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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file script_list.hpp A list which can keep item/value pairs, which you can walk. */
/** @defgroup ScriptList Classes that create a list of items. */
#include "script_object.hpp"
/** Maximum number of operations allowed for valuating a list. */
static const int MAX_VALUATE_OPS = 1000000;
class ScriptListSorter;
* Class that creates a list which can keep item/value pairs, which you can walk.
* @api ai game
class ScriptList : public ScriptObject {
/** Type of sorter */
enum SorterType {
SORT_BY_VALUE, ///< Sort the list based on the value of the item.
SORT_BY_ITEM, ///< Sort the list based on the item itself.
/** Sort ascending */
static const bool SORT_ASCENDING = true;
/** Sort descending */
static const bool SORT_DESCENDING = false;
ScriptListSorter *sorter; ///< Sorting algorithm
SorterType sorter_type; ///< Sorting type
bool sort_ascending; ///< Whether to sort ascending or descending
bool initialized; ///< Whether an iteration has been started
int modifications; ///< Number of modification that has been done. To prevent changing data while valuating.
template<typename T, class ItemValid, class ItemFilter>
static void FillList(ScriptList *list, ItemValid item_valid, ItemFilter item_filter)
for (const T *item : T::Iterate()) {
if (!item_valid(item)) continue;
if (!item_filter(item)) continue;
template<typename T, class ItemValid>
static void FillList(ScriptList *list, ItemValid item_valid)
ScriptList::FillList<T>(list, item_valid, [](const T *) { return true; });
template<typename T>
static void FillList(ScriptList *list)
ScriptList::FillList<T>(list, [](const T *) { return true; });
template<typename T, class ItemValid>
static void FillList(HSQUIRRELVM vm, ScriptList *list, ItemValid item_valid)
int nparam = sq_gettop(vm) - 1;
if (nparam >= 1) {
/* Make sure the filter function is really a function, and not any
* other type. It's parameter 2 for us, but for the user it's the
* first parameter they give. */
SQObjectType valuator_type = sq_gettype(vm, 2);
if (valuator_type != OT_CLOSURE && valuator_type != OT_NATIVECLOSURE) {
throw sq_throwerror(vm, "parameter 1 has an invalid type (expected function)");
/* Push the function to call */
sq_push(vm, 2);
/* Don't allow docommand from a Valuator, as we can't resume in
* mid C++-code. */
bool backup_allow = ScriptObject::GetAllowDoCommand();
if (nparam < 1) {
ScriptList::FillList<T>(list, item_valid);
} else {
/* Limit the total number of ops that can be consumed by a filter operation, if a filter function is present */
SQOpsLimiter limiter(vm, MAX_VALUATE_OPS, "list filter function");
ScriptList::FillList<T>(list, item_valid,
[vm, nparam, backup_allow](const T *item) {
/* Push the root table as instance object, this is what squirrel does for meta-functions. */
/* Push all arguments for the valuator function. */
sq_pushinteger(vm, item->index);
for (int i = 0; i < nparam - 1; i++) {
sq_push(vm, i + 3);
/* Call the function. Squirrel pops all parameters and pushes the return value. */
if (SQ_FAILED(sq_call(vm, nparam + 1, SQTrue, SQTrue))) {
throw sq_throwerror(vm, "failed to run filter");
SQBool add = SQFalse;
/* Retrieve the return value */
switch (sq_gettype(vm, -1)) {
case OT_BOOL:
sq_getbool(vm, -1, &add);
throw sq_throwerror(vm, "return value of filter is not valid (not bool)");
/* Pop the return value. */
return add;
/* Pop the filter function */
template<typename T>
static void FillList(HSQUIRRELVM vm, ScriptList *list)
ScriptList::FillList<T>(vm, list, [](const T *) { return true; });
typedef std::set<SQInteger> ScriptItemList; ///< The list of items inside the bucket
typedef std::map<SQInteger, ScriptItemList> ScriptListBucket; ///< The bucket list per value
typedef std::map<SQInteger, SQInteger> ScriptListMap; ///< List per item
ScriptListMap items; ///< The items in the list
ScriptListBucket buckets; ///< The items in the list, sorted by value
* Add a single item to the list.
* @param item the item to add. Should be unique, otherwise it is ignored.
* @param value the value to assign.
void AddItem(SQInteger item, SQInteger value);
void AddItem(SQInteger item, SQInteger value = 0);
#endif /* DOXYGEN_API */
* Remove a single item from the list.
* @param item the item to remove. If not existing, it is ignored.
void RemoveItem(SQInteger item);
* Clear the list, making Count() returning 0 and IsEmpty() returning true.
void Clear();
* Check if an item is in the list.
* @param item the item to check for.
* @return true if the item is in the list.
bool HasItem(SQInteger item);
* Go to the beginning of the list and return the item. To get the value use list.GetValue(list.Begin()).
