
1058 lines
31 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014-2024 OpenRCT2 developers
* For a complete list of all authors, please refer to
* Interested in contributing? Visit
* OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
#include "Paint.h"
#include "../Context.h"
#include "../config/Config.h"
#include "../core/Guard.hpp"
#include "../drawing/Drawing.h"
#include "../interface/Viewport.h"
#include "../localisation/Currency.h"
#include "../localisation/Formatting.h"
#include "../localisation/Localisation.h"
#include "../localisation/LocalisationService.h"
#include "../paint/Painter.h"
#include "../profiling/Profiling.h"
#include "../util/Math.hpp"
#include "../util/Prefetch.h"
#include "Boundbox.h"
#include "Paint.Entity.h"
#include "tile_element/Paint.TileElement.h"
#include <array>
using namespace OpenRCT2;
// Globals for paint clipping
uint8_t gClipHeight = 128; // Default to middle value
CoordsXY gClipSelectionA = { 0, 0 };
static constexpr uint8_t BoundBoxDebugColours[] = {
0, // NONE
102, // TERRAIN
114, // SPRITE
229, // RIDE
126, // WATER
138, // SCENERY
150, // FOOTPATH
174, // PARK
186, // WALL
210, // LABEL
222, // BANNER
bool gShowDirtyVisuals;
bool gPaintBoundingBoxes;
bool gPaintBlockedTiles;
static void PaintAttachedPS(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, PaintStruct* ps, uint32_t viewFlags);
static void PaintPSImageWithBoundingBoxes(PaintSession& session, PaintStruct* ps, ImageId imageId, int32_t x, int32_t y);
static ImageId PaintPSColourifyImage(const PaintStruct* ps, ImageId imageId, uint32_t viewFlags);
static int32_t RemapPositionToQuadrant(const PaintStruct& ps, uint8_t rotation)
constexpr auto MapRangeMax = MaxPaintQuadrants * COORDS_XY_STEP;
constexpr auto MapRangeCenter = MapRangeMax / 2;
const auto x = ps.Bounds.x;
const auto y = ps.Bounds.y;
// NOTE: We are not calling CoordsXY::Rotate on purpose to mix in the additional
// value without a secondary switch.
switch (rotation & 3)
case 0:
return x + y;
case 1:
// Because one component may be the maximum we add the center to be a positive value.
return (y - x) + MapRangeCenter;
case 2:
// If both components would be the maximum it would be the negative xy, to be positive add max.
return (-(y + x)) + MapRangeMax;
case 3:
// Same as 1 but inverted.
return (x - y) + MapRangeCenter;
return 0;
static void PaintSessionAddPSToQuadrant(PaintSession& session, PaintStruct* ps)
const auto positionHash = RemapPositionToQuadrant(*ps, session.CurrentRotation);
// Values below zero or above MaxPaintQuadrants are void, corners also share the same quadrant as void.
const uint32_t paintQuadrantIndex = std::clamp(positionHash / COORDS_XY_STEP, 0, MaxPaintQuadrants - 1);
ps->QuadrantIndex = paintQuadrantIndex;
ps->NextQuadrantEntry = session.Quadrants[paintQuadrantIndex];
session.Quadrants[paintQuadrantIndex] = ps;
session.QuadrantBackIndex = std::min(session.QuadrantBackIndex, paintQuadrantIndex);
session.QuadrantFrontIndex = std::max(session.QuadrantFrontIndex, paintQuadrantIndex);
static constexpr bool ImageWithinDPI(const ScreenCoordsXY& imagePos, const G1Element& g1, const DrawPixelInfo& dpi)
int32_t left = imagePos.x + g1.x_offset;
int32_t bottom = imagePos.y + g1.y_offset;
int32_t right = left + g1.width;
int32_t top = bottom + g1.height;
if (right <= dpi.x)
return false;
if (top <= dpi.y)
return false;
if (left >= dpi.x + dpi.width)
return false;
if (bottom >= dpi.y + dpi.height)
return false;
return true;
static constexpr CoordsXYZ RotateBoundBoxSize(const CoordsXYZ& bbSize, const uint8_t rotation)
auto output = bbSize;
// This probably rotates the variables so they're relative to rotation 0.
