
841 lines
23 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014-2024 OpenRCT2 developers
* For a complete list of all authors, please refer to
* Interested in contributing? Visit
* OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
#include "X8DrawingEngine.h"
#include "../Context.h"
#include "../config/Config.h"
#include "../core/Numerics.hpp"
#include "../interface/Screenshot.h"
#include "../interface/Viewport.h"
#include "../interface/Window.h"
#include "../scenes/intro/IntroScene.h"
#include "../ui/UiContext.h"
#include "../util/Util.h"
#include "Drawing.h"
#include "IDrawingContext.h"
#include "IDrawingEngine.h"
#include "LightFX.h"
#include "Weather.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
using namespace OpenRCT2;
using namespace OpenRCT2::Drawing;
using namespace OpenRCT2::Ui;
_weatherPixels = new WeatherPixel[_weatherPixelsCapacity];
delete[] _weatherPixels;
void X8WeatherDrawer::Draw(
DrawPixelInfo& dpi, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t xStart, int32_t yStart,
const uint8_t* weatherpattern)
const uint8_t* pattern = weatherpattern;
auto patternXSpace = *pattern++;
auto patternYSpace = *pattern++;
uint8_t patternStartXOffset = xStart % patternXSpace;
uint8_t patternStartYOffset = yStart % patternYSpace;
uint32_t pixelOffset = (dpi.pitch + dpi.width) * y + x;
uint8_t patternYPos = patternStartYOffset % patternYSpace;
uint8_t* screenBits = dpi.bits;
// Stores the colours of changed pixels
WeatherPixel* newPixels = &_weatherPixels[_weatherPixelsCount];
for (; height != 0; height--)
auto patternX = pattern[patternYPos * 2];
if (patternX != 0xFF)
if (_weatherPixelsCount < (_weatherPixelsCapacity - static_cast<uint32_t>(width)))
uint32_t finalPixelOffset = width + pixelOffset;
uint32_t xPixelOffset = pixelOffset;
xPixelOffset += (static_cast<uint8_t>(patternX - patternStartXOffset)) % patternXSpace;
auto patternPixel = pattern[patternYPos * 2 + 1];
for (; xPixelOffset < finalPixelOffset; xPixelOffset += patternXSpace)
uint8_t current_pixel = screenBits[xPixelOffset];
screenBits[xPixelOffset] = patternPixel;
// Store colour and position
*newPixels++ = { xPixelOffset, current_pixel };
pixelOffset += dpi.pitch + dpi.width;
patternYPos %= patternYSpace;
void X8WeatherDrawer::Restore(DrawPixelInfo& dpi)
if (_weatherPixelsCount > 0)
uint32_t numPixels = (dpi.width + dpi.pitch) * dpi.height;
uint8_t* bits = dpi.bits;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _weatherPixelsCount; i++)
WeatherPixel weatherPixel = _weatherPixels[i];
if (weatherPixel.Position >= numPixels)
// Pixel out of bounds, bail
bits[weatherPixel.Position] = weatherPixel.Colour;
_weatherPixelsCount = 0;
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsuggest-final-methods"
X8DrawingEngine::X8DrawingEngine([[maybe_unused]] const std::shared_ptr<Ui::IUiContext>& uiContext)
_drawingContext = new X8DrawingContext(this);
_bitsDPI.DrawingEngine = this;
_lastLightFXenabled = (gConfigGeneral.EnableLightFx != 0);
delete _drawingContext;
delete[] _dirtyGrid.Blocks;
delete[] _bits;
void X8DrawingEngine::Initialise()
void X8DrawingEngine::Resize(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
uint32_t pitch = width;
ConfigureBits(width, height, pitch);
void X8DrawingEngine::SetPalette([[maybe_unused]] const GamePalette& palette)
void X8DrawingEngine::SetVSync([[maybe_unused]] bool vsync)
// Not applicable for this engine
void X8DrawingEngine::Invalidate(int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t right, int32_t bottom)
left = std::max(left, 0);
top = std::max(top, 0);
right = std::min(right, static_cast<int32_t>(_width));
bottom = std::min(bottom, static_cast<int32_t>(_height));
if (left >= right)
if (top >= bottom)
left >>= _dirtyGrid.BlockShiftX;
right >>= _dirtyGrid.BlockShiftX;
top >>= _dirtyGrid.BlockShiftY;
bottom >>= _dirtyGrid.BlockShiftY;
uint32_t dirtyBlockColumns = _dirtyGrid.BlockColumns;
uint8_t* screenDirtyBlocks = _dirtyGrid.Blocks;
for (int16_t y = top; y <= bottom; y++)
