
510 lines
17 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014-2024 OpenRCT2 developers
* For a complete list of all authors, please refer to
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* OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
#include "GameAction.h"
#include "../Context.h"
#include "../GameState.h"
#include "../ReplayManager.h"
#include "../core/Guard.hpp"
#include "../core/Memory.hpp"
#include "../core/MemoryStream.h"
#include "../entity/MoneyEffect.h"
#include "../localisation/Formatter.h"
#include "../localisation/Localisation.h"
#include "../network/network.h"
#include "../platform/Platform.h"
#include "../profiling/Profiling.h"
#include "../scenario/Scenario.h"
#include "../scripting/Duktape.hpp"
#include "../scripting/HookEngine.h"
#include "../scripting/ScriptEngine.h"
#include "../ui/UiContext.h"
#include "../ui/WindowManager.h"
#include "../world/Park.h"
#include "../world/Scenery.h"
#include <iterator>
using namespace OpenRCT2;
namespace GameActions
struct QueuedGameAction
uint32_t tick;
uint32_t uniqueId;
GameAction::Ptr action;
explicit QueuedGameAction(uint32_t t, std::unique_ptr<GameAction>&& ga, uint32_t id)
: tick(t)
, uniqueId(id)
, action(std::move(ga))
bool operator<(const QueuedGameAction& comp) const
// First sort by tick
if (tick < comp.tick)
return true;
if (tick > comp.tick)
return false;
// If the ticks are equal sort by commandIndex
return uniqueId < comp.uniqueId;
static std::multiset<QueuedGameAction> _actionQueue;
static uint32_t _nextUniqueId = 0;
static bool _suspended = false;
void SuspendQueue()
_suspended = true;
void ResumeQueue()
_suspended = false;
void Enqueue(const GameAction* ga, uint32_t tick)
auto action = Clone(ga);
Enqueue(std::move(action), tick);
void Enqueue(GameAction::Ptr&& ga, uint32_t tick)
if (ga->GetPlayer() == -1 && NetworkGetMode() != NETWORK_MODE_NONE)
// Server can directly invoke actions and will have no player id assigned
// as that normally happens when receiving them over network.
_actionQueue.emplace(tick, std::move(ga), _nextUniqueId++);
void ProcessQueue()
if (_suspended)
// Do nothing if suspended, this is usually the case between connect and map loads.
const uint32_t currentTick = GetGameState().CurrentTicks;
while (_actionQueue.begin() != _actionQueue.end())
// run all the game commands at the current tick
const QueuedGameAction& queued = *_actionQueue.begin();
if (NetworkGetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT)
if (queued.tick < currentTick)
// This should never happen.
"Discarding game action %s (%u) from tick behind current tick, ID: %08X, Action Tick: %08X, Current "
"Tick: "
queued.action->GetName(), queued.action->GetType(), queued.uniqueId, queued.tick, currentTick);
else if (queued.tick > currentTick)
// Remove ghost scenery so it doesn't interfere with incoming network command
switch (queued.action->GetType())
case GameCommand::PlaceWall:
case GameCommand::PlaceLargeScenery:
case GameCommand::PlaceBanner:
case GameCommand::PlaceScenery:
GameAction* action = queued.action.get();
action->SetFlags(action->GetFlags() | GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NETWORKED);
Guard::Assert(action != nullptr);
GameActions::Result result = Execute(action);
if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok && NetworkGetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER)
// Relay this action to all other clients.
void ClearQueue()
GameAction::Ptr Clone(const GameAction* action)
std::unique_ptr<GameAction> ga = GameActions::Create(action->GetType());
// Serialise action data into stream.
DataSerialiser dsOut(true);
// Serialise into new action.
