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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file script_object.hpp Main object, on which all objects depend. */
#include "../../misc/countedptr.hpp"
#include "../../road_type.h"
#include "../../rail_type.h"
#include "../../string_func.h"
#include "../../command_func.h"
#include "../../core/random_func.hpp"
#include "script_types.hpp"
#include "script_log_types.hpp"
#include "../script_suspend.hpp"
#include "../squirrel.hpp"
#include <utility>
* The callback function for Mode-classes.
typedef bool (ScriptModeProc)();
* Uper-parent object of all API classes. You should never use this class in
* your script, as it doesn't publish any public functions. It is used
* internally to have a common place to handle general things, like internal
* command processing, and command-validation checks.
* @api none
class ScriptObject : public SimpleCountedObject {
friend class ScriptInstance;
2012-02-12 22:17:32 +01:00
friend class ScriptController;
* A class that handles the current active instance. By instantiating it at
* the beginning of a function with the current active instance, it remains
* active till the scope of the variable closes. It then automatically
* reverts to the active instance it was before instantiating.
class ActiveInstance {
friend class ScriptObject;
ActiveInstance(ScriptInstance *instance);
ScriptInstance *last_active; ///< The active instance before we go instantiated.
ScriptAllocatorScope alc_scope; ///< Keep the correct allocator for the script instance activated
static ScriptInstance *active; ///< The global current active instance.
* Store the latest result of a DoCommand per company.
* @param res The result of the last command.
static void SetLastCommandRes(bool res);
* Store the extra data return by the last DoCommand.
* @param data Extra data return by the command.
static void SetLastCommandResData(CommandDataBuffer data);
* Get the currently active instance.
* @return The instance.
static class ScriptInstance *GetActiveInstance();
* Get a reference of the randomizer that brings this script random values.
* @param owner The owner/script to get the randomizer for. This defaults to ScriptObject::GetRootCompany()
static Randomizer &GetRandomizer(Owner owner = ScriptObject::GetRootCompany());
* Initialize/reset the script random states. The state of the scripts are
* based on the current _random seed, but _random does not get changed.
static void InitializeRandomizers();
template<Commands TCmd, typename T> struct ScriptDoCommandHelper;
* Templated wrapper that exposes the command parameter arguments
* on the various DoCommand calls.
* @tparam Tcmd The command-id to execute.
* @tparam Tret Return type of the command.
* @tparam Targs The command parameter types.
template <Commands Tcmd, typename Tret, typename... Targs>
struct ScriptDoCommandHelper<Tcmd, Tret(*)(DoCommandFlag, Targs...)> {
static bool Do(Script_SuspendCallbackProc *callback, Targs... args)
return Execute(callback, std::forward_as_tuple(args...));
static bool Do(Targs... args)
return Execute(nullptr, std::forward_as_tuple(args...));
static bool Execute(Script_SuspendCallbackProc *callback, std::tuple<Targs...> args);
template <Commands Tcmd>
using Command = ScriptDoCommandHelper<Tcmd, typename ::CommandTraits<Tcmd>::ProcType>;
* Store the latest command executed by the script.
static void SetLastCommand(const CommandDataBuffer &data, Commands cmd);
* Check if it's the latest command executed by the script.
static bool CheckLastCommand(const CommandDataBuffer &data, Commands cmd);
* Sets the DoCommand costs counter to a value.
static void SetDoCommandCosts(Money value);
* Increase the current value of the DoCommand costs counter.
static void IncreaseDoCommandCosts(Money value);
* Get the current DoCommand costs counter.
static Money GetDoCommandCosts();
* Set the DoCommand last error.
static void SetLastError(ScriptErrorType last_error);
* Get the DoCommand last error.
static ScriptErrorType GetLastError();
* Set the road type.
static void SetRoadType(RoadType road_type);
* Get the road type.
static RoadType GetRoadType();
* Set the rail type.
static void SetRailType(RailType rail_type);
* Get the rail type.
static RailType GetRailType();
* Set the current mode of your script to this proc.
static void SetDoCommandMode(ScriptModeProc *proc, ScriptObject *instance);
* Get the current mode your script is currently under.
static ScriptModeProc *GetDoCommandMode();
* Get the instance of the current mode your script is currently under.
static ScriptObject *GetDoCommandModeInstance();
* Set the delay of the DoCommand.
static void SetDoCommandDelay(uint ticks);
* Get the delay of the DoCommand.
static uint GetDoCommandDelay();
* Get the latest result of a DoCommand.
static bool GetLastCommandRes();
* Get the extra return data from the last DoCommand.
static const CommandDataBuffer &GetLastCommandResData();
* Store a allow_do_command per company.
* @param allow The new allow.
static void SetAllowDoCommand(bool allow);
* Get the internal value of allow_do_command. This can differ
* from CanSuspend() if the reason we are not allowed
* to execute a DoCommand is in squirrel and not the API.
* In that case use this function to restore the previous value.
* @return True iff DoCommands are allowed in the current scope.
static bool GetAllowDoCommand();
* Set the current company to execute commands for or request
* information about.
* @param company The new company.
static void SetCompany(CompanyID company);
* Get the current company we are executing commands for or
* requesting information about.
* @return The current company.
static CompanyID GetCompany();
* Get the root company, the company that the script really
* runs under / for.
