/* $Id$ */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "debug.h" #include "string.h" #include "network_data.h" #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK #include "map.h" #include "network_gamelist.h" #include "network_udp.h" #include "variables.h" extern void UpdateNetworkGameWindow(bool unselect); extern void NetworkPopulateCompanyInfo(void); // // This file handles all the LAN-stuff // Stuff like: // - UDP search over the network // typedef enum { PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER, PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE, PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO, PACKET_UDP_SERVER_DETAIL_INFO, // Is not used in OpenTTD itself, only for external querying PACKET_UDP_SERVER_REGISTER, // Packet to register itself to the master server PACKET_UDP_MASTER_ACK_REGISTER, // Packet indicating registration has succedeed PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_LIST, // Request for serverlist from master server PACKET_UDP_MASTER_RESPONSE_LIST, // Response from master server with server ip's + port's PACKET_UDP_SERVER_UNREGISTER, // Request to be removed from the server-list PACKET_UDP_END } PacketUDPType; enum { ADVERTISE_NORMAL_INTERVAL = 30000, // interval between advertising in ticks (15 minutes) ADVERTISE_RETRY_INTERVAL = 300, // readvertise when no response after this many ticks (9 seconds) ADVERTISE_RETRY_TIMES = 3 // give up readvertising after this much failed retries }; #define DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(type) void NetworkPacketReceive_ ## type ## _command(Packet *p, struct sockaddr_in *client_addr) static void NetworkSendUDP_Packet(SOCKET udp, Packet* p, struct sockaddr_in* recv); static NetworkClientState _udp_cs; DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER) { Packet *packet; // Just a fail-safe.. should never happen if (!_network_udp_server) return; packet = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE); // Update some game_info _network_game_info.game_date = _date; _network_game_info.map_width = MapSizeX(); _network_game_info.map_height = MapSizeY(); _network_game_info.map_set = _opt.landscape; NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, NETWORK_GAME_INFO_VERSION); /* NETWORK_GAME_INFO_VERSION = 2 */ NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.companies_max); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.companies_on); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.spectators_max); /* NETWORK_GAME_INFO_VERSION = 1 */ NetworkSend_string(packet, _network_game_info.server_name); NetworkSend_string(packet, _network_game_info.server_revision); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.server_lang); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.use_password); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.clients_max); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.clients_on); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.spectators_on); NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_game_info.game_date); NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_game_info.start_date); NetworkSend_string(packet, _network_game_info.map_name); NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_game_info.map_width); NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_game_info.map_height); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.map_set); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.dedicated); // Let the client know that we are here NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_server_socket, packet, client_addr); free(packet); DEBUG(net, 2)("[NET][UDP] Queried from %s", inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr)); } DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE) { extern const char _openttd_revision[]; NetworkGameList *item; byte game_info_version; // Just a fail-safe.. should never happen if (_network_udp_server) return; game_info_version = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); if (_udp_cs.quited) return; DEBUG(net, 6)("[NET][UDP] Server response from %s:%d", inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr),ntohs(client_addr->sin_port)); // Find next item item = NetworkGameListAddItem(inet_addr(inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr)), ntohs(client_addr->sin_port)); /* Please observer the order. In the order in which packets are sent * they are to be received */ switch (game_info_version) { case 2: item->info.companies_max = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.companies_on = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.spectators_max = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); /* Fallthrough */ case 1: NetworkRecv_string(&_udp_cs, p, item->info.server_name, sizeof(item->info.server_name)); NetworkRecv_string(&_udp_cs, p, item->info.server_revision, sizeof(item->info.server_revision)); item->info.server_lang = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.use_password = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.clients_max = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.clients_on = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.spectators_on = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.game_date = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.start_date = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p); NetworkRecv_string(&_udp_cs, p, item->info.map_name, sizeof(item->info.map_name)); item->info.map_width = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.map_height = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.map_set = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); item->info.dedicated = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); str_validate(item->info.server_name); str_validate(item->info.server_revision); str_validate(item->info.map_name); if (item->info.server_lang >= NETWORK_NUM_LANGUAGES) item->info.server_lang = 0; if (item->info.map_set >= NUM_LANDSCAPE ) item->info.map_set = 0; if (item->info.hostname[0] == '\0') snprintf(item->info.hostname, sizeof(item->info.hostname), "%s", inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr)); /* Check if we are allowed on this server based on the revision-match */ item->info.compatible = ( strncmp(item->info.server_revision, _openttd_revision, NETWORK_REVISION_LENGTH) == 0 || strncmp(item->info.server_revision, NOREV_STRING, NETWORK_REVISION_LENGTH) == 0) ? true : false; break; } item->online = true; UpdateNetworkGameWindow(false); } DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO) { NetworkClientState *cs; NetworkClientInfo *ci; Packet *packet; Player *player; byte active = 0; byte current = 0; int i; // Just a fail-safe.. should never happen if (!_network_udp_server) return; packet = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_DETAIL_INFO); FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(player) { if (player->is_active) active++; } /* Send the amount of active companies */ NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, NETWORK_COMPANY_INFO_VERSION); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, active); /* Fetch the latest version of everything */ NetworkPopulateCompanyInfo(); /* Go through all the players */ FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(player) { /* Skip non-active players */ if (!player->is_active) continue; current++; /* Send the information */ NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, current); NetworkSend_string(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].company_name); NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_player_info[player->index].inaugurated_year); NetworkSend_uint64(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].company_value); NetworkSend_uint64(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].money); NetworkSend_uint64(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].income); NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].performance); /* Send 1 if there is a passord for the company else send 0 */ if (_network_player_info[player->index].password[0] != '\0') { NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, 1); } else { NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, 0); } for (i = 0; i < NETWORK_VEHICLE_TYPES; i++) NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].num_vehicle[i]); for (i = 0; i < NETWORK_STATION_TYPES; i++) NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].num_station[i]); /* Find the clients that are connected to this player */ FOR_ALL_CLIENTS(cs) { ci = DEREF_CLIENT_INFO(cs); if ((ci->client_playas - 1) == player->index) { /* The uint8 == 1 indicates that a client is following */ NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 1); NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->client_name); NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->unique_id); NetworkSend_uint16(packet, ci->join_date); } } /* Also check for the server itself */ ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(NETWORK_SERVER_INDEX); if ((ci->client_playas - 1) == player->index) { /* The uint8 == 1 indicates that a client is following */ NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 1); NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->client_name); NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->unique_id); NetworkSend_uint16(packet, ci->join_date); } /* Indicates end of client list */ NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 0); } /* And check if we have any spectators */ FOR_ALL_CLIENTS(cs) { ci = DEREF_CLIENT_INFO(cs); if ((ci->client_playas - 1) > MAX_PLAYERS) { /* The uint8 == 1 indicates that a client is following */ NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 1); NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->client_name); NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->unique_id); NetworkSend_uint16(packet, ci->join_date); } } /* Also check for the server itself */ ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(NETWORK_SERVER_INDEX); if ((ci->client_playas - 1) > MAX_PLAYERS) { /* The uint8 == 1 indicates that a client is following */ NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 1); NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->client_name); NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->unique_id); NetworkSend_uint16(packet, ci->join_date); } /* Indicates end of client list */ NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 0); NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_server_socket, packet, client_addr); free(packet); } DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_MASTER_RESPONSE_LIST) { int i; struct in_addr ip; uint16 port; uint8 ver; /* packet begins with the protocol version (uint8) * then an uint16 which indicates how many * ip:port pairs are in this packet, after that * an uint32 (ip) and an uint16 (port) for each pair */ ver = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); if (_udp_cs.quited) return; if (ver == 1) { for (i = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p); i != 0 ; i--) { ip.s_addr = TO_LE32(NetworkRecv_uint32(&_udp_cs, p)); port = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p); NetworkUDPQueryServer(inet_ntoa(ip), port); } } } DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_MASTER_ACK_REGISTER) { _network_advertise_retries = 0; DEBUG(net, 2)("[NET][UDP] We are advertised on the master-server!"); if (!