
173 lines
4.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 OpenRCT2 developers
* For a complete list of all authors, please refer to
* Interested in contributing? Visit
* OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
#ifndef _PLATFORM_H_
#define _PLATFORM_H_
#include "../common.h"
#include "../config/Config.h"
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef __ANDROID__
# include <jni.h>
#endif // __ANDROID__
struct TTFFontDescriptor;
struct rct2_install_info;
#ifndef MAX_PATH
# define MAX_PATH 260
#define INVALID_HANDLE (-1)
#ifdef _WIN32
# define PATH_SEPARATOR "\\"
# define PLATFORM_NEWLINE "\r\n"
# define PATH_SEPARATOR "/"
# define PLATFORM_NEWLINE "\n"
struct resolution_t
int32_t width, height;
struct file_info
const char* path;
uint64_t size;
uint64_t last_modified;
struct rct2_date
uint8_t day;
uint8_t month;
int16_t year;
uint8_t day_of_week;
struct rct2_time
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t second;
struct file_dialog_desc
uint8_t type;
const utf8* title;
const utf8* initial_directory;
const utf8* default_filename;
const utf8* name; // E.g. "Image Files"
const utf8* pattern; // E.g. "*.png;*.jpg;*.gif"
} filters[8];
// Platform shared definitions
void platform_update_palette(const uint8_t* colours, int32_t start_index, int32_t num_colours);
void platform_toggle_windowed_mode();
void platform_refresh_video(bool recreate_window);
void platform_get_date_utc(rct2_date* out_date);
void platform_get_time_utc(rct2_time* out_time);
// Platform specific definitions
bool platform_directory_exists(const utf8* path);
bool platform_original_game_data_exists(const utf8* path);
time_t platform_file_get_modified_time(const utf8* path);
bool platform_ensure_directory_exists(const utf8* path);
bool platform_directory_delete(const utf8* path);
std::string platform_get_absolute_path(const utf8* relative_path, const utf8* base_path);
bool platform_lock_single_instance();
bool platform_place_string_on_clipboard(utf8* target);
// Returns the bitmask of the GetLogicalDrives function for windows, 0 for other systems
int32_t platform_get_drives();
bool platform_file_copy(const utf8* srcPath, const utf8* dstPath, bool overwrite);
bool platform_file_move(const utf8* srcPath, const utf8* dstPath);
bool platform_file_delete(const utf8* path);
uint32_t platform_get_ticks();
void platform_sleep(uint32_t ms);
void platform_get_openrct2_data_path(utf8* outPath, size_t outSize);
void platform_get_user_directory(utf8* outPath, const utf8* subDirectory, size_t outSize);
std::string platform_get_username();
bool platform_open_common_file_dialog(utf8* outFilename, file_dialog_desc* desc, size_t outSize);
utf8* platform_open_directory_browser(const utf8* title);
uint8_t platform_get_locale_currency();
uint8_t platform_get_currency_value(const char* currencyCode);
uint16_t platform_get_locale_language();
MeasurementFormat platform_get_locale_measurement_format();
TemperatureUnit platform_get_locale_temperature_format();
uint8_t platform_get_locale_date_format();
bool platform_process_is_elevated();
bool platform_get_steam_path(utf8* outPath, size_t outSize);
std::string platform_get_rct1_steam_dir();
std::string platform_get_rct2_steam_dir();
std::string platform_sanitise_filename(const std::string&);
#ifndef NO_TTF
bool platform_get_font_path(TTFFontDescriptor* font, utf8* buffer, size_t size);
#endif // NO_TTF
datetime64 platform_get_datetime_now_utc();
float platform_get_default_scale();
// Called very early in the program before parsing commandline arguments.
void core_init();
// Windows specific definitions
#ifdef _WIN32
# ifndef NOMINMAX
# define NOMINMAX
# endif
# ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# endif
# include <windows.h>
# undef CreateDirectory
# undef CreateWindow
# undef GetMessage
bool platform_setup_uri_protocol();
// This function cannot be marked as 'static', even though it may seem to be,
// as it requires external linkage, which 'static' prevents
__declspec(dllexport) int32_t StartOpenRCT2(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int32_t nCmdShow);
#endif // _WIN32
#ifdef __ANDROID__
class AndroidClassLoader
static jobject _classLoader;
static jmethodID _findClassMethod;
void platform_android_init_class_loader();
jclass platform_android_find_class(JNIEnv* env, const char* name);
#endif // __ANDROID__