Codechange: Un-bitstuff station/depot/waypoint commands.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Lutz 2021-11-14 16:39:17 +01:00
parent 21675ec7e2
commit 6fe445e6c0
28 changed files with 218 additions and 333 deletions

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@ -58,20 +58,16 @@ void CcBuildAirport(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, con
static void PlaceAirport(TileIndex tile)
if (_selected_airport_index == -1) return;
uint32 p2 = _ctrl_pressed;
SB(p2, 16, 16, INVALID_STATION); // no station to join
uint32 p1 = AirportClass::Get(_selected_airport_class)->GetSpec(_selected_airport_index)->GetIndex();
p1 |= _selected_airport_layout << 8;
byte airport_type = AirportClass::Get(_selected_airport_class)->GetSpec(_selected_airport_index)->GetIndex();
byte layout = _selected_airport_layout;
bool adjacent = _ctrl_pressed;
auto proc = [=](bool test, StationID to_join) -> bool {
if (test) {
return Command<CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT>()), tile, p1, p2, {}).Succeeded();
return Command<CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT>()), tile, airport_type, layout, INVALID_STATION, adjacent).Succeeded();
} else {
uint32 p2_final = p2;
if (to_join != INVALID_STATION) SB(p2_final, 16, 16, to_join);
return Command<CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_AIRPORT_HERE, CcBuildAirport, tile, p1, p2_final, {});
return Command<CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_AIRPORT_HERE, CcBuildAirport, tile, airport_type, layout, to_join, adjacent);

View File

@ -31,4 +31,15 @@ template<typename T, uint S, uint N, typename U> static inline T Extract(U v)
return IsInsideMM(masked, EnumPropsT<T>::begin, EnumPropsT<T>::end) ? (T)masked : EnumPropsT<T>::invalid;
* Check if an enum value is inside it's valid values.
* @tparam T Type of enum.
* @param v The value to validate
* @return True if enum is valid.
template <typename T> static constexpr inline bool IsEnumValid(T v) noexcept
return IsInsideMM(v, EnumPropsT<T>::begin, EnumPropsT<T>::end);
#endif /* CMD_HELPER_H */

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ static inline bool IsInsideBS(const T x, const size_t base, const size_t size)
* @see IsInsideBS()
template <typename T>
static inline bool IsInsideMM(const T x, const size_t min, const size_t max)
static constexpr inline bool IsInsideMM(const T x, const size_t min, const size_t max) noexcept
return (size_t)(x - min) < (max - min);

View File

@ -39,15 +39,13 @@ static bool IsUniqueDepotName(const std::string &name)
* Rename a depot.
* @param flags type of operation
* @param tile unused
* @param p1 id of depot
* @param p2 unused
* @param depot_id id of depot
* @param text the new name or an empty string when resetting to the default
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdRenameDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdRenameDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, DepotID depot_id, const std::string &text)
Depot *d = Depot::GetIfValid(p1);
Depot *d = Depot::GetIfValid(depot_id);
if (d == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
CommandCost ret = CheckTileOwnership(d->xy);

View File

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
#define DEPOT_CMD_H
#include "command_type.h"
#include "depot_type.h"
CommandProc CmdRenameDepot;
CommandCost CmdRenameDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, DepotID depot_id, const std::string &text);

View File

@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ struct DepotWindow : Window {
if (str == nullptr) return;
/* Do depot renaming */
Command<CMD_RENAME_DEPOT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_DEPOT, 0, this->GetDepotIndex(), 0, str);
Command<CMD_RENAME_DEPOT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_DEPOT, this->GetDepotIndex(), str);
bool OnRightClick(Point pt, int widget) override

View File

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ struct BuildDocksToolbarWindow : Window {
case WID_DT_DEPOT: // Build depot button
Command<CMD_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT, CcBuildDocks, tile, _ship_depot_direction, 0, {});
Command<CMD_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT, CcBuildDocks, tile, _ship_depot_direction);
case WID_DT_STATION: { // Build station button
@ -212,17 +212,12 @@ struct BuildDocksToolbarWindow : Window {
DiagDirection dir = GetInclinedSlopeDirection(GetTileSlope(tile));
TileIndex tile_to = (dir != INVALID_DIAGDIR ? TileAddByDiagDir(tile, ReverseDiagDir(dir)) : tile);
uint32 p1 = _ctrl_pressed;
uint32 p2 = (uint32)INVALID_STATION << 16; // no station to join
bool adjacent = _ctrl_pressed;
auto proc = [=](bool test, StationID to_join) -> bool {
if (test) {
return Command<CMD_BUILD_DOCK>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_DOCK>()), tile, p1, p2, {}).Succeeded();
return Command<CMD_BUILD_DOCK>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_DOCK>()), tile, INVALID_STATION, adjacent).Succeeded();
} else {
uint32 p2_final = p2;
if (to_join != INVALID_STATION) SB(p2_final, 16, 16, to_join);
return Command<CMD_BUILD_DOCK>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_DOCK_HERE, CcBuildDocks, tile, p1, p2_final, {});
return Command<CMD_BUILD_DOCK>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_DOCK_HERE, CcBuildDocks, tile, to_join, adjacent);
@ -231,7 +226,7 @@ struct BuildDocksToolbarWindow : Window {
case WID_DT_BUOY: // Build buoy button
Command<CMD_BUILD_BUOY>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_POSITION_BUOY_HERE, CcBuildDocks, tile, 0, 0, {});
case WID_DT_RIVER: // Build river button (in scenario editor)

View File

@ -976,24 +976,21 @@ CommandCost CmdRemoveRailroadTrack(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p
* Build a train depot
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param tile position of the train depot
* @param p1 rail type
* @param p2 bit 0..1 entrance direction (DiagDirection)
* @param railtype rail type
* @param dir entrance direction
* @param text unused
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
* @todo When checking for the tile slope,
* distinguish between "Flat land required" and "land sloped in wrong direction"
CommandCost CmdBuildTrainDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdBuildTrainDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, RailType railtype, DiagDirection dir)
/* check railtype and valid direction for depot (0 through 3), 4 in total */
RailType railtype = Extract<RailType, 0, 6>(p1);
if (!ValParamRailtype(railtype)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!ValParamRailtype(railtype) || !IsEnumValid(dir)) return CMD_ERROR;
Slope tileh = GetTileSlope(tile);
DiagDirection dir = Extract<DiagDirection, 0, 2>(p2);
/* Prohibit construction if

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ CommandProc CmdBuildRailroadTrack;
CommandProc CmdRemoveRailroadTrack;
CommandProc CmdBuildSingleRail;
CommandProc CmdRemoveSingleRail;
CommandProc CmdBuildTrainDepot;
CommandCost CmdBuildTrainDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, RailType railtype, DiagDirection dir);
CommandProc CmdBuildSingleSignal;
CommandProc CmdRemoveSingleSignal;
CommandProc CmdConvertRail;

