
259 lines
9.1 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014-2024 OpenRCT2 developers
* For a complete list of all authors, please refer to
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* OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
#include "../../entity/EntityRegistry.h"
#include "../../interface/Viewport.h"
#include "../../localisation/Localisation.h"
#include "../../paint/Boundbox.h"
#include "../../paint/Paint.h"
#include "../../paint/support/WoodenSupports.h"
#include "../../sprites.h"
#include "../../world/Map.h"
#include "../RideData.h"
#include "../TrackData.h"
#include "../TrackPaint.h"
#include "../Vehicle.h"
static int16_t TopSpinSeatHeightOffset[] = {
-10, -10, -9, -7, -4, -1, 2, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 61, 64, 67, 70, 72, 73,
73, 73, 72, 70, 67, 64, 61, 57, 52, 47, 42, 37, 31, 26, 21, 16, 11, 6, 2, -1, -4, -7, -9, -10,
* Can be calculated as Rounddown(34*sin(x)+0.5)
* where x is in 7.5 deg segments.
static int8_t TopSpinSeatPositionOffset[] = {
0, 4, 9, 13, 17, 21, 24, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 34, 34, 33, 31, 29, 27, 24, 21, 17, 13, 9, 4,
0, -3, -8, -12, -16, -20, -23, -26, -28, -30, -32, -33, -33, -33, -32, -30, -28, -26, -23, -20, -16, -12, -8, -3,
static void PaintTopSpinRiders(
PaintSession& session, const Vehicle& vehicle, ImageIndex seatImageIndex, const CoordsXYZ& seatCoords,
const BoundBoxXYZ& bb)
if (session.DPI.zoom_level >= ZoomLevel{ 2 })
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
auto peepIndex = i * 2;
if (vehicle.num_peeps > peepIndex)
auto imageIndex = seatImageIndex + ((i + 1) * 76);
auto imageId = ImageId(
imageIndex, vehicle.peep_tshirt_colours[peepIndex], vehicle.peep_tshirt_colours[peepIndex + 1]);
PaintAddImageAsChild(session, imageId, seatCoords, bb);
static void PaintTopSpinSeat(
PaintSession& session, const Ride& ride, const RideObjectEntry& rideEntry, const Vehicle* vehicle, Direction direction,
uint32_t armRotation, uint32_t seatRotation, const CoordsXYZ& offset, const BoundBoxXYZ& bb, ImageId stationColour)
if (armRotation >= std::size(TopSpinSeatHeightOffset))
const auto& carEntry = rideEntry.Cars[0];
ImageIndex seatImageIndex;
if (vehicle != nullptr && vehicle->restraints_position >= 64)
// Open Restraints
seatImageIndex = carEntry.base_image_id + 64;
seatImageIndex += (vehicle->restraints_position - 64) >> 6;
seatImageIndex += direction * 3;
// Var_20 Rotation of seats
seatImageIndex = carEntry.base_image_id;
seatImageIndex += direction * 16;
seatImageIndex += seatRotation;
auto seatCoords = offset;
seatCoords.z += TopSpinSeatHeightOffset[armRotation];
switch (direction)
case 0:
seatCoords.x -= TopSpinSeatPositionOffset[armRotation];
case 1:
seatCoords.y += TopSpinSeatPositionOffset[armRotation];
case 2:
seatCoords.x += TopSpinSeatPositionOffset[armRotation];
case 3:
seatCoords.y -= TopSpinSeatPositionOffset[armRotation];
auto imageTemplate = ImageId(0, ride.vehicle_colours[0].Body, ride.vehicle_colours[0].Trim);
if (stationColour != TrackStationColour)
imageTemplate = stationColour;
PaintAddImageAsChild(session, imageTemplate.WithIndex(seatImageIndex), seatCoords, bb);
if (vehicle != nullptr)
PaintTopSpinRiders(session, *vehicle, seatImageIndex, seatCoords, bb);
static void PaintTopSpinVehicle(
PaintSession& session, int32_t al, int32_t cl, const Ride& ride, uint8_t direction, int32_t height, ImageId stationColour)
const auto* rideEntry = GetRideEntryByIndex(ride.subtype);
if (rideEntry == nullptr)
const auto& carEntry = rideEntry->Cars[0];
height += 3;
uint8_t seatRotation = 0;
uint8_t armRotation = 0;
auto* vehicle = GetEntity<Vehicle>(ride.vehicles[0]);
if (ride.lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_ON_TRACK && vehicle != nullptr)
session.InteractionType = ViewportInteractionItem::Entity;
