/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2019 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // clang-format off enum WINDOW_GUEST_PAGE { WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW, WINDOW_GUEST_STATS, WINDOW_GUEST_RIDES, WINDOW_GUEST_FINANCE, WINDOW_GUEST_THOUGHTS, WINDOW_GUEST_INVENTORY, WINDOW_GUEST_DEBUG }; enum WINDOW_GUEST_WIDGET_IDX { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TAB_1, WIDX_TAB_2, WIDX_TAB_3, WIDX_TAB_4, WIDX_TAB_5, WIDX_TAB_6, WIDX_TAB_7, WIDX_MARQUEE = 11, WIDX_VIEWPORT, WIDX_ACTION_LBL, WIDX_PICKUP, WIDX_RENAME, WIDX_LOCATE, WIDX_TRACK, WIDX_RIDE_SCROLL = 11 }; validate_global_widx(WC_PEEP, WIDX_PICKUP); static constexpr int32_t TabWidth = 30; #define MAIN_GUEST_WIDGETS \ { WWT_FRAME, 0, 0, 191, 0, 156, 0xFFFFFFFF, STR_NONE }, /* Panel / Background */ \ { WWT_CAPTION, 0, 1, 190, 1, 14, STR_STRINGID, STR_WINDOW_TITLE_TIP }, /* Title */ \ { WWT_CLOSEBOX, 0, 179, 189, 2, 13, STR_CLOSE_X, STR_CLOSE_WINDOW_TIP }, /* Close x button */ \ { WWT_RESIZE, 1, 0, 191, 43, 156, 0xFFFFFFFF, STR_NONE }, /* Resize */ \ { WWT_TAB, 1, 3, TabWidth + 3, 17, 43, IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | SPR_TAB, STR_SHOW_GUEST_VIEW_TIP }, /* Tab 1 */ \ { WWT_TAB, 1, 34, TabWidth + 34, 17, 43, IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | SPR_TAB, STR_SHOW_GUEST_NEEDS_TIP }, /* Tab 2 */ \ { WWT_TAB, 1, 65, TabWidth + 65, 17, 43, IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | SPR_TAB, STR_SHOW_GUEST_VISITED_RIDES_TIP }, /* Tab 3 */ \ { WWT_TAB, 1, 96, TabWidth + 96, 17, 43, IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | SPR_TAB, STR_SHOW_GUEST_FINANCE_TIP }, /* Tab 4 */ \ { WWT_TAB, 1, 127, TabWidth + 127, 17, 43, IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | SPR_TAB, STR_SHOW_GUEST_THOUGHTS_TIP }, /* Tab 5 */ \ { WWT_TAB, 1, 158, TabWidth + 158, 17, 43, IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | SPR_TAB, STR_SHOW_GUEST_ITEMS_TIP }, /* Tab 6 */ \ { WWT_TAB, 1, 189, TabWidth + 189, 17, 43, IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | SPR_TAB, STR_DEBUG_TIP } /* Tab 7 */ static rct_widget window_guest_overview_widgets[] = { MAIN_GUEST_WIDGETS, { WWT_LABEL_CENTRED, 1, 3, 166, 45, 56, 0xFFFFFFFF, STR_NONE }, // Label Thought marquee { WWT_VIEWPORT, 1, 3, 166, 57, 143, 0xFFFFFFFF, STR_NONE }, // Viewport { WWT_LABEL_CENTRED, 1, 3, 166, 144, 154, 0xFFFFFFFF, STR_NONE }, // Label Action { WWT_FLATBTN, 1, 167, 190, 45, 68, SPR_PICKUP_BTN, STR_PICKUP_TIP }, // Pickup Button { WWT_FLATBTN, 1, 167, 190, 69, 92, SPR_RENAME, STR_NAME_GUEST_TIP }, // Rename Button { WWT_FLATBTN, 1, 167, 190, 93, 116, SPR_LOCATE, STR_LOCATE_SUBJECT_TIP }, // Locate Button { WWT_FLATBTN, 1, 167, 190, 117, 140, SPR_TRACK_PEEP, STR_TOGGLE_GUEST_TRACKING_TIP }, // Track Button { WIDGETS_END }, }; static rct_widget window_guest_stats_widgets[] = { MAIN_GUEST_WIDGETS, { WIDGETS_END }, }; static rct_widget window_guest_rides_widgets[] = { MAIN_GUEST_WIDGETS, { WWT_SCROLL, 1, 3, 188, 57, 143, SCROLL_VERTICAL, STR_NONE }, { WIDGETS_END }, }; static rct_widget window_guest_finance_widgets[] = { MAIN_GUEST_WIDGETS, { WIDGETS_END }, }; static rct_widget window_guest_thoughts_widgets[] = { MAIN_GUEST_WIDGETS, { WIDGETS_END }, }; static rct_widget window_guest_inventory_widgets[] = { MAIN_GUEST_WIDGETS, { WIDGETS_END }, }; static rct_widget window_guest_debug_widgets[] = { MAIN_GUEST_WIDGETS, { WIDGETS_END }, }; // 0x981D0C static rct_widget *window_guest_page_widgets[] = { window_guest_overview_widgets, window_guest_stats_widgets, window_guest_rides_widgets, window_guest_finance_widgets, window_guest_thoughts_widgets, window_guest_inventory_widgets, window_guest_debug_widgets }; static void window_guest_set_page(rct_window* w, int32_t page); static void window_guest_disable_widgets(rct_window* w); static void window_guest_viewport_init(rct_window* w); static void window_guest_common_resize(rct_window* w); static void window_guest_common_invalidate(rct_window* w); static void window_guest_overview_close(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_overview_resize(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_overview_mouse_up(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex); static void window_guest_overview_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi); static void window_guest_overview_invalidate(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_overview_viewport_rotate(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_overview_update(rct_window* w); static void window_guest_overview_text_input(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, char *text); static void window_guest_overview_tool_update(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); static void window_guest_overview_tool_down(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); static void window_guest_overview_tool_abort(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex); static void window_guest_mouse_up(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex); static void window_guest_stats_update(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_stats_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi); static void window_guest_rides_update(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_rides_scroll_get_size(rct_window *w, int32_t scrollIndex, int32_t *width, int32_t *height); static void window_guest_rides_scroll_mouse_down(rct_window *w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); static void window_guest_rides_scroll_mouse_over(rct_window *w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); static void window_guest_rides_invalidate(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_rides_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi); static void window_guest_rides_scroll_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, int32_t scrollIndex); static void window_guest_finance_update(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_finance_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi); static void window_guest_thoughts_update(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_thoughts_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi); static void window_guest_inventory_update(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_inventory_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi); static void window_guest_debug_update(rct_window *w); static void window_guest_debug_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi); static rct_window_event_list window_guest_overview_events = { window_guest_overview_close, window_guest_overview_mouse_up, window_guest_overview_resize, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_overview_update, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_overview_tool_update, window_guest_overview_tool_down, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_overview_tool_abort, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_overview_text_input, window_guest_overview_viewport_rotate, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_overview_invalidate, window_guest_overview_paint, nullptr }; static rct_window_event_list window_guest_stats_events = { nullptr, window_guest_mouse_up, window_guest_common_resize, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_stats_update, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_common_invalidate, window_guest_stats_paint, nullptr }; static rct_window_event_list window_guest_rides_events = { nullptr, window_guest_mouse_up, window_guest_common_resize, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_rides_update, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_rides_scroll_get_size, window_guest_rides_scroll_mouse_down, nullptr, window_guest_rides_scroll_mouse_over, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_rides_invalidate, window_guest_rides_paint, window_guest_rides_scroll_paint }; static rct_window_event_list window_guest_finance_events = { nullptr, window_guest_mouse_up, window_guest_common_resize, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_finance_update, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_common_invalidate, window_guest_finance_paint, nullptr }; static rct_window_event_list window_guest_thoughts_events = { nullptr, window_guest_mouse_up, window_guest_common_resize, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_thoughts_update, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_common_invalidate, window_guest_thoughts_paint, nullptr }; static rct_window_event_list window_guest_inventory_events = { nullptr, window_guest_mouse_up, window_guest_common_resize, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_inventory_update, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_common_invalidate, window_guest_inventory_paint, nullptr }; static rct_window_event_list window_guest_debug_events = { nullptr, window_guest_mouse_up, window_guest_common_resize, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_debug_update, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, window_guest_common_invalidate, window_guest_debug_paint, nullptr }; // 0x981D24 static rct_window_event_list *window_guest_page_events[] = { &window_guest_overview_events, &window_guest_stats_events, &window_guest_rides_events, &window_guest_finance_events, &window_guest_thoughts_events, &window_guest_inventory_events, &window_guest_debug_events }; void window_guest_set_colours(); // 0x981D3C static constexpr const uint32_t window_guest_page_enabled_widgets[] = { (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_3) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_4) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_5) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_6) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_7) | (1 << WIDX_RENAME)| (1 << WIDX_PICKUP)| (1 << WIDX_LOCATE)| (1 << WIDX_TRACK), (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_3) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_4) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_5) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_6) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_7), (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_3) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_4) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_5) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_6) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_7) | (1 << WIDX_RIDE_SCROLL), (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_3) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_4) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_5) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_6) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_7), (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_3) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_4) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_5) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_6) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_7), (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_3) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_4) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_5) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_6) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_7), (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_1) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_2) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_3) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_4) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_5) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_6) | (1 << WIDX_TAB_7) }; static constexpr const rct_size16 window_guest_page_sizes[][2] = { { 192, 159, 500, 450 }, // WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW { 192, 180, 192, 180 }, // WINDOW_GUEST_STATS { 192, 180, 500, 400 }, // WINDOW_GUEST_RIDES { 210, 148, 210, 148 }, // WINDOW_GUEST_FINANCE { 192, 159, 500, 450 }, // WINDOW_GUEST_THOUGHTS { 192, 159, 500, 450 }, // WINDOW_GUEST_INVENTORY { 192, 159, 192, 171 } // WINDOW_GUEST_DEBUG }; // clang-format on /** * * rct2: 0x006989E9 * */ rct_window* window_guest_open(Peep* peep) { if (peep->type == PEEP_TYPE_STAFF) { return window_staff_open(peep); } rct_window* window; window = window_bring_to_front_by_number(WC_PEEP, peep->sprite_index); if (window == nullptr) { int32_t windowWidth = 192; if (gConfigGeneral.debugging_tools) windowWidth += TabWidth; window = window_create_auto_pos(windowWidth, 157, &window_guest_overview_events, WC_PEEP, WF_RESIZABLE); window->widgets = window_guest_overview_widgets; window->enabled_widgets = window_guest_page_enabled_widgets[0]; window->number = peep->sprite_index; window->page = 0; window->viewport_focus_coordinates.y = 0; window->frame_no = 0; window->list_information_type = 0; window->picked_peep_frame = 0; window->highlighted_item = 0; window_guest_disable_widgets(window); window->min_width = windowWidth; window->min_height = 157; window->max_width = 500; window->max_height = 450; window->no_list_items = 0; window->selected_list_item = -1; window->viewport_focus_coordinates.y = -1; } window->page = 0; window->Invalidate(); window->widgets = window_guest_page_widgets[WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW]; window->enabled_widgets = window_guest_page_enabled_widgets[WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW]; window->hold_down_widgets = 0; window->event_handlers = window_guest_page_events[WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW]; window->pressed_widgets = 0; window_guest_disable_widgets(window); window_init_scroll_widgets(window); window_guest_viewport_init(window); return window; } static void window_guest_common_resize(rct_window* w) { // Get page specific min and max size int32_t minWidth = window_guest_page_sizes[w->page][0].width; int32_t minHeight = window_guest_page_sizes[w->page][0].height; int32_t maxWidth = window_guest_page_sizes[w->page][1].width; int32_t maxHeight = window_guest_page_sizes[w->page][1].height; // Ensure min size is large enough for all tabs to fit for (int32_t i = WIDX_TAB_1; i <= WIDX_TAB_7; i++) { if (!