View File

@ -139,8 +139,7 @@ void CcRailDepot(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, const
if (result.Failed()) return;
auto [tile_, p1, p2, text] = EndianBufferReader::ToValue<CommandTraits<CMD_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT>::Args>(data);
DiagDirection dir = (DiagDirection)p2;
auto [tile_, rt, dir] = EndianBufferReader::ToValue<CommandTraits<CMD_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT>::Args>(data);
if (_settings_client.sound.confirm) SndPlayTileFx(SND_20_CONSTRUCTION_RAIL, tile);
if (!_settings_client.gui.persistent_buildingtools) ResetObjectToPlace();
@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ static void PlaceRail_Waypoint(TileIndex tile)
} else {
/* Tile where we can't build rail waypoints. This is always going to fail,
* but provides the user with a proper error message. */
@ -199,21 +198,21 @@ static void PlaceRail_Station(TileIndex tile)
} else {
uint32 p1 = _cur_railtype | _railstation.orientation << 6 | _settings_client.gui.station_numtracks << 8 | _settings_client.gui.station_platlength << 16 | _ctrl_pressed << 24;
uint32 p2 = _railstation.station_class | _railstation.station_type << 8 | INVALID_STATION << 16;
int w = _settings_client.gui.station_numtracks;
int h = _settings_client.gui.station_platlength;
if (!_railstation.orientation) Swap(w, h);
RailStationGUISettings params = _railstation;
RailType rt = _cur_railtype;
byte numtracks = _settings_client.gui.station_numtracks;
byte platlength = _settings_client.gui.station_platlength;
bool adjacent = _ctrl_pressed;
auto proc = [=](bool test, StationID to_join) -> bool {
if (test) {
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>()), tile, p1, p2, {}).Succeeded();
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>()), tile, rt, params.orientation, numtracks, platlength, params.station_class, params.station_type, INVALID_STATION, adjacent).Succeeded();
} else {
uint32 p2_final = p2;
if (to_join != INVALID_STATION) SB(p2_final, 16, 16, to_join);
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION, CcStation, tile, p1, p2_final, {});
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION, CcStation, tile, rt, params.orientation, numtracks, platlength, params.station_class, params.station_type, to_join, adjacent);
@ -664,7 +663,7 @@ struct BuildRailToolbarWindow : Window {
Command<CMD_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT, CcRailDepot, tile, _cur_railtype, _build_depot_direction, {});
Command<CMD_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT, CcRailDepot, tile, _cur_railtype, _build_depot_direction);
@ -734,27 +733,25 @@ struct BuildRailToolbarWindow : Window {
if (this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_RAT_BUILD_STATION)) {
/* Station */
if (_remove_button_clicked) {
Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_STATION>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_REMOVE_PART_OF_STATION, CcPlaySound_CONSTRUCTION_RAIL, end_tile, start_tile, _ctrl_pressed ? 0 : 1, {});
Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_STATION>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_REMOVE_PART_OF_STATION, CcPlaySound_CONSTRUCTION_RAIL, end_tile, start_tile, _ctrl_pressed);
} else {
HandleStationPlacement(start_tile, end_tile);
} else {
/* Waypoint */
if (_remove_button_clicked) {
Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_REMOVE_TRAIN_WAYPOINT, CcPlaySound_CONSTRUCTION_RAIL, end_tile, start_tile, _ctrl_pressed ? 0 : 1, {});
} else {
TileArea ta(start_tile, end_tile);
uint32 p1 = _cur_railtype | (select_method == VPM_X_LIMITED ? AXIS_X : AXIS_Y) << 6 | ta.w << 8 | ta.h << 16 | _ctrl_pressed << 24;
uint32 p2 = STAT_CLASS_WAYP | _cur_waypoint_type << 8 | INVALID_STATION << 16;
Axis axis = select_method == VPM_X_LIMITED ? AXIS_X : AXIS_Y;
bool adjacent = _ctrl_pressed;
byte waypoint_type = _cur_waypoint_type;
auto proc = [=](bool test, StationID to_join) -> bool {
if (test) {
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_WAYPOINT>()), ta.tile, p1, p2, {}).Succeeded();
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_WAYPOINT>()), ta.tile, axis, ta.w, ta.h, STAT_CLASS_WAYP, waypoint_type, INVALID_STATION, adjacent).Succeeded();
} else {
uint32 p2_final = p2;
if (to_join != INVALID_STATION) SB(p2_final, 16, 16, to_join);
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_TRAIN_WAYPOINT, CcPlaySound_CONSTRUCTION_RAIL, ta.tile, p1, p2_final, {});
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_TRAIN_WAYPOINT, CcPlaySound_CONSTRUCTION_RAIL, ta.tile, axis, ta.w, ta.h, STAT_CLASS_WAYP, waypoint_type, to_join, adjacent);
@ -913,17 +910,15 @@ static void HandleStationPlacement(TileIndex start, TileIndex end)
if (_railstation.orientation == AXIS_X) Swap(numtracks, platlength);
uint32 p1 = _cur_railtype | _railstation.orientation << 6 | numtracks << 8 | platlength << 16 | _ctrl_pressed << 24;
uint32 p2 = _railstation.station_class | _railstation.station_type << 8 | INVALID_STATION << 16;
RailStationGUISettings params = _railstation;
RailType rt = _cur_railtype;
bool adjacent = _ctrl_pressed;
auto proc = [=](bool test, StationID to_join) -> bool {
if (test) {
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>()), ta.tile, p1, p2, {}).Succeeded();
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>()), ta.tile, rt, params.orientation, numtracks, platlength, params.station_class, params.station_type, INVALID_STATION, adjacent).Succeeded();
} else {
uint32 p2_final = p2;
if (to_join != INVALID_STATION) SB(p2_final, 16, 16, to_join);
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION, CcStation, ta.tile, p1, p2_final, {});
return Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION, CcStation, ta.tile, rt, params.orientation, numtracks, platlength, params.station_class, params.station_type, to_join, adjacent);

View File

@ -1157,21 +1157,16 @@ CommandCost CmdRemoveLongRoad(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start_tile, uint32
* Build a road depot.
* @param tile tile where to build the depot
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param p1 bit 0..1 entrance direction (DiagDirection)
* bit 2..7 road type
* @param p2 unused
* @param text unused
* @param rt road type
* @param dir entrance direction
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
* @todo When checking for the tile slope,
* distinguish between "Flat land required" and "land sloped in wrong direction"
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, RoadType rt, DiagDirection dir)
DiagDirection dir = Extract<DiagDirection, 0, 2>(p1);
RoadType rt = Extract<RoadType, 2, 6>(p1);
if (!ValParamRoadType(rt)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!ValParamRoadType(rt) || !IsEnumValid(dir)) return CMD_ERROR;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ void UpdateNearestTownForRoadTiles(bool invalidate);
CommandProc CmdBuildLongRoad;
CommandProc CmdRemoveLongRoad;
CommandProc CmdBuildRoad;
CommandProc CmdBuildRoadDepot;
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, RoadType rt, DiagDirection dir);
CommandProc CmdConvertRoad;

