2021-04-20 08:10:23 +02:00

54 lines
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#version 150
// Allows for about 8 million draws per frame
const float DEPTH_INCREMENT = 1.0 / float(1u << 22u);
uniform ivec2 uScreenSize;
in ivec4 vClip;
in int vTexColourAtlas;
in vec4 vTexColourBounds;
in int vTexMaskAtlas;
in vec4 vTexMaskBounds;
in ivec3 vPalettes;
in int vFlags;
in uint vColour;
in ivec4 vBounds;
in int vDepth;
in mat4x2 vVertMat;
in vec2 vVertVec;
out vec2 fPosition;
out vec3 fPeelPos;
flat out int fFlags;
flat out uint fColour;
out vec3 fTexColour;
out vec3 fTexMask;
flat out vec3 fPalettes;
void main()
// Clamp position by vClip, correcting interpolated values for the clipping
vec2 m = clamp(((vVertMat * vec4(vClip)) - (vVertMat * vec4(vBounds)))/vec2( - vBounds.xy) + vVertVec, 0.0, 1.0);
vec2 pos = mix(vec2(vBounds.xy), vec2(, m);
fTexColour = vec3(mix(vTexColourBounds.xy,, m), vTexColourAtlas);
fTexMask = vec3(mix(vTexMaskBounds.xy,, m), vTexMaskAtlas);
fPosition = pos;
// Transform screen coordinates to texture coordinates
float depth = 1.0 - (float(vDepth) + 1.0) * DEPTH_INCREMENT;
pos = pos / vec2(uScreenSize);
pos.y = pos.y * -1.0 + 1.0;
fPeelPos = vec3(pos, depth * 0.5 + 0.5);
fFlags = vFlags;
fColour = vColour;
fPalettes = vec3(vPalettes);
// Transform texture coordinates to viewport coordinates
pos = pos * 2.0 - 1.0;
gl_Position = vec4(pos, depth, 1.0);