switch (rotation)
case 0:
output = { output.Rotate(0), output.z };
case 1:
output = { output.Rotate(3), output.z };
case 2:
output = { output.Rotate(2), output.z };
case 3:
output = { output.Rotate(1), output.z };
return output;
* Extracted from 0x0098196c, 0x0098197c, 0x0098198c, 0x0098199c
static PaintStruct* CreateNormalPaintStruct(
PaintSession& session, ImageId image_id, const CoordsXYZ& offset, const BoundBoxXYZ& boundBox)
auto* const g1 = GfxGetG1Element(image_id);
if (g1 == nullptr)
return nullptr;
const auto swappedRotation = DirectionFlipXAxis(session.CurrentRotation);
auto swappedRotCoord = CoordsXYZ{ offset.Rotate(swappedRotation), offset.z };
swappedRotCoord += session.SpritePosition;
const auto imagePos = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(session.CurrentRotation, swappedRotCoord);
if (!ImageWithinDPI(imagePos, *g1, session.DPI))
return nullptr;
const auto rotBoundBoxOffset = CoordsXYZ{ boundBox.offset.Rotate(swappedRotation), boundBox.offset.z };
const auto rotBoundBoxSize = RotateBoundBoxSize(boundBox.length, session.CurrentRotation);
auto* ps = session.AllocateNormalPaintEntry();
if (ps == nullptr)
return nullptr;
ps->image_id = image_id;
ps->ScreenPos = imagePos;
ps->Bounds.x_end = rotBoundBoxSize.x + rotBoundBoxOffset.x + session.SpritePosition.x;
ps->Bounds.y_end = rotBoundBoxSize.y + rotBoundBoxOffset.y + session.SpritePosition.y;
ps->Bounds.z_end = rotBoundBoxSize.z + rotBoundBoxOffset.z;
ps->Bounds.x = rotBoundBoxOffset.x + session.SpritePosition.x;
ps->Bounds.y = rotBoundBoxOffset.y + session.SpritePosition.y;
ps->Bounds.z = rotBoundBoxOffset.z;
ps->Attached = nullptr;
ps->Children = nullptr;
ps->NextQuadrantEntry = nullptr;
ps->InteractionItem = session.InteractionType;
ps->MapPos = session.MapPosition;
ps->Element = session.CurrentlyDrawnTileElement;
ps->Entity = session.CurrentlyDrawnEntity;
return ps;
template<uint8_t direction> void PaintSessionGenerateRotate(PaintSession& session)
// Optimised modified version of ViewportPosToMapPos
ScreenCoordsXY screenCoord = { Floor2(session.DPI.x, 32), Floor2((session.DPI.y - 16), 32) };
CoordsXY mapTile = { screenCoord.y - screenCoord.x / 2, screenCoord.y + screenCoord.x / 2 };
mapTile = mapTile.Rotate(direction);
if constexpr (direction & 1)
mapTile.y -= 16;
mapTile = mapTile.ToTileStart();
uint16_t numVerticalTiles = (session.DPI.height + 2128) >> 5;
// Adjacent tiles to also check due to overlapping of sprites
constexpr CoordsXY adjacentTiles[] = {
CoordsXY{ -32, 32 }.Rotate(direction),
CoordsXY{ 0, 32 }.Rotate(direction),
CoordsXY{ 32, 0 }.Rotate(direction),
constexpr CoordsXY nextVerticalTile = CoordsXY{ 32, 32 }.Rotate(direction);
for (; numVerticalTiles > 0; --numVerticalTiles)
TileElementPaintSetup(session, mapTile);
EntityPaintSetup(session, mapTile);
const auto loc1 = mapTile + adjacentTiles[0];
EntityPaintSetup(session, loc1);
const auto loc2 = mapTile + adjacentTiles[1];
TileElementPaintSetup(session, loc2);
EntityPaintSetup(session, loc2);
const auto loc3 = mapTile + adjacentTiles[2];
EntityPaintSetup(session, loc3);
mapTile += nextVerticalTile;
* rct2: 0x0068B6C2
void PaintSessionGenerate(PaintSession& session)
switch (DirectionFlipXAxis(session.CurrentRotation))
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
template<uint8_t TRotation>
static bool CheckBoundingBox(const PaintStructBoundBox& initialBBox, const PaintStructBoundBox& currentBBox)
if constexpr (TRotation == 0)
if (initialBBox.z_end >= currentBBox.z && initialBBox.y_end >= currentBBox.y && initialBBox.x_end >= currentBBox.x
