/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2023 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include "RideConstruction.h" #include "../Context.h" #include "../Input.h" #include "../actions/MazeSetTrackAction.h" #include "../actions/RideEntranceExitRemoveAction.h" #include "../actions/RideSetSettingAction.h" #include "../actions/RideSetStatusAction.h" #include "../actions/RideSetVehicleAction.h" #include "../actions/TrackRemoveAction.h" #include "../common.h" #include "../entity/EntityList.h" #include "../entity/EntityRegistry.h" #include "../entity/Staff.h" #include "../interface/Window.h" #include "../localisation/Date.h" #include "../localisation/Formatter.h" #include "../localisation/Localisation.h" #include "../network/network.h" #include "../paint/VirtualFloor.h" #include "../ui/UiContext.h" #include "../ui/WindowManager.h" #include "../util/Util.h" #include "../windows/Intent.h" #include "../world/Banner.h" #include "../world/Climate.h" #include "../world/Entrance.h" #include "../world/Footpath.h" #include "../world/Location.hpp" #include "../world/Map.h" #include "../world/MapAnimation.h" #include "../world/Park.h" #include "../world/Scenery.h" #include "../world/TileElementsView.h" #include "Ride.h" #include "RideData.h" #include "Track.h" #include "TrackData.h" #include "TrainManager.h" #include "Vehicle.h" using namespace OpenRCT2::TrackMetaData; money64 gTotalRideValueForMoney; money64 _currentTrackPrice; uint32_t _currentTrackCurve; RideConstructionState _rideConstructionState; RideId _currentRideIndex; CoordsXYZ _currentTrackBegin; uint8_t _currentTrackPieceDirection; track_type_t _currentTrackPieceType; uint8_t _currentTrackSelectionFlags; uint32_t _rideConstructionNextArrowPulse = 0; uint8_t _currentTrackSlopeEnd; uint8_t _currentTrackBankEnd; uint8_t _currentTrackLiftHill; uint8_t _currentTrackAlternative; track_type_t _selectedTrackType; uint8_t _previousTrackBankEnd; uint8_t _previousTrackSlopeEnd; CoordsXYZ _previousTrackPiece; uint8_t _currentBrakeSpeed2; uint8_t _currentSeatRotationAngle; CoordsXYZD _unkF440C5; ObjectEntryIndex gLastEntranceStyle; uint8_t gRideEntranceExitPlaceType; RideId gRideEntranceExitPlaceRideIndex; StationIndex gRideEntranceExitPlaceStationIndex; RideConstructionState gRideEntranceExitPlacePreviousRideConstructionState; Direction gRideEntranceExitPlaceDirection; using namespace OpenRCT2; using namespace OpenRCT2::TrackMetaData; static int32_t ride_check_if_construction_allowed(Ride& ride) { Formatter ft; const auto* rideEntry = ride.GetRideEntry(); if (rideEntry == nullptr) { ContextShowError(STR_INVALID_RIDE_TYPE, STR_CANT_EDIT_INVALID_RIDE_TYPE, ft); return 0; } if (ride.lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_BROKEN_DOWN) { ride.FormatNameTo(ft); ContextShowError(STR_CANT_START_CONSTRUCTION_ON, STR_HAS_BROKEN_DOWN_AND_REQUIRES_FIXING, ft); return 0; } if (ride.status != RideStatus::Closed && ride.status != RideStatus::Simulating) { ride.FormatNameTo(ft); ContextShowError(STR_CANT_START_CONSTRUCTION_ON, STR_MUST_BE_CLOSED_FIRST, ft); return 0; } return 1; } static WindowBase* ride_create_or_find_construction_window(RideId rideIndex) { auto windowManager = GetContext()->GetUiContext()->GetWindowManager(); auto intent = Intent(INTENT_ACTION_RIDE_CONSTRUCTION_FOCUS); intent.PutExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_RIDE_ID, rideIndex.ToUnderlying()); windowManager->BroadcastIntent(intent); return WindowFindByClass(WindowClass::RideConstruction); } /** * * rct2: 0x006B4857 */ void RideConstructionStart(Ride& ride) { CoordsXYE trackElement; if (RideTryGetOriginElement(ride, &trackElement)) { ride.FindTrackGap(trackElement, &trackElement); WindowBase* w = WindowGetMain(); if (w != nullptr && RideModify(trackElement)) WindowScrollToLocation(*w, { trackElement, trackElement.element->GetBaseZ() }); } else { RideInitialiseConstructionWindow(ride); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006DD4D5 */ static void ride_remove_cable_lift(Ride& ride) { if (ride.lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_CABLE_LIFT) { ride.lifecycle_flags &= ~RIDE_LIFECYCLE_CABLE_LIFT; auto spriteIndex = ride.cable_lift; do { Vehicle* vehicle = GetEntity(spriteIndex); if (vehicle == nullptr) { return; } vehicle->Invalidate(); spriteIndex = vehicle->next_vehicle_on_train; EntityRemove(vehicle); } while (!spriteIndex.IsNull()); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006DD506 */ void Ride::RemoveVehicles() { if (lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_ON_TRACK) { lifecycle_flags &= ~RIDE_LIFECYCLE_ON_TRACK; lifecycle_flags &= ~(RIDE_LIFECYCLE_TEST_IN_PROGRESS | RIDE_LIFECYCLE_HAS_STALLED_VEHICLE); for (size_t i = 0; i <= OpenRCT2::Limits::MaxTrainsPerRide; i++) { auto spriteIndex = vehicles[i]; while (!spriteIndex.IsNull()) { Vehicle* vehicle = GetEntity(spriteIndex); if (vehicle == nullptr) { break; } vehicle->Invalidate(); spriteIndex = vehicle->next_vehicle_on_train; EntityRemove(vehicle); } vehicles[i] = EntityId::GetNull(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < OpenRCT2::Limits::MaxStationsPerRide; i++) stations[i].TrainAtStation = RideStation::NO_TRAIN; // Also clean up orphaned vehicles for good measure. for (auto* vehicle : TrainManager::View()) { if (vehicle->ride == id) { vehicle->Invalidate(); EntityRemove(vehicle); } } } } /** * * rct2: 0x006DD4AC */ void RideClearForConstruction(Ride& ride) { ride.measurement = {}; ride.lifecycle_flags &= ~(RIDE_LIFECYCLE_BREAKDOWN_PENDING | RIDE_LIFECYCLE_BROKEN_DOWN); ride.window_invalidate_flags |= RIDE_INVALIDATE_RIDE_MAIN | RIDE_INVALIDATE_RIDE_LIST; // Open circuit rides will go directly into building mode (creating ghosts) where it would normally clear the stats, // however this causes desyncs since it's directly run from the window and other clients would not get it. // To prevent these problems, unconditionally invalidate the