(w->disabled_widgets & (1ULL << i))) { minWidth = std::max(minWidth, w->widgets[i].right + 3); } } maxWidth = std::max(minWidth, maxWidth); window_set_resize(w, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight); } static void window_guest_common_invalidate(rct_window* w) { if (window_guest_page_widgets[w->page] != w->widgets) { w->widgets = window_guest_page_widgets[w->page]; window_init_scroll_widgets(w); } w->pressed_widgets |= 1ULL << (w->page + WIDX_TAB_1); auto peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); peep->FormatNameTo(gCommonFormatArgs); w->widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].right = w->width - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = w->height - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].right = w->width - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].bottom = w->height - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_TITLE].right = w->width - 2; w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE].left = w->width - 13; w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE].right = w->width - 3; window_align_tabs(w, WIDX_TAB_1, WIDX_TAB_7); } /** * Disables the finance tab when no money. * Disables peep pickup when in certain no pickup states. * rct2: 0x006987A6 */ void window_guest_disable_widgets(rct_window* w) { Peep* peep = &get_sprite(w->number)->peep; uint64_t disabled_widgets = 0; if (peep_can_be_picked_up(peep)) { if (w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_PICKUP)) w->Invalidate(); } else { disabled_widgets = (1 << WIDX_PICKUP); if (!(w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_PICKUP))) w->Invalidate(); } if (gParkFlags & PARK_FLAGS_NO_MONEY) { disabled_widgets |= (1 << WIDX_TAB_4); // Disable finance tab if no money } if (!gConfigGeneral.debugging_tools) { disabled_widgets |= (1 << WIDX_TAB_7); // Disable debug tab when debug tools not turned on } w->disabled_widgets = disabled_widgets; } /** * * rct2: 0x00696A75 */ void window_guest_overview_close(rct_window* w) { if (input_test_flag(INPUT_FLAG_TOOL_ACTIVE)) { if (w->classification == gCurrentToolWidget.window_classification && w->number == gCurrentToolWidget.window_number) tool_cancel(); } } /** * * rct2: 0x00696FBE */ void window_guest_overview_resize(rct_window* w) { window_guest_disable_widgets(w); window_event_invalidate_call(w); widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_MARQUEE); window_guest_common_resize(w); auto viewport = w->viewport; if (viewport != nullptr) { auto reqViewportWidth = w->width - 30; auto reqViewportHeight = w->height - 72; if (viewport->width != reqViewportWidth || viewport->height != reqViewportHeight) { uint8_t zoom_amount = 1 << viewport->zoom; viewport->width = reqViewportWidth; viewport->height = reqViewportHeight; viewport->view_width = viewport->width / zoom_amount; viewport->view_height = viewport->height / zoom_amount; } } window_guest_viewport_init(w); } /** * * rct2: 0x00696A06 */ void window_guest_overview_mouse_up(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex) { Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: window_close(w); break; case WIDX_TAB_1: case WIDX_TAB_2: case WIDX_TAB_3: case WIDX_TAB_4: case WIDX_TAB_5: case WIDX_TAB_6: case WIDX_TAB_7: window_guest_set_page(w, widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1); break; case WIDX_PICKUP: { if (!peep_can_be_picked_up(peep)) { return; } w->picked_peep_old_x = peep->x; PeepPickupAction pickupAction{ PeepPickupType::Pickup, w->number, {}, network_get_current_player_id() }; pickupAction.SetCallback([peepnum = w->number](const GameAction* ga, const GameActionResult* result) { if (result->Error != GA_ERROR::OK) return; rct_window* wind = window_find_by_number(WC_PEEP, peepnum); if (wind) { tool_set(wind, WC_PEEP__WIDX_PICKUP, TOOL_PICKER); } }); GameActions::Execute(&pickupAction); } break; case WIDX_RENAME: { auto peepName = peep->GetName(); window_text_input_raw_open(w, widgetIndex, STR_GUEST_RENAME_TITLE, STR_GUEST_RENAME_PROMPT, peepName.c_str(), 32); break; } case WIDX_LOCATE: w->ScrollToViewport(); break; case WIDX_TRACK: { uint32_t flags = peep->peep_flags ^ PEEP_FLAGS_TRACKING; auto guestSetFlagsAction = GuestSetFlagsAction(w->number, flags); GameActions::Execute(&guestSetFlagsAction); } break; } } /** * * rct2: 0x696AA0 */ void window_guest_set_page(rct_window* w, int32_t page) { if (input_test_flag(INPUT_FLAG_TOOL_ACTIVE)) { if (w->number == gCurrentToolWidget.window_number && w->classification == gCurrentToolWidget.window_classification) tool_cancel(); } int32_t listen = 0; if (page == WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW && w->page == WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW && w->viewport) { if (!(w->viewport->flags & VIEWPORT_FLAG_SOUND_ON)) listen = 1; } w->page = page; w->frame_no = 0; w->no_list_items = 0; w->selected_list_item = -1; rct_viewport* viewport = w->viewport; w->viewport = nullptr; if (viewport) { viewport->width = 0; } w->enabled_widgets = window_guest_page_enabled_widgets[page]; w->hold_down_widgets = 0; w->event_handlers = window_guest_page_events[page]; w->pressed_widgets = 0; w->widgets = window_guest_page_widgets[page]; window_guest_disable_widgets(w); w->Invalidate(); window_event_resize_call(w); window_event_invalidate_call(w); window_init_scroll_widgets(w); w->Invalidate(); if (listen && w->viewport) w->viewport->flags |= VIEWPORT_FLAG_SOUND_ON; } void window_guest_overview_viewport_rotate(rct_window* w) { window_guest_viewport_init(w); } /** * * rct2: 0x0069883C */ void window_guest_viewport_init(rct_window* w) { if (w->page != WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW) return; auto peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); if (peep != nullptr) { auto focus = viewport_update_smart_guest_follow(w, peep); bool reCreateViewport = false; uint16_t origViewportFlags{}; if (w->viewport != nullptr) { // Check all combos, for now skipping y and rot if (focus.coordinate.x == w->viewport_focus_coordinates.x && (focus.coordinate.y & VIEWPORT_FOCUS_Y_MASK) == w->viewport_focus_coordinates.y && focus.coordinate.z == w->viewport_focus_coordinates.z && focus.coordinate.rotation == w->viewport_focus_coordinates.rotation) return; origViewportFlags = w->viewport->flags; reCreateViewport = true; w->viewport->width = 0; w->viewport = nullptr; } window_event_invalidate_call(w); w->viewport_focus_coordinates.x = focus.coordinate.x; w->viewport_focus_coordinates.y = focus.coordinate.y; w->viewport_focus_coordinates.z = focus.coordinate.z; w->viewport_focus_coordinates.rotation = focus.coordinate.rotation; if (peep->state != PEEP_STATE_PICKED && w->viewport == nullptr) { auto view_widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_VIEWPORT]; int32_t x = view_widget->left + 1 + w->x; int32_t y = view_widget->top + 1 + w->y; int32_t width = view_widget->right - view_widget->left - 1; int32_t height = view_widget->bottom - view_widget->top - 1; viewport_create( w, x, y, width, height, 0, focus.coordinate.x, focus.coordinate.y & VIEWPORT_FOCUS_Y_MASK, focus.coordinate.z, focus.sprite.type & VIEWPORT_FOCUS_TYPE_MASK, focus.sprite.sprite_id); if (w->viewport != nullptr && reCreateViewport) { w->viewport->flags = origViewportFlags; } w->flags |= WF_NO_SCROLLING; w->Invalidate(); } w->Invalidate(); } } /** * * rct2: 0x6983dd * used by window_staff as well */ static void window_guest_overview_tab_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { if (w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_TAB_1)) return; rct_widget* widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1]; int32_t width = widget->right - widget->left - 1; int32_t height = widget->bottom - widget->top - 1; int32_t x = widget->left + 1 + w->x; int32_t y = widget->top + 1 + w->y; if (w->page == WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW) height++; rct_drawpixelinfo clip_dpi; if (!clip_drawpixelinfo(&clip_dpi, dpi, x, y, width, height)) { return; } x = 14; y = 20; Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); if (peep->type == PEEP_TYPE_STAFF && peep->staff_type == STAFF_TYPE_ENTERTAINER) y++; int32_t ebx = g_peep_animation_entries[peep->sprite_type].sprite_animation->base_image + 1; int32_t eax = 0; if (w->page == WINDOW_GUEST_OVERVIEW) { eax = w->var_496; eax &= 0xFFFC; } ebx += eax; int32_t sprite_id = ebx | SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_2(peep->tshirt_colour, peep->trousers_colour); gfx_draw_sprite(&clip_dpi, sprite_id, x, y, 0); // If holding a balloon if (ebx >= 0x2A1D && ebx < 0x2A3D) { ebx += 32; ebx |= SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(peep->balloon_colour); gfx_draw_sprite(&clip_dpi, ebx, x, y, 0); } // If holding umbrella if (ebx >= 0x2BBD && ebx < 0x2BDD) { ebx += 32; ebx |= SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(peep->umbrella_colour); gfx_draw_sprite(&clip_dpi, ebx, x, y, 0); } // If wearing hat if (ebx >= 0x29DD && ebx < 0x29FD) { ebx += 32; ebx |= SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(peep->hat_colour); gfx_draw_sprite(&clip_dpi, ebx, x, y, 0); } } /** * * rct2: 0x69869b */ static void window_guest_stats_tab_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { if (w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_TAB_2)) return; rct_widget* widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_2]; int32_t x = widget->left + w->x; int32_t y = widget->top + w->y; Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); int32_t image_id = get_peep_face_sprite_large(peep); if (w->page == WINDOW_GUEST_STATS) { // If currently viewing this tab animate tab // if it is very sick or angry. switch (image_id) { case SPR_PEEP_LARGE_FACE_VERY_VERY_SICK_0: image_id += (w->frame_no / 4) & 0xF; break; case SPR_PEEP_LARGE_FACE_VERY_SICK_0: image_id += (w->frame_no / 8) & 0x3; break; case SPR_PEEP_LARGE_FACE_ANGRY_0: image_id += (w->frame_no / 8) & 0x3; break; } } gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, image_id, x, y, 0); } /** * * rct2: 0x69861F */ static void window_guest_rides_tab_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { if (w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_TAB_3)) return; rct_widget* widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_3]; int32_t x = widget->left + w->x; int32_t y = widget->top + w->y; int32_t image_id = SPR_TAB_RIDE_0; if (w->page == WINDOW_GUEST_RIDES) { image_id += (w->frame_no / 4) & 0xF; } gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, image_id, x, y, 0); } /** * * rct2: 0x698597 */ static void window_guest_finance_tab_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { if (w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_TAB_4)) return; rct_widget* widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_4]; int32_t x = widget->left + w->x; int32_t y = widget->top + w->y; int32_t image_id = SPR_TAB_FINANCES_SUMMARY_0; if (w->page == WINDOW_GUEST_FINANCE) { image_id += (w->frame_no / 2) & 0x7; } gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, image_id, x, y, 0); } /** * * rct2: 0x6985D8 */ static void window_guest_thoughts_tab_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { if (w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_TAB_5)) return; rct_widget* widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_5]; int32_t x = widget->left + w->x; int32_t y = widget->top + w->y; int32_t image_id = SPR_TAB_THOUGHTS_0; if (w->page == WINDOW_GUEST_THOUGHTS) { image_id += (w->frame_no / 2) & 0x7; } gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, image_id, x, y, 0); } /** * * rct2: 0x698661 */ static void window_guest_inventory_tab_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { if (w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_TAB_6)) return; rct_widget* widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_6]; int32_t x = widget->left + w->x; int32_t y = widget->top + w->y; int32_t image_id = SPR_TAB_GUEST_INVENTORY; gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, image_id, x, y, 0); } static void window_guest_debug_tab_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { if (w->disabled_widgets & (1 << WIDX_TAB_7)) return; rct_widget* widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_7]; int32_t x = widget->left + w->x; int32_t y = widget->top + w->y; int32_t image_id = SPR_TAB_GEARS_0; if (w->page == WINDOW_GUEST_DEBUG) { image_id += (w->frame_no / 2) & 0x3; } gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, image_id, x, y, 0); } /** * * rct2: 0x696887 */ void window_guest_overview_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); window_guest_overview_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_stats_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_rides_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_finance_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_thoughts_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_inventory_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_debug_tab_paint(w, dpi); // Draw the viewport no sound sprite if (w->viewport) { window_draw_viewport(dpi, w); rct_viewport* viewport = w->viewport; if (viewport->flags & VIEWPORT_FLAG_SOUND_ON) { gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_HEARING_VIEWPORT, w->x + 2, w->y + 2, 0); } } // Draw the centred label Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); peep->FormatActionTo(gCommonFormatArgs); rct_widget* widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_ACTION_LBL]; int32_t x = (widget->left + widget->right) / 2 + w->x; int32_t y = w->y + widget->top - 1; int32_t width = widget->right - widget->left; gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_BLACK_STRING, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y, width); // Draw the marquee thought widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_MARQUEE]; width = widget->right - widget->left - 3; int32_t left = widget->left + 2 + w->x; int32_t top = widget->top + w->y; int32_t height = widget->bottom - widget->top; rct_drawpixelinfo dpi_marquee; if (!clip_drawpixelinfo(&dpi_marquee, dpi, left, top, width, height)) { return; } int32_t i = 0; for (; i < PEEP_MAX_THOUGHTS; ++i) { if (peep->thoughts[i].type == PEEP_THOUGHT_TYPE_NONE) { w->list_information_type = 0; return; } if (peep->thoughts[i].freshness == 1) { // If a fresh thought break; } } if (i == PEEP_MAX_THOUGHTS) { w->list_information_type = 0; return; } x = widget->right - widget->left - w->list_information_type; peep_thought_set_format_args(&peep->thoughts[i]); gfx_draw_string_left(&dpi_marquee, STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, 0); } /** * * rct2: 0x696749 */ void window_guest_overview_invalidate(rct_window* w) { window_guest_common_invalidate(w); auto peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); w->pressed_widgets &= ~(1 << WIDX_TRACK); if (peep->peep_flags & PEEP_FLAGS_TRACKING) { w->pressed_widgets |= (1 << WIDX_TRACK); } window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_VIEWPORT].right = w->width - 26; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_VIEWPORT].bottom = w->height - 14; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_ACTION_LBL].top = w->height - 12; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_ACTION_LBL].bottom = w->height - 3; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_ACTION_LBL].right = w->width - 24; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_MARQUEE].right = w->width - 24; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_PICKUP].right = w->width - 2; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_RENAME].right = w->width - 2; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_LOCATE].right = w->width - 2; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_TRACK].right = w->width - 2; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_PICKUP].left = w->width - 25; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_RENAME].left = w->width - 25; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_LOCATE].left = w->width - 25; window_guest_overview_widgets[WIDX_TRACK].left = w->width - 25; } /** * * rct2: 0x696F45 */ void window_guest_overview_update(rct_window* w) { int32_t var_496 = w->var_496; var_496++; var_496 %= 24; w->var_496 = var_496; widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_1); widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_2); Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); if (peep != nullptr && peep->window_invalidate_flags & PEEP_INVALIDATE_PEEP_ACTION) { peep->window_invalidate_flags &= ~PEEP_INVALIDATE_PEEP_ACTION; widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_ACTION_LBL); } w->list_information_type += 2; if ((w->highlighted_item & 0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF) w->highlighted_item &= 0xFFFF0000; else w->highlighted_item++; // Disable peep watching thought for multiplayer as it's client specific if (network_get_mode() == NETWORK_MODE_NONE) { // Create the "I have the strangest feeling I am being watched thought" if ((w->highlighted_item & 0xFFFF) >= 3840) { if (!(w->highlighted_item & 0x3FF)) { int32_t random = util_rand() & 0xFFFF; if (random <= 0x2AAA) { peep->InsertNewThought(PEEP_THOUGHT_TYPE_WATCHED, PEEP_THOUGHT_ITEM_NONE); } } } } } /* rct2: 0x696A6A */ void window_guest_overview_text_input(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, char* text) { if (widgetIndex != WIDX_RENAME) return; if (text == nullptr) return; guest_set_name(w->number, text); } /** * * rct2: 0x696A5F */ void window_guest_overview_tool_update(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { if (widgetIndex != WIDX_PICKUP) return; map_invalidate_selection_rect(); gMapSelectFlags &= ~MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE; auto mapCoords = footpath_get_coordinates_from_pos({ screenCoords.x, screenCoords.y + 16 }, nullptr, nullptr); if (!mapCoords.isNull()) { gMapSelectFlags |= MAP_SELECT_FLAG_ENABLE; gMapSelectType = MAP_SELECT_TYPE_FULL; gMapSelectPositionA = mapCoords; gMapSelectPositionB = mapCoords; map_invalidate_selection_rect(); } gPickupPeepImage = UINT32_MAX; int32_t interactionType; CoordsXY unusedCoords; get_map_coordinates_from_pos( screenCoords, VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_MASK_NONE, unusedCoords, &interactionType, nullptr, nullptr); if (interactionType == VIEWPORT_INTERACTION_ITEM_NONE) return; gPickupPeepX = screenCoords.x - 1; gPickupPeepY = screenCoords.y + 16; w->picked_peep_frame++; if (w->picked_peep_frame >= 48) { w->picked_peep_frame = 0; } Peep* peep; peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); uint32_t imageId = g_peep_animation_entries[peep->sprite_type].sprite_animation[PEEP_ACTION_SPRITE_TYPE_UI].base_image; imageId += w->picked_peep_frame >> 2; imageId |= (peep->tshirt_colour << 19) | (peep->trousers_colour << 24) | IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP_2_PLUS; gPickupPeepImage = imageId; } /** * * rct2: 0x696A54 */ void window_guest_overview_tool_down(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { if (widgetIndex != WIDX_PICKUP) return; TileElement* tileElement; auto destCoords = footpath_get_coordinates_from_pos({ screenCoords.x, screenCoords.y + 16 }, nullptr, &tileElement); if (destCoords.isNull()) return; PeepPickupAction pickupAction{ PeepPickupType::Place, w->number, { destCoords, tileElement->base_height }, network_get_current_player_id() }; pickupAction.SetCallback([](const GameAction* ga, const GameActionResult* result) { if (result->Error != GA_ERROR::OK) return; tool_cancel(); gPickupPeepImage = UINT32_MAX; }); GameActions::Execute(&pickupAction); } /** * * rct2: 0x696A49 */ void window_guest_overview_tool_abort(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex) { if (widgetIndex != WIDX_PICKUP) return; PeepPickupAction pickupAction{ PeepPickupType::Cancel, w->number, { w->picked_peep_old_x, 0, 0 }, network_get_current_player_id() }; GameActions::Execute(&pickupAction); } /** * This is a combination of 5 functions that were identical * rct2: 0x69744F, 0x697795, 0x697BDD, 0x697E18, 0x698279 */ void window_guest_mouse_up(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex) { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: window_close(w); break; case WIDX_TAB_1: case WIDX_TAB_2: case WIDX_TAB_3: case WIDX_TAB_4: case WIDX_TAB_5: case WIDX_TAB_6: case WIDX_TAB_7: window_guest_set_page(w, widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1); break; } } /** * * rct2: 0x69746A */ void window_guest_stats_update(rct_window* w) { w->frame_no++; Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); peep->window_invalidate_flags &= ~PEEP_INVALIDATE_PEEP_STATS; w->Invalidate(); } /** * * rct2: 0x0066ECC1 * * ebp: colour, contains flag BAR_BLINK for blinking */ static void window_guest_stats_bars_paint( int32_t value, int32_t x, int32_t y, rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, int32_t colour) { if (font_get_line_height(gCurrentFontSpriteBase) > 10) { y += 1; } gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, x + 61, y + 1, x + 61 + 121, y + 9, w->colours[1], INSET_RECT_F_30); int32_t blink_flag = colour & BAR_BLINK; colour &= ~BAR_BLINK; if (!blink_flag || game_is_paused() || (gCurrentRealTimeTicks & 8) == 0) { value *= 118; value >>= 8; if (value <= 2) return; gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, x + 63, y + 2, x + 63 + value - 1, y + 8, colour, 0); } } /** * * rct2: 0x0069711D */ void window_guest_stats_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); window_guest_overview_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_stats_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_rides_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_finance_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_thoughts_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_inventory_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_debug_tab_paint(w, dpi); // ebx Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); // Not sure why this is not stats widgets // cx int32_t x = w->x + window_guest_rides_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].left + 4; // dx int32_t y = w->y + window_guest_rides_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].top + 4; // Happiness gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_HAPPINESS_LABEL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); int32_t happiness = peep->happiness; if (happiness < 10) happiness = 10; int32_t ebp = COLOUR_BRIGHT_GREEN; if (happiness < 50) { ebp |= BAR_BLINK; } window_guest_stats_bars_paint(happiness, x, y, w, dpi, ebp); // Energy y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_ENERGY_LABEL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); int32_t energy = ((peep->energy - PEEP_MIN_ENERGY) * 255) / (PEEP_MAX_ENERGY - PEEP_MIN_ENERGY); ebp = COLOUR_BRIGHT_GREEN; if (energy < 50) { ebp |= BAR_BLINK; } if (energy < 10) energy = 10; window_guest_stats_bars_paint(energy, x, y, w, dpi, ebp); // Hunger y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_HUNGER_LABEL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); int32_t hunger = peep->hunger; if (hunger > 190) hunger = 190; hunger -= 32; if (hunger < 0) hunger = 0; hunger *= 51; hunger /= 32; hunger = 0xFF & ~hunger; ebp = COLOUR_BRIGHT_RED; if (hunger > 170) { ebp |= BAR_BLINK; } window_guest_stats_bars_paint(hunger, x, y, w, dpi, ebp); // Thirst y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_THIRST_LABEL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); int32_t thirst = peep->thirst; if (thirst > 190) thirst = 190; thirst -= 32; if (thirst < 0) thirst = 0; thirst *= 51; thirst /= 32; thirst = 0xFF & ~thirst; ebp = COLOUR_BRIGHT_RED; if (thirst > 170) { ebp |= BAR_BLINK; } window_guest_stats_bars_paint(thirst, x, y, w, dpi, ebp); // Nausea y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_NAUSEA_LABEL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); int32_t nausea = peep->nausea - 32; if (nausea < 0) nausea = 0; nausea *= 36; nausea /= 32; ebp = COLOUR_BRIGHT_RED; if (nausea > 120) { ebp |= BAR_BLINK; } window_guest_stats_bars_paint(nausea, x, y, w, dpi, ebp); // Toilet y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_TOILET_LABEL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); int32_t toilet = peep->toilet - 32; if (toilet > 210) toilet = 210; toilet -= 32; if (toilet < 0) toilet = 0; toilet *= 45; toilet /= 32; ebp = COLOUR_BRIGHT_RED; if (toilet > 160) { ebp |= BAR_BLINK; } window_guest_stats_bars_paint(toilet, x, y, w, dpi, ebp); // Time in park y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 1; if (peep->time_in_park != -1) { int32_t eax = gScenarioTicks; eax -= peep->time_in_park; eax >>= 11; set_format_arg(0, uint16_t, eax & 0xFFFF); gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_TIME_IN_PARK, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 9; gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, x, y - 6, x + 179, y - 5, w->colours[1], INSET_RECT_FLAG_BORDER_INSET); // Preferred Ride gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_PREFERRED_RIDE, nullptr, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; // Intensity int32_t intensity = peep->intensity / 16; set_format_arg(0, uint16_t, intensity); int32_t string_id = STR_GUEST_STAT_PREFERRED_INTESITY_BELOW; if (peep->intensity & 0xF) { set_format_arg(0, uint16_t, peep->intensity & 0xF); set_format_arg(2, uint16_t, intensity); string_id = STR_GUEST_STAT_PREFERRED_INTESITY_BETWEEN; if (intensity == 15) string_id = STR_GUEST_STAT_PREFERRED_INTESITY_ABOVE; } gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, string_id, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x + 4, y); // Nausea tolerance static constexpr const rct_string_id nauseaTolerances[] = { STR_PEEP_STAT_NAUSEA_TOLERANCE_NONE, STR_PEEP_STAT_NAUSEA_TOLERANCE_LOW, STR_PEEP_STAT_NAUSEA_TOLERANCE_AVERAGE, STR_PEEP_STAT_NAUSEA_TOLERANCE_HIGH, }; y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; int32_t nausea_tolerance = peep->nausea_tolerance & 0x3; set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, nauseaTolerances[nausea_tolerance]); gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_NAUSEA_TOLERANCE, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } /** * * rct2: 0x6977B0 */ void window_guest_rides_update(rct_window* w) { w->frame_no++; widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_2); widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_3); auto peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); auto guest = peep->AsGuest(); if (guest != nullptr) { // Every 2048 ticks do a full window_invalidate int32_t number_of_ticks = gScenarioTicks - peep->time_in_park; if (!(number_of_ticks & 0x7FF)) w->Invalidate(); uint8_t curr_list_position = 0; for (const auto& ride : GetRideManager()) { if (ride.IsRide() && guest->HasRidden(&ride)) { w->list_item_positions[curr_list_position] = ride.id; curr_list_position++; } } // If there are new items if (w->no_list_items != curr_list_position) { w->no_list_items = curr_list_position; w->Invalidate(); } } } /** * * rct2: 0x69784E */ void window_guest_rides_scroll_get_size(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, int32_t* width, int32_t* height) { *height = w->no_list_items * 10; if (w->selected_list_item != -1) { w->selected_list_item = -1; w->Invalidate(); } int32_t visable_height = *height - window_guest_rides_widgets[WIDX_RIDE_SCROLL].bottom + window_guest_rides_widgets[WIDX_RIDE_SCROLL].top + 21; if (visable_height < 0) visable_height = 0; if (visable_height < w->scrolls[0].v_top) { w->scrolls[0].v_top = visable_height; w->Invalidate(); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006978CC */ void window_guest_rides_scroll_mouse_down(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { int32_t index; index = screenCoords.y / 10; if (index >= w->no_list_items) return; auto intent = Intent(WC_RIDE); intent.putExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_RIDE_ID, w->list_item_positions[index]); context_open_intent(&intent); } /** * * rct2: 0x0069789C */ void window_guest_rides_scroll_mouse_over(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { int32_t index; index = screenCoords.y / 10; if (index >= w->no_list_items) return; if (index == w->selected_list_item) return; w->selected_list_item = index; w->Invalidate(); } /** * * rct2: 0x0069757A */ void window_guest_rides_invalidate(rct_window* w) { window_guest_common_invalidate(w); window_guest_rides_widgets[WIDX_RIDE_SCROLL].right = w->width - 4; window_guest_rides_widgets[WIDX_RIDE_SCROLL].bottom = w->height - 15; } /** * * rct2: 0x00697637 */ void window_guest_rides_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); window_guest_overview_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_stats_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_rides_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_finance_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_thoughts_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_inventory_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_debug_tab_paint(w, dpi); Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); // cx int32_t x = w->x + window_guest_rides_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].left + 2; // dx int32_t y = w->y + window_guest_rides_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].top + 2; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_LABEL_RIDES_BEEN_ON, nullptr, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); y = w->y + window_guest_rides_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].bottom - 12; set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, STR_PEEP_FAVOURITE_RIDE_NOT_AVAILABLE); if (peep->favourite_ride != RIDE_ID_NULL) { auto ride = get_ride(peep->favourite_ride); if (ride != nullptr) { ride->FormatNameTo(gCommonFormatArgs); } } gfx_draw_string_left_clipped(dpi, STR_FAVOURITE_RIDE, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y, w->width - 14); } /** * * rct2: 0x006976FC */ void window_guest_rides_scroll_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, int32_t scrollIndex) { int32_t left = dpi->x; int32_t right = dpi->x + dpi->width - 1; int32_t top = dpi->y; int32_t bottom = dpi->y + dpi->height - 1; auto colour = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light; gfx_fill_rect(dpi, left, top, right, bottom, colour); for (int32_t list_index = 0; list_index < w->no_list_items; list_index++) { auto y = list_index * 10; rct_string_id stringId = STR_BLACK_STRING; if (list_index == w->selected_list_item) { gfx_filter_rect(dpi, 0, y, 800, y + 9, PALETTE_DARKEN_1); stringId = STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID; } auto ride = get_ride(w->list_item_positions[list_index]); if (ride != nullptr) { ride->FormatNameTo(gCommonFormatArgs); gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, stringId, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, 0, y - 1); } } } /** * * rct2: 0x00697BF8 */ void window_guest_finance_update(rct_window* w) { w->frame_no++; widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_2); widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_4); } /** * * rct2: 0x00697A08 */ void window_guest_finance_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); window_guest_overview_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_stats_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_rides_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_finance_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_thoughts_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_inventory_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_debug_tab_paint(w, dpi); Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); // cx int32_t x = w->x + window_guest_finance_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].left + 4; // dx int32_t y = w->y + window_guest_finance_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].top + 4; // Cash in pocket set_format_arg(0, money32, peep->cash_in_pocket); gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_CASH_IN_POCKET, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); // Cash spent y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; set_format_arg(0, money32, peep->cash_spent); gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_STAT_CASH_SPENT, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT * 2; gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, x, y - 6, x + 179, y - 5, w->colours[1], INSET_RECT_FLAG_BORDER_INSET); // Paid to enter set_format_arg(0, money32, peep->paid_to_enter); gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_EXPENSES_ENTRANCE_FEE, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); // Paid on rides y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; set_format_arg(0, money32, peep->paid_on_rides); set_format_arg(4, uint16_t, peep->no_of_rides); if (peep->no_of_rides != 1) { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_EXPENSES_RIDE_PLURAL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } else { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_EXPENSES_RIDE, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } // Paid on food y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; set_format_arg(0, money32, peep->paid_on_food); set_format_arg(4, uint16_t, peep->no_of_food); if (peep->no_of_food != 1) { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_EXPENSES_FOOD_PLURAL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } else { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_EXPENSES_FOOD, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } // Paid on drinks y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; set_format_arg(0, money32, peep->paid_on_drink); set_format_arg(4, uint16_t, peep->no_of_drinks); if (peep->no_of_drinks != 1) { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_EXPENSES_DRINK_PLURAL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } else { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_EXPENSES_DRINK, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } // Paid on souvenirs y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; set_format_arg(0, money32, peep->paid_on_souvenirs); set_format_arg(4, uint16_t, peep->no_of_souvenirs); if (peep->no_of_souvenirs != 1) { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_EXPENSES_SOUVENIR_PLURAL, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } else { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_EXPENSES_SOUVENIR, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } } /** * * rct2: 0x00697EB4 */ void window_guest_thoughts_update(rct_window* w) { w->frame_no++; widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_2); widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_5); auto peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); if (peep->window_invalidate_flags & PEEP_INVALIDATE_PEEP_THOUGHTS) { peep->window_invalidate_flags &= ~PEEP_INVALIDATE_PEEP_THOUGHTS; w->Invalidate(); } } /** * * rct2: 0x00697D2A */ void window_guest_thoughts_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); window_guest_overview_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_stats_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_rides_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_finance_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_thoughts_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_inventory_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_debug_tab_paint(w, dpi); Peep* peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); // cx int32_t x = w->x + window_guest_thoughts_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].left + 4; // dx int32_t y = w->y + window_guest_thoughts_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].top + 4; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_GUEST_RECENT_THOUGHTS_LABEL, nullptr, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); y += 10; for (rct_peep_thought* thought = peep->thoughts; thought < &peep->thoughts[PEEP_MAX_THOUGHTS]; ++thought) { if (thought->type == PEEP_THOUGHT_TYPE_NONE) return; if (thought->freshness == 0) continue; int32_t width = window_guest_thoughts_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].right - window_guest_thoughts_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].left - 8; peep_thought_set_format_args(thought); y += gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, gCommonFormatArgs, x, y, width, STR_BLACK_STRING, COLOUR_BLACK); // If this is the last visible line end drawing. if (y > w->y + window_guest_thoughts_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].bottom - 32) return; } } /** * * rct2: 0x00698315 */ void window_guest_inventory_update(rct_window* w) { w->frame_no++; widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_2); widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_TAB_6); auto peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); if (peep->window_invalidate_flags & PEEP_INVALIDATE_PEEP_INVENTORY) { peep->window_invalidate_flags &= ~PEEP_INVALIDATE_PEEP_INVENTORY; w->Invalidate(); } } static rct_string_id window_guest_inventory_format_item(Peep* peep, int32_t item) { auto& park = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetGameState()->GetPark(); auto parkName = park.Name.c_str(); // Default arguments set_format_arg(0, uint32_t, ShopItems[item].Image); set_format_arg(4, rct_string_id, ShopItems[item].Naming.Display); set_format_arg(6, rct_string_id, STR_STRING); set_format_arg(8, const char*, parkName); // Special overrides Ride* ride{}; switch (item) { case SHOP_ITEM_BALLOON: set_format_arg(0, uint32_t, SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(peep->balloon_colour) | ShopItems[item].Image); break; case SHOP_ITEM_PHOTO: ride = get_ride(peep->photo1_ride_ref); if (ride != nullptr) ride->FormatNameTo(gCommonFormatArgs + 6); break; case SHOP_ITEM_UMBRELLA: set_format_arg(0, uint32_t, SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(peep->umbrella_colour) | ShopItems[item].Image); break; case SHOP_ITEM_VOUCHER: switch (peep->voucher_type) { case VOUCHER_TYPE_PARK_ENTRY_FREE: set_format_arg(6, rct_string_id, STR_PEEP_INVENTORY_VOUCHER_PARK_ENTRY_FREE); set_format_arg(8, rct_string_id, STR_STRING); set_format_arg(10, const char*, parkName); break; case VOUCHER_TYPE_RIDE_FREE: ride = get_ride(peep->voucher_arguments); if (ride != nullptr) { set_format_arg(6, rct_string_id, STR_PEEP_INVENTORY_VOUCHER_RIDE_FREE); ride->FormatNameTo(gCommonFormatArgs + 8); } break; case VOUCHER_TYPE_PARK_ENTRY_HALF_PRICE: set_format_arg(6, rct_string_id, STR_PEEP_INVENTORY_VOUCHER_PARK_ENTRY_HALF_PRICE); set_format_arg(8, rct_string_id, STR_STRING); set_format_arg(10, const char*, parkName); break; case VOUCHER_TYPE_FOOD_OR_DRINK_FREE: set_format_arg(6, rct_string_id, STR_PEEP_INVENTORY_VOUCHER_FOOD_OR_DRINK_FREE); set_format_arg(8, rct_string_id, ShopItems[peep->voucher_arguments].Naming.Singular); break; } break; case SHOP_ITEM_HAT: set_format_arg(0, uint32_t, SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(peep->hat_colour) | ShopItems[item].Image); break; case SHOP_ITEM_TSHIRT: set_format_arg(0, uint32_t, SPRITE_ID_PALETTE_COLOUR_1(peep->tshirt_colour) | ShopItems[item].Image); break; case SHOP_ITEM_PHOTO2: ride = get_ride(peep->photo2_ride_ref); if (ride != nullptr) ride->FormatNameTo(gCommonFormatArgs + 6); break; case SHOP_ITEM_PHOTO3: ride = get_ride(peep->photo3_ride_ref); if (ride != nullptr) ride->FormatNameTo(gCommonFormatArgs + 6); break; case SHOP_ITEM_PHOTO4: ride = get_ride(peep->photo4_ride_ref); if (ride != nullptr) ride->FormatNameTo(gCommonFormatArgs + 6); break; } return STR_GUEST_ITEM_FORMAT; } /** * * rct2: 0x00697F81 */ void window_guest_inventory_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); window_guest_overview_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_stats_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_rides_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_finance_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_thoughts_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_inventory_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_debug_tab_paint(w, dpi); const auto guest = (GET_PEEP(w->number))->AsGuest(); if (guest != nullptr) { rct_widget* pageBackgroundWidget = &window_guest_inventory_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND]; int32_t x = w->x + pageBackgroundWidget->left + 4; int32_t y = w->y + pageBackgroundWidget->top + 2; int32_t itemNameWidth = pageBackgroundWidget->right - pageBackgroundWidget->left - 8; int32_t maxY = w->y + w->height - 22; int32_t numItems = 0; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_CARRYING, nullptr, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); y += 10; for (int32_t item = 0; item < SHOP_ITEM_COUNT; item++) { if (y >= maxY) break; if (!guest->HasItem(item)) continue; rct_string_id stringId = window_guest_inventory_format_item(guest, item); y += gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, gCommonFormatArgs, x, y, itemNameWidth, stringId, COLOUR_BLACK); numItems++; } if (numItems == 0) { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_NOTHING, nullptr, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } } } /** * * rct2: 0x00698315 */ void window_guest_debug_update(rct_window* w) { w->frame_no++; w->Invalidate(); } void window_guest_debug_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { char buffer[512]{}; char buffer2[512]{}; window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); window_guest_overview_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_stats_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_rides_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_finance_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_thoughts_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_inventory_tab_paint(w, dpi); window_guest_debug_tab_paint(w, dpi); auto peep = GET_PEEP(w->number); auto x = w->x + window_guest_debug_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].left + 4; auto y = w->y + window_guest_debug_widgets[WIDX_PAGE_BACKGROUND].top + 4; { set_format_arg(0, uint32_t, peep->sprite_index); gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_PEEP_DEBUG_SPRITE_INDEX, gCommonFormatArgs, 0, x, y); } y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; { int32_t args[] = { peep->x, peep->y, peep->x }; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_PEEP_DEBUG_POSITION, args, 0, x, y); } y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; { int32_t args[] = { peep->NextLoc.x, peep->NextLoc.y, peep->NextLoc.z }; format_string(buffer, sizeof(buffer), STR_PEEP_DEBUG_NEXT, args); if (peep->GetNextIsSurface()) { format_string(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), STR_PEEP_DEBUG_NEXT_SURFACE, nullptr); safe_strcat(buffer, buffer2, sizeof(buffer)); } if (peep->GetNextIsSloped()) { int32_t args2[1] = { peep->GetNextDirection() }; format_string(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), STR_PEEP_DEBUG_NEXT_SLOPE, args2); safe_strcat(buffer, buffer2, sizeof(buffer)); } gfx_draw_string(dpi, buffer, 0, x, y); } y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; { int32_t args[] = { peep->destination_x, peep->destination_y, peep->destination_tolerance }; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_PEEP_DEBUG_DEST, args, 0, x, y); } y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; { int32_t args[] = { peep->pathfind_goal.x, peep->pathfind_goal.y, peep->pathfind_goal.z, peep->pathfind_goal.direction }; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_PEEP_DEBUG_PATHFIND_GOAL, args, 0, x, y); } y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_PEEP_DEBUG_PATHFIND_HISTORY, nullptr, 0, x, y); y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; x += 10; for (auto& point : peep->pathfind_history) { int32_t args[] = { point.x, point.y, point.z, point.direction }; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_PEEP_DEBUG_PATHFIND_HISTORY_ITEM, args, 0, x, y); y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } x -= 10; }