&& !(initialBBox.z < currentBBox.z_end && initialBBox.y < currentBBox.y_end && initialBBox.x < currentBBox.x_end))
return true;
else if constexpr (TRotation == 1)
if (initialBBox.z_end >= currentBBox.z && initialBBox.y_end >= currentBBox.y && initialBBox.x_end < currentBBox.x
&& !(initialBBox.z < currentBBox.z_end && initialBBox.y < currentBBox.y_end && initialBBox.x >= currentBBox.x_end))
return true;
else if constexpr (TRotation == 2)
if (initialBBox.z_end >= currentBBox.z && initialBBox.y_end < currentBBox.y && initialBBox.x_end < currentBBox.x
&& !(initialBBox.z < currentBBox.z_end && initialBBox.y >= currentBBox.y_end && initialBBox.x >= currentBBox.x_end))
return true;
else if constexpr (TRotation == 3)
if (initialBBox.z_end >= currentBBox.z && initialBBox.y_end < currentBBox.y && initialBBox.x_end >= currentBBox.x
&& !(initialBBox.z < currentBBox.z_end && initialBBox.y >= currentBBox.y_end && initialBBox.x < currentBBox.x_end))
return true;
return false;
namespace PaintSortFlags
static constexpr uint8_t None = 0;
static constexpr uint8_t PendingVisit = (1u << 0);
static constexpr uint8_t Neighbour = (1u << 1);
static constexpr uint8_t OutsideQuadrant = (1u << 7);
} // namespace PaintSortFlags
static PaintStruct* PaintStructsFirstInQuadrant(PaintStruct* psNext, uint16_t quadrantIndex)
PaintStruct* ps;
ps = psNext;
psNext = psNext->NextQuadrantEntry;
if (psNext == nullptr)
return ps;
} while (quadrantIndex > psNext->QuadrantIndex);
return ps;
// Initializes sorting flags for all entries in the specified quadrant by quadrantIndex.
// Sorting flags specify whether a node needs to be traversed, is a neighbour, or is outside the
// quadrant range.
static void PaintStructsInitializeSort(PaintStruct* ps, uint16_t quadrantIndex, uint8_t flag)
ps = ps->NextQuadrantEntry;
if (ps == nullptr)
if (ps->QuadrantIndex > quadrantIndex + 1)
// Outside of the range.
ps->SortFlags = PaintSortFlags::OutsideQuadrant;
else if (ps->QuadrantIndex == quadrantIndex + 1)
// Is neighbour and requires a visit.
ps->SortFlags = PaintSortFlags::Neighbour | PaintSortFlags::PendingVisit;
else if (ps->QuadrantIndex == quadrantIndex)
// In specified quadrant, requires visit.
ps->SortFlags = flag | PaintSortFlags::PendingVisit;
} while (ps->QuadrantIndex <= quadrantIndex + 1);
// Returns a pair of parent and child where child is the next node that requires traversal.
// Because this structure uses a singly linked list we need to keep track of the parent in order
// to be able to re-order the list.
static std::pair<PaintStruct*, PaintStruct*> PaintStructsGetNextPending(PaintStruct* ps)
PaintStruct* ps_next;
while (true)
ps_next = ps->NextQuadrantEntry;
if (ps_next == nullptr)
// End of the current list.
return { nullptr, nullptr };
if (ps_next->SortFlags & PaintSortFlags::OutsideQuadrant)
// Reached point outside of specified quadrant.
return { nullptr, nullptr };
if (ps_next->SortFlags & PaintSortFlags::PendingVisit)
// Found node to check on.
ps = ps_next;
return { ps, ps_next };
// Re-orders all nodes after the specified child node and marks the child node as traversed. The resulting
// order of the children is the depth based on rotation and dimensions of the bounding box.
template<uint8_t TRotation> static void PaintStructsSortQuadrant(PaintStruct* parent, PaintStruct* child)
// Mark visited.
child->SortFlags &= ~PaintSortFlags::PendingVisit;
// Compare all the children below the first child and move them up in the list if they intersect.