test results on all clients in multiplayer games. if (NetworkGetMode() != NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { InvalidateTestResults(ride); } ride_remove_cable_lift(ride); ride.RemoveVehicles(); RideClearBlockedTiles(ride); auto w = WindowFindByNumber(WindowClass::Ride, ride.id.ToUnderlying()); if (w != nullptr) WindowEventResizeCall(w); } /** * * rct2: 0x006664DF */ void Ride::RemovePeeps() { // Find first station auto stationIndex = RideGetFirstValidStationStart(*this); // Get exit position and direction auto exitPosition = CoordsXYZD{ 0, 0, 0, INVALID_DIRECTION }; if (!stationIndex.IsNull()) { auto location = GetStation(stationIndex).Exit.ToCoordsXYZD(); if (!location.IsNull()) { auto direction = DirectionReverse(location.direction); exitPosition = location; exitPosition.x += (DirectionOffsets[direction].x * 20) + COORDS_XY_HALF_TILE; exitPosition.y += (DirectionOffsets[direction].y * 20) + COORDS_XY_HALF_TILE; exitPosition.z += 2; // Reverse direction exitPosition.direction = DirectionReverse(exitPosition.direction); exitPosition.direction *= 8; } } // Place all the guests at exit for (auto peep : EntityList()) { if (peep->State == PeepState::QueuingFront || peep->State == PeepState::EnteringRide || peep->State == PeepState::LeavingRide || peep->State == PeepState::OnRide) { if (peep->CurrentRide != id) continue; PeepDecrementNumRiders(peep); if (peep->State == PeepState::QueuingFront && peep->RideSubState == PeepRideSubState::AtEntrance) peep->RemoveFromQueue(); if (exitPosition.direction == INVALID_DIRECTION) { CoordsXYZ newLoc = { peep->NextLoc.ToTileCentre(), peep->NextLoc.z }; if (peep->GetNextIsSloped()) newLoc.z += COORDS_Z_STEP; newLoc.z++; peep->MoveTo(newLoc); } else { peep->MoveTo(exitPosition); peep->SpriteData.sprite_direction = exitPosition.direction; } peep->State = PeepState::Falling; peep->SwitchToSpecialSprite(0); peep->Happiness = std::min(peep->Happiness, peep->HappinessTarget) / 2; peep->HappinessTarget = peep->Happiness; peep->WindowInvalidateFlags |= PEEP_INVALIDATE_PEEP_STATS; } } // Place all the staff at exit for (auto peep : EntityList()) { if (peep->State == PeepState::Fixing || peep->State == PeepState::Inspecting) { if (peep->CurrentRide != id) continue; if (exitPosition.direction == INVALID_DIRECTION) { CoordsXYZ newLoc = { peep->NextLoc.ToTileCentre(), peep->NextLoc.z }; if (peep->GetNextIsSloped()) newLoc.z += COORDS_Z_STEP; newLoc.z++; peep->MoveTo(newLoc); } else { peep->MoveTo(exitPosition); peep->SpriteData.sprite_direction = exitPosition.direction; } peep->State = PeepState::Falling; peep->SwitchToSpecialSprite(0); peep->WindowInvalidateFlags |= PEEP_INVALIDATE_PEEP_STATS; } } num_riders = 0; slide_in_use = 0; window_invalidate_flags |= RIDE_INVALIDATE_RIDE_MAIN; } void RideClearBlockedTiles(const Ride& ride) { for (TileCoordsXY tilePos = {}; tilePos.x < gMapSize.x; ++tilePos.x) { for (tilePos.y = 0; tilePos.y < gMapSize.y; ++tilePos.y) { for (auto* trackElement : TileElementsView(tilePos.ToCoordsXY())) { if (trackElement->GetRideIndex() != ride.id) continue; // Unblock footpath element that is at same position auto* footpathElement = MapGetFootpathElement(TileCoordsXYZ{ tilePos, trackElement->BaseHeight }.ToCoordsXYZ()); if (footpathElement == nullptr) continue; footpathElement->AsPath()->SetIsBlockedByVehicle(false); } } } } /** * Gets the origin track element (sequence 0). Seems to do more than that though and even invalidates track. * rct2: 0x006C683D * ax : x * bx : direction << 8, type * cx : y * dx : z * si : extra_params * di : output_element * bp : flags */ std::optional GetTrackElementOriginAndApplyChanges( const CoordsXYZD& location, track_type_t type, uint16_t extra_params, TileElement** output_element, uint16_t flags) { // Find the relevant track piece, prefer sequence 0 (this ensures correct behaviour for diagonal track pieces) auto trackElement = MapGetTrackElementAtOfTypeSeq(location, type, 0); if (trackElement == nullptr) { trackElement = MapGetTrackElementAtOfType(location, type); if (trackElement == nullptr) { return std::nullopt; } } // Possibly z should be & 0xF8 const auto& ted = GetTrackElementDescriptor(type); // Now find all the elements that belong to this track piece int32_t sequence = trackElement->GetSequenceIndex(); uint8_t mapDirection = trackElement->GetDirection(); const auto* trackBlock = ted.GetBlockForSequence(sequence); if (trackBlock == nullptr) return std::nullopt; CoordsXY offsets = { trackBlock->x, trackBlock->y }; CoordsXY newCoords = location; newCoords += offsets.Rotate(DirectionReverse(mapDirection)); auto retCoordsXYZ = CoordsXYZ{ newCoords.x, newCoords.y, location.z - trackBlock->z }; int32_t start_z = retCoordsXYZ.z; const auto block0 = ted.GetBlockForSequence(0); assert(block0 != nullptr); retCoordsXYZ.z += block0->z; for (int32_t i = 0; ted.Block[i].index != 0xFF; ++i) { CoordsXY cur = { retCoordsXYZ }; offsets = { ted.Block[i].x, ted.Block[i].y }; cur += offsets.Rotate(mapDirection); int32_t cur_z = start_z + ted.Block[i].z; MapInvalidateTileFull(cur); trackElement = MapGetTrackElementAtOfTypeSeq( { cur, cur_z, static_cast(location.direction) }, type, ted.Block[i].index); if (trackElement == nullptr) { return std::nullopt; } if (i == 0 && output_element != nullptr) { *output_element = reinterpret_cast(trackElement); } if (flags & TRACK_ELEMENT_SET_HIGHLIGHT_FALSE) { trackElement->SetHighlight(false); } if (flags & TRACK_ELEMENT_SET_HIGHLIGHT_TRUE) { trackElement->SetHighlight(true); } if (flags & TRACK_ELEMENT_SET_COLOUR_SCHEME) { trackElement->SetColourScheme(static_cast(extra_params & 0xFF)); } if (flags & TRACK_ELEMENT_SET_SEAT_ROTATION) { trackElement->SetSeatRotation(static_cast(extra_params & 0xFF)); } if (flags & TRACK_ELEMENT_SET_HAS_CABLE_LIFT_TRUE) { trackElement->SetHasCableLift(true); } if (flags & TRACK_ELEMENT_SET_HAS_CABLE_LIFT_FALSE) { trackElement->SetHasCableLift(false); } } return retCoordsXYZ; } void RideRestoreProvisionalTrackPiece() { if (_currentTrackSelectionFlags & TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_TRACK) { RideId rideIndex; int32_t direction, type, liftHillAndAlternativeState; CoordsXYZ trackPos; if (WindowRideConstructionUpdateState(&type, &direction, &rideIndex, &liftHillAndAlternativeState, &trackPos, nullptr)) { RideConstructionRemoveGhosts(); } else { _currentTrackPrice = PlaceProvisionalTrackPiece(rideIndex, type, direction, liftHillAndAlternativeState, trackPos); WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); } } } void RideRemoveProvisionalTrackPiece() { auto rideIndex = _currentRideIndex; auto ride = GetRide(rideIndex); if (ride == nullptr || !