* @return The root company.
static CompanyID GetRootCompany();
* Set the cost of the last command.
static void SetLastCost(Money last_cost);
* Get the cost of the last command.
static Money GetLastCost();
* Set a variable that can be used by callback functions to pass information.
static void SetCallbackVariable(int index, int value);
* Get the variable that is used by callback functions to pass information.
static int GetCallbackVariable(int index);
* Can we suspend the script at this moment?
static bool CanSuspend();
* Get the pointer to store event data in.
static void *&GetEventPointer();
* Get the pointer to store log message in.
static ScriptLogTypes::LogData &GetLogData();
* Get an allocated string with all control codes stripped off.
static char *GetString(StringID string);
/* Helper functions for DoCommand. */
static std::tuple<bool, bool, bool> DoCommandPrep();
static bool DoCommandProcessResult(const CommandCost &res, Script_SuspendCallbackProc *callback, bool estimate_only);
static CommandCallbackData *GetDoCommandCallback();
static Randomizer random_states[OWNER_END]; ///< Random states for each of the scripts (game script uses OWNER_DEITY)
namespace ScriptObjectInternal {
/** Validate a single string argument coming from network. */
template <class T>
static inline void SanitizeSingleStringHelper(T &data)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::string, T>) {
/* The string must be valid, i.e. not contain special codes. Since some
* can be made with GSText, make sure the control codes are removed. */
data = ::StrMakeValid(data, SVS_NONE);
/** Helper function to perform validation on command data strings. */
template<class Ttuple, size_t... Tindices>
static inline void SanitizeStringsHelper(Ttuple &values, std::index_sequence<Tindices...>)
((SanitizeSingleStringHelper(std::get<Tindices>(values))), ...);
/** Helper to process a single ClientID argument. */
template <class T>
static inline void SetClientIdHelper(T &data)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ClientID, T>) {
if (data == INVALID_CLIENT_ID) data = (ClientID)UINT32_MAX;
/** Set all invalid ClientID's to the proper value. */
template<class Ttuple, size_t... Tindices>
static inline void SetClientIds(Ttuple &values, std::index_sequence<Tindices...>)
((SetClientIdHelper(std::get<Tindices>(values))), ...);
/** Remove the first element of a tuple. */
template <template <typename...> typename Tt, typename T1, typename... Ts>
static inline Tt<Ts...> RemoveFirstTupleElement(const Tt<T1, Ts...> &tuple)
return std::apply([](auto &&, const auto&... args) { return std::tie(args...); }, tuple);
template <Commands Tcmd, typename Tret, typename... Targs>
bool ScriptObject::ScriptDoCommandHelper<Tcmd, Tret(*)(DoCommandFlag, Targs...)>::Execute(Script_SuspendCallbackProc *callback, std::tuple<Targs...> args)
auto [err, estimate_only, networking] = ScriptObject::DoCommandPrep();
if (err) return false;
if ((::GetCommandFlags<Tcmd>() & CMD_STR_CTRL) == 0) {
ScriptObjectInternal::SanitizeStringsHelper(args, std::index_sequence_for<Targs...>{});
TileIndex tile{};
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TileIndex, std::tuple_element_t<0, decltype(args)>>) {
tile = std::get<0>(args);
/* Do not even think about executing out-of-bounds tile-commands. */
if (tile != 0 && (tile >= Map::Size() || (!IsValidTile(tile) && (GetCommandFlags<Tcmd>() & CMD_ALL_TILES) == 0))) return false;
/* Only set ClientID parameters when the command does not come from the network. */
if constexpr ((::GetCommandFlags<Tcmd>() & CMD_CLIENT_ID) != 0) ScriptObjectInternal::SetClientIds(args, std::index_sequence_for<Targs...>{});
/* Store the command for command callback validation. */
if (!estimate_only && networking) ScriptObject::SetLastCommand(EndianBufferWriter<CommandDataBuffer>::FromValue(args), Tcmd);
/* Try to perform the command. */
Tret res = ::Command<Tcmd>::Unsafe((StringID)0, networking ? ScriptObject::GetDoCommandCallback() : nullptr, false, estimate_only, tile, args);
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Tret, CommandCost>) {
return ScriptObject::DoCommandProcessResult(res, callback, estimate_only);
} else {
return ScriptObject::DoCommandProcessResult(std::get<0>(res), callback, estimate_only);
* Internally used class to automate the ScriptObject reference counting.
* @api -all
template <typename T>
class ScriptObjectRef {
T *data; ///< The reference counted object.
* Create the reference counter for the given ScriptObject instance.
* @param data The underlying object.
ScriptObjectRef(T *data) : data(data)
/* No copy constructor. */
ScriptObjectRef(const ScriptObjectRef<T> &ref) = delete;
/* Move constructor. */
ScriptObjectRef(ScriptObjectRef<T> &&ref) noexcept : data(std::exchange(, nullptr))
/* No copy assignment. */
ScriptObjectRef& operator=(const ScriptObjectRef<T> &other) = delete;
/* Move assignment. */
ScriptObjectRef& operator=(ScriptObjectRef<T> &&other) noexcept
return *this;
* Release the reference counted object.
if (this->data != nullptr) this->data->Release();
* Dereferencing this reference returns a reference to the reference
* counted object
* @return Reference to the underlying object.
T &operator*()
return *this->data;
* The arrow operator on this reference returns the reference counted object.
* @return Pointer to the underlying object.
T *operator->()
return this->data;
#endif /* SCRIPT_OBJECT_HPP */