const PaintStructBoundBox& initialBBox = child->Bounds;
for (;;)
auto* ps = child;
child = child->NextQuadrantEntry;
if (child != nullptr)
if (child == nullptr || child->SortFlags & PaintSortFlags::OutsideQuadrant)
if (!(child->SortFlags & PaintSortFlags::Neighbour))
if (CheckBoundingBox<TRotation>(initialBBox, child->Bounds))
// Child node intersects with current node, move behind.
ps->NextQuadrantEntry = child->NextQuadrantEntry;
auto* psTemp = parent->NextQuadrantEntry;
parent->NextQuadrantEntry = child;
child->NextQuadrantEntry = psTemp;
child = ps;
template<uint8_t TRotation>
static PaintStruct* PaintArrangeStructsHelperRotation(PaintStruct* psQuadrantEntry, uint16_t quadrantIndex, uint8_t flag)
// We keep track of the first node in the quadrant so the next call with a higher quadrant index
// can use this node to skip some iterations.
psQuadrantEntry = PaintStructsFirstInQuadrant(psQuadrantEntry, quadrantIndex);
// Visit all nodes in the linked quadrant list and determine their current
// sorting relevancy.
PaintStructsInitializeSort(psQuadrantEntry, quadrantIndex, flag);
// Iterate all nodes in the current list and re-order them based on
// the current rotation and their bounding box.
for (auto* ps = psQuadrantEntry; ps != nullptr;)
const auto [parent, child] = PaintStructsGetNextPending(ps);
if (parent == nullptr)
PaintStructsSortQuadrant<TRotation>(parent, child);
ps = parent;
return psQuadrantEntry;
// Iterates over all the quadrant lists and links them together as a
// singly linked list.
// The paint session has a head member which is the first entry.
static void PaintStructsLinkQuadrants(PaintSessionCore& session, PaintStruct& psHead)
PaintStruct* ps = &psHead;
ps->NextQuadrantEntry = nullptr;
uint32_t quadrantIndex = session.QuadrantBackIndex;
PaintStruct* psNext = session.Quadrants[quadrantIndex];
if (psNext != nullptr)
ps->NextQuadrantEntry = psNext;
ps = psNext;
psNext = psNext->NextQuadrantEntry;
} while (psNext != nullptr);
} while (++quadrantIndex <= session.QuadrantFrontIndex);
template<int TRotation> static void PaintSessionArrangeImpl(PaintSessionCore& session)
uint32_t quadrantIndex = session.QuadrantBackIndex;
if (quadrantIndex == UINT32_MAX)
// psHead is an intermediate node that is used to link all the quadrant lists together,
// this was previously stored in PaintSession but only the NextQuadrantEntry is relevant here.
// The head node is not part of the linked list and just serves as an entry point.
PaintStruct psHead{};
PaintStructsLinkQuadrants(session, psHead);
PaintStruct* psNextQuadrant = PaintArrangeStructsHelperRotation<TRotation>(
&psHead, session.QuadrantBackIndex, PaintSortFlags::Neighbour);
while (++quadrantIndex < session.QuadrantFrontIndex)
psNextQuadrant = PaintArrangeStructsHelperRotation<TRotation>(psNextQuadrant, quadrantIndex, PaintSortFlags::None);
session.PaintHead = psHead.NextQuadrantEntry;
using PaintArrangeWithRotation = void (*)(PaintSessionCore& session);
constexpr std::array _paintArrangeFuncs = {
* rct2: 0x00688217
void PaintSessionArrange(PaintSessionCore& session)
return _paintArrangeFuncs[session.CurrentRotation](session);
static void PaintDrawStruct(PaintSession& session, PaintStruct* ps)
auto screenPos = ps->ScreenPos;
if (ps->InteractionItem == ViewportInteractionItem::Entity)
if (session.DPI.zoom_level >= ZoomLevel{ 1 })
screenPos.x = Floor2(screenPos.x, 2);
screenPos.y = Floor2(screenPos.y, 2);
if (session.DPI.zoom_level >= ZoomLevel{ 2 })
screenPos.x = Floor2(screenPos.x, 4);
screenPos.y = Floor2(screenPos.y, 4);
auto imageId = PaintPSColourifyImage(ps, ps->image_id, session.ViewFlags);
if (gPaintBoundingBoxes && session.DPI.zoom_level == ZoomLevel{ 0 })
PaintPSImageWithBoundingBoxes(session, ps, imageId, screenPos.x, screenPos.y);
GfxDrawSprite(session.DPI, imageId, screenPos);
if (ps->Children != nullptr)
PaintDrawStruct(session, ps->Children);
PaintAttachedPS(session.DPI, ps, session.ViewFlags);
* rct2: 0x00688485
void PaintDrawStructs(PaintSession& session)
for (PaintStruct* ps = session.PaintHead; ps != nullptr; ps = ps->NextQuadrantEntry)
PaintDrawStruct(session, ps);
* rct2: 0x00688596
* Part of 0x688485
static void PaintAttachedPS(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, PaintStruct* ps, uint32_t viewFlags)
