OpenTTD: OS/2 version ===================== OpenTTD has been ported to work on OS/2 4.x or later (including eComStation). The game should work as well as it does on Windows or other platforms: the main issues you may encounter are graphics card problems, but that is really the fault of SDL. ========================= USING OPENTTD FOR OS/2 ========================= LIBRARIES REQUIRED FOR END USERS -------------------------------- SDL.DLL (SDL 1.2.7) and FSLib.dll are required to use this program: these can be downloaded from the Files section at - see "". Version 20051222 of SDL or later is required. This can be found at Please note that earlier SDL releases will probably NOT work with OpenTTD. If you experience problems with OpenTTD, please check your SDL and FSLib.dll versions (both must match). Note that to actually play the game, I have found in my own experience that a version of the Scitech Display Drivers or its later incarnation (see are necessary for it to work. If you have trouble with your native drivers, try the Scitech drivers and see if they help the problem. KNOWN ISSUES ------------ - If an error occurs during loading, the OS/2 error message window is not always displayed. A NOTE ABOUT MUSIC ------------------ OpenTTD includes a music driver which uses the MCI MIDI system. Unfortunately, due to the lack of proper MIDI hardware myself, I have been unable to test it, but during testing, I found that when MIDI was enabled, I got no sound effects. I therefore decided to DISABLE music by default. To enable music, start OpenTTD with the command line: openttd -m os2 If I hear enough responses that both music and sound work together (it might just be my system), I'll have the defaults changed. A NOTE ABOUT DEDICATED MULTIPLAYER SERVERS ------------------------------------------ To start a dedicated multiplayer server, you should run the dedicated.cmd file. This enables OpenTTD to open up a VIO console window to display its output and gather any necessary input. Running "openttd -D" directly will result in the console not being displayed. You may still pass any other parameters ('-D' is already passed) to dedicated.cmd. ========================= BUILDING THE OS/2 VERSION ========================= Compiler -------- Open Watcom 1.3 was used to build OpenTTD (earlier versions will NOT work). See to download it. It may also be possible to build OpenTTD with GCC: I attempted this before using Open Watcom, but found the tools available for OS/2 at the time to be a bit more tricky to get working. Due to complexities in my set-up, I actually used the Win32 version of Open Watcom to initially compile OpenTTD for OS/2. There should be no reason of course why the OS/2 version cannot be used, and I have subsequently built OpenTTD successfully this way. Libraries Required ------------------ The following libraries are required. To build zlib and libpng, I simply added the required files (watch out for sample programs, etc) to an IDE project file and built a library. Do not use the makefiles provided, they are not designed for Watcom (apart from SDL): - zlib - contains a makefile for OS/2, but is out of date and uses EMX, ignore this - libpng - contains an EMX/gcc makefile, ignore this - SDL for OS/2 used for 0.4.7 If you do not wish to build the libraries yourself, pre-built versions can be downloaded from the Files section at - see "". A Note About Subversion Revision Numbers ---------------------------------------- The project file uses a bit of a hack to find out the SVN revision number and create an appropriate rev.c file. You'll need the SVN tools in your path (specifically, "svnversion"). If "svnversion" can't be found, a generic rev.c with the revision set to "norev000" will be created. To specifically force a version number, set the environment variable "RELEASE" to the number (eg, "0.3.6") -before- starting the Open Watcom IDE (which must be launched from the same shell session). Also, beware, as you WILL cause incompatibilities if you try to play a multiplayer game with a different version. Compiling --------- To compile, open the os/os2/openttd.wpj file in the IDE and first build the strgen.exe target. This will build the .lng file generator, and will also attempt to build all the language files (plus the table\strings.h file which is required for openttd.exe to be built). Once strgen.exe and the language files are built successfully, you can build the openttd.exe target. Contact Information ------------------- If you have any questions regarding OS/2 issues, please contact me ( and I'll try to help you out. For general OpenTTD issues, see the Contacting section of readme.txt. - Owen Rudge