uint32_t yOffset = y * dirtyBlockColumns;
for (int16_t x = left; x <= right; x++)
screenDirtyBlocks[yOffset + x] = 0xFF;
void X8DrawingEngine::BeginDraw()
if (!IntroIsPlaying())
// HACK we need to re-configure the bits if light fx has been enabled / disabled
if (_lastLightFXenabled != (gConfigGeneral.EnableLightFx != 0))
Resize(_width, _height);
void X8DrawingEngine::EndDraw()
void X8DrawingEngine::PaintWindows()
// Redraw dirty regions before updating the viewports, otherwise
// when viewports get panned, they copy dirty pixels
void X8DrawingEngine::PaintWeather()
DrawWeather(_bitsDPI, &_weatherDrawer);
void X8DrawingEngine::CopyRect(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t dx, int32_t dy)
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
// Originally 0x00683359
// Adjust for move off screen
// NOTE: when zooming, there can be x, y, dx, dy combinations that go off the
// screen; hence the checks. This code should ultimately not be called when
// zooming because this function is specific to updating the screen on move
int32_t lmargin = std::min(x - dx, 0);
int32_t rmargin = std::min(static_cast<int32_t>(_width) - (x - dx + width), 0);
int32_t tmargin = std::min(y - dy, 0);
int32_t bmargin = std::min(static_cast<int32_t>(_height) - (y - dy + height), 0);
x -= lmargin;
y -= tmargin;
width += lmargin + rmargin;
height += tmargin + bmargin;
int32_t stride = _bitsDPI.width + _bitsDPI.pitch;
uint8_t* to = _bitsDPI.bits + y * stride + x;
uint8_t* from = _bitsDPI.bits + (y - dy) * stride + x - dx;
if (dy > 0)
// If positive dy, reverse directions
to += (height - 1) * stride;
from += (height - 1) * stride;
stride = -stride;
// Move bytes
for (int32_t i = 0; i < height; i++)
memmove(to, from, width);
to += stride;
from += stride;
std::string X8DrawingEngine::Screenshot()
return ScreenshotDumpPNG(_bitsDPI);
IDrawingContext* X8DrawingEngine::GetDrawingContext()
return _drawingContext;
DrawPixelInfo* X8DrawingEngine::GetDrawingPixelInfo()
return &_bitsDPI;
DRAWING_ENGINE_FLAGS X8DrawingEngine::GetFlags()
void X8DrawingEngine::InvalidateImage([[maybe_unused]] uint32_t image)
// Not applicable for this engine
DrawPixelInfo* X8DrawingEngine::GetDPI()
return &_bitsDPI;
void X8DrawingEngine::ConfigureBits(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t pitch)
size_t newBitsSize = pitch * height;
uint8_t* newBits = new uint8_t[newBitsSize];
if (_bits == nullptr)
std::fill_n(newBits, newBitsSize, 0);
if (_pitch == pitch)
std::copy_n(_bits, std::min(_bitsSize, newBitsSize), newBits);
uint8_t* src = _bits;
uint8_t* dst = newBits;
uint32_t minWidth = std::min(_width, width);
uint32_t minHeight = std::min(_height, height);
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < minHeight; y++)
std::copy_n(src, minWidth, dst);
if (pitch - minWidth > 0)
std::fill_n(dst + minWidth, pitch - minWidth, 0);
src += _pitch;
dst += pitch;
delete[] _bits;
_bits = newBits;
_bitsSize = newBitsSize;
_width = width;
_height = height;
_pitch = pitch;
DrawPixelInfo* dpi = &_bitsDPI;
dpi->bits = _bits;
dpi->x = 0;
dpi->y = 0;
dpi->width = width;
dpi->height = height;
dpi->pitch = _pitch - width;
if (LightFXIsAvailable())
void X8DrawingEngine::OnDrawDirtyBlock(
[[maybe_unused]] uint32_t x, [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t y, [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t columns, [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t rows)
void X8DrawingEngine::ConfigureDirtyGrid()
_dirtyGrid.BlockShiftX = 7;
_dirtyGrid.BlockShiftY = 5; // Keep column at 32 (1 << 5)
_dirtyGrid.BlockWidth = 1 << _dirtyGrid.BlockShiftX;
_dirtyGrid.BlockHeight = 1 << _dirtyGrid.BlockShiftY;
_dirtyGrid.BlockColumns = (_width >> _dirtyGrid.BlockShiftX) + 1;
_dirtyGrid.BlockRows = (_height >> _dirtyGrid.BlockShiftY) + 1;
delete[] _dirtyGrid.Blocks;
_dirtyGrid.Blocks = new uint8_t[_dirtyGrid.BlockColumns * _dirtyGrid.BlockRows];
void X8DrawingEngine::DrawAllDirtyBlocks()
// TODO: For optimal performance it is currently limited to a single column.
