/* $Id$ */ /** @file engine.h */ #ifndef ENGINE_H #define ENGINE_H #include "engine_type.h" void SetupEngines(); void StartupEngines(); void DrawTrainEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal); void DrawRoadVehEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal); void DrawShipEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal); void DrawAircraftEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal); void LoadCustomEngineNames(); void DeleteCustomEngineNames(); bool IsEngineBuildable(EngineID engine, VehicleType type, PlayerID player); CargoID GetEngineCargoType(EngineID engine); static inline EngineID GetFirstEngineOfType(VehicleType type) { const EngineID start[] = {0, ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX, SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX, AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX}; return start[type]; } static inline EngineID GetLastEngineOfType(VehicleType type) { const EngineID end[] = { NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES, ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX + NUM_ROAD_ENGINES, SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX + NUM_SHIP_ENGINES, AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX + NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES}; return end[type]; } extern Engine _engines[TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES]; #define FOR_ALL_ENGINES(e) for (e = _engines; e != endof(_engines); e++) #define FOR_ALL_ENGINEIDS_OF_TYPE(e, type) for (e = GetFirstEngineOfType(type); e != GetLastEngineOfType(type); e++) static inline Engine* GetEngine(EngineID i) { assert(i < lengthof(_engines)); return &_engines[i]; } static inline bool IsEngineIndex(uint index) { return index < TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES; } /* Access Vehicle Data */ extern const EngineInfo _orig_engine_info[TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES]; extern const RailVehicleInfo _orig_rail_vehicle_info[NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES]; extern const ShipVehicleInfo _orig_ship_vehicle_info[NUM_SHIP_ENGINES]; extern const AircraftVehicleInfo _orig_aircraft_vehicle_info[NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES]; extern const RoadVehicleInfo _orig_road_vehicle_info[NUM_ROAD_ENGINES]; extern EngineInfo _engine_info[TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES]; extern RailVehicleInfo _rail_vehicle_info[NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES]; extern ShipVehicleInfo _ship_vehicle_info[NUM_SHIP_ENGINES]; extern AircraftVehicleInfo _aircraft_vehicle_info[NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES]; extern RoadVehicleInfo _road_vehicle_info[NUM_ROAD_ENGINES]; static inline const EngineInfo *EngInfo(EngineID e) { assert(e < lengthof(_engine_info)); return &_engine_info[e]; } static inline const RailVehicleInfo* RailVehInfo(EngineID e) { assert(e < lengthof(_rail_vehicle_info)); return &_rail_vehicle_info[e]; } static inline const ShipVehicleInfo* ShipVehInfo(EngineID e) { assert(e >= SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX && e < SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_ship_vehicle_info)); return &_ship_vehicle_info[e - SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX]; } static inline const AircraftVehicleInfo* AircraftVehInfo(EngineID e) { assert(e >= AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX && e < AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_aircraft_vehicle_info)); return &_aircraft_vehicle_info[e - AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX]; } static inline const RoadVehicleInfo* RoadVehInfo(EngineID e) { assert(e >= ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX && e < ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_road_vehicle_info)); return &_road_vehicle_info[e - ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX]; } /* Engine list manipulators - current implementation is only C wrapper of CBlobT class (helpers.cpp) */ void EngList_Create(EngineList *el); ///< Creates engine list void EngList_Destroy(EngineList *el); ///< Deallocate and destroy engine list uint EngList_Count(const EngineList *el); ///< Returns number of items in the engine list void EngList_Add(EngineList *el, EngineID eid); ///< Append one item at the end of engine list EngineID* EngList_Items(EngineList *el); ///< Returns engine list items as C array void EngList_RemoveAll(EngineList *el); ///< Removes all items from engine list typedef int CDECL EngList_SortTypeFunction(const void*, const void*); ///< argument type for EngList_Sort() void EngList_Sort(EngineList *el, EngList_SortTypeFunction compare); ///< qsort of the engine list void EngList_SortPartial(EngineList *el, EngList_SortTypeFunction compare, uint begin, uint num_items); ///< qsort of specified portion of the engine list #endif /* ENGINE_H */