IStream& stream = dsOut.GetStream();
DataSerialiser dsIn(false, stream);
return ga;
static bool CheckActionInPausedMode(uint32_t actionFlags)
if (gGamePaused == 0)
return true;
if (GetGameState().Cheats.BuildInPauseMode)
return true;
if (actionFlags & GameActions::Flags::AllowWhilePaused)
return true;
return false;
static GameActions::Result QueryInternal(const GameAction* action, bool topLevel)
uint16_t actionFlags = action->GetActionFlags();
if (topLevel && !CheckActionInPausedMode(actionFlags))
GameActions::Result result = GameActions::Result();
result.Error = GameActions::Status::GamePaused;
return result;
auto result = action->Query();
if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok)
if (!FinanceCheckAffordability(result.Cost, action->GetFlags()))
result.Error = GameActions::Status::InsufficientFunds;
result.ErrorTitle = STR_CANT_DO_THIS;
return result;
GameActions::Result Query(const GameAction* action)
return QueryInternal(action, true);
GameActions::Result QueryNested(const GameAction* action)
return QueryInternal(action, false);
static const char* GetRealm()
if (NetworkGetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT)
return "cl";
if (NetworkGetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER)
return "sv";
return "sp";
struct ActionLogContext
MemoryStream output;
static void LogActionBegin(ActionLogContext& ctx, const GameAction* action)
MemoryStream& output = ctx.output;
char temp[128] = {};
temp, sizeof(temp), "[%s] Tick: %u, GA: %s (%08X) (", GetRealm(), GetGameState().CurrentTicks, action->GetName(),
output.Write(temp, strlen(temp));
DataSerialiser ds(true, ctx.output, true); // Logging mode.
// Write all parameters into output as text.
static void LogActionFinish(ActionLogContext& ctx, const GameAction* action, const GameActions::Result& result)
MemoryStream& output = ctx.output;
char temp[128] = {};
if (result.Error != GameActions::Status::Ok)
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), ") Failed, %u", static_cast<uint32_t>(result.Error));
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), ") OK");
output.Write(temp, strlen(temp) + 1);
const char* text = static_cast<const char*>(output.GetData());
LOG_VERBOSE("%s", text);
static GameActions::Result ExecuteInternal(const GameAction* action, bool topLevel)
uint16_t actionFlags = action->GetActionFlags();
uint32_t flags = action->GetFlags();
// Some actions are not recorded in the replay.
const auto ignoreForReplays = (actionFlags & GameActions::Flags::IgnoreForReplays) != 0;
auto* replayManager = OpenRCT2::GetContext()->GetReplayManager();
if (replayManager != nullptr && (replayManager->IsReplaying() || replayManager->IsNormalising()))
// We only accept replay commands as long the replay is active.
if ((flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_REPLAY) == 0 && !ignoreForReplays)
// TODO: Introduce proper error.
auto result = GameActions::Result();
result.Error = GameActions::Status::GamePaused;
return result;
GameActions::Result result = QueryInternal(action, topLevel);
if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok
&& ((NetworkGetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_NONE) || (flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NETWORKED)))
auto& scriptEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine();
scriptEngine.RunGameActionHooks(*action, result, false);
// Script hooks may now have changed the game action result...
if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok)
if (topLevel)
// Networked games send actions to the server to be run
if (NetworkGetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_CLIENT)
// As a client we have to wait or send it first.
if (!(actionFlags & GameActions::Flags::ClientOnly) && !(flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NETWORKED))
LOG_VERBOSE("[%s] GameAction::Execute %s (Out)", GetRealm(), action->GetName());
return result;
else if (NetworkGetMode() == NETWORK_MODE_SERVER || !gInUpdateCode)
// If player is the server it would execute right away as where clients execute the commands
// at the beginning of the frame, so we have to put them into the queue.
// This is also the case when its executed from the UI update.
if (!(actionFlags & GameActions::Flags::ClientOnly) && !(flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NETWORKED))
LOG_VERBOSE("[%s] GameAction::Execute %s (Queue)", GetRealm(), action->GetName());
Enqueue(action, GetGameState().CurrentTicks);
return result;
ActionLogContext logContext;
LogActionBegin(logContext, action);
// Execute the action, changing the game state
result = action->Execute();
if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok)
auto& scriptEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine();
scriptEngine.RunGameActionHooks(*action, result, true);
// Script hooks may now have changed the game action result...