* @return the first item.
* @note returns 0 if beyond end-of-list. Use IsEnd() to check for end-of-list.
SQInteger Begin();
* Go to the next item in the list and return the item. To get the value use list.GetValue(list.Next()).
* @return the next item.
* @note returns 0 if beyond end-of-list. Use IsEnd() to check for end-of-list.
SQInteger Next();
* Check if a list is empty.
* @return true if the list is empty.
bool IsEmpty();
* Check if there is a element left. In other words, if this is false,
* the last call to Begin() or Next() returned a valid item.
* @return true if the current item is beyond end-of-list.
bool IsEnd();
* Returns the amount of items in the list.
* @return amount of items in the list.
SQInteger Count();
* Get the value that belongs to this item.
* @param item the item to get the value from
* @return the value that belongs to this item.
SQInteger GetValue(SQInteger item);
* Set a value of an item directly.
* @param item the item to set the value for.
* @param value the value to give to the item
* @return true if we could set the item to value, false otherwise.
* @note Changing values of items while looping through a list might cause
* entries to be skipped. Be very careful with such operations.
bool SetValue(SQInteger item, SQInteger value);
* Sort this list by the given sorter and direction.
* @param sorter the type of sorter to use
* @param ascending if true, lowest value is on top, else at bottom.
* @note the current item stays at the same place.
void Sort(SorterType sorter, bool ascending);
* Add one list to another one.
* @param list The list that will be added to the caller.
* @post The list to be added ('list') stays unmodified.
* @note All added items keep their value as it was in 'list'.
* @note If the item already exists inside the caller, the value of the
* list that is added is set on the item.
void AddList(ScriptList *list);
* Swap the contents of two lists.
* @param list The list that will be swapped with.
void SwapList(ScriptList *list);
* Removes all items with a higher value than 'value'.
* @param value the value above which all items are removed.
void RemoveAboveValue(SQInteger value);
* Removes all items with a lower value than 'value'.
* @param value the value below which all items are removed.
void RemoveBelowValue(SQInteger value);
* Removes all items with a value above start and below end.
* @param start the lower bound of the to be removed values (exclusive).
* @param end the upper bound of the to be removed values (exclusive).
void RemoveBetweenValue(SQInteger start, SQInteger end);
* Remove all items with this value.
* @param value the value to remove.
void RemoveValue(SQInteger value);
* Remove the first count items.
* @param count the amount of items to remove.
void RemoveTop(SQInteger count);
* Remove the last count items.
* @param count the amount of items to remove.
void RemoveBottom(SQInteger count);
* Remove everything that is in the given list from this list (same item index that is).
* @param list the list of items to remove.
* @pre list != null
void RemoveList(ScriptList *list);
* Keep all items with a higher value than 'value'.
* @param value the value above which all items are kept.
void KeepAboveValue(SQInteger value);
* Keep all items with a lower value than 'value'.
* @param value the value below which all items are kept.
void KeepBelowValue(SQInteger value);
* Keep all items with a value above start and below end.
* @param start the lower bound of the to be kept values (exclusive).
* @param end the upper bound of the to be kept values (exclusive).
void KeepBetweenValue(SQInteger start, SQInteger end);
* Keep all items with this value.
* @param value the value to keep.
void KeepValue(SQInteger value);
* Keep the first count items, i.e. remove everything except the first count items.
* @param count the amount of items to keep.
void KeepTop(SQInteger count);
* Keep the last count items, i.e. remove everything except the last count items.
* @param count the amount of items to keep.
void KeepBottom(SQInteger count);
* Keeps everything that is in the given list from this list (same item index that is).
* @param list the list of items to keep.
* @pre list != null
void KeepList(ScriptList *list);
* Used for 'foreach()' and [] get from Squirrel.
SQInteger _get(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
* Used for [] set from Squirrel.
SQInteger _set(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
* Used for 'foreach()' from Squirrel.
SQInteger _nexti(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
* The Valuate() wrapper from Squirrel.
SQInteger Valuate(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
* Give all items a value defined by the valuator you give.
* @param valuator_function The function which will be doing the valuation.
* @param ... The params to give to the valuators (minus the first param,
* which is always the index-value we are valuating).
* @note You may not add, remove or change (setting the value of) items while
* valuating. You may also not (re)sort while valuating.
* @note You can write your own valuators and use them. Just remember that
* the first parameter should be the index-value, and it should return
* an integer.
* @note Example:
* @code
* list.Valuate(ScriptBridge.GetPrice, 5);
* list.Valuate(ScriptBridge.GetMaxLength);
* function MyVal(bridge_id, myparam)
* {
* return myparam * bridge_id; // This is silly
* }
* list.Valuate(MyVal, 12);
* @endcode
void Valuate(function valuator_function, ...);
#endif /* DOXYGEN_API */
#endif /* SCRIPT_LIST_HPP */