// The optimal approach would be to extract all dirty regions as rectangles not including
// parts that are not marked dirty and have the grid more fine grained.
// A situation like following:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// 1 - - - - - - - - -
// 2 - x x x x - - - -
// 3 - x x - - - - - -
// 4 - - - - - - - - -
// 5 - - - - - - - - -
// 6 - - - - - - - - -
// 7 - - - - - - - - -
// 8 - - - - - - - - -
// 9 - - - - - - - - -
// Would currently redraw {2,2} to {3,5} where {3,4} and {3,5} are not dirty. Choosing to do this
// per column eliminates this issue but limits it to rendering just a single column at a time.
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < _dirtyGrid.BlockColumns; x++)
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < _dirtyGrid.BlockRows; y++)
uint32_t yOffset = y * _dirtyGrid.BlockColumns;
if (_dirtyGrid.Blocks[yOffset + x] == 0)
// See comment above as to why this is 1.
const uint32_t columns = 1;
// Check rows
auto rows = GetNumDirtyRows(x, y, columns);
DrawDirtyBlocks(x, y, columns, rows);
uint32_t X8DrawingEngine::GetNumDirtyRows(const uint32_t x, const uint32_t y, const uint32_t columns)
uint32_t yy = y;
for (yy = y; yy < _dirtyGrid.BlockRows; yy++)
uint32_t yyOffset = yy * _dirtyGrid.BlockColumns;
for (uint32_t xx = x; xx < x + columns; xx++)
if (_dirtyGrid.Blocks[yyOffset + xx] == 0)
return yy - y;
return yy - y;
void X8DrawingEngine::DrawDirtyBlocks(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t columns, uint32_t rows)
uint32_t dirtyBlockColumns = _dirtyGrid.BlockColumns;
uint8_t* screenDirtyBlocks = _dirtyGrid.Blocks;
// Unset dirty blocks
for (uint32_t top = y; top < y + rows; top++)
uint32_t topOffset = top * dirtyBlockColumns;
for (uint32_t left = x; left < x + columns; left++)
screenDirtyBlocks[topOffset + left] = 0;
// Determine region in pixels
uint32_t left = std::max<uint32_t>(0, x * _dirtyGrid.BlockWidth);
uint32_t top = std::max<uint32_t>(0, y * _dirtyGrid.BlockHeight);
uint32_t right = std::min(_width, left + (columns * _dirtyGrid.BlockWidth));
uint32_t bottom = std::min(_height, top + (rows * _dirtyGrid.BlockHeight));
if (right <= left || bottom <= top)
// Draw region
OnDrawDirtyBlock(x, y, columns, rows);
WindowDrawAll(_bitsDPI, left, top, right, bottom);
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
X8DrawingContext::X8DrawingContext(X8DrawingEngine* engine)
_engine = engine;
void X8DrawingContext::Clear(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, uint8_t paletteIndex)
int32_t w = dpi.zoom_level.ApplyInversedTo(dpi.width);
int32_t h = dpi.zoom_level.ApplyInversedTo(dpi.height);
uint8_t* ptr = dpi.bits;
for (int32_t y = 0; y < h; y++)
std::fill_n(ptr, w, paletteIndex);
ptr += w + dpi.pitch;
/** rct2: 0x0097FF04 */
// clang-format off
static constexpr uint16_t Pattern[] = {
/** rct2: 0x0097FF14 */
static constexpr uint16_t PatternInverse[] = {
/** rct2: 0x0097FEFC */
static constexpr const uint16_t* Patterns[] = {
// clang-format on
void X8DrawingContext::FillRect(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, uint32_t colour, int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t right, int32_t bottom)
