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#pragma region Copyright (c) 2014-2017 OpenRCT2 Developers
* OpenRCT2, an open source clone of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2.
* OpenRCT2 is the work of many authors, a full list can be found in
* For more information, visit
* OpenRCT2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* A full copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in licence.txt
#pragma endregion
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <openrct2/config/Config.h>
#include <openrct2/core/Console.hpp>
#include <openrct2/drawing/Drawing.h>
#include <openrct2/drawing/IDrawingContext.h>
#include <openrct2/drawing/IDrawingEngine.h>
#include <openrct2/drawing/LightFX.h>
#include <openrct2/drawing/Rain.h>
#include <openrct2/interface/Screenshot.h>
#include <openrct2/Intro.h>
#include <openrct2-ui/interface/Window.h>
#include <openrct2/ui/UiContext.h>
#include "../DrawingEngineFactory.hpp"
#include "ApplyPaletteShader.h"
#include "DrawCommands.h"
#include "DrawLineShader.h"
#include "DrawRectShader.h"
#include "GLSLTypes.h"
#include "OpenGLAPI.h"
#include "OpenGLFramebuffer.h"
#include "SwapFramebuffer.h"
#include "TextureCache.h"
#include "TransparencyDepth.h"
using namespace OpenRCT2;
using namespace OpenRCT2::Drawing;
using namespace OpenRCT2::Ui;
struct OpenGLVersion
GLint Major;
GLint Minor;
constexpr OpenGLVersion OPENGL_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION = { 3, 3 };
class OpenGLDrawingEngine;
class OpenGLDrawingContext final : public IDrawingContext
OpenGLDrawingEngine * _engine = nullptr;
rct_drawpixelinfo * _dpi = nullptr;
ApplyTransparencyShader * _applyTransparencyShader = nullptr;
DrawLineShader * _drawLineShader = nullptr;
DrawRectShader * _drawRectShader = nullptr;
SwapFramebuffer * _swapFramebuffer = nullptr;
TextureCache * _textureCache = nullptr;
sint32 _offsetX = 0;
sint32 _offsetY = 0;
sint32 _clipLeft = 0;
sint32 _clipTop = 0;
sint32 _clipRight = 0;
sint32 _clipBottom = 0;
sint32 _drawCount = 0;
LineCommandBatch lines;
RectCommandBatch rects;
RectCommandBatch transparent;
explicit OpenGLDrawingContext(OpenGLDrawingEngine * engine);
~OpenGLDrawingContext() override;
IDrawingEngine * GetEngine() override;
TextureCache * GetTextureCache() const { return _textureCache; }
const OpenGLFramebuffer & GetFinalFramebuffer() const { return _swapFramebuffer->GetFinalFramebuffer(); }
void Initialise();
void Resize(sint32 width, sint32 height);
void ResetPalette();
void StartNewDraw();
void Clear(uint8 paletteIndex) override;
void FillRect(uint32 colour, sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 w, sint32 h) override;
void FilterRect(FILTER_PALETTE_ID palette, sint32 left, sint32 top, sint32 right, sint32 bottom) override;
void DrawLine(uint32 colour, sint32 x1, sint32 y1, sint32 x2, sint32 y2) override;
void DrawSprite(uint32 image, sint32 x, sint32 y, uint32 tertiaryColour) override;
void DrawSpriteRawMasked(sint32 x, sint32 y, uint32 maskImage, uint32 colourImage) override;
void DrawSpriteSolid(uint32 image, sint32 x, sint32 y, uint8 colour) override;
void DrawGlyph(uint32 image, sint32 x, sint32 y, uint8 * palette) override;
void FlushCommandBuffers();
void FlushLines();
void FlushRectangles();
void HandleTransparency();
void SetDPI(rct_drawpixelinfo * dpi);
class OpenGLDrawingEngine : public IDrawingEngine
std::shared_ptr<IUiContext> const _uiContext;
SDL_Window * _window = nullptr;
SDL_GLContext _context = nullptr;
uint32 _width = 0;
uint32 _height = 0;
uint32 _pitch = 0;
