
407 lines
14 KiB

* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file dropdown.cpp Implementation of the dropdown widget. */
#include "../stdafx.h"
#include "../window_gui.h"
#include "../string_func.h"
#include "../strings_func.h"
#include "../window_func.h"
#include "../zoom_func.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../timer/timer_window.h"
#include "dropdown_type.h"
#include "dropdown_widget.h"
#include "../safeguards.h"
static const NWidgetPart _nested_dropdown_menu_widgets[] = {
NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_END, WID_DM_ITEMS), SetMinimalSize(1, 1), SetScrollbar(WID_DM_SCROLL), EndContainer(),
static WindowDesc _dropdown_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__,
WDP_MANUAL, nullptr, 0, 0,
std::begin(_nested_dropdown_menu_widgets), std::end(_nested_dropdown_menu_widgets)
/** Drop-down menu window */
struct DropdownWindow : Window {
int parent_button; ///< Parent widget number where the window is dropped from.
const DropDownList list; ///< List with dropdown menu items.
int selected_index; ///< Index of the selected item in the list.
byte click_delay; ///< Timer to delay selection.
bool drag_mode;
bool instant_close; ///< Close the window when the mouse button is raised.
int scrolling; ///< If non-zero, auto-scroll the item list (one time).
Point position; ///< Position of the topleft corner of the window.
Scrollbar *vscroll;
* Create a dropdown menu.
* @param parent Parent window.
* @param list Dropdown item list.
* @param selected Index of the selected item in the list.
* @param button Widget of the parent window doing the dropdown.
* @param instant_close Close the window when the mouse button is raised.
* @param position Topleft position of the dropdown menu window.
* @param size Size of the dropdown menu window.
* @param wi_colour Colour of the parent widget.
* @param scroll Dropdown menu has a scrollbar.
DropdownWindow(Window *parent, DropDownList &&list, int selected, int button, bool instant_close, const Point &position, const Dimension &size, Colours wi_colour, bool scroll)
: Window(&_dropdown_desc), list(std::move(list))
this->position = position;
this->vscroll = this->GetScrollbar(WID_DM_SCROLL);
uint items_width = size.width - (scroll ? NWidgetScrollbar::GetVerticalDimension().width : 0);
NWidgetCore *nwi = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(WID_DM_ITEMS);
nwi->SetMinimalSizeAbsolute(items_width, size.height + WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel.Vertical() * 2);
nwi->colour = wi_colour;
nwi = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(WID_DM_SCROLL);
nwi->colour = wi_colour;
this->GetWidget<NWidgetStacked>(WID_DM_SHOW_SCROLL)->SetDisplayedPlane(scroll ? 0 : SZSP_NONE);
/* Total length of list */
int list_height = 0;
for (const auto &item : this->list) {
list_height += item->Height();
/* Capacity is the average number of items visible */
this->vscroll->SetCapacity(size.height * this->list.size() / list_height);
this->parent = parent;
this->parent_button = button;
this->selected_index = selected;
this->click_delay = 0;
this->drag_mode = true;
this->instant_close = instant_close;
void Close([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0) override
/* Finish closing the dropdown, so it doesn't affect new window placement.
* Also mark it dirty in case the callback deals with the screen. (e.g. screenshots). */
Point pt = _cursor.pos;
pt.x -= this->parent->left;
pt.y -= this->parent->top;
this->parent->OnDropdownClose(pt, this->parent_button, this->selected_index, this->instant_close);
/* Set flag on parent widget to indicate that we have just closed. */
NWidgetCore *nwc = this->parent->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(this->parent_button);
if (nwc != nullptr) SetBit(nwc->disp_flags, NDB_DROPDOWN_CLOSED);
void OnFocusLost(bool closing) override
if (!closing) {
this->instant_close = false;
Point OnInitialPosition([[maybe_unused]] int16_t sm_width, [[maybe_unused]] int16_t sm_height, [[maybe_unused]] int window_number) override
return this->position;
* Find the dropdown item under the cursor.
* @param[out] value Selected item, if function returns \c true.
* @return Cursor points to a dropdown item.
bool GetDropDownItem(int &value)
if (GetWidgetFromPos(this, _cursor.pos.x - this->left, _cursor.pos.y - this->top) < 0) return false;
const Rect &r = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(WID_DM_ITEMS)->GetCurrentRect().Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel);
int y = _cursor.pos.y - this->top - -;
int pos = this->vscroll->GetPosition();
for (const auto &item : this->list) {
/* Skip items that are scrolled up */
if (--pos >= 0) continue;
int item_height = item->Height();
if (y < item_height) {
if (item->masked || !item->Selectable()) return false;
value = item->result;
return true;
y -= item_height;
return false;
void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override
if (widget != WID_DM_ITEMS) return;
Colours colour = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(widget)->colour;
Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel).Shrink(RectPadding::zero, WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel);
int y =;
int pos = this->vscroll->GetPosition();
for (const auto &item : this->list) {
int item_height = item->Height();
/* Skip items that are scrolled up */
if (--pos >= 0) continue;
if (y + item_height - 1 <= ir.bottom) {
Rect full{ir.left, y, ir.right, y + item_height - 1};
bool selected = (this->selected_index == item->result);
if (selected) GfxFillRect(full, PC_BLACK);
item->Draw(full, full.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.dropdowntext, RectPadding::zero), selected, colour);
y += item_height;
void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, int widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override
if (widget != WID_DM_ITEMS) return;
int item;
if (this->GetDropDownItem(item)) {
this->click_delay = 4;
this->selected_index = item;
/** Rate limit how fast scrolling happens. */
IntervalTimer<TimerWindow> scroll_interval = {std::chrono::milliseconds(30), [this](auto) {
if (this->scrolling == 0) return;
if (this->vscroll->UpdatePosition(this->scrolling)) this->SetDirty();
this->scrolling = 0;
void OnMouseLoop() override
if (this->click_delay != 0 && --this->click_delay == 0) {
/* Close the dropdown, so it doesn't affect new window placement.
* Also mark it dirty in case the callback deals with the screen. (e.g. screenshots). */
this->parent->OnDropdownSelect(this->parent_button, this->selected_index);
if (this->drag_mode) {
int item;
if (!_left_button_clicked) {
this->drag_mode = false;
if (!this->GetDropDownItem(item)) {
if (this->instant_close) this->Close();
this->click_delay = 2;
} else {
if (_cursor.pos.y <= this->top + 2) {
/* Cursor is above the list, set scroll up */
this->scrolling = -1;
} else if (_cursor.pos.y >= this->top + this->height - 2) {
/* Cursor is below list, set scroll down */
this->scrolling = 1;
if (!this->GetDropDownItem(item)) return;
if (this->selected_index != item) {
this->selected_index = item;
* Determine width and height required to fully display a DropDownList
* @param list The list.
* @return Dimension required to display the list.
Dimension GetDropDownListDimension(const DropDownList &list)
Dimension dim{};
for (const auto &item : list) {
dim.height += item->Height();
dim.width = std::max(dim.width, item->Width());
dim.width += WidgetDimensions::scaled.dropdowntext.Horizontal();
return dim;
* Show a drop down list.
* @param w Parent window for the list.
* @param list Prepopulated DropDownList.
* @param selected The initially selected list item.
* @param button The widget which is passed to Window::OnDropdownSelect and OnDropdownClose.
* Unless you override those functions, this should be then widget index of the dropdown button.
* @param wi_rect Coord of the parent drop down button, used to position the dropdown menu.