(_currentTrackSelectionFlags & TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_TRACK)) { return; } int32_t x = _unkF440C5.x; int32_t y = _unkF440C5.y; int32_t z = _unkF440C5.z; const auto& rtd = ride->GetRideTypeDescriptor(); if (rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_IS_MAZE)) { const int32_t flags = GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_ALLOW_DURING_PAUSED | GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NO_SPEND | GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_GHOST; const CoordsXYZD quadrants[NumOrthogonalDirections] = { { x, y, z, 0 }, { x, y + 16, z, 1 }, { x + 16, y + 16, z, 2 }, { x + 16, y, z, 3 }, }; for (const auto& quadrant : quadrants) { auto gameAction = MazeSetTrackAction(quadrant, false, rideIndex, GC_SET_MAZE_TRACK_FILL); gameAction.SetFlags(flags); auto res = GameActions::Execute(&gameAction); } } else { int32_t direction = _unkF440C5.direction; if (!(direction & 4)) { x -= CoordsDirectionDelta[direction].x; y -= CoordsDirectionDelta[direction].y; } CoordsXYE next_track; if (TrackBlockGetNextFromZero({ x, y, z }, *ride, direction, &next_track, &z, &direction, true)) { auto trackType = next_track.element->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); int32_t trackSequence = next_track.element->AsTrack()->GetSequenceIndex(); auto trackRemoveAction = TrackRemoveAction{ trackType, trackSequence, { next_track.x, next_track.y, z, static_cast(direction) } }; trackRemoveAction.SetFlags( GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_ALLOW_DURING_PAUSED | GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NO_SPEND | GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_GHOST); GameActions::Execute(&trackRemoveAction); } } } /** * * rct2: 0x006C96C0 */ void RideConstructionRemoveGhosts() { if (_currentTrackSelectionFlags & TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_ENTRANCE_OR_EXIT) { RideEntranceExitRemoveGhost(); _currentTrackSelectionFlags &= ~TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_ENTRANCE_OR_EXIT; } if (_currentTrackSelectionFlags & TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_TRACK) { RideRemoveProvisionalTrackPiece(); _currentTrackSelectionFlags &= ~TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_TRACK; } } /* * rct2: 0x006C9627 */ void RideConstructionInvalidateCurrentTrack() { switch (_rideConstructionState) { case RideConstructionState::Selected: GetTrackElementOriginAndApplyChanges( { _currentTrackBegin, static_cast(_currentTrackPieceDirection & 3) }, _currentTrackPieceType, 0, nullptr, TRACK_ELEMENT_SET_HIGHLIGHT_FALSE); break; case RideConstructionState::MazeBuild: case RideConstructionState::MazeMove: case RideConstructionState::MazeFill: case RideConstructionState::Front: case RideConstructionState::Back: if (_currentTrackSelectionFlags & TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_ARROW) { MapInvalidateTileFull(_currentTrackBegin.ToTileStart()); } RideConstructionRemoveGhosts(); break; case RideConstructionState::Place: case RideConstructionState::EntranceExit: default: if (_currentTrackSelectionFlags & TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_ARROW) { _currentTrackSelectionFlags &= ~TRACK_SELECTION_FLAG_ARROW; gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_ARROW; MapInvalidateTileFull(_currentTrackBegin); } RideConstructionRemoveGhosts(); break; } } /** * * rct2: 0x006C9B19 */ static void ride_construction_reset_current_piece() { auto ride = GetRide(_currentRideIndex); if (ride == nullptr) return; const auto& rtd = ride->GetRideTypeDescriptor(); if (!rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_NO_TRACK) || ride->num_stations == 0) { _currentTrackCurve = rtd.StartTrackPiece | RideConstructionSpecialPieceSelected; _currentTrackSlopeEnd = 0; _currentTrackBankEnd = 0; _currentTrackLiftHill = 0; _currentTrackAlternative = RIDE_TYPE_NO_ALTERNATIVES; if (rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_START_CONSTRUCTION_INVERTED)) { _currentTrackAlternative |= RIDE_TYPE_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE; } _previousTrackSlopeEnd = 0; _previousTrackBankEnd = 0; } else { _currentTrackCurve = TrackElemType::None; _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::State0; } } /** * * rct2: 0x006C9800 */ void RideConstructionSetDefaultNextPiece() { auto rideIndex = _currentRideIndex; auto ride = GetRide(rideIndex); if (ride == nullptr) return; const auto& rtd = ride->GetRideTypeDescriptor(); int32_t z, direction, trackType, curve, bank, slope; TrackBeginEnd trackBeginEnd; CoordsXYE xyElement; TileElement* tileElement; _currentTrackPrice = MONEY64_UNDEFINED; const TrackElementDescriptor* ted; switch (_rideConstructionState) { case RideConstructionState::Front: direction = _currentTrackPieceDirection; if (!TrackBlockGetPreviousFromZero(_currentTrackBegin, *ride, direction, &trackBeginEnd)) { ride_construction_reset_current_piece(); return; } tileElement = trackBeginEnd.begin_element; trackType = tileElement->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); if (ride->GetRideTypeDescriptor().HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_NO_TRACK)) { ride_construction_reset_current_piece(); return; } // Set