_network_advertise) /* We are advertised, but we don't want to! */ NetworkUDPRemoveAdvertise(); } // The layout for the receive-functions by UDP typedef void NetworkUDPPacket(Packet *p, struct sockaddr_in *client_addr); static NetworkUDPPacket* const _network_udp_packet[] = { RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE), RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO), NULL, NULL, RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_MASTER_ACK_REGISTER), NULL, RECEIVE_COMMAND(PACKET_UDP_MASTER_RESPONSE_LIST), NULL }; // If this fails, check the array above with network_data.h assert_compile(lengthof(_network_udp_packet) == PACKET_UDP_END); static void NetworkHandleUDPPacket(Packet* p, struct sockaddr_in* client_addr) { byte type; /* Fake a client, so we can see when there is an illegal packet */ _udp_cs.socket = INVALID_SOCKET; _udp_cs.quited = false; type = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p); if (type < PACKET_UDP_END && _network_udp_packet[type] != NULL && !_udp_cs.quited) { _network_udp_packet[type](p, client_addr); } else { DEBUG(net, 0)("[NET][UDP] Received invalid packet type %d", type); } } // Send a packet over UDP static void NetworkSendUDP_Packet(SOCKET udp, Packet* p, struct sockaddr_in* recv) { int res; // Put the length in the buffer p->buffer[0] = p->size & 0xFF; p->buffer[1] = p->size >> 8; // Send the buffer res = sendto(udp, p->buffer, p->size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)recv, sizeof(*recv)); // Check for any errors, but ignore it for the rest if (res == -1) { DEBUG(net, 1)("[NET][UDP] Send error: %i", GET_LAST_ERROR()); } } // Start UDP listener bool NetworkUDPListen(SOCKET *udp, uint32 host, uint16 port, bool broadcast) { struct sockaddr_in sin; // Make sure socket is closed closesocket(*udp); *udp = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (*udp == INVALID_SOCKET) { DEBUG(net, 1)("[NET][UDP] Failed to start UDP support"); return false; } // set nonblocking mode for socket { unsigned long blocking = 1; #ifndef BEOS_NET_SERVER ioctlsocket(*udp, FIONBIO, &blocking); #else setsockopt(*udp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NONBLOCK, &blocking, NULL); #endif } sin.sin_family = AF_INET; // Listen on all IPs sin.sin_addr.s_addr = host; sin.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(*udp, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin)) != 0) { DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][UDP] error: bind failed on %s:%i", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&host), port); return false; } if (broadcast) { /* Enable broadcast */ unsigned long val = 1; #ifndef BEOS_NET_SERVER // will work around this, some day; maybe. setsockopt(*udp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) &val , sizeof(val)); #endif } DEBUG(net, 1)("[NET][UDP] Listening on port %s:%d", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&host), port); return true; } // Close UDP connection void NetworkUDPClose(void) { DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][UDP] Closed listeners"); if (_network_udp_server) { if (_udp_server_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(_udp_server_socket); _udp_server_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } if (_udp_master_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(_udp_master_socket); _udp_master_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } _network_udp_server = false; _network_udp_broadcast = 0; } else { if (_udp_client_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(_udp_client_socket); _udp_client_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } _network_udp_broadcast = 0; } } // Receive something on UDP level void NetworkUDPReceive(SOCKET udp) { struct sockaddr_in client_addr; socklen_t client_len; int nbytes; static Packet *p = NULL; int packet_len; // If p is NULL, malloc him.. this prevents unneeded mallocs if (p == NULL) p = malloc(sizeof(Packet)); packet_len = sizeof(p->buffer); client_len = sizeof(client_addr); // Try to receive anything nbytes = recvfrom(udp, p->buffer, packet_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &client_len); // We got some bytes.. just asume we receive the whole packet if (nbytes > 0) { // Get the size of the buffer p->size = (uint16)p->buffer[0]; p->size += (uint16)p->buffer[1] << 8; // Put the position on the right place p->pos = 2; p->next = NULL; // Handle the packet NetworkHandleUDPPacket(p, &client_addr); // Free the packet free(p); p = NULL; } } // Broadcast to all ips static void NetworkUDPBroadCast(SOCKET udp) { int i; struct sockaddr_in out_addr; byte *bcptr; uint32 bcaddr; Packet *p; // Init the packet p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER); // Go through all the ips on this pc i = 0; while (_network_ip_list[i] != 0) { bcaddr = _network_ip_list[i]; bcptr = (byte *)&bcaddr; // Make the address a broadcast address bcptr[3] = 255; DEBUG(net, 6)("[NET][UDP] Broadcasting to %s", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&bcaddr)); out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; out_addr.sin_port = htons(_network_server_port); out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = bcaddr; NetworkSendUDP_Packet(udp, p, &out_addr); i++; } } // Request