/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2023 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // clang-format off enum { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_TRACK_PREVIEW, WIDX_ROTATE, WIDX_TOGGLE_SCENERY, WIDX_INSTALL, WIDX_CANCEL }; static constexpr const StringId WINDOW_TITLE = STR_TRACK_DESIGN_INSTALL_WINDOW_TITLE; static constexpr const int32_t WW = 380; static constexpr const int32_t WH = 460; constexpr int32_t PREVIEW_BUTTONS_LEFT = WW - 25; constexpr int32_t ACTION_BUTTONS_LEFT = WW - 100; static Widget window_install_track_widgets[] = { WINDOW_SHIM(WINDOW_TITLE, WW, WH), MakeWidget({ 4, 18}, {372, 219}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Primary ), MakeWidget({PREVIEW_BUTTONS_LEFT, 422}, { 22, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Primary, ImageId(SPR_ROTATE_ARROW), STR_ROTATE_90_TIP ), MakeWidget({PREVIEW_BUTTONS_LEFT, 398}, { 22, 24}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Primary, ImageId(SPR_SCENERY), STR_TOGGLE_SCENERY_TIP), MakeWidget({ ACTION_BUTTONS_LEFT, 241}, { 97, 15}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Primary, STR_INSTALL_NEW_TRACK_DESIGN_INSTALL ), MakeWidget({ ACTION_BUTTONS_LEFT, 259}, { 97, 15}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Primary, STR_INSTALL_NEW_TRACK_DESIGN_CANCEL ), WIDGETS_END, }; // clang-format on class InstallTrackWindow final : public Window { private: std::unique_ptr _trackDesign; std::string _trackPath; std::string _trackName; std::vector _trackDesignPreviewPixels; public: void SetupTrack(const utf8* path, std::unique_ptr trackDesign) { _trackDesign = std::move(trackDesign); _trackPath = path; _trackName = GetNameFromTrackPath(path); _trackDesignPreviewPixels.resize(4 * TRACK_PREVIEW_IMAGE_SIZE); UpdatePreview(); Invalidate(); } void OnOpen() override { widgets = window_install_track_widgets; track_list.track_list_being_updated = false; WindowInitScrollWidgets(*this); WindowPushOthersRight(*this); } void OnClose() override { _trackPath.clear(); _trackName.clear(); _trackDesignPreviewPixels.clear(); _trackDesignPreviewPixels.shrink_to_fit(); _trackDesign = nullptr; } void OnMouseUp(WidgetIndex widgetIndex) override { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: case WIDX_CANCEL: Close(); break; case WIDX_ROTATE: _currentTrackPieceDirection++; _currentTrackPieceDirection %= 4; Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_TOGGLE_SCENERY: gTrackDesignSceneryToggle = !gTrackDesignSceneryToggle; UpdatePreview(); Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_INSTALL: InstallTrackDesign(); break; } } void OnTextInput(WidgetIndex widgetIndex, std::string_view text) override { if (widgetIndex != WIDX_INSTALL || text.empty()) { return; } _trackName = std::string(text); WindowEventMouseUpCall(this, WIDX_INSTALL); } void OnPrepareDraw() override { pressed_widgets |= 1uLL << WIDX_TRACK_PREVIEW; if (!gTrackDesignSceneryToggle) { pressed_widgets |= (1uLL << WIDX_TOGGLE_SCENERY); } else { pressed_widgets &= ~(1uLL << WIDX_TOGGLE_SCENERY); } } void OnDraw(DrawPixelInfo& dpi) override { DrawWidgets(dpi); // Track preview Widget* widget = &window_install_track_widgets[WIDX_TRACK_PREVIEW]; auto screenPos = windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widget->left + 1, widget->top + 1 }; int32_t colour = ColourMapA[colours[0]].darkest; GfxFillRect(&dpi, { screenPos, screenPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ 369, 216 } }, colour); G1Element g1temp = {}; g1temp.offset = _trackDesignPreviewPixels.data() + (_currentTrackPieceDirection * TRACK_PREVIEW_IMAGE_SIZE); g1temp.width = 370; g1temp.height = 217; g1temp.flags = G1_FLAG_HAS_TRANSPARENCY; GfxSetG1Element(SPR_TEMP, &g1temp); DrawingEngineInvalidateImage(SPR_TEMP); GfxDrawSprite(&dpi, ImageId(SPR_TEMP), screenPos); screenPos = windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widget->midX(), widget->bottom - 12 }; // Warnings const TrackDesign* td6 = _trackDesign.get(); if (td6->track_flags & TRACK_DESIGN_FLAG_SCENERY_UNAVAILABLE) { if (!gTrackDesignSceneryToggle) { // Scenery not available DrawTextEllipsised( dpi, screenPos, 308, STR_DESIGN_INCLUDES_SCENERY_WHICH_IS_UNAVAILABLE, {}, { TextAlignment::CENTRE }); screenPos.y -= LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } } // Information screenPos = windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widget->left + 1, widget->bottom + 4 }; // 0x006D3CF1 -- 0x006d3d71 missing // Track design name & type { auto trackName = _trackName.c_str(); auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(trackName); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos - ScreenCoordsXY{ 1, 0 }, STR_TRACK_DESIGN_NAME, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } // Friendly Track name { auto ft = Formatter(); const auto* objectEntry = ObjectManagerLoadObject(&td6->vehicle_object.Entry); if (objectEntry != nullptr) { auto groupIndex = ObjectManagerGetLoadedObjectEntryIndex(objectEntry); auto rideName = GetRideNaming(td6->type, *GetRideEntryByIndex(groupIndex)); ft.Add(rideName.Name); } else { // Fall back on the technical track name if the vehicle object cannot be loaded ft.Add(GetRideTypeDescriptor(td6->type).Naming.Name); } DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_TRACK_DESIGN_TYPE, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 4; } // Stats { fixed32_2dp rating = td6->excitement * 10; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(rating); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_TRACK_LIST_EXCITEMENT_RATING, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } { fixed32_2dp rating = td6->intensity * 10; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(rating); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_TRACK_LIST_INTENSITY_RATING, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } { fixed32_2dp rating = td6->nausea * 10; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(rating); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_TRACK_LIST_NAUSEA_RATING, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 