whether track is covered _currentTrackAlternative &= ~RIDE_TYPE_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE; if (rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE)) { if (tileElement->AsTrack()->IsInverted()) { _currentTrackAlternative |= RIDE_TYPE_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE; } } ted = &GetTrackElementDescriptor(trackType); curve = ted->CurveChain.next; bank = ted->Definition.bank_end; slope = ted->Definition.vangle_end; // Set track curve _currentTrackCurve = curve; // Set track banking if (rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE)) { if (bank == TRACK_BANK_UPSIDE_DOWN) { bank = TRACK_BANK_NONE; _currentTrackAlternative ^= RIDE_TYPE_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE; } } _currentTrackBankEnd = bank; _previousTrackBankEnd = bank; // Set track slope and lift hill _currentTrackSlopeEnd = slope; _previousTrackSlopeEnd = slope; _currentTrackLiftHill = tileElement->AsTrack()->HasChain() && ((slope != TRACK_SLOPE_DOWN_25 && slope != TRACK_SLOPE_DOWN_60) || gCheatsEnableChainLiftOnAllTrack); break; case RideConstructionState::Back: direction = DirectionReverse(_currentTrackPieceDirection); if (!TrackBlockGetNextFromZero(_currentTrackBegin, *ride, direction, &xyElement, &z, &direction, false)) { ride_construction_reset_current_piece(); return; } tileElement = xyElement.element; trackType = tileElement->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); // Set whether track is covered _currentTrackAlternative &= ~RIDE_TYPE_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE; if (rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE)) { if (tileElement->AsTrack()->IsInverted()) { _currentTrackAlternative |= RIDE_TYPE_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE; } } ted = &GetTrackElementDescriptor(trackType); curve = ted->CurveChain.previous; bank = ted->Definition.bank_start; slope = ted->Definition.vangle_start; // Set track curve _currentTrackCurve = curve; // Set track banking if (rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE)) { if (bank == TRACK_BANK_UPSIDE_DOWN) { bank = TRACK_BANK_NONE; _currentTrackAlternative ^= RIDE_TYPE_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE; } } _currentTrackBankEnd = bank; _previousTrackBankEnd = bank; // Set track slope and lift hill _currentTrackSlopeEnd = slope; _previousTrackSlopeEnd = slope; if (!gCheatsEnableChainLiftOnAllTrack) { _currentTrackLiftHill = tileElement->AsTrack()->HasChain(); } break; default: break; } } /** * * rct2: 0x006C9296 */ void RideSelectNextSection() { if (_rideConstructionState == RideConstructionState::Selected) { RideConstructionInvalidateCurrentTrack(); int32_t direction = _currentTrackPieceDirection; int32_t type = _currentTrackPieceType; TileElement* tileElement; auto newCoords = GetTrackElementOriginAndApplyChanges( { _currentTrackBegin, static_cast(direction & 3) }, type, 0, &tileElement, 0); if (!newCoords.has_value()) { _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::State0; WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); return; } // Invalidate previous track piece (we may not be changing height!) VirtualFloorInvalidate(); CoordsXYE inputElement, outputElement; inputElement.x = newCoords->x; inputElement.y = newCoords->y; inputElement.element = tileElement; if (TrackBlockGetNext(&inputElement, &outputElement, &newCoords->z, &direction)) { newCoords->x = outputElement.x; newCoords->y = outputElement.y; tileElement = outputElement.element; if (!SceneryToolIsActive()) { // Set next element's height. VirtualFloorSetHeight(tileElement->GetBaseZ()); } _currentTrackBegin = *newCoords; _currentTrackPieceDirection = tileElement->GetDirection(); _currentTrackPieceType = tileElement->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); } else { _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::Front; _currentTrackBegin = { outputElement, newCoords->z }; _currentTrackPieceDirection = direction; _currentTrackPieceType = tileElement->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; RideConstructionSetDefaultNextPiece(); WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); } } else if (_rideConstructionState == RideConstructionState::Back) { gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_ARROW; if (RideSelectForwardsFromBack()) { WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); } } } /** * * rct2: 0x006C93B8 */ void RideSelectPreviousSection() { if (_rideConstructionState == RideConstructionState::Selected) { RideConstructionInvalidateCurrentTrack(); int32_t direction = _currentTrackPieceDirection; int32_t type = _currentTrackPieceType; TileElement* tileElement; auto newCoords = GetTrackElementOriginAndApplyChanges( { _currentTrackBegin, static_cast(direction & 3) }, type, 0, &tileElement, 0); if (newCoords == std::nullopt) { _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::State0; WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); return; } // Invalidate previous track piece (we may not be changing height!) VirtualFloorInvalidate(); TrackBeginEnd trackBeginEnd; if (TrackBlockGetPrevious({ *newCoords, tileElement }, &trackBeginEnd)) { _currentTrackBegin.x = trackBeginEnd.begin_x; _currentTrackBegin.y = trackBeginEnd.begin_y; _currentTrackBegin.z = trackBeginEnd.begin_z; _currentTrackPieceDirection = trackBeginEnd.begin_direction; _currentTrackPieceType = trackBeginEnd.begin_element->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; if (!SceneryToolIsActive()) { // Set previous element's height. VirtualFloorSetHeight(trackBeginEnd.begin_element->GetBaseZ()); } WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); } else { _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::Back; _currentTrackBegin.x = trackBeginEnd.end_x; _currentTrackBegin.y = trackBeginEnd.end_y; _currentTrackBegin.z = trackBeginEnd.begin_z; _currentTrackPieceDirection = trackBeginEnd.end_direction; _currentTrackPieceType = tileElement->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; RideConstructionSetDefaultNextPiece(); WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); } } else if (_rideConstructionState == RideConstructionState::Front) { gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_ARROW; if (RideSelectBackwardsFromFront()) { WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); } } } /** * * rct2: 0x006CC2CA */ static bool ride_modify_entrance_or_exit(const CoordsXYE& tileElement) { if (tileElement.element == nullptr) return false; auto entranceElement = tileElement.element->AsEntrance(); if (entranceElement == nullptr) return false; auto rideIndex = entranceElement->GetRideIndex(); auto ride = GetRide(rideIndex); if (ride == nullptr) return false; auto entranceType = entranceElement->GetEntranceType(); if (entranceType != ENTRANCE_TYPE_RIDE_ENTRANCE && entranceType != ENTRANCE_TYPE_RIDE_EXIT) return false; auto stationIndex = entranceElement->GetStationIndex(); // Get or create construction window for ride auto constructionWindow = WindowFindByClass(WindowClass::RideConstruction); if (constructionWindow == nullptr) { if (!RideInitialiseConstructionWindow(*ride)) return false; constructionWindow = WindowFindByClass(WindowClass::RideConstruction); if (constructionWindow == nullptr) return false; } RideConstructionInvalidateCurrentTrack(); if (_rideConstructionState != RideConstructionState::EntranceExit || !(InputTestFlag(INPUT_FLAG_TOOL_ACTIVE)) || gCurrentToolWidget.window_classification != WindowClass::RideConstruction) { // Replace entrance / exit ToolSet( *constructionWindow, entranceType == ENTRANCE_TYPE_RIDE_ENTRANCE ? WC_RIDE_CONSTRUCTION__WIDX_ENTRANCE : WC_RIDE_CONSTRUCTION__WIDX_EXIT, Tool::Crosshair); gRideEntranceExitPlaceType = entranceType; gRideEntranceExitPlaceRideIndex = rideIndex; gRideEntranceExitPlaceStationIndex = stationIndex; InputSetFlag(INPUT_FLAG_6, true); if (_rideConstructionState != RideConstructionState::EntranceExit) { gRideEntranceExitPlacePreviousRideConstructionState = _rideConstructionState; _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::EntranceExit; } WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_CONSTRUCT; } else { // Remove entrance / exit auto rideEntranceExitRemove = RideEntranceExitRemoveAction( { tileElement.x, tileElement.y }, rideIndex, stationIndex, entranceType == ENTRANCE_TYPE_RIDE_EXIT); rideEntranceExitRemove.SetCallback([=](const GameAction* ga, const GameActions::Result* result) { gCurrentToolWidget.widget_index = entranceType == ENTRANCE_TYPE_RIDE_ENTRANCE ? WC_RIDE_CONSTRUCTION__WIDX_ENTRANCE : WC_RIDE_CONSTRUCTION__WIDX_EXIT; gRideEntranceExitPlaceType = entranceType; WindowInvalidateByClass(WindowClass::RideConstruction); }); GameActions::Execute(&rideEntranceExitRemove); } WindowInvalidateByClass(WindowClass::RideConstruction); return true; } /** * * rct2: 0x006CC287 */ static bool ride_modify_maze(const CoordsXYE& tileElement) { if (tileElement.element != nullptr) { auto trackElement = tileElement.element->AsTrack(); if (trackElement != nullptr) { _currentRideIndex = trackElement->GetRideIndex(); _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::MazeBuild; _currentTrackBegin.x = tileElement.x; _currentTrackBegin.y = tileElement.y; _currentTrackBegin.z = trackElement->GetBaseZ(); _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; _rideConstructionNextArrowPulse = 0; gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_ARROW; auto intent = Intent(INTENT_ACTION_UPDATE_MAZE_CONSTRUCTION); ContextBroadcastIntent(&intent); return true; } } return false; } /** * * rct2: 0x006CC056 */ bool RideModify(const CoordsXYE& input) { auto tileElement = input; if (tileElement.element == nullptr) return false; auto rideIndex = tileElement.element->GetRideIndex(); auto ride = GetRide(rideIndex); if (ride == nullptr) { return false; } auto rideEntry = ride->GetRideEntry(); if (rideEntry == nullptr || !ride_check_if_construction_allowed(*ride)) return false; if (ride->lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_INDESTRUCTIBLE) { Formatter ft; ride->FormatNameTo(ft); ContextShowError( STR_CANT_START_CONSTRUCTION_ON, STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_FORBIDS_DEMOLITION_OR_MODIFICATIONS_TO_THIS_RIDE, ft); return false; } // Stop the ride again to clear all vehicles and peeps (compatible with network games) if (ride->status != RideStatus::Simulating) { auto gameAction = RideSetStatusAction(ride->id, RideStatus::Closed); GameActions::Execute(&gameAction); } // Check if element is a station entrance or exit if (tileElement.element->GetType() == TileElementType::Entrance) return ride_modify_entrance_or_exit(tileElement); ride_create_or_find_construction_window(rideIndex); const auto& rtd = ride->GetRideTypeDescriptor(); if (rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_IS_MAZE)) { return ride_modify_maze(tileElement); } if (ride->GetRideTypeDescriptor().HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_CANNOT_HAVE_GAPS)) { CoordsXYE endOfTrackElement{}; if (ride->FindTrackGap(tileElement, &endOfTrackElement)) tileElement = endOfTrackElement; } if (tileElement.element == nullptr || tileElement.element->GetType() != TileElementType::Track) return false; auto tileCoords = CoordsXYZ{ tileElement, tileElement.element->GetBaseZ() }; auto direction = tileElement.element->GetDirection(); auto type = tileElement.element->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); auto newCoords = GetTrackElementOriginAndApplyChanges({ tileCoords, direction }, type, 0, nullptr, 0); if (!newCoords.has_value()) return false; _currentRideIndex = rideIndex; _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::Selected; _currentTrackBegin = newCoords.value(); _currentTrackPieceDirection = direction; _currentTrackPieceType = type; _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; _rideConstructionNextArrowPulse = 0; gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE_ARROW; if (ride->GetRideTypeDescriptor().HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_NO_TRACK)) { WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); return true; } RideSelectNextSection(); if (_rideConstructionState == RideConstructionState::Front) { WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); return true; } _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::Selected; _currentTrackBegin = *newCoords; _currentTrackPieceDirection = direction; _currentTrackPieceType = type; _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; RideSelectPreviousSection(); if (_rideConstructionState != RideConstructionState::Back) { _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::Selected; _currentTrackBegin = *newCoords; _currentTrackPieceDirection = direction; _currentTrackPieceType = type; _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; } WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); return true; } /** * * rct2: 0x006CC3FB */ int32_t RideInitialiseConstructionWindow(Ride& ride) { WindowBase* w; ToolCancel(); if (!ride_check_if_construction_allowed(ride)) return 0; RideClearForConstruction(ride); ride.RemovePeeps(); w = ride_create_or_find_construction_window(ride.id); ToolSet(*w, WC_RIDE_CONSTRUCTION__WIDX_CONSTRUCT, Tool::Crosshair); InputSetFlag(INPUT_FLAG_6, true); _currentTrackCurve = ride.GetRideTypeDescriptor().StartTrackPiece | RideConstructionSpecialPieceSelected; _currentTrackSlopeEnd = 0; _currentTrackBankEnd = 0; _currentTrackLiftHill = 0; _currentTrackAlternative = RIDE_TYPE_NO_ALTERNATIVES; if (ride.GetRideTypeDescriptor().HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_START_CONSTRUCTION_INVERTED)) _currentTrackAlternative |= RIDE_TYPE_ALTERNATIVE_TRACK_TYPE; _previousTrackBankEnd = 0; _previousTrackSlopeEnd = 0; _currentTrackPieceDirection = 0; _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::Place; _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; WindowRideConstructionUpdateActiveElements(); return 1; } /** * * rct2: 0x006CB7FB */ money64 RideGetRefundPrice(const Ride& ride) { CoordsXYE trackElement; money64 cost = 0; if (!RideTryGetOriginElement(ride, &trackElement)) { return 0; // Ride has no track to refund } // Find the start in case it is not a complete circuit RideGetStartOfTrack(&trackElement); uint8_t direction = trackElement.element->GetDirection(); // Used in the following loop to know when we have // completed all of the elements and are back at the // start. TileElement* initial_map = trackElement.element; CoordsXYE slowIt = trackElement; bool moveSlowIt = true; do { auto trackRemoveAction = TrackRemoveAction( trackElement.element->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(), trackElement.element->AsTrack()->GetSequenceIndex(), { trackElement.x, trackElement.y, trackElement.element->GetBaseZ(), direction }); trackRemoveAction.SetFlags(GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_ALLOW_DURING_PAUSED); auto res = GameActions::Query(&trackRemoveAction); cost += res.Cost; if (!TrackBlockGetNext(&trackElement, &trackElement, nullptr, nullptr)) { break; } moveSlowIt = !moveSlowIt; if (moveSlowIt) { if (!TrackBlockGetNext(&slowIt, &slowIt, nullptr, nullptr) || slowIt.element == trackElement.element) { break; } } direction = trackElement.element->GetDirection(); } while (trackElement.element != initial_map); return cost; } money64 SetOperatingSetting(RideId rideId, RideSetSetting setting, uint8_t value) { auto rideSetSetting = RideSetSettingAction(rideId, setting, value); auto res = GameActions::Execute(&rideSetSetting); return res.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok ? 0 : MONEY64_UNDEFINED; } money64 SetOperatingSettingNested(RideId rideId, RideSetSetting setting, uint8_t value, uint8_t flags) { auto rideSetSetting = RideSetSettingAction(rideId, setting, value); rideSetSetting.SetFlags(flags); auto res = flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_APPLY ? GameActions::ExecuteNested(&rideSetSetting) : GameActions::QueryNested(&rideSetSetting); return res.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok ? 0 : MONEY64_UNDEFINED; } /** * * rct2: 0x006CCF70 */ CoordsXYZD RideGetEntranceOrExitPositionFromScreenPosition(const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { CoordsXYZD entranceExitCoords{}; gRideEntranceExitPlaceDirection = INVALID_DIRECTION; // determine if the mouse is hovering over a station - that's the station to add the entrance to auto info = GetMapCoordinatesFromPos(screenCoords, EnumsToFlags(ViewportInteractionItem::Ride)); if (info.SpriteType != ViewportInteractionItem::None) { if (info.Element->GetType() == TileElementType::Track) { const auto* trackElement = info.Element->AsTrack(); if (trackElement->GetRideIndex() == gRideEntranceExitPlaceRideIndex) { const auto& ted = GetTrackElementDescriptor(trackElement->GetTrackType()); if (std::get<0>(ted.SequenceProperties) & TRACK_SEQUENCE_FLAG_ORIGIN) { if (trackElement->GetTrackType() == TrackElemType::Maze) { gRideEntranceExitPlaceStationIndex = StationIndex::FromUnderlying(0); } else { gRideEntranceExitPlaceStationIndex = trackElement->GetStationIndex(); } } } } } auto ride = GetRide(gRideEntranceExitPlaceRideIndex); if (ride == nullptr) { entranceExitCoords.SetNull(); return entranceExitCoords; } auto stationBaseZ = ride->GetStation(gRideEntranceExitPlaceStationIndex).GetBaseZ(); auto coordsAtHeight = ScreenGetMapXYWithZ(screenCoords, stationBaseZ); if (!coordsAtHeight.has_value()) { entranceExitCoords.SetNull(); return entranceExitCoords; } entranceExitCoords = { coordsAtHeight->ToTileStart(), stationBaseZ, INVALID_DIRECTION }; if (ride->type == RIDE_TYPE_NULL) { entranceExitCoords.SetNull(); return entranceExitCoords; } auto stationStart = ride->GetStation(gRideEntranceExitPlaceStationIndex).Start; if (stationStart.IsNull()) { entranceExitCoords.SetNull(); return entranceExitCoords; } // find the quadrant the mouse is hovering over - that's the direction to start searching for a station TileElement Direction startDirection = 0; auto mapX = (coordsAtHeight->x & 0x1F) - 16; auto mapY = (coordsAtHeight->y & 0x1F) - 16; if (std::abs(mapX) < std::abs(mapY)) { startDirection = mapY < 0 ? 