View File

@ -133,9 +133,8 @@ void CcRoadDepot(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, const
if (result.Failed()) return;
auto [tile_, p1, p2, text] = EndianBufferReader::ToValue<CommandTraits<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_DEPOT>::Args>(data);
auto [tile_, rt, dir] = EndianBufferReader::ToValue<CommandTraits<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_DEPOT>::Args>(data);
DiagDirection dir = (DiagDirection)GB(p1, 0, 2);
if (_settings_client.sound.confirm) SndPlayTileFx(SND_1F_CONSTRUCTION_OTHER, tile);
if (!_settings_client.gui.persistent_buildingtools) ResetObjectToPlace();
ConnectRoadToStructure(tile, dir);
@ -146,32 +145,22 @@ void CcRoadDepot(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, const
* @param result Result of the build road stop command.
* @param cmd Unused.
* @param tile Start tile.
* @param p1 bit 0..7: Width of the road stop.
* bit 8..15: Length of the road stop.
* @param p2 bit 0: 0 For bus stops, 1 for truck stops.
* bit 1: 0 For normal stops, 1 for drive-through.
* bit 2: Allow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
* bit 3..4: Entrance direction (#DiagDirection) for normal stops.
* bit 3: #Axis of the road for drive-through stops.
* bit 5..9: The roadtype.
* bit 16..31: Station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one).
* @param text Unused.
* @param data Command data.
* @see CmdBuildRoadStop
void CcRoadStop(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, const CommandDataBuffer &data)
if (result.Failed()) return;
auto [tile_, p1, p2, text] = EndianBufferReader::ToValue<CommandTraits<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>::Args>(data);
auto [tile_, width, length, stop_type, is_drive_through, dir, rt, station_to_join, adjacent] = EndianBufferReader::ToValue<CommandTraits<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>::Args>(data);
DiagDirection dir = (DiagDirection)GB(p2, 3, 2);
if (_settings_client.sound.confirm) SndPlayTileFx(SND_1F_CONSTRUCTION_OTHER, tile);
if (!_settings_client.gui.persistent_buildingtools) ResetObjectToPlace();
TileArea roadstop_area(tile, GB(p1, 0, 8), GB(p1, 8, 8));
TileArea roadstop_area(tile, width, length);
for (TileIndex cur_tile : roadstop_area) {
ConnectRoadToStructure(cur_tile, dir);
/* For a drive-through road stop build connecting road for other entrance. */
if (HasBit(p2, 1)) ConnectRoadToStructure(cur_tile, ReverseDiagDir(dir));
if (is_drive_through) ConnectRoadToStructure(cur_tile, ReverseDiagDir(dir));
@ -179,34 +168,24 @@ void CcRoadStop(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, const C
* Place a new road stop.
* @param start_tile First tile of the area.
* @param end_tile Last tile of the area.
* @param p2 bit 0: 0 For bus stops, 1 for truck stops.
* bit 2: Allow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
* bit 5..10: The roadtypes.
* @param stop_type Type of stop (bus/truck).
* @param adjacent Allow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
* @param rt The roadtypes.
* @param err_msg Error message to show.
* @see CcRoadStop()
static void PlaceRoadStop(TileIndex start_tile, TileIndex end_tile, uint32 p2, StringID err_msg)
static void PlaceRoadStop(TileIndex start_tile, TileIndex end_tile, RoadStopType stop_type, bool adjacent, RoadType rt, StringID err_msg)
TileArea ta(start_tile, end_tile);
uint32 p1 = (uint32)(ta.w | ta.h << 8);
uint8 ddir = _road_station_picker_orientation;
SB(p2, 16, 16, INVALID_STATION); // no station to join
if (ddir >= DIAGDIR_END) {
SetBit(p2, 1); // It's a drive-through stop.
ddir -= DIAGDIR_END; // Adjust picker result to actual direction.
p2 |= ddir << 3; // Set the DiagDirecion into p2 bits 3 and 4.
DiagDirection ddir = _road_station_picker_orientation;
bool drive_through = ddir >= DIAGDIR_END;
if (drive_through) ddir = static_cast<DiagDirection>(ddir - DIAGDIR_END); // Adjust picker result to actual direction.
auto proc = [=](bool test, StationID to_join) -> bool {
if (test) {
return Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>()), ta.tile, p1, p2, {}).Succeeded();
return Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>::Do(CommandFlagsToDCFlags(GetCommandFlags<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>()), ta.tile, ta.w, ta.h, stop_type, drive_through, ddir, rt, INVALID_STATION, adjacent).Succeeded();
} else {
uint32 p2_final = p2;
if (to_join != INVALID_STATION) SB(p2_final, 16, 16, to_join);
return Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>::Post(err_msg, CcRoadStop, ta.tile, p1, p2_final, {});
return Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>::Post(err_msg, CcRoadStop, ta.tile, ta.w, ta.h, stop_type, drive_through, ddir, rt, to_join, adjacent);
@ -568,7 +547,7 @@ struct BuildRoadToolbarWindow : Window {
Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_DEPOT>::Post(this->rti->strings.err_depot, CcRoadDepot,
tile, _cur_roadtype << 2 | _road_depot_orientation, 0, {});
tile, _cur_roadtype, _road_depot_orientation);
@ -700,9 +679,9 @@ struct BuildRoadToolbarWindow : Window {
if (this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_ROT_BUS_STATION)) {
if (_remove_button_clicked) {
TileArea ta(start_tile, end_tile);
Command<CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP>::Post(this->rti->strings.err_remove_station[ROADSTOP_BUS], CcPlaySound_CONSTRUCTION_OTHER, ta.tile, ta.w | ta.h << 8, (_ctrl_pressed << 1) | ROADSTOP_BUS, {});
Command<CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP>::Post(this->rti->strings.err_remove_station[ROADSTOP_BUS], CcPlaySound_CONSTRUCTION_OTHER, ta.tile, ta.w, ta.h, ROADSTOP_BUS, _ctrl_pressed);
} else {
PlaceRoadStop(start_tile, end_tile, _cur_roadtype << 5 | (_ctrl_pressed << 2) | ROADSTOP_BUS, this->rti->strings.err_build_station[ROADSTOP_BUS]);
PlaceRoadStop(start_tile, end_tile, ROADSTOP_BUS, _ctrl_pressed, _cur_roadtype, this->rti->strings.err_build_station[ROADSTOP_BUS]);
@ -712,9 +691,9 @@ struct BuildRoadToolbarWindow : Window {
if (this->IsWidgetLowered(WID_ROT_TRUCK_STATION)) {
if (_remove_button_clicked) {
TileArea ta(start_tile, end_tile);
Command<CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP>::Post(this->rti->strings.err_remove_station[ROADSTOP_TRUCK], CcPlaySound_CONSTRUCTION_OTHER, ta.tile, ta.w | ta.h << 8, (_ctrl_pressed << 1) | ROADSTOP_TRUCK, {});
Command<CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP>::Post(this->rti->strings.err_remove_station[ROADSTOP_TRUCK], CcPlaySound_CONSTRUCTION_OTHER, ta.tile, ta.w, ta.h, ROADSTOP_TRUCK, _ctrl_pressed);
} else {
PlaceRoadStop(start_tile, end_tile, _cur_roadtype << 5 | (_ctrl_pressed << 2) | ROADSTOP_TRUCK, this->rti->strings.err_build_station[ROADSTOP_TRUCK]);
PlaceRoadStop(start_tile, end_tile, ROADSTOP_TRUCK, _ctrl_pressed, _cur_roadtype, this->rti->strings.err_build_station[ROADSTOP_TRUCK]);

View File

@ -77,9 +77,7 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidAirportType(type));
EnforcePrecondition(false, station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_NEW || station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT || ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id));
uint p2 = station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT ? 0 : 1;
p2 |= (ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION) << 16;
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT>::Do(tile, type, p2, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT>::Do(tile, type, 0, (ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION), station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT);
/* static */ bool ScriptAirport::RemoveAirport(TileIndex tile)