the the server-list from the master server void NetworkUDPQueryMasterServer(void) { struct sockaddr_in out_addr; Packet *p; if (_udp_client_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_client_socket, 0, 0, true)) return; p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_LIST); out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; out_addr.sin_port = htons(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_PORT); out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_HOST); // packet only contains protocol version NetworkSend_uint8(p, NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_VERSION); NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_client_socket, p, &out_addr); DEBUG(net, 2)("[NET][UDP] Queried Master Server at %s:%d", inet_ntoa(out_addr.sin_addr),ntohs(out_addr.sin_port)); free(p); } // Find all servers void NetworkUDPSearchGame(void) { // We are still searching.. if (_network_udp_broadcast > 0) return; // No UDP-socket yet.. if (_udp_client_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_client_socket, 0, 0, true)) return; DEBUG(net, 0)("[NET][UDP] Searching server"); NetworkUDPBroadCast(_udp_client_socket); _network_udp_broadcast = 300; // Stay searching for 300 ticks } NetworkGameList *NetworkUDPQueryServer(const char* host, unsigned short port) { struct sockaddr_in out_addr; Packet *p; NetworkGameList *item; char hostname[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; // No UDP-socket yet.. if (_udp_client_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_client_socket, 0, 0, true)) return NULL; ttd_strlcpy(hostname, host, sizeof(hostname)); out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; out_addr.sin_port = htons(port); out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(host); // Clear item in gamelist item = NetworkGameListAddItem(inet_addr(inet_ntoa(out_addr.sin_addr)), ntohs(out_addr.sin_port)); memset(&item->info, 0, sizeof(item->info)); snprintf(item->info.server_name, sizeof(item->info.server_name), "%s", hostname); snprintf(item->info.hostname, sizeof(item->info.hostname), "%s", hostname); item->online = false; // Init the packet p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER); NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_client_socket, p, &out_addr); free(p); UpdateNetworkGameWindow(false); return item; } /* Remove our advertise from the master-server */ void NetworkUDPRemoveAdvertise(void) { struct sockaddr_in out_addr; Packet *p; /* Check if we are advertising */ if (!_networking || !_network_server || !_network_udp_server) return; /* check for socket */ if (_udp_master_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_master_socket, _network_server_bind_ip, 0, false)) return; DEBUG(net, 2)("[NET][UDP] Removing advertise.."); /* Find somewhere to send */ out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; out_addr.sin_port = htons(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_PORT); out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_HOST); /* Send the packet */ p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_UNREGISTER); /* Packet is: Version, server_port */ NetworkSend_uint8(p, NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_VERSION); NetworkSend_uint16(p, _network_server_port); NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_master_socket, p, &out_addr); free(p); } /* Register us to the master server This function checks if it needs to send an advertise */ void NetworkUDPAdvertise(void) { struct sockaddr_in out_addr; Packet *p; /* Check if we should send an advertise */ if (!_networking || !_network_server || !_network_udp_server || !_network_advertise) return; /* check for socket */ if (_udp_master_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_master_socket, _network_server_bind_ip, 0, false)) return; if (_network_need_advertise) { _network_need_advertise = false; _network_advertise_retries = ADVERTISE_RETRY_TIMES; } else { /* Only send once every ADVERTISE_NORMAL_INTERVAL ticks */ if (_network_advertise_retries == 0) { if ((_network_last_advertise_frame + ADVERTISE_NORMAL_INTERVAL) > _frame_counter) return; _network_advertise_retries = ADVERTISE_RETRY_TIMES; } if ((_network_last_advertise_frame + ADVERTISE_RETRY_INTERVAL) > _frame_counter) return; } _network_advertise_retries--; _network_last_advertise_frame = _frame_counter; /* Find somewhere to send */ out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; out_addr.sin_port = htons(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_PORT); out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_HOST); DEBUG(net, 1)("[NET][UDP] Advertising to master server"); /* Send the packet */ p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_REGISTER); /* Packet is: WELCOME_MESSAGE, Version, server_port */ NetworkSend_string(p, NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_WELCOME_MESSAGE); NetworkSend_uint8(p, NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_VERSION); NetworkSend_uint16(p, _network_server_port); NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_master_socket, p, &out_addr); free(p); } void NetworkUDPInitialize(void) { _udp_client_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; _udp_server_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; _udp_master_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; _network_udp_server = false; _network_udp_broadcast = 0; } #endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */