/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 OpenRCT2 developers * * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 * * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // clang-format off enum { FILTER_RCT1 = (1 << 0), FILTER_AA = (1 << 1), FILTER_LL = (1 << 2), FILTER_RCT2 = (1 << 3), FILTER_WW = (1 << 4), FILTER_TT = (1 << 5), FILTER_OO = (1 << 6), FILTER_CUSTOM = (1 << 7), FILTER_RIDE_TRANSPORT = (1 << 8), FILTER_RIDE_GENTLE = (1 << 9), FILTER_RIDE_COASTER = (1 << 10), FILTER_RIDE_THRILL = (1 << 11), FILTER_RIDE_WATER = (1 << 12), FILTER_RIDE_STALL = (1 << 13), FILTER_SELECTED = (1 << 14), FILTER_NONSELECTED = (1 << 15), FILTER_RIDES = FILTER_RIDE_TRANSPORT | FILTER_RIDE_GENTLE | FILTER_RIDE_COASTER | FILTER_RIDE_THRILL | FILTER_RIDE_WATER | FILTER_RIDE_STALL, FILTER_ALL = FILTER_RIDES | FILTER_RCT1 | FILTER_AA | FILTER_LL | FILTER_RCT2 | FILTER_WW | FILTER_TT | FILTER_OO | FILTER_CUSTOM | FILTER_SELECTED | FILTER_NONSELECTED, }; static constexpr uint8_t _numSourceGameItems = 8; static uint32_t _filter_flags; static uint16_t _filter_object_counts[EnumValue(ObjectType::Count)]; static char _filter_string[MAX_PATH]; #define _FILTER_ALL ((_filter_flags & FILTER_ALL) == FILTER_ALL) #define _FILTER_RCT1 (_filter_flags & FILTER_RCT1) #define _FILTER_AA (_filter_flags & FILTER_AA) #define _FILTER_LL (_filter_flags & FILTER_LL) #define _FILTER_RCT2 (_filter_flags & FILTER_RCT2) #define _FILTER_WW (_filter_flags & FILTER_WW) #define _FILTER_TT (_filter_flags & FILTER_TT) #define _FILTER_OO (_filter_flags & FILTER_OO) #define _FILTER_CUSTOM (_filter_flags & FILTER_CUSTOM) #define _FILTER_SELECTED (_filter_flags & FILTER_SELECTED) #define _FILTER_NONSELECTED (_filter_flags & FILTER_NONSELECTED) static constexpr const rct_string_id WINDOW_TITLE = STR_OBJECT_SELECTION; static constexpr const int32_t WH = 400; static constexpr const int32_t WW = 755; struct ObjectPageDesc { rct_string_id Caption; uint32_t Image; bool IsAdvanced; }; static constexpr const ObjectPageDesc ObjectSelectionPages[] = { { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_RIDE_VEHICLES_ATTRACTIONS, SPR_TAB_RIDE_16, false }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_SMALL_SCENERY, SPR_TAB_SCENERY_TREES, true }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_LARGE_SCENERY, SPR_TAB_SCENERY_URBAN, true }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_WALLS_FENCES, SPR_TAB_SCENERY_WALLS, true }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_PATH_SIGNS, SPR_TAB_SCENERY_SIGNAGE, true }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_FOOTPATHS, SPR_TAB_SCENERY_PATHS, true }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_PATH_EXTRAS, SPR_TAB_SCENERY_PATH_ITEMS, false }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_SCENERY_GROUPS, SPR_TAB_SCENERY_STATUES, false }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_PARK_ENTRANCE, SPR_TAB_PARK, false }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_WATER, SPR_TAB_WATER, false }, // Dummy place holder for string objects { STR_NONE, static_cast(SPR_NONE), false }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_TERRAIN_SURFACES, SPR_G2_TAB_LAND, true }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_TERRAIN_EDGES, SPR_G2_TAB_LAND, true }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_STATIONS, SPR_TAB_PARK, true }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_MUSIC, SPR_TAB_MUSIC_0, false }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_FOOTPATH_SURFACES, SPR_TAB_SCENERY_PATHS, false }, { STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_FOOTPATH_RAILINGS, SPR_G2_PATH_RAILINGS_TAB, false }, }; #pragma region Widgets enum WINDOW_EDITOR_OBJECT_SELECTION_WIDGET_IDX { WIDX_BACKGROUND, WIDX_TITLE, WIDX_CLOSE, WIDX_TAB_CONTENT_PANEL, WIDX_ADVANCED, WIDX_LIST, WIDX_PREVIEW, WIDX_INSTALL_TRACK, WIDX_FILTER_DROPDOWN, WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX, WIDX_FILTER_CLEAR_BUTTON, WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_FRAME, WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL, WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_TRANSPORT, WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_GENTLE, WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_COASTER, WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_THRILL, WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_WATER, WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_STALL, WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE, WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE, WIDX_TAB_1, }; validate_global_widx(WC_EDITOR_OBJECT_SELECTION, WIDX_TAB_1); static bool _window_editor_object_selection_widgets_initialised; static std::vector _window_editor_object_selection_widgets = { WINDOW_SHIM(WINDOW_TITLE, WW, WH), MakeWidget({ 0, 43}, {WW, 357}, WindowWidgetType::Resize, WindowColour::Secondary ), MakeWidget({470, 22}, {122, 14}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Primary, STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_ADVANCED, STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_ADVANCED_TIP), MakeWidget({ 4, 60}, {288, 327}, WindowWidgetType::Scroll, WindowColour::Secondary, SCROLL_VERTICAL ), MakeWidget({391, 45}, {114, 115}, WindowWidgetType::FlatBtn, WindowColour::Secondary ), MakeWidget({470, 22}, {122, 14}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Primary, STR_INSTALL_NEW_TRACK_DESIGN, STR_INSTALL_NEW_TRACK_DESIGN_TIP ), MakeWidget({350, 22}, {114, 14}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Primary, STR_OBJECT_FILTER, STR_OBJECT_FILTER_TIP ), MakeWidget({ 4, 45}, {211, 14}, WindowWidgetType::TextBox, WindowColour::Secondary ), MakeWidget({218, 45}, { 70, 14}, WindowWidgetType::Button, WindowColour::Secondary, STR_OBJECT_SEARCH_CLEAR ), MakeWidget({ 3, 73}, {285, 4}, WindowWidgetType::ImgBtn, WindowColour::Secondary ), MakeTab ({ 3, 47}, STR_OBJECT_FILTER_ALL_RIDES_TIP ), MakeTab ({ 34, 47}, STR_TRANSPORT_RIDES_TIP ), MakeTab ({ 65, 47}, STR_GENTLE_RIDES_TIP ), MakeTab ({ 96, 47}, STR_ROLLER_COASTERS_TIP ), MakeTab ({127, 47}, STR_THRILL_RIDES_TIP ), MakeTab ({158, 47}, STR_WATER_RIDES_TIP ), MakeTab ({189, 47}, STR_SHOPS_STALLS_TIP ), MakeWidget({ 4, 80}, {145, 14}, WindowWidgetType::TableHeader, WindowColour::Secondary ), MakeWidget({149, 80}, {143, 14}, WindowWidgetType::TableHeader, WindowColour::Secondary ), MakeTab ({ 3, 17}, STR_STRING_DEFINED_TOOLTIP ), // Copied object type times... WIDGETS_END, }; #pragma endregion #pragma region Events static void window_editor_object_selection_close(rct_window *w); static void window_editor_object_selection_mouseup(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex); static void window_editor_object_selection_resize(rct_window *w); static void window_editor_object_selection_mousedown(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, rct_widget* widget); static void window_editor_object_selection_dropdown(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, int32_t dropdownIndex); static void window_editor_object_selection_update(rct_window *w); static void window_editor_object_selection_scrollgetsize(rct_window *w, int32_t scrollIndex, int32_t *width, int32_t *height); static void window_editor_object_selection_scroll_mousedown(rct_window *w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); static void window_editor_object_selection_scroll_mouseover(rct_window *w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords); static OpenRCT2String window_editor_object_selection_tooltip(rct_window* w, const rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, const rct_string_id fallback); static void window_editor_object_selection_invalidate(rct_window *w); static void window_editor_object_selection_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi); static void window_editor_object_selection_scrollpaint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, int32_t scrollIndex); static void window_editor_object_selection_textinput(rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, char *text); static rct_window_event_list window_editor_object_selection_events([](auto& events) { events.close = &window_editor_object_selection_close; events.mouse_up = &window_editor_object_selection_mouseup; events.resize = &window_editor_object_selection_resize; events.mouse_down = &window_editor_object_selection_mousedown; events.dropdown = &window_editor_object_selection_dropdown; events.update = &window_editor_object_selection_update; events.get_scroll_size = &window_editor_object_selection_scrollgetsize; events.scroll_mousedown = &window_editor_object_selection_scroll_mousedown; events.scroll_mouseover = &window_editor_object_selection_scroll_mouseover; events.text_input = &window_editor_object_selection_textinput; events.tooltip = &window_editor_object_selection_tooltip; events.invalidate = &window_editor_object_selection_invalidate; events.paint = &window_editor_object_selection_paint; events.scroll_paint = &window_editor_object_selection_scrollpaint; }); // clang-format on #pragma endregion static constexpr const int32_t window_editor_object_selection_animation_loops[] = { 20, 32, 10, 72, 24, 28, 16, }; static constexpr const int32_t window_editor_object_selection_animation_divisor[] = { 4, 8, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, }; static void window_editor_object_set_page(rct_window* w, int32_t page); static void window_editor_object_selection_set_pressed_tab(rct_window* w); static int32_t get_object_from_object_selection(ObjectType object_type, int32_t y); static void window_editor_object_selection_manage_tracks(); static void editor_load_selected_objects(); static bool filter_selected(uint8_t objectFlags); static bool filter_string(const ObjectRepositoryItem* item); static bool filter_source(const ObjectRepositoryItem* item); static bool filter_chunks(const ObjectRepositoryItem* item); static void filter_update_counts(); static std::string object_get_description(const Object* object); static ObjectType get_selected_object_type(rct_window* w); enum { RIDE_SORT_TYPE, RIDE_SORT_RIDE }; enum { DDIX_FILTER_RCT1, DDIX_FILTER_AA, DDIX_FILTER_LL, DDIX_FILTER_RCT2, DDIX_FILTER_WW, DDIX_FILTER_TT, DDIX_FILTER_OO, DDIX_FILTER_CUSTOM, DDIX_FILTER_SEPARATOR, DDIX_FILTER_SELECTED, DDIX_FILTER_NONSELECTED, }; struct list_item { const ObjectRepositoryItem* repositoryItem; std::unique_ptr filter; uint8_t* flags; }; static rct_string_id get_ride_type_string_id(const ObjectRepositoryItem* item); using sortFunc_t = bool (*)(const list_item&, const list_item&); static std::vector _listItems; static int32_t _listSortType = RIDE_SORT_TYPE; static bool _listSortDescending = false; static std::unique_ptr _loadedObject; static void visible_list_dispose() { _listItems.clear(); _listItems.shrink_to_fit(); } static bool visible_list_sort_ride_name(const list_item& a, const list_item& b) { auto nameA = a.repositoryItem->Name.c_str(); auto nameB = b.repositoryItem->Name.c_str(); return strcmp(nameA, nameB) < 0; } static bool visible_list_sort_ride_type(const list_item& a, const list_item& b) { auto rideTypeA = language_get_string(get_ride_type_string_id(a.repositoryItem)); auto rideTypeB = language_get_string(get_ride_type_string_id(b.repositoryItem)); int32_t result = String::Compare(rideTypeA, rideTypeB); return result != 0 ? result < 0 : visible_list_sort_ride_name(a, b); } static void visible_list_refresh(rct_window* w) { int32_t numObjects = static_cast(object_repository_get_items_count()); visible_list_dispose(); w->selected_list_item = -1; const ObjectRepositoryItem* items = object_repository_get_items(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { uint8_t selectionFlags = _objectSelectionFlags[i]; const ObjectRepositoryItem* item = &items[i]; if (item->Type == get_selected_object_type(w) && !(selectionFlags & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_6) && filter_source(item) && filter_string(item) && filter_chunks(item) && filter_selected(selectionFlags)) { auto filter = std::make_unique(); filter->ride.category[0] = 0; filter->ride.category[1] = 0; filter->ride.ride_type = 0; list_item currentListItem; currentListItem.repositoryItem = item; currentListItem.filter = std::move(filter); currentListItem.flags = &_objectSelectionFlags[i]; _listItems.push_back(std::move(currentListItem)); } } if (_listItems.empty()) { visible_list_dispose(); } else { sortFunc_t sortFunc = nullptr; switch (_listSortType) { case RIDE_SORT_TYPE: sortFunc = visible_list_sort_ride_type; break; case RIDE_SORT_RIDE: sortFunc = visible_list_sort_ride_name; break; default: log_warning("Wrong sort type %d, leaving list as-is.", _listSortType); break; } if (sortFunc != nullptr) { std::sort(_listItems.begin(), _listItems.end(), sortFunc); if (_listSortDescending) { std::reverse(_listItems.begin(), _listItems.end()); } } } w->Invalidate(); } static void window_editor_object_selection_init_widgets() { auto& widgets = _window_editor_object_selection_widgets; if (!