View File

@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
EnforcePreconditionCustomError(false, ::Utf8StringLength(text) < MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME_CHARS, ScriptError::ERR_PRECONDITION_STRING_TOO_LONG);
if (::Station::IsValidID(station_id)) {
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_RENAME_STATION>::Do(0, station_id, 0, text);
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_RENAME_STATION>::Do(station_id, text);
} else {
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_RENAME_WAYPOINT>::Do(0, station_id, 0, text);
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_RENAME_WAYPOINT>::Do(station_id, text);

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, ::IsValidTile(front));
EnforcePrecondition(false, (::TileX(front) == ::TileX(tile)) != (::TileY(front) == ::TileY(tile)));
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT>::Do(tile, ::TileX(front) == ::TileX(tile), 0, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT>::Do(tile, ::TileX(front) == ::TileX(tile) ? AXIS_Y : AXIS_X);
/* static */ bool ScriptMarine::BuildDock(TileIndex tile, StationID station_id)
@ -92,9 +92,7 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, ::IsValidTile(tile));
EnforcePrecondition(false, station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_NEW || station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT || ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id));
uint p1 = station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT ? 0 : 1;
uint p2 = (ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION) << 16;
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_DOCK>::Do(tile, p1, p2, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_DOCK>::Do(tile, ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION, station_id != ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT);
/* static */ bool ScriptMarine::BuildBuoy(TileIndex tile)
@ -102,7 +100,7 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, ScriptObject::GetCompany() != OWNER_DEITY);
EnforcePrecondition(false, ::IsValidTile(tile));
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_BUOY>::Do(tile, 0, 0, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_BUOY>::Do(tile);
/* static */ bool ScriptMarine::BuildLock(TileIndex tile)

View File

@ -142,9 +142,9 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, ::TileX(tile) == ::TileX(front) || ::TileY(tile) == ::TileY(front));
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsRailTypeAvailable(GetCurrentRailType()));
uint entrance_dir = (::TileX(tile) == ::TileX(front)) ? (::TileY(tile) < ::TileY(front) ? 1 : 3) : (::TileX(tile) < ::TileX(front) ? 2 : 0);
DiagDirection entrance_dir = (::TileX(tile) == ::TileX(front)) ? (::TileY(tile) < ::TileY(front) ? DIAGDIR_SE : DIAGDIR_NW) : (::TileX(tile) < ::TileX(front) ? DIAGDIR_SW : DIAGDIR_NE);
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT>::Do(tile, ScriptObject::GetRailType(), entrance_dir, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT>::Do(tile, (::RailType)ScriptObject::GetRailType(), entrance_dir);
/* static */ bool ScriptRail::BuildRailStation(TileIndex tile, RailTrack direction, uint num_platforms, uint platform_length, StationID station_id)
@ -157,10 +157,8 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsRailTypeAvailable(GetCurrentRailType()));
EnforcePrecondition(false, station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_NEW || station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT || ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id));
uint32 p1 = GetCurrentRailType() | (platform_length << 16) | (num_platforms << 8);
if (direction == RAILTRACK_NW_SE) p1 |= (1 << 6);
if (station_id != ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT) p1 |= (1 << 24);
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(tile, p1, (ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION) << 16, {});
bool adjacent = station_id != ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT;
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(tile, (::RailType)GetCurrentRailType(), direction == RAILTRACK_NW_SE ? AXIS_Y : AXIS_X, num_platforms, platform_length, STAT_CLASS_DFLT, 0, ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION, adjacent);
/* static */ bool ScriptRail::BuildNewGRFRailStation(TileIndex tile, RailTrack direction, uint num_platforms, uint platform_length, StationID station_id, CargoID cargo_id, IndustryType source_industry, IndustryType goal_industry, int distance, bool source_station)
@ -176,10 +174,6 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, source_industry == ScriptIndustryType::INDUSTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN || source_industry == ScriptIndustryType::INDUSTRYTYPE_TOWN || ScriptIndustryType::IsValidIndustryType(source_industry));
EnforcePrecondition(false, goal_industry == ScriptIndustryType::INDUSTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN || goal_industry == ScriptIndustryType::INDUSTRYTYPE_TOWN || ScriptIndustryType::IsValidIndustryType(goal_industry));
uint32 p1 = GetCurrentRailType() | (platform_length << 16) | (num_platforms << 8);
if (direction == RAILTRACK_NW_SE) p1 |= 1 << 6;
if (station_id != ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT) p1 |= (1 << 24);
const GRFFile *file;
uint16 res = GetAiPurchaseCallbackResult(
@ -193,7 +187,10 @@
std::min(15u, num_platforms) << 4 | std::min(15u, platform_length),
uint32 p2 = (ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION) << 16;
Axis axis = direction == RAILTRACK_NW_SE ? AXIS_Y : AXIS_X;
bool adjacent = station_id != ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT;
StationID to_join = ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION;
if (res != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
int index = 0;
const StationSpec *spec = StationClass::GetByGrf(file->grfid, res, &index);
@ -201,11 +198,11 @@
Debug(grf, 1, "{} returned an invalid station ID for 'AI construction/purchase selection (18)' callback", file->filename);
} else {
/* We might have gotten an usable station spec. Try to build it, but if it fails we'll fall back to the original station. */
if (ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(tile, p1, p2 | spec->cls_id | index << 8, {})) return true;
if (ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(tile, (::RailType)GetCurrentRailType(), axis, num_platforms, platform_length, spec->cls_id, index, to_join, adjacent)) return true;
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(tile, p1, p2, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_STATION>::Do(tile, (::RailType)GetCurrentRailType(), axis, num_platforms, platform_length, STAT_CLASS_DFLT, 0, to_join, adjacent);
/* static */ bool ScriptRail::BuildRailWaypoint(TileIndex tile)
@ -216,7 +213,7 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, GetRailTracks(tile) == RAILTRACK_NE_SW || GetRailTracks(tile) == RAILTRACK_NW_SE);
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsRailTypeAvailable(GetCurrentRailType()));
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Do(tile, GetCurrentRailType() | (GetRailTracks(tile) == RAILTRACK_NE_SW ? AXIS_X : AXIS_Y) << 6 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 16, STAT_CLASS_WAYP | INVALID_STATION << 16, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Do(tile, GetRailTracks(tile) == RAILTRACK_NE_SW ? AXIS_X : AXIS_Y, 1, 1, STAT_CLASS_WAYP, 0, INVALID_STATION, false);
/* static */ bool ScriptRail::RemoveRailWaypointTileRectangle(TileIndex tile, TileIndex tile2, bool keep_rail)
@ -225,7 +222,7 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, ::IsValidTile(tile));
EnforcePrecondition(false, ::IsValidTile(tile2));
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Do(tile, tile2, keep_rail ? 1 : 0, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Do(tile, tile2, keep_rail);
/* static */ bool ScriptRail::RemoveRailStationTileRectangle(TileIndex tile, TileIndex tile2, bool keep_rail)
@ -234,7 +231,7 @@
EnforcePrecondition(false, ::IsValidTile(tile));
EnforcePrecondition(false, ::IsValidTile(tile2));
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_STATION>::Do(tile, tile2, keep_rail ? 1 : 0, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_STATION>::Do(tile, tile2, keep_rail);
/* static */ uint ScriptRail::GetRailTracks(TileIndex tile)