LogActionFinish(logContext, action, result);
// If not top level just give away the result.
if (!topLevel)
return result;
// Update money balance
if (result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok && FinanceCheckMoneyRequired(flags) && result.Cost != 0)
FinancePayment(result.Cost, result.Expenditure);
MoneyEffect::Create(result.Cost, result.Position);
if (!(actionFlags & GameActions::Flags::ClientOnly) && result.Error == GameActions::Status::Ok)
if (NetworkGetMode() != NETWORK_MODE_NONE)
NetworkPlayerId_t playerId = action->GetPlayer();
int32_t playerIndex = NetworkGetPlayerIndex(;
playerIndex != -1, "Unable to find player %u for game action %u", playerId, action->GetType());
NetworkSetPlayerLastAction(playerIndex, action->GetType());
if (result.Cost > 0)
NetworkAddPlayerMoneySpent(playerIndex, result.Cost);
if (!result.Position.IsNull())
NetworkSetPlayerLastActionCoord(playerIndex, result.Position);
bool commandExecutes = (flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_GHOST) == 0 && (flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NO_SPEND) == 0;
bool recordAction = false;
if (replayManager != nullptr && !ignoreForReplays)
if (replayManager->IsRecording() && commandExecutes)
recordAction = true;
else if (replayManager->IsNormalising() && (flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_REPLAY) != 0)
recordAction = true; // In normalisation we only feed back actions issued by the replay manager.
if (recordAction)
replayManager->AddGameAction(GetGameState().CurrentTicks, action);
// Allow autosave to commence
if (gLastAutoSaveUpdate == kAutosavePause)
gLastAutoSaveUpdate = Platform::GetTicks();
// Call callback for asynchronous events
auto cb = action->GetCallback();
if (cb != nullptr)
cb(action, &result);
// Only show errors when its not a ghost and not a preview and also top level action.
bool shouldShowError = !(flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_GHOST) && !(flags & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NO_SPEND) && topLevel;
// In network mode the error should be only shown to the issuer of the action.
if (NetworkGetMode() != NETWORK_MODE_NONE)
// If the action was never networked and query fails locally the player id is not assigned.
// So compare only if the action went into the queue otherwise show errors by default.
const bool isActionFromNetwork = (action->GetFlags() & GAME_COMMAND_FLAG_NETWORKED) != 0;
if (isActionFromNetwork && action->GetPlayer() != NetworkGetCurrentPlayerId())
shouldShowError = false;
if (result.Error != GameActions::Status::Ok && shouldShowError)
auto windowManager = GetContext()->GetUiContext()->GetWindowManager();
windowManager->ShowError(result.GetErrorTitle(), result.GetErrorMessage());
return result;
GameActions::Result Execute(const GameAction* action)
return ExecuteInternal(action, true);
GameActions::Result ExecuteNested(const GameAction* action)
return ExecuteInternal(action, false);
} // namespace GameActions
const char* GameAction::GetName() const
return GameActions::GetName(_type);
bool GameAction::LocationValid(const CoordsXY& coords) const
auto result = MapIsLocationValid(coords);
if (!result)
return false;
auto& hookEngine = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetHookEngine();
if (hookEngine.HasSubscriptions(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::ACTION_LOCATION))
auto ctx = GetContext()->GetScriptEngine().GetContext();
// Create event args object
auto obj = OpenRCT2::Scripting::DukObject(ctx);
obj.Set("x", coords.x);
obj.Set("y", coords.y);
obj.Set("player", _playerId);
obj.Set("type", EnumValue(_type));
auto flags = GetActionFlags();
obj.Set("isClientOnly", (flags & GameActions::Flags::ClientOnly) != 0);
obj.Set("result", true);
// Call the subscriptions
auto e = obj.Take();
hookEngine.Call(OpenRCT2::Scripting::HOOK_TYPE::ACTION_LOCATION, e, true);
auto scriptResult = OpenRCT2::Scripting::AsOrDefault(e["result"], true);
return scriptResult;
return true;