3 : 1; } else { startDirection = mapX < 0 ? 0 : 2; } // check all 4 directions, starting with the mouse's quadrant for (uint8_t directionIncrement = 0; directionIncrement < 4; directionIncrement++) { entranceExitCoords.direction = (startDirection + directionIncrement) & 3; // search for TrackElement one tile over, shifted in the search direction auto nextLocation = entranceExitCoords; nextLocation += CoordsDirectionDelta[entranceExitCoords.direction]; if (MapIsLocationValid(nextLocation)) { // iterate over every element in the tile until we find what we want auto* tileElement = MapGetFirstElementAt(nextLocation); if (tileElement == nullptr) continue; do { if (tileElement->GetType() != TileElementType::Track) continue; if (tileElement->GetBaseZ() != stationBaseZ) continue; auto* trackElement = tileElement->AsTrack(); if (trackElement->GetRideIndex() != gRideEntranceExitPlaceRideIndex) continue; if (trackElement->GetTrackType() == TrackElemType::Maze) { // if it's a maze, it can place the entrance and exit immediately entranceExitCoords.direction = DirectionReverse(entranceExitCoords.direction); gRideEntranceExitPlaceDirection = entranceExitCoords.direction; return entranceExitCoords; } // if it's not a maze, the sequence properties for the TrackElement must be found to determine if an // entrance can be placed on that side gRideEntranceExitPlaceStationIndex = trackElement->GetStationIndex(); // get the ride entrance's side relative to the TrackElement Direction direction = (DirectionReverse(entranceExitCoords.direction) - tileElement->GetDirection()) & 3; const auto& ted = GetTrackElementDescriptor(trackElement->GetTrackType()); if (ted.SequenceProperties[trackElement->GetSequenceIndex()] & (1 << direction)) { // if that side of the TrackElement supports stations, the ride entrance is valid and faces away from // the station entranceExitCoords.direction = DirectionReverse(entranceExitCoords.direction); gRideEntranceExitPlaceDirection = entranceExitCoords.direction; return entranceExitCoords; } } while (!(tileElement++)->IsLastForTile()); } } gRideEntranceExitPlaceDirection = INVALID_DIRECTION; return entranceExitCoords; } /** * * rct2: 0x006CB945 */ void Ride::ValidateStations() { const TrackElementDescriptor* ted; const auto& rtd = GetRideTypeDescriptor(); if (!rtd.HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_IS_MAZE)) { // find the stations of the ride to begin stepping over track elements from for (const auto& station : stations) { if (station.Start.IsNull()) continue; CoordsXYZ location = station.GetStart(); uint8_t direction = INVALID_DIRECTION; bool specialTrack = false; TileElement* tileElement = nullptr; while (true) { // search backwards for the previous station TrackElement (only if the first station TrackElement is found) if (direction != INVALID_DIRECTION) { location.x -= CoordsDirectionDelta[direction].x; location.y -= CoordsDirectionDelta[direction].y; } tileElement = MapGetFirstElementAt(location); if (tileElement == nullptr) break; // find the target TrackElement on the tile it's supposed to appear on bool trackFound = false; do { if (tileElement->GetBaseZ() != location.z) continue; if (tileElement->GetType() != TileElementType::Track) continue; if (tileElement->AsTrack()->GetRideIndex() != id) continue; if (tileElement->AsTrack()->GetSequenceIndex() != 0) continue; ted = &GetTrackElementDescriptor(tileElement->AsTrack()->GetTrackType()); // keep searching for a station piece (coaster station, tower ride base, shops, and flat ride base) if (!(std::get<0>(ted->SequenceProperties) & TRACK_SEQUENCE_FLAG_ORIGIN)) continue; trackFound = true; break; } while (!(tileElement++)->IsLastForTile()); if (!trackFound) { break; } // update the StationIndex, get the TrackElement's rotation tileElement->AsTrack()->SetStationIndex(GetStationIndex(&station)); direction = tileElement->GetDirection(); // In the future this could look at the TED and see if the station has a sequence longer than 1 // tower ride, flat ride, shop if (GetRideTypeDescriptor().HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_SINGLE_PIECE_STATION)) { // if the track has multiple sequences, stop looking for the next one. specialTrack = true; break; } } // if the track piece is not a tower ride, flat ride, or shop, continue to the next StationIndex if (!specialTrack) { continue; } // update all the blocks with StationIndex ted = &GetTrackElementDescriptor(tileElement->AsTrack()->GetTrackType()); const PreviewTrack* trackBlock = ted->Block; while ((++trackBlock)->index != 0xFF) { CoordsXYZ blockLocation = location + CoordsXYZ{ CoordsXY{ trackBlock->x, trackBlock->y }.Rotate(direction), 0 }; bool trackFound = false; tileElement = MapGetFirstElementAt(blockLocation); if (tileElement == nullptr) break; // find the target TrackElement on the tile it's supposed to appear on do { if (blockLocation.z != tileElement->GetBaseZ()) continue; if (tileElement->GetType() != TileElementType::Track) continue; ted = &GetTrackElementDescriptor(tileElement->AsTrack()->GetTrackType()); if (!(std::get<0>(ted->SequenceProperties) & TRACK_SEQUENCE_FLAG_ORIGIN)) continue; trackFound = true; break; } while (!