
202 lines
6.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include "detail_typeinfo.h"
#include <assert.h>
namespace dukglue {
namespace detail {
struct ProtoManager
template <typename Cls>
static void push_prototype(duk_context* ctx)
push_prototype(ctx, TypeInfo(typeid(Cls)));
static void push_prototype(duk_context* ctx, const TypeInfo& check_info)
if (!find_and_push_prototype(ctx, check_info)) {
// nope, need to create our prototype object
// add reference to this class' info object so we can do type checking
// when trying to pass this object into method calls
typedef dukglue::detail::TypeInfo TypeInfo;
TypeInfo* info = new TypeInfo(check_info);
duk_push_pointer(ctx, info);
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "\xFF" "type_info");
// Clean up the TypeInfo object when this prototype is destroyed.
// We can't put a finalizer directly on this prototype, because it
// will be run whenever the wrapper for an object of this class is
// destroyed; instead, we make a dummy object and put the finalizer
// on that.
// If you're memory paranoid: this duplicates the type_info pointer
// once per registered class. If you don't care about freeing memory
// during shutdown, you can probably comment out this part.
duk_push_pointer(ctx, info);
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "\xFF" "type_info");
duk_push_c_function(ctx, type_info_finalizer, 1);
duk_set_finalizer(ctx, -2);
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "\xFF" "type_info_finalizer");
// register it in the stash
register_prototype(ctx, info);
template<typename Cls>
static void make_script_object(duk_context* ctx, Cls* obj)
assert(obj != NULL);
duk_push_pointer(ctx, obj);
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "\xFF" "obj_ptr");
// push the appropriate prototype
// In the "infer base class" case, we push the prototype
// corresponding to the compile-time class if no prototype
// for the run-time type has been defined. This allows us to
// skip calling dukglue_set_base_class() for every derived class,
// so long as we:
// (1) Always use the derived class as a pointer typed as the base class
// (2) Do not create a prototype for the derived class
// (i.e. do not register any functions on the derived class).
// For big projects with hundreds of derived classes, this is preferrable
// to registering each type's base class individually. However,
// registering a native method on a derived class will cause the
// base class's methods to disappear until dukglue_set_base_class() is
// also called (because registering the native method causes a prototype
// to be created for the run-time type). This behavior may be unexpected,
// and for "small" projects it is reasonable to require
// dukglue_set_base_class() to be called, so it is opt-in via an ifdef.
// does a prototype exist for the run-time type? if so, push it
if (!find_and_push_prototype(ctx, TypeInfo(typeid(*obj)))) {
// nope, find or create the prototype for the compile-time type
// and push that
// always use the prototype for the run-time type
push_prototype(ctx, TypeInfo(typeid(*obj)));
duk_set_prototype(ctx, -2);
static duk_ret_t type_info_finalizer(duk_context* ctx)
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "\xFF" "type_info");
dukglue::detail::TypeInfo* info = static_cast<dukglue::detail::TypeInfo*>(duk_require_pointer(ctx, -1));
delete info;
// set pointer to NULL in case this finalizer runs again
duk_push_pointer(ctx, NULL);
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, 0, "\xFF" "type_info");
return 0;
// puts heap_stash["dukglue_prototypes"] on the stack,
// or creates it if it doesn't exist
static void push_prototypes_array(duk_context* ctx)
static const char* DUKGLUE_PROTOTYPES = "dukglue_prototypes";
// does the prototype array already exist?
if (!duk_has_prop_string(ctx, -1, DUKGLUE_PROTOTYPES)) {
// nope, we need to create it
duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, DUKGLUE_PROTOTYPES);
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, DUKGLUE_PROTOTYPES);
// remove the heap stash from the stack
duk_remove(ctx, -2);
// Stack: ... [proto] -> ... [proto]
static void register_prototype(duk_context* ctx, const TypeInfo* info) {
// 1. We assume info is not in the prototype array already
// 2. Duktape has no efficient "shift array indices" operation (at least publicly)
// 3. This method doesn't need to be fast, it's only called during registration
// Work from high to low in the prototypes array, shifting as we go,
// until we find the spot for info.
duk_size_t i = duk_get_length(ctx, -1);
while (i > 0) {
duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, i - 1);
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "\xFF" "type_info");
const TypeInfo* chk_info = static_cast<TypeInfo*>(duk_require_pointer(ctx, -1));
duk_pop(ctx); // pop type_info
if (*chk_info > *info) {
duk_put_prop_index(ctx, -2, i);
} else {
duk_pop(ctx); // pop prototypes_array[i]
//std::cout << "Registering prototype for " << typeid(Cls).name() << " at " << i << std::endl;
duk_dup(ctx, -2); // copy proto to top
duk_put_prop_index(ctx, -2, i);
duk_pop(ctx); // pop prototypes_array
static bool find_and_push_prototype(duk_context* ctx, const TypeInfo& search_info) {
// these are ints and not duk_size_t to deal with negative indices
int min = 0;
int max = duk_get_length(ctx, -1) - 1;
while (min <= max) {
int mid = (max - min) / 2 + min;
duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, mid);
duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "\xFF" "type_info");
TypeInfo* mid_info = static_cast<TypeInfo*>(duk_require_pointer(ctx, -1));
duk_pop(ctx); // pop type_info pointer
if (*mid_info == search_info) {
// found it
duk_remove(ctx, -2); // pop prototypes_array
return true;
else if (*mid_info < search_info) {
min = mid + 1;
else {
max = mid - 1;
duk_pop(ctx); // pop prototypes_array[mid]
duk_pop(ctx); // pop prototypes_array
return false;