session.CurrentlyDrawnEntity = vehicle;
armRotation = vehicle->Pitch;
seatRotation = vehicle->bank_rotation;
int32_t armImageOffset = armRotation;
if (direction & 2)
armImageOffset = -armImageOffset;
if (armImageOffset != 0)
armImageOffset += 48;
CoordsXYZ offset = { al, cl, height };
BoundBoxXYZ bb = { { al + 16, cl + 16, height }, { 24, 24, 90 } };
auto supportImageTemplate = ImageId(0, ride.track_colour[0].main, ride.track_colour[0].supports);
auto armImageTemplate = ImageId(0, ride.track_colour[0].main, ride.track_colour[0].additional);
if (stationColour != TrackStationColour)
supportImageTemplate = stationColour;
armImageTemplate = supportImageTemplate;
// Left back bottom support
auto imageIndex = carEntry.base_image_id + 572 + ((direction & 1) << 1);
PaintAddImageAsParent(session, supportImageTemplate.WithIndex(imageIndex), offset, bb);
// Left hand arm
imageIndex = carEntry.base_image_id + 380 + armImageOffset + ((direction & 1) * 48);
PaintAddImageAsChild(session, armImageTemplate.WithIndex(imageIndex), offset, bb);
// Seat
PaintTopSpinSeat(session, ride, *rideEntry, vehicle, direction, armRotation, seatRotation, offset, bb, stationColour);
// Right hand arm
imageIndex = carEntry.base_image_id + 476 + armImageOffset + ((direction & 1) * 48);
PaintAddImageAsChild(session, armImageTemplate.WithIndex(imageIndex), offset, bb);
// Right back bottom support
imageIndex = carEntry.base_image_id + 573 + ((direction & 1) << 1);
PaintAddImageAsChild(session, supportImageTemplate.WithIndex(imageIndex), offset, bb);
session.CurrentlyDrawnEntity = nullptr;
session.InteractionType = ViewportInteractionItem::Ride;
static void PaintTopSpin(
PaintSession& session, const Ride& ride, uint8_t trackSequence, uint8_t direction, int32_t height,
const TrackElement& trackElement)
trackSequence = kTrackMap3x3[direction][trackSequence];
int32_t edges = edges_3x3[trackSequence];
auto stationColour = GetStationColourScheme(session, trackElement);
session, WoodenSupportType::Truss, WoodenSupportSubType::NeSw, direction, height, stationColour);
const StationObject* stationObject = ride.GetStationObject();
TrackPaintUtilPaintFloor(session, edges, session.TrackColours, height, floorSpritesCork, stationObject);
session, edges, session.MapPosition, trackElement, ride, stationColour, height, fenceSpritesRope,
switch (trackSequence)
case 1:
PaintTopSpinVehicle(session, 32, 32, ride, direction, height, stationColour);
case 3:
PaintTopSpinVehicle(session, 32, -32, ride, direction, height, stationColour);
case 5:
PaintTopSpinVehicle(session, 0, -32, ride, direction, height, stationColour);
case 6:
PaintTopSpinVehicle(session, -32, 32, ride, direction, height, stationColour);
case 7:
PaintTopSpinVehicle(session, -32, -32, ride, direction, height, stationColour);
case 8:
PaintTopSpinVehicle(session, -32, 0, ride, direction, height, stationColour);
int32_t cornerSegments = 0;
switch (trackSequence)
case 1:
// top
cornerSegments = EnumsToFlags(PaintSegment::topCorner, PaintSegment::topLeftSide, PaintSegment::topRightSide);
case 3:
// right
cornerSegments = EnumsToFlags(PaintSegment::topRightSide, PaintSegment::rightCorner, PaintSegment::bottomRightSide);
case 6:
// left
cornerSegments = EnumsToFlags(PaintSegment::topLeftSide, PaintSegment::leftCorner, PaintSegment::bottomLeftSide);
case 7:
// bottom
cornerSegments = EnumsToFlags(
PaintSegment::bottomLeftSide, PaintSegment::bottomCorner, PaintSegment::bottomRightSide);
PaintUtilSetSegmentSupportHeight(session, cornerSegments, height + 2, 0x20);
PaintUtilSetSegmentSupportHeight(session, kSegmentsAll & ~cornerSegments, 0xFFFF, 0);
PaintUtilSetGeneralSupportHeight(session, height + 112, 0x20);
TRACK_PAINT_FUNCTION GetTrackPaintFunctionTopspin(int32_t trackType)
if (trackType != TrackElemType::FlatTrack3x3)
return nullptr;
return PaintTopSpin;