size_t _bitsSize = 0;
uint8 * _bits = nullptr;
rct_drawpixelinfo _bitsDPI = { nullptr };
OpenGLDrawingContext * _drawingContext;
ApplyPaletteShader * _applyPaletteShader = nullptr;
OpenGLFramebuffer * _screenFramebuffer = nullptr;
OpenGLFramebuffer * _scaleFramebuffer = nullptr;
OpenGLFramebuffer * _smoothScaleFramebuffer = nullptr;
SDL_Color Palette[256];
vec4 GLPalette[256];
explicit OpenGLDrawingEngine(const std::shared_ptr<IUiContext>& uiContext)
: _uiContext(uiContext)
_window = (SDL_Window *)_uiContext->GetWindow();
_drawingContext = new OpenGLDrawingContext(this);
~OpenGLDrawingEngine() override
delete _applyPaletteShader;
delete _screenFramebuffer;
delete _drawingContext;
delete [] _bits;
void Initialise() override
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, requiredVersion.Major);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, requiredVersion.Minor);
_context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(_window);
if (_context == nullptr)
char szRequiredVersion[32];
snprintf(szRequiredVersion, 32, "OpenGL %d.%d", requiredVersion.Major, requiredVersion.Minor);
throw std::runtime_error(std::string(szRequiredVersion) + std::string(" not available."));
SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(_window, _context);
if (!OpenGLAPI::Initialise())
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to initialise OpenGL.");
_applyPaletteShader = new ApplyPaletteShader();
void Resize(uint32 width, uint32 height) override
ConfigureBits(width, height, width);
_drawingContext->Resize(width, height);
void SetPalette(const rct_palette_entry * palette) override
for (sint32 i = 0; i < 256; i++)
SDL_Color colour;
colour.r = palette[i].red;
colour.g = palette[i].green;
colour.b = palette[i].blue;
colour.a = i == 0 ? 0 : 255;
Palette[i] = colour;
GLPalette[i] = { colour.r / 255.0f,
colour.g / 255.0f,
colour.b / 255.0f,
colour.a / 255.0f };
void SetVSync(bool vsync) override
void Invalidate(sint32 left, sint32 top, sint32 right, sint32 bottom) override
void BeginDraw() override
assert(_screenFramebuffer != nullptr);
void EndDraw() override
if (_scaleFramebuffer != nullptr)
// Render to intermediary RGB buffer for GL_LINEAR
if (_smoothScaleFramebuffer != nullptr)
_smoothScaleFramebuffer->Copy(*_scaleFramebuffer, GL_NEAREST);
_screenFramebuffer->Copy(*_smoothScaleFramebuffer, GL_LINEAR);
else if (_scaleFramebuffer != nullptr)
_screenFramebuffer->Copy(*_scaleFramebuffer, GL_LINEAR);
void PaintWindows() override
window_draw_all(&_bitsDPI, 0, 0, _width, _height);
// TODO move this out from drawing
void PaintRain() override
// Not implemented
sint32 Screenshot() override
const OpenGLFramebuffer & framebuffer = _drawingContext->GetFinalFramebuffer();
sint32 result = screenshot_dump_png(&_bitsDPI);
return result;
void CopyRect(sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 width, sint32 height, sint32 dx, sint32 dy) override
// Not applicable for this engine
IDrawingContext * GetDrawingContext(rct_drawpixelinfo * dpi) override
return _drawingContext;
rct_drawpixelinfo * GetDrawingPixelInfo() override
return &_bitsDPI;
DRAWING_ENGINE_FLAGS GetFlags() override
return DEF_NONE;
void InvalidateImage(uint32 image) override
rct_drawpixelinfo * GetDPI()
return &_bitsDPI;
static OpenGLVersion GetOpenGLVersion()
CheckGLError(); // Clear Any Errors
OpenGLVersion version = { 0, 0 };
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION, &version.Major);
if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) return { 0, 0 };
glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION, &version.Minor);
if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) return { 0, 0 };
return version;
void ConfigureBits(uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 pitch)
size_t newBitsSize = pitch * height;
uint8 * newBits = new uint8[newBitsSize];
if (_bits == nullptr)
std::fill_n(newBits, newBitsSize, 0);
if (_pitch == pitch)
std::copy_n(_bits, std::min(_bitsSize, newBitsSize), newBits);
uint8 * src = _bits;
uint8 * dst = newBits;
uint32 minWidth = std::min(_width, width);
uint32 minHeight = std::min(_height, height);
for (uint32 y = 0; y < minHeight; y++)
std::copy_n(src, minWidth, dst);
if (pitch - minWidth > 0)
std::fill_n(dst + minWidth, pitch - minWidth, 0);
src += _pitch;
dst += pitch;
delete [] _bits;
_bits = newBits;
_bitsSize = newBitsSize;
_width = width;
_height = height;
_pitch = pitch;
rct_drawpixelinfo * dpi = &_bitsDPI;
dpi->bits = _bits;
dpi->x = 0;
dpi->y = 0;
dpi->width = width;
dpi->height = height;
dpi->pitch = _pitch - width;
void ConfigureCanvas()
// Re-create screen framebuffer
delete _screenFramebuffer;
_screenFramebuffer = new OpenGLFramebuffer(_window);
if (_scaleFramebuffer != nullptr)
delete _scaleFramebuffer;
_scaleFramebuffer = nullptr;
if (_smoothScaleFramebuffer != nullptr)
delete _smoothScaleFramebuffer;
_smoothScaleFramebuffer = nullptr;
if (GetContext()->GetUiContext()->GetScaleQuality() > 0)
_scaleFramebuffer = new OpenGLFramebuffer(_width, _height, false, false);
if (GetContext()->GetUiContext()->GetScaleQuality() == SCALE_QUALITY_SMOOTH_NN)
uint32 scale = std::ceil(gConfigGeneral.window_scale);
_smoothScaleFramebuffer = new OpenGLFramebuffer(_width * scale, _height * scale, false, false);
void Display()
std::unique_ptr<IDrawingEngine> OpenRCT2::Ui::CreateOpenGLDrawingEngine(const std::shared_ptr<IUiContext>& uiContext)
return std::make_unique<OpenGLDrawingEngine>(uiContext);
OpenGLDrawingContext::OpenGLDrawingContext(OpenGLDrawingEngine * engine)
_engine = engine;
delete _applyTransparencyShader;
delete _drawLineShader;
delete _drawRectShader;
delete _swapFramebuffer;
delete _textureCache;
IDrawingEngine * OpenGLDrawingContext::GetEngine()
return _engine;
void OpenGLDrawingContext::Initialise()
_textureCache = new TextureCache();
_applyTransparencyShader = new ApplyTransparencyShader();
_drawRectShader = new DrawRectShader();
_drawLineShader = new DrawLineShader();
void OpenGLDrawingContext::Resize(sint32 width, sint32 height)
_drawRectShader->SetScreenSize(width, height);
_drawLineShader->SetScreenSize(width, height);
// Re-create canvas framebuffer
delete _swapFramebuffer;
_swapFramebuffer = new SwapFramebuffer(width, height);
void OpenGLDrawingContext::ResetPalette()
void OpenGLDrawingContext::StartNewDraw()
_drawCount = 0;
void OpenGLDrawingContext::Clear(uint8 paletteIndex)
FillRect(paletteIndex, _clipLeft - _offsetX, _clipTop - _offsetY, _clipRight - _offsetX, _clipBottom - _offsetY);
void OpenGLDrawingContext::FillRect(uint32 colour, sint32 left, sint32 top, sint32 right, sint32 bottom)
left += _offsetX;
top += _offsetY;
right += _offsetX;
bottom += _offsetY;
DrawRectCommand& command = _commandBuffers.rects.allocate();
command.clip = { _clipLeft, _clipTop, _clipRight, _clipBottom };
command.texColourAtlas = 0;
command.texColourBounds = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
command.texMaskAtlas = 0;
command.texMaskBounds = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
command.palettes = { 0, 0, 0 };
command.colour = colour & 0xFF;
command.bounds = { left, top, right + 1, bottom + 1 };