_window_editor_object_selection_widgets_initialised) { _window_editor_object_selection_widgets_initialised = true; auto tabWidget = widgets[widgets.size() - 2]; for (size_t i = 1; i < std::size(ObjectSelectionPages); i++) { widgets.insert(widgets.end() - 1, tabWidget); } } } /** * * rct2: 0x006AA64E */ rct_window* window_editor_object_selection_open() { window_editor_object_selection_init_widgets(); auto window = window_bring_to_front_by_class(WC_EDITOR_OBJECT_SELECTION); if (window != nullptr) return window; sub_6AB211(); reset_selected_object_count_and_size(); window = WindowCreateCentred( WW, WH, &window_editor_object_selection_events, WC_EDITOR_OBJECT_SELECTION, WF_10 | WF_RESIZABLE); window->widgets = _window_editor_object_selection_widgets.data(); window->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX].string = _filter_string; window->enabled_widgets = (1ULL << WIDX_ADVANCED) | (1ULL << WIDX_INSTALL_TRACK) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_DROPDOWN) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_CLEAR_BUTTON) | (1ULL << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1ULL << WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE) | (1UL << WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE); _filter_flags = gConfigInterface.object_selection_filter_flags; std::fill_n(_filter_string, sizeof(_filter_string), 0x00); for (size_t i = WIDX_TAB_1; i < WIDX_TAB_1 + std::size(ObjectSelectionPages); i++) { window->enabled_widgets |= (1LL << i); } WindowInitScrollWidgets(window); window->selected_tab = 0; window->selected_list_item = -1; window->min_width = WW; window->min_height = WH; window->max_width = 1200; window->max_height = 1000; visible_list_refresh(window); return window; } /** * * rct2: 0x006AB199 */ static void window_editor_object_selection_close(rct_window* w) { unload_unselected_objects(); editor_load_selected_objects(); editor_object_flags_free(); if (_loadedObject != nullptr) _loadedObject->Unload(); if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_EDITOR) { research_populate_list_random(); } else { // Used for in-game object selection cheat // This resets the ride selection list and resets research to 0 on current item gSilentResearch = true; research_reset_current_item(); gSilentResearch = false; } auto intent = Intent(INTENT_ACTION_REFRESH_NEW_RIDES); context_broadcast_intent(&intent); visible_list_dispose(); intent = Intent(INTENT_ACTION_REFRESH_SCENERY); context_broadcast_intent(&intent); } /** * * rct2: 0x006AAFAB */ static void window_editor_object_selection_mouseup(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex) { switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_CLOSE: window_close(w); if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_EDITOR) { finish_object_selection(); } if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER) { game_unload_scripts(); title_load(); } break; case WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL: _filter_flags |= FILTER_RIDES; gConfigInterface.object_selection_filter_flags = _filter_flags; config_save_default(); filter_update_counts(); visible_list_refresh(w); w->selected_list_item = -1; w->scrolls[0].v_top = 0; w->Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_TRANSPORT: case WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_GENTLE: case WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_COASTER: case WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_THRILL: case WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_WATER: case WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_STALL: _filter_flags &= ~FILTER_RIDES; _filter_flags |= (1 << (widgetIndex - WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_TRANSPORT + _numSourceGameItems)); gConfigInterface.object_selection_filter_flags = _filter_flags; config_save_default(); filter_update_counts(); visible_list_refresh(w); w->selected_list_item = -1; w->scrolls[0].v_top = 0; w->frame_no = 0; w->Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_ADVANCED: w->list_information_type ^= 1; w->Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_INSTALL_TRACK: { if (w->selected_list_item != -1) { w->selected_list_item = -1; } w->Invalidate(); auto intent = Intent(WC_LOADSAVE); intent.putExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_LOADSAVE_TYPE, LOADSAVETYPE_LOAD | LOADSAVETYPE_TRACK); context_open_intent(&intent); break; } case WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX: window_start_textbox(w, widgetIndex, STR_STRING, _filter_string, sizeof(_filter_string)); break; case WIDX_FILTER_CLEAR_BUTTON: std::fill_n(_filter_string, sizeof(_filter_string), 0x00); filter_update_counts(); w->scrolls->v_top = 0; visible_list_refresh(w); w->Invalidate(); break; case WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE: if (_listSortType == RIDE_SORT_TYPE) { _listSortDescending = !_listSortDescending; } else { _listSortType = RIDE_SORT_TYPE; _listSortDescending = false; } visible_list_refresh(w); break; case WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE: if (_listSortType == RIDE_SORT_RIDE) { _listSortDescending = !_listSortDescending; } else { _listSortType = RIDE_SORT_RIDE; _listSortDescending = false; } visible_list_refresh(w); break; default: if (widgetIndex >= WIDX_TAB_1 && static_cast(widgetIndex) < WIDX_TAB_1 + std::size(ObjectSelectionPages)) { window_editor_object_set_page(w, widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1); } break; } } static void window_editor_object_selection_resize(rct_window* w) { window_set_resize(w, WW, WH, 1200, 1000); } void window_editor_object_selection_mousedown(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, rct_widget* widget) { int32_t numSelectionItems = 0; switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_FILTER_DROPDOWN: gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_RCT1] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_AA] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_LL] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_RCT2] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_WW] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_TT] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_OO] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_CUSTOM] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_RCT1] = STR_SCENARIO_CATEGORY_RCT1; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_AA] = STR_SCENARIO_CATEGORY_RCT1_AA; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_LL] = STR_SCENARIO_CATEGORY_RCT1_LL; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_RCT2] = STR_ROLLERCOASTER_TYCOON_2_DROPDOWN; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_WW] = STR_OBJECT_FILTER_WW; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_TT] = STR_OBJECT_FILTER_TT; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_OO] = STR_OBJECT_FILTER_OPENRCT2_OFFICIAL; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_CUSTOM] = STR_OBJECT_FILTER_CUSTOM; // Track manager cannot select multiple, so only show selection filters if not in track manager if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER)) { numSelectionItems = 3; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_SEPARATOR] = 0; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_SELECTED] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsFormat[DDIX_FILTER_NONSELECTED] = STR_TOGGLE_OPTION; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_SEPARATOR] = STR_NONE; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_SELECTED] = STR_SELECTED_ONLY; gDropdownItemsArgs[DDIX_FILTER_NONSELECTED] = STR_NON_SELECTED_ONLY; } WindowDropdownShowText( { w->windowPos.x + widget->left, w->windowPos.y + widget->top }, widget->height() + 1, w->colours[widget->colour], Dropdown::Flag::StayOpen, _numSourceGameItems + numSelectionItems); for (int32_t i = 0; i < _numSourceGameItems; i++) { if (_filter_flags & (1 << i)) { Dropdown::SetChecked(i, true); } } if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER)) { Dropdown::SetChecked(DDIX_FILTER_SELECTED, _FILTER_SELECTED != 0); Dropdown::SetChecked(DDIX_FILTER_NONSELECTED, _FILTER_NONSELECTED != 0); } break; } } static void window_editor_object_selection_dropdown(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, int32_t dropdownIndex) { if (dropdownIndex == -1) return; switch (widgetIndex) { case WIDX_FILTER_DROPDOWN: if (dropdownIndex == DDIX_FILTER_SELECTED) { _filter_flags ^= FILTER_SELECTED; _filter_flags &= ~FILTER_NONSELECTED; } else if (dropdownIndex == DDIX_FILTER_NONSELECTED) { _filter_flags ^= FILTER_NONSELECTED; _filter_flags &= ~FILTER_SELECTED; } else { _filter_flags ^= (1 << dropdownIndex); } gConfigInterface.object_selection_filter_flags = _filter_flags; config_save_default(); filter_update_counts(); w->scrolls->v_top = 0; visible_list_refresh(w); w->Invalidate(); break; } } /** * * rct2: 0x006AB031 */ static void window_editor_object_selection_scrollgetsize(rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, int32_t* width, int32_t* height) { *height = static_cast(_listItems.size() * SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT); } /** * * rct2: 0x006AB0B6 */ static void window_editor_object_selection_scroll_mousedown( rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { // Used for in-game object selection cheat to prevent crashing the game // when windows attempt to draw objects that don't exist any more window_close_all_except_class(WC_EDITOR_OBJECT_SELECTION); int32_t selected_object = get_object_from_object_selection(get_selected_object_type(w), screenCoords.y); if (selected_object == -1) return; list_item* listItem = &_listItems[selected_object]; uint8_t object_selection_flags = *listItem->flags; if (object_selection_flags & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_6) return; w->Invalidate(); const CursorState* state = context_get_cursor_state(); OpenRCT2::Audio::Play(OpenRCT2::Audio::SoundId::Click1, 0, state->position.x); if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER) { if (!window_editor_object_selection_select_object(0, INPUT_FLAG_EDITOR_OBJECT_SELECT, listItem->repositoryItem)) return; // Close any other open windows such as options/colour schemes to prevent a crash. window_close_all(); // window_close(w); // This function calls window_track_list_open window_editor_object_selection_manage_tracks(); return; } int32_t flags = INPUT_FLAG_EDITOR_OBJECT_1 | INPUT_FLAG_EDITOR_OBJECT_SELECT_OBJECTS_IN_SCENERY_GROUP; // If already selected if (!(object_selection_flags & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_SELECTED)) flags |= INPUT_FLAG_EDITOR_OBJECT_SELECT; _maxObjectsWasHit = false; if (!window_editor_object_selection_select_object(0, flags, listItem->repositoryItem)) { rct_string_id error_title = (flags & INPUT_FLAG_EDITOR_OBJECT_SELECT) ? STR_UNABLE_TO_SELECT_THIS_OBJECT : STR_UNABLE_TO_DE_SELECT_THIS_OBJECT; context_show_error(error_title, gGameCommandErrorText, {}); return; } if (_FILTER_SELECTED || _FILTER_NONSELECTED) { filter_update_counts(); visible_list_refresh(w); w->Invalidate(); } if (_maxObjectsWasHit) { context_show_error( STR_WARNING_TOO_MANY_OBJECTS_SELECTED, STR_NOT_ALL_OBJECTS_IN_THIS_SCENERY_GROUP_COULD_BE_SELECTED, {}); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006AB079 */ static void window_editor_object_selection_scroll_mouseover( rct_window* w, int32_t scrollIndex, const ScreenCoordsXY& screenCoords) { int32_t selectedObject = get_object_from_object_selection(get_selected_object_type(w), screenCoords.y); if (selectedObject != -1) { list_item* listItem = &_listItems[selectedObject]; uint8_t objectSelectionFlags = *listItem->flags; if (objectSelectionFlags & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_6) { selectedObject = -1; } } if (selectedObject != w->selected_list_item) { w->selected_list_item = selectedObject; if (_loadedObject != nullptr) { _loadedObject->Unload(); _loadedObject = nullptr; } if (selectedObject != -1) { auto listItem = &_listItems[selectedObject]; auto& objRepository = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetObjectRepository(); _loadedObject = objRepository.LoadObject(listItem->repositoryItem); if (_loadedObject != nullptr) { _loadedObject->Load(); } } w->Invalidate(); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006AB058 */ static OpenRCT2String window_editor_object_selection_tooltip( rct_window* w, const rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, const rct_string_id fallback) { if (widgetIndex >= WIDX_TAB_1 && static_cast(widgetIndex) < WIDX_TAB_1 + std::size(ObjectSelectionPages)) { auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(ObjectSelectionPages[(widgetIndex - WIDX_TAB_1)].Caption); return { fallback, ft }; } return { fallback, {} }; } /** * * rct2: 0x006AA9FD */ static void window_editor_object_selection_invalidate(rct_window* w) { // Resize widgets w->widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].right = w->width - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = w->height - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_TITLE].right = w->width - 2; w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE].left = w->width - 13; w->widgets[WIDX_CLOSE].right = w->width - 3; w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_CONTENT_PANEL].right = w->width - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_CONTENT_PANEL].bottom = w->height - 1; w->widgets[WIDX_ADVANCED].left = w->width - 130; w->widgets[WIDX_ADVANCED].right = w->width - 9; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right = w->width - 309; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].bottom = w->height - 14; w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].left = w->width - 209; w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].right = w->width - 96; w->widgets[WIDX_INSTALL_TRACK].left = w->width - 130; w->widgets[WIDX_INSTALL_TRACK].right = w->width - 9; w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_DROPDOWN].left = w->width - 250; w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_DROPDOWN].right = w->width - 137; // Set pressed widgets w->pressed_widgets |= 1ULL << WIDX_PREVIEW; window_editor_object_selection_set_pressed_tab(w); if (w->list_information_type & 1) w->pressed_widgets |= (1ULL << WIDX_ADVANCED); else w->pressed_widgets &= ~(1ULL << WIDX_ADVANCED); // Set window title and buttons auto ft = Formatter::Common(); ft.Add(ObjectSelectionPages[w->selected_tab].Caption); auto& titleWidget = w->widgets[WIDX_TITLE]; auto& installTrackWidget = w->widgets[WIDX_INSTALL_TRACK]; if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER) { titleWidget.text = STR_TRACK_DESIGNS_MANAGER_SELECT_RIDE_TYPE; installTrackWidget.type = WindowWidgetType::Button; } else if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_DESIGNER) { titleWidget.text = STR_ROLLER_COASTER_DESIGNER_SELECT_RIDE_TYPES_VEHICLES; installTrackWidget.type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; } else { titleWidget.text = STR_OBJECT_SELECTION; installTrackWidget.type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; } // Align tabs, hide advanced ones bool advancedMode = (w->list_information_type & 1) != 0; int32_t x = 3; for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(ObjectSelectionPages); i++) { auto& widget = w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1 + i]; if ((!advancedMode && ObjectSelectionPages[i].IsAdvanced) || ObjectSelectionPages[i].Image == static_cast(SPR_NONE)) { widget.type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; } else { widget.type = WindowWidgetType::Tab; widget.left = x; widget.right = x + 30; x += 31; } } if (gScreenFlags & (SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER | SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_DESIGNER)) { w->widgets[WIDX_ADVANCED].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; for (size_t i = 1; i < std::size(ObjectSelectionPages); i++) { w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1 + i].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; } x = 150; } else { w->widgets[WIDX_ADVANCED].type = WindowWidgetType::Button; x = 300; } w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_DROPDOWN].type = WindowWidgetType::Button; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right = w->width - (WW - 587) - x; w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].left = w->width - (WW - 537) - (x / 2); w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].right = w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW].left + 113; w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_FRAME].right = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right; bool ridePage = (get_selected_object_type(w) == ObjectType::Ride); w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].top = (ridePage ? 118 : 60); w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX].right = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right - 77; w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX].top = (ridePage ? 79 : 45); w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX].bottom = (ridePage ? 92 : 58); w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_CLEAR_BUTTON].left = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right - 73; w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_CLEAR_BUTTON].right = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right; w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_CLEAR_BUTTON].top = (ridePage ? 79 : 45); w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_CLEAR_BUTTON].bottom = (ridePage ? 92 : 58); if (ridePage) { w->enabled_widgets |= (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_TRANSPORT) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_GENTLE) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_COASTER) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_THRILL) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_WATER) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_STALL); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) w->pressed_widgets &= ~(1 << (WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL + i)); if ((_filter_flags & FILTER_RIDES) == FILTER_RIDES) w->pressed_widgets |= (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL); else { for (int32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (_filter_flags & (1 << (_numSourceGameItems + i))) w->pressed_widgets |= 1ULL << (WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_TRANSPORT + i); } } w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_FRAME].type = WindowWidgetType::ImgBtn; for (int32_t i = WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL; i <= WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_STALL; i++) w->widgets[i].type = WindowWidgetType::Tab; int32_t width_limit = (w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].width() - 15) / 2; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].type = WindowWidgetType::TableHeader; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].top = w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX].bottom + 3; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].bottom = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].top + 13; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].left = 4; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].right = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].left + width_limit; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE].type = WindowWidgetType::TableHeader; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE].top = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].top; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE].bottom = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].bottom; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE].left = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].right + 1; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE].right = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].top = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].bottom + 2; } else { w->enabled_widgets &= ~( (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_TRANSPORT) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_GENTLE) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_COASTER) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_THRILL) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_WATER) | (1ULL << WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_STALL)); for (int32_t i = WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_FRAME; i <= WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_STALL; i++) w->widgets[i].