(tileElement++)->IsLastForTile()); if (!trackFound) { // Critical error! Stop trying to find the next sequence to set StationIndex. break; } tileElement->AsTrack()->SetStationIndex(GetStationIndex(&station)); } } } // determine what entrances and exits exist FixedVector locations; for (auto& station : stations) { if (!station.Entrance.IsNull()) { locations.push_back(station.Entrance); station.Entrance.SetNull(); } if (!station.Exit.IsNull()) { locations.push_back(station.Exit); station.Exit.SetNull(); } } auto locationListIter = locations.cbegin(); for (const TileCoordsXYZD& locationCoords : locations) { auto locationList = ++locationListIter; // determine if there's another ride entrance at this location later in the array // if there is, skip it. The last ride entrance in the array at the location is not skipped bool duplicateLocation = false; while (locationList != locations.cend()) { const TileCoordsXYZD& locationCoords2 = *locationList++; if (locationCoords.x == locationCoords2.x && locationCoords.y == locationCoords2.y && locationCoords.z == locationCoords2.z) { duplicateLocation = true; break; } } if (duplicateLocation) { // if it's a duplicate continue to the next ride entrance continue; } // if it's not a duplicate location CoordsXY location = locationCoords.ToCoordsXY(); TileElement* tileElement = MapGetFirstElementAt(location); if (tileElement == nullptr) continue; do { if (tileElement->GetType() != TileElementType::Entrance) continue; if (tileElement->BaseHeight != locationCoords.z) continue; if (tileElement->AsEntrance()->GetRideIndex() != id) continue; // if it's a park entrance continue to the next tile element if (tileElement->AsEntrance()->GetEntranceType() > ENTRANCE_TYPE_RIDE_EXIT) continue; // find the station that's connected to this ride entrance CoordsXY nextLocation = location; nextLocation.x += CoordsDirectionDelta[tileElement->GetDirection()].x; nextLocation.y += CoordsDirectionDelta[tileElement->GetDirection()].y; // if there's no connected station, remove the ride entrance (see below) bool shouldRemove = true; TileElement* trackElement = MapGetFirstElementAt(nextLocation); if (trackElement == nullptr) continue; do { if (trackElement->GetType() != TileElementType::Track) continue; if (trackElement->AsTrack()->GetRideIndex() != id) continue; if (trackElement->BaseHeight != tileElement->BaseHeight) continue; auto trackType = trackElement->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); // get the StationIndex for the station StationIndex stationId = StationIndex::FromUnderlying(0); if (trackType != TrackElemType::Maze) { uint8_t trackSequence = trackElement->AsTrack()->GetSequenceIndex(); // determine where the ride entrance is relative to the station track Direction direction = (tileElement->GetDirection() - DirectionReverse(trackElement->GetDirection())) & 3; // if the ride entrance is not on a valid side, remove it ted = &GetTrackElementDescriptor(trackType); if (!(ted->SequenceProperties[trackSequence] & (1 << direction))) { continue; } stationId = trackElement->AsTrack()->GetStationIndex(); } auto& station = GetStation(stationId); if (tileElement->AsEntrance()->GetEntranceType() == ENTRANCE_TYPE_RIDE_EXIT) { // if the location is already set for this station, big problem! if (!station.Exit.IsNull()) break; // set the station's exit location to this one CoordsXYZD loc = { location, station.GetBaseZ(), tileElement->GetDirection() }; station.Exit = TileCoordsXYZD{ loc }; } else { // if the location is already set for this station, big problem! if (!station.Entrance.IsNull()) break; // set the station's entrance location to this one CoordsXYZD loc = { location, station.GetBaseZ(), tileElement->GetDirection() }; station.Entrance = TileCoordsXYZD{ loc }; } // set the entrance's StationIndex as this station tileElement->AsEntrance()->SetStationIndex(stationId); shouldRemove = false; } while (!(trackElement++)->IsLastForTile()); // remove the ride entrance and clean up if necessary if (shouldRemove) { FootpathQueueChainReset(); MazeEntranceHedgeReplacement({ location, tileElement }); FootpathRemoveEdgesAt(location, tileElement); FootpathUpdateQueueChains(); MapInvalidateTileFull(location); TileElementRemove(tileElement); tileElement--; } } while (!(tileElement++)->IsLastForTile()); } } bool RideSelectBackwardsFromFront() { auto ride = GetRide(_currentRideIndex); if (ride != nullptr) { RideConstructionInvalidateCurrentTrack(); TrackBeginEnd trackBeginEnd; if (TrackBlockGetPreviousFromZero(_currentTrackBegin, *ride, _currentTrackPieceDirection, &trackBeginEnd)) { _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::Selected; _currentTrackBegin.x = trackBeginEnd.begin_x; _currentTrackBegin.y = trackBeginEnd.begin_y; _currentTrackBegin.z = trackBeginEnd.begin_z; _currentTrackPieceDirection = trackBeginEnd.begin_direction; _currentTrackPieceType = trackBeginEnd.begin_element->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; return true; } } return false; } bool RideSelectForwardsFromBack() { auto ride = GetRide(_currentRideIndex); if (ride != nullptr) { RideConstructionInvalidateCurrentTrack(); int32_t z = _currentTrackBegin.z; int32_t direction = DirectionReverse(_currentTrackPieceDirection); CoordsXYE next_track; if (TrackBlockGetNextFromZero(_currentTrackBegin, *ride, direction, &next_track, &z, &direction, false)) { _rideConstructionState = RideConstructionState::Selected; _currentTrackBegin.x = next_track.x; _currentTrackBegin.y = next_track.y; _currentTrackBegin.z = z; _currentTrackPieceDirection = next_track.element->GetDirection(); _currentTrackPieceType = next_track.element->AsTrack()->GetTrackType(); _currentTrackSelectionFlags = 0; return true; } } return false; } /** * * rct2: 0x006B58EF */ ResultWithMessage RideAreAllPossibleEntrancesAndExitsBuilt(const Ride& ride) { if (ride.GetRideTypeDescriptor().HasFlag(RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_IS_SHOP_OR_FACILITY)) return { true }; for (auto& station : ride.GetStations()) { if (station.Start.IsNull()) { continue; } if (station.Entrance.IsNull()) { return { false, STR_ENTRANCE_NOT_YET_BUILT }; } if (station.Exit.IsNull()) { return { false, STR_EXIT_NOT_YET_BUILT }; } } return { true }; }