AttachedPaintStruct* attached_ps = ps->Attached;
for (; attached_ps != nullptr; attached_ps = attached_ps->NextEntry)
const auto screenCoords = ps->ScreenPos + attached_ps->RelativePos;
auto imageId = PaintPSColourifyImage(ps, attached_ps->image_id, viewFlags);
if (attached_ps->IsMasked)
GfxDrawSpriteRawMasked(dpi, screenCoords, imageId, attached_ps->ColourImageId);
GfxDrawSprite(dpi, imageId, screenCoords);
static void PaintPSImageWithBoundingBoxes(PaintSession& session, PaintStruct* ps, ImageId imageId, int32_t x, int32_t y)
auto& dpi = session.DPI;
const uint8_t colour = BoundBoxDebugColours[EnumValue(ps->InteractionItem)];
const uint8_t rotation = session.CurrentRotation;
const CoordsXYZ frontTop = {
const auto screenCoordFrontTop = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(rotation, frontTop);
const CoordsXYZ frontBottom = {
const auto screenCoordFrontBottom = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(rotation, frontBottom);
const CoordsXYZ leftTop = {
const auto screenCoordLeftTop = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(rotation, leftTop);
const CoordsXYZ leftBottom = {
const auto screenCoordLeftBottom = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(rotation, leftBottom);
const CoordsXYZ rightTop = {
const auto screenCoordRightTop = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(rotation, rightTop);
const CoordsXYZ rightBottom = {
const auto screenCoordRightBottom = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(rotation, rightBottom);
const CoordsXYZ backTop = {
const auto screenCoordBackTop = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(rotation, backTop);
const CoordsXYZ backBottom = {
const auto screenCoordBackBottom = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(rotation, backBottom);
// bottom square
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordFrontBottom, screenCoordLeftBottom }, colour);
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordBackBottom, screenCoordLeftBottom }, colour);
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordBackBottom, screenCoordRightBottom }, colour);
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordFrontBottom, screenCoordRightBottom }, colour);
// vertical back + sides
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordBackTop, screenCoordBackBottom }, colour);
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordLeftTop, screenCoordLeftBottom }, colour);
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordRightTop, screenCoordRightBottom }, colour);
// top square back
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordBackTop, screenCoordLeftTop }, colour);
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordBackTop, screenCoordRightTop }, colour);
GfxDrawSprite(dpi, imageId, { x, y });
// vertical front
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordFrontTop, screenCoordFrontBottom }, colour);
// top square
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordFrontTop, screenCoordLeftTop }, colour);
GfxDrawLine(dpi, { screenCoordFrontTop, screenCoordRightTop }, colour);
static ImageId PaintPSColourifyImage(const PaintStruct* ps, ImageId imageId, uint32_t viewFlags)
auto visibility = GetPaintStructVisibility(ps, viewFlags);
switch (visibility)
case VisibilityKind::Partial:
return imageId.WithTransparency(FilterPaletteID::PaletteDarken1);
case VisibilityKind::Hidden:
return ImageId();
return imageId;
PaintSession* PaintSessionAlloc(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, uint32_t viewFlags, uint8_t rotation)
return GetContext()->GetPainter()->CreateSession(dpi, viewFlags, rotation);
void PaintSessionFree(PaintSession* session)
* rct2: 0x00686806, 0x006869B2, 0x00686B6F, 0x00686D31, 0x0098197C
* @param image_id (ebx)
* @param x_offset (al)
* @param y_offset (cl)
* @param bound_box_length_x (di)
* @param bound_box_length_y (si)
* @param bound_box_length_z (ah)
* @param z_offset (dx)
* @param bound_box_offset_x (0x009DEA52)
* @param bound_box_offset_y (0x009DEA54)
* @param bound_box_offset_z (0x009DEA56)
* @return (ebp) PaintStruct on success (CF == 0), nullptr on failure (CF == 1)
// Track Pieces, Shops.
