
158 lines
4.5 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014-2024 OpenRCT2 developers
* For a complete list of all authors, please refer to
* Interested in contributing? Visit
* OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
#pragma once
#include "../common.h"
#include "../config/ConfigTypes.h"
#include "../core/String.hpp"
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#ifdef _WIN32
# define PATH_SEPARATOR u8"\\"
# define PLATFORM_NEWLINE u8"\r\n"
# define PATH_SEPARATOR u8"/"
# define PLATFORM_NEWLINE u8"\n"
#ifdef __ANDROID__
# include <jni.h>
#endif // __ANDROID__
#ifndef MAX_PATH
# define MAX_PATH 260
struct RealWorldDate;
struct RealWorldTime;
struct TTFFontDescriptor;
namespace Platform
std::string GetEnvironmentVariable(std::string_view name);
std::string GetFolderPath(SPECIAL_FOLDER folder);
std::string GetInstallPath();
std::string GetDocsPath();
std::string GetCurrentExecutablePath();
std::string GetCurrentExecutableDirectory();
bool ShouldIgnoreCase();
bool IsPathSeparator(char c);
uint64_t GetLastModified(std::string_view path);
uint64_t GetFileSize(std::string_view path);
std::string ResolveCasing(std::string_view path, bool fileExists);
std::string SanitiseFilename(std::string_view originalName);
bool IsFilenameValid(u8string_view fileName);
uint16_t GetLocaleLanguage();
CurrencyType GetLocaleCurrency();
CurrencyType GetCurrencyValue(const char* currCode);
MeasurementFormat GetLocaleMeasurementFormat();
uint8_t GetLocaleDateFormat();
TemperatureUnit GetLocaleTemperatureFormat();
RealWorldTime GetTimeLocal();
RealWorldDate GetDateLocal();
bool FindApp(std::string_view app, std::string* output);
int32_t Execute(std::string_view command, std::string* output = nullptr);
bool ProcessIsElevated();
float GetDefaultScale();
bool IsRCT2Path(std::string_view path);
bool IsRCTClassicPath(std::string_view path);
bool OriginalGameDataExists(std::string_view path);
std::string GetUsername();
std::string GetSteamPath();
#if defined(__unix__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
std::string GetEnvironmentPath(const char* name);
std::string GetHomePath();
#ifndef NO_TTF
std::string GetFontPath(const TTFFontDescriptor& font);
#endif // NO_TTF
std::string FormatShortDate(std::time_t timestamp);
std::string FormatTime(std::time_t timestamp);
#ifdef _WIN32
bool IsOSVersionAtLeast(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor, uint32_t build);
void SetUpFileAssociations();
bool SetUpFileAssociation(
std::string_view extension, std::string_view fileTypeText, std::string_view commandText, std::string_view commandArgs,
const uint32_t iconIndex);
void RemoveFileAssociations();
bool SetupUriProtocol();
#ifdef __ANDROID__
jclass AndroidFindClass(JNIEnv* env, std::string_view name);
bool IsRunningInWine();
bool IsColourTerminalSupported();
bool HandleSpecialCommandLineArgument(const char* argument);
u8string StrDecompToPrecomp(u8string_view input);
bool RequireNewWindow(bool openGL);
// Returns the bitmask of the GetLogicalDrives function for windows, 0 for other systems
int32_t GetDrives();
time_t FileGetModifiedTime(u8string_view path);
bool LockSingleInstance();
u8string GetRCT1SteamDir();
u8string GetRCT2SteamDir();
datetime64 GetDatetimeNowUTC();
uint32_t GetTicks();
void Sleep(uint32_t ms);
} // namespace Platform
#ifdef __ANDROID__
class AndroidClassLoader
static jobject _classLoader;
static jmethodID _findClassMethod;
#endif // __ANDROID__
#ifdef _WIN32
# ifndef NOMINMAX
# define NOMINMAX
# endif
# ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# endif
# include <windows.h>
# undef CreateDirectory
# undef CreateWindow
# undef GetMessage
// This function cannot be marked as 'static', even though it may seem to be,
// as it requires external linkage, which 'static' prevents
__declspec(dllexport) int32_t
StartOpenRCT2(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCommandLine, int32_t nCmdShow);
#endif // _WIN32