#include "stdafx.h" #include "ttd.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "town.h" #include "window.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "viewport.h" #include "gui.h" #include "command.h" #include "player.h" #include "network.h" static const Widget _town_authority_widgets[] = { { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 11, 316, 0, 13, STR_2022_LOCAL_AUTHORITY, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 316, 14, 105, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 306, 106, 157, 0x0, STR_2043_LIST_OF_THINGS_TO_DO_AT}, { WWT_SCROLLBAR, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 305, 316, 106, 157, 0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 316, 158, 209, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 316, 210, 221, STR_2042_DO_IT, STR_2044_CARRY_OUT_THE_HIGHLIGHTED}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; extern const byte _town_action_costs[8]; extern void DrawPlayerIcon(int p, int x, int y); static uint GetMaskOfTownActions(int *nump, Town *t) { int32 avail, ref; int i, num; uint avail_buttons = 0x7F; // by default all buttons except bribe are enabled. uint buttons; if (_local_player != OWNER_SPECTATOR) { // bribe option enabled? if (_patches.bribe) { // if unwanted, disable everything. if (t->unwanted[_local_player]) { avail_buttons = 0; } else if (t->ratings[_local_player] < 600) avail_buttons |= (1 << 7); // only bribe if less than excellent } // Things worth more than this are not shown avail = DEREF_PLAYER(_local_player)->player_money + _price.station_value * 200; ref = _price.build_industry >> 8; for(i=0,buttons=0,num=0; i != lengthof(_town_action_costs); i++,avail_buttons>>=1) { if (avail_buttons&1 && avail >= _town_action_costs[i] * ref) { SETBIT(buttons, i); num++; } } // Disable build statue if already built if(HASBIT(t->statues, _local_player)) { CLRBIT(buttons, 4); num--; } } else { // no actions available for spectator buttons = 0; num = 0; } if (nump) *nump = num; return buttons; } static int GetNthSetBit(uint32 bits, int n) { int i = 0; if (n >= 0) { do { if (bits&1 && --n < 0) return i; i++; } while (bits>>=1); } return -1; } static void TownAuthorityWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { uint buttons; int numact; Town *t = GetTown(w->window_number); switch(e->event) { case WE_PAINT: buttons = GetMaskOfTownActions(&numact, t); SetVScrollCount(w, numact + 1); if (WP(w,def_d).data_1 != -1 && !HASBIT(buttons, WP(w,def_d).data_1)) WP(w,def_d).data_1 = -1; w->disabled_state = (WP(w,def_d).data_1 == -1) ? (1 << 6) : 0; { int y; Player *p; int r; StringID str; SetDParam(0, w->window_number); DrawWindowWidgets(w); DrawString(2, 15, STR_2023_TRANSPORT_COMPANY_RATINGS, 0); // Draw list of players y = 25; FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { if (p->is_active && (HASBIT(t->have_ratings, p->index) || t->exclusivity==p->index)) { DrawPlayerIcon(p->index, 2, y); SetDParam(0, p->name_1); SetDParam(1, p->name_2); SetDParam(2, GetPlayerNameString(p->index, 3)); r = t->ratings[p->index]; (str = STR_3035_APPALLING, r <= RATING_APPALLING) || // Apalling (str++, r <= RATING_VERYPOOR) || // Very Poor (str++, r <= RATING_POOR) || // Poor (str++, r <= RATING_MEDIOCRE) || // Mediocore (str++, r <= RATING_GOOD) || // Good (str++, r <= RATING_VERYGOOD) || // Very Good (str++, r <= RATING_EXCELLENT) || // Excellent (str++, true); // Outstanding /* WARNING ugly hack! GetPlayerNameString sets up (Player #) if the player is human in an extra DPARAM16 It seems that if player is non-human, nothing is set up, so param is 0. GetString doesn't like that because there is another param after it. So we'll just shift the rating one back if player is AI and all is fine */ SetDParam((IS_HUMAN_PLAYER(p->index) ? 4 : 3), str); if (t->exclusivity == p->index) // red icon for player with exclusive rights DrawSprite((SPR_BLOT) | 0x30b8000, 18, y); DrawString(28, y, STR_2024, 0); y+=10; } } } // Draw actions list { int y = 107, i; int pos = w->vscroll.pos; if (--pos < 0) { DrawString(2, y, STR_2045_ACTIONS_AVAILABLE, 0); y+=10; } for(i=0; buttons; i++,buttons>>=1) { if (pos <= -5) break; if (buttons&1 && --pos < 0) { DrawString(3, y, STR_2046_SMALL_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN + i, 6); y += 10; } } } { int i; if ((i=WP(w,def_d).data_1) != -1) { SetDParam(1, (_price.build_industry >> 8) * _town_action_costs[i]); SetDParam(0, STR_2046_SMALL_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN + i); DrawStringMultiLine(2, 159, STR_204D_INITIATE_A_SMALL_LOCAL + i, 313); } } break; case WE_CLICK: switch(e->click.widget) { case 3: { /* listbox */ int y = (e->click.pt.y - 0x6B) / 