if (left > right)
if (top > bottom)
if (dpi.x > right)
if (left >= dpi.x + dpi.width)
if (bottom < dpi.y)
if (top >= dpi.y + dpi.height)
uint16_t crossPattern = 0;
int32_t startX = left - dpi.x;
if (startX < 0)
crossPattern ^= startX;
startX = 0;
int32_t endX = right - dpi.x + 1;
if (endX > dpi.width)
endX = dpi.width;
int32_t startY = top - dpi.y;
if (startY < 0)
crossPattern ^= startY;
startY = 0;
int32_t endY = bottom - dpi.y + 1;
if (endY > dpi.height)
endY = dpi.height;
int32_t width = endX - startX;
int32_t height = endY - startY;
if (colour & 0x1000000)
// Cross hatching
uint8_t* dst = (startY * (dpi.width + dpi.pitch)) + startX + dpi.bits;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < height; i++)
uint8_t* nextdst = dst + dpi.width + dpi.pitch;
uint32_t p = Numerics::ror32(crossPattern, 1);
p = (p & 0xFFFF0000) | width;
// Fill every other pixel with the colour
for (; (p & 0xFFFF) != 0; p--)
p = p ^ 0x80000000;
if (p & 0x80000000)
*dst = colour & 0xFF;
crossPattern ^= 1;
dst = nextdst;
else if (colour & 0x2000000)
else if (colour & 0x4000000)
uint8_t* dst = startY * (dpi.width + dpi.pitch) + startX + dpi.bits;
// The pattern loops every 15 lines this is which
// part the pattern is on.
int32_t patternY = (startY + dpi.y) % 16;
// The pattern loops every 15 pixels this is which
// part the pattern is on.
int32_t startPatternX = (startX + dpi.x) % 16;
int32_t patternX = startPatternX;
const uint16_t* patternsrc = Patterns[colour >> 28]; // or possibly uint8_t)[esi*4] ?
for (int32_t numLines = height; numLines > 0; numLines--)
uint8_t* nextdst = dst + dpi.width + dpi.pitch;
uint16_t pattern = patternsrc[patternY];
for (int32_t numPixels = width; numPixels > 0; numPixels--)
if (pattern & (1 << patternX))
*dst = colour & 0xFF;
patternX = (patternX + 1) % 16;
patternX = startPatternX;
patternY = (patternY + 1) % 16;
dst = nextdst;
uint8_t* dst = startY * (dpi.width + dpi.pitch) + startX + dpi.bits;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < height; i++)
std::fill_n(dst, width, colour & 0xFF);
dst += dpi.width + dpi.pitch;
void X8DrawingContext::FilterRect(
DrawPixelInfo& dpi, FilterPaletteID palette, int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t right, int32_t bottom)
if (left > right)
if (top > bottom)
if (dpi.x > right)
if (left >= dpi.x + dpi.width)
if (bottom < dpi.y)
if (top >= dpi.y + dpi.height)
int32_t startX = left - dpi.x;
if (startX < 0)
startX = 0;
int32_t endX = right - dpi.x + 1;
if (endX > dpi.width)
endX = dpi.width;
int32_t startY = top - dpi.y;
if (startY < 0)
startY = 0;
int32_t endY = bottom - dpi.y + 1;
if (endY > dpi.height)
endY = dpi.height;
int32_t width = endX - startX;
int32_t height = endY - startY;
// 0x2000000
// 00678B7E 00678C83
// Location in screen buffer?
uint8_t* dst = dpi.bits
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(
dpi.zoom_level.ApplyInversedTo(startY) * (dpi.zoom_level.ApplyInversedTo(dpi.width) + dpi.pitch)
+ dpi.zoom_level.ApplyInversedTo(startX));
// Find colour in colour table?
