQueueTime()) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_RELIABILITY: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->reliability_percentage <= otherRide->reliability_percentage) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_DOWN_TIME: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->downtime <= otherRide->downtime) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; case INFORMATION_TYPE_GUESTS_FAVOURITE: while (--current_list_position >= 0) { auto otherRide = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[current_list_position]); if (otherRide != nullptr) { if (ride->guests_favourite <= otherRide->guests_favourite) break; window_bubble_list_item(w, current_list_position); } } break; } list_index++; } w->no_list_items = list_index; w->selected_list_item = -1; w->Invalidate(); } static void window_ride_list_close_all(rct_window* w) { for (auto& ride : GetRideManager()) { if (ride.status != RIDE_STATUS_CLOSED && ride.GetClassification() == static_cast(w->page)) { ride_set_status(&ride, RIDE_STATUS_CLOSED); } } } static void window_ride_list_open_all(rct_window* w) { for (auto& ride : GetRideManager()) { if (ride.status != RIDE_STATUS_OPEN && ride.GetClassification() == static_cast(w->page)) { ride_set_status(&ride, RIDE_STATUS_OPEN); } } }