View File

@ -529,9 +529,9 @@ static bool NeighbourHasReachableRoad(::RoadType rt, TileIndex start_tile, DiagD
EnforcePrecondition(false, ::TileX(tile) == ::TileX(front) || ::TileY(tile) == ::TileY(front));
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsRoadTypeAvailable(GetCurrentRoadType()));
uint entrance_dir = (::TileX(tile) == ::TileX(front)) ? (::TileY(tile) < ::TileY(front) ? 1 : 3) : (::TileX(tile) < ::TileX(front) ? 2 : 0);
DiagDirection entrance_dir = (::TileX(tile) == ::TileX(front)) ? (::TileY(tile) < ::TileY(front) ? DIAGDIR_SE : DIAGDIR_NW) : (::TileX(tile) < ::TileX(front) ? DIAGDIR_SW : DIAGDIR_NE);
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_DEPOT>::Do(tile, entrance_dir | (ScriptObject::GetRoadType() << 2), 0, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_DEPOT>::Do(tile, ScriptObject::GetRoadType(), entrance_dir);
/* static */ bool ScriptRoad::_BuildRoadStationInternal(TileIndex tile, TileIndex front, RoadVehicleType road_veh_type, bool drive_through, StationID station_id)
@ -545,20 +545,10 @@ static bool NeighbourHasReachableRoad(::RoadType rt, TileIndex start_tile, DiagD
EnforcePrecondition(false, road_veh_type == ROADVEHTYPE_BUS || road_veh_type == ROADVEHTYPE_TRUCK);
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsRoadTypeAvailable(GetCurrentRoadType()));
uint entrance_dir;
if (drive_through) {
entrance_dir = ::TileY(tile) != ::TileY(front);
} else {
entrance_dir = (::TileX(tile) == ::TileX(front)) ? (::TileY(tile) < ::TileY(front) ? 1 : 3) : (::TileX(tile) < ::TileX(front) ? 2 : 0);
uint p2 = station_id == ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT ? 0 : 4;
p2 |= drive_through ? 2 : 0;
p2 |= road_veh_type == ROADVEHTYPE_TRUCK ? 1 : 0;
p2 |= ScriptObject::GetRoadType() << 5;
p2 |= entrance_dir << 3;
p2 |= (ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION) << 16;
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>::Do(tile, 1 | 1 << 8, p2, {});
DiagDirection entrance_dir = DiagdirBetweenTiles(tile, front);
RoadStopType stop_type = road_veh_type == ROADVEHTYPE_TRUCK ? ROADSTOP_TRUCK : ROADSTOP_BUS;
StationID to_join = ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id) ? station_id : INVALID_STATION;
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP>::Do(tile, 1, 1, stop_type, drive_through, entrance_dir, ScriptObject::GetRoadType(), to_join, station_id != ScriptStation::STATION_JOIN_ADJACENT);
/* static */ bool ScriptRoad::BuildRoadStation(TileIndex tile, TileIndex front, RoadVehicleType road_veh_type, StationID station_id)
@ -612,7 +602,7 @@ static bool NeighbourHasReachableRoad(::RoadType rt, TileIndex start_tile, DiagD
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsTileType(tile, MP_STATION));
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsRoadStop(tile));
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP>::Do(tile, 1 | 1 << 8, GetRoadStopType(tile), {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP>::Do(tile, 1, 1, GetRoadStopType(tile), false);
/* static */ Money ScriptRoad::GetBuildCost(RoadType roadtype, BuildType build_type)

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@ -240,5 +240,5 @@ template<bool Tfrom, bool Tvia>
EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidStation(station_id));
EnforcePrecondition(false, HasStationType(station_id, STATION_AIRPORT));
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_OPEN_CLOSE_AIRPORT>::Do(0, station_id, 0, {});
return ScriptObject::Command<CMD_OPEN_CLOSE_AIRPORT>::Do(station_id);

View File

@ -1241,37 +1241,23 @@ static void RestoreTrainReservation(Train *v)
* Build rail station
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param tile_org northern most position of station dragging/placement
* @param p1 various bitstuffed elements
* - p1 = (bit 0- 5) - railtype
* - p1 = (bit 6) - orientation (Axis)
* - p1 = (bit 8-15) - number of tracks
* - p1 = (bit 16-23) - platform length
* - p1 = (bit 24) - allow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
* @param p2 various bitstuffed elements
* - p2 = (bit 0- 7) - custom station class
* - p2 = (bit 8-15) - custom station id
* - p2 = (bit 16-31) - station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
* @param text unused
* @param rt railtype
* @param axis orientation (Axis)
* @param numtracks number of tracks
* @param plat_len platform length
* @param spec_class custom station class
* @param spec_index custom station id
* @param station_to_join station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
* @param adjacent allow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdBuildRailStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile_org, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdBuildRailStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile_org, RailType rt, Axis axis, byte numtracks, byte plat_len, StationClassID spec_class, byte spec_index, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent)
/* Unpack parameters */
RailType rt = Extract<RailType, 0, 6>(p1);
Axis axis = Extract<Axis, 6, 1>(p1);
byte numtracks = GB(p1, 8, 8);
byte plat_len = GB(p1, 16, 8);
bool adjacent = HasBit(p1, 24);
StationClassID spec_class = Extract<StationClassID, 0, 8>(p2);
byte spec_index = GB(p2, 8, 8);
StationID station_to_join = GB(p2, 16, 16);
/* Does the authority allow this? */
CommandCost ret = CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(tile_org, flags);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
if (!ValParamRailtype(rt)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (!ValParamRailtype(rt) || !IsEnumValid(axis)) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Check if the given station class is valid */
if ((uint)spec_class >= StationClass::GetClassCount() || spec_class == STAT_CLASS_WAYP) return CMD_ERROR;
@ -1657,21 +1643,19 @@ CommandCost RemoveFromRailBaseStation(TileArea ta, std::vector<T *> &affected_st
* This allows for custom-built station with holes and weird layouts
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param start tile of station piece to remove
* @param p1 start_tile
* @param p2 various bitstuffed elements
* - p2 = bit 0 - if set keep the rail
* @param text unused
* @param end other edge of the rect to remove
* @param keep_rail if set keep the rail
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start, TileIndex end, bool keep_rail)
TileIndex end = p1 == 0 ? start : p1;
if (end == 0) end = start;
if (start >= MapSize() || end >= MapSize()) return CMD_ERROR;
TileArea ta(start, end);
std::vector<Station *> affected_stations;
CommandCost ret = RemoveFromRailBaseStation(ta, affected_stations, flags, _price[PR_CLEAR_STATION_RAIL], HasBit(p2, 0));
CommandCost ret = RemoveFromRailBaseStation(ta, affected_stations, flags, _price[PR_CLEAR_STATION_RAIL], keep_rail);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* Do all station specific functions here. */
@ -1691,21 +1675,19 @@ CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start, uint3
* This allows for custom-built waypoint with holes and weird layouts
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param start tile of waypoint piece to remove
* @param p1 start_tile
* @param p2 various bitstuffed elements
* - p2 = bit 0 - if set keep the rail
* @param text unused
* @param end other edge of the rect to remove
* @param keep_rail if set keep the rail
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start, TileIndex end, bool keep_rail)
TileIndex end = p1 == 0 ? start : p1;
if (end == 0) end = start;
if (start >= MapSize() || end >= MapSize()) return CMD_ERROR;
TileArea ta(start, end);
std::vector<Waypoint *> affected_stations;
return RemoveFromRailBaseStation(ta, affected_stations, flags, _price[PR_CLEAR_WAYPOINT_RAIL], HasBit(p2, 0));
return RemoveFromRailBaseStation(ta, affected_stations, flags, _price[PR_CLEAR_WAYPOINT_RAIL], keep_rail);
@ -1756,7 +1738,7 @@ static CommandCost RemoveRailStation(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* if there is flooding, remove platforms tile by tile */
if (_current_company == OWNER_WATER) {
return Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_STATION>::Do(DC_EXEC, tile, 0, 0, {});
return Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_STATION>::Do(DC_EXEC, tile, 0, false);
Station *st = Station::GetByTile(tile);
@ -1777,7 +1759,7 @@ static CommandCost RemoveRailWaypoint(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
/* if there is flooding, remove waypoints tile by tile */
if (_current_company == OWNER_WATER) {
return Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Do(DC_EXEC, tile, 0, 0, {});
return Command<CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_WAYPOINT>::Do(DC_EXEC, tile, 0, false);
return RemoveRailStation(Waypoint::GetByTile(tile), flags, _price[PR_CLEAR_WAYPOINT_RAIL]);
@ -1824,32 +1806,23 @@ static CommandCost FindJoiningRoadStop(StationID existing_stop, StationID statio
* Build a bus or truck stop.
* @param flags Operation to perform.
* @param tile Northernmost tile of the stop.
* @param p1 bit 0..7: Width of the road stop.
* bit 8..15: Length of the road stop.
* @param p2 bit 0: 0 For bus stops, 1 for truck stops.
* bit 1: 0 For normal stops, 1 for drive-through.
* bit 2: Allow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
* bit 3..4: Entrance direction (#DiagDirection) for normal stops.
* bit 3: #Axis of the road for drive-through stops.
* bit 5..10: The roadtype.
* bit 16..31: Station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one).
* @param text Unused.
* @param width Width of the road stop.
* @param length Length of the road stop.
* @param stop_type Type of road stop (bus/truck).
* @param is_drive_through False for normal stops, true for drive-through.
* @param ddir Entrance direction (#DiagDirection) for normal stops. Converted to the axis for drive-through stops.
* @param rt The roadtype.
* @param station_to_join Station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one).
* @param adjacent Allow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
* @return The cost of this operation or an error.
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint8 width, uint8 length, RoadStopType stop_type, bool is_drive_through, DiagDirection ddir, RoadType rt, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent)
bool type = HasBit(p2, 0);
bool is_drive_through = HasBit(p2, 1);
RoadType rt = Extract<RoadType, 5, 6>(p2);
if (!ValParamRoadType(rt)) return CMD_ERROR;
StationID station_to_join = GB(p2, 16, 16);
if (!ValParamRoadType(rt) || !IsEnumValid(ddir) || stop_type >= ROADSTOP_END) return CMD_ERROR;
bool reuse = (station_to_join != NEW_STATION);
if (!reuse) station_to_join = INVALID_STATION;
bool distant_join = (station_to_join != INVALID_STATION);
uint8 width = (uint8)GB(p1, 0, 8);
uint8 length = (uint8)GB(p1, 8, 8);
/* Check if the requested road stop is too big */
if (width > _settings_game.station.station_spread || length > _settings_game.station.station_spread) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_STATION_TOO_SPREAD_OUT);
/* Check for incorrect width / length. */
@ -1864,34 +1837,26 @@ CommandCost CmdBuildRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uin
/* Trams only have drive through stops */
if (!is_drive_through && RoadTypeIsTram(rt)) return CMD_ERROR;
DiagDirection ddir;
Axis axis;
if (is_drive_through) {
/* By definition axis is valid, due to there being 2 axes and reading 1 bit. */
axis = Extract<Axis, 3, 1>(p2);
ddir = AxisToDiagDir(axis);
} else {
/* By definition ddir is valid, due to there being 4 diagonal directions and reading 2 bits. */
ddir = Extract<DiagDirection, 3, 2>(p2);
axis = DiagDirToAxis(ddir);
Axis axis = DiagDirToAxis(ddir);
CommandCost ret = CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(tile, flags);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
bool is_truck_stop = stop_type != ROADSTOP_BUS;
/* Total road stop cost. */
CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, roadstop_area.w * roadstop_area.h * _price[type ? PR_BUILD_STATION_TRUCK : PR_BUILD_STATION_BUS]);
CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, roadstop_area.w * roadstop_area.h * _price[is_truck_stop ? PR_BUILD_STATION_TRUCK : PR_BUILD_STATION_BUS]);
ret = CheckFlatLandRoadStop(roadstop_area, flags, is_drive_through ? 5 << axis : 1 << ddir, is_drive_through, type, axis, &est, rt);
ret = CheckFlatLandRoadStop(roadstop_area, flags, is_drive_through ? 5 << axis : 1 << ddir, is_drive_through, is_truck_stop, axis, &est, rt);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
Station *st = nullptr;
ret = FindJoiningRoadStop(est, station_to_join, HasBit(p2, 2), roadstop_area, &st);
ret = FindJoiningRoadStop(est, station_to_join, adjacent, roadstop_area, &st);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* Check if this number of road stops can be allocated. */
if (!RoadStop::CanAllocateItem(roadstop_area.w * roadstop_area.h)) return_cmd_error(type ? STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TRUCK_STOPS : STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_BUS_STOPS);
if (!RoadStop::CanAllocateItem(roadstop_area.w * roadstop_area.h)) return_cmd_error(is_truck_stop ? STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TRUCK_STOPS : STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_BUS_STOPS);
ret = BuildStationPart(&st, flags, reuse, roadstop_area, STATIONNAMING_ROAD);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
@ -1911,21 +1876,21 @@ CommandCost CmdBuildRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uin
RoadStop *road_stop = new RoadStop(cur_tile);
/* Insert into linked list of RoadStops. */
RoadStop **currstop = FindRoadStopSpot(type, st);
RoadStop **currstop = FindRoadStopSpot(is_truck_stop, st);
*currstop = road_stop;
if (type) {
if (is_truck_stop) {
} else {
/* Initialize an empty station. */
st->AddFacility((type) ? FACIL_TRUCK_STOP : FACIL_BUS_STOP, cur_tile);
st->AddFacility(is_truck_stop ? FACIL_TRUCK_STOP : FACIL_BUS_STOP, cur_tile);
st->rect.BeforeAddTile(cur_tile, StationRect::ADD_TRY);
RoadStopType rs_type = type ? ROADSTOP_TRUCK : ROADSTOP_BUS;
RoadStopType rs_type = is_truck_stop ? ROADSTOP_TRUCK : ROADSTOP_BUS;
if (is_drive_through) {
/* Update company infrastructure counts. If the current tile is a normal road tile, remove the old
* bits first. */
@ -1956,7 +1921,7 @@ CommandCost CmdBuildRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uin
if (st != nullptr) {
st->AfterStationTileSetChange(true, type ? STATION_TRUCK: STATION_BUS);
st->AfterStationTileSetChange(true, is_truck_stop ? STATION_TRUCK: STATION_BUS);
return cost;
@ -2079,25 +2044,21 @@ static CommandCost RemoveRoadStop(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
* Remove bus or truck stops.
* @param flags Operation to perform.
* @param tile Northernmost tile of the removal area.
* @param p1 bit 0..7: Width of the removal area.
* bit 8..15: Height of the removal area.
* @param p2 bit 0: 0 For bus stops, 1 for truck stops.
* @param p2 bit 1: 0 to keep roads of all drive-through stops, 1 to remove them.
* @param text Unused.
* @param width Width of the removal area.
* @param height Height of the removal area.
* @param stop_type Type of stop (bus/truck).
* @param remove_road Remove roads of drive-through stops?
* @return The cost of this operation or an error.
CommandCost CmdRemoveRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdRemoveRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint8 width, uint height, RoadStopType stop_type, bool remove_road)
uint8 width = (uint8)GB(p1, 0, 8);
uint8 height = (uint8)GB(p1, 8, 8);
bool keep_drive_through_roads = !HasBit(p2, 1);
if (stop_type >= ROADSTOP_END) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Check for incorrect width / height. */
if (width == 0 || height == 0) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Check if the first tile and the last tile are valid */
if (!IsValidTile(tile) || TileAddWrap(tile, width - 1, height - 1) == INVALID_TILE) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Bankrupting company is not supposed to remove roads, there may be road vehicles. */
if (!keep_drive_through_roads && (flags & DC_BANKRUPT)) return CMD_ERROR;
if (remove_road && (flags & DC_BANKRUPT)) return CMD_ERROR;
TileArea roadstop_area(tile, width, height);
@ -2107,7 +2068,7 @@ CommandCost CmdRemoveRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, ui
for (TileIndex cur_tile : roadstop_area) {
/* Make sure the specified tile is a road stop of the correct type */
if (!IsTileType(cur_tile, MP_STATION) || !IsRoadStop(cur_tile) || (uint32)GetRoadStopType(cur_tile) != GB(p2, 0, 1)) continue;
if (!IsTileType(cur_tile, MP_STATION) || !IsRoadStop(cur_tile) || GetRoadStopType(cur_tile) != stop_type) continue;
/* Save information on to-be-restored roads before the stop is removed. */
RoadBits road_bits = ROAD_NONE;
@ -2119,7 +2080,7 @@ CommandCost CmdRemoveRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, ui
if (road_type[rtt] == INVALID_ROADTYPE) continue;
road_owner[rtt] = GetRoadOwner(cur_tile, rtt);
/* If we don't want to preserve our roads then restore only roads of others. */
if (!keep_drive_through_roads && road_owner[rtt] == _current_company) road_type[rtt] = INVALID_ROADTYPE;
if (remove_road && road_owner[rtt] == _current_company) road_type[rtt] = INVALID_ROADTYPE;
road_bits = AxisToRoadBits(DiagDirToAxis(GetRoadStopDir(cur_tile)));
@ -2236,23 +2197,17 @@ void UpdateAirportsNoise()
* Place an Airport.
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param tile tile where airport will be built
* @param p1
* - p1 = (bit 0- 7) - airport type, @see airport.h
* - p1 = (bit 8-15) - airport layout
* @param p2 various bitstuffed elements
* - p2 = (bit 0) - allow airports directly adjacent to other airports.
* - p2 = (bit 16-31) - station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
* @param text unused
* @param airport_type airport type, @see airport.h
* @param layout airport layout
* @param station_to_join station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
* @param allow_adjacent allow airports directly adjacent to other airports.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdBuildAirport(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdBuildAirport(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, byte airport_type, byte layout, StationID station_to_join, bool allow_adjacent)
StationID station_to_join = GB(p2, 16, 16);
bool reuse = (station_to_join != NEW_STATION);
if (!reuse) station_to_join = INVALID_STATION;
bool distant_join = (station_to_join != INVALID_STATION);
byte airport_type = GB(p1, 0, 8);
byte layout = GB(p1, 8, 8);
if (distant_join && (!_settings_game.station.distant_join_stations || !Station::IsValidID(station_to_join))) return CMD_ERROR;
@ -2313,7 +2268,7 @@ CommandCost CmdBuildAirport(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint
Station *st = nullptr;
ret = FindJoiningStation(INVALID_STATION, station_to_join, HasBit(p2, 0), airport_area, &st);
ret = FindJoiningStation(INVALID_STATION, station_to_join, allow_adjacent, airport_area, &st);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* Distant join */
@ -2456,16 +2411,13 @@ static CommandCost RemoveAirport(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
* Open/close an airport to incoming aircraft.
* @param flags Operation to perform.
* @param tile Unused.
* @param p1 Station ID of the airport.
* @param p2 Unused.
* @param text unused
* @param station_id Station ID of the airport.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdOpenCloseAirport(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdOpenCloseAirport(DoCommandFlag flags, StationID station_id)
if (!Station::IsValidID(p1)) return CMD_ERROR;
Station *st = Station::Get(p1);
if (!Station::IsValidID(station_id)) return CMD_ERROR;
Station *st = Station::Get(station_id);
if (!(st->facilities & FACIL_AIRPORT) || st->owner == OWNER_NONE) return CMD_ERROR;
@ -2512,14 +2464,12 @@ static const byte _dock_h_chk[4] = { 1, 2, 1, 2 };
* Build a dock/haven.
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param tile tile where dock will be built
* @param p1 (bit 0) - allow docks directly adjacent to other docks.
* @param p2 bit 16-31: station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
* @param text unused
* @param station_to_join station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
* @param adjacent allow docks directly adjacent to other docks.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdBuildDock(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdBuildDock(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent)
StationID station_to_join = GB(p2, 16, 16);
bool reuse = (station_to_join != NEW_STATION);
if (!reuse) station_to_join = INVALID_STATION;
bool distant_join = (station_to_join != INVALID_STATION);
@ -2567,7 +2517,7 @@ CommandCost CmdBuildDock(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32
/* middle */
Station *st = nullptr;
ret = FindJoiningStation(INVALID_STATION, station_to_join, HasBit(p1, 0), dock_area, &st);
ret = FindJoiningStation(INVALID_STATION, station_to_join, adjacent, dock_area, &st);
if (ret.Failed()) return ret;
/* Distant join */
@ -3930,15 +3880,13 @@ static bool IsUniqueStationName(const std::string &name)
* Rename a station
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param tile unused
* @param p1 station ID that is to be renamed
* @param p2 unused
* @param station_id station ID that is to be renamed
* @param text the new name or an empty string when resetting to the default
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdRenameStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdRenameStation(DoCommandFlag flags, StationID station_id, const std::string &text)
Station *st = Station::GetIfValid(p1);
Station *st = Station::GetIfValid(station_id);
if (st == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(st->owner);
@ -4244,7 +4192,7 @@ static void ChangeTileOwner_Station(TileIndex tile, Owner old_owner, Owner new_o
} else {
if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile)) {
/* Remove the drive-through road stop */
Command<CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP>::Do(DC_EXEC | DC_BANKRUPT, tile, 1 | 1 << 8, (GetStationType(tile) == STATION_TRUCK) ? ROADSTOP_TRUCK : ROADSTOP_BUS, {});
Command<CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP>::Do(DC_EXEC | DC_BANKRUPT, tile, 1, 1, (GetStationType(tile) == STATION_TRUCK) ? ROADSTOP_TRUCK : ROADSTOP_BUS, false);
assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_ROAD));
/* Change owner of tile and all roadtypes */
ChangeTileOwner(tile, old_owner, new_owner);

View File

@ -11,15 +11,18 @@
#include "command_type.h"
#include "station_type.h"
CommandProc CmdBuildAirport;
CommandProc CmdBuildDock;
CommandProc CmdBuildRailStation;
CommandProc CmdRemoveFromRailStation;
CommandProc CmdBuildRoadStop;
CommandProc CmdRemoveRoadStop;
CommandProc CmdRenameStation;
CommandProc CmdOpenCloseAirport;
enum StationClassID : byte;
CommandCost CmdBuildAirport(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, byte airport_type, byte layout, StationID station_to_join, bool allow_adjacent);
CommandCost CmdBuildDock(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent);
CommandCost CmdBuildRailStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile_org, RailType rt, Axis axis, byte numtracks, byte plat_len, StationClassID spec_class, byte spec_index, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent);
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start, TileIndex end, bool keep_rail);
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint8 width, uint8 length, RoadStopType stop_type, bool is_drive_through, DiagDirection ddir, RoadType rt, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent);
CommandCost CmdRemoveRoadStop(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint8 width, uint height, RoadStopType stop_type, bool remove_road);
CommandCost CmdRenameStation(DoCommandFlag flags, StationID station_id, const std::string &text);
CommandCost CmdOpenCloseAirport(DoCommandFlag flags, StationID station_id);

View File

@ -1948,7 +1948,7 @@ struct StationViewWindow : public Window {
Command<CMD_OPEN_CLOSE_AIRPORT>::Post(0, this->window_number, 0, {});
case WID_SV_TRAINS: // Show list of scheduled trains to this station
@ -2085,7 +2085,7 @@ struct StationViewWindow : public Window {
if (str == nullptr) return;
Command<CMD_RENAME_STATION>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_STATION, 0, this->window_number, 0, str);
Command<CMD_RENAME_STATION>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_STATION, this->window_number, str);
void OnResize() override

View File

@ -41,9 +41,10 @@ enum StationType {
/** Types of RoadStops */
enum RoadStopType {
enum RoadStopType : byte {
ROADSTOP_BUS, ///< A standard stop for buses
ROADSTOP_TRUCK, ///< A standard stop for trucks
ROADSTOP_END, ///< End of valid types
/** The facilities a station might be having */

View File

@ -95,15 +95,12 @@ static void MarkCanalsAndRiversAroundDirty(TileIndex tile)
* Build a ship depot.
* @param flags type of operation
* @param tile tile where ship depot is built
* @param p1 bit 0 depot orientation (Axis)
* @param p2 unused
* @param text unused
* @param axis depot orientation (Axis)
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdBuildShipDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdBuildShipDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, Axis axis)
Axis axis = Extract<Axis, 0, 1>(p1);
if (!IsEnumValid(axis)) return CMD_ERROR;
TileIndex tile2 = tile + (axis == AXIS_X ? TileDiffXY(1, 0) : TileDiffXY(0, 1));
if (!HasTileWaterGround(tile) || !HasTileWaterGround(tile2)) {

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "command_type.h"
CommandProc CmdBuildShipDepot;
CommandCost CmdBuildShipDepot(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, Axis axis);
CommandProc CmdBuildCanal;
CommandProc CmdBuildLock;

View File

@ -164,30 +164,18 @@ extern CommandCost CanExpandRailStation(const BaseStation *st, TileArea &new_ta,
* piece of rail
* @param flags type of operation
* @param start_tile northern most tile where waypoint will be built
* @param p1 various bitstuffed elements
* - p1 = (bit 0- 5) - railtype (not used)
* - p1 = (bit 6) - orientation (Axis)
* - p1 = (bit 8-15) - width of waypoint
* - p1 = (bit 16-23) - height of waypoint
* - p1 = (bit 24) - allow waypoints directly adjacent to other waypoints.
* @param p2 various bitstuffed elements
* - p2 = (bit 0- 7) - custom station class
* - p2 = (bit 8-15) - custom station id
* @param text unused
* @param axis orientation (Axis)
* @param width width of waypoint
* @param height height of waypoint
* @param spec_class custom station class
* @param spec_index custom station id
* @param station_to_join station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
* @param adjacent allow waypoints directly adjacent to other waypoints.
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdBuildRailWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start_tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdBuildRailWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start_tile, Axis axis, byte width, byte height, StationClassID spec_class, byte spec_index, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent)
/* Unpack parameters */
Axis axis = Extract<Axis, 6, 1>(p1);
byte width = GB(p1, 8, 8);
byte height = GB(p1, 16, 8);
bool adjacent = HasBit(p1, 24);
StationClassID spec_class = Extract<StationClassID, 0, 8>(p2);
byte spec_index = GB(p2, 8, 8);
StationID station_to_join = GB(p2, 16, 16);
if (!IsEnumValid(axis)) return CMD_ERROR;
/* Check if the given station class is valid */
if (spec_class != STAT_CLASS_WAYP) return CMD_ERROR;
if (spec_index >= StationClass::Get(spec_class)->GetSpecCount()) return CMD_ERROR;
@ -299,12 +287,9 @@ CommandCost CmdBuildRailWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start_tile, uint
* Build a buoy.
* @param flags operation to perform
* @param tile tile where to place the buoy
* @param p1 unused
* @param p2 unused
* @param text unused
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdBuildBuoy(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdBuildBuoy(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile)
if (tile == 0 || !HasTileWaterGround(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_SITE_UNSUITABLE);
if (IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);
@ -409,15 +394,13 @@ static bool IsUniqueWaypointName(const std::string &name)
* Rename a waypoint.
* @param flags type of operation
* @param tile unused
* @param p1 id of waypoint
* @param p2 unused
* @param waypoint_id id of waypoint
* @param text the new name or an empty string when resetting to the default
* @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdRenameWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const std::string &text)
CommandCost CmdRenameWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, StationID waypoint_id, const std::string &text)
Waypoint *wp = Waypoint::GetIfValid(p1);
Waypoint *wp = Waypoint::GetIfValid(waypoint_id);
if (wp == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;
if (wp->owner != OWNER_NONE) {

View File

@ -11,11 +11,14 @@
#include "command_type.h"
#include "station_type.h"
CommandProc CmdBuildRailWaypoint;
CommandProc CmdRemoveFromRailWaypoint;
CommandProc CmdBuildBuoy;
CommandProc CmdRenameWaypoint;
enum StationClassID : byte;
CommandCost CmdBuildRailWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start_tile, Axis axis, byte width, byte height, StationClassID spec_class, byte spec_index, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent);
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start, TileIndex end, bool keep_rail);
CommandCost CmdBuildBuoy(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile);
CommandCost CmdRenameWaypoint(DoCommandFlag flags, StationID waypoint_id, const std::string &text);

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public:
if (str == nullptr) return;
Command<CMD_RENAME_WAYPOINT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CHANGE_WAYPOINT_NAME, 0, this->window_number, 0, str);
Command<CMD_RENAME_WAYPOINT>::Post(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CHANGE_WAYPOINT_NAME, this->window_number, str);