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/* $Id$ */
/** @file ai_company.hpp Everything to query a company's financials and statistics or build company related buildings. */
#include "ai_object.hpp"
* Class that handles all company related functions.
class AICompany : public AIObject {
static const char *GetClassName() { return "AICompany"; }
/** Different constants related to CompanyID. */
enum CompanyID {
COMPANY_INVALID = -1, //!< An invalid company.
COMPANY_FIRST = 0, //!< The first available company.
COMPANY_LAST = ::MAX_COMPANIES, //!< The last available company.
COMPANY_SELF = 254, //!< Constant that gets resolved to the correct company index for your company.
* Resolved the given company index to the correct index for the company. If
* the company index was COMPANY_SELF it will be resolved to the index of
* your company. If the company with the given index does not exist it will
* @param company The company index to resolve.
* @return The resolved company index.
static CompanyID ResolveCompanyID(CompanyID company);
* Check if a CompanyID is your CompanyID, to ease up checks.
* @param company The company index to check.
* @return True if and only if this company is your CompanyID.
static bool IsMine(CompanyID company);
* Set the name of your company.
* @param name The new name of the company.
* @pre 'name' must have at least one character.
* @pre 'name' must have at most 30 characters.
* @exception AIError::ERR_NAME_IS_NOT_UNIQUE
* @return True if the name was changed.
static bool SetName(const char *name);
* Get the name of the given company.
* @param company The company to get the name for.
* @pre ResolveCompanyID(company) != COMPANY_INVALID.
* @return The name of the given company.
static char *GetName(CompanyID company);
* Set the name of your president.
* @param name The new name of the president.
* @pre 'name' must have at least one character.
* @exception AIError::ERR_NAME_IS_NOT_UNIQUE
* @return True if the name was changed.
static bool SetPresidentName(const char *name);
* Get the name of the president of the given company.
* @param company The company to get the president's name for.
* @pre ResolveCompanyID(company) != COMPANY_INVALID.
* @return The name of the president of the given company.
static char *GetPresidentName(CompanyID company);
* Sets the amount to loan.
* @param loan The amount to loan (multiplier of GetLoanInterval()).
* @pre 'loan' must be non-negative.
* @pre GetLoanInterval() must be a multiplier of 'loan'.
* @pre 'loan' must be below GetMaxLoanAmount().
* @pre 'loan' - GetLoanAmount() + GetBankBalance() must be non-negative.
* @return True if the loan could be set to your requested amount.
static bool SetLoanAmount(int32 loan);
* Sets the minimum amount to loan, i.e. the given amount of loan rounded up.
* @param loan The amount to loan (any positive number).
* @pre 'loan' must be non-negative.
* @pre 'loan' must be below GetMaxLoanAmount().
* @return True if we could allocate a minimum of 'loan' loan.
static bool SetMinimumLoanAmount(int32 loan);
* Gets the amount your company have loaned.
* @return The amount loaned money.
* @post The return value is always non-negative.
* @post GetLoanInterval() is always a multiplier of the return value.
static Money GetLoanAmount();
* Gets the maximum amount your company can loan.
* @return The maximum amount your company can loan.
* @post The return value is always non-negative.
* @post GetLoanInterval() is always a multiplier of the return value.
static Money GetMaxLoanAmount();
* Gets the interval/loan step.
* @return The loan step.
* @post Return value is always positive.
static Money GetLoanInterval();
* Gets the current value of the given company.
* @param company The company to get the company value of.
* @pre ResolveCompanyID(company) != COMPANY_INVALID.
* @return The current value of the given company.
static Money GetCompanyValue(CompanyID company);
* Gets the bank balance. In other words, the amount of money the given company can spent.
* @param company The company to get the bank balance of.
* @pre ResolveCompanyID(company) != COMPANY_INVALID.
* @return The actual bank balance.
static Money GetBankBalance(CompanyID company);
* Build your company's HQ on the given tile.
* @param tile The tile to build your HQ on, this tile is the most nothern tile of your HQ.
* @pre AIMap::IsValidTile(tile).
* @exception AIError::ERR_AREA_NOT_CLEAR
* @exception AIError::ERR_FLAT_LAND_REQUIRED
* @return True if the HQ could be build.
* @note An HQ can not be removed, only by water or rebuilding; If an HQ is
* build again, the old one is removed.
static bool BuildCompanyHQ(TileIndex tile);
* Return the location of a company's HQ.
* @param company The company the get the HQ of.
* @pre ResolveCompanyID(company) != COMPANY_INVALID.
* @return The tile of the company's HQ, this tile is the most nothern tile
* of that HQ, or AIMap::TILE_INVALID if there is no HQ yet.
static TileIndex GetCompanyHQ(CompanyID company);
* Set whether autorenew is enabled for your company.
* @param autorenew The new autorenew status.
* @return True if autorenew status has been modified.
static bool SetAutoRenewStatus(bool autorenew);
* Return whether autorenew is enabled for a company.
* @param company The company to get the autorenew status of.
* @pre ResolveCompanyID(company) != COMPANY_INVALID.
* @return True if autorenew is enabled.
static bool GetAutoRenewStatus(CompanyID company);
* Set the number of months before/after max age to autorenew an engine for your company.
* @param months The new months between autorenew.
* @return True if autorenew months has been modified.
static bool SetAutoRenewMonths(int16 months);
* Return the number of months before/after max age to autorenew an engine for a company.
* @param company The company to get the autorenew months of.
* @pre ResolveCompanyID(company) != COMPANY_INVALID.
* @return The months before/after max age of engine.
static int16 GetAutoRenewMonths(CompanyID company);
* Set the minimum money needed to autorenew an engine for your company.
* @param money The new minimum required money for autorenew to work.
* @return True if autorenew money has been modified.
static bool SetAutoRenewMoney(uint32 money);
* Return the minimum money needed to autorenew an engine for a company.
* @param company The company to get the autorenew money of.
* @pre ResolveCompanyID(company) != COMPANY_INVALID.
* @return The minimum required money for autorenew to work.
static uint32 GetAutoRenewMoney(CompanyID company);
#endif /* AI_COMPANY_HPP */