command.flags = DrawRectCommand::FLAG_NO_TEXTURE;
command.depth = _drawCount++;
if (colour & 0x1000000)
// cross-pattern
command.flags = DrawRectCommand::FLAG_CROSS_HATCH;
else if (colour & 0x2000000)
// Should be FilterRect
void OpenGLDrawingContext::FilterRect(FILTER_PALETTE_ID palette, sint32 left, sint32 top, sint32 right, sint32 bottom)
left += _offsetX;
top += _offsetY;
right += _offsetX;
bottom += _offsetY;
DrawRectCommand& command = _commandBuffers.transparent.allocate();
command.clip = { _clipLeft, _clipTop, _clipRight, _clipBottom };
command.texColourAtlas = 0;
command.texColourBounds = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
command.texMaskAtlas = 0;
command.texMaskBounds = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
command.palettes = { 0, 0, 0 };
command.colour = TextureCache::PaletteToY(palette);
command.bounds = { left, top, right + 1, bottom + 1 };
command.flags = DrawRectCommand::FLAG_NO_TEXTURE;
command.depth = _drawCount++;
void OpenGLDrawingContext::DrawLine(uint32 colour, sint32 x1, sint32 y1, sint32 x2, sint32 y2)
x1 += _offsetX;
y1 += _offsetY;
x2 += _offsetX;
y2 += _offsetY;
DrawLineCommand& command = _commandBuffers.lines.allocate();
command.clip = { _clipLeft, _clipTop, _clipRight, _clipBottom };
command.bounds = { x1, y1, x2, y2 };
command.colour = colour & 0xFF;
command.depth = _drawCount++;
void OpenGLDrawingContext::DrawSprite(uint32 image, sint32 x, sint32 y, uint32 tertiaryColour)
sint32 g1Id = image & 0x7FFFF;
auto g1Element = gfx_get_g1_element(g1Id);
if (g1Element == nullptr)
if (_dpi->zoom_level != 0)
if (g1Element->flags & (1 << 4))
rct_drawpixelinfo zoomedDPI;
zoomedDPI.bits = _dpi->bits;
zoomedDPI.x = _dpi->x >> 1;
zoomedDPI.y = _dpi->y >> 1;
zoomedDPI.height = _dpi->height >> 1;
zoomedDPI.width = _dpi->width >> 1;
zoomedDPI.pitch = _dpi->pitch;
zoomedDPI.zoom_level = _dpi->zoom_level - 1;
DrawSprite((image & 0xFFF80000) | (g1Id - g1Element->zoomed_offset), x >> 1, y >> 1, tertiaryColour);
if (g1Element->flags & (1 << 5))
uint8 zoomLevel = (1 << _dpi->zoom_level);
sint32 left = x + g1Element->x_offset;
sint32 top = y + g1Element->y_offset;
sint32 zoom_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << _dpi->zoom_level;
if (_dpi->zoom_level && g1Element->flags & G1_FLAG_RLE_COMPRESSION){
top -= ~zoom_mask;
if (!(g1Element->flags & G1_FLAG_RLE_COMPRESSION)) {
top &= zoom_mask;
left += ~zoom_mask;
left &= zoom_mask;
sint32 right = left + g1Element->width;
sint32 bottom = top + g1Element->height;
if (_dpi->zoom_level && g1Element->flags & G1_FLAG_RLE_COMPRESSION) {
bottom += top & ~zoom_mask;
if (left > right)
std::swap(left, right);
if (top > bottom)
std::swap(top, bottom);
left -= _dpi->x;
top -= _dpi->y;
right -= _dpi->x;
bottom -= _dpi->y;
left /= zoomLevel;
top /= zoomLevel;
right /= zoomLevel;
bottom /= zoomLevel;
left += _clipLeft;
top += _clipTop;
right += _clipLeft;
bottom += _clipTop;
const auto texture = _textureCache->GetOrLoadImageTexture(image);
int paletteCount;
ivec3 palettes{};
bool special = false;
if (image & IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP_2_PLUS)
palettes.x = TextureCache::PaletteToY((image >> 19) & 0x1F);
palettes.y = TextureCache::PaletteToY((image >> 24) & 0x1F);
if (image & IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP)
paletteCount = 2;
paletteCount = 3;
palettes.z = TextureCache::PaletteToY(tertiaryColour & 0xFF);
else if ((image & IMAGE_TYPE_REMAP) || (image & IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT))
paletteCount = 1;
