; This represents the original music as on the Transport ; Tycoon Deluxe for DOS CD. ; [metadata] name = original_dos shortname = TTDD version = 1 @description_STR_BASEMUSIC_DOS_DESCRIPTION@ [files] theme = GM.CAT old_0 = GM.CAT old_1 = GM.CAT old_2 = GM.CAT old_3 = GM.CAT old_4 = GM.CAT old_5 = GM.CAT old_6 = GM.CAT old_7 = GM.CAT old_8 = old_9 = new_0 = GM.CAT new_1 = GM.CAT new_2 = GM.CAT new_3 = GM.CAT new_4 = GM.CAT new_5 = GM.CAT new_6 = GM.CAT new_7 = new_8 = new_9 = ezy_0 = GM.CAT ezy_1 = GM.CAT ezy_2 = GM.CAT ezy_3 = GM.CAT ezy_4 = GM.CAT ezy_5 = GM.CAT ezy_6 = ezy_7 = ezy_8 = ezy_9 = [md5s] GM.CAT = 7a29d2d0c4f7d2e03091ffa9b2bdfffb [catindex] theme = 0 old_0 = 1 old_1 = 8 old_2 = 2 old_3 = 9 old_4 = 14 old_5 = 15 old_6 = 19 old_7 = 13 new_0 = 6 new_1 = 11 new_2 = 10 new_3 = 17 new_4 = 21 new_5 = 18 new_6 = 5 ezy_0 = 12 ezy_1 = 7 ezy_2 = 16 ezy_3 = 3 ezy_4 = 20 ezy_5 = 4 [names] ; Names get read from the CAT file [origin] default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM.