Ansible lookup plugin to fetch data from KeePass file
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Victor Zemtsov 6a94e2f2c1 Initial commit 2019-03-15 00:32:22 +03:00
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Ansible KeePass Lookup Plugin

Perhaps, from a security view point, this solution is the same as ansible-vault. Just if you are storing secrets data in KeePass, then why not use it, instead of duplicating to ansible-vault.


pip install pykeepass --user
mkdir -p ~/.ansible/plugins/lookup && cd "$_"
curl -o ./

More about ansible plugins installation


  • keepass_dbx - path to Keepass database file
  • keepass_psw - password
  • keepass_key - optional path to keyfile


For global variables define them once in group_vars/all.

For security reasons, do not store KeePass database password in plain text. Use ansible-vault encrypt_string to encrypt the password. I'm not sure, but I think that for simplicity, it is safe to use the same ansible-vault password as KeePass database password. To decrypt the passwod use --ask-vault-pass e.g. ansible all -m ping --ask-vault-pass.

# file: group_vars/all

keepass_dbx: "~/.keepass/database.kdbx"
keepass_psw: !vault |

Now you can create another variables you need e.g. in any file in group_vars

ansible_user       : "{{ lookup('keepass', 'path/to/entry', 'username') }}"
ansible_become_pass: "{{ lookup('keepass', 'path/to/entry', 'password') }}"

You can get another properties of an KeePass entry (not only username or password)

ansible-doc -t lookup keepass - to get description of the plugin