(svn r59) -Feature: Added Autosignals, just like Autorail. Can copy signal style, convert signal<->semaphore, etc. Big thanks to betatesters Dribbel and Testman57 (Darkvater)

This commit is contained in:
darkvater 2004-08-15 20:23:42 +00:00
parent 69b09ef302
commit 3fe3a023e5
10 changed files with 204 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ DEF_COMMAND(CmdBuildLock);
/* The master command table */
static CommandProc * const _command_proc_table[] = {
CmdBuildRailroadTrack, /* 0 */
@ -294,8 +296,8 @@ static CommandProc * const _command_proc_table[] = {
CmdRefitRailVehicle, /* 106 */
CmdRestoreOrderIndex, /* 107 */
CmdBuildLock, /* 108 */
CmdStartScenario /* 109 */
CmdStartScenario, /* 109 */
CmdBuildManySignals, /* 110 */
//CmdDestroyIndustry, /* 109 */

View File

@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ enum {

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@ -999,6 +999,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_SHIPS_DISABLED :{LTBLUE}Default service interval fo
STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SMOOTH_ECONOMY :{LTBLUE}Enable smooth economy (more, smaller changes)
STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY :{LTBLUE}When dragging place signals every: {ORANGE}{STRING} tile(s)

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@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ static const struct {
/* Build either NE or NW sequence of tracks.
* p1 0:15 - start pt X
* p1 16:31 - start pt y
* p1 0:15 - end pt X
* p1 16:31 - end pt y
* p2 0:3 - rail type
* p2 4:7 - rail direction
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ int32 CmdBuildRailroadTrack(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
if (flags & DC_EXEC)
SndPlayTileFx(0x1E, TILE_FROM_XY(x,y));
/* unpack start point */
/* unpack end point */
sx = (p1 & 0xFFFF) & ~0xF;
sy = (p1 >> 16) & ~0xF;
@ -837,7 +837,11 @@ int32 CmdRenameCheckpoint(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
/* build signals, p1 = track */
/* build signals, alternate between double/single, signal/semaphore, pre/exit/combo -signals
p1 = (lower 3 bytes) - track-orientation
p1 = (byte 4) - semaphores/signals
p2 = used for CmdBuildManySignals() to copy style first signal
int32 CmdBuildSignals(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
uint tile;
@ -845,8 +849,7 @@ int32 CmdBuildSignals(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
int32 cost;
int track = p1 & 0x7;
assert(track >= 0 && track < 6);
assert(p2 == 0);
assert(track >= 0 && track < 6); // only 6 possible track-combinations
@ -855,12 +858,12 @@ int32 CmdBuildSignals(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile))
return CMD_ERROR;
_error_message = STR_1005_NO_SUITABLE_RAILROAD_TRACK;
// must be railway, and not a depot, and it must have a track in the suggested position.
if (!IS_TILETYPE(tile, MP_RAILWAY) || (m5=_map5[tile], m5&0x80) || !HASBIT(m5, track))
return CMD_ERROR;
_error_message = STR_1005_NO_SUITABLE_RAILROAD_TRACK;
// check rail combination
byte m = m5 & RAIL_BIT_MASK;
@ -873,40 +876,54 @@ int32 CmdBuildSignals(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
if (!CheckTileOwnership(tile))
return CMD_ERROR;
// If it had signals previously it's no cost to build.
// If it had signals previously it is free to change orientation/pre-exit-combo signals
cost = 0;
if (!(m5 & RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS)) {
cost = _price.build_signals;
// if converting signals<->semaphores, charge the player for it
} else if (p2 && ((HASBIT(p1, 3) && !HASBIT(_map3_hi[tile], 2)) || (!HASBIT(p1, 3) && HASBIT(_map3_hi[tile], 2)) ) ) {
cost += _price.build_signals + _price.remove_signals;
if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
if (!(m5 & RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS)) {
if (!(m5 & RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS)) { // if there are no signals yet present on the track
_map5[tile] |= RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS; // change into signals
_map2[tile] |= 0xF0; // all signals are on
_map3_lo[tile] &= ~0xF0; // no signals built by default
_map3_hi[tile] = (p1 & 8) ? 4 : 0;// initial presignal state, semaphores depend on ctrl key
goto ignore_presig;
if (!p2)
goto ignore_presig;
if (!(p1 & 8)) {
byte a,b,c,d;
a = _signals_table[track]; // signal for this track in one direction
b = _signals_table[track + 8]; // signal for this track in the other direction
c = a | b;
d = _map3_lo[tile] & c; // mask of built signals. it only affects &0xF0
if (!p2) { // not called from CmdBuildManySignals
if (!HASBIT(p1, 3)) { // not CTRL pressed
byte a,b,c,d;
a = _signals_table[track]; // signal for this track in one direction
b = _signals_table[track + 8]; // signal for this track in the other direction
c = a | b;
d = _map3_lo[tile] & c; // mask of built signals. it only affects &0xF0
// Alternate between a|b, b, a
if ( d != 0 && d != a) {
c = (d==c)?b:a;
// Alternate between a|b, b, a
if ( d != 0 && d != a) {
c = (d==c)?b:a;
_map3_lo[tile] = (_map3_lo[tile]&~(a|b)) | c;
_map3_lo[tile] = (_map3_lo[tile]&~(a|b)) | c;
} else // CTRL pressed
_map3_hi[tile] = (_map3_hi[tile] & ~3) | ((_map3_hi[tile] + 1) & 3);
} else {
// toggle between the signal types. Using low 2 bits of map3_hi.
_map3_hi[tile] = (_map3_hi[tile] & ~3) | ((_map3_hi[tile] + 1) & 3);
/* If CmdBuildManySignals is called with copying signals, just copy the style of the first signal
* given as parameter by CmdBuildManySignals */
switch (track) {
case 2: case 4: _map3_lo[tile] = (p2&0xC0) | _map3_lo[tile]&~0xC0; break;
case 3: case 5: _map3_lo[tile] = (p2&0x30) | _map3_lo[tile]&~0x30; break;
default : _map3_lo[tile] = (p2&0xF0) | _map3_lo[tile]&0xF;
// convert between signal<->semaphores when dragging
HASBIT(p1, 3) ? SETBIT(_map3_hi[tile], 2) : CLRBIT(_map3_hi[tile], 2);
@ -916,6 +933,108 @@ ignore_presig:
return cost;
/* Build many signals by dragging: AutoSignals
x,y= start tile
p1 = end tile
p2 = (byte 0) - 0 = build, 1 = remove signals
p2 = (byte 3) - 0 = signals, 1 = semaphores
p2 = (byte 7-4) - track-orientation
p2 = (byte 8-) - track style
int32 CmdBuildManySignals(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
int ex, ey, railbit;
bool error = true;
TileIndex tile = TILE_FROM_XY(x, y);
int32 ret, total_cost, signal_ctr;
byte m5, semaphores = (HASBIT(p2, 3)) ? 8 : 0;
int mode = (p2 >> 4)&0xF;
// for vertical/horizontal tracks, double the given signals density
// since the original amount will be too dense (shorter tracks)
byte signal_density = (mode == 1 || mode == 2) ? _patches.drag_signals_density : _patches.drag_signals_density * 2;
byte signals = p2 >> 8;
mode = p2 & 0x1; // build/remove signals
/* unpack end tile */
ex = GET_TILE_X(p1)*16;
ey = GET_TILE_Y(p1)*16;
railbit = _railbit.initial[((p2 >> 4)&0xF) + (x > ex ? 4 : 0) + (y > ey ? 8 : 0)];
// copy the signal-style of the first rail-piece if existing
m5 = _map5[tile];
if (!(m5 & RAIL_TYPE_SPECIAL) && (m5 & RAIL_BIT_MASK) && (m5 & RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS)) {
if (m5 & 0x3) // X,Y direction tracks
signals = _map3_lo[tile]&0xC0;
else {
/* W-E or N-S direction, only copy the side which was chosen, leave
* the other side alone */
switch (signals) {
case 0x20: case 8: /* east corner (N-S), south corner (W-E) */
if (_map3_lo[tile]&0x30)
signals = _map3_lo[tile]&0x30;
signals = 0x30 | _map3_lo[tile]&0xC0;
case 0x10: case 4: /* west corner (N-S), north corner (W-E) */
if (_map3_lo[tile]&0xC0)
signals = _map3_lo[tile]&0xC0;
signals = 0xC0 | _map3_lo[tile]&0x30;
semaphores = (_map3_hi[tile] & ~3) ? 8 : 0; // copy signal/semaphores style (independent of CTRL)
} else { // no signals exist, drag a two-way signal stretch
switch (signals) {
case 0x20: case 8: /* east corner (N-S), south corner (W-E) */
signals = 0x30; break;
case 0x10: case 4: /* west corner (N-S), north corner (W-E) */
signals = 0xC0;
/* signal_density_ctr - amount of tiles already processed
* signals_density - patch setting to put signal on every Nth tile (double space on |, -- tracks)
* railbit - direction of autorail
* semaphores - semaphores or signals
* signals - is there a signal/semaphore on the first tile, copy its style (two-way/single-way)
and convert all others to semaphore/signal
* mode - 1 remove signals, 0 build signals */
signal_ctr = total_cost = 0;
for(;;) {
// only build/remove signals with the specified density
if ((signal_ctr % signal_density) == 0 ) {
ret = DoCommand(x, y, (railbit & 7) | semaphores, signals, flags, (mode == 1) ? CMD_REMOVE_SIGNALS : CMD_BUILD_SIGNALS);
/* Abort placement for any other error then NOT_SUITEABLE_TRACK
* This includes vehicles on track, competitor's tracks, etc. */
if (ret == CMD_ERROR) {
if (_error_message != STR_1005_NO_SUITABLE_RAILROAD_TRACK && mode != 1) {
return CMD_ERROR;
} else {
error = false;
total_cost += ret;
if (ex == x && ey == y) // reached end of drag
x += _railbit.xinc[railbit];
y += _railbit.yinc[railbit];
// toggle railbit for the diagonal tiles (|, -- tracks)
if (railbit & 0x6) railbit ^= 1;
return (error) ? CMD_ERROR : total_cost;
/* Remove signals
* p1 = unused
* p2 = unused
@ -952,6 +1071,7 @@ int32 CmdRemoveSignals(int x, int y, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
byte bits = _map5[tile];
_map5[tile] &= ~RAIL_TYPE_SIGNALS;
_map2[tile] &= ~0xF0;
CLRBIT(_map3_hi[tile], 2); // remove any possible semaphores
/* TTDBUG: this code contains a bug, if a tile contains 2 signals
* on separate tracks, it won't work properly for the 2nd track */