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE].type = WindowWidgetType::Empty; } } static void window_editor_object_selection_paint_descriptions(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { const auto& widget = w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW]; auto screenPos = w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right + 4, widget.bottom + 23 }; auto width = w->windowPos.x + w->width - screenPos.x - 4; auto description = object_get_description(_loadedObject.get()); if (!description.empty()) { auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(STR_STRING); ft.Add(description.c_str()); screenPos.y += DrawTextWrapped(dpi, screenPos, width, STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID, ft) + LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } if (get_selected_object_type(w) == ObjectType::Ride) { auto* rideObject = reinterpret_cast(_loadedObject.get()); const auto* rideEntry = reinterpret_cast(rideObject->GetLegacyData()); if (rideEntry->shop_item[0] != ShopItem::None) { std::string sells = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(rideEntry->shop_item); i++) { if (rideEntry->shop_item[i] == ShopItem::None) continue; if (!sells.empty()) sells += ", "; sells += language_get_string(GetShopItemDescriptor(rideEntry->shop_item[i]).Naming.Plural); } auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(sells.c_str()); screenPos.y += DrawTextWrapped(dpi, screenPos, width, STR_RIDE_OBJECT_SHOP_SELLS, ft) + 2; } } else if (get_selected_object_type(w) == ObjectType::SceneryGroup) { const auto* sceneryGroupObject = reinterpret_cast(_loadedObject.get()); auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(sceneryGroupObject->GetNumIncludedObjects()); screenPos.y += DrawTextWrapped(dpi, screenPos, width, STR_INCLUDES_X_OBJECTS, ft) + 2; } else if (get_selected_object_type(w) == ObjectType::Music) { screenPos.y += DrawTextWrapped(dpi, screenPos, width, STR_MUSIC_OBJECT_TRACK_HEADER) + 2; const auto* musicObject = reinterpret_cast(_loadedObject.get()); for (size_t i = 0; i < musicObject->GetTrackCount(); i++) { const auto* track = musicObject->GetTrack(i); if (track->Name.empty()) continue; auto stringId = track->Composer.empty() ? STR_MUSIC_OBJECT_TRACK_LIST_ITEM : STR_MUSIC_OBJECT_TRACK_LIST_ITEM_WITH_COMPOSER; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(track->Name.c_str()); ft.Add(track->Composer.c_str()); screenPos.y += DrawTextWrapped(dpi, screenPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ 10, 0 }, width, stringId, ft); } } } static void window_editor_object_selection_paint_debug_data(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { list_item* listItem = &_listItems[w->selected_list_item]; auto screenPos = w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ w->width - 5, w->height - (LIST_ROW_HEIGHT * 5) }; // Draw ride type. if (get_selected_object_type(w) == ObjectType::Ride) { auto stringId = get_ride_type_string_id(listItem->repositoryItem); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, stringId, {}, { COLOUR_WHITE, TextAlignment::RIGHT }); } screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; // Draw object source auto stringId = object_manager_get_source_game_string(listItem->repositoryItem->GetFirstSourceGame()); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, stringId, {}, { COLOUR_WHITE, TextAlignment::RIGHT }); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; // Draw object dat name { const char* path = path_get_filename(listItem->repositoryItem->Path.c_str()); auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(STR_STRING); ft.Add(path); DrawTextBasic( dpi, { w->windowPos.x + w->width - 5, screenPos.y }, STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID, ft, { COLOUR_BLACK, TextAlignment::RIGHT }); screenPos.y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT; } // Draw object author (will be blank space if no author in file or a non JSON object) { auto ft = Formatter(); std::string authorsString; for (size_t i = 0; i < listItem->repositoryItem->Authors.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { authorsString.append(", "); } authorsString.append(listItem->repositoryItem->Authors[i]); } ft.Add(STR_STRING); ft.Add(authorsString.c_str()); DrawTextEllipsised( dpi, { w->windowPos.x + w->width - 5, screenPos.y }, w->width - w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right - 4, STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID, ft, { TextAlignment::RIGHT }); } } /** * * rct2: 0x006AAB56 */ static void window_editor_object_selection_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { int32_t width; WindowDrawWidgets(w, dpi); // Draw tabs for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(ObjectSelectionPages); i++) { const auto& widget = w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1 + i]; if (widget.type != WindowWidgetType::Empty) { auto image = ImageId(ObjectSelectionPages[i].Image); auto screenPos = w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widget.left, widget.top }; gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, image, screenPos); } } const int32_t ride_tabs[] = { SPR_TAB_RIDE_16, IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | SPR_TAB_RIDES_TRANSPORT_0, SPR_TAB_RIDES_GENTLE_0, IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP | SPR_TAB_RIDES_ROLLER_COASTERS_0, SPR_TAB_RIDES_THRILL_0, SPR_TAB_RIDES_WATER_0, SPR_TAB_RIDES_SHOP_0, SPR_TAB_FINANCES_RESEARCH_0, }; const int32_t ThrillRidesTabAnimationSequence[] = { 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, }; // Draw ride tabs if (get_selected_object_type(w) == ObjectType::Ride) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const auto& widget = w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL + i]; if (widget.type == WindowWidgetType::Empty) continue; int32_t spriteIndex = ride_tabs[i]; int32_t frame = 0; if (i != 0 && w->pressed_widgets & (1ULL << (WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL + i))) { frame = w->frame_no / window_editor_object_selection_animation_divisor[i - 1]; } spriteIndex += (i == 4 ? ThrillRidesTabAnimationSequence[frame] : frame); auto screenPos = w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ widget.left, widget.top }; gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, ImageId(spriteIndex, w->colours[1]), screenPos); } } // Preview background const auto& previewWidget = w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW]; gfx_fill_rect( dpi, { w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ previewWidget.left + 1, previewWidget.top + 1 }, w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ previewWidget.right - 1, previewWidget.bottom - 1 } }, ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].darkest); // Draw number of selected items if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER)) { auto screenPos = w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ 3, w->height - 13 }; int32_t numSelected = _numSelectedObjectsForType[EnumValue(get_selected_object_type(w))]; int32_t totalSelectable = object_entry_group_counts[EnumValue(get_selected_object_type(w))]; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(numSelected); ft.Add(totalSelectable); DrawTextBasic(dpi, screenPos, STR_OBJECT_SELECTION_SELECTION_SIZE, ft); } // Draw sort button text const auto& listSortTypeWidget = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_TYPE]; if (listSortTypeWidget.type != WindowWidgetType::Empty) { auto ft = Formatter(); auto stringId = _listSortType == RIDE_SORT_TYPE ? static_cast(_listSortDescending ? STR_DOWN : STR_UP) : STR_NONE; ft.Add(stringId); auto screenPos = w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ listSortTypeWidget.left + 1, listSortTypeWidget.top + 1 }; DrawTextEllipsised(dpi, screenPos, listSortTypeWidget.width(), STR_OBJECTS_SORT_TYPE, ft, { w->colours[1] }); } const auto& listSortRideWidget = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE]; if (listSortRideWidget.type != WindowWidgetType::Empty) { auto ft = Formatter(); auto stringId = _listSortType == RIDE_SORT_RIDE ? static_cast(_listSortDescending ? STR_DOWN : STR_UP) : STR_NONE; ft.Add(stringId); auto screenPos = w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ listSortRideWidget.left + 1, listSortRideWidget.top + 1 }; DrawTextEllipsised(dpi, screenPos, listSortRideWidget.width(), STR_OBJECTS_SORT_RIDE, ft, { w->colours[1] }); } if (w->selected_list_item == -1 || _loadedObject == nullptr) return; list_item* listItem = &_listItems[w->selected_list_item]; // Draw preview { rct_drawpixelinfo clipDPI; auto screenPos = w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ previewWidget.left + 1, previewWidget.top + 1 }; width = previewWidget.width() - 1; int32_t height = previewWidget.height() - 1; if (clip_drawpixelinfo(&clipDPI, dpi, screenPos, width, height)) { _loadedObject->DrawPreview(&clipDPI, width, height); } } // Draw name of object { auto screenPos = w->windowPos + ScreenCoordsXY{ previewWidget.midX() + 1, previewWidget.bottom + 3 }; width = w->width - w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right - 6; auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(STR_STRING); ft.Add(listItem->repositoryItem->Name.c_str()); DrawTextEllipsised(dpi, screenPos, width, STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID, ft, { TextAlignment::CENTRE }); } window_editor_object_selection_paint_descriptions(w, dpi); window_editor_object_selection_paint_debug_data(w, dpi); } /** * * rct2: 0x006AADA3 */ static void window_editor_object_selection_scrollpaint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, int32_t scrollIndex) { ScreenCoordsXY screenCoords; bool ridePage = (get_selected_object_type(w) == ObjectType::Ride); uint8_t paletteIndex = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light; gfx_clear(dpi, paletteIndex); screenCoords.y = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < _listItems.size(); i++) { const auto& listItem = _listItems[i]; if (screenCoords.y + SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT >= dpi->y && screenCoords.y <= dpi->y + dpi->height) { // Draw checkbox if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER) && !(*listItem.flags & 0x20)) gfx_fill_rect_inset( dpi, { { 2, screenCoords.y }, { 11, screenCoords.y + 10 } }, w->colours[1], INSET_RECT_F_E0); // Highlight background auto highlighted = i == static_cast(w->selected_list_item) && !(*listItem.flags & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_6); if (highlighted) { auto bottom = screenCoords.y + (SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT - 1); gfx_filter_rect(dpi, { 0, screenCoords.y, w->width, bottom }, FilterPaletteID::PaletteDarken1); } // Draw checkmark if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER) && (*listItem.flags & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_SELECTED)) { screenCoords.x = 2; FontSpriteBase fontSpriteBase = highlighted ? FontSpriteBase::MEDIUM_EXTRA_DARK : FontSpriteBase::MEDIUM_DARK; colour_t colour2 = NOT_TRANSLUCENT(w->colours[1]); if (*listItem.flags & (OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_IN_USE | OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_ALWAYS_REQUIRED)) colour2 |= COLOUR_FLAG_INSET; gfx_draw_string( dpi, screenCoords, static_cast(CheckBoxMarkString), { static_cast(colour2), fontSpriteBase }); } screenCoords.x = gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER ? 0 : 15; auto bufferWithColour = strcpy(gCommonStringFormatBuffer, highlighted ? "{WINDOW_COLOUR_2}" : "{BLACK}"); auto buffer = strchr(bufferWithColour, '\0'); colour_t colour = COLOUR_BLACK; FontSpriteBase fontSpriteBase = FontSpriteBase::MEDIUM; if (*listItem.flags & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_6) { colour = w->colours[1] & 0x7F; fontSpriteBase = FontSpriteBase::MEDIUM_DARK; } int32_t width_limit = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].width() - screenCoords.x; if (ridePage) { width_limit /= 2; // Draw ride type rct_string_id rideTypeStringId = get_ride_type_string_id(listItem.repositoryItem); safe_strcpy(buffer, language_get_string(rideTypeStringId), 256 - (buffer - bufferWithColour)); auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(gCommonStringFormatBuffer); DrawTextEllipsised(dpi, screenCoords, width_limit - 15, STR_STRING, ft, { colour, fontSpriteBase }); screenCoords.x = w->widgets[WIDX_LIST_SORT_RIDE].left - w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].left; } // Draw text safe_strcpy(buffer, listItem.repositoryItem->Name.c_str(), 256 - (buffer - bufferWithColour)); if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER) { while (*buffer != 0 && *buffer != 9) buffer++; *buffer = 0; } auto ft = Formatter(); ft.Add(gCommonStringFormatBuffer); DrawTextEllipsised(dpi, screenCoords, width_limit, STR_STRING, ft, { colour, fontSpriteBase }); } screenCoords.y += SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; } } static void window_editor_object_set_page(rct_window* w, int32_t page) { if (w->selected_tab == page) return; w->selected_tab = page; w->selected_list_item = -1; w->scrolls[0].v_top = 0; w->frame_no = 0; if (page == EnumValue(ObjectType::Ride)) { _listSortType = RIDE_SORT_TYPE; _listSortDescending = false; } else { _listSortType = RIDE_SORT_RIDE; _listSortDescending = false; } visible_list_refresh(w); w->Invalidate(); } static void window_editor_object_selection_set_pressed_tab(rct_window* w) { for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(ObjectSelectionPages); i++) { w->pressed_widgets &= ~(1 << (WIDX_TAB_1 + i)); } w->pressed_widgets |= 1LL << (WIDX_TAB_1 + w->selected_tab); } /** * Takes the y coordinate of the clicked on scroll list * and converts this into an object selection. * Returns the position in the list. * Object_selection_flags, installed_entry also populated * * rct2: 0x006AA703 */ static int32_t get_object_from_object_selection(ObjectType object_type, int32_t y) { int32_t listItemIndex = y / SCROLLABLE_ROW_HEIGHT; if (listItemIndex < 0 || static_cast(listItemIndex) >= _listItems.size()) return -1; return listItemIndex; } /** * * rct2: 0x006D33E2 */ static void window_editor_object_selection_manage_tracks() { set_every_ride_type_invented(); set_every_ride_entry_invented(); gEditorStep = EditorStep::DesignsManager; int32_t entry_index = 0; for (; object_entry_get_chunk(ObjectType::Ride, entry_index) == nullptr; entry_index++) ; rct_ride_entry* ride_entry = get_ride_entry(entry_index); uint8_t ride_type = ride_entry_get_first_non_null_ride_type(ride_entry); auto intent = Intent(WC_TRACK_DESIGN_LIST); intent.putExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_RIDE_TYPE, ride_type); intent.putExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_RIDE_ENTRY_INDEX, entry_index); context_open_intent(&intent); } /** * * rct2: 0x006ABBBE */ static void editor_load_selected_objects() { auto& objManager = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetObjectManager(); int32_t numItems = static_cast(object_repository_get_items_count()); const ObjectRepositoryItem* items = object_repository_get_items(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { if (_objectSelectionFlags[i] & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_SELECTED) { const auto* item = &items[i]; auto descriptor = ObjectEntryDescriptor(*item); const auto* loadedObject = objManager.GetLoadedObject(descriptor); if (loadedObject == nullptr) { loadedObject = objManager.LoadObject(descriptor); if (loadedObject == nullptr) { log_error("Failed to load entry %s", std::string(descriptor.GetName()).c_str()); } else if (!