10; if (!IS_INT_INSIDE(y, 0, 5)) return; y = GetNthSetBit(GetMaskOfTownActions(NULL, t), y + w->vscroll.pos - 1); if (y >= 0) { WP(w,def_d).data_1 = y; SetWindowDirty(w); } break; } case 6: { /* carry out the action */ DoCommandP(t->xy, w->window_number, WP(w,def_d).data_1, NULL, CMD_DO_TOWN_ACTION | CMD_MSG(STR_2054_CAN_T_DO_THIS)); break; } } break; case WE_4: SetWindowDirty(w); break; } } static const WindowDesc _town_authority_desc = { -1, -1, 317, 222, WC_TOWN_AUTHORITY,0, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _town_authority_widgets, TownAuthorityWndProc }; static void ShowTownAuthorityWindow(uint town) { Window *w; w = AllocateWindowDescFront(&_town_authority_desc, town); if (w) { w->vscroll.cap = 5; WP(w,def_d).data_1 = -1; } } static void TownViewWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { Town *t = GetTown(w->window_number); switch(e->event) { case WE_PAINT: // disable renaming town in network games if you are not the server if (_networking && !_network_server) SETBIT(w->disabled_state, 8); SetDParam(0, t->index); DrawWindowWidgets(w); SetDParam(0, t->population); SetDParam(1, t->num_houses); DrawString(2,107,STR_2006_POPULATION,0); SetDParam(0, t->act_pass); SetDParam(1, t->max_pass); DrawString(2,117,STR_200D_PASSENGERS_LAST_MONTH_MAX,0); SetDParam(0, t->act_mail); SetDParam(1, t->max_mail); DrawString(2,127,STR_200E_MAIL_LAST_MONTH_MAX,0); DrawWindowViewport(w); break; case WE_CLICK: switch(e->click.widget) { case 6: /* scroll to location */ ScrollMainWindowToTile(t->xy); break; case 7: /* town authority */ ShowTownAuthorityWindow(w->window_number); break; case 8: /* rename */ SetDParam(0, t->townnameparts); ShowQueryString(t->townnametype, STR_2007_RENAME_TOWN, 31, 130, w->window_class, w->window_number); break; case 9: /* expand town */ ExpandTown(t); break; case 10: /* delete town */ DeleteTown(t); break; } break; case WE_ON_EDIT_TEXT: { byte *b = e->edittext.str; if (*b == 0) return; memcpy(_decode_parameters, b, 32); DoCommandP(0, w->window_number, 0, NULL, CMD_RENAME_TOWN | CMD_MSG(STR_2008_CAN_T_RENAME_TOWN)); } break; } } static const Widget _town_view_widgets[] = { { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 11, 247, 0, 13, STR_2005, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_STICKYBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 248, 259, 0, 13, 0x0, STR_STICKY_BUTTON}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 259, 14, 105, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_6, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 2, 257, 16, 103, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 259, 106, 137, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 85, 138, 149, STR_00E4_LOCATION, STR_200B_CENTER_THE_MAIN_VIEW_ON}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 86, 171, 138, 149, STR_2020_LOCAL_AUTHORITY,STR_2021_SHOW_INFORMATION_ON_LOCAL}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 172, 259, 138, 149, STR_0130_RENAME, STR_200C_CHANGE_TOWN_NAME}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; static const WindowDesc _town_view_desc = { -1, -1, 260, 150, WC_TOWN_VIEW,0, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON, _town_view_widgets, TownViewWndProc }; static const Widget _town_view_scen_widgets[] = { { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 11, 172, 0, 13, STR_2005, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_STICKYBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 248, 259, 0, 13, 0x0, STR_STICKY_BUTTON}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 259, 14, 105, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_6, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 2, 257, 16, 103, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 259, 106, 137, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 85, 138, 149, STR_00E4_LOCATION, STR_200B_CENTER_THE_MAIN_VIEW_ON}, { WWT_EMPTY, RESIZE_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 173, 247, 0, 13, STR_0130_RENAME, STR_200C_CHANGE_TOWN_NAME}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 86, 171, 138, 149, STR_023C_EXPAND, STR_023B_INCREASE_SIZE_OF_TOWN}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 172, 259, 138, 149, STR_0290_DELETE, STR_0291_DELETE_THIS_TOWN_COMPLETELY}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; static const WindowDesc _town_view_scen_desc = { -1, -1, 260, 150, WC_TOWN_VIEW,0, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON, _town_view_scen_widgets, TownViewWndProc }; void ShowTownViewWindow(uint town) { Window *w; Town *t; if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR) { w = AllocateWindowDescFront(&_town_view_desc, town); } else { w = AllocateWindowDescFront(&_town_view_scen_desc, town); } if (w) { w->flags4 |= WF_DISABLE_VP_SCROLL; t = GetTown(w->window_number); AssignWindowViewport(w, 3, 17, 0xFE, 0x56, t->xy, 1); } } static const Widget _town_directory_widgets[] = { { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 11, 195, 0, 13, STR_2000_TOWNS, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_STICKYBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 196, 207, 0, 13, 0x0, STR_STICKY_BUTTON}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 98, 14, 25, STR_SORT_BY_NAME, STR_SORT_ORDER_TIP}, { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 99, 195, 14, 25, STR_SORT_BY_POPULATION, STR_SORT_ORDER_TIP}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_BOTTOM, 13, 0, 195, 26, 189, 0x0, STR_200A_TOWN_NAMES_CLICK_ON_NAME}, { WWT_SCROLLBAR, RESIZE_BOTTOM, 13, 196, 207, 14, 189, 0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_TB, 13, 0, 195, 190, 201, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_RESIZEBOX, RESIZE_TB, 13, 196, 207, 190, 201, 0x0, STR_RESIZE_BUTTON}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; // used to get a sorted list of the towns static uint _num_town_sort; static char _bufcache[64]; static uint16 _last_town_idx; static int CDECL TownNameSorter(const void *a, const void *b) { char buf1[64]; const Town *t; uint16 val; int r; t = GetTown(*(const uint16*)a); SetDParam(0, t->townnameparts); GetString(buf1, t->townnametype); /* If 'b' is the same town as in the last round, use the cached value * We do this to speed stuff up ('b' is called with the same value a lot of * times after eachother) */ val = *(const uint16*)b; if (val != _last_town_idx) { _last_town_idx = val; t = GetTown(val); SetDParam(0, t->townnameparts); GetString(_bufcache, t->townnametype); } r = strcmp(buf1, _bufcache); if (_town_sort_order & 1) r = -r; return r; } static int CDECL TownPopSorter(const void *a, const void *b) { const Town *ta = GetTown(*(const uint16*)a); const Town *tb = GetTown(*(const uint16*)b); int r = ta->population - tb->population; if (_town_sort_order & 1) r = -r; return r; } static void MakeSortedTownList(void) { Town *t; int n = 0; /* Create array for sorting */ _town_sort = realloc(_town_sort, GetTownPoolSize() * sizeof(_town_sort[0])); if (_town_sort == NULL) error("Could not allocate memory for the town-sorting-list"); FOR_ALL_TOWNS(t) if (t->xy) _town_sort[n++] = t->index; _num_town_sort = n; _last_town_idx = 0; // used for "cache" qsort(_town_sort, n, sizeof(_town_sort[0]), _town_sort_order & 2 ? TownPopSorter : TownNameSorter); DEBUG(misc, 1) ("Resorting Towns list..."); } static void TownDirectoryWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { switch(e->event) { case WE_PAINT: { if (_town_sort_dirty) { _town_sort_dirty = false; MakeSortedTownList(); } SetVScrollCount(w, _num_town_sort); DrawWindowWidgets(w); DoDrawString(_town_sort_order & 1 ? "\xAA" : "\xA0", (_town_sort_order <= 1) ? 88 : 187, 15, 0x10); { Town *t; int n = 0; uint16 i = w->vscroll.pos; int y = 28; while (i < _num_town_sort) { t = GetTown(_town_sort[i]); assert(t->xy); SetDParam(0, t->index); SetDParam(1, t->population); DrawString(2, y, STR_2057, 0); y += 10; i++; if (++n == w->vscroll.cap) { break;} // max number of towns in 1 window } SetDParam(0, GetWorldPopulation()); DrawString(3, w->height - 12 + 2, STR_TOWN_POPULATION, 0); } } break; case WE_CLICK: switch(e->click.widget) { case 3: { /* Sort by Name ascending/descending */ _town_sort_order = (_town_sort_order == 0) ? 1 : 0; _town_sort_dirty = true; SetWindowDirty(w); } break; case 4: { /* Sort by Population ascending/descending */ _town_sort_order = (_town_sort_order == 2) ? 3 : 2; _town_sort_dirty = true; SetWindowDirty(w); } break; case 5: { /* Click on Town Matrix */ uint16 id_v = (e->click.pt.y - 28) / 10; if (id_v >= w->vscroll.cap) { return;} // click out of bounds id_v += w->vscroll.pos; if (id_v >= _num_town_sort) { return;} // click out of town bounds { Town *t = GetTown(_town_sort[id_v]); assert(t->xy); ScrollMainWindowToTile(t->xy); } } break; } break; case WE_4: SetWindowDirty(w); break; case WE_RESIZE: w->vscroll.cap += e->sizing.diff.y / 10; break; } } static const WindowDesc _town_directory_desc = { -1, -1, 208, 202, WC_TOWN_DIRECTORY,0, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON | WDF_RESIZABLE, _town_directory_widgets, TownDirectoryWndProc }; void ShowTownDirectory(void) { Window *w; w = AllocateWindowDescFront(&_town_directory_desc, 0); if (w) { w->vscroll.cap = 16; w->resize.step_height = 10; w->resize.height = w->height - 10 * 6; // minimum of 10 items in the list, each item 10 high } }