4; } const auto& rtd = GetRideTypeDescriptor(td6->type); if (!rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_IS_MAZE)) { if (td6->type == RIDE_TYPE_MINI_GOLF) { // Holes uint16_t holes = td6->holes & 0x1F; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(holes); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_HOLES, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } else { // Maximum speed { uint16_t speed = ((td6->max_speed << 16) * 9) >> 18; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(speed); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_MAX_SPEED, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } // Average speed { uint16_t speed = ((td6->average_speed << 16) * 9) >> 18; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(speed); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_AVERAGE_SPEED, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } } // Ride length auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(STR_RIDE_LENGTH_ENTRY); ft.Add(td6->ride_length); DrawTextEllipsised(dpi, screenPos, 214, STR_TRACK_LIST_RIDE_LENGTH, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } if (GetRideTypeDescriptor(td6->type).HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_G_FORCES)) { // Maximum positive vertical Gs { int32_t gForces = td6->max_positive_vertical_g * 32; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(gForces); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_MAX_POSITIVE_VERTICAL_G, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } // Maximum negative vertical Gs { int32_t gForces = td6->max_negative_vertical_g * 32; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(gForces); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_MAX_NEGATIVE_VERTICAL_G, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } // Maximum lateral Gs { int32_t gForces = td6->max_lateral_g * 32; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(gForces); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_MAX_LATERAL_G, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } if (td6->total_air_time != 0) { // Total air time int32_t airTime = td6->total_air_time * 25; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(airTime); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_TOTAL_AIR_TIME, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } } if (GetRideTypeDescriptor(td6->type).HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_DROPS)) { // Drops uint16_t drops = td6->drops & 0x3F; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(drops); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_DROPS, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; // Drop height is multiplied by 0.75 DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_HIGHEST_DROP_HEIGHT, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } if (td6->type != RIDE_TYPE_MINI_GOLF) { uint16_t inversions = td6->inversions & 0x1F; if (inversions != 0) { // Inversions auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(inversions); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_INVERSIONS, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } } screenPos.y += 4; if (td6->space_required_x != 0xFF) { // Space required auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(td6->space_required_x); ft.Add(td6->space_required_y); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_TRACK_LIST_SPACE_REQUIRED, ft); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } if (td6->cost != 0) { auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(td6->cost); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_TRACK_LIST_COST_AROUND, ft); } } private: void UpdatePreview() { TrackDesignDrawPreview(_trackDesign.get(), _trackDesignPreviewPixels.data()); } void InstallTrackDesign() { auto env = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetPlatformEnvironment(); auto destPath = env->GetDirectoryPath(OpenRCT2::DIRBASE::USER, OpenRCT2::DIRID::TRACK); if (!Platform::EnsureDirectoryExists(destPath.c_str())) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to create directory '%s'", destPath.c_str()); ContextShowError(STR_CANT_SAVE_TRACK_DESIGN, STR_NONE, {}); return; } destPath = Path::Combine(destPath, _trackName + u8".td6"); if (File::Exists(destPath)) { LOG_INFO("%s already exists, prompting user for a different track design name", destPath.c_str()); ContextShowError(STR_UNABLE_TO_INSTALL_THIS_TRACK_DESIGN, STR_NONE, {}); WindowTextInputRawOpen( this, WIDX_INSTALL, STR_SELECT_NEW_NAME_FOR_TRACK_DESIGN, STR_AN_EXISTING_TRACK_DESIGN_ALREADY_HAS_THIS_NAME, {}, _trackName.c_str(), 255); } else { if (TrackRepositoryInstall(_trackPath.c_str(), _trackName.c_str())) { Close(); } else { ContextShowError(STR_CANT_SAVE_TRACK_DESIGN, STR_NONE, {}); } } } }; WindowBase* WindowInstallTrackOpen(const utf8* path) { auto trackDesign = TrackDesignImport(path); if (trackDesign == nullptr) { ContextShowError(STR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_FILE, STR_NONE, {}); return nullptr; } ObjectManagerUnloadAllObjects(); if (trackDesign->type == RIDE_TYPE_NULL) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to load track (ride type null): %s", path); return nullptr; } if (ObjectManagerLoadObject(&trackDesign->vehicle_object.Entry) == nullptr) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to load track (vehicle load fail): %s", path); return nullptr; } WindowCloseByClass(WindowClass::EditorObjectSelection); WindowCloseConstructionWindows(); gTrackDesignSceneryToggle = false; _currentTrackPieceDirection = 2; int32_t screenWidth = ContextGetWidth(); int32_t screenHeight = ContextGetHeight(); auto screenPos = ScreenCoordsXY{ screenWidth / 2 - 201, std::max(TOP_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT + 1, screenHeight / 2 - 200) }; auto* window = WindowFocusOrCreate(WindowClass::InstallTrack, screenPos, WW, WH, 0); window->SetupTrack(path, std::move(trackDesign)); return window; }