* @param instant_close Set to true if releasing mouse button should close the
* list regardless of where the cursor is.
void ShowDropDownListAt(Window *w, DropDownList &&list, int selected, int button, Rect wi_rect, Colours wi_colour, bool instant_close)
/* The preferred position is just below the dropdown calling widget */
int top = w->top + wi_rect.bottom + 1;
/* The preferred width equals the calling widget */
uint width = wi_rect.Width();
/* Get the height and width required for the list. */
Dimension dim = GetDropDownListDimension(list);
dim.width += WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel.Horizontal();
/* Scrollbar needed? */
bool scroll = false;
/* Is it better to place the dropdown above the widget? */
bool above = false;
/* Available height below (or above, if the dropdown is placed above the widget). */
uint available_height = std::max(GetMainViewBottom() - top - (int)WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel.Vertical() * 2, 0);
/* If the dropdown doesn't fully fit below the widget... */
if (dim.height > available_height) {
uint available_height_above = std::max(w->top + - GetMainViewTop() - (int)WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel.Vertical() * 2, 0);
/* Put the dropdown above if there is more available space. */
if (available_height_above > available_height) {
above = true;
available_height = available_height_above;
/* If the dropdown doesn't fully fit, we need a dropdown. */
if (dim.height > available_height) {
scroll = true;
uint avg_height = dim.height / (uint)list.size();
/* Fit the list; create at least one row, even if there is no height available. */
uint rows = std::max<uint>(available_height / avg_height, 1);
dim.height = rows * avg_height;
/* Add space for the scrollbar. */
dim.width += NWidgetScrollbar::GetVerticalDimension().width;
/* Set the top position if needed. */
if (above) {
top = w->top + - dim.height - WidgetDimensions::scaled.fullbevel.Vertical() * 2;
dim.width = std::max(width, dim.width);
Point dw_pos = { w->left + (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL ? wi_rect.right + 1 - (int)width : wi_rect.left), top};
DropdownWindow *dropdown = new DropdownWindow(w, std::move(list), selected, button, instant_close, dw_pos, dim, wi_colour, scroll);
/* The dropdown starts scrolling downwards when opening it towards
* the top and holding down the mouse button. It can be fooled by
* opening the dropdown scrolled to the very bottom. */
if (above && scroll) dropdown->vscroll->UpdatePosition(INT_MAX);
* Show a drop down list.
* @param w Parent window for the list.
* @param list Prepopulated DropDownList.
* @param selected The initially selected list item.
* @param button The widget within the parent window that is used to determine
* the list's location.
* @param width Override the minimum width determined by the selected widget and list contents.
* @param instant_close Set to true if releasing mouse button should close the
* list regardless of where the cursor is.
void ShowDropDownList(Window *w, DropDownList &&list, int selected, int button, uint width, bool instant_close)
/* Our parent's button widget is used to determine where to place the drop
* down list window. */
NWidgetCore *nwi = w->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(button);
Rect wi_rect = nwi->GetCurrentRect();
Colours wi_colour = nwi->colour;
if ((nwi->type & WWT_MASK) == NWID_BUTTON_DROPDOWN) {
nwi->disp_flags |= ND_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE;
} else {
if (width != 0) {
if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) {
wi_rect.left = wi_rect.right + 1 - ScaleGUITrad(width);
} else {
wi_rect.right = wi_rect.left + ScaleGUITrad(width) - 1;
ShowDropDownListAt(w, std::move(list), selected, button, wi_rect, wi_colour, instant_close);
* Show a dropdown menu window near a widget of the parent window.
* The result code of the items is their index in the \a strings list.
* @param w Parent window that wants the dropdown menu.
* @param strings Menu list, end with #INVALID_STRING_ID
* @param selected Index of initial selected item.
* @param button Button widget number of the parent window \a w that wants the dropdown menu.
* @param disabled_mask Bitmask for disabled items (items with their bit set are displayed, but not selectable in the dropdown list).
* @param hidden_mask Bitmask for hidden items (items with their bit set are not copied to the dropdown list).
* @param width Minimum width of the dropdown menu.
void ShowDropDownMenu(Window *w, const StringID *strings, int selected, int button, uint32_t disabled_mask, uint32_t hidden_mask, uint width)
DropDownList list;
for (uint i = 0; strings[i] != INVALID_STRING_ID; i++) {
if (!HasBit(hidden_mask, i)) {
list.push_back(std::make_unique<DropDownListStringItem>(strings[i], i, HasBit(disabled_mask, i)));
if (!list.empty()) ShowDropDownList(w, std::move(list), selected, button, width);