PaintStruct* PaintAddImageAsParent(
PaintSession& session, const ImageId image_id, const CoordsXYZ& offset, const BoundBoxXYZ& boundBox)
session.LastPS = nullptr;
session.LastAttachedPS = nullptr;
auto* ps = CreateNormalPaintStruct(session, image_id, offset, boundBox);
if (ps == nullptr)
return nullptr;
PaintSessionAddPSToQuadrant(session, ps);
return ps;
* rct2: 0x00686EF0, 0x00687056, 0x006871C8, 0x0068733C, 0x0098198C
* @param image_id (ebx)
* @param x_offset (al)
* @param y_offset (cl)
* @param bound_box_length_x (di)
* @param bound_box_length_y (si)
* @param bound_box_length_z (ah)
* @param z_offset (dx)
* @param bound_box_offset_x (0x009DEA52)
* @param bound_box_offset_y (0x009DEA54)
* @param bound_box_offset_z (0x009DEA56)
* @return (ebp) PaintStruct on success (CF == 0), nullptr on failure (CF == 1)
* Creates a paint struct but does not allocate to a paint quadrant. Result cannot be ignored!
[[nodiscard]] PaintStruct* PaintAddImageAsOrphan(
PaintSession& session, const ImageId imageId, const CoordsXYZ& offset, const BoundBoxXYZ& boundBox)
session.LastPS = nullptr;
session.LastAttachedPS = nullptr;
return CreateNormalPaintStruct(session, imageId, offset, boundBox);
* rct2: 0x006874B0, 0x00687618, 0x0068778C, 0x00687902, 0x0098199C
* @param image_id (ebx)
* @param x_offset (al)
* @param y_offset (cl)
* @param bound_box_length_x (di)
* @param bound_box_length_y (si)
* @param bound_box_length_z (ah)
* @param z_offset (dx)
* @param bound_box_offset_x (0x009DEA52)
* @param bound_box_offset_y (0x009DEA54)
* @param bound_box_offset_z (0x009DEA56)
* @return (ebp) PaintStruct on success (CF == 0), nullptr on failure (CF == 1)
* If there is no parent paint struct then image is added as a parent
PaintStruct* PaintAddImageAsChild(
PaintSession& session, const ImageId image_id, const CoordsXYZ& offset, const BoundBoxXYZ& boundBox)
PaintStruct* parentPS = session.LastPS;
if (parentPS == nullptr)
return PaintAddImageAsParent(session, image_id, offset, boundBox);
auto* ps = CreateNormalPaintStruct(session, image_id, offset, boundBox);
if (ps == nullptr)
return nullptr;
parentPS->Children = ps;
return ps;
* rct2: 0x006881D0
* @param image_id (ebx)
* @param x (ax)
* @param y (cx)
* @return (!CF) success
bool PaintAttachToPreviousAttach(PaintSession& session, const ImageId imageId, int32_t x, int32_t y)
auto* previousAttachedPS = session.LastAttachedPS;
if (previousAttachedPS == nullptr)
return PaintAttachToPreviousPS(session, imageId, x, y);
auto* ps = session.AllocateAttachedPaintEntry();
if (ps == nullptr)
return false;
ps->image_id = imageId;
ps->RelativePos = { x, y };
ps->IsMasked = false;
ps->NextEntry = nullptr;
previousAttachedPS->NextEntry = ps;
return true;
* rct2: 0x0068818E
* @param image_id (ebx)
* @param x (ax)
* @param y (cx)
* @return (!CF) success
bool PaintAttachToPreviousPS(PaintSession& session, const ImageId image_id, int32_t x, int32_t y)
auto* masterPs = session.LastPS;
if (masterPs == nullptr)
return false;
auto* ps = session.AllocateAttachedPaintEntry();
if (ps == nullptr)
return false;
ps->image_id = image_id;
ps->RelativePos = { x, y };
ps->IsMasked = false;
AttachedPaintStruct* oldFirstAttached = masterPs->Attached;
masterPs->Attached = ps;
ps->NextEntry = oldFirstAttached;
return true;
* rct2: 0x00685EBC, 0x00686046, 0x00685FC8, 0x00685F4A, 0x00685ECC