uint32 palette = (image >> 19) & 0xFF;
palettes.x = TextureCache::PaletteToY(palette);
if (palette == PALETTE_WATER)
special = true;
paletteCount = 0;
if (special || (image & IMAGE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT))
DrawRectCommand& command = _commandBuffers.transparent.allocate();
command.clip = { _clipLeft, _clipTop, _clipRight, _clipBottom };
command.texColourAtlas = texture.index;
command.texColourBounds = texture.normalizedBounds;
command.texMaskAtlas = texture.index;
command.texMaskBounds = texture.normalizedBounds;
command.palettes = palettes;
command.colour = palettes.x - (special ? 1 : 0);
command.bounds = { left, top, right, bottom };
command.flags = special ? 0 : DrawRectCommand::FLAG_NO_TEXTURE | DrawRectCommand::FLAG_MASK;
command.depth = _drawCount++;
DrawRectCommand& command = _commandBuffers.rects.allocate();
command.clip = { _clipLeft, _clipTop, _clipRight, _clipBottom };
command.texColourAtlas = texture.index;
command.texColourBounds = texture.normalizedBounds;
command.texMaskAtlas = 0;
command.texMaskBounds = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
command.palettes = palettes;
command.colour = 0;
command.bounds = { left, top, right, bottom };
command.flags = paletteCount;
command.depth = _drawCount++;
void OpenGLDrawingContext::DrawSpriteRawMasked(sint32 x, sint32 y, uint32 maskImage, uint32 colourImage)
auto g1ElementMask = gfx_get_g1_element(maskImage & 0x7FFFF);
auto g1ElementColour = gfx_get_g1_element(colourImage & 0x7FFFF);
if (g1ElementMask == nullptr || g1ElementColour == nullptr)
const auto textureMask = _textureCache->GetOrLoadImageTexture(maskImage);
const auto textureColour = _textureCache->GetOrLoadImageTexture(colourImage);
uint8 zoomLevel = (1 << _dpi->zoom_level);
sint32 drawOffsetX = g1ElementMask->x_offset;
sint32 drawOffsetY = g1ElementMask->y_offset;
sint32 drawWidth = std::min(g1ElementMask->width, g1ElementColour->width);
sint32 drawHeight = std::min(g1ElementMask->height, g1ElementColour->height);
sint32 left = x + drawOffsetX;
sint32 top = y + drawOffsetY;
sint32 right = left + drawWidth;
sint32 bottom = top + drawHeight;
if (left > right)
std::swap(left, right);
if (top > bottom)
std::swap(top, bottom);
left -= _dpi->x;
top -= _dpi->y;
right -= _dpi->x;
bottom -= _dpi->y;
left /= zoomLevel;
top /= zoomLevel;
right /= zoomLevel;
bottom /= zoomLevel;
left += _clipLeft;
top += _clipTop;
right += _clipLeft;
bottom += _clipTop;
DrawRectCommand& command = _commandBuffers.rects.allocate();
command.clip = { _clipLeft, _clipTop, _clipRight, _clipBottom };
command.texColourAtlas = textureColour.index;
command.texColourBounds = textureColour.normalizedBounds;
command.texMaskAtlas = textureMask.index;
command.texMaskBounds = textureMask.normalizedBounds;
command.palettes = { 0, 0, 0 };
command.flags = DrawRectCommand::FLAG_MASK;
command.colour = 0;
command.bounds = { left, top, right, bottom };
command.depth = _drawCount++;
void OpenGLDrawingContext::DrawSpriteSolid(uint32 image, sint32 x, sint32 y, uint8 colour)
assert((colour & 0xFF) > 0u);
sint32 g1Id = image & 0x7FFFF;
auto g1Element = gfx_get_g1_element(g1Id);
if (g1Element == nullptr)
const auto texture = _textureCache->GetOrLoadImageTexture(image);
sint32 drawOffsetX = g1Element->x_offset;
sint32 drawOffsetY = g1Element->y_offset;
sint32 drawWidth = (uint16)g1Element->width;
sint32 drawHeight = (uint16)g1Element->height;
sint32 left = x + drawOffsetX;
sint32 top = y + drawOffsetY;
sint32 right = left + drawWidth;
sint32 bottom = top + drawHeight;
if (left > right)