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@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ static void PlaceRail_Station(uint tile)
static void PlaceRail_Signals(uint tile)
static void GenericPlaceSignals(uint tile)
uint trackstat;
int i;
@ -199,6 +199,11 @@ static void PlaceRail_ConvertRail(uint tile)
VpStartPlaceSizing(tile, VPM_X_AND_Y | (1<<4));
static void PlaceRail_AutoSignals(uint tile)
VpStartPlaceSizing(tile, VPM_SIGNALDIRS);
static void BuildRailClick_AutoRail(Window *w)
HandlePlacePushButton(w, 3, _cur_railtype + SPR_OPENTTD_BASE + 4, 1, PlaceRail_AutoRail);
@ -255,9 +260,9 @@ static void BuildRailClick_Station(Window *w)
if (HandlePlacePushButton(w, 12, 0x514, 1, PlaceRail_Station)) ShowStationBuilder();
static void BuildRailClick_Signals(Window *w)
static void BuildRailClick_AutoSignals(Window *w)
HandlePlacePushButton(w, 13, ANIMCURSOR_BUILDSIGNALS, 1, PlaceRail_Signals);
HandlePlacePushButton(w, 13, ANIMCURSOR_BUILDSIGNALS , 1, PlaceRail_AutoSignals);
static void BuildRailClick_Bridge(Window *w)
@ -508,6 +513,42 @@ static void HandleAutodirPlacement()
static void HandleAutoSignalPlacement()
TileHighlightData *thd = &_thd;
int mode;
uint trackstat = 0;
int dx = thd->selstart.x - (thd->selend.x&~0xF);
int dy = thd->selstart.y - (thd->selend.y&~0xF);
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0 ) // 1x1 tile signals
GenericPlaceSignals(TILE_FROM_XY(thd->selend.x, thd->selend.y));
else { // signals have been dragged
if (thd->drawstyle == HT_RECT) { // X,Y direction
if (dx == 0)
mode = VPM_FIX_X;
else if (dy == 0)
mode = VPM_FIX_Y;
trackstat = 0xC0;
} else { // W-E or N-S direction
mode = thd->drawstyle & 1 ? 0 : 3;
if (dx == dy || abs(dx - dy) == 16) // North<->South track |
trackstat = (thd->drawstyle & 1) ? 0x20 : 0x10;
else if (dx == -dy || abs(dx + dy) == 16) // East<->West track --
trackstat = (thd->drawstyle & 1) ? 4 : 8;
DoCommandP(TILE_FROM_XY(thd->selstart.x, thd->selstart.y), TILE_FROM_XY(thd->selend.x, thd->selend.y),
(mode << 4) | (_remove_button_clicked + (_ctrl_pressed ? 8 : 0)) | (trackstat << 8),
static OnButtonClick * const _build_railroad_button_proc[] = {
@ -519,7 +560,7 @@ static OnButtonClick * const _build_railroad_button_proc[] = {
@ -603,6 +644,8 @@ static void BuildRailToolbWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e)
if (_ctrl_pressed) _remove_button_clicked = true;
_remove_button_clicked = old;
} else if (e->place.userdata == VPM_SIGNALDIRS) {
} else if (e->place.userdata == VPM_X_AND_Y) {
DoCommandP(end_tile, start_tile, 0, CcPlaySound10, CMD_CLEAR_AREA | CMD_MSG(STR_00B5_CAN_T_CLEAR_THIS_AREA));
} else if (e->place.userdata == (VPM_X_AND_Y | (1<<4))) {