* @param amount (eax)
* @param string_id (bx)
* @param y (cx)
* @param z (dx)
* @param offset_x (si)
* @param y_offsets (di)
* @param rotation (ebp)
void PaintFloatingMoneyEffect(
PaintSession& session, money64 amount, StringId string_id, int32_t y, int32_t z, int8_t y_offsets[], int32_t offset_x,
uint32_t rotation)
auto* ps = session.AllocateStringPaintEntry();
if (ps == nullptr)
const CoordsXYZ position = {
const auto coord = Translate3DTo2DWithZ(rotation, position);
ps->string_id = string_id;
ps->NextEntry = nullptr;
std::memcpy(ps->args, &amount, sizeof(amount));
ps->args[2] = 0;
ps->args[3] = 0;
ps->y_offsets = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(y_offsets);
ps->ScreenPos = ScreenCoordsXY{ coord.x + offset_x, coord.y };
* rct2: 0x006860C3
void PaintDrawMoneyStructs(DrawPixelInfo& dpi, PaintStringStruct* ps)
char buffer[256]{};
FormatStringLegacy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ps->string_id, &ps->args);
// Use sprite font unless the currency contains characters unsupported by the sprite font
auto forceSpriteFont = false;
const auto& currencyDesc = CurrencyDescriptors[EnumValue(gConfigGeneral.CurrencyFormat)];
if (LocalisationService_UseTrueTypeFont() && FontSupportsStringSprite(currencyDesc.symbol_unicode))
forceSpriteFont = true;
dpi, buffer, COLOUR_BLACK, ps->ScreenPos, reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(ps->y_offsets), forceSpriteFont,
} while ((ps = ps->NextEntry) != nullptr);
PaintEntryPool::Chain::Chain(PaintEntryPool* pool)
: Pool(pool)
PaintEntryPool::Chain::Chain(Chain&& chain)
*this = std::move(chain);
PaintEntryPool::Chain& PaintEntryPool::Chain::operator=(Chain&& chain) noexcept
Pool = chain.Pool;
Head = chain.Head;
Current = chain.Current;
chain.Pool = nullptr;
chain.Head = nullptr;
chain.Current = nullptr;
return *this;
PaintEntry* PaintEntryPool::Chain::Allocate()
if (Pool == nullptr)
return nullptr;
if (Current == nullptr)
assert(Head == nullptr);
Head = Pool->AllocateNode();
if (Head == nullptr)
// Unable to allocate any more nodes
return nullptr;
Current = Head;
else if (Current->Count >= NodeSize)
// We need another node
Current->Next = Pool->AllocateNode();
if (Current->Next == nullptr)
// Unable to allocate any more nodes
return nullptr;
Current = Current->Next;
assert(Current->Count < NodeSize);
return &Current->PaintStructs[Current->Count++];
void PaintEntryPool::Chain::Clear()
if (Pool != nullptr)
Head = nullptr;
Current = nullptr;
assert(Head == nullptr);
assert(Current == nullptr);
size_t PaintEntryPool::Chain::GetCount() const
size_t count = 0;
auto current = Head;
while (current != nullptr)
count += current->Count;
current = current->Next;
return count;
for (auto node : _available)
delete node;
PaintEntryPool::Node* PaintEntryPool::AllocateNode()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
PaintEntryPool::Node* result;
if (_available.size() > 0)
result = _available.back();
result = new (std::nothrow) PaintEntryPool::Node();
return result;
PaintEntryPool::Chain PaintEntryPool::Create()
return PaintEntryPool::Chain(this);
void PaintEntryPool::FreeNodes(PaintEntryPool::Node* head)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
auto node = head;
while (node != nullptr)
auto next = node->Next;
node->Next = nullptr;
node->Count = 0;
node = next;