""" Script to scan the OpenTTD source-tree for ini_key issues in WindowDesc entries. """ import glob import os import re import sys def scan_source_files(path, ini_keys=None): if ini_keys is None: ini_keys = set() errors = [] for new_path in glob.glob(f"{path}/*.cpp"): if os.path.isdir(new_path): errors.append(scan_source_files(new_path, ini_keys)) continue with open(new_path) as fp: output = fp.read() for (name, ini_key, widgets) in re.findall(r"^static WindowDesc ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*).*?, (?:\"(.*?)\")?.*?,(?:\s+(.*?),){6}", output, re.S|re.M): if ini_key: if ini_key in ini_keys: errors.append(f"{new_path}: {name} ini_key is a duplicate") ini_keys.add(ini_key) widget = re.findall("static const (?:struct )?NWidgetPart " + widgets + ".*?(?:WWT_(DEFSIZE|STICKY)BOX.*?)?;", output, re.S)[0] if widget and not ini_key: errors.append(f"{new_path}: {name} has WWT_DEFSIZEBOX/WWT_STICKYBOX without ini_key") if ini_key and not widget: errors.append(f"{new_path}: {name} has ini_key without WWT_DEFSIZEBOX/WWT_STICKYBOX") return errors def main(): errors = scan_source_files("src") if errors: print("\n".join(errors)) sys.exit(1) print("OK") if __name__ == "__main__": main()