(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_EDITOR)) { // Defaults selected items to researched (if in-game) auto objectType = loadedObject->GetObjectType(); auto entryIndex = object_manager_get_loaded_object_entry_index(loadedObject); if (objectType == ObjectType::Ride) { rct_ride_entry* rideEntry = get_ride_entry(entryIndex); uint8_t rideType = ride_entry_get_first_non_null_ride_type(rideEntry); ResearchCategory category = static_cast(GetRideTypeDescriptor(rideType).Category); research_insert_ride_entry(rideType, entryIndex, category, true); } else if (objectType == ObjectType::SceneryGroup) { research_insert_scenery_group_entry(entryIndex, true); } } } } } if (_numSelectedObjectsForType[EnumValue(ObjectType::Water)] == 0) { // Reloads the default cyan water palette if no palette was selected. load_palette(); } } static void window_editor_object_selection_update(rct_window* w) { if (gCurrentTextBox.window.classification == w->classification && gCurrentTextBox.window.number == w->number) { window_update_textbox_caret(); widget_invalidate(w, WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX); } for (rct_widgetindex i = WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_TRANSPORT; i <= WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_STALL; i++) { if (!(w->pressed_widgets & (1ULL << i))) continue; w->frame_no++; if (w->frame_no >= window_editor_object_selection_animation_loops[i - WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_TRANSPORT]) w->frame_no = 0; widget_invalidate(w, i); break; } } static void window_editor_object_selection_textinput(rct_window* w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex, char* text) { if (widgetIndex != WIDX_FILTER_TEXT_BOX || text == nullptr) return; if (strcmp(_filter_string, text) == 0) return; safe_strcpy(_filter_string, text, sizeof(_filter_string)); filter_update_counts(); w->scrolls->v_top = 0; visible_list_refresh(w); w->Invalidate(); } static bool filter_selected(uint8_t objectFlag) { if (_FILTER_SELECTED == _FILTER_NONSELECTED) { return true; } if (_FILTER_SELECTED && objectFlag & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_SELECTED) { return true; } if (_FILTER_NONSELECTED && !(objectFlag & OBJECT_SELECTION_FLAG_SELECTED)) { return true; } return false; } static bool filter_string(const ObjectRepositoryItem* item) { // Nothing to search for if (_filter_string[0] == '\0') return true; // Object doesn't have a name if (item->Name.empty()) return false; // Get ride type const char* rideTypeName = language_get_string(get_ride_type_string_id(item)); // Get object name (ride/vehicle for rides) and type name (rides only) in uppercase const auto nameUpper = String::ToUpper(item->Name); const auto typeUpper = String::ToUpper(rideTypeName); const auto pathUpper = String::ToUpper(item->Path); const auto filterUpper = String::ToUpper(_filter_string); // Check if the searched string exists in the name, ride type, or filename bool inName = nameUpper.find(filterUpper) != std::string::npos; bool inRideType = (item->Type == ObjectType::Ride) && typeUpper.find(filterUpper) != std::string::npos; bool inPath = pathUpper.find(filterUpper) != std::string::npos; return inName || inRideType || inPath; } static bool sources_match(ObjectSourceGame source) { // clang-format off return (_FILTER_RCT1 && source == ObjectSourceGame::RCT1) || (_FILTER_AA && source == ObjectSourceGame::AddedAttractions) || (_FILTER_LL && source == ObjectSourceGame::LoopyLandscapes) || (_FILTER_RCT2 && source == ObjectSourceGame::RCT2) || (_FILTER_WW && source == ObjectSourceGame::WackyWorlds) || (_FILTER_TT && source == ObjectSourceGame::TimeTwister) || (_FILTER_OO && source == ObjectSourceGame::OpenRCT2Official) || (_FILTER_CUSTOM && source != ObjectSourceGame::RCT1 && source != ObjectSourceGame::AddedAttractions && source != ObjectSourceGame::LoopyLandscapes && source != ObjectSourceGame::RCT2 && source != ObjectSourceGame::WackyWorlds && source != ObjectSourceGame::TimeTwister && source != ObjectSourceGame::OpenRCT2Official); // clang-format on } static bool filter_source(const ObjectRepositoryItem* item) { if (_FILTER_ALL) return true; for (auto source : item->Sources) { if (sources_match(source)) return true; } return false; } static bool filter_chunks(const ObjectRepositoryItem* item) { if (item->Type == ObjectType::Ride) { uint8_t rideType = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RIDE_TYPES_PER_RIDE_ENTRY; i++) { if (item->RideInfo.RideType[i] != RIDE_TYPE_NULL) { rideType = item->RideInfo.RideType[i]; break; } } return (_filter_flags & (1 << (GetRideTypeDescriptor(rideType).Category + _numSourceGameItems))) != 0; } return true; } static void filter_update_counts() { if (!_FILTER_ALL || strlen(_filter_string) > 0) { const auto& selectionFlags = _objectSelectionFlags; std::fill(std::begin(_filter_object_counts), std::end(_filter_object_counts), 0); size_t numObjects = object_repository_get_items_count(); const ObjectRepositoryItem* items = object_repository_get_items(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { const ObjectRepositoryItem* item = &items[i]; if (filter_source(item) && filter_string(item) && filter_chunks(item) && filter_selected(selectionFlags[i])) { _filter_object_counts[EnumValue(item->Type)]++; } } } } static rct_string_id get_ride_type_string_id(const ObjectRepositoryItem* item) { rct_string_id result = STR_NONE; for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RIDE_TYPES_PER_RIDE_ENTRY; i++) { uint8_t rideType = item->RideInfo.RideType[i]; if (rideType != RIDE_TYPE_NULL) { result = GetRideTypeDescriptor(rideType).Naming.Name; break; } } return result; } static std::string object_get_description(const Object* object) { switch (object->GetObjectType()) { case ObjectType::Ride: { const RideObject* rideObject = static_cast(object); return rideObject->GetDescription(); } default: return ""; } } static ObjectType get_selected_object_type(rct_window* w) { auto tab = w->selected_tab; return static_cast(tab); }