##name Hindi ##ownname हिन्दी ##isocode hi_IN ##plural 0 ##textdir ltr ##digitsep , ##digitsepcur , ##decimalsep . ##winlangid 0x0439 ##grflangid 0x17 # This file is part of OpenTTD. # OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . ##id 0x0000 STR_NULL : STR_EMPTY : # Cargo related strings # Plural cargo name STR_CARGO_PLURAL_NOTHING : STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COAL :कोयला # Singular cargo name STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_NOTHING : STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_MAIZE :मक्का STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_SWEETS :मिठाई # Quantity of cargo STR_QUANTITY_NOTHING : # Two letter abbreviation of cargo name STR_ABBREV_NOTHING : # 'Mode' of transport for cargoes # Colours, do not shuffle STR_COLOUR_PINK :गुलाबी # Units used in OpenTTD # Common window strings # Show engines button # Query window # On screen keyboard window # Measurement tooltip # These are used in buttons STR_SORT_BY_CAPTION_DATE :{BLACK}दिनाँक # These are used in dropdowns STR_SORT_BY_PRODUCTION :उत्पादन STR_SORT_BY_PROFIT_LAST_YEAR :पिछले वर्ष का लाभ STR_SORT_BY_TOTAL_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR :इस वर्ष का कुल लाभ STR_SORT_BY_AVERAGE_PROFIT_LAST_YEAR :पिछले वर्ष का औसत लाभ # Group by options for vehicle list # Tooltips for the main toolbar # Extra tooltips for the scenario editor toolbar ############ range for SE file menu starts STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_SEPARATOR : ############ range for SE file menu starts ############ range for settings menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for file menu starts STR_FILE_MENU_SEPARATOR : ############ range ends here # map menu ############ range for town menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for subsidies menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for graph menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for company league menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for industry menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for railway construction menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for road construction menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for waterways construction menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for airport construction menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for landscaping menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for music menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for message menu starts ############ range ends here ############ range for about menu starts STR_ABOUT_MENU_SEPARATOR : ############ range ends here ############ range for ordinal numbers used for the place in the highscore window STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_2ND :द्वितीय ############ range for ordinal numbers ends ############ range for days starts ############ range for days ends ############ range for months starts STR_MONTH_ABBREV_JAN :जन STR_MONTH_ABBREV_NOV :नव ############ range for months ends # Graph window STR_GRAPH_X_LABEL_MONTH :{TINY_FONT}{STRING} STR_GRAPH_Y_LABEL :{TINY_FONT}{STRING} STR_GRAPH_Y_LABEL_NUMBER :{TINY_FONT}{COMMA} STR_GRAPH_CARGO_PAYMENT_CARGO :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{STRING} # Graph key window # Company league window # Performance detail window ############ Those following lines need to be in this order!! STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_VEHICLES :{BLACK}वाहन: ############ End of order list # Music window STR_MUSIC_TRACK_DIGIT :{TINY_FONT}{DKGREEN}{ZEROFILL_NUM} # Playlist window # Highscore window # Smallmap window STR_SMALLMAP_LINKSTATS :{TINY_FONT}{STRING} STR_SMALLMAP_COMPANY :{TINY_FONT}{COMPANY} STR_SMALLMAP_TOWN :{TINY_FONT}{WHITE}{TOWN} # Status bar messages # News message history STR_NEWS_CUSTOM_ITEM :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}{STRING} # Order review system / warnings STR_NEWS_NEW_VEHICLE_TYPE :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}{ENGINE} # Extra view window # Game options window ############ start of currency region STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_HKD :हाँग काँग डॉलर (एचकेडी) ############ end of currency region STR_GAME_OPTIONS_ROAD_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN_RIGHT :दाईं ओर वाहन चलाएँ ############ start of townname region STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_FRENCH :फ़्रेंच STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_POLISH :पोलिश STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_TURKISH :तुर्की STR_GAME_OPTIONS_TOWN_NAME_ITALIAN :इटैलियन ############ end of townname region ############ start of autosave dropdown STR_GAME_OPTIONS_AUTOSAVE_DROPDOWN_EVERY_1_MONTH :प्रत्येक माह ############ end of autosave dropdown # Custom currency window STR_AI_SPEED_SLOW :धीमा # Settings tree window STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMPANIES_OFF :बन्द STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT_VALUE :{NUM} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ORDER_REVIEW_OFF :नहीं STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOUND_NEWS :समाचार पत्र: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENDING_YEAR_VALUE :{NUM} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SOFT_LIMIT_VALUE :{COMMA} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SPRITE_ZOOM_LVL_IN_2X :२x # Config errors # Video initalization errors # Intro window # Quit window STR_QUIT_YES :{BLACK}हाँ # Abandon game # Cheat window # Livery window # Face selection window # Network server list STR_NETWORK_SERVER_LIST_MAP_SIZE_SHORT :{BLACK}{COMMA}x{COMMA} # Start new multiplayer server # Network game lobby STR_NETWORK_GAME_LOBBY_INAUGURATION_YEAR :{SILVER}उद्घाटन: {WHITE}{NUM} # Network connecting window ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order # Network company list added strings # Network client list # Network set password # Network company info join/password # Network chat # Network messages ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order # Network related errors ############ Leave those lines in this order!! STR_NETWORK_SERVER_MESSAGE_GAME_STILL_PAUSED_3 :खेल अभी भी ठहरा हुआ है ({STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING}) ############ End of leave-in-this-order # Content downloading window # Order of these is important! # Content downloading progress window # Content downloading error messages # Transparency settings window # Linkgraph legend window # Linkgraph legend window and linkgraph legend in smallmap # Base for station construction window(s) # Join station window # Generic toolbar # Rail construction toolbar # Rail depot construction window # Rail waypoint construction window # Rail station construction window # Signal window # Bridge selection window # Road construction toolbar # Road depot construction window # Road vehicle station construction window # Waterways toolbar (last two for SE only) # Ship depot construction window # Dock construction window # Airport toolbar # Airport construction window # Landscaping toolbar # Object construction window # Tree planting window (last eight for SE only) # Land generation window (SE) # Town generation window (SE) STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_SMALL_BUTTON :{BLACK}लघु STR_FOUND_TOWN_CITY :{BLACK}शहर # Fund new industry window # Industry cargoes window # Land area window # Description of land area of different tiles # Houses come directly from their building names # Industries come directly from their industry names # About OpenTTD window # Framerate display window STR_FRAMERATE_BYTES_GOOD :{LTBLUE}{BYTES} STR_FRAMERATE_BYTES_WARN :{YELLOW}{BYTES} STR_FRAMERATE_BYTES_BAD :{RED}{BYTES} ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order ############ Leave those lines in this order!! ############ End of leave-in-this-order # Save/load game/scenario # World generation # Strings for map borders at game generation STR_MAPGEN_BORDER_WATER :{BLACK}जल # SE Map generation # Map generation progress STR_GENERATION_PROGRESS_NUM :{BLACK}{NUM} / {NUM} # NewGRF settings # NewGRF save preset window # NewGRF parameters window # NewGRF inspect window # Sprite aligner window # NewGRF (self) generated warnings/errors STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG_INFO :{SILVER}{STRING} # NewGRF related 'general' warnings # NewGRF status # NewGRF 'it's broken' warnings # 'User removed essential NewGRFs'-placeholders for stuff without specs # Placeholders for other invalid stuff, e.g. vehicles that have gone (Game Script). # NewGRF scanning window # Sign list window # Sign window # Town directory window # Town view window STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_CAPTION :{WHITE}{TOWN} STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}स्थानीय प्राधिकारी के बारे में जानकारी दिखाएँ STR_TOWN_VIEW_EXPAND_BUTTON :{BLACK}फैलाएँ # Town local authority window # Goal window STR_GOALS_TEXT :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_PROGRESS :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_PROGRESS_COMPLETE :{GREEN}{STRING} # Goal question window ############ Start of Goal Question button list ############ End of Goal Question button list # Subsidies window # Story book window STR_STORY_BOOK_TITLE :{YELLOW}{STRING} STR_STORY_BOOK_NEXT_PAGE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}अगले पृष्ठ पर जाएँ # Station list window STR_STATION_LIST_STATION :{YELLOW}{STATION} {STATION_FEATURES} STR_STATION_LIST_WAYPOINT :{YELLOW}{WAYPOINT} # Station view window STR_STATION_VIEW_CAPTION :{WHITE}{STATION} {STATION_FEATURES} STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_CARGO :{WHITE}{CARGO_LONG} ############ range for rating starts ############ range for rating ends # Waypoint/buoy view window STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CAPTION :{WHITE}{WAYPOINT} # Finances window STR_FINANCES_YEAR :{WHITE}{NUM} STR_FINANCES_POSITIVE_INCOME :{BLACK}+{CURRENCY_LONG} STR_FINANCES_TOTAL_CURRENCY :{BLACK}{CURRENCY_LONG} STR_FINANCES_BORROW_BUTTON :{BLACK}{CURRENCY_LONG} उधार # Company view STR_COMPANY_VIEW_CAPTION :{WHITE}{COMPANY} {BLACK}{COMPANY_NUM} STR_COMPANY_VIEW_PRESIDENT_MANAGER_TITLE :{WHITE}{PRESIDENT_NAME}{}{GOLD}(प्रबन्धक) # Company infrastructure window # Industry directory STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_CAPTION :{WHITE}उद्योग STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_NOPROD :{ORANGE}{INDUSTRY} STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_PROD1 :{ORANGE}{INDUSTRY} {STRING} # Industry view STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_CAPTION :{WHITE}{INDUSTRY} STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_ACCEPT_CARGO :{YELLOW}{STRING}{BLACK}{3:STRING} # Vehicle lists # Group window # Build vehicle window ############ range for vehicle availability starts ############ range for vehicle availability ends # Depot window STR_DEPOT_CAPTION :{WHITE}{DEPOT} STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}{ENGINE}{STRING} # Engine preview window STR_ENGINE_PREVIEW_SHIP :जहाज # Autoreplace window STR_REPLACE_VEHICLES_STOP :वाहन प्रतिस्थापित करना बन्द करें # Vehicle view STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CAPTION :{WHITE}{VEHICLE} # Messages in the start stop button in the vehicle view # Vehicle stopped/started animations # Vehicle details # The next two need to stay in this order # Extra buttons for train details windows # Vehicle refit # Order view STR_ORDER_TEXT :{STRING} {STRING} {STRING} # Order bottom buttons # Conditional order variables, must follow order of OrderConditionVariable enum STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_COMPARATOR_EQUALS :के बराबर है # String parts to build the order string STR_ORDER_GO_TO_NEAREST_DEPOT_FORMAT :{STRING} {STRING} {STRING} STR_ORDER_GO_TO_DEPOT_FORMAT :{STRING} {DEPOT} STR_ORDER_GO_TO_STATION :{STRING} {STATION} {STRING} # Time table window # Date window (for timetable) STR_DATE_MONTH_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}महीना चुनें # AI debug window STR_AI_DEBUG_NAME_AND_VERSION :{BLACK}{STRING} (v{NUM}) # AI configuration window STR_AI_CONFIG_CHANGE_NONE : # Available AIs window # AI Parameters # Textfile window # Vehicle loading indicators # Income 'floats' STR_INCOME_FLOAT_COST :{RED}मूल्य: {CURRENCY_LONG} # Saveload messages # Map generation messages # Soundset messages # Screenshot related messages # Error message titles STR_ERROR_MESSAGE_CAPTION :{YELLOW}सन्देश # Generic construction errors # Local authority errors # Levelling errors STR_ERROR_TOO_HIGH :{WHITE}... बहुत ऊँचा # Company related errors # Town related errors # Industry related errors # Station construction related errors # Station destruction related errors # Waypoint related errors # Depot related errors # Autoreplace related errors # Rail construction errors # Road construction errors # Waterway construction errors # Tree related errors # Bridge related errors # Tunnel related errors # Object related errors # Group related errors # Generic vehicle errors STR_ERROR_CAN_T_RENAME_SHIP :{WHITE}जहाज का नामकरण नहीं कर सकते... # Specific vehicle errors # Order related errors # Timetable related errors # Sign related errors # Translatable comment for OpenTTD's desktop shortcut # Translatable descriptions in media/baseset/*.ob* files ##id 0x2000 # Town building names ##id 0x4800 # industry names STR_INDUSTRY_NAME_POWER_STATION :बिजलीघर STR_INDUSTRY_NAME_BANK_TROPIC_ARCTIC :बैंक ############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame ############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_STNAME :{STRING} STR_SV_STNAME_AIRPORT :{STRING} हवाई अड्डा STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY :{STRING} STR_SV_STNAME_WAYPOINT :{STRING} ##id 0x6020 ############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x8000 # Vehicle names STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_WAGON_RAIL_COAL_CAR :कोयला वाहन STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_WAGON_RAIL_FRUIT_TRUCK :फल वाहन STR_VEHICLE_NAME_TRAIN_WAGON_MAGLEV_BUBBLE_VAN :बबल वैन STR_VEHICLE_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_PLODDYPHUT_MKIII_BUS :प्लॉडीपीहट एमके३ बस STR_VEHICLE_NAME_AIRCRAFT_BAKEWELL_COTSWALD_LB_3 :बेकवेल कॉट्सवॉल्ड एलबी-३ STR_VEHICLE_NAME_AIRCRAFT_BAKEWELL_LUCKETT_LB_9 :बेकवेल लकेट एलबी-९ STR_VEHICLE_NAME_AIRCRAFT_BAKEWELL_LUCKETT_LB80 :बेकवेल लकेट एलबी८० STR_VEHICLE_NAME_AIRCRAFT_BAKEWELL_LUCKETT_LB_11 :बेकवेल लकेट एलबी-११ STR_VEHICLE_NAME_AIRCRAFT_DARWIN_600 :डार्विन ‌६०० ##id 0x8800 # Formatting of some strings STR_FORMAT_DATE_SHORT :{STRING} {NUM} STR_FORMAT_DATE_LONG :{STRING} {STRING} {NUM} STR_FORMAT_INDUSTRY_NAME :{TOWN} {STRING} # Viewport strings STR_VIEWPORT_TOWN :{WHITE}{TOWN} STR_VIEWPORT_TOWN_TINY_BLACK :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{TOWN} STR_VIEWPORT_TOWN_TINY_WHITE :{TINY_FONT}{WHITE}{TOWN} STR_VIEWPORT_SIGN_SMALL_BLACK :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{SIGN} STR_VIEWPORT_SIGN_SMALL_WHITE :{TINY_FONT}{WHITE}{SIGN} STR_VIEWPORT_STATION :{STATION} {STATION_FEATURES} STR_VIEWPORT_STATION_TINY :{TINY_FONT}{STATION} STR_VIEWPORT_WAYPOINT :{WAYPOINT} STR_VIEWPORT_WAYPOINT_TINY :{TINY_FONT}{WAYPOINT} # Simple strings to get specific types of data STR_COMPANY_NAME :{COMPANY} STR_COMPANY_NAME_COMPANY_NUM :{COMPANY} {COMPANY_NUM} STR_DEPOT_NAME :{DEPOT} STR_ENGINE_NAME :{ENGINE} STR_GROUP_NAME :{GROUP} STR_INDUSTRY_NAME :{INDUSTRY} STR_PRESIDENT_NAME :{PRESIDENT_NAME} STR_SIGN_NAME :{SIGN} STR_STATION_NAME :{STATION} STR_TOWN_NAME :{TOWN} STR_VEHICLE_NAME :{VEHICLE} STR_WAYPOINT_NAME :{WAYPOINT} STR_JUST_CARGO :{CARGO_LONG} STR_JUST_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} STR_JUST_COMMA :{COMMA} STR_JUST_CURRENCY_SHORT :{CURRENCY_SHORT} STR_JUST_CURRENCY_LONG :{CURRENCY_LONG} STR_JUST_CARGO_LIST :{CARGO_LIST} STR_JUST_INT :{NUM} STR_JUST_DATE_TINY :{DATE_TINY} STR_JUST_DATE_SHORT :{DATE_SHORT} STR_JUST_DATE_LONG :{DATE_LONG} STR_JUST_DATE_ISO :{DATE_ISO} STR_JUST_STRING :{STRING} STR_JUST_STRING_STRING :{STRING}{STRING} STR_JUST_RAW_STRING :{STRING} STR_JUST_BIG_RAW_STRING :{BIG_FONT}{STRING} # Slightly 'raw' stringcodes with colour or size STR_BLACK_COMMA :{BLACK}{COMMA} STR_TINY_BLACK_COMA :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{COMMA} STR_TINY_COMMA :{TINY_FONT}{COMMA} STR_BLUE_COMMA :{BLUE}{COMMA} STR_RED_COMMA :{RED}{COMMA} STR_WHITE_COMMA :{WHITE}{COMMA} STR_TINY_BLACK_DECIMAL :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{DECIMAL} STR_COMPANY_MONEY :{WHITE}{CURRENCY_LONG} STR_BLACK_DATE_LONG :{BLACK}{DATE_LONG} STR_WHITE_DATE_LONG :{WHITE}{DATE_LONG} STR_SHORT_DATE :{WHITE}{DATE_TINY} STR_DATE_LONG_SMALL :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{DATE_LONG} STR_TINY_GROUP :{TINY_FONT}{GROUP} STR_BLACK_INT :{BLACK}{NUM} STR_ORANGE_INT :{ORANGE}{NUM} STR_WHITE_SIGN :{WHITE}{SIGN} STR_TINY_BLACK_STATION :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{STATION} STR_BLACK_STRING :{BLACK}{STRING} STR_BLACK_RAW_STRING :{BLACK}{STRING} STR_ORANGE_STRING :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_LTBLUE_STRING :{LTBLUE}{STRING} STR_WHITE_STRING :{WHITE}{STRING} STR_ORANGE_STRING1_WHITE :{ORANGE}{STRING}{WHITE} STR_ORANGE_STRING1_LTBLUE :{ORANGE}{STRING}{LTBLUE} STR_TINY_BLACK_HEIGHT :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{HEIGHT} STR_TINY_BLACK_VEHICLE :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{VEHICLE} STR_TINY_RIGHT_ARROW :{TINY_FONT}{RIGHT_ARROW} STR_TRAIN :{BLACK}{TRAIN} STR_BUS :{BLACK}{BUS} STR_LORRY :{BLACK}{LORRY} STR_PLANE :{BLACK}{PLANE} STR_SHIP :{BLACK}{SHIP}