std::swap(left, right);
if (top > bottom)
std::swap(top, bottom);
left += _offsetX;
top += _offsetY;
right += _offsetX;
bottom += _offsetY;
DrawRectCommand& command = _commandBuffers.rects.allocate();
command.clip = { _clipLeft, _clipTop, _clipRight, _clipBottom };
command.texColourAtlas = 0;
command.texColourBounds = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
command.texMaskAtlas = texture.index;
command.texMaskBounds = texture.normalizedBounds;
command.palettes = { 0, 0, 0 };
command.flags = DrawRectCommand::FLAG_NO_TEXTURE | DrawRectCommand::FLAG_MASK;
command.colour = colour & 0xFF;
command.bounds = { left, top, right, bottom };
command.depth = _drawCount++;
void OpenGLDrawingContext::DrawGlyph(uint32 image, sint32 x, sint32 y, uint8 * palette)
auto g1Element = gfx_get_g1_element(image & 0x7FFFF);
if (g1Element == nullptr)
const auto texture = _textureCache->GetOrLoadGlyphTexture(image, palette);
sint32 drawOffsetX = g1Element->x_offset;
sint32 drawOffsetY = g1Element->y_offset;
sint32 drawWidth = (uint16)g1Element->width;
sint32 drawHeight = (uint16)g1Element->height;
sint32 left = x + drawOffsetX;
sint32 top = y + drawOffsetY;
sint32 right = left + drawWidth;
sint32 bottom = top + drawHeight;
if (left > right)
std::swap(left, right);
if (top > bottom)
std::swap(top, bottom);
left += _offsetX;
top += _offsetY;
right += _offsetX;
bottom += _offsetY;
DrawRectCommand& command = _commandBuffers.rects.allocate();
command.clip = { _clipLeft, _clipTop, _clipRight, _clipBottom };
command.texColourAtlas = texture.index;
command.texColourBounds = texture.normalizedBounds;
command.texMaskAtlas = 0;
command.texMaskBounds = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
command.palettes = { 0, 0, 0 };
command.flags = 0;
command.colour = 0;
command.bounds = { left, top, right, bottom };
command.depth = _drawCount++;
void OpenGLDrawingContext::FlushCommandBuffers()
void OpenGLDrawingContext::FlushLines()
if (_commandBuffers.lines.size() == 0) return;
void OpenGLDrawingContext::FlushRectangles()
if (_commandBuffers.rects.size() == 0) return;
OpenGLAPI::SetTexture(0, GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, _textureCache->GetAtlasesTexture());
OpenGLAPI::SetTexture(1, GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, _textureCache->GetPaletteTexture());
void OpenGLDrawingContext::HandleTransparency()
if (_commandBuffers.transparent.empty())
sint32 max_depth = MaxTransparencyDepth(_commandBuffers.transparent);
for (sint32 i=0; i < max_depth; ++i)
if (i > 0)
OpenGLAPI::SetTexture(0, GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, _textureCache->GetAtlasesTexture());
OpenGLAPI::SetTexture(1, GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, _textureCache->GetPaletteTexture());
_swapFramebuffer->ApplyTransparency(*_applyTransparencyShader, _textureCache->GetPaletteTexture());
void OpenGLDrawingContext::SetDPI(rct_drawpixelinfo * dpi)
rct_drawpixelinfo * screenDPI = _engine->GetDPI();
#ifndef NDEBUG
size_t bitsSize = (size_t)screenDPI->height * (size_t)(screenDPI->width + screenDPI->pitch);
size_t bitsOffset = (size_t)(dpi->bits - screenDPI->bits);
assert(bitsOffset < bitsSize);
_clipLeft = (sint32)(bitsOffset % (screenDPI->width + screenDPI->pitch));
_clipTop = (sint32)(bitsOffset / (screenDPI->width + screenDPI->pitch));
_clipRight = _clipLeft + (dpi->width >> dpi->zoom_level);
_clipBottom = _clipTop + (dpi->height >> dpi->zoom_level);
_offsetX = _clipLeft - dpi->x;
_offsetY = _clipTop - dpi->y;
_dpi = dpi;
#endif /* DISABLE_OPENGL */