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@ -873,6 +873,8 @@ static const SettingDesc patch_settings[] = {
{"wait_oneway_signal", SDT_UINT8, (void*)15, (void*)offsetof(Patches, wait_oneway_signal)},
{"wait_twoway_signal", SDT_UINT8, (void*)41, (void*)offsetof(Patches, wait_twoway_signal)},
{"drag_signals_density", SDT_UINT8, (void*)4, (void*)offsetof(Patches, drag_signals_density)},

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@ -700,6 +700,7 @@ static const PatchEntry _patches_construction[] = {
{PE_BOOL, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SIGNALSIDE, &_patches.signal_side},
{PE_BOOL, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_BUILD_IN_PAUSE, &_patches.build_in_pause},
{PE_BOOL, 0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SMALL_AIRPORTS, &_patches.always_small_airport},
{PE_UINT8,0, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY, &_patches.drag_signals_density, 1, 20, 1},

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@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ typedef struct Patches {
byte wait_oneway_signal; //waitingtime in days before a oneway signal
byte wait_twoway_signal; //waitingtime in days before a twoway signal
byte drag_signals_density; // many signals density
} Patches;
VARDEF Patches _patches;

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@ -1910,7 +1910,7 @@ void VpSelectTilesWithMethod(int x, int y, int method)
// allow drag in any rail direction
if (method == VPM_RAILDIRS) {
if (method == VPM_RAILDIRS || method == VPM_SIGNALDIRS) {
CalcRaildirsDrawstyle(thd, x, y);

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ enum {
VPM_X_AND_Y = 4,
void VpSelectTilesWithMethod(int x, int y, int method);