auto paletteMap = GetPaletteMapForColour(EnumValue(palette));
if (paletteMap.has_value())
const auto& paletteEntries = paletteMap.value();
const int32_t scaled_width = dpi.zoom_level.ApplyInversedTo(width);
const int32_t step = dpi.zoom_level.ApplyInversedTo(dpi.width) + dpi.pitch;
// Fill the rectangle with the colours from the colour table
auto c = dpi.zoom_level.ApplyInversedTo(height);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < c; i++)
uint8_t* nextdst = dst + step * i;
for (int32_t j = 0; j < scaled_width; j++)
auto index = *(nextdst + j);
*(nextdst + j) = paletteEntries[index];
void X8DrawingContext::DrawLine(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, uint32_t colour, const ScreenLine& line)
GfxDrawLineSoftware(dpi, line, colour);
void X8DrawingContext::DrawSprite(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, const ImageId imageId, int32_t x, int32_t y)
GfxDrawSpriteSoftware(dpi, imageId, { x, y });
void X8DrawingContext::DrawSpriteRawMasked(
DrawPixelInfo& dpi, int32_t x, int32_t y, const ImageId maskImage, const ImageId colourImage)
GfxDrawSpriteRawMaskedSoftware(dpi, { x, y }, maskImage, colourImage);
void X8DrawingContext::DrawSpriteSolid(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, const ImageId image, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint8_t colour)
uint8_t palette[256];
std::fill_n(palette, sizeof(palette), colour);
palette[0] = 0;
const auto spriteCoords = ScreenCoordsXY{ x, y };
GfxDrawSpritePaletteSetSoftware(dpi, ImageId(image.GetIndex(), 0), spriteCoords, PaletteMap(palette));
void X8DrawingContext::DrawGlyph(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, const ImageId image, int32_t x, int32_t y, const PaletteMap& paletteMap)
GfxDrawSpritePaletteSetSoftware(dpi, image, { x, y }, paletteMap);
#ifndef NO_TTF
template<bool TUseHinting>
static void DrawTTFBitmapInternal(
DrawPixelInfo& dpi, uint8_t colour, TTFSurface* surface, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint8_t hintingThreshold)
const int32_t surfaceWidth = surface->w;
int32_t width = surfaceWidth;
int32_t height = surface->h;
const int32_t overflowX = (dpi.x + dpi.width) - (x + width);
const int32_t overflowY = (dpi.y + dpi.height) - (y + height);
if (overflowX < 0)
width += overflowX;
if (overflowY < 0)
height += overflowY;
int32_t skipX = x - dpi.x;
int32_t skipY = y - dpi.y;
auto src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(surface->pixels);
uint8_t* dst = dpi.bits;
if (skipX < 0)
width += skipX;
src += -skipX;
skipX = 0;
if (skipY < 0)
height += skipY;
src += (-skipY * surfaceWidth);
skipY = 0;
dst += skipX;
dst += skipY * (dpi.width + dpi.pitch);
const int32_t srcScanSkip = surfaceWidth - width;
const int32_t dstScanSkip = dpi.width + dpi.pitch - width;
for (int32_t yy = 0; yy < height; yy++)
for (int32_t xx = 0; xx < width; xx++)
if (*src != 0)
if constexpr (TUseHinting)
if (*src > 180)
// Centre of the glyph: use full colour.
*dst = colour;
else if (*src > hintingThreshold)
*dst = BlendColours(colour, *dst);
*dst = colour;
src += srcScanSkip;
dst += dstScanSkip;
#endif // NO_TTF
void X8DrawingContext::DrawTTFBitmap(
DrawPixelInfo& dpi, TextDrawInfo* info, TTFSurface* surface, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint8_t hintingThreshold)
#ifndef NO_TTF
const uint8_t fgColor = info->palette[1];
const uint8_t bgColor = info->palette[3];
if (info->flags & TEXT_DRAW_FLAG_OUTLINE)
DrawTTFBitmapInternal<false>(dpi, bgColor, surface, x + 1, y, 0);
DrawTTFBitmapInternal<false>(dpi, bgColor, surface, x - 1, y, 0);
DrawTTFBitmapInternal<false>(dpi, bgColor, surface, x, y + 1, 0);
DrawTTFBitmapInternal<false>(dpi, bgColor, surface, x, y - 1, 0);
if (info->flags & TEXT_DRAW_FLAG_INSET)
DrawTTFBitmapInternal<false>(dpi, bgColor, surface, x + 1, y + 1, 0);
if (hintingThreshold > 0)
DrawTTFBitmapInternal<true>(dpi, fgColor, surface, x, y, hintingThreshold);
DrawTTFBitmapInternal<false>(dpi, fgColor, surface, x, y, 0);
#endif // NO_TTF